Penumbra (2011)

It's closed.
I called a while ago, about the job,
I talked to a man
Oh, yes, you must be
the Colombian... Come in.
you didn't lied to my husband right?
We don't want girls
with bad habits, junkies,
or even worse, with some disease
No. I'm very healthy.
I have a degree in Pharmacology
and work experience.
I'm up here, follow me.
What are you doing?
Come here
Get closer
Credit in your account is 30 pesos.
Damn it, Anita! Pick up the phone
Hey, Marga. Why are you calling so early?
Do you know what time is it?
Shit! It's noon.
Have you met with the realtor?
No, not yet. I'm here waiting
and he hasn't arrived.
In half an hour I have to be
in the office, damn it
And I haven't had breakfast.
Are you sure he is not around?
It's weird because the guy
was very interested.
He said he was looking
for apartments located
in that area, because they
are so well listed and such ...
Yeah, well I will charge him extra,
he's wasting my time
Come on, don't exaggerate ...
Ana, you might have twenty-four
hours spare every day
But others have responsibilities
and obligations
Here we go again...
I am your sister.
I worry about you, damn.
Besides both own this floor.
I don't know why aren't you here
I don't know why aren't you here to show it
Because I'm not good at it!
You always say so.
Oh, you hear what I say...
Of course I do.
I come here every year with you!
You come here for me? That's funny
Hey, you went to Bolivia because of me?
For heaven's sake,
will you ever leave me alone?
Do you always have to repeat
the same stuff?
Hallucinogen cactus Ana?
You make me hallucinate!
Sis, you bring it up everytime we discuss. It's
water under the bridge!
You like to remove the shit...
Well, is the man there?
Is he coming or not?
two weeks ago.
And don't change the subject.
What's up? you saw him?
What if he is inside?
Inside? How come?
Well, he could have gone
through the door and entered.
Great, considering that I don't know him what
am I suppouse to do?
wait here and ask everybody around me?
I think it would be easier
if you go to the apartment
and expect him there
Hey, smarty pants,
I know how to tie my shoes
...for longer than you, you hear me?
Yes... You are the boss
and I'm just the helpless
child that would be in an
orphanage without you.
Close but no cigar... Anyway, I have to go
Ok, see you later
What am I doing wrong with this girl?
Sorry ... Were you looking for me?
Are you from the real estate agency?
You came to see the apartment?
Yes... I am from the agency.
I was waiting for you
Well, that's nice... I've been waiting for you
outside for forty minutes
Forty minutes?
Please forgive me
Sure. I guess you passed by and didn't see me.
How long have you been here?
Mmmm... a while ago. I was wondering what
could have happened.
I was afraid that something
bad happened to you
Well, that's great.
To be honest, if I in my work...
...where I have very important clients,
those who have credit cards
that shine until you get blind...
If I keep them waiting for forty minutes
I get fired, since they are
paying and feeding me
When I work, I am a slave.
And only money can set me free.
''Money brings honour, friends,
conquest, and realms.''
That's Milton, Paradise Regained.
I recommend it.
And it means that, if I have to wait
for you every month for forty minutes
to get my pay-check, we won't get along. Do
you understand?
Yes. You are absolutely right.
Okay... Margarita Sanchez.
Jorge. Jorge Kepler at your service.
Let's do business.
Well, this is it
How nice!
Nice is not accurate, I would say grim,
maybe pathetic, out of fashion definitely
But there are people
that think this is paradise
obviously they come from uglier places...
No offense, but ...
Yes, the neighborhood doesn't
really have a good reputation...
Tell me about it... Although, Is there any decent
neighborhood in this city?
Do you live here in Buenos Aires?
No, of course not. I come two
months every year for work
Luckily, I'm going back
in a couple of weeks.
But my sister already told that to...
I don't know who she spoke to, there are many
people working in the office.
We inherited this apartment
eight years ago
We thought the country
would come out of it's crisis
But you guys won't come out of the hole...
The politicians you have won't help either
Bathroom and kitchen are here.
Do you want to see them?
No, this is perfect for me.
Oh really? Well great, if you want, when we set
the details you can check the rest
Yes, I wanted to talk to
you about the details
It would be better for me if we could
assemble all the paperwork now.
Now? No way. We have to review contracts,
payrolls and...
I have another meeting in twenty minutes
That's so bad!
It's just that we have a client
...who is very interested in renting a property in
this area.
He was looking for something
with these features and well...
He's in a hurry
Sorry, it won't be possible.
Such a pitty... this person wanted
to pay four times the price
is commonly paid in this area
Four times? That is like ...
Ten thousand pesos
two thousand euros a month...
Not bad, but there's people waiting for me
Yeah... he even wanted to pay
the full year in advance.
