Perfect Sisters (2014)

Ever since I can remember...
it was always my sister and me against the big,
bad world.
I am telling you guys...
you are so gonna dig our new crib.
It's really cool.
So far, I've counted seven pawn shops and...
11 liquor stores.
No. You're gonna love it.
It's got way more space than our other place...
it's got really cool shopping nearby,
there's a mall.
And it's a chance for us to make a fresh start.
It's gonna be kick-ass.
Can you please not say kick-ass?
Or dig? Or you know, crib?
Okay, Beth.
Sorry that I don't know the lingo.
Sorry that I'm not so hip.
Can't I go live with my dad?
I honestly can't remember a time...
when my sister and
I didn't cling to each other like velcro.
God, we slept in the same crib
till we were four.
Bobby didn't show up till Boyfriend Five.
Maybe Six.
He's seven.
Okay, you gotta get up and help now.
- I can't do it all by myself.
- As if.
Come on, Sandra.
- Come here!
- Oh, shit!
You gotta get off me, you cretin!
Why so glum chum? Smile!
Our new shack is, shall we say... uninspired.
- Oh, don't be sad. I hate it, I hate it.
- I am sad.
- Please, please, please!
- Okay, just get off me!
Okay, I say that we do a "what if."
You know, like, like what if...
there is a hidden laboratory in the basement?
And, not unlike
the imaginings of Mary Shelley...
we build the perfect monster?
Did you say the perfect mother?
What's up, baby girls?
We gotta do way less unpacking
and way more buying you guys shit at the mall.
- Yes!
- That's just impractical.
Strawberry cupcakes? Your favorite.
She's so sweet! I like her.
- We kinda need that.
- Too zen.
The spiritual thing would get on my nerves.
- Love the Chanel suit.
- Money!
- Money's good. Money is important, but...
- Money!
Oh, my god!
That's you in 20 years, you know that!
So many moms, so little time.
All of them good, none of them perfect.
Yeah, but she looks hot.
I don't even think that's her face.
I mean...
Stop it.
I know that moving again
was the last thing you girls needed.
And I'm so sorry we had to do it again.
But I know this is gonna sound really corny...
I really believe...
that we can overcome anything together.
- Okay. Okay, can we keep her?
- Look! The babies are dead!
What happened?
Sometimes when a hamster-mom
feels like her babies are in danger...
they'll kill them so they won't have to go
through the pain of someone else doing it.
You see, not many kids have had to deal...
with the things weve had to deal with.
So there aren't really many people out
there who can understand us.
I mean, all weve really got...
all well ever really have, is each other.
Meet the neighbors.
- Welcome home.
- Ta-da!
See? It really is gonna be great here.
Are you shitting me?
Language, Beth.
They gave me graveyard tonight, but...
I guess it's a start, right?
And if you weren't working,
youd be making duck a la orange, right?
I'm really trying.
And I would appreciate just a little bit
of positivity from you.
Oh! Wish me good luck.
Good luck.
Now, when you've lived in
as many places as we have...
you develop an ability
to make yourself at home...
faster than the average Josephine.
And the most crucial of
all interior design elements is lighting.
I mean, good lighting can hide anything.
Okay. So?
What do you think?
Hottie or nottie?
Sometimes I'm amazed
we share the same genetic material.
Didn't answer the question.
I've always known
I was destined for greatness.
And senior year?
That's when the clock starts ticking.
I mean, if you're gonna win the Nobel Prize,
a Pulitzer, and an Oscar...
this is when ya gotta start bringin it.
You know, Beth...
you are just a junior.
Okay? A little tiny caterpillar...
who can't even begin to appreciate...
the magnitude of my butterfly-ness.
You will someday.
Everybody I know has always thought...
"Why would something big
ever happen to me?"
And I've always thought,
"Well, why wouldn't it?"
Suit yourself.
Oh, wow, that's dark.
You want the limelight,
I wanna be in Twilight.
Actually, I'd settle for just a single spotlight.
Come here, I'm gonna drink your blood!
It's amazing
what one little summer break can do.
I mean, I almost forgot how Banana Republic
the general pop is around here.
Oh, my god. He is so fetching.
You think that I have a shot
with him now that I've got the new look?
Yes, Sandra.
I'm sure the captain of the football team...
is dying to take a slutty welfare chick to prom.
Well, he is dating Ashley.
Whatever. I'd disown you if you actually
went out on a date with that stump.
Goth Lord, ten oclock.
I think that's Justin Ross.
You know a guy 10 years, you only wanna
blow him when he starts wearing mascara.
It's amazing
what one little summer break can do.
What's with you?
What's with her?
She's a senior now.
Come on. First day of school!
Isn't it like so cute
when juniors fall in love?
- So cute!
- Yeah.
So your mom moved away
over the summer break...
but the two of you moved in with your aunt...
because she still lives
in this school district?
Yes. Yeah, we discussed it as a family...
and we came to the conclusion
that since I'm now a senior...
and Beth here is a junior...
that it would be best if, you know, we..
So if I were to call your aunt right now...
she'd say the two of you are living with her?
- Such would be the case.
- We cannot tell a lie.
Your grades...
Yeah, well, we actually both
speak four different languages...
English, of course, French, Dutch...
and something that
we made up when we were younger.
Umgursta, Beth?
Ain dach lostren vor, Sandra.
- Inside joke.
- Well, wherever you live...
Armstrong is always happy
to keep it's A" students. So...
- I guess everything stays the same.
- Yay!
On the path to greatness...
one can't be afraid to draw
a little attention to oneself.
So I'm like, why?
