Permission (2017)

[Horns honk in distance]
Are you even...
Will: Yeah,
just give me a second.
[Both speaking indistinctly]
- Okay? You want me to...
- Yeah. Just give me a second.
Just give me a second.
- Oh.
- Ah. There we go.
[Bed thumping]
I love you.
You're so perfect.
I love you.
Just stay like this.
Just stay like this forever.
I love you.
Oh. Careful.
[Both breathing heavily]
- See, I told you.
- It was quick.
[Both laugh]
Thank you.
Is that a record?
I don't want to get
anything on the sheets.
Will you get me
Thank you.
- There we go.
- Phew.
- Where's the remote?
- Hmm?
You have the remote?
No, I thought you had it.
Oh, yeah.
- Yep.
- Yeah.
[TV turns on]
I love you.
I love you.
- Good night.
- Good night.
[Dog howls]
Dr. Bennett: All right, class, I'm
looking forward to your thesis drafts.
But first, Anna...
30 is a milestone.
Say goodbye to your youth.
- Surprise, Anna.
- Surprise!
- Happy birthday, Anna.
- Thanks.
- Happy birthday!
- Thank you.
Anna, you are the most
beautiful thing I...
I have ever seen... No.
Anna, I...
want to be with you
for the rest of my life,
and I hope you do, too?
- [Horn honks]
- No. No.
No, no, no, no.
- Hey.
- Hello.
Happy birthday!
- Don't panic.
- What?
- Oh.
- 30's just the beginning...
of the end of your life.
Oh, it's big.
I cannot wait
till you see this.
Oh, that is scary.
Look at that hair!
Look at you.
- You look so handsome.
- Whose arm is that?
Thought you could probably use
some art for the new house.
New house?
Somebody say new house?
- Huh? Huh?
- Hey, we're right on schedule.
Okay. Okay.
All right, we're nowhere
near on schedule...
- Thank you.
- ...but listen, I screwed up,
made a few crucial
miscalculations, you know.
Just not this one.
- Aww.
- [Chuckles]
- That was nice.
- Thank you.
- It was good.
- It was good, right?
- Good save.
- It was good, right?
- Thank you.
- Oh, my God.
You know what I was thinking
about coming here tonight?
Summers at the lake.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Like how our parents
left us up there, you know?
I mean, they should be here
tonight, Mom and Dad.
Hey, look, they are who
they are, and we love them.
It just reminded me that you
covered for them, so thank you.
- Oh, my God, and we'd gossip about boys...
- Yeah.
...and your crush on Teddy.
- For Will.
- No, Teddy.
- Ted... for Will.
- [Laughs]
Teddy Fredricks?
Teddy Fredricks.
- You remember him.
- With the giant neck?
- No, he did not have a giant neck.
- This guy had a giant neck.
- It was huge, Reece.
- He was just very strong.
He was like an orc.
You knew I had
a crush on Teddy.
No, I did not.
My point is
we were inseparable.
God, you guys met
when you were babies.
We were babies!
First loves
and still together.
Never been with anybody else
your entire lives.
It's so crazy.
- And it killed me because I thought...
- Come on.
- ..."I'm gonna be alone for the rest of my life."
- All right.
But then
you introduced me to him.
Now, if you could just convince
this one to knock me up,
that would be lovely.
- They should be here tonight.
- William.
- Mm-hmm.
- I'm not trying
to call you out
in front of your someday wife,
but when we were
in the dorms freshman year,
you told me you'd
already amassed
quite a few notches
on your belt.
Is that right? You did?
I-I lied.
- It's a weird lie.
- Reece.
- I was 18.
- We shared a bunk. We had a bond.
- Come on.
- It wasn't enough to...
No, it's just I was
a quiet farm boy,
and you were so fucking cool
and impressive.
- I wasn't enough.
- No, it's not that. No.
It's just he had a tattoo,
he had all the best drugs,
he'd already fucked
so many...
you'd already fucked
two Congressmen.
- Together, as well as separately.
- [Laughs]
- I'm a uniter.
- Oh, okay.
I wanted you to like me,
so I lied.
Well, it's disappointing.
We've made up for it
- Only with her.
- What?
- [Scoffs]
- You know what, Reece?
Our sex life, we don't need to
because our sex life is...
is really, really great.
Compared to what?
I mean, Anna, if you've never
had anybody but Will,
I say find out what
another cock feels like.
- What?
- Reece.
Don't you want to know?
Aren't you curious?
You must be.
I mean, really, come on.
The two of you
are so perfect
and constant and inevitable
and fucking boring.
You practically
already have babies.
- Live a little!
- Okay, come on.
Don't you want to be the guy
you pretended to be in college?
Aren't you gonna be
a little disappointed
if you die
and you never were?
Anyway, look,
there's no risk.
You two...
You two love each other.
You love each other.
You're a monument to love
that will stand for all time
and I toast you
and I love you.
- Oh, cheers, Reece.
- Thank you very much.
- Thank you so much.
- [Laughs]
[Clears throat]
Following that,
I was...
Uh, I was going to...
give you a set of keys
But the house
isn't finished,
so no keys, sorry.
Um, but I-I will say,
I could look at your face
for the rest of my life,
and, um...
I love you.
I-I love you.
Happy birthday.
[Rock music plays]
You liked Teddy Fredricks.
Yeah, before you came along.
Did you journal about him
and his thick neck?
Yeah, I was scared,
but he... he wanted me.
- Oh, how Victorian.
- [Laughs]
Wait, this is after
we were together?
Yeah, it was kind of a standing
offer until college.
- Really?
- Sure.
Uh, we moved to Naples
and got married.
I-I chose you.
But you were into Teddy.
That is... [Scoffs]
What? I was curious.
I mean it's not...
You... You've been attracted
to other women.
I mean...
Yeah, not...
- Well...
- Well, no, not more than you.
Points for that.
Thank you.
I suppose,
you know, you just...
I w-wanted experience.
And I got in the way.
Obviously not.
[Siren wails in distance]
[Joan as Police Woman's
"Human Condition" plays]
Hale: You're a real tit
sometimes, you know that?
I shouldn't drink champagne.
I think you just think
you're way funnier
than you actually are.
- Nonsense.
- No.
- I'm very funny.
- Oh, yeah, you are?
- Mm.
- I think we can agree to disagree on that one.
You'd be lost without me.
- Hmm.
- Hey.