We also decided to forget
about the agency fee
You'll se, he's a client
with those shiny credit cards
Just like you said...
But, if you can't do it...
It Would be twenty thousand in advance...
For this place?
No, nearly twenty five thousand.
The client is in a hurry...
and you know, in this business
rush is expensive.
And how soon will you have
the papers ready?
Within an hour.
Great, let's do it...
Are you sure? These are great news!
But... I must tell you something...
I ran out of minutes on my cellphone.
I should call my boss she can begin
to prepare the contracts...
...and call the client so
he can come to see the flat.
Well, I'm sure there is no problem
if we go to the agency...
We work on the contracts and
then you arrange an appointment
...with your client for some other time
That would be done in a normal case.
But now it would be a waste of time
We can't make a contract between
us if the client doesn't...
You have one hour
It is a mere formality ...
Well, that's nice...
I don't know...
May I help you?
No, no. I'll be back in a moment
Perfect! and he has my cellphone...
Is anyone there?
Hey slut... hey!
Did you see the sun?
I asked you if you saw the sun
The least you can do is answer,
you fucking whore...
Did you see the sun?
Everything is going to blow into pieces
Everything will blow in your fucking Spaniard
Lady! Lady, calm down!
Okay, okay
She's crazy! She's crazy! This woman is crazy...
She wanted to kill me...
You bastard, tell them how you were calling me.
Come on... tell them!
I'm sick of this scumbags blaming society for
...and thinking we have to pay
for all their vices.
I only asked for some change
You and your spawn
are a bunch of losers...
you act like you don't give a shit...
...but you would die to have
a little bit of power.
You know what? Fuck you!
Fuck you and all those like you...
...that walk in the parks talking to the benches,
smelling like shit...
and complaining about everything
Don't you dare to look into my eyes without
taking a bath first, you asshole.
What? You don't believe me?
Are you going to believe ...
Enough, miss.
That was a lovely speech.
This is a respectable person
I've known him for long.
He doesn't look good, it's true
But he, as a citizen,
has the same rights as you
So no one here
will say who is guilty
Who saw what happened?
I did, I saw the man approaching
her, asking for a dime
...and the woman began
to beat him like a psycho!
Yes sir, I saw it too!
She beat him! He's a good man
He eats every day at home
and he always pray before meals
She went crazy!
Well, who can
declare as witness?
We can!
Get up sir, get up.
No, no. Leave me alone...
I only ask for dimes.
I am a devotee and what
else can I do? Turn the other cheek
Put that away, ma'am.
You should be ashamed.
What the hell
was I looking for?
She's completely crazy ... ..
Today is going
to be a weird day
Pardon me?
The solar eclipse and all that...
Today's eclipse
A total solar eclipse.
The night will fall
Yes, in an hour. It's so strange. And this spring
day in the middle of winter...
When did that ever happened? It's all because
of the global warming ...
I'm telling you, this world
is going crazy
Tell me about it, ma'am.
Tell me about it ...
Is this everything?
Nineteen with twenty cents
Keep the change ...
Good morning.
How are you doing?
Hello dear!
Hello ...
What? You came to visit someone?
No, no. I rent out an apartment here...
Oh... in which floor?
The fourth
Fourth B?
Yes, fourth B.
It has been unoccupied for a long time.
Everyone here is old.
I can't talk to anyone!
Yeah, right
How cute is your accent!
From what part of Spain are you, miss?
Oh, how beautiful...
I'm also Spanish, from Cadiz.
Well, not me, my parents are from there.
They came after the civil war... Oh, the hunger
they went trough!
If you knew the stories I heard ...
Yeah, it's been a long time since that and Spain
is better now
With the crisis and such, but we are not nearly
as bad as you are
What was all that mess
in front of the supermarket?
I really don't know. They have treated me as if I
was crazy ...
I might be losing my mind a little bit...
And that nosy police officer interfered ...
Oh! Gabriel. He's a good boy. He was put there
after the thefts
They got burgled three times with shotguns ...
I told you, this world is going crazy ...
Recently, someone tried
to break into the apartments
I saw them, but they won't get into my house so
No, dear. They are like cockroaches. When the
police gets here...
...they're gone. And they think I imagine those
I told all these old folks, in all shades, ''close the
...keep it locked''. They say yes, but then they
don't do it.
They forget, you know? Oxygen is not fed to
their brains
Listen, dear, if you come to live here, could you
help me with that?
Sure, I won't live here but I'll tell the tenant
Well, bye, dear. Oh and a pleasure to meet a
compatriot. Ol!
Er... I... closed because the place is a little bit
Of course the client doesn't
need to know about it.
