Perras (2011)

What is said about relationships
between parents and children are lies.
Everybody pretends they're
the ones that know you best.
But that's not true.
They don't know the most important
things that have happened to me.
When I was five I would look
out the window at the stars.
And asked myself what
there was beyond.
And what came after that.
And on and on and on...
...until I was invaded
by a cosmic terror and
felt an urge to throw
myself out the window...
I never told my mother.
They. Ve forgotten
that they were also fifteen.
And at fifteen you. Re a bomb
of hormones. Repressed desires...
...repressed desires and not so much.
What do they think you do...
...when you lock yourself
in your room...
...and tell them
you 're going to study?
Parents are so funny.
They think they can control
something when they tell you...
..."I want you here before 2... 00"...
As if you couldn. fuck in the mornings.
The headmistress says no one can leave.
Why does it worry them...
...that their daughters
do something...
...that they also want?
Why does it worry them...
...that someones puts a bit of flesh...
...between your thighs?
That ex cuse to not feel alone.
To feel shocks in your dorsal
spine and in your brain.
Tenderness and love.
I went by myself
I went by myself
- You did it. Bitch!
- What are you talking about?
It was you!
People like you do that kind of shit!
Fuck off!
Thanks to her we are all getting busted!
- I didn't do it!
- Of course you did. Creep!
You're the creep. Whore!
Don't even look at me.
Then who was it?
Who did it?
My fucking mother did it!
My fucking mother began
this problem when she had me!
What's that Tora?
The map to get to the party.
You go up Rio Mix coac.
Where is that?
Where the Market of Revolucin is.
In front of "La Perla".
Next to a shop where
they sell things for hair...
...there you take the "pesera".
Public transport for humble people.
Yeah. Yeah whatever... go all the way up...
...till you get to the Stinky district.
What district?
There's a district called Stinky?
Yes Iris there is.
Stinky? Please...
Please what?
Who would call a
district like that?
Are there gonna be
dickies or what?
Lots of dickies for the ladies!!!
Charming girls. You are so refined!
Then what?
That's where Tora is having
her sweet fifteens ball.
On Saturday I turn fifteen
and I want to invite you.
Me too?
Yes Sofia. All of you.
Please don't miss it...
...its really important for me...'re all my group.
Sorry. I can't go.
Yes. You can.
No. I can't. My parents don't let
me go to those kind of places.
I said. You can.
Yes. Sure.
Why don't you go on a
trip instead of the ball?
Cause she doesn't
fucking feel like it.
I'm not talking to you white trash.
Fuck off
I'm in Tora.
Me too!!
I can set up your choreography!!
We already have it...
...a guy in the block does them.
He danced with Yuri!!!
- Yuri?
- Long time ago.
Who is Yuri?
- Ex cuse me.
- Here you go again.
The point of a sweet
fifteens is the dance.
Yes. I know.
There's going to be a waltz.
A waltz from Vienna by Richarstrauss!!
Are you gonna dance?
The salon is super cool.
The walls are green. And the chairs
are decorated with pink ribbons.
Pink ribbons?
Yeah... And my dad
called a "compadre"...
...who is the cousin of a friend that
plays in the Tucanes of Mexicalli band.
Tucanes of Mexicalli?
They're always
playing in the radio.
In the radio!
Super group.
There's also gonna be pink fog.
They've already tested it
and it looks so hype.
It looks as if the
dancers were floating...
...or like clouds or as if
you were in a dream.
And how are you going to dance?
None of your fucking business.
I'm not going to dance.
My sister is gonna dance for me.
Oh! So the party is your
sister's and not yours.
My sister is as if it was me...
They're gonna put me in
a golden chair with red velvet.
They're also gonna dance
a song by Thalia.
Which one?
- Quinceaera?
- Sing it!
I don't know...
...why today I feel so differently...
...And I don't want
to hear about anybody...
...What can it be?
...What can it be?
...I don't know...
...Why my body is
changing day by day?
...And all I know is I
don't feel the same...
...What can it be?
...What can it be?
...And now...
...the woman inside of
me is waking up...
...the girl inside of
me is giving up...
...the adventure of my
life is going to start...
...And now...
...and now. The spring
rises like the sun... dreams turn into promises...
I insist!
...honestly Tori...
...why the sweet fifteens party?
You and your fucking honesty.
Fuck off!
The first memory I have. Is my
grandfather sleeping in the sofa...
...once he closed his eyes nobody
could make any noise...
...and everybody walked on tippytoes...
...if someone dared to brake the silence
the old man would wake up and shout...
...he would go crazy...
..."I wanna sleep god damn it.
I cant even rest in my own house!
The only one who could wake him up...
...was me...
...l'd stand in front of him...
...and stare at the hairs coming
out from every where...
...from his nostrils
and the tip of his nose...
...from his ears...
...I felt an urge to pull them...
...Then I. D open his eyes and
asked him to buy me an ice cream...
...During the walk he always
complained about everything...
...That the city was a piece of shit...
...that the cars were a piece of shit...
...that people were a piece of shit...
...that the climate was a piece of shit...