- What?
- Mm.
I meant what I said
About what?
About having a baby.
I want to have a baby.
- How about a puppy?
- Come on.
Can we have the bill,
that's not a waitress.
Oh, fuck.
Human, human, human,
Ow! Careful!
Human, human, human,
Will: I wouldn't be jealous.
Would you?
W-Were you thinking about...
about this the whole time?
- No.
- About... About...
- No, I just...
- crush on Teddy Fredricks?
No, I'm just curious.
I was just curious.
- What do you mean?
- Hmm?
What do you mean
you're curious?
- Yeah.
- Are you asking asking?
I don't know.
No, I...
I'm just...
I'm just...
I don't...
[Car alarm wails in distance]
[Door closes]
Will: Why'd you say
that shit last night?
I don't know.
I'm sorry.
It was fucking stupid.
I was very drunk. I'm sorry.
Sorry about Reece last night.
He had a...
- Oh, whatever.
- Yeah.
He had a lot to drink
before we went out.
- No. Really?
- [Laughing] Yeah, he did.
How many guys were you
with before Hale?
I have no idea.
Well, like, a number.
More than you, considerably
less than a thousand.
- And Hale was the best?
- No.
Anderson Cooper...
avarice bottom.
It doesn't bother me.
I know he was joking.
Will: You never think about
being with anyone else?
No, not really.
Not seriously, no.
I mean, with Hale,
it's comfortable.
There's common cause.
That's everything.
It's not like I feel like
I'm missing out or whatever.
Will: Shotgun in your mouth,
if you live till you're 90,
Hale is the last person
you'll ever fuck?
Gun in my mouth,
I say absolutely.
- Yep. Yeah.
- Ooh.
a little more to go.
[Both grunting]
There you go.
Good job.
[Piano music plays]
[TV news chatter]
You think it's, like,
fate, what we have?
How's the sushi?
Am I holding you back?
Do I...
Are you satis...
satisfied w-with... with me?
I'm sorry. [Chuckles]
I don't understand.
Look, you have one life,
and I would never, never,
never want to stop you
from doing something
if, when.
it would be okay, I think.
It would be...
I think I would be okay.
Can you say what you mean?
[Mid-tempo music plays
on stereo]
I think that you should
sleep with other women.
I mean, just if we're...
if we're
gonna be together
You think I want to?
[Clears throat]
I know how much you love me
and always will,
so why shouldn't you,
I mean, if I love you
as much as I do,
then I shouldn't
be threatened by that.
- I couldn't be. I mean, I know it's just...
- Do you want to?
I don't know.
[Glass shatters]
[Somber music plays]
- Monogamy is stupid, okay?
- Uh-huh.
That is... That is the part
of what you said
- that makes sense, okay?
- Right.
Not that I... I mean, no,
but you...
- [Siren wails]
- You're... You're right.
- It's... It's bad design.
- Sure.
At least,
it defies all logic.
It's just... It's just crazy
that w-we've never
- talked about this, that's all, you know?
- Right.
I mean, we just did
what we were supposed to.
- Yeah, 'cause we were so youn.
- Right. How did we know?
I don't want you to want me
because you have to, you know?
I want you to want me
because you want to,
not because
I-I own your body.
Well, you can own
a little bit of it.
You think I want
to own a little bit of it?
[Melancholy piano music
[Dog howls]
[Espresso machine hissing]
[Pleasant music plays
on stereo]
Okay, so, look.
Last night, that was weird.
Are we gonna try it?
Okay, if we were gonna
do it, what we...
what would
we even call it?
An open relationship?
The relationship's not open.
- No. No.
- The relationship's just you and me.
That's what I meant.
You can just fuck
other people.
As could you,
I don't think
it's gonna work.
Well, why not?
Uh, human nature,
thousands of cautionary tales
preceding you.
That's not us.
How come this
has never come up before?
Been with each other
for, like, a billion years
and never thought about
fucking someone else?
Well, no, of course
I've thought about it.
I've been attracted
to other people.
God, you've only been with,
like, one person
your entire life.
Ugh! It's biblical.
It's Shari'a.
Fidelity has value.
It's why it's such
a common measure
- for evaluating a relationship.
- [Sighs]
I get that you want
to evolve beyond jealousy.
I don't think it's possible.
You want to be with Reece
Is that a question?
Do you?
I would like
to be with Reece
for as long as we make
each other happy.
But yes, given that,
forever is ideal.
You remember
Shannon and Jeremy, right?
They had, like,
an open relationship.
Yeah, in college.
Yeah, and they're still
They have kids now
and everything.
- Doesn't count.
- [Scoffs]
- You're still attracted to Will, right?
- Yeah, of course.
- Anna?
- Yes.
And the sex
is still good?
I mean... I think.
- [Sighs]
- You think.
You are saying
that with all the years
you've spent with Hale,
everything you...
you have together,
the love,
the trust between you,
the intimacy,
shared belongings,
your life, everything,
is so fragile
that if he were to sleep
with someone just once,
it would erase
everything you've built?
- Yes.
- That's ludi... That is ludicrous.
Why is it such a threat?
'Cause he's mine.
You sound like a child.
That is a child's answer.
I love you dearly.
This is very stupid.
I'll see you tomorrow.
[Hale whistles]
Go get him.
- What's his name?
- Oh, it's Bowzer.
He's a little rowdy,
but he's a good boy.
I meant, um...
- Oh. Yeah, Aidan.
- [Laughs]
- He's darling.
- Thank you.
This is actually
the only place he sleeps,
but Bowzer likes it,
You got any kids?
Uh, no.
Uh, too busy.
I run a garden center.
- Oh.
- Plants.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
It's like having
a bunch of kids, right?
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, well,
your dog's like a kid.
Axel, yeah,
he's my sister's.
I'm Hale.
- Hi. Glenn.
- Hey.
[Machine clanks]
Third time this year.
I hate this machine.
[Upbeat music plays on stereo]
Hi, there. Let me know
if you have any questions.
It's incredible.
The smell.
Oh, that? That's cedar.
He's, uh... He's sanding.
Well, I can smell it
all the way down the block.
Oh, really?
I have an exceptional nose,
Looks like it.
That's a...
It's a great nose.
Did you make this,
this table?
Yeah, the two of us
make everything
right here
in this store.
Pretty impressive.
Thank you.
Is that your boyfriend?
No, that's my... my partner.