By the way, he called. He said he'll be here in a
half hour or so
She is Victoria, from the real estate.
Ms. Sanchez?
Did you brought the
contracts to review them?
I was nearby when Jorge called me. I came to
the transaction so that we were all satisfied.
Don't worry...
...contracts will be here
when our client arrives
I hope so... Well, we have time to drink a cup of
coffee, right?
Can I have my phone?
Will someone come to
supervise your part of the contract?
It won't be necessary, I'm a lawyer.
Something wrong?
No, no. Nothing
Hi Ignacio, what's up?
Ferres is here ...
Look, I'm busy now
I'll be there in forty-five minutes or less...
What? are you not coming?
No, no. I said I'll go later ...
Marga, I think I don't need to tell you how
important this meeting is
Well, don't say it.
And what should I do?
Cover me, dammit. You know the terms of the
Yes, but I don't have your legs Marga...
Shave them ! Shit! Do something!
You know you are good at it...
I didn't liked that comment or Whatever you
meant by that
I work more than anyone in that office, that's
why I keep my job
I have to come here every year for two months
to supervise all of you
I can't tell if it's a reward or a punishment...
First, Marga, I had a horrible lunch with Ferres
at some place
that serves the Mediterranean food you love so
much. So please don't talk me about gender equality now because
you'll make me sick
Second, as far as I know,
our supervisor is Joaquin
Next year, when I return to this filthy country
with a promotion
I don't want to hear
you begging for your life...
Third, Ferres is your client and your
commission ...
But we are on the same team, Ignacio ...
Are you going to do something or not?
Are you really not coming, Marga? What is
more important than this?
I'm going to kill a compatriot of yours.
Then I pay a bribe to set me free
That's how it works in your country, right?
Do whatever you want. If Joaquin finds out, I
won't take the blame
Just cover me
Ok, but I hope you consider treating me like a
special client sometime...
I'll pretent I didn't hear that...
Do you need something?
No, I could sworn ...
May I help you?
Yes please
Are you the manager of the agency?
No, I'm above Jorge.
Oh, you are a supervisor...
Kind of. We call my role ''driver''.
Does it work?
We're doing fine.
We are very organized and everyone is
...efficient in their role. It's a group that
complements perfectly
I'm very proud, I was in charge to recruit the
right people
Nowadays, we have a
dream team. Sugar?
No thanks... It's crucial
to rely on your teammates
I wish I could say the same but in my office they
don't know...
...what teamwork is. They all want to walk over
Anyway, I don't understand
why your client is paying... much for this. Is not worth it
Salva ... Mr. Salva, has
no money issues specifically
What he lacks of is time. We've been working
on this for weeks
If you knew how hard it is to please him, you'd
be surprised
But don't worry. I think this is exactly what he is
looking for
Yeah but I still don't get it. He can afford
something better
It's more or less what I pay for my apartment in
In Spain, not here
Jorge, your coffee is getting cold
Don't worry. He said he'll be
here in twenty minutes.
It's not that...
I assured the apartment would be perfect
What if it's not the right place? Salva is the only
one who can be sure.
It will be fine. Don't worry
Jorge, don't.
It is a very important operation for him.
Actually, is important for everyone.
We've been trough difficult times, we barely
Therefore is the
importance of the pyramid.
There has to be few at the
top to cheer up the others.
Jorge is a good man, a little impulsive though.
Do you understand?
You understand
Hi Marga, it's me ...
Hi Luis, how are you?
Fine and you? You seem nervous...
No, it's just that I wasn't expecting you ...
I couldn't be there for fifteen days, you know? I
missed you
Seriously, I left you a message on the voicemail.
Have you heard it?
Are you busy?
No, I'm in the middle of something... but I'll tell
you later
Okay, in your house or mine?
Are you going to start with that again?
No... it was a joke.
Tell me, why not? Why can't we?
Your wife is in your house
and my sister is in mine...
I know... Well, then where do we fuck,
in your car?
You don't have to be rude.
Sorry.... Forgive me...
I know you're going to talk to her when she gets
Hey, I love you, you hear me?
should we meet in the same place?
At eight-thirty, okay?
Yes, perfect. Bye.
Have you heard about
today's solar eclipse?
An eclipse? Today?
Yes, it's going to be a total eclipse. It might get
dark in a while
An eclipse... Why today?
You're so dumb Jorge!
Why today? Why not?
What is so special?
It can happen any day.
Nothing, it's just weird.
I don't know, the neighbor told me that when I
was in the supermarket.
Maybe is a lie
There's no problem, night can come. I brought a
Was that in here?
No, I brought it
No, you didn't bring anything.
I brought it, Jorge said we might need it...
There might be a broken
shade in this old house...
you can't make a deal in the darkness .
