Perfect Ending, A (2012)

If. thank you very much.
What do you say?
I want you to fuck me...
God, I beg you!
A simple thank you is more
than acceptable.
I do not know how or why these
Things happen, but they do.
And to be frank with you,
They have very few options.
Unfortunately, this is one of the moments
where medicine is not
very advanced
As I'm not your first visit
that my duty as a professional
is about surgery advise
But you probably also know that
is unlikely to lengthen its life.
Mason is really too much to ask
call your secretary
to tell me he'd stopped for lunch?
Sorry, Beck.
You said I had to be there to
sign papers
You know who is playing with Susie Clyde
Do you know why her husband married her?
his father owns half of Korea.
and his father is my fucking balls
on a silver platter in China
First of all, you're talking about two countries
completely different
Second, you know I can not stand,
you talk like people
Oh yeah?
I asked you to come here to
to sign some
to sign some stocks
and put in your name
to get out of this damn audit
What kind of problems you walk into?
We'll have to do a little
dear creative accounting
And you have to help.
So, I signed the papers and...
I do not know if I'll be home
for dinner
It is important to have dinner
with the family
Sure as hell.
I've been with lots of girls.
I do not know because it is
better with you
Same time next week
Jeans and sneakers.
Thank you very much, Hank.
It's a little bitter to lose
Sore loser.
I said I would be late
You play tennis.
You can stop behaving like children
We have homework to do.
I had to return the money
I lost last night
Oh, look at you.
I said, no more weekends Vegas
How much?
Would it help if I told you that I fully
I always say that the money can not be
buying love.
Well, except for Ace.
Janice leaves out of this.
I think you should get this Janice
But then what kind of partner would you do?
For, Hank.
Have you seen my book?
No, I think I saw this morning
Mr. Mason's office
Do you want me to look?
Oh, would you, please?
Do you plan to be late for this important event,
as our commitment?
Fiesta that my mother has planned for
the last six months?
You will make very happy
You know, Mom, the way all the money
slipped through my fingers
wondering if she still loves me,
then she is the only
No jeans. Go and change.
Here you go, dear.
Oh, thank you very much
Need some help here?
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
I have it. I have it.
Thanks, Jess.
You look beautiful.
Thank you.
Oh, my god.
It's so late!
Do not forget to breathe!
One of the girls Valentina
What I'm saying is that trying to
For a
nipple ring
It will make everything a little
more exciting.
What is it about?
Nipple clamps.
She's just... fantastic.
I'm so out of place here.
Do not worry.
I need a drink.
Oh, my god
She's just... fantastic
She put a double butterfly
between us
Oh, it's a vibrator.
She is amazing, right?
I've been three times.
Then she went down
since the ceiling.
No, I'm not kidding.
Then you have the roof painted
Yeah, yeah.
Well, we have heard many stories tonight
and I want to hear your story.
Believe me, I have no story.
Well, you have to have a story
I mean... What's your pleasure?
What do you like
you warm? what's your fantasy
You do not have to answer that?
No, I'm married.
Oh, Becks.
She is playing with me?
What's this?
Can not resist?
You obviously are playing.
It's late, and I would like to take
Well, ladies. This is all
Oh, I like your pants.
Oh, thank you.
Ooh, ooh, girl.
It is very subtle
As a double or triple bypass
Well, I liked it.
Uh, I know, in his work,
time is money
But I would make up for
certain times
No problem.
What is it?
I see it when they look, they eat with
their eyes even they, I mean it feels
Oh, god could feel it up in New Jersey
The truth is that only luck...
but working on it
We keep it exciting.
Work is needed by
the other part
Okay, um...
I'll tell you something I never
I told anyone.
You know everything about me right?
I never, never...
Baby, we know that you are
not well you and the asshole
Not that.
Oh, for the love of God.
Come on, spill.
I have never...
You never come?
He is a man man.
We just do it twice a year.
We're both so good.
OH, Becks!
Oh, well, you should have to masturbate
Do not say that word.
What "masturbate"?
I have seen many doctors,
many therapists.
Something is wrong with me.
What's going on, Rebecca?
Never had a moment of
passion in my life.
Damn it.
Is it so bad that I want...
Come to dinner tonight...
find a solution
I promise.
I am, do your project now?