I mean, he's the psychiatrist.
He's 12 years older than me.
He got me pregnant,
and yet I'm being kicked out of group?
I mean, isn't that what happened?
Yeah, there was this whole big thing
with the APA. It was crazy.
Exactly. So then I'm like, You know what?
Do whatever you want, but I need privacy.
Come on. Is any of that true?
- Define true.
- Oh, my god.
How was work?
Oh, fine. You know...
some doc thought
I messed up a blood draw, but...
It'll get better.
I got yo back, sistah.
- Thanks for taking such good care of us.
- You're welcome.
You're the best.
Bye, Beth.
I can't believe she's blowing off
Bobby's parent/teacher thing.
She's not blowing it off, okay?
I offered to go for her.
Wait, what?
- She has a shift.
- She wasn't even wearing her uniform.
Yeah, I know.
She's getting changed there.
And did you see how she looked?
When has she ever gotten
all hoed up like that for work?
given all that...
he's quite a bit behind
the rest of the students in a few subjects.
Yeah. You know, I'm not really comfortable...
putting Bobby on any drugs.
Maybe this is a conversation
I should be having with your mother?
I can assure you,
I'm going to be relaying all of this to her.
You're drunk.
Where's the bottle?
- Oh, my god, Mom!
- No, don't take that! That's...
Shit! You have an 8:00 shift this morning!
No, I don't. It's too early.
- It's 9:00.
- You weren't even working last night!
Okay, you just missed Bobby's parent-teacher
thing so you could party!
This is not okay!
You have a family that needs you.
- I guess I had a lapse.
- Yeah.
You know, with the move and the new job...
and I'm already fucking that up
and I'm fucking up the job.
But I'm sorry and I'll try harder, I will...
cause I'm lettin you down, aren't I?
It's okay, Mom.
Come here.
It's okay.
I know that this is gonna sound corny...
but I believe in you.
And I believe...
that we can get through anything...
Bobby, go back to your room.
Well, if it isn't the hardest
working mom in show biz.
Beth, go run her a bath, okay?
She has an 8:00 shift.
Yeah, that's happening. What are you...?
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
she had a lapse...
she says she's gonna try harder.
Well, if she said she's gonna try harder, then...
We've been through this so many times.
I know. I know.
I can't fool myself any more.
Bad stuff is coming.
It's okay.
How's your dad doin'?
I remember he used to drive carpool
in second grade.
Always listened to Guns n Roses.
Yeah, well... he's alive and well and
living with his preferred family, so...
But enough about me.
I wanna know more about this Dark Lord
thing that you're going through.
I don't know.
It's like one day, I realized that I wasn't
who I was because I decided to be that way.
You know?
Like I was just falling into step or something.
So out came the eyeliner?
It's better than being like everyone else.
Yeah, you got that right.
You know my pathetic father
always wanted to be an architect?
Yeah, he still does. I mean...
he still talks about it and everything.
But he never did anything about it.
He never even tried.
Now he's just another office drone on Paxil.
Do you really think it's that easy?
Changing your whole life like that?
Look, bottom line,
if you don't like how things are...
do something to make them better.
I am going to get another lemonade, so...
I'm guessing you want something stronger?
I'm good.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Aren't you that chick that hooked up with her...
You see, I wouldn't really call it a "hookup."
I mean,
we were together for like six months, so...
I want to buy you a beer.
Thank you, but you know, bun in the oven, so...
- Oh, right. Totally.
- Bye.
Look, I don't know what your deal is...
but you can't just dye your hair blue,
dress like a slutbag...
and expect to be the shit all of a sudden.
- It doesn't work that way.
- Doesn't it, though?
I know you too well, Sandra.
I'm not buying your bullshit pregnancy story.
Okay, you know what, Ashley?
You know what?
Our whole lives you've been prettier
than me and richer than me.
I mean, look at your house!
You have two parents
who treat you like a princess...
you have a little brother
who doesn't think that you're his mother...
and you don't move
to a crappier place every year.
So you know what? Just...
I'm listening.
All I really wanted this year...
was for guys to look at me.
I can drink to that.
Well, it looks like you
and Ashley are new BFF's.
I guess so. And I am pleased as punch...
that you are not totally frickin
depressed for a change.
I mean, admit it.
Admit it, you had something
resembling a good time. Just say it.
I thought it was pretty snazzy.
- Snazzy?
- Snazzy.
- Well!
- I did.
New house, new year. My sister's in love.
Oh, my god!
Oh, my god.
Seriously, Mom? It's a school night.
Come on, Bobby, put that down.
Put that down.
Come on. Let's go to bed.
Gee, Mom, are you loaded again?
I'm sorry. I'm a shitty mom.
Oh, god.
Mom? Mom, why is the door locked?
Mom, open the door! Mom!
Oh, my god, Mom! Mom!
Mom, no! Stop! What are you doing?
No, no, no. Please don't do this.
It's gonna be okay. Okay, please?
Please. I'm sorry, I'll do better. Please.
Don't go blaming yourself, kiddo.
You've been everything a mother
could hope for in a daughter.
It's just her time.
Why not?
You'd be so much better off without me.
No, that's not true.
- It's true.
- No, it's not.
I'm sorry.
It's gonna be okay, okay?
We're gonna do better.
I've never seen anyone
do anything like that before.
You've never seen anyone
say grace before a meal?
Our cousins life experiencedoesn't extend
much past the marijuana cloud in his bedroom.
Really? That's great.
You know what, Sandra?
You're a really good person.
I was the one
who wanted to bring him back to the pound...
- but then, you know.
- No, I mean, seriously.
