Persepolis (2007)

Passport, please.
your ticket and your passport.
Marji, stop running!
Look! It's Nioucha over there!
Marji, you've really grown up!
Did you bring me a present?
How is Paris?
And the Eiffel Tower?
Welcome to Teheran.
You're here!
Your luggage.
No, it's me!
Come on! They're waiting for us.
I remember.
Back then,
I had a quiet life.
A little girl's life.
I used to love fries with ketchup
and Bruce Lee,
I was wearing Adidas shoes
and I had 2 obsessions:
to shave my legs and
to become the last prophetess.
If you put a pen under your tits
and it gets stuck then you're
in deep shit.
If we shake this one,
we can fill a box.
Calm down!
They let me see him last week.
He wasn't a pretty sight.
They told me that they would
release him. It's been 4 years.
Don't worry.
This regime won't last much longer.
There's going to be one heck of a row.
Mom! Marji hurt me!
The dragon's revenge is a
dish best eaten cold!
The dragon is gonna get some.
"I, Marjane, future prophetess,
have decided that:
"One, everybody must have
a good behavior.
"Two, everybody must
preach good words.
"Three, everybody must
do one good deed.
"Four, the poor must be able to
eat one fried chicken everyday.
"Five, no old woman will
suffer ever again."
if it's gonna be like that,
I'll be your first disciple.
Really? Great!
How to be sure that
they won't suffer anymore?
It'll be forbidden.
I should have thought about it.
What's going on?
Death to the shah!
Death to the shah!
I knew it!
I knew it!
This is an historic moment!
He's finally gonna pay.
Yes, daughter.
Your father will be avenged.
The shah will meet his
buddies in Washington.
As for myself,
I think I love the shah.
He's been chosen by God.
Yes! Absolutely!
God himself told me.
The teacher too.
The shah wasn't chosen by God.
That's what they say.
I'll tell you how it happened.
Truth is that 50 years ago,
the shah's father, an officer,
wanted to overthrow the
Qadjar emperor.
I'll do like Ataturk!
I'll modernize the country.
I'll create a republic!
But the English heard about it.
Hello! Why do you want
to create a republic?
You could be emperor!
Me? Emperor?
Of course!
It's better than president.
You'll have full powers.
A country like yours
needs a strong man like you
to rule it.
Hmm... It's quite true.
And also... you know that
the clergy
is against the republic.
Between us, he's right.
What must I do?
Nothing. You give us the oil.
We'll take care of the rest.
Now, I am the king!
Everything that belong to you is mine.
He was an asshole!
- Oh!
- Yes and no.
He was a dictator,
but he modernized Iran.
He loved his country,
unlike his son, his successor.
I am the king now!
I am the light of the Aryans!
I'll make this country
the most modern of all time!
Our people will shine again!
Yes, the shah's father
has been very hard.
He put your grandpa in prison.
But his son was ten times worse.
Grandpa has been in prison?
Yes! He was a member of
the royal family.
He was a Qadjar prince. The shah's
father took everything from him.
He went to prison because
he was a communist.
My grandpa was a Qadjar prince
and also a communist!
God damn it! You're still alive.
I was worried.
- They shot on people!
- It was hot.
We escaped but we got caught later.
Those sons of bitches
took my films.
- We were at the police station.
- Marji was overexcited.
She was a pain in the neck with the
proletarians, the class struggle
and this bearded man,
"Che Guevero."
The guy who was killed
wasn't even 20 years old.
What is this country?
- It's one hell of a mess, daughter.
- Death to the shah!
Here it goes again!
Death to the shah!
Death to the shah!
Go to bed now!
Death to the shah!
Death to the shah!
I understand your revolt.
We'll try to walk together
towards democracy.
We'll build the future together.
- They released you?
- Hello, Ebi.
It's Siamak!
He's back.
Hello, Tadji.
We're so happy to see you alive!
Come in!
Don't stay in front of the door.
But it's Marjane!
You've grown!
You were still a baby
when I was arrested.
And now you're a young lady.
Who is this guy?
My father. He was in prison.
He's a hero.
Those scientists knew the
human body very well.
They knew how to hit
where it hurts.
I've been lashed with
large electric wire cables.
My foot doesn't look
like a foot anymore.
There are nerves going straight
to the brain under the feet.
It's an indescribable pain.
Our torturers had been
trained by the CIA.
They were at the
forefront of torture.
What about Hamid?
What happened to him?
Hamid has been murdered.
As a member of the guerilla,
it was hell for him.
He has some cyanide with him.
But unfortunately,
he couldn't use it.
So he endured the worst tortures.
The one who loses will be
tortured to the death.
- Cool!
- What kind of torture?
He will be lashed with
the electric wire cable!
But first, he'll have to put
that in his mouth.
And chew three times.
Look, it's Ramine!
Farzad told me that his father was a
member of the shah's secret service.
His father killed a million of
people with his own hands!
A million!?
We'll give Ramine a lesson
in their name.
Yeah! We'll gouge his eyes out!
What are you doing?
- Marji found some nails.
- We're gonna smash Ramine's face.
Would you like it if
I nailed you by the ears?
Go back home into your room
and stay there.
Marjane, what's happening to you?
It's not a behavior worthy
of a prophetess.
But God,
Ramine's father killed people!
Marjane, this poor Ramine
must not bear the burden
of his father's mistakes.
Bad guys will pay sooner or later.
Have faith in my justice.
Your duty is to forgive,
not to make justice.