Remember that apartment we were showing?
Where was it?
Yes... Constitucion.
It was a mousetrap.
We were beginning with
the real estate agency...
...and that was one of the first apartments we
had for rent
Do you remember what happened?
Of course I remember, those two stoners...
She gave me my first seller's lesson.
What time was it? Around eight o'clock?
No, earlier, aboout six. It was winter and it was
getting dark.
A young couple was
going to see the apartment
They didn't have much money. But that wasn't
the problem...
They were two idiots. I think they would have
rented a place...
on the subway stairs if someone had take
advantage of them
No, you're being modest.
They were a little romantic
A little hippie too. The kind of people that won't
have a TV...
...because they think
it is a capitalist invention
Two assholes, right?
Exactly. The thing is that they were coming at
eight o'clock and...
...we got there at seven o'clock. We were going
to clean, to sweep a rat's shit...
... to open a window to have fresh air as long it
doesn't faces a dump ...
Things like that. But--
But when we got there
we heard some noises.
I thought they were rats...
But they weren't rats. They were two drugadicts,
two guys...
In their early twenties, homeless. I was about to
call the police
...when Victoria had a great idea.
Sure, because if we had called the police, we
were going to be in trouble
They sneaked in by the window to smoke some
crack and spend the night.
We had to think fast
And I came up with an idea. We look for some
Because the old tenants left some clothes
The problem is that it was a woman who lived
there. So we had nothing...
...but women's clothing. While the guys
changed their clothes, we cleaned the
...apartment fast and when the clients arrived
there was Jorge..., and a beautiful gay couple. The guys
were pretty bad actors...
...but the other couple were so sentimental, that
it worked out just fine.
We rented the apartment, they didn't haggle a
And the two junkies?
We gave them some money. And I told them
they had to leave...
Their contract was for one night.
Will you excuse me? Hello?
Margarita, where are you?
Oh, hi Joaquin. I haven't
been able to call you
What happened? I left you a message.
A message? When?
Fifteen minutes ago.
I haven't heard it.
I talked to Ignacio, though
I told him I was going
to get there a little bit later.
Great! What about Ferres?
Excuse me Joaquin, I can't go yet.
You know I've never stood up anyone.
Well there's no reason to start now! It's an
important day
Every day is important. Yesterday I stayed until
...with the Brazilians
Don't tell me that every
day is important Margarita
What else are you going to tell me? The story
...a brick on top of another. That each worker
makes a company...
...great. That a company is a huge family?
I taught you all that, Margarita.
Is that clear?
Yes... Joaqun, you'll see is...
Anita. My sister...
What happened?
Well, she... Last night she went to a party with a
And this morning when they returned to her
friend's house, she lives... Constitucion, you know?
That horrible neighborhood
They found two junkies smoking inside the
house, God knows what kind...
...of drug that is used in this country to get high
...they threatened the girls with knives and
then... God, I'm so embarrassed
Then they... they harrased them. The girls cried
for help...
...and the junkies left. Poor thing.
She's in shock
Fuck, are you for real? I'm sorry
Well, Joaquin. We are two women alone in this
...that is no man's land. We are used to it
Sure, sure
But I would ask you to
keep this between us, please
Of course
I'm a little embarrassed,
and for Anita's sake
Yes Marga, don't worry. I'll tell Nacho to take
care of Ferres.
Take your time...
No, no. I'll handle Ferres. No one will defeat me.
Besides, it's what Anita expects from me. To be
Well, call Ferres to arrange a new appointment,
he is going to...
...stay longer at Ignacio's office.
Yeah, yeah, sure. Don't worry. I'll call him.
Well... okay. cheer up and give a kiss to Anita
from me.
Thank you very much, Joaqun. Thank you for
trusting me.
No problem girl, we'll talk
Have you seen my keys?
No, you took them when
you went to buy coffee.
No, I didn't
How did you open the door downstairs?
How did you open the door for her?
With the entryphone.
Maybe you dropped them somewhere around
here while talking on the phone.
No. I wasn't carrying them and I didn't had them
in the front door
Well maybe you dropped them while you were
shopping, right?
No, certainly not.
I swear that ... Well, we're in trouble because in
the room next to the kitchen
Which one? The laundry room?
No, the other. Well, I heard a noise. I think there
must be a rat.
It wouldn't be good to find a rat while Mr. Salva
is in here.
The key to that door is in my keychain with the
Although I think it is stucked, it was open when I
Don't worry, I don't think that Mr. Salva is afraid
of rats
He won't be intimidated by that ...
Besides if the door is closed, the rat will not get
in or go out.
So everyone is happy.
That's great, but I need my keys.
You're right ... Besides Mr. Salva will be here
any time now.