I think it's very...
- attractive.
- Attractive?
Seriously, Grandpa?
Shut up, okay?
He obviously has a keen eye for beauty.
Dude, this Jew and his dad...
always said like Hebrew shit
before he drank wine.
Hey, everybody.
A toast.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Oh, wait, wait, wait.
It's bad luck to toast with water.
So here, here.
No, I can't have that.
Oh, just pretend.
I just wanted to say
to everybody here that I am...
on this special day...
so grateful that you're all in my life...
and in my wonderful childrens' life.
- Cheers.
- This is lovely.
So fabulous.
Gosh, I wasn't gonna...
I wasn't gonna bring this up tonight, but...
since you guys are my rock...
I lost my job. I was laid off.
There were layoffs at the hospital.
Oh, sweetheart.
I'm so sorry.
These big corporations think
they can do whatever they want.
You know, I know a good labor lawyer.
Oh, you do, absolutely.
Oh, that's okay, Sheila, you know...
I'll be fine. Because you know what?
My new boyfriend, he's a lawyer...
and so if I have some kind of case,
I'm sure hell tell me.
Lawyer boyfriend? Really?
Yeah, the kids haven't met him yet.
Oh, wow.
You know, you're always so positive, Linda.
You are a survivor.
You always find a way.
Yeah. I try.
But with the expenses of moving
in and everything...
this month, I'm just a little short.
And I was just hoping
that maybe just for a month or two...
and I could pay you back with interest.
That was it.
- Derek, where are you going?
- Out.
- All right. Drive safely now.
- Bye.
- Bye, honey. Drive safely.
- Okay.
Sweethearts, I want you to know...
that I'd help out if I could, but...
we just bought the house and
I'm a little cash poor at the moment.
- Okay? Okay.
- We understand.
You know, it was exactly the same for us
when we got the new summer home.
Will you do something about her?
Bye, I love you.
- I love you, too.
- Love you.
- Love you.
- See you later. Take care of your mama.
Take care of your house.
That was a good Thanksgiving, sweetie.
Thank you so much.
You know you could if you wanted to.
How many more times, Linda?
How many more?
I love you.
I told my mom to go on without me.
- You wanna go for a walk?
- Let's go.
Now it's a normal Thanksgiving.
So, you guys are having like,
money trouble?
Can you call me attractive again?
You know, like you said before.
I don't know, I just like hearing you say it.
Well, you are.
You're very attractive.
You are hysterical.
You know, I know Beth thinks I'm a loser...
because I don't dress like a vampire
or whatever...
I think you're a really good person.
I mean, you'd do anything
for the people you love, and I think that's...
I think that's rare.
I've had feelings for you since we were, like...
little kids,
since our mom's started working together.
Yeah. I know.
You do?
Yeah. I mean, I'm not retarded.
So like, why didn't you ever say anything?
I don't know.
I guess I just always liked
the idea of having a smart...
good-looking, older man pining after me.
Oh, Davey...
it's not like I didn't have feelings
for you back or anything...
it's just...
you don't want to get involved
with someone like me.
Come on, don't give me that.
I've known you since like forever.
I know who you really are.
And now I'm away at school now...
and this could be our last chance to,
you know..
The long distance thing is really rough.
Yeah, but you know,
I'm willing to give it a go.
First, you have to think of 10 words
to describe my beauty.
Other than "attractive."
you're beautiful...
- Okay.
- You're...
cute. I don't know, handsome?
Can I kiss you now?
Oh, look, a dead bird.
How was your walk with David?
He didn't try to hold your hand, did he?
He is...
very sweet.
And I'm just not quite sure
what to do with that, so...
Oh, well.
Anyways, I've been brushing up
on my Residential Tenancies Act.
Once we miss rent and
the landlord starts the process...
we've got another six weeks or so.
Which means well be evicted mid-January...
just in time for my birthday.
Well... I hate to destroy your smug,
know-it-all sense of self, Beth, but...
I actually overheard Mom on the phone...
with her mysterious lawyer-boyfriend and...
it kinda sounded like
he was willing to help out with the rent.
- Wow, Lawyer Boyfriend is real?
- Evidently.
I didn't realize Mom
could still fuck above her pay grade.
Well, she can and he's apparently quite
a bit older than her.
I would like to offer you...
this brownie.
Me and your mother are going to dinner.
She baked you a brownie.
- I did, I baked you a brownie.
- All day, she was slaving.
All of these brownies I baked for you.
- Just take a bite. And it's...
- Okay, I'll take a bite. Kay.
- I like him.
- Do you?
Which one are you? Sandra or Beth?
I'm the one you should let go of. Please.
What's wrong with you? Cmon.
- Let go of me!
- Hey, hey.
I'm trying to talk to you.
What's wrong with you, huh?
Calm down.
Why do you wear so much make-up?
Pretty girl, you shouldn't cover your face.
You look like a fucking vampire.
- Please, Steve.
- Come on, come on. Calm down.
Calm down.
Do another what if.
What happened?
Make me feel better.
Okay, okay. Okay.
Okay, what if we were...
like Bonnie and Clyde?
- You know, and we ran away..
- No, no.
I wanna do a happy one. Please.
A happy one, okay. Okay.
Okay, what if...
oh, okay, okay.
Okay, remember...
that trip that we took to the lake...
right before Mom and Doug broke up?
You know, with Bobby and everybody?
That was fun.
As if.
A toast...
to family in all it's wonderful forms.
to finally having a real man around the house.
Merry Christmas.
What's the words?
Here, let me dance, let me dance.
Happy New Year!
My girls!
