Perfect Murder, A (1998)

Subtitle Corrected and Added By MohammaD [SHoCk]
There you are.
And how was your day?
Any progress in saving the world?
l'm working on it.
So l guess you changed
your mind about tonight.
Not really. Told you
l didn't want to miss it.
What happened with that dinner
with the London people?
You made it sound so unavoidable.
lt was.
Fortunately, they missed their plane.
Here's to...
...stolen moments.
You look so handsome,
l better go see if l can catch up.
Nobody home?
l left some Security Council
transcripts out, but everybody's gone.
Anything earth-shattering?
No, it's just important enough
not to be left out.
You look incredible.
Yeah, but we have to hurry.
l prefer this one.
Can l have a picture, please?
This way. This way, please.
Hold it! One more.
There's Andrew, good to see him.
Robynn, hi, how are you?
Steven, it's so nice to see you.
Nice to see you.
Emily, you look wonderful.
lKeep up the good work, all right?
That's Steven Taylor and his wife Emily.
Well, at last.
The beautiful people have arrived.
-Fantastic dress!
-Thank you.
l didn't expect to see you tonight,
what with Greenspan and all.
Why is that?
l thought you'd be up to your ass
in alligators, boy.
Rumors of my death have been
greatly exaggerated.
All l need is her phone number.
Absolutely. l have to go see about
something and l'll be right back.
Lovely. Thank you, darling.
Bulk of the temple's hieroglyphics
are supplications... the gods of fertility.
l do believe l know his work.
Perhaps we could come along
to your studio one day...
...and have a look around.
You said he wasn't coming.
He changed his mind.
l tried to call you.
What are we going to do?
Just relax.
He doesn't know who l am, right?
You're a peach.
Lunch tomorrow?
And tomorrow...
...and tomorrow.
So l leave you alone for 30 seconds
and you elope with a younger man.
Steven, l'd like to
introduce you to David Shaw.
-Nice to meet you.
David is a painter.
l saw some of his pieces downtown
and l thought they were amazing.
What brings you uptown to our
little inbred soire?
Actually, Emily was kind enough
to wrangle me an invite.
Me too.
So, tell me about your work...
A couple small galleries
carry me when there's space.
And you studied formally?
Berkeley, Cal Arts.
Almost formally graduated too.
Too much studying can pollute
the soul. And he's good, you say?
He's wonderful.
l'd love to see your pieces,
so maybe we can arrange a time.
Whenever you want.
Emily has your number?
No. The gallery can get ahold of me.
You know which one, right?
And if you're as good
as she says you are...
...l'll be glad to pass the word on
to my acquisitive friends.
Thanks. That's very generous.
lt's very nice to meet you.
You too.
Pleasure to see you.
We cannot be held accountable...
...for the actions of others
that require us to defend ourselves...
...from the inadvertent displacement
of civilian populations.
Madame Ambassador.
This is the same speech he gave in
Geneva 3 months ago. Word for word.
Good morning. How are you?
Fine, thank you.
Steven, spreads are blowing out.
The way things look in Europe,
it could turn into a real bloodbath.
-So what are we talking?
-At least 1 50 basis points.
The Bundesbank will have to tag along.
Your yen and mark positions
are going to get hammered.
So what's our exposure?
Based on my preliminary trend model?
Yes. No frills.
Think Chernobyl.
Greenpoint, next stop.
What you got there?
lt's a little surprise.
Come on up.
Here's your fortune.
''You have a deep interest
in all that is artistic.''
lt's true.
You didn't have to get
this thing for me.
Well, you need a little civilizing.
What do you need?
What do you need?
You know, we could be in Belize this
time tomorrow.
You ever been there?
You'd think you'd died
and went to heaven.
But l already think that.
You look so pretty today.
Hey, it's David. Leave one.
I'll get back to you.
David, hi. It's Steven Taylor.
I'm finishing a little early today.
I thought I might come by
and check out your work.
Say about six.
If that flies with you, call me
at my office here at 5-4-4-...
... 1-8-1-7.
I look forward to seeing you.
What are you going to do?
l guess l'll call him.
Be kind of weird if l didn't,
wouldn't it?
You're playing with fire, David.
lf you're so upset about it,
why'd you give him my number?
l didn't.
Mr. Taylor?
Hi. Here, sit down.
That was stupid. Sorry about that.
Thanks very much.
No, l'm okay.
Unless you want another one.
l just had us meet here because
my place is kind of hard to find.
