Perfect Game, The (2009)

Fans here at Sportsman's
are glued to their seats
as the Cardinals and Dodgers
are even at two apiece.
Sal Maglie takes the sign
from Campanella. He winds up.
Here's the pitch! Whammo!
Musial's bat cracks off
at his fist
as he sizzles
one to Gil Hodges,
Musial is two for two!
Does anyone want a slightly used bat?
I... I was promised.
Promised? By who?
By Eddie Stanky.
Stanky's gone.
Mr. Tanner,
I've been working
on this shot for years.
You'll get other shots,
but this is the Majors,
and we need to bring in
somebody who's...
Who's what?
Not Mexican?
Look here,
when Stanky found you
you were a batboy
in San Antonio.
Hornsby hired you.
I didn't.
It's my team now, and
you'll do what you're told.
That's all, we're done.
I didn't get it.
Where you going?
Monterrey, Mexico.
That's where
my folks are from.
You don't know
anyone there.
Yeah, well I thought
I knew people here.
By the end
of the shift,
I want all
of this removed.
Hey you!
Boss needs
this slag cleared.
Sounds good. Why
don't you get it done?
Why don't you go
back to America?
I hear he can't.
Maybe he killed somebody.
You think you're better
than us, Mr. Baseball Man?
Look where it got you.
You'll never know what
it is to have anything
'cause you'll never
have anything to lose.
A few months ago,
his oldest boy was playing
at the Church of the Dead.
All of our boys did,
but his slipped and fell.
Our Father who
art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be
done, on Earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily
bread and forgive our trespasses
as we forgive those who
trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Today, we command the spirit
of Pedro Macias into Your hands.
In the name of the Father,
and the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Pedro was a good boy,
a very good boy.
By the end
of the shift.
You want someone? Take me.
These children
have nothing.
How can I give them hope?
Thank you.
And that's two outs!
Brooklyn Dodger fans are on their
feet for the rookie, Sandy Koufax.
The poor lanky kid who rose from the
streets of Brooklyn to the Major Leagues.
Koufax, studies the sign...
He winds up.
And here's the pitch.
Strike three! He's done it!
Koufax has just pitched
his first shutout,
allowing Cincinnati
only two hits!
What a performance, this kid has
champion written all over him!
Koufax studies the sign.
Mario! It's a Holy Day,
not a time for games.
If God didn't want us to play games,
he wouldn't have made them so
much fun! Right?
Will you shut him up?
I'm trying to sleep!
He has to practice
for choir.
Choir? You're turning
him into a woman.
You shut him up,
or I'll do it myself.
Why did you stop?
It's all right, Mama.
I'm finished.
Your Father's
not an evil man.
He just... can't
feel anymore.
Is he ever gonna get better?
I don't know.
Father Esteban says
anything's possible
with the help of God.
Ha! You're out!
I tipped it!
Boys. It's time.
Did so tip it.
Hodges steps up to the plate...
Do you think we have a chance?
Two outs, down by
three in the bottom of the 9th!
Enrique, I meant
this season.
You know the beautiful
thing about opening day
is today, every team
is in first place.
Yankees got lucky
last year.
Lucky? You call Don
Larson's perfect game, lucky?
What's a perfect game?
No runs, no hits, no walks.
No one
gets to first.
To me, baseball
is always perfect.
I imagine when you look
out from home plate,
the field
has no end.
And until the final out, you
can, you can play forever.
And only God can make
something infinite and eternal.
Snider hits a deep
fly ball! Back to the wall,
Our Dodgers have spirit.
And Duke Snider.
And that's why Yogi Berra says,
'It ain't over
'till it's over'
You're late.
The game went
into extra innings.
No. You're not on time
for dinner, you don't eat.
You got
chores to do.
Tonight you can
clean out the corral.
It's too filthy,
even for a pig.
When I was his age, I had to
help put food on the table.
You're not going
to find answers in there.
Where then?
God took my son.
He sacrificed his
only son! We have Angel!
Angel will never be
the son that Pedro was. Never.
Pedrol Pedrol
What are you doing?
I'm Sandy Koufax.
The pitcher.
Well, Koufax,
you just ruined
my siesta.
Koufax is a lefty.
And Jewish.
Yes. Yes. I'm Jew...
I'm Ju... Je...
Whatever you said.
Well, it hasn't
improved your aim any.
What do you know?
Hey, where'd you get this?
It... It's from God.
You best take
care of that.
Can I touch it?
Yes, of
course you can touch it.
It's heavier than I thought.
Let me see.
It's like
a woman's skin.
Father. What does it mean?
It means God wants
us to play baseball.
That's what
I think it means.
Me, too.
What happens
when we lose this one?
Is God going to drop
another one from the sky?
He's God. He can do anything.
Father, what
does it say?
It says it
belonged to a saint.
maybe next time you can
ask him to give us a bat!
You again.
Want to have a catch?
Okay, I guess
I'll just
have to practice
everyday by myself.
Every single day,
right here!
All right.
Just this once.
Then you have to promise me you're
going to pitch somewhere else, agreed?
Wow. Who taught
you to pitch?
In the Basilica?
Saint Louis.
The Saint Louis
That's right.
You played
in the Majors?
Well, sorta,
I... I coached.
I'm a Dodger fan.
Yeah, you're
Sandy Koufax.
Quiet! There she is!
My girlfriend.
Oh yeah? Then go talk to her.
I have to wait
for the right moment.
How about now?
Enrique, catch!
Oops. A little help, please!
Hi, Gloria,
such a surprise!
What is this?
I... I... It's a baseball.
A real one!
Are these
your friends?
We are his teammates!
Yeah, we're
a real baseball team.
Best in Monterrey!
You know, they told me Monterrey had
the most beautiful girls in Mexico.
Too bad for you, we're
on our way to America.
Yeah, too bad.
So Gloria, I was thinking,
I could, walk you home or something?!
Sorry, my father
picks me up.
Ooh! Popped up
to the catcher.
How embarrassing.
Who do you
think you are?
We're the
Mexico City All Stars.
Can you read?
Sons of gringo
Why don't you play
with Mexicans?
With babies,
like you?
Who are you
calling 'babies'? Dummy.
Come on, guys.
I'll never
get Gloria.
You're not worth getting
dirty over. We're going to America.
Sorry, but we need to make the team now.
Angel, what
is the hurry?
We're 12. See, we can't
play in the league next year.
Hmm. I see.
Well then, you'll
need a coach.
You could
be our coach!
No, not me.
You need somebody who knows
the game, not just stick ball.
I don't know anybody
like that in Monterrey.
I do.
What now?
We are making
a Little League team!
Who's we?
My friends
and Father Esteban.
You can meet
him tomorrow at Mass.
Church? I don't think so kid.
Do you like her?
I think you
are in love.
Nah, there's
plenty of fish in the sea.
Not like
that mermaid.
You know her?
No, but I know where
she'll be tomorrow morning.
Mea culpa Mea
culpa Mea maxima culpa
Father Esteban,
this is Cesar Faz.
Ah, yes.
Good morning, Father.