You have every right, forget the
damn schedule
Just come at 8:00.
You know what?
What you need is a vibrator.
That gives me chills.
I know forget
We will find something here
No drugs are me
No, I was
I think you should seriously consider
having a lover...
...That is, if you do not mind
break your morality.
No moral dilemma,
believe me
But what was I supposed to do?
I look on the street
No, no.
I mean a woman.
A woman's lover.
Oh, come on.
Just listen to me and do not listen to it
A woman is much more familiar
as a manual
I'm talking about a woman,
You know you have all kinds of tricks
up his sleeve,
used in particular situations.
And as usual, I can think
I have a second cousin who runs a
Services company, and could
A service company?
The black sheep of the family
Valentina is the best
women I've ever seen.
Focus. Focus
Oh, my god.
no one will know.
That is only for men.
Are you kidding?
I mean, women really do that?
Oh, of course.
You have to think of this as a
experiment right?
You hire a specific service
No, no, no. That's fine.
Nothing is too weird
for us..
What do you have to lose?
Not much at this point.
Better service?
Oh, hello, Shirin.
No, no, I'm sure we can find
someone for her.
Right. Consider it done.
Okay. This should be fun.
this is to educate?
Oh, yes.
What do you have a boy virgin?
Calm down, Cougar.
No, is a housewife in search
an adventure
Shut the fuck up!
I refer to a customer.
Sylvie, look.
This is a friend of my cousin,
She has never been with
a woman before
but my cousin has explained lesbian
that women are better lovers.
Yes, I tell you what
And it is money.
So I want this to come out
really well
Just think of all sites
'd get
From the upper class country club
So I want to do right by
she okay?
And besides, she wanted someone
of age
Now sing.
This is what I sing
in hearing.
And then, when you make a single,
I'm done with this.
And what happened to his other successes?
Sylvie, play fair.
Now, I chose for this,
and I will not disappoint me.
Sylvie, do not be late.
She is strict with time.
You know how I hate to ask you this?
but my name is molly
invites me to the house of
the parents of her boyfriend
so it's a great opportunity
I have to go, okay?
Okay, is a customer chosen by Valentina
is crme de la crme,
All good stuff, right?
Oh, honey, I love you.
Christ I love you.
Oh shit, I forgot - um,
The client is strict with time
for whatever reason do not be late
Oh, shit.
This is crazy.
What am I doing?
? I can help?
Ms.? White?
I think he has an appointment
I think that is wrong.
I think it was a kind
of misunderstanding
Well, it has opened the door
As if waiting
and I guess you do not live here
because I was here two days ago
So, again, I think we have an appointment
I have an appointment if...
...But someone my age...
I understand.
Did you expect Sylvie, his usual?
My what? Want to join?
Come in.
Are you in the service?
Oh, Sylvie.
So this is your first time.
You are nervous.
It's perfectly natural.
But... do not worry.
Let's go slow and easy
As you like.
Miss, um...
...Miss Paris, asked
someone my age.
Age is a state of mind, right?
Maybe for you.
How many have 23?
I have 29.
See what I mean?
You're not what I asked,
and I will not pay.
So do not start the clock
or whatever
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
The woman who was supposed to
had to be here
has had an emergency, and she
requested change
I will not pay.
I'm not asking you to.
I'm just politely
No hard feelings.
Hopefully next time, be
what you're looking for
What happens?
Come sit with me.
Just come and sit
me a minute will you?
I'm so sorry that I have not been
a good mother
What's wrong, Mom?
Are you going through half of a crisis
or something?
Are you okay?
Do you have any idea how much I love you?
If it had been... stronger.
If only I had been there as
should have been
I'm sorry.
Should have...
We agreed to
not talk about it
I need to talk about it...
We will never get over it.
Some things should stay
in the past, so...
There must be something I can do
Do not talk about it
That? I want to do better
I just want to do better
There are some things that are not
be arranged
So no.
Ah, I see.
Oh, that's very cute.
I like it.
Yeah, well, I was not there for art
Never would only for champagne
Okay, I admit it was for the champagne
Yes? were there for the champagne?
If, and art
How was it?
Do you remember having seen it all?
There were great pictures and spotlights
There was music relaxing environment
Oooh, yes, I'm in love?
I am by giving you these actions
as part of some goods
And you get it?