Wanna go to bed?
No, the ball hasn't dropped yet.
It has, actually.
Stop, Mom, stop. Stop.
- Hey, sweetie.
- Get the fuck off me!
How many Valentines did you get?
- Which one is your girlfriend?
- Can I have all the candy now?
Oh, my god. Come on, Bobby,
let's start your homework.
Jesus Christ.
So, Mom...
I was wondering if I could have
some friends over if that's okay.
- What?
- You only gave me three.
Here's two more.
All right, let's go. We're all in.
Hey, where's the little guy tonight?
With his asshole father.
Such an asshole.
I know, Bobby's a goddamn handful...
but the best part of having kids
is making em, right? Right, Steve?
- Yep.
- Right, Stevie?
I love it here.
Now let's play cards, huh?
- We love having you here, Ainsley.
- Ainsley?
- Mom. It's Ashley.
- You in?
- Sorry.
- All right, let's go. Come on.
- I thought Ainsley was pretty.
- You in?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Let's go.
Anyway, I think you will appreciate this...
because you are a woman
and I can see in your eyes...
- you have that look in your eyes.
- Thank you.
Steve here really knows
how to make a girl feel good.
You know, down there.
- You know what I'm sayin, right?
- Mom!
- No, Mom! Mom! Mom!
- Like five times in a row!
Are you in or out?
- I'm out.
- You in?
- Yes. I'm in.
- Could you pass me that? Thanks.
I don't know if I can be in or out.
You have to tell me.
Don't show me your cards.
- I don't know what to do.
- All right, you're out then.
- Okay.
- What do you got? You in or out?
I'm in.
I'm out.
Come on, Steve, let's go to bed.
Come on, let's just go in the bedroom.
Come on. Come on.
Come on, come on, come on!
- Get off!
- Jesus Christ! I hate this game!
I'm sorry.
Mom, just go to bed, please!
- Just go. Go to bed.
- Okay.
Just go.
Oh, my gosh!
You know, I hate to repeat myself,
but your mom is awesome.
- Thanks, Ash.
- Steve!
- Hey.
- What?
Listen, my dad keeps a chainsaw
in the garage...
says it'll cut through anything.
A tree, a wall, a mother.
- How about a mother's boyfriend?
- Why not?
She's drinking again.
I mean, she's barely functional.
- She lost her job, and this new guy..
- Whoa, wait, let's go back.
When was your mother diagnosed an alcoholic?
Never, I guess.
She went to a meeting
a couple of years ago once...
but she said the whole thing wasn't for her.
And have you guys experienced
any physical or sexual abuse?
Well, nothing worth mentioning at this point...
Is your mom being abused?
Well, no, not yet.
But, I mean, we've been here before.
I mean, we need like a preemptive
strike or something.
Look, I believe you.
But without a record of abuse or alcoholism...
you're just gonna sound like a couple of kids...
that don't like their moms new boyfriend.
Now you've got to document everything.
How much she drinks, any signs of neglect...
inappropriate behavior
on the part of the boyfriend.
And then maybe we can reconnect..
What'd she say?
By the time they do anything,
I'll be the alcoholic neglecting my kids.
Dad, we wanted to talk to you
about something serious.
Mom's drinking again.
Again or still?
Again. She stopped for a while, but...
now she's off the wagon and...
I don't have any legal rights here.
Your mother has full custody.
We're still your daughters.
We need your help.
Don't throw that at me.
In the beginning, you two wouldn't
even take your visits with me...
and now, the only time I hear
from you is when you need money.
Come on, Dad.
I mean, we were little then.
I mean, how were we supposed
to know what was going on?
And really, when's the last time
that we ever asked you for money?
- Like seriously?
- Okay.
That was uncalled for.
I could talk to your mom...
but we all know
I'm the last person she'd listen to.
- We can't live there anymore, Dad.
- It's not that simple.
I have another family now.
She's my sister, girls.
And if I've ever been sure of anything...
I'm sure that she loves you.
Yeah, that doesn't really
have anything with love.
You need to give her more time.
You just moved, and she just lost her job.
That's a lot of stress.
And what she needs now
is your patience and your support.
Okay. Come on.
Look at me. Look at me.
Why are you letting this happen?
I'm doing it for you.
Don't you have school today?
- It's reading week.
- It's what?
I said it's reading week.
- Asshole.
- Don't be a little snotnose!
What are you gonna do, huh?
What are you gonna do?
Let me tell you something.
You and your sister better
change your attitude around here.
Cause let me explain the situation to you.
Without me...
you, your sister, and your little brother
are out in the fuckin street.
Out! Out of my fucking house!
You fucking asshole! You get out!
- Hey! Hey!
- Hey! Hey! Listen to me!
Don't ever touch my sister
or my mother again, you fucker!
You get out of here! No!
- Beth! No, baby, wait.
- No!
Wait. Wait.
Beth, he's hitting her.
I saw bruises all over her body.
So, I think...
I mean, what's left?
Are we gonna run away?
I don't know what to do anymore.
God, you know what? I'm so sick of this.
I am, I'm so tired of
her dragging us down all the time.
I mean, look at us!
We're beautiful, talented...
and we have so much potential.
I mean, I'm gonna be
this amazing actor and doctor...
and you're gonna do amazing things
and be really, really rich.
And I don't know, I'm just...
I'm so tired of wasting
our time trying to survive.
You know? Helping her survive.
I mean, what if we could...
Hi, girls.
You've both been through so much.
And you've taken care of each other
and of your little brother.
And I'm so proud of you.
I have a little present for you both.
What is it?
Oh, shit!