...that the movies were a piece of shit...
...that his children were a piece of shit...
...he used to tell me that
his only reason for living...
...was to make me a
sweet fifteen party...
...he promised my grandmother...
...who he says is in heaven...
...I was called after her...
Lourdes Valenzuela...
...but everybody calls me Tora...
...La Tora Valenzuela...
...He. D tell me that he was already
saving up his money...
...and that I would have the most
beautiful sweet fifteens ever...
...Everybody was scared of my grandpa
because he worked for the Secret police...
...they called him...
...because he was the incredible man...
...they say he killed a lot of bad people...
...communists and thiefs...
...but I only remember
him as an old man...
...And also. My mom always tells
me about her sweet fifteens dance... which a representative of
the president went...
...she says it was really
elegant. Very pretty... a salon that was in Insurgentes
called Claro de Luna...
...she. S told me about it so much...
...that sometimes I feel that I was there...
...That. S why I want my
sweet fifteens party... doesn. T matter if
I don. T dance...
Do you think they will
expell all of us?
Who cares if we get expelled...
...what worries
me is the correctional.
The correctional?
You're lucky...
...because you are blind. I don't
think they'll do anything to you.
The correctional?
Yes. The correctional.
The reformatory...
...whoever did this
is really fucked up.
Yeah. You need to be really sick
to do something like that.
No. It was an accident.
How do you know?
Nobody would do something
like that on purpose.
But they can't bar
all of us for that.
What's bar?
Put you in jail... idiot.
You think the police will come?
The headmistress went crazy
when she found out...
...I thought she was
having a heart attack...
...when the subprincipal
tried to calm her down...
...she almost knocked him out...
...I think they will.
Police don't care if there's
no money involved.
For the police if there's no money
involved it's not important...
...they come. Act as
if they were working...
...they write foolishness...
...and when they leave. They just crush
the papers and throw them out.
How do you know?
Her dad is a cop.
Could he know who did it?
If he cared. Yes.
From fingerprints or DNA.
It's not TV. Asshole
So how would he know?
If my dad came...
He would know just
by looking at you...
...he says that it's obvious
when someone lies...
...there are three types of liars...
...the ones that can't
look you in the eye...
...the politicians...
...who smile at you while
they say the biggest lies.
...and the ones that
don't know they're lying... Iris.
Shut up. Whore.
No. No bullshit...'re gonna be in deep
shit if my dad comes.
Don't cry. Don't be sad.
Shut up... crazy fuck.
Why aren't you with your friends?
Did you have a fight?
Look... here comes your sister.
Where were you?
I gotta go to class.
No. I'm gonna flunk physics.
Let her go...
Oh no... disgusting.
Turn around cause I
gotta take a shit.
All right take a shit. But I suggest
you take off your panties first.
Iris. A cigarette for the smell?
I don't like to be looked at.
Just take a dump and stop fussing.
What did you eat?
I can't do it.
You want me to hit
you in the knees?
I'm going back to class.
No. You're crazy.
The old fart is gonna flunk us.
No. No. I cant go back...
...the old fart hates me...
...lf you want to go back. Go.
And leave me here...
...all by myself.
I'd rather see you shit
that go to physics
What about a trim. Sister?
Fuck off Miss Few hairs.
So are you gonna tell us.
It's coming. It's coming
Jesus. Stinks like a dead dog.
I create pieces of art because
of the texture and color...
...lf you varnished them you could
put them on your dining room...
...the trick is not to brake them.
How can that fit inside you?
I'm sure you shit confetti.
Have they fucked you up the ass?
Well. Yes in middle school... was the best way to
avoid pregnancy...
...but that doesn't counts.
And what does it feel like?
Horrible. Right?
No...'s like...'s like...
...shitting inward.
Oh. You are a goddess.
Wow... are a whore.
You're just jealous.
Tell us
I went to sleep to my mom's...
...and I saw the
light on in her room...
Your mom was getting it on?
With her boyfriend?
Yes or no.
Yes. But she was with another guy.
With another guy?
I'd heard her lots of times...
...but I hadn't seen her...
...she always closed the door...
...but this time she forgot...
...she was screaming so loudly...
...I thought she was being beaten up.
OK... OK...
Calm down...
I peeked through the door... see if she moved better than me.
Does she?
Obviously not!!!
She's kinda stiff...
...but she tries so hard...
...she needs more practice.
Did you see everything?
Did she go on all fours?
Yes. Goat on a cliff.
And what was the guy like?
The guy was bald. Old. Hairy. But...
He had one...
...this size...
...with bulging vains.
Mmmm. Delicious!!!
...No. Don't tell me!!!
...How can you say those things?!!!
They're natural. Right?
And the judge doesn't get
angry at your mom??
...when she has a boyfriend...
...she doesn't bother him...
There's no toilet paper.
Paper. Get me some paper...
Since when do you wipe?
Don't bother me...
Stay like that
I mean it!!!
There's none...
This one's used.
It's not what you
think. It's dirt.
No. It's not.
Yes. It is.
No. It's not.
Yes. It is.
No. It's not.
Yes. It is.