It makes me sick your greed and ego together
It was one thing you wanted to send
kids to Harvard
because I understand you want to be
take over the family business
And even give them 100,000 shares of
Westridge boys.
Mm-hmm. Look, we're not going to
have this conversation
Will you be angry?,
and I will not change my mind.
Look, I'm just a man
I'm just the man you married.
And I think, in general, I have been
Jessica pretty good.
I mean, she has led a good life.
You owe, Mason.
Not this shit again.
You know
Not again!
It was a fucking night!
One night!
And I'm not giving this business actions
This business has been in my
family for 100 years.
And that was the agreement
between you and me, all along
I love her.
She's not my blood, the boys themselves.
You may say I'm insensitive,
but not mine
For the love of god wake.
This is not a kind of monarchy.
Already the father he has never ever met
What do you think this will do it?
She already feels like a citizen
second class.
And I say that I love Beck.
But I will not change my mind.
I'm going to bed now.
Do not bother with me.
Hey, Dad.
We just came from there, right?,
That does not help.
Are you crazy?
Do not do anything crazy.
We totally lost
So, we will die here.
Tell me everything.
Nothing happened.
I was so thrown had a master plan
That has always been my problem
but you can not plan everything
Of course you can not prepare
for nothing right?
There was an unexpected obstacle,
appeared a devil, when step
the door...
I liked.
What is the problem?
Trust us,
try again
Best service.
Oh, yes, Ms. White...
So, let me see if I understand
the same person as the last time
And he wants exactly
the same place
Consider it done.
Okay, Sylvie.
Oh. Well, that's enough ego wounded
I gave a shit.
I do not know what I expected.
All right.
Valentina knows there filly
can not tame
So let's get down to business,
Shall we?
I have dildos with straps
We can change.
We can do a 69 double
um, fingers are fine, but I prefer
only two or three
no fist I have a cyst.
But if you want the most explosive
we ecstrabang.
Ecstra? They?
Some ecstasy and then we do it
the one to the other
is fucking sweet.
Uh, that's not going to happen
I know who you are.
You who were with Paris,
when I could not come.
So... What did the two if not
mind me asking?
I do not know what you say, but do not spend
anything with the other girl
Paris is a woman.
Do not underestimate.
I did not do such a thing, I do not know.
and I do not know.
Look, I'm sure that you take care you all
each other,
and that's great.
But as a paying customer, I'm used
receive exactly what I ordered
God was right about you.
Say what?
She was quite poetic - Paris.
She said you were bitter sweet.
Well, this is obviously not
So I think it's time for you to go.
Do you know? in minor league wives all
is exactly the same.
Hardest part of his day is trying to
figure out where he sits Mrs. Weatherby
lunch in the fucking right?
Oh, you're really depressed, do not they?
Great what if? every morning
with your bran muffin
Wrong side of the clock
I bet there's a half-empty bottle
in your sock drawer
right next to it some
Worn discs
This was a big mistake.
What the hell are you going to do
when we part, anyway
Paris and I do not answer to anyone
Nobody fucking
How about you?
Sorry if I made you wet your pants
I just
I said out.
You know, obviously,
're looking for something
I hope you find it.
And do...
think of you.
Why now?
I mean I do not understand
what you saw in Mason.
I mean you thought were
love with him right?
As secretary attached to it for 2 years
I found it quite good
Okay, I understand.
Well, yes, when you have a baby
security also has
It is like having a dog.
No, that's what I'm saying.
these made a good mother
I mean...
All I want is you
bad times pass
For drinking.
Yeah, yeah, I've been told.
You are so lucky.
How does it feel?
At what level?
Being in love with Kelly...
It... optimistic.
Frankly mystique.
But, you know, these are just words
You know, I mean really
I want the feel
That was the plan.
Asking the plan do not let
you stop that witch
asks Paris next time.
But I'm serious, Becks, no passes
the rest of your life alone
Do not.
I wanted to thank you for coming.
Third time charming
I'm a little uncomfortable here
Long time
time control.
Do not worry.
Receive the value of their money.
That's... very good, funny, um...
Want a drink?
No. But... forward.
No babies?
I just came from the area.
I like to focus on the details,
try to stay calm.
You take your job seriously.
Yes, I know.
What I can do for you?