My... My business pa...
He's my best friend.
- [Machine whirs]
- That's very cool.
Very, very beautiful.
Want to take
a piece of this?
You know, you can burn it
like... like incense
if you need a fix.
That's very sweet.
Thank you.
- All right.
- I'll do that.
I'll see you around.
Thank you.
You too.
Yeah, I want you
to understand...
I loved that.
Of course.
It was great!
There was so much talking.
I cried twice.
[Laughing] I know.
You're so emotional.
You love me.
Yeah, well...
- Want to go out?
- Hmm?
- Let's go out. Come on. Come on.
- It's late.
- Let's go out. Let's go dancing.
- It's late.
Let's go dancing.
It's not that late.
- Let's go dancing.
- I've got orders...
- We're not old.
- fill for tomorrow morning.
We're young and beautiful.
Let's dance.
I've got work to do!
Let's go dancing Tuesday.
Fuck Tuesday.
- All right.
- Okay?
- Tuesday.
- Okay. Good.
Can't believe
you didn't like the movie.
I do have questionable taste.
Hey, get back here.
Anna: What are you...
I thought we were going.
What's the rush?
I don't know.
Silly me, I'm breaking
You sure you're ready
for this?
Why did I have to let it
come to this?
Silly me
I'm aching
Why did I trust the sky
When I am near
Here I am waiting
Silly me
Silly me
When I'm with you
Do you see anyone?
No. Don't be...
Don't be so obvious, okay?
- You look great, though.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, fantastic.
- Yeah, so do you.
Thank you.
Uh, you want to
go take a lap, explore?
- Sure.
- Yep.
I'll go this way,
you go that way?
- Okay.
- All right.
I'm so sorry.
Let me get that.
I'm sorry.
Man at keyboard: Thanks.
Uh, I'm gonna take a break.
I like
what you're wearing.
["The Magic" plays on stereo]
- Oh.
- What do you do?
What... What do I...
I... You know...
[Inhales deeply]
- You live close by or...
- Hey, babe.
- Well, no.
- They were out of Stella.
I'm, uh, the fianc.
So, uh, you are...?
Against the marquee
Nice chatting with you.
I am divine
- Yeah.
- [Laughs]
- Sorry to...
- Thank you.
...break up the fun.
No, no, no. Thank you.
That was, uh...
- He was... He was, uh...
- Yeah.
- It was awkward.
- Yeah, I saw the look on your face and...
What, a little...
little strong?
Well, maybe. That's a...
That's a big move.
Yeah, I'll admit,
I might be pushing our
fake relationship too fast.
Well, yeah, you might.
I haven't even met you, so...
- [Laughs]
- Vicious technicality.
Wait. Are you... Are you
afraid of fake commitment?
Yeah, I'm terrified.
All this time, you think
you know someone, and...
I will take a beer.
Release me from my maze
I am makin' myself
[Music echoing]
It's on the, uh,
history of female composers.
Well, then, to finishing
your thesis.
And you to finishing
your, uh...
I don't know, laundry?
- [Laughs]
- I'm Dane.
Oh, yeah.
Hi. I'm... I'm Anna.
- ["More Than This" plays on stereo]
- Oh. You dickhead.
- What? You love this song?
- I do.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Oh, I'm so... I'm sorry.
I'm such an idiot.
Sorry. This...
is my friend, Will.
Great name.
It's crazy... I lost
my virginity to this record.
- No way. So did I.
- You did? That's so weird.
So did... So did...
So did she.
Crazy, huh?
How do you guys know each other?
We went to school together.
- Mm-hmm.
- Way back when.
I love this song.
You dance?
- Yes.
- We should dance.
- Will.
- All right. Come on.
Come on.
We can dance. Let's dance.
More than this, nothing
Oh, shit, my jacket.
I'll be right back.
Oh, okay.
You ready?
For what?
To go home.
You don't want to.
You like him,
he likes you.
Well... what...
what about you?
Well, I'll go home.
He's pretty cool, right?
You are into him,
clearly, so...
You know,
he's a great dancer.
Well, maybe I'll just
take his number or...
[Door opens]
Our work here is done, guys.
We changed the whole vibe.
Hipster assholes
are dancing.
- [Laughs]
- You guys got one more in you?
Yeah, I don't have
such an early morning.
You know, I might...
I might take off. Uh...
You know, you guys...
you guys go have fun.
All right?
All right.
Okay. Are you...
Are you sure?
I'll, uh,
I'll see you, Anna.
[Sirens wailing]
I'll get her home safe.
Shall we?
[Declan McKenna's "Bethlehem"
- So
- Night.
You've left it all
behind you
For love
is only as you see it
[Flames crackling]
This is cool.
What can I get you?
I'll... I'll take a...
whatever you're having.
This is it.
What's, uh...
What's this?
Uh, that was, uh...
That was a long time ago.
- It's yours?
- My old band.
You remember that song
"Drops of Jupiter?"
Uh, y-yeah.
Yeah, they, uh, they knocked us
off the charts, so, um...
[Purse thuds]
So, um...
now you...
do something with...
Do you really care?
Not really.
[Exhales sharply]
[Clothing thuds]
[Both breathing heavily]
- Oh, wait.
- What?
Uh, I just, uh...
I just, uh, um...
Can I just use
the bathroom?
Yeah, it's, uh...
You're almost there.
- [Door opens, closes]
- [Sighs]
Man on TV: Demolition
of 87 London Terrace
- was completed on schedule...
- [Cellphone chimes]
...despite the protest
of many local residents
and preservationists.
14 tons of dynamite
were detonated.
Everything all right?
Just, um...
one foot
in front of the other.
[Music stops]
You don't
have to rush out.
- Um... yeah, I...
- No, really.
[Chuckles lightly]
[Keyboard playing]
Anna: Uh...
Y-Yeah, I, um...
- I have s-school tomorrow, so...
- Ah.
And, uh, what's that like?
Your tomorrow?
I s-should go.
Uh, I didn't mean...
Oh, no, no. I wasn't say...
T-That was, um...
I just...
I should go.
[Pen scribbles, clacks]
I'll be staring at my phone
until you call,
but no pressure.
I-I should...
I should go.
[Music stops]
[Paper thuds]
[Music resumes]
You okay?
I'm good.
How was it?
It was, um... fun.
It was...
Is that okay
for me to say?
Yeah, yeah.
It was really fun.