What happened? What happened?
You're such a pig!!
Oh. You mean the paper?
You girls suck
Couldn't you get me a piece of paper?
Now... I'm not finishing my story.
You already told us.
You missed the best part
The best part???
You wouldn't believe it...
Tell us!
Come on!
What mother fucker would do that?
Sofia is a mother fucker.
I don't know if she's capable of that.
But she is a mother fucker.
Yes. But I admit it...
...not like you fucking crook.
If my dad came. He
would know who did it
No bullshit...'re gonna be in
deep shit if he comes.
But he won't.
He will. If nobody confesses.
We are underage.
Ana is right...
...they can't do anything
if we're underage.
Send you to the
correctional... that's all.
What's a correctional?
The place where they send minors.
Oh! That's no biggie.
No biggie?
It's for girls. Right?
My dad says that if they
ever catch me stealing.
I must tell the police that I'm over 21
...because the reformatory
is more dangerous than prison.
Yes. Girls feel immortal...
and are capable of anything.
He told me about a girl
that killed her whole family
He told me about a girl
that killed her whole family
That was in Viaducto Piedad right?
I don't know.
My mother knew her.
The girl's name was Charity.
Her sisters Faith and Hope...
...Merlina the dog...
...and her mother Daphne.
An aunt that was a witch...
...inherited them a collection of owls.
Caridad. S mother spent hours
watching the birds
and Caridad spent hours
watching her mother.
They were a model familiy.
Very sporty and elastic. Healthy.
They understood the therapeutic
benefits of humor
and were always laughing
or watching TV.
They liked that very much.
They watched and watched
and watched the TV.
Nobody knows if it was the owls fault...
...the bad influence of the wall paper...
...or an evil virus.
But that night Charity waited
until everybody was sleeping.
They say a mysterious voice
ordered her to go for a mallet.
She started with her mom...
she approached her on her tiptoes
but her mother felt her...
...she smiled at her.
When the lady realized what her
daughter was going to do to her...
...she tried to ask why...
...but she didn. T have enough time.
Charity dropped the
mallet on her head...
The lady went into
convulsions like cows do.
Charity took her to see what she
was going to do to her sisters.
She continued the massacre
with Faith and her boyfriend.
Once she saw what they had
inside their skull...
...she moved on to Hope.
She never found Merlina. The dog.
Can you imagine?
While you sleep someone bursts
your head open with a mallet...
...and there's nothing you can do.
And the worst part is that
your sister does it.
The one you used to
lend your Barbies to.
Shut up!
And why did she do it?
She never said why...
...but people said the family
got along very well.
Charity was a gimnastics
national champion.
Yes. That's the same one
She should be in a mad house... much jumping around
fucked up her brain.
They said she wasn't crazy.
That's the kind of girls
you find in the correctional.
So it is a biggie?
They can't fuck with me.
My dad is a judge.
And I'm your best friend.
Are you trying to frighten us?
No. I just wanna inform you.
Those girls are better off in the
correctional than in their houses...
...they don't care if
they leave them there.
They have nothing to lose...
...and people who have nothing to
lose are the most dangerous ones.
People who have nothing to lose
are the most dangerous ones.
The Valentine's day murderer.
That's how they called her.
The Valentine's day murderer?
Because she killed them on
February 14th.
Are you really going to Tora's party?
In Stinky district?
It's gonna be hilarious...
...imagine... the pink smoke...
...the chairs with ribbons.
And the choreography!
- I wanna see her dancing.
- Dont be such a bitch
What crook...
...wants a sweet fifteens party?
...but in that Stinky place?!
We are gonna laugh all night...
I know that area...
...and people there are very sensitive...
If you laugh in Tora's party...
So what if we laugh in Tora's party?
At least they'll broke you theeth
I won't talk about the rape.
Cause you love that...
but they bit the shit out of you
Fuck that. My dad is judge.
By the time he's there
you'll be dog shit.
They don't fuck around.
They're so poor...
...that they don't even
have a sense of humor.
Here comes the white trash...
Fucking snobs!!!
Here come the Superfucker girls!!!
Let's dance!!!!
No. Sofi. No please. In the name of
humanity. Not the Superfucker girls!
One. Two. Three. Four...
Super fuckers...
girls in the ghetto are like this
We are the super fucking girls
and we are going to sing you this song...
Uh ah it's so delicious
We were born in the ghetto...
At two we could
already say: "Hell yeah!"
We know how to dance.
And we know how to score
My mommy told me to
learn how to love...
I told her I 'd rather suck
Men gotta know. You
want something with me?
...first show me the money
Girls call me a whore!
And I always answer:
Hell yeah. Sluts!
Super fuckers...
the girls in the ghetto are like this
Super fuckers...
We're really good...
...sucking cock!
...sucking cock!
Andrea did it.
What's wrong?
She feels guilty... she did it.
If she did it she'll pay for it!!!
You did it?
You really fucked up.
I didn't do anything.
So why are you crying?
None of your business!!!
Fucking neurotic.
What's wrong?
Leave me alone...
Ignore her...
What are we going to do?
What's wrong Andrea?
