Perkins 14 (2009)

The number of missing persons
in the isolated resort town
of Stone Cove stands at 13.
Authorities are still at a loss,
unable to establish any-
Vacationers are canceling
their lake house getaways
as the number of disappearances
continues to rise. on edge, as you can imagine.
It's not the sort of news
to come out of this sleepy resort town.
Your move, Dad.
They're too busy being
pissed off at each other
to care what I do.
Daisy, you're so lucky.
My parents watch me
night and day.
Like, all right, last year,
they went away for four days,
I think it was,
and I was going to throw
a giant party.
I was totally ready for it.
And then I found a Webcam
hidden in my living room, so...
I know. Right?
Anyway, I'm excited you're coming
with us tonight
to the tragic forest.
You're going to love it.
I promise.
Eric's going to be there, right?
Do you want Eric to be there?
Daisy, you're such a slut.
I'm not a slut!
You're a slut!
What about you and-
God, who was that guy?
- Hi, Mr. Hopper.
- Hi, Sammy.
- Hey, Mr. Hopper.
- Hi, Daisy.
Bye, Dais.
Bye, Mr. Hopper.
Bye, Sammy.
How'd your test go today?
Fine. Easy.
...we picked up that boy
Eric Ross last week
on possession charges.
You friendly with him?
Even if I was, it would be
none of your business.
He's the guitar player, right?
He's really good.
How old is he?
How old are you?
Hello, Mrs. Hopper.
Hello, Dwayne.
Is that what you're having
for dinner, Daisy?
Yep. And Dad took the spaghetti.
I thought you were off tonight.
Jacobs called in.
He's sick.
The hell he is, Dwayne.
He wants to stay home
and watch the game.
I need the car tonight, Dwayne.
We talked about this.
Somebody has to watch the station.
I can't not go in.
There's something else
I need to ask you about.
You know with the new business,
I need some space.
I need an office.
It's a hobby, not a business, Janine.
Let it go.
You said you were going
to think about it.
- Yeah, what's the day today?
- Tuesday.
Tuesday what?
Why don't you tell me?
- What happened ten years ago?
- What are you talking about?
Today is the tenth anniversary
of the first abduction, Janine.
And you want me to turn
his room into an office?
It's just that you said that
we are going to talk about it,
so I just asked you again.
I have my book club tonight,
so I have to go.
Hey, Dwayne.
What's going on, buddy?
Hey, what's up, Hal?
Everything's pretty quiet.
We got Felicity in holding cell 3 again
and some stuffed shirt in cell 5
who bolted at a traffic stop.
I like slow nights.
Are you okay?
You look more miserable than ever.
No big deal.
Just family stuff.
You want me to stay for a while?
- I'm fine.
- You sure?
Okay. All right.
That means I'm out.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Talk to you later, buddy.
I love it here.
I love it that you love it.
I don't miss anything.
The smell, the traffic.
It's sure quieter than Boston.
Do you miss anything?
The rounds.
I got to get out of here.
Oh. You scared the shit out of me.
You have to help me get out of here.
I only got to make a phone call.
See, I'm a friend of Judge Tobin's.
You understand.
I'm his pharmacist.
He promised that he would help me.
No phone calls at night,
especially not to sleeping judges.
You can talk to someone
in the morning.
He promised he would
file the paperwork
before he left work today.
I'm sorry, sir.
Rules are rules.
There's nothing I can do.
Why don't you just relax,
and we'll sort it out in the morning?
What's your name?
Dwayne Hopper.
My name is Ronald Perkins.
Can you guys keep it down?
I'm trying to sleep.
All right, Felicity.
Pipe down.
Do you have any children,
Officer Hopper?
Me, too.
I have children, too.
They need me.
I'm all they have.
Well, like I said-
What happened to your finger?
Yard work. It was stupid.
Tried to take a stick
from under a running lawnmower.
Please, help me.
Think of your daughter.
I'm sure Social Services
are taking good care
of your children, sir.
Get some sleep.
You, too, Felicity.
Do you have any children,
Officer Hopper?
I'm all they have.
Think of your daughter.
I have children, too.
I'm all they have.
What happened to your finger?
Who's there?
Son of a bitch.
You lied to me.
Know what this is?
It's your file.
I looked it up.
Know what it says?
You don't have children.