Have you done this to men?
This? not.
Are you a lesbian?
Oh, god, no.
For some reason, I thought that, um
could somehow be easier
with a woman
I want to know which is the passion.
I want to know how you feel an orgasm.
Well they are two
distinctly different things.
It will be what you want...
or need
But I think I should be clear.
An orgasm is a physical phenomenon
and I can help there.
Passion is something completely different
No more watches
No... blouses
Lean back.
Dad, can I have the corvette?
Yes, but you know, you have to go
to work for it
Mama, what's wrong?
Something you want to tell us
The wedding ring?
Oh, that.
I, uh, I, uh, leave it in the gym
I already called.
And is safe and sound.
Good, because worth a fortune.
Those things are definitely not cheap
Just... wondering if it's worth
That, marry, and raise a family?
Are you kidding? 'And that girl?
Could not be better, you choose your own
But did you... yourself chose
But, uh, chicken, Mason?
No, thanks.
No, thanks.
Well, there was a Jew, a German,
and a Frenchman
I can not. I'm sorry to make you
waste time
There's a reason you're here.
I can not.
So I wanted something very special
but I have not decided
And it took me a long time right?
Yes, I know.
I'll show you in a minute.
Well I do not really know if
your fault or dummy,
but I am angry.
He wanted me to give you this.
I needed that.
Best service.
Oh, yes.
Oh, yes, of course.
Used and needed glasses
need inflatable elephant and gorilla.
Certainly would not want to take
the wrong animal
Oh, uh, sorry, can you wait a minute?
Best service.
Yes, I am Mrs. White
Yes, yes.
Does my ring?
I should have left it at the hotel.
Yes, yes.
She said she would leave on the table.
Ah, well.
No, no. Do not worry.
these things happen.
I can go get it now.
Well, actually, not in the office.
She said she wanted to reschedule
in the same place but at seven
pm and it will take
He agreed with the arrangement.
Mrs. White?
little witch.
Got my ring?
Well, you've got it?
It is very very expensive.
And if you think I do not know what I have
You must think I was born yesterday.
You are just too much.
What's that supposed to mean?
Nothing at all.
Wait a minute.
You want to come here?
It was unforgivable.
I do not know why I said that.
I had to get my ring.
Got it back
You do not understand.
My husband would kill me!
I could never understand as
losing something so precious
Beautiful, value?
Beautiful, important?
It is very valuable.
Not so much.
Want one?
It's been a long day.
As... How many?
I can not talk business...
Ms. White
I, um... Rebecca is
And, uh, I'll pay, of course
I just get my ring.
Do not.
Oh, yes I will, actually.
Ever... You can stop and let
playing with things
No, I do not.
Why do you think I'm here?
Nothing will happen I do not want
But, unless you tell me
Otherwise, I will kiss you, Rebecca
That is... all
I can not.
He said he signed all because of a
internal investigation
He is trying to ensure that if,
Westridge amalgamated
have to file bankruptcy,
Westridge States
would not be affected.
If we proceed with this plan,
Do you understand what you are doing?
You will own the rights to vote
and monetary value of
Westridge together.
You must rely heavily on
He does.
But still be able to be CEO
and maintain their current lifestyle right?
In much.
But like the rest of the shares
most will be yours
and he will surrender
can not do anything.
Since we have exhausted all
I think it's time to tell the family
and loved ones
Once you reach
a certain progression
symptoms will go faster.
You will need to be prepared and
as the end is nearer
He will need help.
I promise I will do my best
to not have pain
I want to make tolerable as
I guess dad really does not respond
the question right?
But the only thing is you can answer
Is it worth to you?
Yes, of course it is.
What about Emily? You're not
in love with Janice, not so.
With Emily, you are the one for the other,
and Janice, she is...
Hey, we have a lot in common.
The only thing you have in common
is third generation, much wealth
You're not in suits and ties are more
flip flops and T-shirts
with the slogan dorky.
So do not do it if you're unsure.
is for the rest of your life.
I want you to be happy, that's all
Just remember not too late.
I have to say, Rebecca,
has balls,
I mean a solid cast iron
as a rock, lady balls
I am available.
Where is it?
I know.
For dinner mom loses?
Especially this one.
Did I hear my name?
You're not ready.
Janice, I'm sorry, honey.
um, something came up.