Well, I'll look for them.
Uh ... And what happens if Salva comes?
We show him the apartment, and see what he
I'll be right back
Shit ...
Where R is the number of sunspot ...
''The sun will become dark and the moon into
Before the great and terrible day of the lord
comes. Joel 2:31 ''
I lost my keys. Have you seen them anywhere?
Why don't you look inside your cunt? You filthy
Do you need something ma'am?
I lost my keys.
What happened to your eyebrow?
I am looking for my keys. I'm not doing anything
I just want to know if you
have seen them or not.
No keys over here. You might be looking in the
wrong place.
Would you like to clean yourself?
She tried to hit me again...
Mister Salva?
No... Margarita.
Your credit is insufficient to make this call, now
from twenty pesos or more--
Your credit is insufficient to make this call
I didn't find them.
The keys, couldn't find them! But I'm sure they
Mr. Salva ...
No, no. He is Alberto and she is Angela, from
the real estate.
They came because---
I know, because it is a very important deal, you
were working for weeks...
...and you have barely sleep in days ...
Is something wrong?
Why do you ask?
Oh ... No, nothing. Have you
brought the contracts?
No, not really...
Emilio, our lawyer is going to bring them.
He and Salva should be getting here in any
I hope so, because it's about time.
Time for what?
Jorge said that you had to leave early.
Jorge are you sure you
don't have my keys?
No why would I want your keys?
Maybe you took them without realizing ...
No, I'm sure I didn't.
fuck, can you check please!?
I mean if you could please check if they are not
in the box over there or...
... in your pockets or somewhere...
Ms. Sanchez, you opened the door,
left the keys...
...gave me your cell phone so I could talk to
... and while I was talking, you closed the door
and went out to buy coffee.
Jorge, don't worry, when Mr. Salva finish signing
the contracts...
I'll call a locksmith to change the lock...
I ask to the building manager
for a copy of front door's key.
We pay for it. We will not have
an argument for a bunch of keys ...
Listen, why don't we solve the situation
of Ms. Sanchez now?
Because we won't do that until Mr. Salva
approves the apartment.
Besides, we don't have
the papers to do so.
Well, I insist to find a solution now, so she won't
waste her time.
Don't insist. It is not possible.
And if it's not possible... beyond question, Jorge.
And Jorge, next time you finish the minutes of a
cellphone, say it
You finished the minutes of my cellphone.
I only called Victoria
Well it had to be a very long conversation,
right? Because I had more
than 60 pesos and now I have nothing...
Miss Sanchez you used it after I did...
Are you trying to call me a liar, crazy or
something because I don't get it
Okay... We don't have to be friends, but let's be
cordial. Please.
I have been cordial, I gave him my cellphone,
and he left me with nothing
And now I can't make phone calls...
We'll pay for that as well. Don't worry.
Does anyone have a mobile phone? I need to
make an urgent call.
No, with the rush...
We're all pretty upset.
Come on, Mr. Salva. Come on...
Did you hear that noise?
I don't know, something fell down in the kitchen.
I didn't hear anything ...
Neither did I.
Well I did.
Perhaps it was the wind coming from the
laundry room, right?
No, Jorge. No.
That's the sound of the wind...
... and that's how it sounds when something
falls to the ground.
I can still distinguish one thing from the other...
Even if I lose my keys, I'm accused of abusing a
homeless pervert...
... I fall headlong down the stairs, I hear noises
in my head...
...people treat me like crazy or I'm about to lose
my job...
I don't think I'm Napoleon yet. But who knows,
it's still noon. There is still time.
The noise came from there.
Let's see ...
What do you see?
Do you see the rat?
Whatever has done that noise must be
something more like Godzilla...
No, it's not a rat.
So what is it?
I don't know ... It looks ... It looks like a sack of
if it's a sack of potatoes, certainly is not going to
cause problems, right?
What's the problem exactly?
The problem is that it was not there before
Maybe it was and you didn't see it
But then where did it came from?
Let me understand this... What is the problem?
The sack? Or the potatoes?
The problem is that a sack of potatoes do not
appear spontaneously anywhere...
It sounds obvious or stupid, but things work that
And don't look at me like that. It's true.
It is true. It looks like a sack of potatoes.
It doesn't mean that its content is potatoes. It
can be anything.
Did you return after the last tenants left?
Well, there can be toys in it. Clothes. Something
like that
Yes, maybe I didn't see it before.
No need to worry.
It's okay. Quiet, Margarita. Easy. It's all good.
It's all right. Okay Margarita?
Who drives the car? Who drives the car?
You drive the car. You are driving the car
I'll see if the neighbor on the second floor lends
me her phone
Hey, by the way. What we're you carrying in
those boxes?