Dude, you got
to be shitting me.
You looked in my file?
Maybe I started
to feel sorry for you.
Maybe I wanted to help.
Now, why would you want
to look at my file
if you wanted to help me?
How long have you lived
in Stone Cove?
All my life. I was born here.
How come I don't know you?
I don't know.
I live in my family's house.
It was our old summer house.
How'd you know
I had a daughter?
- You told me.
- No, I didn't.
Sure you did.
Hal, it's Dwayne.
Hey, Dwayne. What's up?
The game's on.
Can I talk to you for a minute?
Sure. What's going on?
I know this is going
to sound crazy, but...
I think our guy in the cell
might be the Stone Cove Killer.
You mean the pharmacist?
Yeah. He has a part
of his finger missing
which could explain
the blood on Kyle's carpet.
Daisy said she saw Kyle bite his hand.
Also, he has glasses
and the right shoe size.
You can't seriously think,
based upon a shoe size,
that this is the guy.
Yeah, I know. But listen.
Today is exactly ten years
since the first abduction,
and this guy was pulled over
in almost the same spot it happened.
He returned to the scene of the crime.
Stop it.
Do you have any idea
how crazy you sound right now?
I'm saying this as a friend.
You almost lost your job, remember?
And, Dwayne, you're going
to lose your family.
Your wife's going to pack her shit,
and you're going to be on your own.
Have you been drinking?
Lakeview Medical. This is Christine.
Hi, Christine.
This is the Stone Cove Police Department.
I was wondering if you
could do us a little favor.
This is Christine at Lakeview.
We have no record of anyone
named Ronald Perkins.
Could it be under a-
No, no, no.
Sir, it's Hopper.
Hopper, I've been trying to call you.
You get the paperwork for Perkins?
- Yes, but-
- No "buts," Hopper.
This is a friend of Judge Tobin's.
We're not going to have
any problems, you understand?
Sir, I think we should hold
onto him for a little longer.
Officer, we've had
this conversation in the past.
You know exactly
what I'm talking about.
- You listening?
- I know, sir.
But, uh,
I think he could be connected
to my son's disappearance.
I found something in his car.
His car, holy shit.
Hopper, please tell me
you didn't search his car
without a warrant,
for Christ's sakes.
Put whatever it is back,
and let Perkins go.
I want to see you in my office
first thing in the morning.
Order up is here.
I'm so glad you're leaving.
You sped here.
You'll speed away.
Yeah, I woke in the mornin'.
And I told her I loved her.
Hello, blackbird.
Yeah, good-bye.
Okay, so, what is nihilism?
It means you don't believe in anything.
But how is that possible?
Because in order to be a nihilist,
you have to believe in being a nihilist,
which means you're not a nihilist anymore.
So if I don't care enough about the things
that I'm supposed to believe in,
whatever it is
I'm supposed to believe in,
that makes me a nihilist?
No. That would make you
an ignoramus, Eric.
Whatever, Sammy.
Since you've been studying
your S.A.T. prep class so hard,
why don't you enlighten the group?
because we all know
that eventually you will.
I just think it's important
that people actually
believe in something.
I am so sick of everybody our age
always saying,
"Let's not argue, because
everybody's right in their own way. "
No. They're not.
Usually somebody is right
and somebody's wrong.
Oh, yeah? And who decides
that? You, Sammy?
- Hey, Pete. How you doing back there?
- Chillin'.
I just think it'd be nice
if, sometimes,
people had the balls to argue
a fucking point, you know?
It's better than resorting
to some half-assed haze
of moral relativism or irony.
So people aren't entitled
to their own opinion, Samantha?
Well, Daisy, they are,
but, you know, about art and music.
That's true.
Some things are just facts,
and if you argue them,
then you're just wrong,
like the sky is blue.
Pete's an asshole.
On the Waterfront is a great movie.
Daisy wore a little skirt
to get in Eric's pants.
Shut up. I did not.
Did you?
Take that shit somewhere else.
I'm way ahead of you.
Come on, Daisy.
I want to show you something.
- Later.
- See you guys.
It's him. I know it is.
I had the hospital check,
and they've never treated
Ronald Perkins for anything.
In fact, they don't even
have a record that he exists.
Now, he said he's lived
in Stone Cove all his life
- and hurt his finger doing yard work.
