Perfect Creature (2006)

For 300 years the great plagues infested
the earth.
Diseases created from the experiments
of the alchemists.
Thinking they had discovered
god's secret code for life
alchemists experimented
with genetic science.
They had no idea what they brought about.
But there was also a wonder.
Tease thanks to of
there a new being arose.
Them Nosferatu or vampire were called
firstly and them were feared.
It were no supernatural monsters.
But only a better version
of onszelf.
It were the Broeders. Thanks to their religion
and science we could persist
against the plagues and influences tease
which whipped Europe and the colonies.
for 300 years these races
have harmoniously lived together.
Untill now.
Iook. On this moetje pay attention.
A genetic mutation.
We now know
that those arise by a virus.
That virus plays an unknown role
at the birth of the Broeders.
The mutation occurs still but seldom
and only at men.
Strangely, he?
- Strange?
That god chooses such a humble
tool for a wonder.
The mothers come all from
the slums. Why we do not know.
This isje seventh, or not?
Hair first was well.
That was Broeder.
Afterwards followed
several deformed offspring.
Maakje but no care.
The brotherhood takes m.
And educates him in their church.
It is a blessing.
Nothing will be lacking him.
In contrast to the rest.
Silus, this isje brother.
You have the same mother,
thus you will assist him.
We call him Edgar.
Welcome in the world, small Broeder.
The saint city of the brotherhood
Jamestown, the Pacific colony
that led all
up to this decisive moment.
with these simple instruments
discovered alchemist
Giuseppi the Angelo
what we call the day
genetic science today.
He saw that the Broeders
formed a new race
by god sent, to serve and
protect your people.
He was waarlijk large a man.
But others, slechteriken,
used the Angelo discovery
to experiment without
worrying itself for the final result.
Powerful genetic
science has been prohibited since then.
Who have weet what arisen
from bad experimentings?
All bad things
such as to tease and influenza epidemics.
That is correct.
Solicit all bad.
lead to black market
three, lords.
Police force. On the ground. Do not move.
Do not venture it.
Fall late.
Influenza vaccines? Those distribute I.
I ensure that everyone what gets.
You lie. We know
datje the vaccine negociate.
You can come look at better just as.
I would acquire a mask.
Help me.
I am sick.
- Look at me, fucking liar.
- I have given them their amount. Both.
- Bullshit.
- I am a respectable house owner.
This is violation of the health law.
You enter hollow.
I weet waarje it concerning do not have.
I have done nothing. Nothing.
- Really where.
I have done nothing.
Where are the vaccines?
Lk can you delighted communicate that you
are arrested for trade in vaccines.
I want my lawyer.
YOU have broken Article 12/10
by remembering sponsored vaccines your
I want my lawyer.
- Everything what you says, are used against you.
YOU have risked lives,
therefore you get no lawyer. Still thing.
This not only contracts us.
We must to the authorities, people,
tell concerning Edgar.
The Broeders want solve it itself.
Keep and if they discover that
we hid those deads?
For this reason moetje find m., Silus.
Age-long humanity
has served the Broeders and they us.
The large treaty.
But do not forget the past.
exactly in the world came
they burned our children
as monsters.
They understood nothing of evolution.
In another world we had been eradicated.
To be only reminded in myths.
As terrifying monsters.
Riddles for anthropologists.
Derogatory individual cannot disturb
the assessment between the two races.
Has changed nothing there.
The old preconceptions apply still.
People are by nature parano i.
Perhaps with right.
Iook you nou but datje finds Edgar.
Brother finds you so that we can help him.
For he kills.
Hurries up nou.
I step, however.
- Weetje it certain?
Jones, go it, however, well with her?
Lilly child have nevertheless died to influenza?
- She has said never something concerning a child.
She says never something.
Where do you go this
way fast naartoe, schavuit?
What is here to the hand?
What has you with its done?
Lk have done nothing. It was Broeder.
Make a photograph.
The Trbune. Do you have still comment?
It seems have been Broeder.
- Arrest her.