If I get expelled...
...l'm not going to be able
to see my mom.
Because my dad warned me
If I get into trouble...
...I won't see her these vacations.
You can see her some other time.
You don't live with your mommy?
She is in a mad house and
she can only see her on vacations.
My mom is not in a mad house!!!
Her mom is in a rehab center for
people who have problems with drugs.
That's better?
I'm going to bust your ass...
You must have done it. Crazy bitch.
I have a proposal for you Andrea...
Blame yourself and we'll pay
you a ticket to see your mom.
Shut up. Ana!!!
No! I'm serious.
She should go with her
mother. To get electroshoks.
No. They don't do that any more.
It's better if she gets a lobotomy.
Loboto... what?
They cut a piece of your
brain to keep you calm...
They cut a piece of your
brain to keep you calm...
They cut a piece of your
brain to keep you calm...
They cut a piece of your
brain to keep you calm...
I like being alone. Since
I was a girl...
through my house window
you could see a huge rosebush
and I measured the evening in roses...
I got home from school...
...and my mom would
leave my lunch ready...
I heated it up or Lupita.
The helper would do it for me...
Then I used to do my homework...
...and then Lupita
would play with me...
and then... when the sun was at it. S
fullest and painted itself red...
I would stand at the
side of the evening...
and let it pass...
just like that...
My mom arrived at night...
I like my mom...
she is really pretty...
she has class...
She is a very strange mixture...
she. S got an ugly nose...
a very big forehead...
almost no lips...
...but altogether she is very pretty.
Oh! And she. S got a great body.
Her attitude made people believe that
she knew something that others didn. T...
When she got home from work...
She would open a bottle...
...and drink it while
she fixed her papers.
You are really pretty...
Two by one. Two.
Two by two. Four.
Two by three. Six.
Shut up!
Two by five. Ten.
Two by six. Twelve.
Two by seven. Fourteen.
Shut up!
She would be very affectionate
at the beginning of her drinking...
But after a while she would
turn aggressive...
She barked. But I barked louder.
I could always out shout her.
Two by seven fourteen.
Two by eight. Sixteen...
Shut up!!
Two by...
- Shut up!!
- I. M not going to shut up!!
- Shut up!
- I won. T!! I won. T!!
In the hangover she always felt guilty...
it was easy to make her
buy me what I wanted.
One day I got home and my
mom. S things weren. T there.
My dad came for me...
I felt something strange...
He told me I was
going to stay with him.
He wanted me to live with him.
His wife and my half brother.
That it would be good
to live in a family.
The last thing I wanted was
to live in a family.
Families make me vomit.
I was fine as I was.
If it was hard for my
mom and me to get along...'s much harder to live
with a man you hardly know.
His wife and their son...!
I have a fucked up
temper. I don't know why.
My biggest problem is
that I don't want anything.
That nothing ex cites me.
Nothing turns me on...
...dancing does...
a little.
With boys. I like them
and they obsess me...
I get obsessed until
they are my boyfriends.
After that I get bored.
My mom?
I don't want to talk about her...
All I know is that when
I see her I feel good...
...warm inside...
Even though I get sick of her afterwards
and we start shouting at each other.
They cut a piece of your
brain to keep you calm...
They cut a piece of your brain
to keep you calm...
We were kissing in the bathroom
when the headmistress caught us.
They expelled you because of a kiss?
The thing is. She was
kissing another girl.
I liked it...
Marta had really soft lips.
And when she touched me...
...she did it like nobody else.
When boys touch you they
are so stupid... They hurt you...
I like them to touch me...
I don't. They're really clumsy.
But she was like a witch...
just by looking at me she
knew what mood I was in...
If I wanted her to touch me or if
we should go to the movies instead.
But if she touched me.
She did it carefully...
and with her fingers she
would take you to heaven...
and before you knew it you felt
as if you had peed yourself.
That's how wet she
would leave my underwear.
So you like women?
Not women...
I liked Marta...
And why did you get expelled?
I was in the Regio.
That school is really expensive. Right?
Remember an article about a senator
who raped girls from fancy schools?
Yeah. Fucking pig...
It's guys like him that Frida's
father should be after...
Have you seen him?
The senator?
A young one. Right?
He is so cute. So good looking
He has plump lips...
a tiny nose...
Tight butt...
You know him?
Let me finish!
Go on.
Yes. It's true that
he went to the school.
He would go there in the best cars...
Porshe's. Corvette's. BMW'S...
But from the 700
series not shitty 300's.
He wore only designer clothes...
Sometimes he would go with friends...
That was true...
What wasn't true is
that we were scared.
Actually. We all prayed
for him to look at us.
But why did they expel you?
One day nobody came for me...
so I walked home by myself...
I heard a car stop beside me...
I turned around...
...and I realized it was him...
I was so shocked I
almost peed my panties.
He was driving a Porshe.
He asked me if I wanted a ride...
I said no...
You said no?
I wanted to say yes but my
tongue betrayed me and it said no.
He smiled. Opened the door and I got in...
And then?
Then I don. T know...
I stared at him and felt
the leather of the seats...