Angel tells me you used to coach
in the Major League Baseball.
Yeah, yeah, I did.
Well, it must have
been something.
It was something.
Yes, well, they would like
to have that same feeling, you know?
In the American Little League.
Mr. Faz, will you be our
coach? Will you take us to America?
It would take a miracle to make
these kids into a real team.
Sometimes, God gives us
the ability to make them.
These kids don't
even have a field.
Sorry, kid.
Couldn't pick a
place with more rocks, huh?
- We did it.
- Si.
Yeah, the infield.
What about the outfield?
Mr. Faz!
Want to have a catch?!
Well, we have a field.
Yeah. You got
a field.
Lucky. It's Cesar.
Cesar? How
the heck are you?
You still got your contacts
in Williamsport?
I need you to pull
some strings,
and help me get Monterrey
a Little League franchise.
Little League? I thought
you didn't like kids.
Well, you going to lecture
me or you going to help me?
You know that's a pretty tall
order this late in the game.
I watched you
deck a shore patrolman
and then sweet-talk him into
driving you back to your ship.
I know what you can
do on a one-day leave.
Oh, good, I didn't know
I had a whole day.
Holler when you're hurting.
Oh, I'm hollering.
Five skills in baseball.
Running, catching,
throwing, hitting,
and hitting harder.
They already know
how to do all these things.
They just need you to
tell them when to do them.
Um, thank you.
Oh, uh.
You shouldn't hold
that so tightly.
You'll bruise
the delicate fruit inside.
You were in church
on Sunday, right?
Yes, yes I was in church
on Sunday. That was me.
I'm Maria.
I'm Cesar Faz.
You, uh...
you buy food here?
Yes, Cesar
Faz, it's a food market.
And what
do you do here?
I'm here scouting
for the team.
Oh, what kind of team?
League baseball!
Here? In Monterrey?
First time
for everything, right?
Like Cesar Faz
coming to my church.
That's right. Yeah.
Well, that's all
I came for.
Yeah, we,
you and I,
uh, should go out?
Um, would you like to
join my family for dinner, tonight?
Yeah. Yeah. Tonight?
Yeah. That sounds
real nice.
7 o'clock.
What are you guys doing here?
Recruiting, remember?
I think Mr. Faz
has been recruiting.
Okay, okay, who
do we got?
That's Fidel Ruiz.
Man, that kid can run.
Tell him it's a sin
to steal.
Unless it's bases.
He's in.
How about that kid that murdered
that cardboard decoration?
He's the strongest
kid in town.
He's in. Okay. Angel,
Enrique, Ricardo, Fidel.
What about Mario?
Yes, yes, Mario's important.
He's pretty small.
Is he a great hitter?
Um, not so much.
Fantastic fielder?
Uh, not so much.
You got a great
arm, right?
Not so much.
Mr. Faz.
Why's he so special?
Because he knows all the girls.
Mario. You
got a glove?
Mario, you're in.
Okay, I want you
on the field in an hour.
What about the flowers?
Flowers? For what?
For Maria.
Maybe you didn't
hear that beauty,
just invite me to her house for dinner.
Where does she live?
Diego Martin number 5.
And don't forget
the flowers.
Dear Lord, bless these boys
and the field
on which they play
for your greater
honor and glory.
Father. Son.
Holy Ghost. Amen.
Does anybody know the
Holy Trinity of baseball?
The Father, The
Son, and The Holy Ghost.
Close. Home runs, RBI's,
and batting averages.
And they all revolve
around this.
Looking good, Pepe.
Who are you?
I'm Pepe Maiz Garcia.
I play left field.
But coach hasn't
made positions yet.
Well we'll see.
Boys, meet your
new left fielder.
You think your Dad
can buy your way onto the team?
Money isn't everything.
Yeah, well, you don't have
any. And you never will.
At least I'll always be
able to kick your butt.
All right everybody!
Heads up! Runner on first.
One out, play to second. Ready? Fidel.
What runner Mr. Faz?
There's no one on the base.
Yogi Berra said
Well I must be
to think that I could teach
you kids baseball in four weeks.
What happened?
You said Baltazar.
The unexpected play
at the unexpected time.
That's what we're
training for!
Nice play, girl.
Come on, you kids.
Keep it together.
Hey! Hey!
There's two
kinds of players.
Those who can play as a team and
those who won't be on this team!
You got
that! Alright.
Everybody, five laps.
It was their fight, we shouldn't
all have to run five laps!
Norberto's right.
Everybody, ten laps! Move it!
You all rise
and fall together!
What am I doing?
Again! Make sure you get it!
What are you doing?
Mr. Faz,
you have a date!
Get back to your
position! Go!
Anyone jogging's
going to make the whole team
run an extra
five laps,
and I know you
don't want that.
You want to be a champ,
you got to run like a champ.
Come on,
keep up, Ricardo.
Way to go, Norberto.
I don't know what men
do in America, but in Mexico,
they treat a woman
with more respect.
Practice ran late,
and running the boys...
Perhaps you
just forgot.
Mr. Faz, here are the flowers
you got for the lady yesterday.
You got this for me?
I... I know you told
me to put them in water,
a little wilted.
They're beautiful.
Um, Mario.
Your laps.
Oh! Because I didn't put the
flowers in the water, right!!
It's okay.
#Take me out
To the Ballgame #
#Take me out to the crowd #
#Buy me some peanuts #
#And cracker jack #
#I don't care
If I never get back #
#Let me root, root, root
For the home team #
#And if they don't win
it's a shame #
#For it's one #
#Two #
#Three strikes, you're out #
#At the old ball game #
#Yeah #
#Let me root, root, root
For the home team #
#And if they don't win #
#It's a shame #
#For it's one #
#Two #
#Three strikes, you're out #
#At the old ball game #
Now I have some
announcements to make,
thanks to your
continuing prayers,
Mrs. Montez's boils
have finally healed.
And Senora Santana,
has given birth
to triplets!
And lastly,
Monterrey, has just been awarded its
very first Little League franchise!
#For it's one, two #
## Three strikes,
You're out #
## At the old ball game ##
They're limping.
I made them wear their baseball
shoes for the past few days.
But their feet
will blister.
Better now
than at the field.
You're treating them like
you're still a manager
in that magic
league in St. Louis.
It's Major League,
Maria, Major.
Still, it seems
mean to me.
What's mean you is you not
going out to dinner with me.
Not until you meet
my Father, it's only proper.
We come back
from Texas on Wednesday,
tell him I'll meet him
that night, I promise.
Are they praying?
No, they're
watching that hummingbird.
I told them when they see
his wings they can hit any pitch.
You don't really believe
that, do you Father?
They do.
On the field!
Five minutes!
Nine of you boys
showed up
but only one team
is going to McAllen.
I got fourteen!
I'll make up the
two shifts next weekend.
Two shifts? And you'll
be back next weekend?
I will be back.
Stop filling
Angel's head with crazy ideas.
Like what?
Like going to Texas
to play baseball.
He needs to know
his place.
Like where, here? Working
the furnaces at Fundidora?
Fundidora feeds
my family.