Well, good.
That's so good.
- [Chuckles]
- That's...
Yeah, he was...
he was great.
It was... weird.
It was...
just different.
But you...
you're okay?
I'm... I'm great.
It worked.
[Sirens wail in distance]
Yeah, just...
Um, like he was...
I don't know,
like, um...
everywhere at once
and all over the place.
Um, but it was...
it was just fun.
Like, am I s-stiff or...
No, you're great.
You're the standard.
Did you do everything?
A lot of things.
Yeah, it worked.
It was just fun.
- It went well?
- It was better than that.
Okay, please,
spare me the details.
- You guys are fucking crazy.
- No, he was nice.
- He was nice to her.
- I'm glad of that.
- And Will?
- He was fine.
I think he was fine.
This was all your idea.
He's a composer.
He played me one of his songs.
- Okay, you can't see him again.
- Why?
Look, sex is sex,
and that's great, you know,
but that's what
you agreed to.
Just be careful.
Reece: You realize this is
a suicide pact, right?
You have to do it now.
You're committed.
Otherwise, she's out there
on the hook forever.
You're so dramatic.
You know that's literally
the worst thing
you can say to a gay man?
What are you staring at?
Hale: Nothing.
Hello again.
Hello again.
Um, so, I'd like
to buy this table.
This... Wow.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Well, that's,
uh, that's great.
I know. I-I couldn't get it
out of my mind, actually.
Let me just take
your details down
and schedule a delivery.
I'm available right now.
Oh. I...
Well, I...
I'm kind of, you know,
the store's open, and...
- [Pencil clatters]
- Mm-hmm.
Well, why don't you
just close the store?
I'm totally kidding.
I could be free tonight.
Oh, well, I could also
potentially be... be available
to deliver this table
to your address.
Well, then,
it's potentially a date.
[Pencil scribbling]
[Door closes]
Oh, hey.
Were you watching porn?
- You watching weird shit?
- No.
- Animals or something? Tentacles, eggplants?
- [Laughs]
Nope. I got to go.
I have drinks.
[Keyboard clacking]
Man on computer: can make.
When our family's journey
we decided adoption
was the answer
to what our family
had been missing,
a joy and love which I,
at first...
[Doorbell rings]
- [Door opens]
- Will: Hello?
- [Door closes]
- The doorman let me in.
It's... It's Will.
Where do you want this table?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, it's perfect.
- Oh, hi.
- Hey.
Cool place.
Thank you.
["I Defy" plays on stereo]
That's better, huh?
[Remote clacks]
Can I get you something
to drink, maybe?
Iced tea or white wine?
I'm... I'm fine.
- How could it be different?
- Mm.
I'm obsessed
with this stuff.
How could it be different?
Now I'm kissing the real you
Now I'm kissing the real you
[Both chuckle]
You want to dance?
Will I get through
my dark day?
- S-Sure.
- Mm-hmm.
Can you hear me?
I like this music.
You smell like my father.
How could it be different?
[Music plays in reverse]
[Melancholy piano music plays]
[Horn honks]
Man: What the fuck
are you doing?
It's the middle of the night?
We got kids over here!
This is Park Slope,
[Music ends]
[Footsteps approach]
[TV chatter]
- Hey.
- Hey.
I made dinner.
Oh, you cooked?
You didn't call.
- Yeah, I'm sorry.
- Don't.
Just fucking
don't do that to me.
I-I went to the house.
Till midnight
with your phone off?
I... met somebody.
And then I went
to the house.
You fucked someone
in our new house?
No, I-I went there after
to work.
But I'm suppo...
I mean, you're supposed to
tell me when you're gonna...
I-I was worried
about you.
I'm sorry.
What's her name?
[Fork clacks]
I'm sorry.
I should've called.
I-I didn't
do anything wrong.
Yes, you did.
Lydia is... is great.
Lydia is probably
a great person.
I'm... not angry
with Lydia.
[Footsteps approaching]
Wake up! We have to go!
Get in the bunker!
Come on!
It's an earthqu...
Oh, my God.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
- [Groans]
- I'm sorry.
Don't worry.
It's gonna be okay.
- [Groans]
- [Chuckles]
I can't breathe!
So, Lydia...
where did you meet?
- At the shop.
- Huh.
She bought a table.
Excellent customer service.
- Not my best, actually.
- Why?
Well, it was
just kind of scary.
She was looking at me
all naked.
S-She had big hands.
It was weird.
Did you enjoy it?
I guess, after a while.
After a while? How many...
How many times did you...
Oh, just once.
Oh, you lasted a while.
We did it on the table,
which was weird.
I couldn't...
I couldn't finish,
so I... I panicked,
and I faked it.
You faked... Wait,
how is that even possible?
What did you,
just spit on her back?
No, I just, like...
- Oh, that's very convincing.
- Thank you.
- [Chuckles]
- Did you have to pretend with, uh...
- Dane?
- Mm.
- No. No.
- No?
- You just...
- No.
What, you didn't feel
like pretending or...?
No, I... [Sighs]
I don't know.
I was probably
just nervous and...
Right, right.
It's just friction, right?
You should see her again.
- Hmm?
- Lydia.
I don't know.
You want to see him again?
All right.
[Dogs barking]
Come on, Axel.
Axel, no! Bad boy!
Go over there!
- Oh, hi again.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I think I just passed out.
Is he sleeping
any better for you?
Oh, God, no.
No, no, not at all.
I tell you what...
I would trade my apartment
for six hours of uninterrupted
sleep at this point.
- Wow. That bad?
- Yeah. Yeah.
You know, I-I write,
so my office has been
turned into a baby's room.
It's a little tough
with deadlines
and things like that
to sort of...
You want to hold him?
- Yeah?
- Sure.
Take a seat.
Hey, Aidan, I'd like
to introduce you to Hale.
Hale, Aidan.
Hi, Aidan.
Hi, baby.
You must be so much fun.
He's so...
He's sleeping.
What do you think
he's dreaming about?
Oh, I bet it's you, too.
I bet it's you, too.
Where's the check?
I don't know.
This place fucking sucks.
I'm never coming
to Chelsea again.
Are we gonna talk
about it?
Are you growing
a moustache?
Um... yeah?
Yeah, I just thought
I'd try something new.
It's a little bit
like the...
like the creepy kid
in gym class.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Just... Just very fond
of your upper lip as it was.