- So?
So why wouldn't he go to the hospital?
I'll tell you why.
Because he's the Cove killer,
and Kyle bit his finger.
And if he'd gone to the hospital,
we would have identified him.
I have his address.
I want you to go to the house
and check it out.
Are you fucking out of your mind?
This could be the key to finding Kyle.
Listen to me, buddy.
Kyle is gone.
And I really sympathize with you.
- But maybe you need some help.
- Listen to me.
I'm not going to go illegally
search some guy's house
for no reason.
We've been friends
for a very long time, Hal.
Please. Just look.
For me?
It's weird being back here.
Because when I was little,
my dad used to drag
the whole family
out to the precinct picnic.
We would take turns
throwing a tennis ball at the chief
to dunk him in the water tank.
This place is so much cooler
since it's been shut down.
I guess.
Raise your hands.
I don't know why you keep
harassing me like this.
Why don't you just get
a fucking room already?
Come this way.
Now it's just the two of us.
I don't understand
what you want from me.
Does the name Kyle Hopper
ring a bell?
My son...
...was the last of the 14 victims
you abducted ten years ago
from their families.
That's when you lost your finger.
I don't-
I don't understand.
You see, I know who you are,
Ronald Perkins.
You think that I'm a serial killer?
Are you completely crazy?
Look at me.
Where'd you get that?
I'm a pharmacist.
I was making a delivery to the hospital.
They don't know you at the hospital.
Hal, are you on your way?
I'll be at that house in minutes.
Whose house? My house?
You can't do that.
Scared we'll find something?
Jesus Christ.
I have rights.
So did my son.
Okay, I'm here.
Take a look around.
Hey, Dwayne.
You can arrest this guy.
He has some of the ugliest
garden sculptures I ever seen.
Wait a second.
There's footprints around
the side of the house.
Footprints, huh?
Imagine that.
Hey, Dwayne.
Heard a strange noise
from the basement.
I'm gonna go check it out.
He can't do that.
That's breaking and entering.
You sure about that?
I definitely heard a noise.
That's probable cause in my book.
- Dwayne, he can't do that.
- Shut up.
He can't do that.
He can't go in there. Okay?
Tell him to get out!
You're in big trouble, Dwayne.
That's strange.
What do you see?
What the hell?
What? What is it?
I can't wait to tell the judge
all about this tomorrow.
Hal, can you hear me?
Hal? What is it?
Hal? You hear me?
Can you hear me, Hal?
I know how you feel.
I told you to shut up.
Hal! Can you hear me?
I mean I know how you feel
about your missing son.
No, you don't.
No, you fucking don't.
When I was six,
my parents were killed.
I was in the house.
And I could hear
my mother's screams.
I heard the gunshot.
You know what that's like
for a little boy?
To find the bodies of his parents,
his guardians,
still warm, lying in a mess
of their own blood?
Do you know what it's like to be six
and realize, for the first time,
that you're alone in the world?
Do you?
Can you hear me, Hal?
My mother was stabbed 14 times.
My father was shot in the face.
The police investigated,
but after a couple of months,
they declared the case closed,
a probable murder/suicide.
My father did not kill my mother.
I know this in my bones.
But it was easier
to pretend that he did,
easier for everybody.
I guess you're still
pretty angry about that, huh?
Don't you psychoanalyze me.
I mean, maybe I am still angry.
Or maybe I've moved on.
That's what people do, right?
I don't know what
you're talking about.
You have dinner with your family.
You play cards with your friends.
I mean, how many hours of television
do you watch each week
when you could be investigating
your son's disappearance?
And you moved on,
just like everybody else
in Stone Cove.
That's what people do.
It's human nature.
Something's wrong.
There's a million reasons
why that radio went dead.
But we have to go check it out.
We? I'm in jail.
You're released.
These are dated hours ago.
You're in big trouble,
aren't you, Officer Hopper?
I love your hands.
I love watching you play.
You were awesome out there.
Careful with that hand, Daisy.
It's just,
if all goes well with
that producer next week,
I could be out on tour by the fall.
So, you break a lot of hearts in here?
Well, we don't break much stuff.
My buddy Jonah runs this place, so-
And he pretty much just leaves us alone
to do whatever we want.
So, the decor?
Is that your idea?