I'll be right back.
Oh, Linda!
What if...?
So I hear you and Donny broke up.
Yeah, it's amicable.
I'm gonna see if hell give me
some sort of settlement.
Maybe his Escalade.
Are you guys talking about me?
Duh, Ashley, 'cause all
we ever do is talk about you.
Donny really is loaded, huh?
You know, there might be a way that Sandra
and me could get our hands on that kind of cash.
All I'm saying is,
if our mom were to die somehow...
we would get about $100,000
in insurance money.
- I looked it up.
- Where did you look it up?
I found her policy number,
checked the terms online.
Yeah, and we might even be able
to still live in our house.
You know, were both over 16,
so we could all live together.
You know, be one big happy family.
But if we were sent to a relative,
it'd be Aunt Martha...
- who's loaded, which is a good thing.
- Yeah.
And what about Bobby?
Well, Bobby'd be sent to live with his dad,
but that's what Bobby wants...
and remember...
Doug never hit Bobby.
Only Mom.
Come here.
You're not seriously talking about
killing your mom for money?
No, but even if I was...
it wouldn't be just about the money.
It would be because our lives aren't
gonna get any better with her in them.
Come on. I'm just messing with you.
I wanna play.
- You are one twisted bitch.
- Thank you.
So, how would you do it?
You know,
if you were really going to kill her?
It says here we don't get
any insurance money for suicide.
And you guys don't have a garage, either.
Stairs? Statistically
it's kind of a stretch.
You can't be sure she'll be dead.
You know...
the way you gotta do it...
is to get her plastered...
and make her take a bath...
and make it look like she drowned.
I don't think Bobby would mind
if we made it into like a..
- Well, one of them should have..
- What's he doing here?
Hi, honey.
Hey, sweetheart.
Why aren't you drunk?
Did we run out of money?
Ha-ha. Very funny.
All right, girls, come sit down.
We need to talk to you about something.
Sit down.
what do you guys think of mine
and Steve's relationship so far?
I don't think I understand the question.
things are getting pretty serious and...
Steve thinks it's for the best
that we all move in together.
So wait.
He's moving in here?
No, we, me and your mother
discussed that maybe...
it'd be best for everyone
if you all moved into my place.
It's larger...
both you girls would have your own rooms,
more privacy.
I think you'd like it there.
What do you think?
I bathe you, for fucks sake.
I see the bruises that he gives you...
and I know that you see the looks
that he gives Beth, and it's..
- Sandra.
- No!
I don't know what you're telling
yourself is happening here.
And how can you be
so fucking pathetic all the time?!
I can't believe I'm saying this,
but the guys got money.
I know, but listen to me, okay?
The way that were going...
we're gonna be in a shelter in less than a month.
- Okay, yeah, it's messed up.
- Wow.
I'll have to maneuver around him...
but it's better than being
on the street, Sandra, and...
- Nope.
- I'll just, like, spend more time...
- at Justins or something.
- Okay, but you say that...
like it's no big deal, Beth. Okay?
Do you honestly think that he's not gonna
catch you alone like once or twice?
I'll deal.
- You'll deal?
- Yes.
Okay, you'll deal. But then what about me?
Or Bobby? Or what about Mom?
I mean, I'd rather kill her than watch
her let another guy treat her like this.
First of all, that logic that
you have there is fucked. Okay?
Who gives a shit about her anymore?
- She clearly does not give a shit about us.
- No, you know what?
Your attitude about this is
what's fucked, Beth.
Okay? You're only thinking about yourself.
Okay? You're being really selfish...
and I'm trying to think about everybody,
including Mom.
Fine, go.
Death from suffocation, cerebral hypoxia...
cardiac arrest.
Okay, everyone.
Basically, it doesn't matter...
how long a person's unconscious for.
You know, as long as they're underwater
for four minutes, then they drown.
Until then, they can still technically be alive.
With a varying degree of brain damage.
Yeah. Basically.
Wait the full four minutes.
I mean, the last thing you guys
need is a vegetable for a mom.
Are you guys doing
your murderers club thing in here?
Get out.
Okay. So, beforehand...
we need to make sure that she's still conscious..
Glee club meeting.
Oh. Sorry about that.
Like I said, beforehand we need
to make sure that she's still conscious.
Kay? Because it's not like
we can carry her to the bathroom...
so she needs to walk herself.
You know, I can probably swipe
some of my mom's Tylenol with codeine...
that she got when she had her back problem.
Mixed with booze,
those things'll turn anyone into a puppet.
Yeah, and I mean, even if she wakes up
and starts to fight back...
we'll just stop, you know?
It'll look like were helping her.
And if her lungs fill up with enough water...
she'll be dead in a day or two anyways.
You know, I told, like,
my entire homeroom about our little club.
Everyone thinks it's hysterical.
Hey, I wonder if well get
an EC credit on our college apps.
Oh, you think? Huh?
Stop it! Okay, enough!
I can't believe that you guys
aren't taking this seriously like at all!
What's her damage?
You went rather ape-shit
in the bathroom today.
We were just screwing around.
Yeah, well, that's fine.
I mean, you've got Justin now...
so I guess you don't really need me that much.
That is so stupid.
He's not replacing you or anything..
You know, he kinda is, Beth, actually,
but you know what? It's fine.
Let's just forget the whole thing
and you can take care of yourself...
and I can take care of myself, okay?
That'll be that.
You're such a...
I swear to God,
his eyes never looked at my face.
Eew! Mr. Weinberg is such a perv!
No, I don't.
Can you keep it down here, please?
- You beat me.
- I just feel a little tired.