He took me to a cul de sac.
Unzipped his pants...
and I knew what he wanted...
Did he come back?
Not the next day...
But two weeks later he did...
and he took me
to an amazing apartment...
on Ruben Daro...
He had almost no furniture.
But he had a super sound system...
I was really nervous.
My hands were sweating.
So I started dancing.
Take your shirt off.
We drank.
He said it was a
really expensive wine...
...but I didn. T like it.
I got drunk really fast.
He told me...
The skirt...
...take it off.
I wanted to say "No way asshole...
Take off your skirt.
But I obeyed him.
It was as if I wasn. T there.
Then I didn't care
I fucked him in every possible way...
In every possible way?
It didn. T last very long.
Then he fell asleep
...and I lay there watching him...
He woke up. And he
didn't even look at me...
...he didn. T say anything...
It was as if I didn. T exist... if I was a piece of furniture...
...but I didn. T care.
When he left. He told me
to close the door behind me.
He left you alone?
I had a great time.
Did you see him again?
No. He never came back to me.
But a week later they called
my mom from the school...
It turns out that he took pictures
with "you know what" in my mouth...
"You know what" is...?
"You know what" is "you know what".
You have pictures with him?
You don't recognize him...
you just see little parts of him...
I wanted to drop out
of that school anyway...
if I ever see him...
I would let him do it again.
Did he have sex with many girls?
A lot. But the ones
I knew weren't upset...
and he never gave me pills.
So... fucked a senator?
Aren't you gonna do anything?
Are you going to leave it
like that?
You don't give a damn. Do you?
This is not a game.
Didn't you hear Frida?
Whoever did this is going to jail...
And if you say you did it?
If you blame yourself
nothing will happen...
...cause your father is a cop.
Are you retarded?
If I said that he'd
beat the shit out of me.
You don't know him...
Is he a real bad ass?
May God save you from meeting him...
What does he do?
He was a kidnapper...
Asshole. If he was a
kidnapper she wouldn't tell us.
They can't do anything. He was
already in jail for six months.
So he is not a cop anymore?
Yes he is...
...he worked in Sinaloa. And now
he is a cop here. In Mexico city.
But he wasn't a bad one. He
only did it to make ends meet...
...If the hostages didn't
pay. He'd let them go.
I used to feed them.
Those were great times...
we even went to the
movies. VIP section...
He took us to Can Cun
and bought us everything.
We had a Suburban...
but somebody stole it.
Now that he lives from his salary
we don't go to the movies anymore.
I'd feel ashamed to say that...
I'd feel more ashamed if my
father was a judge like yours...
How can you say that stinky?
Cause my dad does shit
to take us to the movies.
But if yours is so rich. Why
does he fuck up people's lives?
How can you think
her father is a crook?
The thing is. Her dad took a course
to learn to administrate his salary.
That's why he lives as if he were
a multimillionaire and corrupt...
but he's not...
it just looks that way...
Fuck you!!
I saw in the newspapers when he
let go a man who killed a girl.
That wasn't true.
And when he let go
those men that stole all
the country's money
and everybody knew it.
My grandpa says we have to pay
that debt for generations...
and not even our grandchildren
are going to finish paying off...
and not even our grandchildren
are going to finish paying off...
Shut up!!!
You are just resentful!
My dad made a fortune
from the kidnappings...
He could have bought me a convertible
sports car without a
problem. But he didn.t.
And that was all right...
I had to find my own way. I became...
I discovered that if
I'm not the prettiest...
I can be the most attractive...
and if you are the most
attractive in the right place...
it pays off.
I have a son...
He. S lovely. But I. D
rather not have him...
...Children are like charming vampires
that suck on your life with a smile...
The most perverse myth I know is the
one about the advantages of maternity.
Which advantages?
That after sacrificing your life...
Bathing children...
...staying awake all night with them...
feeding them. Helping
them with homework...
...having to sell your underwear
to pay for their school... get the great privilege...
...of a blender on mother's day?
But after all and under the effects
of that monster...
that contains us and
which we call instinct...
we insist on reproducing.
On staying alive...
and to do so. "that... invents
myths like love and happiness...
and it's given to us with that
survival kit we call feelings...
Sometimes when I see
my son playing...
I imagine god is like that somewhere.
Playing with us from a computer...
...pressing buttons arbitrarily
and irresponsibly.
Making Frida fall in love...
Making Frida sick...
Making Frida vomit what she feels
in front of total strangers...
...let's lighten up a bit.
On happier subjects
let me tell you...
that the best thing that
has happened to me lately... to have bought
a masturbation manual.
Are you still having stomach problems?
No. I'm fine.
Wait till she leaves.
Because I don't like to be watched...
I came to hear about your mom.
You said it was too much and
you didn't wanna hear any more.
Give me a sec...
I love it!!
Wanna do it again?
Why don't you vomit Ana Ceci?
No way!
It feels really good
when you get accustomed...
I used to be really fat like you.
But since I started vomiting...
I'm a totally different person.
Zero problems.
Whatever. You're gonna die.
Of course not!!
If you take vitamins
it's no biggie.