Me? What denkje, however, Me leaves separately.
Missing witnesses
and late they keep their head.
Can I come in?
- Wants Alsje.
- Hello, Dominic.
Have seen you?
It is bijtwond.
A lad has seen.
He says that it was Broeder.
Is there still a witness. Furthermore not.
We wind up it. No word about this.
Even not your mother.
Broeder suspected of assassination.
If that is confessed
I am the zat. You will talk
you has seen what has happened?
- He does not want talk. He weet of nothing.
How heetje?
- Albert.
Do you live here?
Lk have grown up here near.
Matheson Lane, Skrummers poor house.
Really where?
Lk have come.
Nobody does something.
Ledereen find this a slum.
It can nobody make a difference
what happens there with people here.
Only you and I.
A man.
- What kind of man?
- Weetje that certain?
Where did he passing away?
- There up.
You go along with these men.
They voorje will look.
Him lets tell everything
and hou everyone from its buurt.
Give and him what to eat.
The buurt has been turned off. Ledereen think
that t is griepuitbraak.
Will sit.
Well done, Lilly.
But those journaliste are more annoying.
Over two days must we its release
and come outside it to.
I have a hekel
to those rotten influenza vaccines.
I you that kills.
You know Jamestown improve then which also.
The brotherhood wants be involved
at t research. That seems me useful.
The brotherhood is t some where in are possible
people believe. And that weet the government.
The queen has been even involved.
It is a political matter.
He is there.
Weetje which is that?
Broeder Silus. They say
that he will lead ever the brotherhood.
It is large a man.
- I hear koorgezang.
Do you have then nowhere respect?
My mother goes three times per week
to the church and gives blood.
She is gladly.
But I do not will kiss him.
Broeder-oudste Edgar.
How long do you know this already?
A couple weeks.
Is there something?
- Yes.
Keep back of proof, two assassinations
blur and nobody makes himself very.
I or someone from Jamestown
had for a long time for life got.
The church can apparently do what she wants.
I understand you aversion. It is political.
We thought that we could catch
Broeder Edgar themselves, but unfortunately.
There now still to talk is meaningless.
The danger is that it is confessed.
- No, we want no criticism on the church.
Stands there more on the game.
It concerns preconceptions,
the nature of it.
If woman must you that nevertheless understand.
- Is that this way?
Female commanders are there more?
- No.
Are you exactly this way assessed
as the men or differently?
- Correct.
If a blanke kills
t is an assassin.
If a zwarte kills, suspected its all
zwarten. That the nature of preconceptions is.
They that differently are,
as a group are seen.
If Broeder do something incorrect,
its all Broeders suspected.
Because we are differently.
And how the world would look
if there was no hope?
Well, what presents you?
YOU must hear firstly something.
It is not differently. But we have to
two days find the verdachte.
- He is right.
Where do we do have start?
Gets Watje to hear
binnenskamers remain. Understood?
This is Broeder Silus.
Can we can see the dia?
This is Broeder Edgar.
Up to three weeks it was suffered he
a number theoloog and scientist.
What has he done?
He has developed the newest
influenza vaccine.
Thanks to him you live now still.
Its behavior seemed normal. Next.
The victims: John differently,
Tanya Garfield and Julie Danes.
All in the twenty,
but further no agreements.
The behavior of Broeder Edgar
is without precedent.
Never Broeder have killed people.
Never, in the three hundred years
of our existence. Not.
Our role was protect
man lives and in score to keep.
Soon he wants still a lintje.
- Broeder Edgars behavior are therefore derogatory.
We do not understand t
and cannot it predict.
We only know where he will strike.
- How weetje that?
- Head dense.
Well this way. Now are you quiet.
Have you heard that, Silus?
Do you please this game?
Just like what we in former days played.
Is there a bldg. Complex
around sad speeltuintje.
They call the bridge Square.
The following comes there from.
Do and a beetje beterje best.
A beetje does beterje best, brother.
Has he sent you?
- We have the same mother.
We have a link.