My Father and Grandfather worked here,
and so will Angel.
Well maybe Angel's got his own
dreams, you ever think about that?
Dreams don't
build cities.
Men and iron do.
You make a very
handsome baseball star.
Where does he
think he's going?
To Texas with the team, remember?
I don't remember
saying you can go.
Papa, I'm going.
Why not?
One less mouth to feed for a few days.
Come on, we're late for the bus.
Purpose of your
visit to the United States?
Baseball game
in McAllen.
That's over ten miles away.
There's no bus stop here.
They're used
to walking.
Hey, empty those out!
One pair of
underwear, that's all they brought?
They only
got one game.
See that you don't
leave no one behind.
#To the
miracle of the light #
#From the darkness
Of the night #
#When you see forever #
#In everything you do #
Pepe, use mine.
#No matter what you dream
It is waiting there for you #
Good luck.
Don't forget,
it's only a three-day visa.
#Open your eyes #
#Awake and realize #
#That the journey
You must take #
#Is the miracle you make #
Listen up, y'all.
Here's the field where we're
going to kick some butt.
That's right!
What the...
They've never seen
mowed grass before.
Well, if that
don't beat all.
We going to play baseball with
them? Or use them as fertilizer?
They'll never get
past the first game.
Let's go.
Angel, Enrique, I want
you to line up right here.
Look at who we're playing.
It will be a good warm up for
the tournament.
Now listen, you both
worked really hard,
but only one of you
can start. You decide.
Hey, babies,
where's your pretty girl now?
You know what?
You start.
For Gloria.
Come here, boys.
Everybody join hands.
Holy cow, they're
holding hands.
They're saying
a prayer.
Lord, bless these boys,
let them come out victorious
and get a lot
of hits, okay?
They need to.
Enrique Suarez, delivers,
and Donowitz swings,
hits a high fly ball,
Pepe Maiz is under it and makes the catch!
Hey, coach!
Might want to remind
your boys
there's more than one
out in a baseball game.
It's their first rodeo.
They'll catch on.
laughing and shouting]
Bottom of the
fifth, and Veragosa digs in.
Time! What are you kids doing?
Take the base.
Monterrey's Coach
Faz is coming out to the mound.
We're playing a great game.
We're only losing by two runs.
The only word I heard in
that sentence was "losing."
They're bigger
than us.
bigger than us.
We walked 12 miles and played
five innings of baseball.
Lucky for you
there is six innings.
But Mr. Faz, they're
the Mexico City All Stars!
Wrong. They're
the Yankees.
And you're the mighty Brooklyn Dodgers.
The mighty who?
You heard me!
Gil Hodges,
get back
to first base.
Duke Snider,
center field.
Roy Campanella,
behind the plate.
Don Newcombe,
take the mound.
Pee Wee Reese?
Third base.
Strike Two!
Strike Three!
Side is out.
Top of the sixth,
Monterrey still down by two.
Three more outs, and Monterrey
Industrials will be going home.
Boy have the tables turned,
three more outs and it'll be the
Mexico City All Stars going home.
You're out!
Two outs, and Veragosa
is Mexico City's last hope, he
swings, he hits a high pop up.
No. I got it.
And Monterrey Industrial
wins their first game by 7 runs!
Now we play for Mexico.
We'll make your team proud.
Okay, then do it.
Mexico All Stars!
We are the Monterrey
Industrials! Viva Mexico!
It's a good thing
they're celebrating today,
because tomorrow they're
gonna face our Texas boys,
for some real
American baseball.
Alright, we got
a big game tomorrow.
I want you boys to rest
up, get plenty of sleep.
Oh, when did
this happen?
Last Saturday. On the
field, I stepped on a glass.
Oh! Does it hurt?
Why didn't you
tell anybody?
I was afraid you
wouldn't let me come.
You're not going to be
able to play on this foot.
Then I will play
on the other.
You'll play on the other.
It's okay, Norberto.
You'll be all right.
In case you
wondered what those things are
that I lugged from Monterrey,
they're called bats.
And if you want to put
numbers on that scoreboard,
these are your tools. Time
for some hitting drills.
Mr. Faz, the game is in one hour.
Well what a perfect time then. Come on.
Batting practice?
Who do y'all think you're
messing with here, huh?
Disinterested. No opinion.
Don't care. Request denied.
One more sec. Mac.
May provoke a nuclear
arms race in space.
Arms race in space?
Come on, Frankie. What's
next? Men on the moon?
It's good stuff, Mac.
Besides, it's my day off.
Yeah about that, I need you
to cover a Little League game.
Our team's got a chance
at the tournament.
A kid's baseball game? No.
Riley's your sports writer.
His wife's
expecting any minute.
Well what
about Hayne?
Got him working on the
Governor Daniels story.
Well, you got plenty of other
men on your staff, don't you?
I hear you know more about
the game than any of them.
Ain't you named
after a ballplayer?
I hate baseball.
What are you,
some kind of communist?
Yeah, you got me, that's why I
work here for next to nothing.
Fine. What's so
important about this game?
We got some boys
come up from Mexico
thought we'd play the
invasion angle, you know,
our boys defending what
their Granddaddy's fought for.
And what if
the Mexicans win?
ain't gonna to score a single run.
I did not study journalism to get
stuck on this back page assignment.
I'm not doing it,
and that's final.
That's fine, not everybody
is cut out for the Gazette.
Why don't you run out and get yourself
an apron, maybe, find a husband.
You know, you say that one more
time, I will punch you in the nose.
It's been awhile
since I fought a woman.
We're not in the same
weight class, I don't think.
3 o'clock.
McAllen field!
I take that as a yes?
Well, at least we know they
didn't bring any ringers.
Heck, they don't look
but nine or ten.
Hey guys,
see this thing!
Hey, come on, Jake,
give it back.
What do
you care?
There now, boys.
Sportsmanship. Come on.
Come on, get in there.
Let's go.
Remember, you're
the pitcher.
Birds and sky, the waters and
rivers, even the sun is going to wait,
'till you're ready,
Okay, Mr. Faz.
You can
do this, Koufax.
We're ready to get started
here on field one as Bobby Lampkin
will lead things off for McAllen
against Monterrey's Angel Macias.
Come on there, Billy!
That's all right.
That's only one strike.
Let's go, Billy!
Strike three!
That's only
one out.
Strike three!
Strike three!
Side out.
That's all right! That's
only one inning boys!
Come on boys, let's
get this one! Let's go!
Come on, boys.
They scored a run.
They scored again.
Well I'll tell you, these
Mexicans may have rolled all over the grass,
but they sure ain't
rolling over on the field.
Oh, tell me they're going
to stop scoring runs.
Don't worry.
Ain't no Mexican team
gonna take our flag!
That's right!
You can't be serious
letting a bunch of wetbacks
get the better of you!
We're doing
the best we can.
Well maybe that just ain't enough.
Hey boy! I'm talking to you!
Dad, I'm on deck!
Remember, boys! It ain't
over 'till it's over!
Strike three!
That's game.
No no no! It ain't
over! This ain't over!
It's over.