Order pizza, and, um, back in
a couple of hours
And Janice, tomorrow night, uh,
I arrange.
Uh, sorry.
I promise.
Tomorrow. um, fun.
Uh, yeah, do not know why not as
junk food.
Um, Aaron, I need you to call
Chez sous les meilleurs, okay?
Maybe we could order pizza?
I support pizza.
Concombres pinards and la grecque
with focaccia okay?
Okay, my need for protein
and I would fit in my Vera Wang
I have to make a call.
Well, honey.
Yes, Aaron, I like any kind of bread.
Fuck you.
Wow, Aaron.
So what was that?
The spinach salad.
I do not talk crazy.
I'm talking about mom.
That was weird.
Super rare.
It was exhausting.
Well, you and the diva will
so happy together
No, I hate my stomach.
I have not been to the gym for a long
I used to have a very good body before
of children and menopause
I never came across to you, though.
This does not mean anything
I... I hate it when I did this.
Why did you do that?
It was a birthday present from Mason.
loves perfection
thing we have in common.
I spent my whole life trying
from perfect
I never felt...
Good enough or
thin enough,
Pretty nice enough
All things...
we are not perfect
are what they do so well
about us
It's who you are, Rebecca.
You make me feel that way...
My beautiful girl.
It's official
It is so exquisite.
Well, is sexually satisfied.
Okay, okay.
I'm glad you're here.
I was not a fan.
I've corrupted
I hope you're proud
Well, I feel
I deserve to enjoy it
It's so bad.
We took our girl to school,
and has earned an outstanding diving lost
You know I love you, but always
've had a tree in your butt
I think what I say is my humble
Becks, is that... not only could
be more excited
Thank you.
I think I would like my children.
Jessica is my first.
Hank Aaron and I have.
Obviously Mason made
Baseball fans and Hank Aaron.
Byron is one of my favorite poets
Do you read for me please?
"'Go and ask Maude to get here
Never happened to her probably
My God, this act is over...
Our little secret, Maude. "
So where will this go?
I do not care...
first I will not look
a motive or a reason
I do, I'll just enjoy
until the last moment
Oh, my god
I missed dinner,
I have not even called
Oh, sorry.
Just... before you go, yo...
You are so amazing.
Oh, I'm in love
your mouth
They'll be worried.
Thank you, Paris.
Thank you.
I do not like mom has not called,
I'm starting to worry a bit
Yes, never lost the family dinner
Maybe... are together
No, find a way to
tell us something
So how should we act?
as if nothing had happened
Yes, I think we should not
say anything to mom.
Or Dad, until we say so
In accordance
Um, sorry.
I, um - I got stuck on the road
by accident and mobile without battery
I am - I, uh...
Does Papa is not with you?
Why? Are they not here?
No, and we all know why.
You all know what?
Give it to me.
Give it to me.
No, we draw conclusions
That can not be overlooked breast.
I was in the office looking potato
a document for tomorrow
I went through his desk and found this
I know I should not have, but...
has been having all these
work problems
He is trying to convert the company
and is succeeding
You know, that's what I thought was
I thought all-nighters
If, temperament, all day drinking
I mean, Mom, you know.
Let's calm down
I need to listen
You will not say a word
Did you know?
You will not say anything
I say very seriously
I'll talk to your father and...
Sure, you will speak to all
Do not say a word until
I have spoken to him. Is that clear?
This changes everything
You're right.
It will.
When did you know?
What do you mean?
When did you know?
Well, a few weeks ago
I went to see Dr. Weller.
Rebecca know what happens
I mean, for us, for family, for children
and the company, for the love of god
I think so.
So, yes, then.
Let's fix it then, right?
Let's fix it.
We'll fix it before it's too late
I hope you believe me and understand...
when I say I'm sorry
really sorry. Mason
But I think we both know...
It's too late.
He said it was cancer, and metastases
I can not believe this.
Honey, are you sure
But you need from us?
Help to keep us together
for them now
How many people can do?
Do not do that.
I know you do not like looking into,
but you can live differently
I mean, look at you.
Seriously, you're beautiful, you're smart,
you are a gem.
Why this?
I earn $ 200,000 a year clean.
I make my own schedule...
And I get to return.
I'm a little lost here.
No. What it means?