I'm paying rent here,
I'm paying rent on my place.
- Do you think that's fair to me?
- I know, no, it's not fair.
Hey, come on! Take it outta here, huh?
But he won! You won, Bobby! You won!
Goddamn it,
what the hell is wrong with you?!
- For Christs sake!
- Get the fuck away from him!
Jesus Christ!
Hey! Hey!
Enough of this!
I'm done with this goddamn place!
- Are you okay?
- I'm outta here! I've had enough!
- Are you okay, Bobby?
- You let him do this!
Oh, my god.
It's okay, Bobby.
Close your eyes.
Okay, you were right.
Just please tell me
what we can do to make this stop.
you're going to your dad's this weekend.
Hey, shotgun! Now.
I know, I know. It sucks to be you.
I'm sorry.
Okay, okay, so I am entrusting you two to make
a reservation for 7:00 pm at Jack Russells, okay?
Okay, okay.
And then we'll dump any excess pills...
or any gloves into separate garbage
cans in the parking lot, okay?
Oh, oh, and when we get home...
I wanna be the one to make the 911 call.
- Really?
- Someone needs to be crying...
and as we all know,
I'm nothing short of a brilliant actress.
- Yes, brilliant, darling, brilliant.
- Wait, wait.
Guys, didn't we say we were
just screwing around with this stuff? I mean..
Ashley, if you wanna pussy out,
now would be opportune.
Anybody see you?
Okay, so...
This is...
this is really fucked.
If you don't like your life,
you gotta do something to make it better, right?
Isn't that what you told me?
It's okay. Don't worry.
Don't worry, it's okay.
Be careful.
I love you.
I know.
I love you, too, dipshit.
I am off to go buy booze
with Ashley's allowance, so...
how does my fake ID look?
- Wendy Goldstein.
- Weren't you at my bat mitzvah?
I'm sure I saw you there. Weren't you...?
No? No?
Now don't worry, okay?
I am going to be fine.
What are you doing up so early?
I have a job interview.
I wanna be on time.
Hey, so...
that was pretty crazy
the other night with Steve, huh?
It won't happen again.
You'll see.
Cause I've never heard that one before.
- David.
- Hey. What's up?
Hi. What are you doing here?
I just got back from school.
I wanted to see you.
Now's not really a good time.
Why not? Is everything okay, or...?
Yeah, no, everything's good.
It's just like...
I kind of told Beth that
I'd hang out with her all day. You know?
So why can't I hang with you guys?
It's like a girls thing.
You know what I mean?
No, wait, can I see you tomorrow, though?
You just can't mess
with peoples lives like this, Sandra.
- David. Stop.
- No.
I'll just see you later.
You okay?
Brain going crazy?
Remember the time that Mom was passed out
and Lewis tried to fuck you?
Or that year that we barely slept...
because that Ron guy kept
crawling into bed with us?
Or that time that Doug broke Mom's jaw...
and she was so drunk that
she wouldn't even go to the hospital, Sandra?
Oh, I have such a fucking headache.
Here you go.
What have you got there?
They'll make you feel better.
Thanks, angels.
I didn't get that job.
What are we gonna do?
Time for more pills.
Come on, Mom.
Party tonight?
You never party with me.
Oh, I like it when you party with me.
You're so cute.
Ashley wants us to videotape it.
Justin's worried were gonna kill her
with the booze and pills.
I have the stopwatch set for four minutes.
- Bath time?
- Oh, why?
I'm just startin to have fun.
Come on, Mom.
Let's go get you cleaned up.
- I didn't think I was dirty.
- Come on.
Let's get that lovely puke
smell out of your hair.
- Stop!
- What?
You forgot these.
But our prints are already all over her.
I mean, she's our mom.
Whatever. Just put them on.
And remember...
open palm.
She bruises easily.
Oh, my god.
Ashley, now is not a good time.
That's four minutes.
Oh, my god, that's four minutes?
I took her ATM card.
I figured we should treat for dinner, okay?
- Beth, wait!
- Come on!
Sod you do it?
I can't believe it.
Holy shit.
I don't know.
It's not like I thought it would be.
Not like in the movies.
So you said she went into convulsions?
Yeah, like,
I mean, we knew she would, but...
for a minute, it was almost like
she woke back up for a second.
- It was really..
- Whoa, what do you mean she woke?
- Start from the beginning.
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you! You left me there!
- Sandra, what is your damage?!
- You fucking left me there!
- Sandra! Chillax!
- Is there a problem here?
- No.
Sandra, look at me.
Come here. Come here. Look at me.
We have to be strong. Okay?
Now is the time to be strong. Look at me.
No, no, no, this isn't real.
This isn't real. This is just...
one of those fantasies,
like what if we were to kill Mom, you know?
- This isn't real, right?
- It's real. It is real.
But everything is gonna be
so much better now, I promise you.
Okay, come on.
Look at me, look at me, look at me.
Just do what I tell you
and we're gonna be okay.
My mom's not breathing! Please help me!
No, I came back from dinner
with my sister and..
No, I don't know what happened!
She's not breathing!
Please! I need like a fucking
paramedic or something, please!
Yeah. Yes.
310 Jackson.
We tried everything we could.
I'm very sorry.
Anything I can get you girls?
No. Thank you.
All right.
Let us know when you're ready.
We're gonna need
to ask both of you some questions.
They're gonna do a blood alcohol test
to confirm she was drunk.
Death by vodka.
When I take a bath,
I put the curtain on the outside.
The medical examiner says he's ready
to conclude death by accidental drowning.
Doug has already moved all of
Bobby's things to his home, which is great.
