Perfect Assistant, The (2008)

Excuse me? David Wescott. My wife,
Carol Wescott, are now brought here.
Excuse me, please ...
- Yes, ma'am, we are sorry we are busy.
- No posjeujem.
- Called the emergency here.
- Sir, you will have to wait a little.
OK, bring it and we'll see what do we.
Yes, I understand, bring it, that's OK.
Can I popriam with you?
- Nora, ajde propustit we'll start the movie.
- I will not watch it.
Rachel, you need to proba,
great for getting to know the boys.
- Where are we naoale?
- We already told you I do not want to. Let's go.
- Prijavit and I'll see you like you will be.
- OK, let's go, We're gonna be late.
I think that the above.
You are so boring. You have 2 minutes.
We already have 30 years, you need as soon as possible
the uda while still able to have children.
You worry about yourself, Nora.
I have to report.
- Hi, David.
- Rachel, I'm sorry you call late.
In the hospital I, Carol is povrijeena.
SIPA is himself a cup of coffee
and only onesvijestila.
This is terrible.
I am sorry to smetam but can you call John Pricea and let doe at a meeting in a while?
Ok. I have a number, I'll go
and I'll tell him what's going on.
I call Judith must know about the change?
- Ddoe tomorrow I change the schedule of the day,
because I will not come .- OK. something to do?
No, I called Carolina, relatives,
But just coming tomorrow to help Isabelle.
- Is it you?
- Yes. Everything happened at once,
I could see that down.
Sleeping, thank you very much.
Not on anything, I hope
that will be good side.
What's happening?
I can not in the cinema.
I have the office.
- Poi'm going with you so that we can arrive at the show in half 11 - No. This will take the whole dinner.
Are there things in this job that my
barefoot only entrusts me. I need him.
For heaven's sake. Can not
watching a film for a second dinner.
Good. Maybe we can on Wednesday uveer
dark and eat something, you mean?
- This is Judith. Leave a message.
- Hey, I am, Rachel.
Probably you have heard from David that
Carol in the hospital and not come to work.
John Stories tomorrow we will send a schedule
and I'll send you an e-mail, see you tomorrow. Hi.
- Hello.
- Rachel? What are you doing here?
I am not able now to leave.
Behold, what love coffee.
Talking with John, I Stories,
he said happily. How is it?
On intensive care is
ekamo results of some tests.
- See who's here.
- Hello.
Hi, Rachel.
Thank you.
- You have to doe.
- Come on.
We've worked together 3 years.
We are like family.
Tired you are, right?
Why do not you da to bring home?
Potrudit'm going to go to school in the morning.
OK, Rachel, and will take
home, only to give the key.
- We already have an remember.
- Yes.
- OK. Thank you very much.
- Hi, Dad.
I do not know what I would without you,
Rachel? Good night, sweetheart.
Good night, Dad.
Do you off jacket.
- OK.
- 'I'm tired.
You will be better, and you spavat
and will not hurt oi.
- Who is it?
- Lord. Mugs.
Lord. Mugs? I'm glad I
you know, sir. Mugs.
You want to do me a favor and
pazi to Isabelle for me?
Want? Thanks, you have a lot of good.
Rachel, hoe you mom die?
Doctors are good care
about it, you do not have to brine.
Naspavaj be.
Good night.
You have sree, Carol.
Camping Site, Isin birthday,
Isino roenje ...
Summer picnic.
Scroll back a bit.
- What's up for a little supper?
- We have a chicken.
- Water.
- Isi, this is your mom saved.
- For Mom.
- For Mom.
- I love you, Carol.
- I love you, mom.
I love you, David.
- Why are you today took to school sir. Mugs?
- Because of National task.
Boy, you're going to be nice zabavi.
Kissed me.
Good. Have fun.
- You have a beautiful kerku.
- Thank you.
Do not worry. I'll pick it after school,
No problem.
This is the last thing you want to uje,
but really I think you need a break.
You think that when doem home with Isi you prepare
food, but will be good even to see.