Like an illegal loft space?
That's one way to put it.
l feel like l'm knee-deep
in bohemian cachet.
Lead on.
How's Emily?
She's fine, thank you.
Well, be sure and say ''hi.''
l will.
One more.
One more floor.
Building's over 1 00 years old now.
Watch your step.
Well, l can certainly see
what Emily was drawn to.
Yeah? What's that?
Your work. lt's...
...very trashy...
...but potent.
ls that what she said?
Your anger...'s very controlled.
You think l'm angry?
The anger in your work.
The color of despair.
Wonder where that comes from.
l don't know.
lnside, l guess.
Nowhere to sit but the goddamned bed.
You know, l envy you.
You envy me?
You should be...
l'm not prone to envy.
lt's a pathetic emotion.
Sneaks up on you like cancer.
l've got it and you know why.
Oh, of course you do.
One of life's legitimately
sublime experiences. lt's so...
...utterly complete.
Fucking my wife.
Mr. Taylor, l don't know--
l think it's about time
you called me Steven.
We're in love, sir.
That's it?
That's it?
You steal the crown jewel
of a man's soul...
...and your only excuse is some
candy-ass Hallmark card sentiment?
Even if it was true,
that's not good enough!
lf what were true?
She is in love.
You, buddy...'re in business.
What the hell are you saying?
l'm saying you did not meet
my wife by chance.
l'm saying
you didn't study at Berkeley.
l'm saying you learned to paint while
doing 3 to 6 in Soledad Prison...
...for relieving a widow
in San Francisco of her life savings.
Your second conviction...
...if l'm not mistaken.
Your real name is Winston Lagrange,
which l rather like.
Born to pure trailer trash
in Barstow, California.
Ward of the courts
since the age of ten.
You went from pickpocket to car thief
to con man till you found out...
...that you had a way
with the softer sex.
No doubt looking for that mother
you can barely remember.
A life made up completely
of depressing little scams...
...until now.
Where'd you get all that?
All that is for sale.
The hell of it is you're not...
...half-bad with a brush.
Called rehabilitation.
lt's called a con and my wife
is the grand prize.
But you set your sights
just a little too high this time.
She loves me.
She loves David Shaw,
your invention.
Not that it matters, because you've
made a fundamental miscalculation.
Play it out.
Love conquers all.
Emily divorces me. She marries you.
Given your history, her advisors
are going to insist upon a prenup.
You might storm the castle...
...but you ain't getting the keys
to the treasure room, ever.
l don't care about that.
The swindler doesn't care about a
trust fund that can buy Barstow?
Why don't you cut the shit!
You care, or we would not be having
this conversation!
The only thing that stops you from
bolting now is bad genes and greed.
Now what?
l can tell Emily exactly who you are...
...and life will imitate art. You
become a starving painter, game over.
Or you can cash out.
Cash out?
Half a million dollars.
Just for walking away from her?
l said tax-free. l didn't say free.
What's 500 grand for?
lKilling my wife.
lmagine my embarrassment
if they're not one and the same.
One hundred thousand now...
...four hundred thousand after,
You're out of your mind.
Not really.
l appreciate your curiosity, but my
agenda doesn't really concern you.
l guess l'll just go straight
to Emily and tell her all of this.
Well, that would be
my word against yours...
And what if l call the cops?
Have you ever been
to Boca Raton, Florida?
There was a lady there who was
carrying on with a younger man....
He was a hell of a tennis player.
Anyway, when the affair ended...
...he disappeared...
...along with the lady's bearer bonds.
You sure you've never been there?
Not that l recall.
An acquaintance of mine has
a photograph of the suspect.
All they need is a name... in, strike three.
No parole.
You think you got a box big enough
to hold $ 1 00,000 in cash?
Why don't you come by the apartment
around 1 2 o'clock tomorrow...
...unless you have a previous
luncheon engagement.
l assume you know where l live.
This is crazy. l don't understand.
l'm your best friend. Half the year...
...goes by and you don't say one thing?
Do you love him?
Are you going to leave Steven?
Talk to me.
l will, if you shut up for one second.
All right, l'm waiting.
l didn't tell you
because you adore Steven.
You cried at our wedding,
for God's sake.
-l cry at every wedding.
-No, you don't.
You like the idea of us.
Everybody does.
But you have no idea who he is.
-l know Steven.
-No, you don't.
You don't know that every single
thing always has to be on his terms.