Oh, thanks.
It's a compliment.
Where's the fucking
I'm gonna ruin
their lives on Yelp.
Reece, calm down.
I mean, don't...
Don't you think
they're fucking crazy?
I mean, Will and Anna?
I mean why risk what they have,
right, I mean, for some...
- If they're not happy...
- Yeah, but aren't they?
Like, are they not happy,
or are they just bored in bed?
- Famous last words.
- Yeah.
[Both panting]
I love you so much.
can we have a baby?
- What?
- Why would you do that?
Why would you say that
right now?
Why can't
you just be with me?
Is he bigger than me?
Um, he's somewhere
like this and like this.
Come on.
Are you... Are you thinking
about his now?
[Shoe thuds]
I mean,
yours is nicer, honestly.
Is he better, though?
Come on.
You're being silly.
- Was he?
- It was different.
- Different better?
- Different different.
I don't know.
He wasn't...
He wasn't careful
with me, which is...
Reece: You and Anna
ever talk about kids?
Will: Why?
Did she say something?
Just wanted to know
if I'm framing out a nursery.
It's a closet.
[Drill whirs]
But you want 'em?
- Yeah, sure, eventually.
- Really?
When this is done
and she's finished her degree,
I guess it would be good.
I guess that makes sense.
Hey, man, those...
those braces aren't straight.
I can see it from here.
It's solid.
It's gonna be covered over.
It's fine.
- I'll do it myself.
- It's a closet!
All right. I'll redo it.
I'll redo it.
It's fine.
I'll redo it.
It has to be perfect.
[Both breathing heavily]
Want to stay over?
We... We don't
have to do anything.
What, we could just
sit there in silence?
Sure, if you like, yeah.
We could also talk or, uh...
Well, you could tell me
about your thesis.
I can pretend
to understand, and...
- I'd love to, but...
- [Sighs]
Make you breakfast
in the morning.
I should really go home.
No, you really shouldn't.
[Faucet squeaks]
[Drain gurgling]
I didn't mean to push it.
Just tell me
you feel it, too.
One foot
in front of the other.
Dr. Bennett:
I don't understand, Anna.
This thesis draft
is far below your potential.
You're still writing
like a performance major,
not a music history scholar.
What's going on with you?
- [Muffled] Anna. Anna!
- I'll find you...
[Music continues indistinctly
in headphones]
Are you all right?
- Yeah, I just...
- [Headphones clatter]
I got to...
Got to go.
Don't like that piece?
I-I didn't see you.
It's all right.
I'm barely here.
- It is a divisive work, provokes a response.
- Does it?
I agree, there are
far more beautiful things
in the gallery
at the moment.
[Woman singing indistinctly]
Need a coffee?
Want coffee?
Neither should be
Be right back.
I don't need a coffee.
Why don't you
give me your number?
I'd like to see you again.
You gonna tell your wife?
Uh... no, I'm not.
So you... you have
an agreement.
What she doesn't know
she doesn't have to agree to.
You know,
she might not mind.
Just... give me
your number.
No. Look.
Unless you tell her, you...
You have to...
You have to get her permission.
I already told you,
that's not how we are.
I guess it's how I am.
Not according
to recent events, it's not.
Look, I'm not gonna ruin
my marriage for you, okay,
so thanks for the fuck,
but Jesus.
I'm sure you remember
where the door is.
[Horns honking]
Another one already?
- Yeah, it just... it just happened.
- [Sighs] Wow.
Oh, can you just...
[Both sigh]
- You okay?
- Mm-hmm.
Should we just...
You want to...
you know, should we just stop?
Is it worth it?
No, I'm okay.
You're okay?
I'm okay.
if you're okay, then...
I'm okay, so...
You want a drink?
I could go and...
No, I'm... I'm kind of tired.
I want to go home.
- [Sniffles]
- Really?
Yeah, I don't want to...
- You... You can stay...
- I might.
- ...if you want.
- I might do that.
See you at home.
See you at home.
['80s pop music plays]
Done nursing that ice water?
Oh, it's... it's mescal.
Not anymore.
[Ice clinks]
Hey, I have to work
tomorrow, so...
Oh, yeah?
What's your work?
I teach high school.
Good kids,
tough neighborhood.
And where's your wife?
My what?
Oh, that's my girlfriend.
She's at home.
- But you're here.
- So it seems.
it you want to pull,
all you have to do
is stick around
and drastically lower
your standards.
Oh, God.
- That's it?
- Mm-hmm.
[Steps creak]
I'm not asleep.
Good drink?
It's late.
That's a lot of money.
They're all like this.
Surrogacy's expensive.
It's not expensive.
That's a fucking fortune.
Can we at least
talk about it?
When you shave your moustache,
you can talk about it.
- Can you be serious, please?
- I am serious.
Can we try
to figure this out?
You're so fucking stubborn.
Don't I get a say in the matter?
You would if you
ever talked to me.
Has it ever occurred to you that
there might be a good reason
why I don't want to do it
or why I'm hesitant to do it?
If it's about the money,
we can try fostering.
Foster kids come damaged.
Adoption... they can
come take them away.
We have lives!
We have a life
that we built.
Look at it!
Can you picture
a child in it?
Yeah, well, I was trying.
You haven't thought
about any of this, have you?
It's some... It's some
beautiful fantasy for you.
Yes, I've thought...
I've thought about it.
Come to bed...
She sign
the delivery receipt?
- Yeah.
- Good.
Ms. Gretel Winthrop?
That's a funny name.
She was nice, though.
How nice was she?
I'm starting to fear for the
safety of our female customers.
You come in for a bookshelf,
might get more
than you bargained for.
- Not today, okay?
- Old bird like that, though,
I guess she won't mind
that you're an amateur.
You don't have to be
an asshole.
- I'm not trying to fuck everyone I meet.
- Oh, yeah?
What was the road
to Hell paved with?
Remind me.
Because it's working,
does that...
- does that threaten you?
- No, man.
Shit would never happen
in my house.
This doesn't threaten me.
Just makes me sad, that's all.
You still seeing
that other lady?
- Lydia?
- Yeah.
Care about her at all?
Of course.
What's she do?
What are her interests?
Where's she from?
You know what?
Fuck you.
I guess you know
who the asshole is, huh?
You gonna leave me
to drive back
'cause I hurt
your fucking feelings?
[Julian Taylor's "Never Gonna
Give You Up" plays on stereo]
- Oh, my God.