When he went Carolin friend I'll come down to a short.
Thanks for everything, Rachel.
See you around 6th Hi.
Certainly you want.
- Rachel, how is it?
- Still do not know.
- Jadna Carol. I can not believe.
- Yes, I was terrible.
I saw a couple of days,
had a cold but it looked good.
I got a message to John Stories. We must
that we have this meeting until the end of Sunday.
Maybe they should ask David to
do alone, can not lose Rolf account.
- I'll ask him.
- OK.
Next time be called,
just give it to me online?
Thank you.
No, not doing it to connect.
I'll ask him because you want to know what it will say.
- Do you follow me uope uje?
- Yes, Nora.
- When?
- Late. Order picu.
- I thought that we'd izaemo.
- Trying to help David to the crisis.
You need to return home.
Are there other people who can help.
- He has a family ...
- Nora, I have to go.
- Hey, baby. How was school?
- OK. Is mom home?
No, not yet. Coming soon will, but your dad will
come home and we'll have a little supper together.
Can I have something to ask.
What your father likes to eat?
- He likes when mom cooks spaghetti.
- Ukusne, thank you told me.
Is there any?
- Daddy's home!
- Isi, come on.
How's my girl?
Where's Rachel?
Rachel made spaghetti as a mom.
- Really?
- Just like Mom.
- This is delicious, thank you.
- Thank you.
Dad, can I sit
a TV?
OK, just this time.
Careful with sosom.
The results have come.
Carol has insefulitis.
- Insefulitis?
- It is a bacterial infection. Rare.
It may have been earned on
last trip, we do not know.
Narrows blood pathways, and if it is to
happens in the brain will be in a coma.
- This is terrible.
- Doctors think that antibiotics will help.
Maybe it's more like oteen brain.
It is very kritino time.
I would like to come back.
Ok. Can I have something that you help?
Mary-Beth will soon come down. If you are able to
Isi help to spakira things, it will be great.
Of course, I'll done it.
Call John and Judith Stories and tell them to
is tomorrow afternoon for a good meeting.
Mary-Beth will soon come down, it is good to
I left the hospital a few hours.
Thanks again to Rachel.
I'm going.
Spaghetti is good, right?
- You must you Mary-Beth.
- Rachel, right? Secretary? I'm glad.
I am his main assistant.
- Hello, Isabelle.
- Ends with dinner.
Honey, what are you doing?
It is not good jestii spred television.
Finish the table.
- But I love this show.
- Come on baby, give me that.
And seeing you when zavri.
I thought to stay and
Isi help the National.
But I'm going, to constantly work with children.
- I do not uope problem.
- Will not be necessary. But thanks.
David is said to help me to pronaem
nanny, that I can stay a few days.
Of course.
- Good night, sweetheart.
- I do not want to go.
- I do not like me.
- It's all right.
- Rachel has to go to his family.
- You'll be soon. Be good.
Nora? Jeli to mine?
My, I bought this.
I told you not to eat my food,
not to wear my shoes and not dira my stuff.
- But you have not said anything about soku.
- You do not hear.
I do not go to trei floor,
this is my place.
"In the more serious patients required
will lose your hearing, sight and speech. "
"Causes oteenje the brain and paralysis."
"You too can come up to
Cancellation kidney. "
God. David deplorable.
I can not imagine that watching
his wife, that passes through it.
Better're in a small agency,
John. We have fewer clients.
But you have strong competition, will not be easy
decisions. Grady me hoe in his agency.
Grady perhaps is strong
but that it will get personal attention?
Good morning, Rachel, here's financial
report that was requested David.
- Is it John Stories meeting?
- Yes.
God knows that we need this account
after that with Gunderson Enterprises.
- We'll be lucky if we see the diamond
of the money you owe us .- You think?
We'll be lucky if you get
this account. Holding pale.
Well, Rachel, what you say about ruku?
Obeala you.
Thus, I was.
I thought, if you have not already taken, that
check that a French restaurant a number of street?