Okay? You don't know that he has
no real interest in who l am.
What are you going to do?
l don't know.
l'm going to figure out a way
to tell him. He deserves that.
What makes you think he doesn't know?
Because there's no way.
l mean, he knows that something's
not right but....
Does David have a last name?
Shaw. David Shaw.
And he knows about your family?
What do you mean?
What do you think l mean?
Come on. You know we don't talk
about that kind of stuff.
ln six months,
you never mentioned money?
Believe me, okay?
David has absolutely no interest
in anything other than painting...
...and me.
And you.
ls that why you're not wearing
your wedding ring?
Oh, my God!
l left it at David's.
Working late?
No, l was having a drink with Raquel.
And how is the Castilian femme fatale?
By the way, l saw your friend
David this evening.
He honored me with a visit
at his industrial hideaway.
You're kidding!
And where's that?
Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
How'd you get his number?
l called some of those obscure
galleries you prowl...
...dropped your name.
You're right.
He's very talented.
Did you buy anything?
l made him an offer.
And he's chewing on it.
Good morning.
-Hi, it's me.
-Hey, how you doing?
-l left my wedding ring.
-I know.
I put it away before he got here.
Thank God!
What did you guys talk about?
He wasn't here that long.
So just the work, you know.
He didn't have a clue.
He said that he made you an offer.
Matter of fact, he did.
What piece?
lt's one you haven't seen.
l thought l'd seen all of them.
Well, almost.
Listen, turns out l got to take
a rain check on lunch today.
-Why? What's wrong?
-Nothing, nothing.
Some people down here
want to see my sketches...
...and it would be a good commission.
You sound funny.
Do l?
l guess it's called
being broke, sweetheart.
Tomorrow, then.
Reservation for two.
Quiet table, in back.
Very quiet.
You know l love you.
l know.
-ls that by...?
People with money
always go for the same things.
And what are those?
Anything, everything, as long
as it's recognizable.
Don't worry. None of this would've
been yours anyway.
Everything you see here it's mine.
Why don't you drop that
there and come here.
That's nice.
There was a robbery
in the building last year.
Probable means of entrance...
...was this driveway gate.
That granite facade creates a blind
spot on the surveillance cameras.
lt was never corrected,
for aesthetic reasons.
How do you know that?
l'm on the board.
You enter as l leave at 8 p.m.
l'm not going to pull
out of the driveway till it's clear.
The gate takes 5 seconds to close.
You hug the right side of the wall... l drive by.
Then you enter the stairs
by the service elevator.
The key to the front door also works
here for the service entrance.
l'm going to take the key from
Emily's purse before l leave...
...and l'm going to put it in this...
...and hide it here...
...right behind the pipe.
-Where're you going to be?
-At my regular card game.
Why don't you leave me your key?
My key implicates me.
Her key implicates no one.
lt could've been lost or stolen.
ln any case, she's not going
to be around to explain.
Why don't you make me
a copy of the key?
lt's two loose ends,
the key and the locksmith.
This door is always bolted. She
won't notice, even if she checks it.
You'll be in the stairwell at 9:30.
By that time, Emily
will be taking her bath.
She will? How do you know?
Because that's what she does
on nights that l play cards.
Why not do it in the tub?
Because that'll look like
cold-blooded murder.
lt has to appear that
she surprised the intruder.
All right?
This is a separate telephone line.
Exactly 1 0 p.m., l will call here.
Emily will answer the phone.
You will enter.
A tragic confrontation will ensue.
lt should appear to be...
...and spur-of-the-moment.
l've always thought that ''bludgeon''
has a spur-of-the-moment sound.
Maybe you could use one of these.
Rifle the jewelry in the bedroom.
Disable the service entrance lock.
Make it look like it was jimmied.
Put the key back under the pipe,
then leave the same way you came in.
And what happens
if the plan goes to hell?
lt won't.
So when is this card game of yours?
-Tomorrow night.
No fucking way!
A man with your rsum should
come up with an alibi in no time.
A man with my rsum should
take the money and run.
Bet you 400 thousand more you don't.
Yes, l understand that.
But if we can't get numbers
on refugee density...
...then we can't position
the resources to deal with it.
Okay, great. l'll tell her to expect
it later on today. Thank you.
That's not happiness to see me, is it?
Try surprise.
l had an unexpected hole in my schedule
and l thought...
...lunch with my beautiful
wife would be indicated.
But l guess you have other plans.