A combination
of clutch hitting,
and impermeable defense
led Monterrey Industrial
to an improbable
So there's your article.
I'm going home.
No, you're going
to stay with this story.
But the home team's out.
So? The wetbacks
winning sells more papers.
Can't be long, just
cover them 'till they lose.
Frankie Stevens,
McAllen Gazette.
No thanks.
I'm not selling them.
I'm a reporter.
Cesar Faz.
What are you
gawking at?
I didn't know there were
female sports reporters.
You must be pretty
unwelcome in the locker room.
And beating the home team
makes you about as popular
as a skunk
at a lawn party.
Well I'd rather
smell than lose.
Maybe you can do
both tomorrow.
You mind if I ask
them a few questions?
They don't
speak English.
How come the kids keep
saying 'Gil Hodges'?
And he just told those
girls that he's Duke Snider.
That's their
secret weapon.
What is? But...
Everybody gather round.
We're tired, Mr. Faz.
Can we sleep?
Well, if you
lose tomorrow
you'll get plenty of
sleep on the bus home,
now gather round.
Now base hits
to the right,
shortstop covers
second base. Mario.
He's out.
Man! Come on.
Texas just
can't get it going here.
Strike three,
that's game.
Are you kidding me?
That's 3
straight wins for Monterrey.
I don't envy West Waco who'll
try to stop them tomorrow.
Why the long face?
Our visas
have expired.
Oh my gosh,
it's Wednesday.
She's gonna kill me.
'The Little Giants. '
Nice touch.
'The little giants from
Monterrey beat West Waco
'and Brownsville by the
scores of 13-1, and 6-1,
'giving them five
straight victories.
Now it's off to Corpus for
these Mexican baseballers. '
For someone who hates baseball
you sure have a way with it.
You got your story,
Mac, now leave me alone.
Why are you looking at me like that?
Christie, huh?
No! That's where
I draw the line!
Just 'till
they lose.
You said that four games
ago! They're not cooperating.
People are glued
to the sports page.
You know, if it's so good,
why don't you cover it?
I sign
your check.
Remember. Me editor. You writer.
Consider that
a bonus.
Don't spend it
all in one place.
Listen to this.
Steel won't wait.
Let's go.
Let's go.
' Corpus Christie,
Texas. August 6th.
'The pitching duet of Enrique
Suarez and Angel Macias
'continued its
winning streak.
' Laredo was the first
to fall in a 5-0 shut out,
'West Columbia fared even
worse, shut out by six runs! '
To America they go!
Can I help you?
Eleven tickets
to Forth Worth, please.
I got reservations here
under the name 'West Columbia.'
Trust me, they
won't be coming.
Mr. Faz!
Me and Berto have
to go to the toilet!
I might get the restroom key, please?
There's one about
a half mile up the road.
You're kidding. Well, what
about that restroom out there!
Can't your boys read?
Come on. We'll find another one.
There's only
this one.
It's not working.
We saw
a man come out.
Come on,
just go.
This for white
people only.
How does
the toilet know?
#If you wanna
live it up And drive a limousine #
#Have plenty money
In your blue jeans #
#And lot of pretty women
Hangin' on your wing #
#Pay attention man, You
will get just What I mean #
#You gotta dig boy,
Dig boy dig-dig boy #
#Dig boy, dig dig boy #
#Dig boy, dig boy, dig boy
To get ahead in the world #
#Gotta stretch All your
nickles, Dimes and pennies too #
#Ole mother nature
'll get the best of you #
#A time to change,
You better get wise #
#Or you'll Find yourself a-slippin'
Like a lot of other guys #
## If you don't dig boy ##
You sure you
don't want the chicken?
It's my
mom's specialty.
I'll stick
with the cheeseburger.
Maybe Cleon wants
the fried chicken.
Like the Mexican kids
we're gonna whoop tomorrow.
So that will be cheeseburgers,
Coke, and a side of humble pie.
Hey, you're killing my chicken.
They're, uh, making mole.
It's a Mexican chocolate sauce.
Mole, schmole, I ain't letting
them make sundaes out of my chicken.
Hey, Father.
Why is that kid
sitting alone?
Well, Enrique,
some people don't believe
that we are all His children.
Mr. Faz.
Go ask the coach if
the boy can sit with us.
In this town, it
ain't happening. Sorry, Angel.
What is
your name?
Cleon, this
is Mario and Norberto,
Ricardo and Fidel.
Milk. "Leche".
"Leche." Yes.
Yes. "Leche."
One moment.
It's okay, here.
Keep it, coach.
It's gonna cost you money. I can't.
Don't worry
about it.
I'm planning on charging
that Houston coach double.
Holy Mole!
This ain't bad.
Thank you, now.
Come on, boys!
#Well, I may be little,
And I sure ain't rich #
#But like a
Louisville slugger #
#Well, rockin', rockin'
Across the Rio Grande #
#Yeah, rockin' across Texas,
Rockin' to the promised land #
#Yeah! #
What happened?
Well ladies and
gentlemen, not since the Alamo
have the Texans suffered such a
defeat at the hands of the Mexicans.
Pitchers Suarez and Macias cut a swath
of victory through the Lone Star State.
Most recently
besting Houston 6-4,
and bulldozing Waco 13-1,
for their 8th
and 9th straight victories.
Next up, the Southern
Regional Tournament.
The Yellow Rose of Texas
is smelling a little sweeter
south of the border tonight.
Senora Macias!
Angel won again!
Now they're going to
Louisville, Kentucky!
That's so far away.
My son Enrique scored three goals!
Senora Suarez,
runs not goals.
Ah, runs, goals,
they still count!
Okay boys, pick
a bunk and gather round.
What's that?
It's a telegram.
What's a telegram?
It's a special
written message
and it's delivered to your
door, no matter where you are.
What does
it say Mr. Faz?
Well, look at this.
It's a special invitation.
We're gonna to get a tour of the
Louisville Slugger Bat Factory!
Our largest bat ever,
was made just for,
Mr. Babe Ruth.
It all started...
our founder turned
a bat in his carpentry shop,
and the rest,
is history.
I have a very
special surprise.
We have two Major League
players here to sign their bats!
Would you boys
like to meet them?
Great! They're with the
Saint Louis Cardinals!
Maybe you
coached them.
Hey, guys.
It's the Mexican.
Hey! Bring us some towels.
And while you are at it, my
jock strap needs a washing.
Take these boys
to the gym.
But the tour's not
over yet.
No, the tour's over.
Let's go.
Last stop.
That's Faz
with a Z, right?
That's a Mexican name.
As in coach Faz
of that Mexican team.
Spike, get on that radio.
I think it's time
to play ball.
Hey, Madge.
Father, tell us a story.
A story?
Yes. A good one!
A story!
And a good one huh?
Okay, well which good
one do you want to hear?
The miracle of Guadalupe.
Ah, that's
a very good story.
Well, shortly after
Montezuma's empire fell,
a young Aztec peasant name Juan Diego
was baptized
in Lake Texcoco.
and one day, Juan Diego
was crossing a hill
and the Dark Virgin,
appeared to him
and said, "I am truly
your Merciful Mother. "
Ah, I've heard
that story before, Father.