I'm sorry, Wally. David is so out of office,
I have to be here, I'm sorry.
Of course. I understand.
How about next Sunday?
Maybe, we'll see.
Of course. Ok.
When you become ma'am. Wescott,
you will not need to play these games.
- John, thank you came.
- I'm glad.
I'll have a decision sir. Kurtland
when he returned from Hong Kong following Sunday.
David? How was it?
I think that went well.
I go to the hospital to visit Carol.
- Premetaju from intezivne care.
- It is better for her?
They said that antibiotics work but
do not know where the damage occurred.
- Optimistini are?
- And this very carefully.
Will be on sedativima, it will give me a
chance to be home tonight with Isi.
This is a good idea.
This can not happen.
This can not happen.
Yes, but you need it to put into the account.
Forgive me? Wally, he went home,
I'll stay late to finish some of his work.
Please do not off machine
and left a carafe of coffee.
What would David without it?
As if her whole life's work.
Even that you better, would not be the same as before.
People with this infection
rarely be completely so.
You're not feel anything.
Only a small zrani bladder.
You're going to miss us.
This is better for all, OK?
Believe me.
- David, whatever you need, here I am.
- Thanks, Wally.
Honey, Mary-Beth awaits us.
Let's go.
- Can Rachel with us?
- It has its own car will be in it.
I'm sorry, Isabelle.
Will be better. Promising.
Let's go.
Good morning, sir. Wescott.
We're glad to have you back.
- David, how to feel?
- I'm fine. Thank you.
Tell Judith and Wally that dou
to me when they could.
- Of course. You want some coffee or something?
- Yes, thank you.
I do not understand. It's Sunday
days, I did not hear anything.
I called Stories,
but no one is not there.
Excuse me, but I think that
want to see this.
Judith ...
- This is bad.
- I have to call Stories.
- John Pricea Office.
- David Wescott. John Stories, please.
It is not currently there.
Not even come close.
Tell him that I called. Thank you.
Not here.
We have to popriamo about what
if we do not get this account.
I do not want about it, we'll ancestors that
when most reach him.
- Raunovodstvo.
- Hey, Wally.
Have you walked into the restaurant?
I hear that is very good.
- I thought that we go to lunches together.
- OK.
- Really? Really?
- That I even hear.
Wally, you know all about the story.
Only obraam attention.
What is it about Grady Branson?
Besides that, he worked for David, and had fired,
and became vice president in the company which is now.
I lied with Grady, but ...
- He was naughty.
- Really, how?
- Should not I'm talking about.
- Wally, I am. Come on.
Grady is alkoholiar. And Boinoj
entertainment said that lozi to Judith.
But he is still not lozi. Couple
Sunday later, I forgot something,
I entered and saw two of them in the uredu.jeli
Chinese food and were one of the other.
I tell you, he was good with women.
What happened?
Broken the month
later when he got a new job.
- Did his wife ever found out?
- I think not.
- But not to tell anyone.
- Of course not.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Rachel? Is Mary-Beth called?
Yes. Have not liked her nannies so far, so
I called the company and will send two more tonight.
Sent a resume.
I think they are good candidates.
Great, thank you. Proitao I have your e-mail, you can
a dentist and take as much time you want.
Great. David?
If you need help with accounts ...
It's good of you, but Judith and I got to
- Was at the dentist, right back out later.
- It looks like fun.
- Hail Mary-Beth, Rachel is, how do you feel about the nanny - looked on them, are good.
One girl came in 6th Talking
I have the phone with her and I like that.
- She from Romania?
- To be named Ileana.
I hope that she will take the job. I do not have much
time. Can you say that David, for an interview?
- I think it would be like to be there.
- Of course. Tell me what will be.
OK, side.
Hi, Mary-Beth.
Return to your children.
Sometimes accompanies our past, is not it, Grady?
I do not know who I am.
But I know about your small too.
If you do not want your wife to find out ...
... what happened with Judith Manion ...
... you're going to do me a small service.
Rachel, turn on my answering machine.