I came cause I wanted to hear
what happened with your mom...
- Yes Sophi! Please!!!
Come on!! Please!!
Please! Please!! Please!!!
Please! Please!! Please!!!
I was watching her do it when I saw...
...that in the other side of
the bedroom... was her boyfriend.
Her boyfriend!?
Did he hit her??
No. He was watching!!!
The boyfriend...
...was watching your mom
getting it on with another guy?
But while he was watching...
some lady was... him a blow.
No. I'm telling the truth!
They were switching partners...
Wow... I want a mom just like yours...
Oh... Right...
And then?
I only watched a bit
and then I went to bed...
I suddenly feel
for some chips...
A caramel frapuccino
with extra caramel...
...whipped cream.
Chocolate and a cherry!
With low fat milk.
Greet- ing- ings...!
To the stupidest- est- est!!!
Lady- ady- ady. In school!!!
Hey. Hey...
I'm talking to you!!!
Shut up! Shut uuuup!!!
Shut up!
Shhh. Silence.
I have something to say...
I don't give a fuck.
It's convenient for you.
Who knows Acapulco?
Everyone knows Acapulco.
I don't.
I do.
TV doesn't count. Alejandra.
Shut up.
You've been there?
My parents took me when
lwas... three days old.
Awhhh. Baby!! Three days...
I want to invite all of you
to Acapulco this weekend.
No. We don't want to.
Come on Alejandra...
Take advantage. This could
be your only chance...
Really? Acapulco?
Really. My dad just called me...
and said that he can
speak to your parents.
We leave on Friday and
come back Sunday afternoon.
I have passes for a night
club opening. It's heavy...
Tell me. Torita.
The next weekend coming. Right?
No. This one.
But it's my sweet fifteens
this weekend...
I just told you a while ago.
I forgot...
Me too.
I don't have any money.
Me neither.
Don't worry...
I'll pay for everything.
My dad's paying.
Hey... am I invited?
My dad said all of you can go.
Even humble people...
How do we get there?
In my new SUV...
Squashed up but we can fit.
I'm going.
Me too...
Who else?
You're not coming to my party?
Sof. Can't you change it?
Celebrities are going to be there...
What bullshit!
The new night club it's awesome.
Luismi and Pau will be there.
But it's Tora's party.
I'm going.
And me!
Luis Miguel?
What do you care? You
can't even see him...
Can I go?
Yes. But I'm not taking care of her...
You're joking. Right Sofa?
No. Torita... But you're invited too.
Change it Sofi...
I can't...
My dad said that if I
didn't go this weekend...
...he would never
ever. Ever. Ever...
...let me go again.
I'm going too.
And me.
And me.
And me.
And me.
And me.
I'm staying. Tora.
You are a fucking bitch.
You too...
...can come.
We have to talk...
Shut up whore.
- I like sweet fifteens parties
because I dance.
Because I dance...
What crap. Sweet fifteens
are so shitty.
That's why I went to Praga...
Paris and Vienna instead
of having a party.
I don't get it. Familiies spend a
fortune inviting a bunch of assholes... eat. Drink and make fun
of the birthday girl.
I wanted a sweet fifteens.
But I didn't get one...
My dad doesn't like parties...
but he bought me a tiny TV...
It. S the best thing that
has happened to me...
The TV is a window to escape
when my mom shouts...
My dad hears his music...
...or they cuss off
my grandmother...
I escape through my TV.
We live in the del Valle district.
We are four brothers...
My mom. My dad. My cat...
and my grandmother...
she. S crazy.
Since I can remember...
my grandma is always
telling my father...
To find another place to live...
But cause she. S old...
Nobody listens to her.
When I was one. My dad. S mother
told him to go live somewhere else...
...and they asked my grandma
to give us shelter six months...
We've been there for fifteen years...
The apartment belongs
to your grandma?
It belonged to her.
My dad is a lawyer and he says...
that it is impossible
to get us out of there...
I don. T like how my
mom talks to her mom...
I feel weird when they throw away
food and my grandma hasn. T eaten.
But to keep my ass out of
trouble I don. T get involved.
I like to study...
...and watch the soap opera...
I don. T miss it for anything.
I lock myself in my room.
Well when I say my room...
...really mean in my closet.
It's one meter by two.
You sleep in a closet
like Harry Potter?
Yeah. But I've fix ed
it up and I like it...
...I put up some shelves...
...where I keep my
Star Wars collection...
I have the mother ship
in its original packaging...
My dad has traveled all
around the world...
...and he says that. S how
Japanese people live... really small apartments.
My dad is a graduate and
wears lots of perfume.
He. S got really
expensive creams.
And a collection of gold pens.
Tons of suits.
But they sleep on ugly
mattresses on top of milk cans.
When my dad comes
back from his trips...
...he buys us discs and
also toys for my mom.
He buys your mom toys?
Yes. I don. T understand my mom.
Cause she behaves like a little girl.
My dad would buy lots of books.
My mom also collects tools.
My dad says money is for spending.
The other day...
...some people went to
fumigate the house.
I asked my mom if I should tell
my grandma who was sleeping.