It was the peasant
who became a saint!
I've heard that
fairy tale many times.
Let me tell you something
boys, it's, it's all a lie.
No, you're
the lie.
Angel. Cesar
is your coach.
Coach, Father? Coach?
I never asked to be their coach.
That's enough Cesar.
Let's go take a walk,
get some
fresh air, okay?
I never asked to be
these kid's coach!
It's okay, boys.
Why you mock Juan
Diego? In front of the boys!
I guess I just
don't believe
the meek win because
they're pious, Father.
What really happened
in Saint Louis?
I was the
clubhouse attendant.
For years
I bit my tongue
picking up their soiled
towels, jock straps.
Having to sleep on the bus
because they wouldn't let me
sleep in the same
hotel as them.
And I even took it
when they called me
the Mexican.
Okay. Story checks out.
But what about your friend
and the boys in there?
They're with me.
I'm asking about their paperwork.
It's expired.
Then they's
going home.
These boys, uh,
boys are playing in the Southern
Regionals in the next two days.
Isn't that
right, Father?
Yes. Two days.
Without their visas Hope they're
fixing to play it in Mexico.
We'll be back. 'Till then,
they under house arrest!
Don't try
and hide them.
Hide a Mexican baseball
team in Kentucky!
Thank you!
First thing
in the morning,
I'll call the embassy in Mexico City.
They're not going
to care Father.
Well you have
to have a little faith.
Maybe it's better
this way, then,
we just go
home undefeated.
What makes you think
they are going to lose?
All dreams
come to an end.
Yeah yeah. Go say goodnight to the boys.
All right? And try not
to throw up.
Give me five minutes to
say goodbye to the Mexicans.
You're gonna be Biloxi's most
valuable player.
The stick!
Captain Slater come in.
Hey, Madge.
Let the Mexicans go.
What? Hold...
I just got a wire.
Hey, Captain
Slater, got to let them go.
Are you kidding me? I'm the
police chief of this here county,
who is gonna
tell me what to do?
Secretary of State,
Washington DC.
Visas extended for 9 players
and only one coach,
this is ridiculous.
I have a flock to tend to
back in Monterrey,
I can do more good
for the team back there.
What am I gonna do?
You're their coach.
Coach them!
I must say my
goodbyes to them.
Don't, uh, don't tell them
about me and Saint Louis.
I won't tell them.
Because you will.
Boys, come, gather round.
Whoa, hold it boy.
You got a tell.
Tell who what?
A tell, you're giving
your pitches away.
Hey, hey, what don't
you mind your own business, huh?
Last thing I need
is my boys
taking baseball advice from
some old grounds-keeper.
All right, throw the
ball like I told you!
We're about to kick off the
Southern Regional here in Louisville.
Play ball!
Monterrey! Where's
your lead off hitter?
Hey, what the
blazes is going on here ump?
Monterrey Coach,
come here.
You know I don't know how
y'all start a game down there in Mexico,
never been there, never
wanted to go,
but I'll tell you what, we
just got us two words here,
'play' and 'ball' and
he's already said them.
I don't suppose,
you have a priest?
Why, somebody dying?
They won't play
without their blessing.
Hell, ain't
that something?
Your fixing to forfeit.
Look, um, why don't you just
go talk some reason into them.
Reason with these guys?
See what
you can do.
No foolin', boys,
you want to lose and go home,
I'm not going
to argue with you.
You lost our priest,
you fix it.
They won't budge.
Well, there you have it,
rule 12 paragraph
nine, forfeit.
I got a
nephew that's a minister,
does that count?
Doesn't look to me like you got a
kid on this team, grounds-keeper.
Now this
is a steaming pile, ump.
Now this is baseball,
this is America's game,
not some church service.
what's your name?
Hicks, Sam Hicks.
'Today in Louisville,
'Coach Sam Hicks
'declares baseball
bigger than God.
I did not say that, you know
dad-gam well I didn't say that,
but rule 12, paragraph 9, must
field at least 8 players or forfeit!
Now I demand
that you...
You ain't demanding
nothing on my field!
Now you take
a time out!
I'm demanding.
Go get that
nephew of yours.
Let's try and have
ourselves a ball game.
Hey, so what happened to the
priest you were traveling with?
I told him not to drink the water here.
Any particular blessing?
'You're loving kindness,
is great
above the heavens,
with God, we will
gain the victory
and he will trample
down our enemies. '
Come on. Come on.
Coach, were your boys really
going to forfeit this game?
Oh, yeah.
Whoo whee! Now that's what
I call a dedicated flock.
Strike three!
Thank you.
Biloxi, go, Biloxi!
We would have
won this game
if it wouldn't have been
for that nosy colored guy.
He wasn't the one who
scored 13 runs against us.
my son.
What have I done?
You have given
your hearts and your prayers
and now I must ask
you to give even more
so that our boys
can continue.
Whatever you can spare will
make a difference. Thank you.
With runners on first and
second, who takes the cut off to home?
Good to see you again, Cesar.
Good to see
you, Clarence
I'd like for you to meet
my wife, Mrs. Rose Bell.
Pleasure, Misses
Rose Bell.
Likewise. Why don't you
have them bring me their uniforms
and I'll take them
home and wash them.
I have 7 brothers, and
I done raised 5 boys of my own,
y'all ain't got nothing
I haven't seen before.
Don't make me count to three up here.
That's right
Come on now.
Okay, that's right!
Bring me these dirty clothes
so I can take them home for you.
There you go. Okay now.
I'm going to take these home
and I'm going to wash them
for you. Get that for me baby.
Thank you.
You're welcome, baby.
Now, can anybody tell me
who takes the cutoff to home
with runners both on
first and second?
At least he can't make us
go outside and run laps.
Play ball.
Don't try and win the game
with one swing.
The goal is to make the rally last
as long as possible, you got that.
Like kissing a girl.
Except, don't
close your eyes.
You think you know a
lot about women, huh?
I know that you have to
try harder to win Maria.
Strike one.
I stood her up twice,
it's... It's over.
Strike two.
That's two strikes,
you get three.
Love ain't like baseball.
Yes, it is!
Suarez sure
got a hold of that one.
Go Enrique!
It all comes
down to clean up hitter
Clyde Conner, with two
outs in the last inning.
Clyde's a switch hitter,
he's been highly effective
batting lefty against
right-handed pitchers.
Well, I'll be darned, that
there kid is one of those amphibians.
You mean abydocktrias, stupid.
Well, Clyde hits
just as good from either side.
Come on Clyde, get it done.
pick a side.
Yes, sir.
going to the World Series!
Pepe, you didn't make
your cut off in the sixth.
But the run
didn't score.
Yeah, but
it could've.
And Enrique, you back up
your plays to the plate.
Berto you make sure
you cover Ricardo.
You mean I got to run with
the batter to first base?
You know, Berto just gave me an idea.
Let me guess,
ten laps.
Ten laps and an hour of fielding!
Go on! Move it!
Go on, Ricardo.
Looks like you boys are
on the way to Williamsport.
I meant to thank you for
working with my boys yesterday.