It'll be key for Bobby to have
the support of his father during all this.
Thank you.
We tried to get in touch with your father...
but he has yet to return our calls.
Now, as far as the two of you are concerned...
though you are legally old enough
to live on your own...
Child Services prefers that
you live with a friend or a relative.
Your aunt has offered to take you.
Is that an arrangement that
would work for the two of you?
your school already thinks
that you live with me.
Yay for us! Yes!
I'll take that as a yes.
Her compassion and sensitivity were envied.
And I think we can all agree...
Linda had a great love for her children.
She would do anything for those three...
Notice how everyones leaving out that she was
a pathetic alcoholic prone to dating assholes?
All right, you got that, Beth?
All right.
Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Oh, my god!
- A flat-screen TV.
- Yes, yes, yes!
Everyone deals with these things differently.
- This is amazing. Thank you. So much.
- Well, I'm glad, I'm glad.
No, don't. Seriously.
I'm not into PDAs.
Since when?
The whole school is talking about
what happened.
They're like, Did they kill her
like they said they were gonna...
or was it an accident
like the papers are saying?
Oh, yeah, and I almost forgot the best part.
I was talking to Donny
about my party this weekend...
and he specifically asked
if you were going to be there.
Wait, wait, wait.
Like Donny? Like biceps Donny?
Like your ex-boyfriend Donny?
That Donny?
No, no, no, no, no!
Oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god!
Okay, wait, wait, wait.
Are you okay with that? Like..
Yes, I told you, I dumped his ass.
Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Oh, my god!
- Oh, my god!
- Justin!
Hey, can I get your picture?
- Thanks.
- Thanks.
Hey, you.
Donny, isn't this a great party?
I mean, I love the Coldplay.
- So listen...
- Yeah?
I gotta ask you the big question.
Thank you,
but I'm not really the marrying type.
You know?
You know what I'm talking about.
Oh, that.
Yes, yes.
Yeah, we pumped a cap in her ass.
I mean, it was like...
- bang! Bang!
- Come on, Sandra.
- I need to talk for just a second.
- What do you want? You!
She didn't even help.
You know, she's a coward.
I did it with one hand...
and it only took me four minutes.
Look, what was it like, you know,
to actually kill somebody?
- Oh, I don't know.
- Hey, hey, hey!
Give the chick some space. Come on, move.
She killed her mom.
Can you please give me a second so like...
Chug! Chug! Chug!
Oh, my god! Oh, my god!
Guys, check it.
Let's just get her home
before she does something stupid.
You're no fun anymore.
If any of this gets to the police,
Ashley, were totally screwed.
It just takes one person to snitch
to the cops and were dead!
No offense, but...
I really don't wanna be seen
with your sister right now.
Just go.
You helped us do it.
No matter how far
you distance yourself from us...
nothing can change the fact
that you helped us.
Okay. Fine.
- Take it off! Take it off!
- Guys, guys.
Come on, Sandra.
What are you doing? Come on.
Put em away. Come here. Put em away.
Party's over, guys. Party's over.
Well, if it isn't Drunky McPlastered.
Okay. All right.
What the hell?
Well, best I can tell from Ashley's ramblings...
you two ended up at the same house
party where you got wasted...
and once again confessed to murder
several times before wandering off, so...
here I am.
Come on, let's go hose you down.
All right.
You remind me of Mom.
I'm just worried about you.
It's like, you've already had
to handle so much in your life...
and now this.
Is that pot?
You know, David, I'm...
I'm not like this girl
you keep imagining that I am.
And what exactly am I imagining you as?
Well, you're not a bad person.
You're just a person
who's had a lot of bad stuff happen to her.
Do I...
Do I remind you of her?
I cheated on you.
You don't believe me?
I think you don't know
how to let people care about you.
I think all you know
how to do is push people away.
I did a really bad thing, David.
Look, that doesn't matter to me.
It doesn't matter if were together...
or if we're just friends or whatever.
Look, I just want you to know
that I care about you.
And I'll always care about you, okay?
What if I...
what if I told you her death wasn't an accident?
I don't understand.
Yeah, I...
I blew a guy in a movie theatre
while my girlfriend watched.
Why don't you think about that
while you're caring about me?
Hey. I lied.
You do remind me of her.
Hey, hey, hey.
Please let me go.
I love you more than anything,
you stupid idiot.
No! You didn't see her die!
You didn't see her.
We did what we did to make
our lives better and it worked.
No. We didn't do anything.
I did it alone.
- I killed Mommy alone.
- I know.
I know and I'm so sorry.
If I could go back,
I would do things differently.
Okay? I would.
But you've got to stop talking
about it now, okay?
Please, for you and me?
For you and me,
we have to stop talking about it. Okay?
Yeah, hi.
Who do you talk to if you think
you have information about a murder?
Checking to make sure you didn't
leave anything stupid in cyberspace.
You don't trust me?
What's up?
So what do you want?
I'm just...
I'm sorry.
What are you sorry for?
I don't know. Everything.
You know,
everything that's happened to you and...
what I said about you...
thought about you.
That's okay, I mean...
at least you were thinking about me, right?
You wanna go for a drive?
Yeah, that sounds boring.
This okay?
Yeah, yeah, it's all good.
It's all good. It's all good.
You know..
You're acting really weird.
Like even for you.
No, I'm not, I just...
that comment that you made the other night
when we saw each other...
it's been driving me nuts.
I can't sleep at night.
The movie theatre thing?
The other thing.
About your mom's death not being an accident.
Like, what did you mean when you said that?
I don't know.