- Hi.
Oh, wow.
You're... 12 hours early.
Oh, you meant 9:00 at night?
I can come back.
No. No, you're here.
- It's okay.
- Right.
It's just, oh, my God,
the place is a mess.
We haven't finished.
Inga, det racker nu...
det racker nu.
You can finish.
You don't have
to have so much attitude.
Did you see that?
Makes me feel so insecure
about my Swedish.
I don't think
that's Swedish.
Well, I mean, it might
be a little Norwegian,
but it doesn't matter.
Well, you just...
you caught me.
I was in the middle
of doing my new workout.
It's... a little bit of yoga
and folding laundry.
I call it "yolaundry."
[Both chuckle]
Well, I've never been
on a date this early before.
So, um, here.
Let me take your coat.
Oh, thank you.
Did you have anything
special in mind?
No plans, exactly,
but, um...
You know, we didn't really
talk much last time, so...
Well, um, you want
to get to know each other?
Exactly. Yeah.
Really well?
The way you movin'
on the floor
What's that look for?
You ever sometimes feel like
just, you know,
like going wild?
I mean...
- Yes.
- I'm never gonna give you up
I'm makin' up my mind
Don't worry.
I know the girl
who made them.
Oh, I'm not...
I'm not worried.
Tell that to your face.
[Both chuckle]
What are they?
probably a lot of fun.
Are you serious?
I know you're mine,
mine, mine
- Hmm?
- All right.
You're fucking lovely.
You think so?
- Mm. Yeah.
- Hmm.
[Tall Heights' "River Wider"
plays on stereo]
You're a big softy.
Is that...
Is that bad?
Nothing's bad.
Oh, my God,
my whole damn world
We should, you know...
We should, like,
be friends, you know?
If you're...
If you're wo...
- [Laughs]
- Oh, wait, what?
Should I stop talking?
You're fine.
You're so... perfect.
The first time we had sex,
I didn't finish.
It's not you.
I... You're beautiful.
You're beautiful.
I just...
I-I couldn't.
- We should fix that.
- Really?
'Cause, like, you know,
that happens with Anna.
Who's Anna?
I want to feel
like this all the time.
Why don't I feel
like this all the time?
Because you have
a stick...
up your ass.
That was definitely
your finger.
- Shut up.
- Oh, my God.
I don't...
I don't know if I can.
Yes, you can.
What do you want to do
to me?
Ooh, whatever you want.
- No.
- Sorry.
- Shut up.
- Ooh, sorry.
What do you want?
- I...
- Anything is allowed.
- But I...
- Do it.
- Um...
- Just do it.
- I...
- Come on.
- But...
- Just do it.
You can do it.
Just do it.
Come on.
Come on. Come on.
[Voice breaking]
I'm so sorry.
- No, no.
- [Crying] I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
- I'm so sorry.
- No, no, no.
It's okay.
Shush, shush.
- I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.
All along the way
I'll find you
I'll find you
And all along the way
I'll find you,
I'll find you
And all along the way
I'll find you,
I'll find you
And all along the way
I'll find you,
I'll find you
[Utensils clack]
You look different.
[Whisk scraping]
I do?
I'm sure it'll pass.
[Plastic crinkles]
[Scraping continues]
[Keyboard plays]
[Food sizzles]
I didn't know
you could play.
Not very well anymore.
Thought it was what
I was gonna do, but, uh...
Now, keep going.
What are you...
What are you doing?
Since I know you're not
gonna stay the night,
might as well
make you breakfast now.
No charge.
Compliments of the house.
Part of the service.
You're really good,
and to think all this time,
I've just been
using you for your body.
Is that what's happening?
Can I kiss the cook?
- Come here.
- [Squeals]
Lydia: I feel really good.
Don't you?
I haven't felt
this good since...
I don't know,
since my divorce.
Danny, Danny,
Danny, Danny.
Um, I'm Will.
I'm talking about my ex.
- You idiot.
- I'm sorry.
No, you just think that you...
that you meet the one, right,
but there can't
just be one.
How can there
just be one?
I don't know.
I was a dental hygienist
before I met him.
I guess I could get
a dog.
I could...
I could travel.
Can I...
Can I ask you something?
The table...
Do you really like it?
Oh, my God.
The table is so beautiful.
I love it. [Sniffles]
It's just so honest.
And I can love the table,
and I can want to fuck you.
One doesn't diminish
the other, you know?
And I think we should
do this all the time.
Like, a lot.
Like, once a week.
It's so...
It's so good to do.
You should have some of this.
I really wish we had, like,
a fresh coconut,
you know what I mean?
[Food sizzling]
[Laura Marling's "Worship Me"
plays on stereo]
- Good?
- Mm.
Don't you cry and wish...
Okay, you can be honest.
You have a kid?
- It's God
- You a spy?
You need
No, whatever it is,
it's fine.
It's God you need
I don't have a kid.
[Chuckles softly]
We're young
I keep thinking
I'll never see you again.
Every time is like this,
and then...
then you vanish.
And need something
to put our hopes up
I see something in you.
Need something to protect us
It's God
So give me something.
You need
It's God you need
Sit down and worship me
Sit down and worship me
Sit down and worship me
Reece: It's 3:00.
You gonna come to bed?
In a minute.
This some kind
of punishment?
Not tired.
No, uh,
the abstinence.
I have a headache.
- For a week?
- It's persistent.
It's very big of you, this.
How long is this gonna go on?
- Go to bed.
- Answer me.
I just did.
Go to bed.
Will, are you okay?
Why's the TV
out in the street?
[Footsteps approach]
I moved it.
You should
really see this.
The hell is going on?
It's really something, right?
Hey, we should get a telescope.
- How cool would that be?
- Okay, you're drunk.
No, come here. Just...
Just sit down. Just relax.
- Will.
- Give me your... Just give me your feet.
- We have to talk.
- Just relax. Just look at the stars.
- [Sighs]
- Just give me your feet.
- Listen to me. I was just...
- Just give me your feet.
- Shh. Give me your feet.
- ...with...
Were you with Dane?
You smell like him.
Yeah, I was.
I was with Dane.
It's pretty amazing,
Like, anything
is allowed, right?
- Yeah, Will...
- Anything you want, you just do it.
Just do it.
- Sure.
- You know?
Whatever you want
to do to me,
you know, you can
just do it, right?