All this stuff's cool, right?
This decor works well
on young, impressionable virgins.
Are we testing the waters, Mr. Eric?
I might be.
Hi, boys and girls.
I just want some water, please.
Uncle Ronnie's here.
It's okay. Don't cry.
It's okay. It's okay.
Get down!
Ronnie loves you all.
Ronnie's gonna play with you later
because you've been such a good girl.
Please stop it!
- Stop, please.
- Hey, Toby.
I want to go home!
No more screaming now, Toby, okay?
Stop! Let go of me!
Ronnie's your daddy,
and Ronnie's your mommy.
Ronnie is all you have.
Daddy, help!
So you found the tapes.
I was going to mail those to you.
Is he dead?
Did you kill him?
Your son had tremendous spirit.
He lasted longer
than any of the others.
I had to amputate my finger
where he bit it.
The little bastard.
Why would-
How could you do that to a little boy?
I didn't do it to him.
I did it to you.
To all of you.
To punish you
for leaving your loved ones behind
just like you left my parents behind.
I made those tapes for you, Dwayne.
Now you can always know
what your son was going through
while you were out there in the world
living your life.
You'll always know that
you could've tried harder.
Why didn't you try harder, Dwayne?
He used to call for you in his sleep.
Officer down.
Repeat, officer down.
Is he dead?
Yes. He's dead.
Then we'll deal with him later.
Wait in line.
I got big emergencies right now.
I'll get to you as soon as I can.
I have three more emergency calls-
- Anybody? Car 16?
- 20 Lake?
I'm already responding
to the backup call on Berkeley Place.
What the hell's going on out there?
Does anyone know?
We're all already responding to calls.
Call the main line
and get some asses out of bed.
This is car...
I'm gonna go to 20 Lake.
Car 17, I don't see you on patrol tonight.
Who is this?
This is Officer Dwayne Hopper.
My daughter's out there.
Are you armed?
Okay, go.
White male, early 20s.
He had an axe.
I tried to shoot him
but he ran into the woods.
- Who is that?
- Who the hell is this clown?
It's about goddamn time.
What's up, man?
All right, start there, dispatch.
He's dead, or he took off.
Sounds like a good idea to me.
Wait. Wait.
Did you hear something?
Stop. Stop.
Somebody's out there.
There's nobody out there, Daisy.
There's nobody out there.
What are you doing here?
Don't you have a job to go to?
I'm here with my friends.
Leave me alone.
Stay right where you are, Daisy.
Don't move.
Oh, hey, Mr. Hopper.
I'm safe, okay?
I'm with friends.
We already talked about this.
Get down! Get down!
Get out of there!
Come out of there!
Are you all right, baby?
Are you hurt?
No, I'm fine.
My hand, my hand!
My hand, Daisy!
Come on, Dad!
Dad, I gotta go get my friends.
Come on. They're gone
Daisy. They're gone.
What do you mean, they're gone?
I just shot that man.
Kill it! Kill it.
Oh, my God!
Kill it. Kill it.
Oh, my God.
What's going on out here?
We need the National Guard.
We have dead citizens
all over this town.
All units, this is the chief.
We just declared
a state of emergency.
All off-duty units will
be coming online to help.
Orders are to instruct residents
to stay inside their homes
until we can control the situation.
I'm counting on it, okay?
I've never seen the likes-
We have bodies in the streets-
Literally, bodies in the streets.
What are these things?
Does anybody have any clue
who these people are,
or what the hell's going on?
Is that Stevie Matthew's car?
Dad, get back in the car!
What are you doing?
Just get back in the car!
You don't need to investigate right now.
Please, Dad, just get in the fucking car.
Oh, my God.
Just get in the fucking car, Dad!
Get in the car, Dad!
Get in the car, now!
- Please-
- Help!
Oh, God!
Dad, get in the car!
Dad, get in the car!
Dad, please, get in the car!
Get down.
Get off the car!
- Don't shoot!
- Freeze!
Oh, my God.
- Don't shoot!
- Dad, please.
That's my son.
- Don't you shoot!
- Are you insane?
Get in the car with me!
Dad, please!
Look. Got a cork and everything.
It's warm champagne.
Well, yeah it's warm.
It's been in the back
of my truck forever.
That's okay, that's okay.
Don't worry about it.