-What makes you say that?
-You seem in such a hurry.
lt's just errands.
Like shopping for a new wedding ring.
One of the settings felt a bit loose... l just took it in,
but it'll be ready tomorrow.
And what if there were no tomorrow?
What does that mean?
Wouldn't you regret not having
one last lunch with your husband?
Of course.
-Enjoy your meal and bon apptit.
-Thank you very much.
l've got to get back to Francesca
about this weekend. You want to do it?
All right, we'll go out--
l got to break this up.
Excuse me one minute.
Hey, it's David. Leave one.
I'll get back to you.
David, are you there?
He was waiting for me outside... take me to lunch.
I had no idea.
There was nothing I could do.
You know what?
l can't do this anymore.
l've got to tell him tonight.
Hi, l'm here. l'm here.
l'm really sorry.
lt's okay.
He's never done that before.
Something's wrong. He knows.
No, he doesn't.
Don't let your mind
get away from you.
l cannot live like this anymore.
lt's not right. lt's not fair to him.
l've got to tell him.
Tell him what, exactly?
Tell him everything, tonight.
...we've waited this long.
Let's just hold off another day... we can figure it out together.
You know? So l can help you.
l don't know.
l do.
l do know.
Honey, don't panic.
Good night, Mr. Taylor.
l'm on my way.
Everything's prepared for you.
Give my best to Mrs. Taylor.
So how was the rest of your day?
Fairly brutal.
l'm sorry to hear about that.
l don't want you to go tonight.
What's wrong?
l'd like to talk to you.
lt's too late.
They'll never get anybody to fill in.
Besides, l beat them pretty bad last
week. They'll want their money back.
You scared me.
l just wanted to say goodbye.
l'll call you later.
l might run down to Nick's for a burger
so if there's nobody here, don't worry.
l won't,
but you might want to reconsider.
Why is that?
l had Janice make
one of her legendary roasts.
Thought we could eat before the game.
Wish me luck.
Good luck.
-$ 1 ,000 to you, George.
-Down and dirty.
Last one, gentlemen.
-Got to have more than that.
-Three sixes still bets.
-Gentlemen, same game.
-lt's getting a little boring.
l'm out.
Must be morning in Hong lKong.
There's my cards.
Let's have a better hand this time.
You've got to be kidding me.
That's a serious bet.
Who is this?
New game, new winner, all right?
l'm in.
Put your money up. Here we go.
Just in time.
Different winner this time,
though, guys.
l liked the last one.
Oh, my God.
-What happened?
-Mrs. Taylor, we have your location.
He's in the kitchen.
He's in the kitchen.
Mrs. Taylor, please stay on the line.
Ma'am? Ma'am?
Oh, Jesus.
Police! Open up!
Open up!
-Mr. Taylor?
-We're all right.
He's in the kitchen.
l think he's dead. Follow me.
You didn't hear any...
...strange sounds...
...prior to your entering the kitchen?
No, just the phone call.
But before that, nothing unusual?
-How you guys doing?
-We're pretty set here.
l want you to dust the elevator cage...
...and the banister.
Mo, be out of here in 1 5, 20 minutes.
Detective lKaraman.
Steven Taylor.
Pleasure, sir.
Mind if l ask you a few questions?
No, not at all.
l noticed what l assume
to be your footprints... the blood around the deceased.
-Can l assume those are yours?
-Yes, you may.
May l ask what you were doing?
Making sure he was dead.
Was he?
Appeared to be, yes.
Take his pulse?
You see right there?
Did you lean over him for something?
l tried to determine whether
he was breathing.
-Was he?
-Not at that time.
Let's take a look.
Something wrong?
Aside from a dead man
lying in my kitchen?
For a moment,
l thought you knew the man.
l don't think so.
Why's that?
l never forget a face.
Anything else?
Not this second.
Your wife will have to come down
to give a formal statement.
As soon as she's ready.
Mr. Taylor...
...are you aware of anyone
who might wish your wife harm?
My wife has no enemies.
Thanks, Detective.
l know, baby, l know.
lt's okay.
You're going to be all right.
What do you think?
l believe her.
What about him?
l couldn't say.
You know, Mo... people are different
from you and me.
They got a fuck of a lot more money,
for one thing.
Very good, Bobby.
Hey, Mo, you going to turn it up,
or what?
l like it like this.
You had said before...
...that they did not speak.
They didn't.
They listened.
What about background noise?