She said...
...let her rest.
Can I have some?
You're going to get fat...
I'll vomit later...
Here Iris.
Please Sofi. Just a tiny bite...
Mara del Mar?
How do you know it's me?
She smells you...
I think Diana sees
more than all of us.
What's wrong?
Who are you talking to?
My name is Mara del Mar
not Marimar
Okay. What's wrong
Maria del Mar?
You got expelled?
See you later.
I know what's wrong with her.
What's wrong?
We are friends. Right?
She's pregnant.
Shut up!!!
Is it true?
Is it true?
How stupid.
Shut up. Iris!
don't you know that...
condoms exist?
pills for the next day so
you don't get pregnant?
Shut up. Iris!
No. If it happens to my maid...
I can understand...
but if it happens
to Maria del Mar...
How can she be such an imbecile...
Iris enough!!!
What are you going to do?
I can't have it!
If my mom finds out she will kill me.
Are you going to have an abortion?
I don't know.
come live with me in my house... can have it there.
No way
There's no problem with my dad...
...he always does what I want.
How can you say that?
I can help you take care of it...
You'll be a young mom.
Can you imagine?
When your kid turns fourteen
you'll be twenty eight!
That's so cool...
I don't want to have it but thank you.
My daddy is a doctor.
Can he help me?
It depends.
Depends on what?
Depends on if I tell him too...
Can you tell him please?
Only if you tell me...
...who the father is.
Don't help me. Thank you.
Come live with me.
I can take care of you...
I don't want to have it.
Tell us who the father is...
I swear I won't say anything.
If you go with anyone
out there you could die.
I had a cousin who did
it in a horrible clinic...
...and she died from an infection.
Don't scare her.
Really. You can live
with me. But don't be sad.
You are so stubborn...
if I tell my dad. Your
problem is solved tomorrow...
and you go on with your life...
Don't ask her anymore.
Shut up blind bitch!
I haven't said anything.
Your presence
bothers me...
Go to a school where
everyone is like you...
Fucking freak!
I hate your sanctified attitude.
Stop pissing me off...
If you call me blind again
you'll regret it.
Blind. That's what you are!
I know who your child's father is!!
You are crazy. Fucking blind!
I know!
Shut up!!!
I know!
Shut up!!
I know!
I liked Sofia. S house...
Her dad says it. S Porfirian style.
Sofi. S room is enormous...
...everything match...
...dolls. Toys. Videos. Music.
Clothes. Make up...
That. S what we did the most...
...put on make up and try on clothes
Clothes that her mother
brought her from Houston.
Sofa had sex since twelve...
...and since then she has
no problem getting laid
She tought me to kiss.
One day. I saw Sofia. S dad
at the bedroom door...
He didn't realize
I had seen him...
I liked that he looked at me...
I felt as if I had just
discovered my body... if my ass and breasts
made sense for the first time
Sometimes Sofia and I
masturbated together
What would you like?
I don't know.
You like it?
Close your eyes...
Whatever you want.
Whoever you feel for
I don't understand...
Who would you like to touch you?
No. He is so stupid...
You want to know the truth?
When the chauffer picks
me up I feel really warm...
...right there.
I feel like it gets bigger and bigger...
...and I can't wait to lock
myself up in my room
I lift up my skirt and
put my hand inside...
...and I touch myself slowly.
It's like...
...playing a guitar.
Just that this one is in your
head and it plays nicer.
I imagine...
...that the boy next door comes...
...a boy I hate. And...
The dark one?
He. S ugly...
That. S why I hate him.
But between my legs
it doesn. T matter...
...and to think about
the way he looks at me...
...makes me touch myself faster...
And then?
He kisses my lips and my nipples...
but I don. T want him to...
But then I do...
It's good you're taking
her to live in your house...
cause her child
is your brother...
Sofia's dad is the
father of the baby?
You're sick.
Ask her.
It's not true. Right?
It's not true.
I'm sorry...
You're a fuckin pig!
Go and have an abortion bitch!
Take her with your father and
I hope you both die!
Get out of here!
Get out of here fucking whore!
Get out of here!
I hope you both die!!!
Fucking slut!
That day I went to
the kitchen for a soda.
When I was going back to
the room. I saw her dad...
...he didn. T say anything...
He didn. T say anything...
I went on my own...
It was you. Bitch!!!
I 'm gonna beat
the hell out of you...
You did it...!!!
No. You did it!!
Shut up!!
Shut up!!
Shut up or kill each other!!
Calm down!!
You and your fucking calmness!!
No really. I've been
expelled from many schools...
...and if I get expelled from
this one I'm dead meat.
I have problems with my parents too...
...and if I'm expel again
I'll never see the end of it.
Whoever caused
this should say it.
And assume her responsibility.
Nobody will ever know.
My mom says the truth
is never known...
...because it has many faces and it
shows each person a different one.
I know who did it.
Big mouth doesn't know anything.
Tell the head mistress
so that we can leave.
Who did it?
Right. Little miss pinky.
Shut up white trash!
If you call me that again I'm
going to beat the shit out of you!