I see those raunske reports.
- ekam a new nanny.
- Of course.
I should say something about the nanny.
I have to carry with her.
- Your calls.
- Thank you. Good night.
See you tomorrow.
Or soon.
Must be kidding me.
- Yes, David?
- Rachel, good to have you here.
Check me that, whether
I left there statements?
- Here they are.
- OK. Can you a
to send them to adopt.
There is no problem now. Hi.
Hello, Isi.
- How are you? Whether you dad at home?
- Yes, there is.
- Can now that points to total score.
- Super.
Thanks a lot.
Hi, I have already started
so I thought that I bring.
- Thank you. Ileana, this is my assistant, Rachel.
- Do you think, we popriali phone.
- I like your resume.
- Dad, can Rachel to stay for dinner?
- I do not see why not to.
- Thank you.
- Come on, baby. I'd like help in the kitchen.
- Go with Mary-Beth.
- I'll see you, Ileana.
- I have something else to name.
Two years trying to get
a visa to bring his mother here.
Has cancer and second degrees
here is better than lijeenje there.
I only got a chance for it.
I will be 23rd to Thursday,
why then are not there.
It's all right. This is not a problem,
I hope that you will get the visa.
- Mary-Beth, are going tomorrow?
- Yes, I have to get back to work.
But now when you have Ileana,
Peace of mind to go.
What uite in school, Isabelle?
Tell her about the task that we did yesterday.
What are you working in collage paper
- Horses.
- Horses? This is my favorite animal.
- Really for me and bears.
- Have you jahala horses?
Carol I am we priali about it last year
but we thought that saekamo another year.
You need to pazi, horses are dangerous.
David, why is not to bring?
That would be a lot of fun.
They have a small zoo, and you can
that jae ponija. Will be very fun.
- Dad, want to go!
- It is not losa idea.
- Can be when Rachel was free.
- Tomorrow?
Your dad and I are working tomorrow,
David and what you think on Saturday?
- OK. Saturday.
- Jupi!
Well, Rachel was watching him.
Summer picnic?
I wonder what it is.
You are so quick. Ajde
to dance with mamom.
The camera down and take it.
Come on.
- No. Do not me okrene.
- Come on.
As the ...
Nora? What are you doing?
How did you got?
These are private recordings of your boss.
Give me that!
You have no right to doe here! How am
these times that she does not ruje by things.
- You're obsessed by it.
- Sii immediately below.
- It is not normal. I think even they did not know
that you have taken .- In fact, out!
Behave odd with him
since I moved here.
Good! Be moved out. Anyway you did not desirable.
I'd like someone I pay accounts.
You want me to izbacis? My parents
were received and when you have not had none.
I have acted towards you as a sister.
My parents are wrong as you have not left the orphanage.
Nora, I'll go crazy from you.
I hate you.
Just trying to help you. None
will not want to izae with you, because of behavior.
I will not da izlazi or with whom.
I'll be married to David.
This is crazy. Better to make an effort to
no one knew.
For Mom.
For Mom.
I love you.
David, you are alone.
You're the only one.
- Hello. Thank you.
- Inside the whole day. How do I go?
I hear that if David does not get
this account, revocation is a few people.
I would not care Lora, everything will be fine.
This is the invitation to the annual kompanijsku
a little supper. We have a private party.
Fine. See you later.
- Office of David Wescottsa.
- John Stories called sir. Wescott.
Only a little.
David, John Stories on the phone.
- Hello, John. How do I go?
- Good. Thank you.
Johnson, Judith is with me.
Stavicu and a speaker phone, just a little.
- Hello, John.
- Hello. I have news.
Agreement is you.
- Great.
- Lord. Kurtland l want to continue on.
We were worried.
We thought that you were chosen Branson.
So your only two bids were good,
but odlueno when Brenson withdrawn.
- Are retired? - Yes, it was very close.
We hope that you will do a good job.
Say sir. Kurtlandu,
that is in good hands.
I'd make that rua with you and Judith slijedeeg Friday
Also in York, and to return to office.