Two teams come there. Frank, you
and Abernathy take the bldg.
I lead t other with Dominic and Jones.
Royal garde assists.
Only pole-axes.
You have heard me.
We want get m. Living in hands.
To see you already something?
- No.
Remain in position.
This is meaningless.
To see you already something?
- Nothing.
Check all deepenings again.
- Again for rich.
He is on sixth deepening.
Turn off.
You are this way strong.
Lilly are wounded.
Lilly are wounded. She is wounded.
She dies.
He sits in the ventilatieschacht.
- She dies.
Remain from its buurt.
Remain from the buurt or I put.
Wants you that I save her?
Wants you that I save her?
Verzetje not, Lilly.
T lets happen.
He escaped.
- Quiet.
He goes omhoog.
On the side.
- No.
It seems be exactly something like that
as dierenbeet.
I want thank you.
We have together caught Edgar.
I do not mean that.
Blood has saved my life.
Is it where that people in the church
get your blood?
Sometimes a ritual requires that.
Some say
that they get of it visioenen.
That they improve there of become.
This way.
It has been already healed.
Mine body is exactly a human embryo.
Warrants renew themselves very fast.
For this reason we live this way long.
Do you get visit?
- That does not have I.
No longer.
- I understand it.
The influenza.
At my man it went very fast.
Mine dochtertje Mary
has very long fought.
And I but wait and hope.
Eventual besefje how cruel hope is.
You want simply that it stops.
Not its, but voorjezelf.
What terrible.
Find you our pitiful?
- No.
Fragile. Extenuated by living.
You fight back.
- There we are well in.
I think your life
the effort of examining landlord am.
Well done.
You are more than I thought.
In the doofpot.
Assassin dead
assassin thought that he was Broeder
Silus, you know professor Liepsky.
How is it with m.?
Look himself but.
Is that construction necessary?
He has decapitated a keeper
whereas he was anaesthetized.
He says that he will finish our
He is therefore crazy.
- No, not real.
But go by.
Broeder Silus step soon
to the highest ring of the brotherhood.
He must know this.
- He has been contaminated.
I will show it.
If them tied up zat,
she had not assassinated you.
Maarje is possible only contaminates to touch by means of
their blood. Thus we have devised that.
Devised genetically.
Edgar worked with t virus
from which the Broeders arise its.
With approval of the government.
- Since when have they done that?
Are there already 70 years no Broeder born.
And breed is woman never born there
. We need more Broeders.
You give hope to the world.
Latvian to believe in.
Edgar were busy. The birth
of Broeders genetically stipulate.
And successfully.
All these women
have carried Broeder.
But the virus mutated.
The meesten are now dead
and these life also not long more.
Edgar the first Broeder
are able be which dies.
But firstly its brain
will shrivel like at these women.
We must master try it.
- Has the police force policewoman, Lilly been contaminated, also?
No, she has had luck.
But sits in Edgars blood. Once and for all.
Pleases hot
what them for me done has?
You are sick. We try help your.
I am be ordinary such as I belong.
How can you help me with that?
Do you do want tame me sometimes?
Me brain ponds?
An animal or a plant, is that my choice?
Lk want share the feeling metje.
To feel flows up to the last
drop of you their blood is.
To that weak, useless, small pump
stops at last.
That woman whom I had, who policewoman was
, this way strong.
It was leave difficult at its.
Is she dead?
She lives still.
- Beautiful.
Then I catch its again.
- No, Edgar.
You will no longer touch its.
Have chosen its you to protect.
You want its, he?
Lk realize it you to look.
Are you just like I.
I will pray voorjouw cicatrisation.
Pray for my cicatrisation.
I here from come
and then I look datje will participate.
I you will open the eyes.
I look
datje will finish your policewoman.
Care for her.
I need a borrel.
I find it terrible if he does that.
Stop, differently we use the gas.
Pass through.
Alsje do not stop, turns we
now the gas open. Understood?
Lk have been correct.
What now do we get?
- My flat has been explained uninhabitable.