-Did you hear anything else?
-There wasn't any. She already told you.
Maybe you should let your wife
answer the questions.
She's been through enough tonight.
We're almost through, Mrs. Taylor.
There's just a couple more things
that l would like to ask.
Remember what time you got home,
Mr. Taylor?
card game at the Drake Club.
You'll love this.
We've l.D.'d the man
who broke into your home.
May l?
This man is a career criminal.
You couldn't dream up a better
defense for justifiable homicide.
Your wife's on three.
She says it's an emergency.
How old is your boy?
One month.
ls he ill?
May God watch over your son
and protect him.
And you as well.
l'm glad we got that cleared up.
l'm going to ask you
not to leave the city.
But she is.
We're going to her mother's house.
Roger has the telephone number.
Wait. Hold on.
Why? She hasn't been charged.
Her statement's complete.
So it's really just a matter
of courtesy.
Courtesy on our part.
lf you happen to think
of anything else, give me a ring.
l don't know what else
there is to think of.
Probably nothing.
May you go in safety.
And you as well.
My baby.
l'm just down the hall, baby.
Here you go.
By tomorrow, this will all seem
like a bad dream.
And what if there were no tomorrow?
You know better than that.
Sleep well.
Please tell me.
How could something like this happen?
Sandra, l don't know.
l've gone over it
a thousand times myself.
The world's gone crazy.
Roger's prepared a statement.
He wants me to sign it this evening... l'll probably
head back into the city...
...and l'll come back
in the morning to pick up Emily...
...if she's all right.
It's me.
l just wanted to tell you
that l'm okay.
And I'm not in the city,
but I'll call you as soon as I can.
I love you.
l don't want her to be rushed.
No, of course not.
l don't want her to be rushed either.
l'm going to check on our patient.
Sorry, David.
Emily's resting right now.
But I think you and I've
got something to talk about.
Who was he?
Somebody l met at Berkeley.
Can he be connected to you?
Not anymore.
You got any idea
who you're fucking with?
You're the guy who hired me
to kill your wife...
...because you couldn't
do the wet work yourself.
Well, neither could l.
So how do you know
he didn't talk to someone?
Ron was a good man.
Not quite good enough.
So what's plan B?
lt's a little coincidental
if there's another attempt on her life.
Gee, you think?
So we wait.
For what?
l'll let you know.
Do l keep fucking your wife
in the meantime, or what?
Thank you, Charles.
Steven called while you were asleep.
He's getting everything ready
for you to come home.
He wants to send the car
for you tomorrow.
l'm not going home.
l'm going to move in with Raquel
for a while.
Em, what's going on?
l'm leaving Steven.
They've started liquidating
your long positions to cover.
Which ones?
DMG and Barclays.
Why didn't anybody tell me?
We tried, Steven.
We couldn't find you.
l said no calls!
-May l please have our house key?
-Sure enough, Mrs. Taylor.
What happened to yours?
l've absolutely no idea.
lt doesn't work.
Did my husband change the locks?
No, not that l know of.
Who is this?
Emily, it's me.
l didn't hear you come in.
Because you left
the front door wide open.
l'm your husband.
Oh, God! l can't stay here.
lt's all right.
We'll get out of here tonight.
l can't stay with you, Steven.
l can't stay with you anymore.
Raquel's waiting for me downstairs.
Okay, there are fresh towels
in the bathroom...
...and you can have anything
you want in the fridge...
...including your favorite yogurt.
Let me ask you a question.
What do you think Steven would do
if he knew about David?
Screwing around is the second oldest
reason in the world to kill somebody.
Really? And what would be the first?
Money, honey.
But Steven's already rich and you with
your money, you must've had a prenup.
Tell me you had a prenup.
He offered. l said no.
So if you die he gets, like...
...a hundred million bucks?
Something like that.
Lucky guy.
l assume you have a very good reason
for asking me to do this.
We'll sure miss you around here.
Come and see me on your way out.
This is Robert Harrington.
Bobby is the Deputy Director
of the Commodities Trade Commission.
Take all the time that you need.
Mrs. Taylor...
...passing this kind of information,
even to a spouse... unethical.
l understand.
Your husband has been buying U.S.
and foreign bonds on margin...
...and using those securities
as collateral.
That's illegal.
ln fact, his company's been under
investigation for almost a year.
Some months ago...
...U.S. interest rates started
moving against him.
He should've gotten some horrific
margin calls...