You must learn a lot about
baseball working here.
My uncle is Cool Papa Bell. He played
for the Monarchs in the Negro Leagues.
The fastest man in baseball.
He coached Jackie Robinson.
He coached Jackie Robinson?
Yeah, we roomed together
when we was on the road.
Jackie said my uncle was so fast,
when he turned off the light,
Cool Papa was in the bed
before it got dark.
You know, this is the best-coached
team I've seen since the Monarchs.
This is for you.
What's this?
We took up a
collection in the church,
that's for you
and the boys.
Why are you doing this?
Well lets
just say that, uh,
you and I both know what
it means to be underdogs.
My Grandmother always
told me that God works his miracles
through the meek, not the
mighty. The Monterrey Industrials
are proving her right. But you won't
see me in church praying this week,
you'll see me at Williamsport, Pennsylvania
for the Little League World Series.
You got that Mac?
I got it.
Great job, kid.
Riley'll take it from here.
What? We must have
a bad connection.
I said no, Mac.
You're out of your league.
Maybe but this
is my story.
Riley is a sports writer,
you hate baseball, remember?
Well you tell Riley to just
stay home and enjoy his newborn.
How bout' you tell him yourself
when you get back to the office?!
Clarence, where
you going in that old thing?
I heard there was a team that
needed a lift to Williamsport.
That's so nice of you, I don't
know if we'd be able to pay you.
Well, you just keep your boys from throwing
up on my bus and we'll call it even.
Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
You ain't going on my dime.
Oh, I'll find a way.
Mighty long walk in heels.
I was, uh, thinking
of taking a bus.
Bus? What bus...
Now I don't mind
you getting beat here, okay?
But don't lose
up here. Got it?
Pepper time!
Ugh. What...
The unexpected play
at the unexpected time!
Uh-oh. At
least he can't make us
run laps on a bus!
#Now, if you love me,
Let's please don't tease #
#If I can hold you
Then let me squeeze #
#My heart
Goes round and round #
#You leave me #
## Breathless ##
American are so rich.
They throw away
their money.
It's wishing well.
You throw in money,
and you make a wish.
It's silly.
What do you think
she's wishing for?
Oh, I don't know, health,
kids, could be a bunch of things.
Maybe you could
wish for Maria.
Look you're not going to get
something just cause you wish for it.
But it doesn't
hurt to try.
What are these for?
All the teams have to wear the
uniform representing their region,
there are no exceptions.
I think they're going to
prefer the ones they came in.
Mr. Faz, look at this.
Yeah, all right, they
can wear the one they came in.
take your seats please.
If you want to get
settled in, we'll begin.
This has truly become
an international series,
and we'd like to welcome the gentlemen
representing the Mexican delegation.
Alrighty then, any questions, gentlemen?
Did the teams pass
their physicals?
Dr. Archer has finished
his examinations
and given them all
a clean bill of health.
Even the Mexican team?
Well they do weigh
about 35 pounds less,
and stand about six
inches shorter,
but in every other way, they're
are the same as the American kids.
Coach Faz, are your boys concerned about
how much larger the American kids are?
Well, let me
ask them.
Cesar) He says, 'We're only here
to play them, not carry them. '
Now as you guessed,
today's game is postponed,
but our local weatherman has assured
us a good day for baseball tomorrow.
Now the semi finals, will
be played in a double-header,
the new schedule, you'll
find it inside your programs.
Is it possible to switch the
games, my boys can't play at 2: 30.
Well, why not?
It's their siesta time.
Any more
questions? Yes, sir.
Everybody knows what time
Mexicans take their siestas!
They just trying...
I heard all that stuff in there, too.
You just got
to let that go.
You know my best friend
Jose was killed in Iwo Jima.
Saved an entire platoon,
but it wasn't good enough.
They buried him in his hometown
cemetery because he wasn't white.
My daddy was lynched.
You can't run away
from that Cesar.
But also, you can't pick a fight
every time somebody calls you a name.
Now you and your boys
are making a difference.
Yeah, for a few
parents at home.
Even to the white folks.
It was a pleasure gentlemen.
Leaving so early,
Ms. Frankie?
Got a story to work on, it's
about Jim Crow and baseball.
That'll ruffle
a few feathers.
I bet the editors will have
something to say about that.
Already has. I told him
he prints this story,
or I'll see to it
somebody else does.
Good luck with that
story Miss Frankie.
Don't even say it.
Cesar, you should start Angel
tomorrow. He's the stronger pitcher.
Yeah, well it's
Enrique's turn.
Cesar, no foreign team has
every made it to the finals.
If he wins,
they'll make history.
You'll be guaranteed a trophy.
Angel is your best chance.
Yeah, well, we've been doing pretty
good on this rotation. Thanks.
Maybe we didn't make
ourselves clear.
We're not asking you.
I'm thinking
about starting Angel.
Why, Mr. Faz?
Well, no foreign team has
ever made it to the final,
so I just, uh,
want to give it our...
Look this is my team, and
you'll do what I tell you to do.
this is isn't
about feelings Enrique!
It's all
about feelings.
Don't tell me
you, too.
jock strap needs a washing.
It's not about feelings.
It's all about feelings.
Chico, bring us some towels.
You don't
like picking up towels?
Maybe you'd be more comfortable
picking lettuce out of a field.
Welcome to Williamsport
and the home of Little
League baseball,
where the opening game
of the 1957 World Series
between Monterrey Industrials
and the Power House Sluggers
from Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Baltazar right
field. Pepe left field.
Mario second base.
Angel shortstop.
Well what are
you looking at?
Get out there
and start warming up.
Yes, Mr. Faz.
I'm pitching!
I'm pitching!
Cesar, I thought
we told you...
When I die and you're coach,
you get to make the line up.
You put in Angel
or we will...
You'll what? You'll
get me fired? Too late.
Or we will tell
them the truth.
Yeah, we know
about Saint Louis.
Cesar, think
of the children, huh?
I see.
So you better go tell the
umpire there's been a change.
Hey, ump.
What are those fans
doing on the field?
Hey, anybody not in
uniform clear the field immediately.
You don't understand, we are
with the Mexican delegation.
Well, I don't care
if you are with Elvis Presley.
Clear my field!
They're right, you know.
You should pitch Angel today.
Always go
with your best.
What are you
doing here?
It's baseball.
It's a World Series,
only in America.
Well, I'd say it's good
to see you, but it isn't.
Oh, come on, Cesar, its
water under the bridge.
Some things never change.
You took everything
too personally,
pro baseball
is business.
Really? What business
got you here?
No, I'm here
to scout you.
You're causing
quite a stir
and boys upstairs
figured anybody
could bring these kids this
far might deserve a second look.
And we'll see if you
can win a big game.
Go get 'em, firecracker.
All right everybody,
inside the dug out.
Everybody, gather round.
I got a confession
I want to make you boys.
I n Saint Louis, I, uh,
in Saint Louis I, I wasn't
exactly, uh, a coach.
I uh,
wasn't even
an assistant coach.
I was, uh,
I was a towel boy.
We knew.
You knew?