Are YOU against the easing
of the prohibition on genetic research.
Is he not terrible?
- A saint.
You could say that you research
can that change the world stops.
The church does not doubt
to the possibilities.
But to the aims
of those who use t.
And the fact that we know scarcely
how powerful it is.
If the influenza is eradicated,
sicknesses belong then to the past?
Sickness always belongs to nature and
part will determine of our life.
Absolutely where.
Broeder Silus today will do belijdenis
in the vault of St Augustinus.
I have taken off it slightly
to calm down m.
We have used gas like always.
We have waited ten minutes.
He must have implied be breath.
Reverse, Edgar.
It is well.
Obtain but deeply breathe.
Blood flows by them to our
and we keep them
and blood
protect which we must.
My Broeder come today
in the history books.
all Broeders will be at him.
Blood lets be and the races
meet to the perfect being.
What to a beautiful moment celebrate.
You open mouth.
Mouth open.
Drink on.
No more phone calls voorjou.
Now he it takes along to.
Put you for what happens there
if he contaminates others.
If experimentings are confessed.
He said that he would assassinate
our all.
But that police force policewoman certain.
You take in everything and everyone.
Do ikje have cut tongue sometimes?
Will I do that? On the ground.
You have me crazy. Me and all others.
- Not where.
Perhaps snij ikje nose there, however, finished.
No, I snij your tongue.
Or I snij you complete face gone.
- Police force.
Leg that knife.
- Quietly but. I cooperate, however.
Leg it. Now.
On the ground. Hurries up.
I become nat.
- Head dense. Hands achterje back.
What is there?
- You have provided me found oneself.
What determines it?
Open its mouth.
Me had you also what promised.
What to see you, Freddy? Visioenen?
Do you see the future?
You do not behave as a hebberig swine.
You must deserve t.
We have to do more.
Follow the brotherhood in speech.
YOU are divine.
Forgive me.
It regrets me that you offense to me took.
YOU are divine.
I take offense to the world.
What does you here?
A tradesman heard gegil.
Then he went look at he found this.
A witness. A prostitute.
Them recognized this watching out citizen.
Perhaps want he revenge
or he has been disturbed.
It was Edgar.
- Hoezo?
And he has Steph.
- There it did not concern m.
It did not concern him me, or?
- Yes, it is him do you.
Then you go to a safe spot.
With scherpschutters on the roof.
That weet ie. That sees and hears he.
It concerns me. Here.
That wants he.
It is Stephs only chance.
- Steph are dead.
It must happen here. He must within
is able come, but not too easy.
He can nothing presumption.
Thus the event goes.
I am the quiff bait.
Help me.
I am sick.
Keep off of me.
Where is he now?
What does you?
What there, are Jones?
Remain here.
Me gives cover.
- But.
The police force policewoman.
You become my instrument.
Wants Silus
- Give her to me.
Give her to me.
Bowl to me, Lilly.
Are where you, verdomme?
Lk knew that that kreng would not listen.
You say datje
I was scared myself lam.
That police force woman is doodziek.
And honestly said
I feel myself also not this way nice.
Leg its somewhere where she is found.
- But I am sick.
She has me infected
what have I said nou, Freddy?
Lk have a hekel to gedram.
Everything result from me.
My blood will change the world.
Stephanie Richards.
Them net has been brought in.
I have never seen this.
And it spreads himself super-fast.
Becomes them improve?
- No.
The largest care is master it.
Them is crazy.
And has fallen more there.
Ten in the previous hour.
What is this?
- Edgar have them blood have been given.
Do you do means that he is this
for spreading? He will contaminate Lilly.
Jones, stop.
Therefore this spreads itself?
Lilly have been.
- No, he is killed its.
- So that I come. That wants he.
This we on her has found.
Everything result from me.
My blood will change the world.
What means that?
A new canker in
the slum of Jamestown dominates there.
According to sources that the consequence of genetic
experimentings of the Broeders is.
Ledereen in the areaarea area
must remain within.
Who tries escape
will be shot.