...but the banks he's in bed with
have been hiding the losses...
...hoping that things
will turn around.
lt isn't happening.
Sooner or later...
...those margin calls will come.
And when they do,
your husband will be...
...wiped out.
Yep, where's the subpoena?
But l can't get
the records without it.
l've waited two days.
Just get back to me.
Please sit down.
To what do l owe the pleasure,
Mrs. Taylor?
l have some information
about my husband.
lt seems that he's in serious
financial trouble...
...and he was hiding it from me.
And l thought that...
...might be a possible reason...
...a possible reason for him to....
Hire someone to kill you?
l know what you're worth,
Mrs. Taylor...
...and that kind of money
is always a motive.
Do you mean he's already a suspect?
Until we traced a cell phone call
he made the night you were attacked.
The trace led us to an automated
quote system at his office.
lt lasted from five minutes
before ten to nine minutes after.
That has to be one of the cleaner
alibis l've come across.
l took your case apart
a thousand times...
...then l put it back together again.
There was always one piece
left out on the table...
... 1 ike a screw that didn't quite fit.
The dead man had a wallet,
cash and change, driver's license...
...membership card
to a video store, but...
...not a single key.
Not one.
Not even to his apartment.
ln case you forgot, Elliot,
it's a zero-sum game.
l just don't think you've got
the balls for it.
This time tomorrow, neither of us
will have any balls left.
Just don't panic.
You're damn right I am.
So what's it to you?
You drop 50 million in a day.
You know how fast 50 can become 500?
Not now. What's the spot rate?
You look at it.
We're sitting at ground zero.
You're telling me,
''Think happy thoughts''?
l said not now!
I'm sorry, but I have a caller
who says this is an emergency.
He says it concerns Emily.
-Who is it?
-He won't identify himself.
Who is this?
A tragic confrontation will ensue.
It should appear to be...
...stupid and...
I've always thought that ''bludgeon''
has a spur-of-the-moment sound.
Maybe you could use one of these.
Meet me at the diner at the corner
of Maiden and South.
Right now.
He was a con named Ronald Diggs.
Fresh from state prison in California.
Must be hard for you.
Mr. Taylor.
You didn't get those
fancy shoes dirty...
...walking over here, did you?
What do you want?
The rest of my money.
You didn't fulfill your end
of the bargain, did you?
So what do l get?
You get this superfine thing.
Hell, you might even call it....
What was that?
''Legitimately sublime.''
What exactly is this superfine thing?
You're looking at it.
lt's called time outside of prison,
old partner.
You can't beat it with a stick.
Exactly how much time does $400,000
buy me?
Whatever the market will bear.
lt'll take me a few days.
You got four hours.
That's impossible and you know it.
Come on, Steve.
Your ought to be able to
come up with 400 grand in no time.
My place.
You don't show up with the cash...
...l'll do a mailing of Steven's
greatest hits.
l understand.
Make fucking sure you do.
What are you doing here?
That's not happiness to see me,
is it?
Try surprise.
The key to the dead man's
apartment was on my key chain.
Someone put it there
after l killed him...
...and there's only one person
in the world who could've done that.
To protect you.
From what?
Your lover.
Unless somebody else
sent these pictures.
Oh, my God!
Amazing how you can tell two people
are in love even from across the street.
He called me here in the office
about two months ago...
...bragged about how hard
you'd fallen for him.
l've shelled out over
$ 1 00,000 already...
...but he wants a lot more.
For what?
For breaking it off.
l don't believe you.
Did he mention Belize?
That's where he took
all the other ones.
This guy was quite an aphrodisiac
for lonely women of means.
As you can see, he learned to paint
in state prison...
...not at Berkeley.
l don't know where we go from here.
l don't even know if ''we''
is an option.
l do know that l have done everything
in my power to protect you from this... criminal...
...that you've let crawl into our bed.
Why didn't you tell me?
l was sure you were in love with him.
Are you?
l thought that l was.
Oh, my God! l can only imagine
what l've put you through.
ls this why your business
is in trouble?
The banks, margin calls.
How did you know...?
lt hasn't helped, no.
But it's true, isn't it?
Yes, it's true.
But l can always make money.
That's the fun part.
There's a goddamn sea of it out there.
But there's only one of you.
But why did you put his key
on my key chain?
David threatened violence
from the very beginning.
When l saw the body in the kitchen,
l was sure it was him.
None of the doors had been forced
open, so l assumed that he had your key.