Can we play
baseball now?
Yeah. Let's play some
baseball. Balt. Grab your bat!
Top of the sixth
and it's deadlocked 1 to 1.
Baltazar slaps one
into right.
Ruiz rounds second.
Coach Faz tries to hold him but
Ruiz takes off for the plate.
Who told you to do that?
You did.
No, I didn't.
Yes, you did.
The unexpected play
at the unexpected time.
Monterrey, struggling to hold
on to a one run lead in the last inning.
With a runner in scoring position, a
hit here could win it for Bridgeport.
Enrique winds up,
and here's...
Why'd you turn off the radio?
We're working!
It's the World Series!
I n America!
My boy is pitching!
I don't care.
Get back to work.
Jimmy Carterola steps in with
two outs with runners on second and third.
He's two for two with a double and
a monster home run in the third.
Walk him?
Not a chance.
Did you see his
last two bats?
Yeah, I saw them,
and he can sure hit.
But he's thinking something
that everybody else is thinking,
the intentional walk.
Poor batter.
With first base open,
Cesar Faz will definitely
have Enrique walk Carterola.
He's not going to pitch
to him with an open base?
He's insane.
Enrique Suarez digs in.
A hit or an out will send one
of these teams to the finals.
Enrique, pauses on the mound.
He gets the sign
from Norberto.
Here's the wind up.
Strike one!
That's a bonehead
move right there.
It's as if Enrique is saying, if
you're going to beat me, beat my best pitch.
You know if I
was their coach,
I never would have
pitched Enrique today,
and I certainly would've
walked Bridgeport's biggest
slugger with an open base
that's textbook stuff.
Lucky for Monterrey, I
wasn't their coach. You were.
What are the odds of Carterola
lining one up the middle?
That decision took guts,
but hey, it paid off.
Yes, it did.
Yes, it did.
You really
impressed the brass.
Let's talk next week.
Who was that man?
He's with the
Saint Louis Cardinals
So you're
leaving us?
Of course not.
Not right now.
Why? After all
they've done to you?
It's what I've always wanted Angel.
A job?
No. Respect.
We gave you that before we were winning!
Let's go!
Whoa Whoa Whoa?
A telegram?
I always been
meaning to ask,
why the 108th Psalm?
I think they
want a pre-game pep talk.
Padre Esteban sent you boys a message
of encouragement. I got his words,
right here. He wrote this in Louisville
and asked me to read it to you
all if you reached the finals,
so, here it goes.
Father Esteban here boys,
when you take to the field
today, think of Juan Diego,
and remember after the
Bishop threatened him,
he ran away, lost his
woman, and hid in a bottle.
It was the bottom
of the ninth with two outs,
and even though Juan Diego
tried to blame the ump,
and stall the big game,
he crossed that hill,
and scored the winning
run. Became a hero.
And like him, if you
keep your faith in God,
He will help you show La Mesa
what you all are made of.
How did Father know we
were going to play La Mesa?
He's a man of God, stupid, he knows!
He's a man of God.
Alright! Let's go get them!
That Father of yours
sure has a way with words.
The team from
Monterrey, south of the border
is the youngest,
lightest, and smallest team
to ever play in the annual
Williamsport classic.
Like David and Goliath,
the two captains shake hands
at home plate as their teammates
take their final warm ups.
Papa. That's him,
that's Cesar Faz.
He looks so small. He
looked taller in church.
Everyone's at the field,
to hear the game,
please! One day!
You're this close to being
fired, now get back to work!
How you feeling?
I've never pitched in front
of so many people in my life.
What people? All I see is
you and me having a catch.
Get 'em.
Mr. Faz.
I just arrived from Mexico this morning,
I'm here to broadcast the game in
Spanish. I have something for you.
You're welcome.
That's from Father Esteban. By
the way, you're doing a great job.
You're welcome.
The umpire
signals for the last warm up pitch,
nearly 16, 000 fans
in attendance at Williamsport
for the World Series
between La Mesa California
and that surprising team
from Monterrey, Mexico.
La Mesa has
crushed every challenger in its path,
and in today's final showdown, you
know they'll be ready to go to war.
They're eager to end
Monterrey's improbable journey.
Now, please remain standing
for the Mexican National Anthem.
Play ball!
Louis Riley, La Mesa's
pitcher, steps into the batter's box,
at five nine and half, he'll be the
tallest pitcher Monterrey has ever seen.
Angel Macias studies the
sign, winds up and delivers
the first pitch
of the 1957 Championship.
Riley takes ball one.
Angel back to pitch again,
here's Angel's second delivery.
Riley swings,
he hits one sharply
towards right field,
it's caught!
That ball would have surely
gone to the wall for extra bases,
what a start
to today's game.
This is not right
boss! It's the final game!
It's for
the championship!
Macias! Where
are you going?
I'm going
to a ball game!
You get back to your
station now! Or you're fired!
Our sons, are
playing baseball!
Toby fouls that one
back leaving the count at 1-2.
Angel, back to pitch again,
here is his delivery.
Toby swings and misses,
that is strike three.
Curveball completely fooled
him and La Mesa batters go down
in order here
in the first inning.
Did you save
me a seat?
What are you
doing here?
I wouldn't miss
this for the world.
You're going
to lose your job.
Not today.
Come on.
Strike three!
Quite the pitchers
duel here this afternoon.
As Louis Riley
and Angel Macias,
neither one of those pitchers
giving the batters much to hit.
A scoreless
game so far, but amazing,
Angel Macias and his band
of pint sized giant killers
haven't allowed a single La
Mesa batter to reach first base.
By hook or crook,
by hit, walk or error.
Bottom of the fifth
here at original Little League field.
The game is still
deadlocked as Ricardo Trevino
will lead things off
for Monterrey.
Go get 'em.
Ricardo steps
into the batter's box,
Riley readies to pitch,
as Ricardo squares to bunt,
he's hit by the pitch!
Ricardo falls to the ground after
taking a fastball right in the back.
He's up, he seems to be okay.
Rico, walks slowly to first,
so far, Monterrey is the only
team to get runners on base.
But they haven't been able to
capitalize on those chances yet.
That will bring up
Baltazar Charles.
You need to bunt the ball perfectly
so Ricardo can get to second base.
Baltazar is one of
Monterrey's best power hitters.
Riley pitches and Baltazar
lays down a perfect bunt.
Riley fires to second
but not in time
to catch
a hard sliding Ricardo.
Okay here's the plan,
hit the ball, hit it hard.
One of you is
going to win this.
Angel Macias steps in
with a runner in scoring position.
Angel hits a deep fly ball.
Back, back, back, oh!
Oh, he makes
a fantastic catch,
over his shoulder, and the
runners will have to hold.
Pepe Maiz is next
for Monterrey.
Takes a called strike one.
Riley delivers high
for a ball.
Pepe swings he sends one
sharply into left center
for a base hit,
Ricardo is rounding third.
Go! Go! Go!
The throw comes in from left,
it's a perfect throw.
You're out!
He's nailed at the plate.
What a throw!
That play could have just
saved the game for La Mesa!
What a missed
opportunity for Monterrey.