Sofia didn't do it.
Ana Ceci...
didn't either.
Iris. You know nothing.
You don't.
Shut up!
How do you know?
I can tell by the voice...
You know when someone is lying?
Can you tell us who did it?
Your father is a fag...
Lie or truth?
How funny. Sofa.
I'm not talking to you...
I know when people are lying in
things that involve them more...
More personal questions...
I know Ana Ceci hates
the Ethics teacher...
...even if she call him
...while she brushes off the
dandruff from his shoulders.
How do you know I
brush off his dandruff?
I don't know.
I also feel that Tora suffers even
though she says she doesn't care.
I know Iris never tells the truth...
...and that Andrea is very lonely...
I know that what Frida cares about
most in this world is getting laid...
...even though she
dresses like Diego Rivera.
All of you just want to get laid...
Not Iris. She just
wants to be pretty...
How do you know Frida
dresses like Diego Rivera?
Ana says that she
puts on big t-shirts... that nobody can see her breasts.
Who is Diego Rivera?
Octopus from Spiderman...
From Spiderman?
Diego Rivera is the fat
guy from the movie Frida...
...and also Doctor
Octopus in Spiderman.
Well. Im glad Frida...
...does that so...
...she has an ex cuse... say that nobody likes her
because of the way she dresses...
...and not because she's ugly.
Not uglier than you...
Me. Ugly?
Horrible... Haven't
you looked at yourself?
Who did it. Diana?
Where were you when it happened?
Smoking... lie or truth?
Where were you Alejandra?
I was picking up the flowers from
the Jacaranda tree in the patio...
Do you lie?
Everybody lie.
To your parents?
Which is the biggest lie
you have ever told them?
The biggest lie I have ever
told my parents is...
...that. I love them.
I don't lie. That's why
you people hate me...
...cause I always say the truth.
I know that I'm great...
...I'm hot and
I'm pretty.
And I can say without a
problem that Tora has a limp...
...that Diana is blind...
...that Patricia is
full of complex es...
...that Alejandra is a lesb...
...that Frida is ugly.
...don't lie.
Kids. Drunks and you
always say the truth.
Well yes.
I didn't do it and I
want to get out of here.
Aren't you terrified
with yourself every day?
To have to wake up with you...
...have breakfast...
...take a shit with you?
I have a really great time.
You did it!
You've to be twisted to
do something like that...
...and you fit the profile perfectly!
Shut up limping bitch!
Shut up limping bitch!
Shut up limping bitch!
Shut up limping bitch!
Shut up limping bitch!
Shut up limping bitch!
Shut up limping bitch!
We were driving back
from Queretaro.
My two sisters and me
in my uncle's car.
And my grandfather...
...who was taking care
of us from his truck.
Suddenly a car invaded our lane.
I felt as if time had stopped.
I still close my eyes...
...and see the car crashing
through the windshield.
I see it with all it. S details.
I see the bumper a few
centimeters from my eyes.
A few insects squashed on it.
I see the dirty headlights.
And the plastic car logo...
...that stayed suspended
in the air for hours...
And then. Like when a film
burns it disappeared.
I didn. T understand
until much later...
...some kid lost control of his car.
Maria. The oldest of my
sisters died there.
I was going to be totally paralytic...
...but "Thanks to god. S greatness...
as my mother says...
...I can walk with my apparatus.
Nothing happened to
Rocio. My other sister.
Not even a scratch.
Why God?
My grandfather turned
out really fucked up.
Every night he has
nightmares about the accident.
My mom says...
...that what hurt him the most
was that when he got to the car...
...the boy who was
driving was already dead.
But my grandpa picked
up his head anyway.
Looked at it.
And smashed it against the ground.
Until he didn. T have any strenght left.
He end up very frustrated.
Cause he wanted to kill him.
Are you here to pick on me?
Then what do you want?
To help you.
Why? We're not friends anymore.
If I was in your shoes. I'd
like someone to help me.
Your dad is a doctor?
No... But that doesn't matter.
Then how are you
going to help me?
My sister has abortions all
the time. I've seen her.
Your sister has abortions?
And you know who she goes to?
She does it herself.
By herself?
I have seen her at least three
times. She says it's not that hard.
It hurts?
A lot.
But she say's it's worst to have a kid
that you don't know what to do with.
And the sooner. The better.
With a hanger.
A hanger?
Yes. A hanger.
What happened?
We can go.
Can we leave?
Who did it?
They say she did it by herself.
But the prefect said she was
with another student.
Yes. But the prefect wasn't wearin g
her glasses and she's really blind.
No offence. Andrea.
The Headmistress said
that she was alone...
...and that's the official truth.
The official truth?
That's what they told her parents.
Her parents came?
They saw when she was taken away.
Maria del Mar lost too much blood
and that was the cause of her death...
Well. Let's go.
Nothing is going to happen...
...Who did it?
Was it you Sofia?
Did you help her to abort?
I wish I have. But not.
Did you see your little brother?
What's wrong with you!!!
Are we still going to
your house in Acapulco?
Hell yeah.
Goodbye Maria del Mar...
Take care.