Which boxes?
The boxes you had in the elevator.
We didn't bring any boxes.
Yeah, but there were boxes in the elevator.
They didn't bring anything.
Are you sure you're okay?
Who is it?
Hi I'm Marga, your neighbor from the fourth
floor, we met a while ago...
Hello, darling!
Hello, how are you? I hope
is not a bad moment...
No, not at all.
It's just that I have a problem and I'm out of
minutes in my mobile ...
I was wondering if you had a phone that I could
to make a phone call. Is local, it's a matter of life
or death.
Of course, come in!
Do you feel all right, dear?
You don't look good... I'll bring you something
warm. Is tea okay?
No, don't worry, ma'am.
Well, make your phone call,
I take care of it
Ignacio, I'm Marga.
Oh, Marga, what is it?
There is a word for people like you: backstabber
Hey, why so much anger?
Why? Because we're supposed to work as
We work for the common good. And when that
pettiness are left aside ...
Marga ... I don't understand
what you mean
I'm saying you're a pice of shit. You wanted to
fuck me, you little bastard?
You're nothing but a slug full of salt writhing on
the floor
A slug? Marga that's so mean...
Look, Ferres was my client and he still is. I've
talked to Joaquin...
...and he has no problem. So let me talk to the
old pig. I know he's in your office.
Oh yeah, you talked to Joaquin about your
sister... Tough...
Did he tell you?
Yes, and you know it's kind of weird...
I forgot to tell you when we talked, your sister
Bastard ...
She was looking for you, half-hour ago. She
said she called you and
left a voicemail, but... I don't know what she
wanted to tell you.
The thing is we talked a while ... Well I heard
her just fine...
What the hell do you want? You want my
commission? If that's what you want...
Fuck you! Because you won't have it, you hear
Instead I will take care when I return to Spain
that all the people above...
...hear a lot of shit about you.
I will make your life much more miserable than
it already is
Do you understand?
calm down, Marga. I don't want the old man, I
give a shit about him.
And besides, he doesn't want me. He wants
you ... I can figure out why
I was thinking of something else, something
more rewarding
Something to forget the conversation I had with
your sister.
Son of a bitch ...
I'm not a bad guy, Marga.
Is it okey in the coffee shop in front of here?
At nine o'clock?
If it's for a cup of coffee, all right. If not, at your
house. At ten.
And take a shower.
Okey. I'll take a shower and send you a
Alright, but don't expect answer. I don't have
minutes I can't even...
...hear my fucking voicemail...
Is it a phone from the company?
Asterisk six five four.
They give you some minutes.
Okey. And now can I talk to the old pig, please
I brought a strawberry tea, the bag is still inside
so be careful.
I just bought it at the supermarket
Oh, you shouldn't bother
Drink it, it's good for the nerves. I'll go get sugar
if you want to put some more
Ferres, how are you?
Glad to hear you again. Hey, I'm sorry about
your little sister...
It's unbelievable the moral degradation that this
country has fallen into
It is filled with blacks,
queers and perverts ...
When I started doing business here it was
something else.
It was before all this corruption ...
Anyway, how is she?
who? Your sister, my dear!
She's okay, you know, a little bit shocked ...
Sure, poor thing...
Anyway, I wanted to leave all arranged with you
before I go back Barcelona. Because otherwise it will take a
couple of weeks.
We can meet there when you return. But I
thought maybe we could meet tonight.
But if it's not possible, no problem
Yes, it's possible Mr Ferres. I will leave Ana in
the house of some friends that... downtown. She doesn't want to go home
now, we're both alone...
But it should be... let me think ... At midnight... If
it's not too late for you
No, not at all. Wonderful. Let's close this issue
and we can...
...have a drink, just as friends. What do you
Without worrying about business ...
Yeah, right. That's perfect.
In my hotel's bar?
Okay, great Mr. Ferres. Goodbye.
Bye, Marga, bye.
Have you finished it already?
Yes, the truth is that was delicious. But I have to
I have a lot of things to do
Now? So soon? I wanted to talk for a while. I
wanted to know things
about Spain ... I want to go there so bad...
Yes, I can imagine. Thanks for everything
Well, hopefully we'll meet again ... And take it
You look so worried. And you're too pretty and
young to be like that!
You have three pesos
First new message
Hello, my love. I wanted to hear your voice, but
I think it won't happen
I came back before because I miss you.
About the issue, don't worry, it is practically
solved. I love you. Call me.
Second new message
Marga, I am Joaquin. I've been calling you for a
while to talk
about Ferres
I know you finished late with the Brazilians but
don't forget that we have
an appointment with him, okay?