Mario chops one to third,
keeps Baltazar from scoring
Monterrey has loaded
the bases.
Lou Riley is still one batter from
pitching himself out of this jam.
Enrique Suarez is in a slump.
Hitless in his last
five at bats.
Strike one!
Strike two!
A mighty cut but just
misses it for strike two.
La Mesa's outfield
isn't taking any chances.
Riley will be coming
in with the heat.
When you can see
the wings of the hummingbird,
you can hit any pitch.
Enrique Suarez has
just taken a Lou Riley fastball
into downtown Williamsport.
A monster grand slam.
Go! Go! Go!
One by one, his
teammates cross home plate.
Go! Go! Go!
We are truly
witnessing baseball's version
of David and Goliath
here this afternoon.
That's my son!
Monterrey Industrial has
beaten incredible odds just to get here,
so many times
they've faced elimination,
now with one swing, Enrique
Suarez has brought them
to the brink of the greatest
upset in Little League history.
Fidel pops out
to finally retire the side.
The fate of the game now rests on
the pitching arm of Angel Macias.
Come on boys, last inning, let's
make it happen. Keep focused.
An amazing turn
of events in the fifth inning,
it's Monterrey who takes
the field ahead, 4-0.
Angel! You're
pitching a perfect...
The other team hasn't
gotten anyone to first base,
that's a perfect...
Listen, nobody says a single
word to him about this, nobody.
Everybody got that?
Alright, come on,
let's make it happen.
Monterrey's defense
can win this if they can hold on,
but an even more amazing story
is unfolding here at Williamsport.
Sixty feet to first base, that's all
that separates Angel Macias from history.
You realize Angel
is pitching a perf...
If any La Mesa player
can make it to first base safely,
they'll ruin it for Angel Macias's
bid for baseball immortality.
Who will be the spoiler?
The first hitter swings
at Angel's first pitch,
it's a towering pop up.
Enrique Suarez makes the catch
and fires the ball
back into the infield.
Fred Shweir will be
pinch hitting for Bobby Brown,
Shweir, hits a weak infield grounder.
No one is covering first base!
There goes the perfect game!
Wait! Norberto came out
of nowhere to make the tag!
Alright! Yeah!
Norberto! Alright!
Runner is out!
I have never seen
a Little League catcher
trail a runner down to first! Now
that is great coaching right there!
That is
great coaching!
Berto! You saved the day!
I just didn't want to run
any more laps, Mr. Faz.
One more round.
I don't remember
saying you could go.
Papa, I'm going.
Ball one.
Ball two.
Ball three.
What pressure
this young boy must be feeling.
The weight of a World
Series Championship,
and the chance
for perfection.
Are you gonna
take me out?
We didn't come this far to
quit on each other, did we?
What does it matter?
You're leaving us anyway?
counting on you.
No, no,
not everyone.
Oh yeah,
name one person.
My papa,
he's ashamed of me.
I forgot to give
this to you.
Where did you get this?
Your father sent it,
and he's very
proud of you.
Let's play ball!
Coach, I don't mean
to interrupt your little chat,
but there's 16, 000
and one of us,
who think there is a
baseball game going on here.
Play ball!
You can do
this, Koufax.
I'm not Sandy Koufax,
I'm Angel Macias.
It's 3-0, and
there's no room for error.
Macias winds up,
he splits the plate
for strike one.
Angel's teammates get set,
they know what's at stake.
Strike two!
Angel! Angel!
Come on!
Angel! Angel!
Strike three!
That's it! We won!
We did it! We did it!
Who took my cigars?!
You still
looking for that angle?
Well here it is, you don't
win the game out there,
you win it right
in here.
That's not the only
game played there.
You take care, Cesar.
Excuse me.
Mr. Faz.
I believe I got
something to say to you.
I feel the same way.
You do?
At first, I was angry,
but then, my father
got your telegram,
and he said,
we were going
to Williamsport
The unexpected play.
At the unexpected time!
Telegram, yeah! Okay.
Finally, Mr. Faz,
I'm honored to meet you.
It's an honor
to meet you.
Monterrey's Angel Macias
pitched his team to victory
setting down 18 batters in a row.
A perfect game.
The little tykes from Mexico
are the first foreign team ever to
win Little League's highest honor.
Four weeks ago these kids
walked across the desert,
but now that they're champions,
they're not going to have to walk home.
First stop, Ebbets Field, as the
guests of the Brooklyn Dodgers,
where they rubbed shoulders with the
real Roy Campanella, and Duke Snider.
Even Stan the Man Musial takes
a pitching type from Angel Macias.
If meeting the Brooklyn
Dodgers wasn't enough,
the boys
were invited to the home
of the biggest baseball fan
in the free world,
Mr. President Eisenhower.
Even Ike wanted to pose for a
photo in front of that huge trophy.
Just wait 'till they tell their
friends back home about this.
What was the best
part for you guys?
All those beautiful
girls in New York City.
Going to the White House and
meeting President Eisenhower.
I took one of
his pens.
I think Mr. Faz
has finally got his siesta.
Papa, I'm sorry for
missing my chores for so long.
Chores can wait
for a champion.
For Pedro's shrine.
No, my son.
It's for you.
Come, Monterrey wants
to see its heroes.
#Open your eyes #
#Open your eyes #
#To the miracle
of the light #
#From the darkness
Of the night #
#When you see forever #
#Everything you do #
#No matter what you dream #
#It is waiting
There for you #
#There for you #
#Open your eyes #
#Awake and realize #
#That the journey
You must take #
#Is the miracles you make #
#When you see forever #
#I n everything you do #
#No matter what you dream #
#It is waiting
There for you #
#When you can see forever #
#I n everything you do #
#Then you will make
Your every dream #
#Come true #
#You've got
The power inside #
#So make your dreams
Come alive #
#You can do anything
When you see it through #
#In your heart #
#You can move mountains
And be better than #
#You thought
You ever could #
#When you believe #
#I n you #
#Open your eyes #
#Awake and realize #
#That the journey
You must take #
#Is the miracle you make #
#When you see forever #
#I n everything you do #
#No matter what you dream #
#It is waiting
There for you #
#When you can see forever#
#I n everything you do #
#And you will make
Your every dream #
#Come true #
#You've got
The power inside #
#So make your dreams
Come alive #
#You can do anything
When you see it through #
#I n your heart #
#You can move mountains
And be better than #
#You thought
You ever could #
#When you can see forever #
#I n you #
#I got a new step #
#Some brand new shoes #
#I'm saying goodbye #
#To the barefoot blues #
#I'm rocking, Rocking
across The Rio Grande #
#Rocking across Texas
Rocking to the promised land #
#I got an old yellow bus
Four tires, no spare #
#I ain't sure how
But I'm gonna get there #
#I'm rocking, Rocking
across The Rio Grande #
#Rocking across Texas
Rocking to the promised land #
#We'll roll on driving
From town to town #
#May get close
So don't slow down #
#Lordy, Lordy
It's in our hands #
#We won't stop
'Till the promised land #
#I'm rocking #
## Yeah! Get down! ##