The Park Hotel Alliance.
Can you come to?
- Of course.
- OK. Now I go by his office.
- OK. Thanks, John.
- Talk'll soon.
- We.
- Thank god.
- I is odd that the Gradyjem.
- I understand that it long ago.
- We need to celebrate.
- Yes. Those buying I drink.
- Thank you.
- I go by task.
Good news. We got a receipt.
Take things, we go to celebrate.
Call Wallija for me?
- This is terrible, Wally.
- This is for Kurtland account.
For Krtland account.
I have to report.
ISI is.
ISI? Hello. How do I go? I want you to say
Good night before you go to bed?
Rachel is next to me.
You want to pozdravi? Ok.
- So I lit the horse.
- I am. We can entertain.
- And Dad, yes.
- Later in the morning.
ISI? Good night. I love you.
Kerka the heart.
As it is ...?
Difficult but hot for nannies.
But I do not know how will react when
be heard that I'll go for Nju York.
- Why not poe.
- Whether it was there?
A couple of times. Fan Central Park.
You can do little Italy
and by picu, will be fun.
- Do not be taken to be concerned about it.
- This is a great idea.
- Maybe there will be razoarana.
- No, this is a good idea.
When you are engaged accommodation Order yet
one hotel room for Ileana and two tickets.
"Iiemo in small Italy
by picu. Will be fun. "
You have no idea about a small girl.
I am very angry. Isabelle, no.
Well, here you celebrate?
That straddled. Judith is married?
No? Means hell is not yet zaledio?
I know. You're the new face Kurtland
Holdings. You must be very pro
- Grady, that is?
- This was low, Judith.
- A is all that came in the lead. - I do not know about talking about anything but better to leave kolegicu alone.
Not fit to nothing. Not to me
udilo or that sleeps with Kurtlandom.
- How is usuuje - OK, you know what, it's better to go before we call a manager.
- What was that?
- How odd.
- Let's see if this is what is ready?
- Do not let this destroy us dinner.
I want something to say. Past
par Sunday you were really with me.
And you were more than assistants.
Had a real friend.
I do not know what I would without you.
I do what I can. Thank you.
What is the horse?
Yes, the male is.
And this is a war horse.
Yes, it has great feet.
I called him Fred.
My dad said that
may take one.
- Are you well?
- Yes.
- Why you do not believe.
- Only ...
This is Carol really enjoyed.
She mentioned several times that
doemo here, I do not know why we did not.
I'm too busy.
Should not feel bad.
Carol was known you were fantastian husband.
Rule'm big mistakes.
I always thought ...
That in the thirties and etrdesetim,
doing a lot.
And in pedesetim do anything you want as a couple.
You were not able to predvidi which would be
This is awesome. It is a good idea.
Could something like that
teach the children from you.
Thank you.
Is not that sweet?
I'll call the gospoa Mu.
This is a great name. Him!
Hi, Fred! Hi, Heri!
- This is a funny name. - Well, we can do something when it doemo York.
- Rachel Hoe you go with us?
- Honey, it must work in the office.
But want to show her the park.
It's that fun?
Do not worry, baby, fast
We'll go to New York together.
Well, baby. It looks like I'm gonna
go with you and my dad in New York.
- Ileana good, please.
- I am.
Patricia McMillan
from the U.S. immigration service.
I want that agreement meeting
about your mother tomorrow.
Tomorrow? No, my meeting
In Thursday 23rd in 10 hours.
No, you are meeting is tomorrow, not
received a letter with the changing times?
No, my God. Tomorrow should be
be in New York.
If tomorrow you do not match,
we have a free for a couple of months.
No, it's. I'll say safe.
I'll be there tomorrow in the 4th
See you then.
Ileana, you're on the voicemail.
I thought that you bring a bit of coffee.
Kapuino for you.
- Thank you, Rachel.
- Cut the time.
- David, you want to continue zaustavljam calls?
- Yes. Another half an hour.
What's wrong with Judith?