I mean, there must be something
you want to do to me
you just always
wanted to do...
- No.
- haven't told me.
- No.
- Come on. Just...
Are you, uh...
hiding something
right now?
Because we know everything
about each other, Will.
- Yeah. I don't mean...
- Yeah.
So, what are you trying
to say?
Did you know that
I want a telescope?
[Clears throat]
So you have secrets
that I don't know.
Well, don't you?
- Anna, it's... I...
- No, I don't.
- Will, just tell me. What is it?
- It's nothing bad.
Well, then, why have
you never told me before?
- I just...
- Will, come on. What?
I just always wanted
to spit in your mouth.
Out of context,
I guess it sounds weird.
I-I don't know why.
You want to s-spit on me?
I just think
it's... it's sexy.
[Voice breaking]
It's disgusting.
Why would you want
to do that?
No, no.
I don't want to...
No, I just... I'm sorry.
I don't want to do it to you.
- I just...
- Y-You don't?
- No.
- Why not? What's wrong with me?
- Nothing.
- Why don't you want to spit in my mouth?
I do. I will.
I just...
Only if you like it.
W-Will, I-I want you
to want to spit in my mouth?
No, no, no.
I'm sorry, no.
- [Sobbing]
- No, I'm... I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, too.
I love you.
- I love you, too.
- I love you.
- I love you.
- I love you.
- I love you. I love you.
- I love you. I love you.
God, you stupid fuck.
I'm going.
You didn't notice.
Can we talk about it now?
I got to go.
[Door opens, closes]
[Birds chirping]
[Dogs barking]
You ever miss
your life before having him?
is what you're
supposed to say.
But sometimes, yeah.
I just used to have all this,
um... my freedom,
but it's been cannibalized
by this guy.
- [Chuckles]
- Yeah.
But then he does
something cute
with a spoon
and some applesauce,
- and it doesn't matter.
- Right.
But don't get me wrong...
it is hard as shit, you know?
But you get through it.
You thinking about it?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
For a while.
Well, what's stopping you?
I don't know.
You'd make a great dad.
You think?
I mean, don't listen to me.
Look at this guy...
he loves you.
Well, thank you.
And thank you.
[Door closes]
[Melancholy piano music plays]
[Doorbell dings]
Oh, hi.
Can I help you?
You're new.
Oh, my God,
you're so cute.
- [Chuckles]
- Uh, thank you.
Uh, was somebody
helping you?
Will was helping me.
they're out right now,
but if there's something
that I can help you with...
Well, no, I mean,
I was in before. I'm Lydia.
So you're...
coming back for more?
You know, I thought
I would do,
like, the entire loft.
- Uh-huh.
- Built-ins, a coffee table,
and maybe
a dining-room table.
There's just so much glass
and it's cold and it's hard
and it's icky and ugh.
You don't need to know
about that,
but, yeah, but I just...
I need a fresh start.
- A lot of work.
- You mean expensive?
I don't give a shit.
It's not my money.
[Both laugh]
My ex-husband
did incredibly well,
but hey, fuck it.
My lawyer was better,
and I wasn't fucking
my secretary.
Like, what kind
of a guy does that?
It's, like, what year
were you living in?
I mean, the whole thing
is gross.
I really should stop
talking about him.
- I'm sorry.
- No, you can say whatever you want.
You're very sweet.
You're going, like,
"Aah, it's a crazy lady!
Someone adjust her meds."
They have. They did.
Meds have been adjusted.
- Can't you tell?
- Oh, no, I... I didn't think...
But, you know what, I just think
the whole thing is, um...
I'm here because I think
this place is really cool
and what Will's doing
is so honest
and he just shows that
you can do whatever you want.
I mean,
you can start over again.
You can start over again,
and it's, you know.
I know.
Life is weird.
It's fucking weird.
That's true.
Well, I will tell Will that
you that you were... were here.
Thank you.
You're so... lovely.
What's your name?
Thank you.
[Doorbell dings]
- [Knocks on door softly]
- Anna: Dr. Bennett?
Hey, Dr. Bennett.
I just, um...
I-I'm so sorry
I didn't make it.
I don't know
what's going on with you,
why you're slipping
like this.
You are on the verge of
an amazing academic career,
but it feels like
you don't even want it.
What do you want, Anna?
Get it together.
[Utensils clack]
[Horn honks]
- Hey.
- Hi.
You want to take a walk,
get a coffee or something?
I've got a better idea.
Come on.
What are we doing?
Breaking and entering.
What? Are you... Are you kidding?
What if we get...
- Come on.
- What if we get caught?
Come on.
Oh, geez!
Look at that.
Not bad, huh?
Who... Wait, what is this?
What does it look like?
I don't know,
some kind of gesture?
It's just a piano.
["Heart Sunk Hank" plays]
So long, broken parts of me
I will fix you up
inside my dream
"Ours is but to do or die"
Said Alfred
to the charging light
So long, broken parts of me
- What? What is it?
- Ugh. Cramp.
- Ah, it's bad. Quick.
- Are you okay? Are you okay? What?
Let me see.
Get up.
- Play.
- What?
Oh, you...
No, you should definitely
play before we get arrested.
Oh, I can't.
Not here. Not at... No.
Please play.
[Exhales sharply]
[Bach's "French Suite No. 5
in G Major" plays slowly]
[Music continues]
[Music stops]
- Anna...
- Dane, um...
I, um...
- I-I can't stop thinking...
- Dane.
I-I'm an articulate person,
so just... just let me...
Ah! You're incredible.
I love this,
spending time with you, and...
Hey, listen, I know
it's new and that it...
it scares you, and I don't
want to rush it,
- and I don't...
- That's... That's what I-I want to...
Will you go out with me?
What am I, 16?
Please say something.
Dane, it's...
it's too much.
Oh, no.
- No, please, please, please, please.
- No, wait, stop.
I take it back.
I didn't say anything.
We don't know each other.
- I know how I make you feel.
- No.
Everything that... that you
think that you're feeling...
Well, tell me...
Tell me I'm wrong.
Everything that
you feel, it isn't real.
- You don't know that, okay?
- No, I do!
It's not real.
This isn't real!
It's real to me.
Just give it a chance.
Because I don't feel
the same way.
Yes, you do.
Clearly, you do.
- How would you...
- You're still standing here
trying to convince me
that you don't.
I was fucking you, Dane!