Third new message
Marga, hey, I've recieved a call from the real
The agent had a car accident and won't make it
So, they have apologized and said that they will
call you this afternoon arrange another appointment. I didn't
arrange anything because...
I'm not good for those things. You always say
I'm slow for thinking ...
... so I didn't want to ruin things ...
Who is it?
It's Marga, your neighbor
from the fourth floor
Hello ... What a surprise, so soon...
Hello, can I come inside for a moment?
Yes, dear, come in.
There are some people at my apartment. I don't
know who they are...
Is rather long to explain, but we have to call the
But how did they come into to your house?
Because he told me
he was a real estate broker ...
No, no... You told him that...
We have to call the police, that's what we have
to do...
Calm down, dear, calm down...
Who is the agent?
Didn't you call him?
Yes... well no, no.
What do you mean exactly?
It seems to me that you are not quite okay...
Enough! I'm perfectly fine! Damn... everyone
telling me the same...
I think a tea will help.
Jose! Jose!
Why? Why, Jose?
It can't be ... I talk to him and I feed him...
Did you hear that?
Ma'am we need to call the police.
It was an accident... I dropped the tea
I wanted to tell you... but I was embarrassed, so
I ran out
It's him...
Him? Who?
The real estate broker. He didn't know we were
That's why he called in the other door.
Nobody lives next door...
I better go
Who is it?
Hello ... is Marga there?
Yes. Are you the realtor?
No, I am not...
See? He's a phony!
I am her husband
What? I'm not married
Ma'am, we've been married for five years.
Notice that she carries in
her right hand, a silver ring with a tear. It's our
wedding ring
It's my mother's wedding ring. She died and I--
That's not true, Maggie
Why don't you shut up, asshole?
My goodness, here we go again...
Ma'am this is one of the guys who was trying to
enter the building
Don't you see?
No, no...
How do you call the police in this fucking
No... Ma'am! Ma'am!
Shut up or I'll kill her
You told me when we were downstairs...
You thought you were going crazy
We're sorry ma'am, we will
not bother you again
Let me go, asshole.
Come, don't fuck this anymore. What do you
You think you're gonna have my apartment
without paying a dime?
You better let me go now!
Shut up! Okay? This is too stressful for us to
handle more complications.
So you like the electricity...
Jorge stop!
Do you want all the neighbours to find out what
we're doing?
If they didn't find out already...
Keys ...
In the pocket
Come on. We're running out of time.
I think Salva is not coming. He should be here
by now...
Shut up, okey? Salva has never let us down
But maybe we did ...
No, it can't be that. I talked to him a while ago.
He's just delayed.
But he will arrive on time and will come with us
At least think of that as a possibility. Perhaps he
is tired of so many...
ineffectiveness... Did you realize that Emilio
didn't came either.
Emilio is special for him and you know ...
Emilio is special because he actually makes the
things Salva asks for
Salva is coming. He did everything for us. If you
don't believe in him...
...leave. You're a bunch of cowards.
I'm not a coward. And I do believe in Salva. But
I also belive we aren't worthy
Are we going to discuss much longer? We have
a lot to do ...
You're forgetting one detail ...
Did you bring the ropes?
We will tie her up until everything is over
Tie her? This woman can jeopardize our
Do you have a better idea?
Shoot her in the head
Nobody would say that you're an intelligent
person when you come up...
... with this caveman solutions
I also think she might cause problems. And I
think what Jorge says is quite
intelligent. We didn't study this many years...
...for this chick to come to ruin everything. Do I
have to remind you that
this is the only opportunity we'll have in our
No ... no, I haven't seen anything. I'm not going
to tell, really
I will not say anything. Please, please... Don't
do anything crazy, please ...
It doesn't matter what you've seen. You just
don't know a thing.
If you only knew what we're doing.
Enough. Until Salva gets here, you do what I
say Jorge.
Alberto, think clearly. You're a driver, you got a
lot of responsibility.
Jorge, tie this woman
Victoria, I think -
Tie this woman!
I'll help you. Angela, go help Victoria with the
Where do we take her?
Let's tie her in the kitchen
Beware with the jars. I dropped one on the
stairs while waiting
Jorge's signal to come in.
Stay still, okey?
Nice invention, huh?
Angela, you brought the ropes, right?
The Founding Fathers could have give this a
good use...
I've already told you.
Look in the other box.
It's such a pitty I can't take much with me now...
South american shit! Good for nothing!
Because you're so smart, right?
You should have seen your face when I
mentioned euros ...
Something changed in your face... The twinkle
in your eyes... Pathetic.
Sometimes we pay a very high price for money,
you know?
Thackeray said that
That's so deep, Jorge! Why don't you slice your
throat and see how much... takes you to bleed to death?