It may have been lit for the times.
Thank you.
- I'm sorry, David.
- Well, to recover.
- Thank you.
- Hello.
David, 7 hours of it.
how you're going to still be here?
Finished. It was Judith.
Sick is not able to go.
- Jadna.
- I'll Go to lunches, I can
that otkae one ticket.
- Ileana is called. L want to call it that
fast as you can .- OK, I'll immediately.
- Yes?
- Ileana? David.
Meeting for my mother is
changed, I can not put her in York.
- I'm sorry, I need her, I hope that you
does .- No, I fully understand, do not worry.
- Thank you.
- Good luck at the meeting. Hi.
- Otkazi another.
- What happened?
It has a meeting today,
will not be able to in New York.
I have to naem nannies, call
ISI and to tell her not to go to New York.
Why I do not poem with you?
Can you worried about Isi while you
with Kurtlandom and so will continue to go.
I know that you said that you need here
but this is znaajno time for Isi.
This perhaps is powered up.
- Ironino because you wanted to go.
- I know.
Ok. Are you going to put her in York.
Well, I'm glad that
can to help.
This place is great.
- What do you think?
- This is wonderful.
I'm going to sleep with Rachel.
Yes, I see. Girls remain
in that room, a boy of that.
- Come on, Rachel.
- This is a great idea.
Yes, lit it. Should
would be to take a refreshing swim and to get going.
And to give you money for
taxis, food or whatever.
- When you're here to meet me?
- I should get back around 4 or 5th
And only three of us.
- Rachel, can now park?
- Can you do whatever you want.
- What do you think? - This couple's more like, but
the one at my home.
I think you are right.
Smart you are.
I want to tell you something, sit.
I want to know that you are my favorite
girl in the whole solar system.
I think of you as my kerci.
You know what? I'll tell you something else,
but you need to uva secret.
When I was little and I
I lost my mother.
- Missing me.
- I know.
I am lost Mom
and Dad at the same time.
- Did you cry?
- Yes.
Especially when I moved
at tetke and aunt and roake, Nora.
I sometimes plaem.
If you plae because
you miss mom, call me.
I'll tell you alu laugh and you're going to be.
Because you can not, and that plae
that is not at the same time.
Did you enjoy in the park?
Good night.
- Later in the morning.
- Good night, Dad, good night, Rachel.
A little champagne?
"Congratulations on the job, I am
what you have in our team. Kyle Kurtland. "
- It's so nice.
- Yes.
And I am happy you are on my team.
You always there for us.
- What?
- Are you well?
I have something for you.
Only a small gift.
- Why?
- Thank you for ...
Isi for me. what you are worried about
about her, and helped Mary-Beth.
God, I did not uope problem.
It is hard to find people like you.
Some just will not be combined,
but not you.
You care about Isi, us, us.
- That's right.
- I just wanted to know to appreciate it.
So I went this afternoon through Madison Aveniju
and saw this display and thought they oboava.
God ...
She told me how much love clocks.
- David, is lovely.
- And I thought that was something we love.
Is perfect.
Thank you very much.
Not on anything.
Rachel ...
No, David, I'm sorry.
If I have something done
that is that I ...
I do not know what to say.
You do not have anything.
I am wrong.
All I said was true,
but you're a good friend.
But still I love my wife.
Yes, I know.
I do not know what I thought.
- You have to understand.
- I understand.
I go to bed.
What have I made?
He needs to do first move I do not.
He is fine gentleman.
He is old-fashioned.
God, I am so stupid.
Ok. Just have to ...
It should be his time,
I'll step down, I'll give him what he should be.
I know he loves me, but that does not shvaa.
That's it.
- What's wrong?
- Nothing baby.
- Back to sleep.
- Who are you priala in the bathroom?
Nor with whom, I thought the voice.
- Back to sleep.
- OK. Good night.
Good morning.
- Good morning.
- David, that last night ...
I can napila ...
I do not want to think ...
Rachel, you do not have ...
- We are all under stress.
- Yes.