I'll just got get some ice
for it, all right?
I'll be right back.
She's been there
about a half an hour.
What do you think of that?
It's me. It's me, all right?
What are you doing, Scott?
Digging for gold there?
Hurry up.
That wasn't funny.
Scared you.
Dad, where are you going?
To get your mother.
Go left.
Book group's at Myra Perry's house.
That's right.
She's not at the book group.
I don't understand.
She's at the Morning View Motel.
How'd you know?
I saw her car in the parking lot.
And I've seen it there more than once.
Do you really think it was a good idea
to leave the door open, Scott?
I had my bag.
I had my wallet.
I was gone like, 30 seconds, all right?
Relax, Janine.
This place is deserted.
Isn't that why we come here?
I'm sorry.
Oh, God.
Oh, my God!
Stop it!
- Dad, please don't let him in.
- Please, let me in.
Dad, please, no.
- Let me in, please.
- No.
- In the back.
- Dad!
Oh, God. Thank you.
Thank you.
Wait, where are you going?
Into town, to get my wife.
No, you can't.
That's where they are.
That's where I came from.
- Sir-
- Can't go back there.
You need to calm down, sir.
Oh, my God, Eric?
Turn the car around.
Stop the car!
- Dad-
- Son of a bitch.
Your wife, she could be dead.
Even if she's not,
going back there
will get us all killed.
Mister, this is a police cruiser.
The door's locked from the inside.
But from the outside all you
gotta do is pull the handle.
If you hurt him,
I turn the car around,
leave you in the middle
of the town right now.
Eric, are you okay?
Listen. They're monsters.
They're not monsters.
They're victims.
They killed my grandmother.
God, I was in the back, and-
I heard it bust in.
I looked around the corner, and-
I saw what it was doing to her.
Yeah, I just ran out the back door.
They're not monsters.
They're Perkins' victims.
They're all alive.
Dad, what are you-
What are you saying?
We arrested a man tonight.
He kept 'em.
He kept 'em all
in cages in his basement.
He didn't let them talk.
He didn't let them have
any human contact at all.
Pumped 'em full of drugs, and-
That's his revenge.
He wanted to be caught.
Oh, my God, Daisy.
Ten years.
We didn't find him for ten years.
Wait here.
I'll be right back.
I'm coming with you.
I'm not going back out there.
I'm not sitting in the car
with this crazy asshole.
Daisy, let me out.
Wait here.
Oh, thank God.
Thank you, God.
Thank you. God.
I'm so sorry.
Thank you so much.
It was completely bad-
Where are your car keys?
They're inside the room.
I left them inside.
Take your mother.
- Go by Broadhurst.
- No.
Get to the police station.
Unlock the door, okay? Go.
- You gotta come with us!
- I'm right behind you.
- You have to come with us-
- Stay together.
Oh, God-
Open- Open the door-
Open the door!
Open the fucking-
Open the fucking door!
Open the door!
Open the fucking door!
Please! Open the door!
We have to get out of the lobby.
It hit me so hard,
it knocks the gun out of my hand.
Grabs the gun,
throws it against the wall.
It shatters into pieces, the Glock 9.
I'm out here.
Where's the backup?
And it's like that situation,
an I. E. D. goes off.
Justin's leg goes flying through the air.
Hold this. Daisy, hold this.
This is gonna hurt a little bit, all right?
Just hold in your hand.
Just hold him.
Is Dad gonna be okay?
Dad said that the people
that were kidnapped
that are attacking us now.
- He said one of them is Kyle.
- Your father's wrong.
- He's made a mistake.
- Are you sure?
- It looked a lot like Kyle.
- It's not Kyle.
Kyle's been gone
for a long time, honey.
Hey, the pounding has stopped.
They're inside-
What is the safest place
in this building?
The basement.
The holding cells are there.
We gotta go.
Come on.
Wake him up.
Come on. Get up.
Wait. There's only one
door to the basement.
Once we get down there,
there's not gonna be any-
That's okay.
Those things are coming after us.
We either go downstairs
in the basement,
or we might as well just go outside,
back into the open-
Dad is outside in the open,
and if we go down to the basement,
he's not gonna know
where we are, and he's not-
Listen to me.
I'm not gonna give up on him.
But he's okay. He's not here
because he found a safe place.