But when? l had just used it
to come home that evening.
Are you sure you used your key?
Because if memory serves me right...
...the door was wide open.
l saw you walk in.
ln which case, he could've taken
your key anytime, even the day before.
Did you see him the day before?
So l went through his pockets,
l found what l thought was your key...
...and l reacted. l grabbed
a screwdriver, l jimmied the door.
l put it back in his pocket, then
l took what l thought was your key...
...and put it on your key chain.
Baby, l am so sorry
for having to put you through this.
But it was the only thing l could do.
Can you ever forgive me?
Honey, l already have.
We have to go to the police.
Why? l don't know if this is really
the time for brutal honesty.
l've tampered with evidence... a homicide.
l paid off a blackmail.
l'm in over my head and so are you.
Just think it through! David could
say anything he wants to.
He could say that
l hired him to kill you.
Or he could say he blackmailed us,
the happily-married wealthy couple.
lt would appear we killed that poor
bastard, thinking it was David.
All depends
on how he wants to play it.
What about the man that l killed?
You think
that has anything to do with David?
Well, it must!
Do you have any idea how many
burglaries there are each day?
l don't think so.
What are we going to do now?
We're going to have to disentangle
ourselves from your artist friend.
ls there anything in his loft that
could link David to you and l?
My ring.
l thought you told me
it was being repaired.
That was a lie.
l left it by the bed.
Anything else?
lsn't that enough?
l'll get it.
Will you be home when l get back?
l'm on my way.
I'm calling for Mr. Shaw.
Mr. David Shaw.
This is Truman Travel confirming
your reservation for this afternoon.
Thank you.
Excuse me, sir.
Could you spare 400 grand?
l don't see why not.
Don't think l won't count it
first chance l get.
Think of that
as your commemorative copy.
Nice doing business with you, Steve.
You take care.
This is the last call for boarding
train number 32 for Montreal...
...departing on track number 1 6.
All aboard, please.
Right this way.
Here we are, sir.
That's for you.
Thank you, sir.
Just wanted to let you know
the dining car opens at 7.
Closes at 1 0 sharp.
Okay, everything's fine.
Attention, please.
This is the last call for train 32
departing to Montreal in 4 minutes.
How's that for wet work?
You should thank me.
Artists are always appreciated
more after they're dead.
You lose.
l'm sorry, you got to speak up.
l can't hear you.
You're dying.
...greatest hits.
Excuse me. l got an emergency here.
What do you think you're doing?
-This'll make it a little easier.
-Be my guest.
Good evening. Has there been
a delivery today?
Just one. lt came by messenger,
but your wife took it up with the mail.
l didn't know you were here.
l was out on the terrace.
Welcome home.
lt's time for a new start.
What do you say we go out for dinner
this evening?
Just the two of us,
someplace quiet... the neighborhood.
Like that?
l'll be right back.
l'm going to clean up.
Let's stay home tonight.
l'll go pick us up something to eat.
That's sweet of you. Yeah.
Just don't be too long.
l won't.
Before l forget, l think we should
have the locks changed.
Because l still can't find my key.
That's a good idea.
l'll call the locksmith in the morning.
Better be safe than sorry.
See you soon. Hurry back.
Must have put it back on his way in.
Didn't plan on that, did you?
Young David...
...he was very unpredictable.
Maybe you'll share a cell.
Because of this?
l just found the key you lost.
You left it for him.
You mean the man that you killed.
-Sorry, l never met the gentleman.
-David did.
l think they'll have a hard time
proving l ever knew David.
The blackmail proves it.
What blackmail?
There's only one letter...
...and l'm afraid that's vanished.
The thing is, Emily,
we're just another married couple...
...trying to work things out.
Work it out?
Work it out?
Because that's what she does
on nights that I play cards.
Like the combination to the safe?
lt's our wedding day, Steven.
Work it out? You work it out
on your fucking own! This is over!
l'll tell you when it's over.
The only way you leave me... dead.
I always thought that ''bludgeon''
had a spur-of-the-moment sound.
Maybe you can use one of these.
Rifle the jewelry in the bedroom.
Disable the service entrance lock.
Make it look like it was jimmied.
Put the key back under the pipe...
...then leave
the same way you came in.
And what happens
if the plan goes to hell?
It won't.
He said he was going to kill me.
So l tried to run.
And then he attacks you?
What else could you do?
And you as well.
Brought To You By MohammaD [SHoCk Movies]