The queen will have to leave the city.
This is the martial law.
This zit dense.
Jamestowns slum have been concluded.
It does not sound just like children who play,
finds you?
Lk you have seen body.
You have gestured a child.
Have you run out on it?
In this isjouw race good.
Why don't you assassinate me ordinary?
Lk understand, however, why he finds you nice.
But I can use you better.
To save you Silus my blood
will drink me to dovetail itself.
You are disturbed.
The world has been disturbed. I am better
than you, but I serve moetjullie.
I must look on how you
waste most precious. Living.
Exist Weetje how our looks?
We are taken away
born and at our mothers.
Obliged to a life
of loneliness and disavowal.
Only to a life serve.
Can you yourself that proposals?
This does not need.
You can change things.
- Change?
I will do that also. I will ensure
that the world becomes very differently.
Does the world which
I create for us please, Silus?
Lk you have not yet had agentje.
But that comes. Fast.
You must find me only.
It is simply a game.
Everything result from me.
You should think about but.
Think harder.
The infectie spreads itself.
Each day shares he is blood with more.
Whereas they are stuck in their own house.
He is present in the areaarea area.
I find him, however.
You look its this way clear.
Just like the day datje was born.
No search comes there.
- No search?
The queen has ordered evacuate
the area around the areaarea area.
If that has happened,
action is undertaken.
What kind of action?
Verdelging. Everything that area
will be burned. Also Edgar.
It is a necessary measure.
- And the onschuldigen who are not contaminated?
We cannot permit
that this continues.
Is it that police force woman?
Be i nvloedt datje manner of to think?
Our type cannot love, Silus.
But serve only.
We have done this.
We have helped this the world in.
We have their faith
too frequently ashamed. It stops.
Is possibly no discussion there.
They are sacrificed so that the rest is clean.
The police force man, who Jones have told,
the press that Edgar are the cause.
Members of the highest ring doubt to
the way you have tackled this.
They give you the debt
of what which has done man.
I clear have made,
you this will regulate.
You being silent him impose.
This is heavy tasks,
but think of the higher aim.
And to your own future.
What moetje?
Lk want help you.
They know datje with the press has talked.
They can fall dead and you also.
You are the last which I trust.
- Why?
Have seen Lk how you looked at them to
Lilly then slept.
Perhaps is you, however, net alsje brother.
Perhaps weetje, however, where he is.
What dachtje of it? Weetje where he is?
Have changed you.
Not of, but of.
I know you. And I recognize myself.
I probeerje to help.
Coffee is ready.
Your weet where I am.
Everything result from me.
Do you have a plan?
The areaarea area is there.
All slums.
Where are water supplies?
- There.
Become the old districts to foresee
by their own welputten.
Mineral sources.
For this reason it has remained within Jamestown.
It sits in water.
The water of Jamestown.
- There he sits. With Lilly.
You never come. Everything have been surrounded.
- I come, however.
Go to the press and tell them of water
and what the government will do.
Alsje do these, you have been there.
What there also happens.
Continue look out to me.
Who done these, have Broeder?
- We.
I moetje show something.
This is the police force.
Naarjullie return to live.
He comes.
He obtain komtje.
Silus, here.
Where is she? Where is she?
She is now of me.
Silus, alsjeblieft.
- Is where them?
Where is she, Edgar? Where?
How you finding if I
cut down it of your face would burn?
Alsje a monster would become?
What is there?
- There.
Is there something wrong?
- No.
Something lies precious there.
It takes along it and hou secret.
Care that they do not arrive there.
I do not understand it.
- That comes, however.
That comes, however.
Hurries up.
She is the first in its type.
That which has contaminated people,
her has created.
She is a fortuitousness.
A wonder.
Find, for them its.
We must go.
For me everything has changed now.
Because of Silus I see the world through new eyes.
Now I see hope and I see a child.
The first female of her kind and like
the Broeders she is a mistake of nature.
Perhaps Edgar got what he wanted after all.
Because eventually this child
will trurly change our world.