- All right? And he wants us to do this-
- Promise.
I promise!
Let's go. Get up.
Help me! Oh, my God-
Help him.
Help me! Help me!
We need to get to the basement.
How did you get in?
Through the garage.
- How did you get in through the-
- Hello?
Is anybody out there?
Can you hear me?
Sounds like a person.
- Felicity. Son of a bitch.
- Hey! Is anybody out there?
Dude, it's about goddamn time.
Everybody, this is Felicity.
This is everybody.
Felicity likes to defend nature
by sabotaging construction equipment.
What are you doing, big fella? Huh?
- Watching some cable?
- Take a seat, Felicity.
What's that?
Put it down.
Man. This is supposed
to make you strong as shit,
but it turns your brain to mush.
Apparently, you get hit
by cars and hardly feel it.
Is this yours?
Who says Stone Cove ain't a party town?
Are you all right?
He's alive, Janine.
Kyle is out there.
He's been alive the whole time.
You should see what he did to them.
You should see.
we looked for him.
We didn't look hard enough.
I didn't try hard enough.
I left him behind.
I gave up.
Just like everybody else.
Mom, Dad, please, just stop.
That's why there was no connection
between any of the victims.
He doesn't choose them based on age
or gender or where they're from.
He chose them because
their families loved them.
He wanted to make a hole
as big as he could.
He wanted to make us suffer
for forgetting his suffering.
Do you think that we should
talk about what happened earlier?
I don't know what the
hell's going on up there,
but it's gotta be better than this.
You people suck.
I'm going to the bathroom.
That thing in the forest.
I saw you shoot it.
And he came back.
Now how is that possible?
Maybe drugs or a cult.
it is not a cult, okay?
We'd have a much better idea of knowing
what those things were
if Bob Vigilante over there
hadn't killed the only person who knew.
Mr. Grodsky, I don't see you doing anything
except for complaining.
What was that?
Hopper, they're in the ceiling.
Oh, my God, Felicity.
Grodsky! Move!
Get out of there!
They got through.
We're not safe in here any more.
Don't! Don't!
They came through the ceiling.
They're smarter than we thought.
What are we gonna do?
- I don't know.
- Dad!
- What are we gonna do?
- I said I don't know!
We just gotta kill them.
- No.
- It's us or them, Hopper.
I won't let you do it.
So what's your plan?
Wait until your zombie son
comes through the door
and rips us to pieces?
The cells are safe!
You said so yourself.
Think of it as a mercy killing
for a sick animal.
You may not be tough enough
to do what needs to be done.
But I am.
Now move, you two.
Move to the corner. Move!
Oh, my God!
Why did you do that for?
We need to get out of here.
Out of this station.
Well, we can't just go
back out into the open!
We won't make it.
We need a car.
I have an idea.
Do you have the keys?
No. They're in the evidence room.
Can somebody-
Can somebody go through-
through the ceiling, over the cubicles,
drop into the evidence room
behind the closed door, maybe?
Maybe. I don't know.
Well, we gotta try something, Dwayne.
We gotta try something.
I'll go.
No. No.
I'll go.
You take care of Daisy, okay? Yeah.
Let me go, Dwayne.
Let me go.
promise me.
If anything happens to me,
you'll always take care-
No. Listen.
You have to promise me that,
no matter what,
you're gonna take care of Daisy, okay?
I promise.
Where is she?
Where are they?
Where are they?
No! No!
Daisy? No!
We're not gonna make it
out of here, are we?
Run! Go on!
- What are you doing?
- I'm sorry, baby.
- I can't leave him.
- No, no, no, no, no!
You can't leave me!
You can't leave me!
- Take this.
- No!
- And use it.
- No.
- No- please-
- I can't abandon him, Daisy.
Not again.
- You won't come back-
- I have to try.
I will come back. I will.
I promise. Okay?
Come here.
I'm sorry for a lot of things.
I love you.
Me, too, Dad.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Not gonna hurt you.
We're running out of time, Kyle.
I know what he did to you.
I saw it.
But you have to come back to me now.
Try to remember.
Try to remember.
Try to remember.
Remember we played chess?
Say you remember.
My son.
I'd like to introduce you all to somebody.
This is Kyle.
And he wants to be your new friend.
Subtitled By J. R. Media Services, Inc.
Burbank, CA