I know you need to return today,
Isi but I'll stay another night.
- To go into a museum or something.
- That's good.
I think it will Isi enjoy it.
Asked to stay and that, but ...
But I, and she did not have a chance to
talk since the Carol of any.
Of course.
Anyway I obeala rojakinji to go
in Atlanta, so that everything goes well.
- Good morning, Dad.
- Good morning, baby.
- How is my girl?
- Well, can I dorukujem?
- I want something to show you.
- What?
- Have you seen the park from this height?
- No. That is high!
I love to watch old movies.
This is better than the issue personally.
Virus? No again.
This should not diram ...
Killers me Rachel.
I will not lose it.
Will not ever know.
No exits, PHILLY Guy.
I'm coming.
Sorry, Rachel,
but PHILLY Guy awaits.
Romantine roses?
Walks in the rain.
Dinner with candles.
We like the same things.
I really enjoy.
Please reply.
- What are you doing?
- Kill me, you're going.
- What are you doing here?
- My computer has a virus ...
I told you not to come here.
- I'm sorry. Will not be repeated.
- You do not hear, stupid kujo.
- No vrijeaj me, Rachel.
- You're the person who does not respect anything.
- I told you I was sorry.
- I hate you, Nora.
Stop. I did it polomila.
It is not a crux, Nora.Ne go of me,
not until I talk to you.
You always been bad to me. Received
We and Rachel, we're a family.
No, I was beneath you.
It is not right, I have always wanted
I shall be the best friend.
Nora ...
Thou art, tragic people.
You were not normal.
See the home of dolls and
illusions about the safe.
This is not right, he loves me.
Just do not see because I work for him.
Stop to love is to me.
I do not see me as a woman, because I work for him.
Urazumi is, Rachel, this man never
not to love someone like you.
- Not when you know as I am!
- Hoe, am.
- Uuti.
- Never! Never!
- Uuti?
- Yes?
- My roaka.
- What is it?
I do not know, I heard a noise and
came and was at the bottom of the stairs.
I think the crash.
Send and emergency help.
Yes, they send one.
You were not in law, Nora.
David and I'll be together.
We Voljet one another and
never will not be separated.
Have you popriao with David nannies?
I told David that I'll take good care
How much time for that would be plaena.
I called to confirm that this is not working
Friday, because on that day led kerku in Nju York.
Yes, I could not go because he had
meeting for Immigration its mother.
Except that it was not. It turns out that
whatever it is called, is presented false.
She's gone over there to know that
meeting and continue to Thursday.
And no one knows who she is called, iznervirana
is because it is cost two days of work.
Ok. Odd, but what
it has a connection with Rachel?
I thought about the road to Nju York. Rachel
it went, because nurse failed.
Perhaps it is called.
Think that it is false
presented that went into it York?
- This is crazy. - I know that seems incredible,
but you see it.
- Umjeana is with all that David does.
- Yes, but still ...
It is not odd that you've both
need to go, but Rachel did not.
- And then somehow, you are not, and it did.
- Yes, but could not know that I'm gonna be sick.
Yes, it's true.
- Nee, this is not possible.
- What?
- Funny.
- What?
I wanted to say that I got sick
after I gave Rachel kapuino.
You mean to get so far?
Who knows? Here, a lot
There is no sense.
Perhaps she had
connection with Branson.
- Maybe they should popria with David.
- Yes, it should.
Perhaps he should rest.
We have to popriamo about Rachel.
I do not want to osuujem, but
do not you think that is too sluajnosti.
Maybe you were right. Things are not ...
It is time to put her in York ...
Thank you told me.
I'm going to rest Wednesday.
- Rachel, can I have that doe zaas?
- Of course.
David trying to destroy me.
No, no thing is not connecting.
Whatever it is, you probably have
different understanding of our relationship.
I think that you have expectations of me
you can not upotpunim.
This is not true.
In the hotel I am wrong, but all
the rest can go back to how it was.
No, I think that more will not go. I think it is
better by all that you do not do more together.