I want to know why you do this.
What are you doing here?
I want to know.
Please do not take this the wrong way,
I do not expect anything really
I just want you to tell me...
For once in my life...
and seriously.
We will have to go through.
Honey, it's time.
No, we're down here.
Just leave this place,
I thought maybe...
You need to tell what happened
Because if I'm with you, I am,
Like, very lost.
In fact look at the last group
tree ends there.
We must go investigate,
Do not you think?
We must go investigate right?
You had your chance.
You had your chance.
This is not about me, Rebecca.
I want to taste.
Oh, I love the way you smell.
You know, I've been working for
my five years
I've never seen that.
has not taken a client as
Six weeks?
And do not even try to tell me
you've been busy
because I know what I've been busy
Must stop now for your own good
I do not want to stop.
I know not.
But I've seen it happen so many girls
same in freefall
Not so.
It never is.
But it never ends well.
I have to.
Back, girl.
Damn, girl.
This work of art you do, Paris
is seriously impressive.
Was this what you used to do?
is a hobby.
I love this.
It's so cute.
Honey, this is not a hobby.
You're very talented.
I'm not kidding
Tell me.
Well... the point is...
the order of the points.
In itself...
What is true?
But when you put one here...
And here...
And here...
Everything is fun apparently...
life as disjointed pieces
Somehow, all
magically together
Each particle...
each part...
Everything comes together...
to create a complete picture.
He ordered me to give you this after
I'm sorry.
Who are you?
I have to say. In all years,
Never has perplexed me a customer so far.
Okay, so here's the truth.
I watch a lot of telenovelas.
So when I got your call,
First I thought: 'Oh,
must be Mrs. White devil ".
Or you were going to blackmail Valentina,
I do not recommend,
crazy bitch because it's legal.
My favorite is that you want to join
Valentina at club
Thank you.
I needed that.
And thanks for meeting me
What I can do for you?
When the time comes, I would
You give it to Paris.
is a gift.
She'll know what it means.
yes, but you see almost every day
Why not give it to you?
No, I...
I could see Paris in recent days
Ohh, fight lover.
Well, well, have you lost in the shadows?
I can not see you.
It drives me crazy.
Last night was really crazy
This is important.
I want her out.
Did you ever think that we
this because we like
we are proud of our work
we've had opportunities?
You, if...
But not Paris
You really care about her, right?
I'm in love with her.
Yes, you are.
But I hate to say,
It will not be the last.
I need to be his last client
She trusts you, Sylvie.
She trusts you, that it is
I will not see Paris again
He learned your husband, right?
Would you like soap operas?
I'm dying...
I have not much time, start
have some physical disorders
I do not want to see me like Paris
I want you to remember me well
Of course you do.
Remember the good things.
Okay, listen to me.
You have to say goodbye
You have to.
You know what.
Look, I know you're scared.
One can not simply
and I do not want you to worry
about Paris because I
be with her
I'm going to put on my
back pocket
Well? I take care of Paris,
You have to tell her
And not just for her...
But for you.
For you.
So, as we say in the business,
Women on Top.
I need to say goodbye.
What happens?
I love you.
If you really want this...
I'll have this.
I've wanted this all my life.
And I gave my
Hi, honey.
Are you okay?
See you at the house.
Your mother hired me to work
for you whenever you need me.
Uh, what's this?
Your mother remade his will
She was busy the
recent months.
All this will be clear when you
able to read through it.
Are you well?
I wanted to make sure that
you would not need anything.
She was sure that there would be some
rough feelings between them.
So to protect your contract
interests without differentiating
I've never known a woman with
more character than your mother
My sincerest condolences.
Are you okay?
I'll see you at home, okay?
"My dear Jessica..."
"My dear Jessica...
I know this can not erase the past,
but you can protect your future.
When your father signed his assets
I decided to redo my last will.
for my three children were equal
sharing the future as
true brothers
So what I could do in life,
Now what do I protect.
Just know
I am with you. "
"I love you...
mama ".
Oh, my god.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Ms. Scofield?
Are you the artist right?
Did you know?
But you know my mother.
I want to know
I want to know my mother.
Look, I feel like I want
chiaroscuro know their way
To know who ultimately became
and now Miss Scofield
in the center
What would you like to know?
Une petit mort.