In time, in time...
What are you doing?
What are those candles for? A ritual?
Not exactly
Are you a satanic cult?
I don't even know how to explain. The Wolf
number, do you know
...what that is? You don't, right?
are you a sect?
No. We're not a bunch of crazy brainwashed
Each one of us did some very important
And Salva?
Salva tells us what to do... He's ..
He's your leader?
Our guide
He spent a lifetime deciphering cycles
is he like a Messiah?
No, not at all.
He understood that sunspots were the key.
Their connection...
...with the cycles. The twenty two years...
The great cycle that goes from September 1 st,
Today precisely...
But you don't know what it means. Neither what
couples are. And why
...we needed to find the driver and the driven ...
We found the ideal place
to begin our journey
The greatest journey
ever made by any man
And today we will start it
All of you are crazy
You asked me. We knew you wouldn't
Don't you see? You've been brainwashed ...
No. I feel sorry for you. For all those that been
told not to use aerosols.
For those convinced that the earth is warming
just because... is convenient to use other kind of fuel
You have never seen the biggest force, capable
to erase everything from...
... the face of the earth in an instant
You see it coming out and hiding all the time.
But you don't know anything.
Enough. We can't continue wasting our time
with her.
No, what are you gonna do?
What are you doing?
Shut your mouth
Do you realize that no one will ever know about
this? It's such a heavy weight ...
She is not okay like this.
Stay still. You're going to cut yourself.
I told you we had to get rid of her.
She's a fighter
Yes, but you shouldn't fight a battle unless you
are convinced...
... that you can win the war.
Hello ...
I am your neighbor of the second floor. I came
to bring her cellphone.
She left it in my house ...
But I think it's the wrong apartment
No, ma'am. You're not wrong, it is here.
Finally all of us together
Just in time, Mr. Salva
Mr. Salva what should we do
with these two?
Take her to another room.
Who's the other one?
She is the owner of the house
She's a menace
It doesn't matter, Jorge. Let her stay.
Let her watch. Are you curious?
Take her with us. We can't be rude,
she's our hostess.
Cellphones or anything like that?
Only hers
I see everything is set to begin
It seems to be the right place
Very good job. Congratulations.
I'm very happy about your teamwork
You dealt with crises, complications ...
I'm sure you will be rewarded for the work you
Get on your place
Is this the female?
Yes, she is...
Excellent choice. A strong race ...
If anyone has the slightest doubt in his mind
about what it's going to do...
This is the moment to leave our circle
Don't you feel it? Is coming
Let me go through this again
Apartment B in the fourth floor. Is it yours?
You don't live there but you were inside before
and during the eclipse?
Were you there when they killed the black
woman? When she was beheaded
I've told a thousand times. She was killed by
those six guys ...
Who commited suicide right after that
In your apartment?
Why don't you go up and check it yourself?
Come with me, ma'am. I want you to see
something. Please ...
We found two bodies in your apartment, ma'am.
One of a beheaded black woman, one from an
old lady, a neighbor ...
But there is no trace of the bodies of the six
individuals who...
...according to you, are guilty of this facts
No one saw any member of this sect entering or
leaving the place...
... but many neighbours told us that you
provoked incidents
shortly before the murders ...
Now you have to come with me to the police
station so I can understand
how half a dozen people disappear without a
trace ...
Or until I hear a more believable story.
You have been watching PENUMBRA
To the milkman, the policeman
the postman, the newsagent
I said hi!
I got used to live
With them and not to tell them
What I know
They think they are normal
And I treat them as such
Not showing
The sickness that I feel
Shaking their hands and answering
I'm fine and you?
And you tell me
That I'm a paranoid
But it is true
Sure they're watching us
Sure they're chasing us
We are surrounded by monsters,
With two eyes on the face
And ten-fingered hands
We are surrounded by monsters,
With two eyes on the face
And only ten toes
Solidarity, fraternity,
Equality and compassion
A bunch of empty words
Disguised with good manners
I sing to simple things
I sing to love and world peace
They think I'm like them
They are so ugly, poor things
what a disappointment
And you tell me
That I'm a paranoid
But it is true
Sure they're watching us
Sure they're chasing us
We are surrounded by monsters
With two eyes on the face
And ten-fingered hands
We are surrounded by monsters
With two eyes on the face
And only ten toes
And you tell me
That I'm a paranoid
But it is true
Sure they're watching
Sure they're casing us
We are surrounded by monsters
With two eyes on the face
And ten-fingered hands
We are surrounded by monsters
With two eyes on the face
And ten-fingered hands
We are surrounded by monsters
With two eyes on the face
And ten-fingered hands
We are surrounded by monsters
With two eyes on the face
And only ten toes