It's okay, you know, you can talk to me.
Yeah, I know.
I know, you care about me, right?
I don't know, I...
I just don't really know
how I'm supposed to act, you know?
it's tough.
You know, it's like...
nobody really cared about her
when she was alive, and...
now nobody really cares that she's dead, so...
Were you saying that...
somebody like, killed her?
Listen, you like really don't have
to lose any sleep over it, okay?
I mean,
it's not like were gonna do it again, you know.
It's not like were Bundy or anything.
You know?
That's it.
I thought they were all talk.
Hells no, I didn't have anything to do with it.
Those girls are pure sketch.
They lie for attention, you know?
I mean, this isn't the first time.
And yet not one of you...
thought it was your responsibility
to pick up the phone...
and report a possible murder?
I'm saying one of your friends wore a wire.
We have Sandra's confession on tape.
It doesn't matter anyway.
We lied about killing our mom.
We like to mess with people like that.
That's a pretty sick thing to be telling people.
Well, what can I say?
We're pretty messed up.
There is a big difference...
between being a pathological liar
and a murderer.
So you say you got to
the Jack Russell restaurant around 7:15 pm?
I want to see my sister. Where is she?
She's in another room.
Well, let me see her.
Absolutely, just as soon as were done here.
No, I want to see her now.
I'm not gonna answer
any more questions without Beth.
- Is she your lawyer?
- Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Sandra, we have
you admitting everything on tape.
So why don't you just tell me
what I need to hear...
and then I'll take you to see Beth.
I wanna see her now.
- Well, it's not that simple.
- Why not?
You're not getting this, are you?
Beth's in a lot of trouble.
Why? She had nothing to do with it.
As we all know, it is a common
occurrence for accused persons...
especially youths,
to confess to crimes they never committed.
What are you asking for here?
Given the gross constitutional violations...
and the sisters fragile emotional states...
I request house arrest until trial.
- Your Honor..
- I'm gonna agree to that.
The way those officer's behaved...
you're lucky
I'm not throwing the whole thing out.
Court's adjourned.
Thank you, Your Honor.
It's okay, see?
I told you girls, it's gonna be fine.
We're gonna get all this straightened out.
- I've got hot chocolate.
- Yay!
What are you guys playing?
Ooh, can I play?
- Come on, let's go.
- No, I...
I don't think that we should go in there.
Why not?
It's okay. Sandra. It's okay.
- It's okay.
- Let's go, let's go.
Yes. Oh, my god, Beth, okay.
I told you I deleted every single e-mail,
IM, text, update, everything.
I mean, I even destroyed my old cell phone.
Well then, what are you doing now?
You know what I'm doing?
I am in a Bieber and
Selena Gomez chat room...
okay, because I am going
to lose my mind in this house.
Wait, what the hell are you doing?
- Okay, stop! What..
- You have lost..
Sandra Andersen, Beth Andersen...
Detective Gates,
Armstrong County Police Department.
I have a search warrant authorizing me
to search these premises...
for any contraband or information...
pertaining to the suspicious death
- of Linda Andersen.
- Aunt Martha?
- Are you kidding me?
- Officer Eli, get the tower.
- Okay, no, don't grab it.
- Stay in the corner.
Stay in the corner?!
- Am I a dog? Am I a dog?
- This is theft! This is theft!
- Wallace, what do you got?
- That is our cousins.
- That is not ours.
- Oh, that? Come on, please.
- You can't do this.
- Well, well, well, what's this?
Why weren't we told about this?
Let's get this to Forensics as well.
Take it.
Ashley testifies that
she witnessed the planning...
of Linda Andersens murder
and that she believes...
though she didn't see it,
that the sisters are guilty.
In exchange,
she's not charged as an accessory...
or in any other manner
in connection with this murder. Good?
Works for me.
I just...
I can't believe I got mixed up into all this.
They only latched onto me
because I'm popular.
You're in a lot of trouble, son.
This evidence establishes
you as a party to this murder...
for supplying the Tylenol with codeine
that they used to drug her.
If you testify for the prosecution...
maybe I can get your sentence down.
I know I'm not supposed to contact you, but...
I wanted to tell you
I'm sorry about the way I acted.
I love you.
I would never tell them anything about you.
Ashley and Justin made deals
with the prosecution...
and they're testifying against you
for their protection.
So with this computer forensic evidence...
I think it's time we consider a guilty plea.
Try and work on the sentence instead.
I want you out of my house.
I didn't think we were allowed visitors.
The police made a special exception
in my case.
Beth, do you think I could talk
to Sandra alone just for like a minute?
We don't do that anymore. See, Sandra here...
has proven herself incapable
of being alone, so...
I was the one who wore the wire.
I just had to.
Call your next witness.
Ever since I can remember...
it was always my sister and
me against the big bad world.
And ever since I can remember...
the world was bad because of our mother.
Given the overwhelming evidence...
I find both defendants guilty
of murder in the first degree.
I here by sentence each...
to 10 years incarceration...
the maximum allowable for youth.
The judge said he'd seen a lot of kids
in worse off situations than ours...
that didn't end up resorting to murder.
Why can't we see Bobby?
His dad probably won't let him.
Aunt Martha?
I don't think she wants to.
What if...
Well, you know, now that she's gone...
now that Mom's gone...
I guess from here on in the only people
we have to blame for our stupid, shitty lives...
- I love you!
- I love you!
The only people
we have to blame are ourselves.
As a condition of this sentence
and their probation...
the court orders that for the next 10 years...
Elizabeth and Sandra Andersen...
will have no contact with one another.
- Under any circumstances.
- No!