I was just fucking you.
You're lying.
You're here.
Yeah, like clockwork, right?
[Dogs barking]
You okay?
I don't know.
Uh, actually, um...
This might be dumb
or whatever, but, uh...
meeting you,
it's helped me a lot.
I'm glad I could help.
Hale, you, uh...
Well, you know I'm not...
Yeah, yeah.
No, that's not why I...
- Oh, my God.
- ...said anything.
I'm sorry.
It's ridiculous of me.
- No, I can understand why...
- No, I... No, no, no, that's tacky.
I don't know why
I made that assumption.
No, no. Really.
You just listen to me.
I'm glad I could help.
I don't know what to do.
None of us do.
The big secret.
Yeah, I mean...
No, it's...
- Hi.
- Hey.
Where have you been?
Um, Glenn, this is...
- Hi.
- Hello.
I'm the boyfriend.
I'm Glenn.
Well, I-I better get him
home before he wakes up.
Nice meeting you.
You, uh...
You okay?
- Yeah.
- Okay, good.
- Who was that?
- It's a friend.
- Oh, yeah? Friend?
- He's a friend.
A friend I don't know
He's just a friend.
Is that what this is?
Are you and Glenn...
Is that why? Is that
what the fuck is going on?
In a way, yes.
In a way,
what the fuck does that mean?
I want to be happy.
Hale, years together.
All I get is
a, "I want to be happy"?
- You don't listen.
- Vagaries bullshit?
- Are you leaving me for him?
- No!
No, whatever this is,
this is the worst version
of you.
Do something else.
Look, I'm sorry.
I went t-today to the place.
I went.
I made an appointment
for Thursday.
I want us to do it.
I want...
I want to have a baby.
What do you mean?
You don't want
to have a baby?
I want to have a baby.
But not with you.
- Why not?
- Because you don't want it.
What the fuck difference
does that make?
- You never wanted one.
- I want one now.
This is not fair.
You decided this.
You made this decision
by yourself,
and now I have
no fucking say in it!
I don't know what to do!
You can't account for growth,
[Somber piano music plays]
[Gate opens]
Thank you.
[Traditional Asian music
plays on stereo]
What are you doing here?
if you want us to do
more work for you,
that's fine.
That's great.
Thank you.
Um... that'll be
the extent of it.
- Sure.
- Yeah.
- That's fine.
- Okay.
I just wanted
to, you know, face to face.
That's sweet.
That's very sweet.
All right.
You look great.
Hey, uh... Anna,
she's really beautiful.
[Clears throat]
She's perfect.
[Gong rings]
Who was that?
Did I say you could
leave the room?
Get back in there.
You gonna punish me?
I'm gonna make you weep.
I'm gonna crush you
like a little grape.
- All right. Yeah, all right.
- Shh! No more talking.
Anna, you are my whole life,
you are my everything,
and I want us
to be together forever.
Same again.
Thank you.
I'm excited I get to have
a whole nother bottle.
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay.
Oh, nothing.
I was just thinking
about that trip.
What trip?
[Pops lips]
You know, the trip.
You wanted to go
on a trip.
Oh, okay.
Well, yeah, sure.
But don't you want to wait
until the house is finished?
Yeah. Right.
Right. Absolutely.
No, totally.
We probably should.
You know, um...
Wrong pocket.
[Imitates trumpet fanfare]
- It's for you.
- Wait, is that...
- Mm-hmm.
- Are you...
- It's for you.
- Seriously?
You mean you finished
the house?
Mm-hmm. So now
can we go on that trip?
[Both laugh]
No way!
I don't believe it.
Let's go.
Come on.
I want to see it.
What is it?
Open it.
Open it.
Gonna open it?
All right.
I'll open it.
It's a ring.
[Both chuckle]
I don't want
to be with anyone else.
I know that now, okay?
I... [Sighs]
I don't know who I am
without you, Anna,
and you're my whole life.
It's starts with you.
Can't not be you.
So [Chuckles] uh,
will you...
I should, you know...
Will you marry me?
- Yes. Yes.
- Yes?
- Yes.
- Good... Good answer. Good answer.
Of course I'll marry you.
I'll marry you.
Just get up.
I bet your mother
wore it well.
Well, now it's yours.
Here it is!
Now wait.
It gets better.
You're gonna
love this.
[Lock disengages,
door opens]
[Will's footsteps fade]
[Light switch clicks]
What do you think?
It's pretty good, right?
Look at this.
This is ours forever.
- What?
- Why would...
Why would...
Why did we do this?
So we could start
a family?
This is...
Come on.
You want to...
You want to come
and take a look?
What's wrong?
I can't.
Can't what, exactly?
Come on, Anna, will you just
please come inside?
Anna, I built this
for you, for us,
with my own hands,
I need you to look at it.
Can you just look
at it, please?
If I go in, I'll stay.
- Yes.
- Forever.
Yes, that is what
a house is for.
I just need to you come inside.
I need you to come inside.
Will you just get in
the fucking house, please?
Anna, I just proposed,
and you said yes, okay?
It's fine.
It's gonna be fine.
I love you.
I love you.
Good, okay.
Let's do this.
Come on.
- Will. Will.
- What?
The house, it's...
it's perfect, but, uh...
I don't want it.
Just because
the house is done,
it... it doesn't mean
that we should get married,
and it... it doesn't mean
that... that we'll be happy.
W-W-We'll be happy.
We are happy.
Will, I know I've...
I'm ruining your...
You've worked so hard
and the house
is beautiful, but...
Will, we're just...
we're just playing house.
You don't want me.
What's wrong with me?
Anna, please.
"I don't know
who I am without you."
That's what you said,
Don't you want to know?
[Inhales sharply]
[Sighs deeply]
We just grew up.
It's beautiful.
[Gate closes]
[Joan As Police Woman's
"New Year's Day" plays]
You won't
Find me here
Oh, no, you won't
Find me here
This New Year's
Sell it to the sky
Tell it to your shyness
It never goes away
This ache I feel today
Take it like a man
Say it like you mean it
This is the final round
Lord, lead me to the sound
'Cause I am so convincing
I have almost tricked
myself into thinking
I would want to do it
all on my own
But I'm tired of my lies
Always in a state
A state of overstating
Why can't I find the grace
That let me quit this place
I fear I've lost my power
'Cause even when the feeling
is off
When I am asked to dance
I can't resist romance