Otpusta me?
I'll give you a summary. Good
you'll find excellent job.
I am the best assistant ever.
Nobody cares about you, Isi and companies like me.
- So you say!
- I know.
This is a very difficult decision.
Believe me.
This is the best.
- What about Isabelle?
- You will be fine. I appreciate what you did.
I can not believe.
This ungrateful idiot.
God ...
God. Forgive me, that I could izaem
with him and not to be his employees.
What I thought?
You're a good assistant.
Had a good friend.
I do not know what would not you?
This is the best choice thing you
you have ever made.
Hello. I have a gift for Isi.
Isabelle asleep.
I was barely uspavao.
I know that it is too late to see.
It's all right. I'll give her this morning.
- I wanted to popriamo.
- If so, I'd prefer that you called me.
I know, I'm sorry, I just ...
... I know why you forgive me today.
After the one with Judith and Grady
I know that you need to da good example.
Now that I'm not your employees
can be viamo.
- This is a new start.
- To viamo?
I know you think that this is wrong.
I hate this game, and I'll say.
I love you, I know ...
... that you love me deep in it.
I think that because you forgive?
- Yes.
- I do not want to pass.
Only I have lost my wife.
I liked Carol.
But you can again to love.
Never will not love.
Do not uvredi,
but I have to be clean.
Not doing more for me. You can more
I pojavljuje at home.
You have to work nae
and that nastavi with life.
I think that it can not.
Do nothing is not happen
between us.
For dinner, the people.
Before points, I would like to
Congratulations to you on Kurtland account.
I hope you all will be wonderful.
I'm glad we are together.
Sorry? We need privacy.
Can you zatvori that door?
- Judith, which is Rachel here?
- God.
- Rachel ...
- Beautiful table.
- Can I popriam with you?
- What you're going to tell me that I'm not welcome?
- No. I'd love to popriam with you.
- No drpaj me. Do not go.
- What are you doing?
- Just relax.
- Come down pistol.
- Merits having to be here more than anyone want to.
- Come down pistol.
- Sit, David.
You know, these people would not be
here that it was not me.
That Branson got Kurtland
account, which would get ...
... now that ate the sendvie
service station.
Yes popriamo this out.
Tell them that if you work hard,
all the work for you, the end is released.
- Rachel, please. - Please, you, Judith?
Enough damage you do it.
- Go away, away.
- Uuti. I'm a major.
Veina you do not know David as I was.
I do not know that rule big mistakes.
We heard all that you have
to say, the gun down.
Stop talking about that.
Where I?
Yes, David's mistakes.
Why do not you tell them what you told me.
How are you zapostavljao wife and
kerku to the radio all the time.
I would be perfect for you because
I understand how important job.
And I would not be forced to feel guilty.
- It is not about them. 're Angry at me.
- After all.
I care about your kerci,
when you did not know what you are doing.
I came into your office every day
the last 3 years to your life was easier.
It's all been great.
But you have not noticed how much I
was important in your life, or us.
But Judith and Wally were
jealous and they want to destroy.
Gump. Down to.
Ok. You want your job back?
It's all right. This is not a problem.
Now you want to come back?
It is little late for that.
Otrovali these. I need you to
see what I could to the offer.
Listen, this is a wonderful place, all
sitting and veeramo, join us.
My life is over for you.
I do not see why it's fair to
in your teaching.
Wait. Think of Isabelle.
We already lost one parent.
Preivjet will, I am lost
both parents, and it was good.
You have to know that we'll
David and I will be together in paradise.
You go to hell ...
... for all the lies that you told him.
Give me a pistol. Give me a pistol.
- Open the door!
- Please.
- David ...
- Wally, call emergency help.
David, I can not live without you.
We need.
Kiss me at least once.
Can not be without you
David nedostaje me.
And Isabelle, of course.
Who feel the pain because
I'm away from you ...
... disappears, remain just beautiful
thoughts and warm feeling.
Because I know that we
fate to be together.
Proi not long until we
be I and you together forever.