What do you want?
Listen, your father is a murderer,
but it's not your fault.
I forgive you.
He killed communists,
and communists are the devil!
The country was euphoric
during the months following
the shah's departure.
Everybody had been a revolutionary
and had fought the shah.
The wine stain of our neighbour
had changed into a war wound.
Our teacher, admirer of the shah,
ordered us to tear off all the
pictures of the royal family.
Political meetings were increasing
and yesterday's enemies
had become heroes of the nation.
It's in this climate that, one night,
uncle Anouche appeared in my life.
Now, everything will be better.
Nothing will stop the people.
We'll finally have a free
and fair society.
Proletariat will rule
as Lenin predicted.
Uncle Anouche?
How long did you stay in prison?
Nine years.
Longer tha Laly's father?
How old are you?
Are you a communist?
Marji, let your uncle digest!
She wants to know everything.
It's a good thing to be curious.
Have you digested?
Go to bed!
Put your pajamas on and I'll come.
Did you see?
They're preparing the elections.
People will want
to keep their freedom
after this dictatorship.
It will never be worse
than under the shah.
I'm ready!
You'll see,
she'll eat your brain.
I'm ready!!
I'll start with the beginning.
I was 18 years old when
my uncle and my friends
declared the independence of
Azerbaidjan's Iranian province.
Fereydoun appointed himself as
minister of Justice of this republic.
Justice is the basis of democracy.
Men must be equal
in front of the law.
I became his secretary.
It's just a beginning.
We'll free Iran from dictatorship.
Province by province,
city by city.
I'm sure of it!
It wasn't easy for me because
my father was loyal to the shah.
My son is a traitor!
Go and meet your stupid brother!
You'll all be shot!
My father couldn't have been
more right. One morning...
My God! Fereydoun!
I had to escape.
I had no choice.
While my uncle was facing
his destiny alone...
I walked for days in the storm.
I was hungry, I was cold,
but I kept going.
I crossed Alborz mountains
to take refuge at my parents home,
in Astara.
Who dares bother me at this hour?
My God, Anouche!
My God!
It's our son, he's almost dead.
My dear son!
My son...
My dear son, forgive me!
I couldn't stay, I was wanted.
I had to go into exile.
I swam across the Aras river
and I arrived in USSR.
What did you do then?
I went to Leningrad.
Then to Moscow, I got my doctorate
in Marxism-Leninism.
But I was missing my family.
I tried to came back by train
with forged identity papers
but it didn't work.
- They arrested me.
- Then you went to prison?
Yes. You know...
It's important that you know.
The memory of the family
must not be forgotten.
Even if it's hard,
even if you don't understand everything.
Don't worry, uncle Anouche.
I'll never forget.
Were you married in Russia?
It's late. You must sleep.
Here, it's for you.
I made it in prison.
It's made of breadcrumbs.
voted democratically
for the islamic republic.
It's normal. Each revolution
has its transition period.
Half the country is illiterate.
Only nationalism or religious
ethics rally people.
Mina left the country.
She thinks it's too dangerous.
We found Mohsen drowned
in the bath tube.
Don't worry.
Everything will be fine.
Siamak and his family left.
Those bastards killed his sister.
Maybe we should leave too.
You could be a cleaning lady
and me, a taxi driver.
We'll get rid of the
Between them and us, there's only
one law, the law of blood.
- Marji?
- Yes?
They arrested Anouche.
I know.
- Daddy!
- It will be all right, honey.
Do you want to do
something for him?
Anouche can have one visitor.
You're the one she wants to see.
I'll go.
Ten minutes.
What a nice dress!
What a nice little girl!
Your visit honours me.
You're the little girl
I wish I would have had.
But you'll see, one day,
proletariat will rule
I made another cygnus with
breadcrumbs for you.
It's the uncle of the first one.
Star of my life.
What's up my child?
Don't be sad.
Shut the fuck up!
They killed him and you did nothing!
I've nothing to do with it...
Shut up!
I don't want to see you again!
Go away! Go away!
Get lost!!!
One year after the revolution,
Iraq attacked Iran.
Saddam took advantage of the
country's weakness to strike.
The revolution and the army
massive cleansings had weakened us.
In the name of the fight
against the foreign enemy,
the state wiped out
the enemy inland,
the old opponents to
the shah's government.
Arrests and executions increased.
Everybody was scared.
The new government established
even more repressive laws.
Within two years,
our everyday life changed.
And so did we.
Come on!
On the heart for our martyrs!
Sons and daughters of Iran,
war killed our best children.
Truth will soon arise
from their blood.
Who did they die for?
It's for us.
It's for us!
Hey! Martyrs!
Martyrs! Martyrs!
Finish me off!
Satrapi, what are you doing?
I'm suffering, isn't it obvious?
Go to the class immediately!
The veil is synonymous with freedom.
A worthy woman must cover herself
from the eyes of men.
The one revealing herself is a sinner.
- She'll burn in hell.
- Hey! Did you see that?
- Wow!
- Our soldiers are dying
for our country...
- Hey!
-Pfff! Abba,
it's for the simple minded!
Go outside in close order!
Come on!
Mom, what do we eat?
What about some chili?
Yes, so we can fart!
Give me that!
- I saw it first!
- Yeah right, bitch!
That's how it is as soon
as a shop is empty!
Each must take according
to their needs.
What business is it of yours?
Shut up!
Put your scarf back on.
Hey! I'm talking to you!
Don't get too familiar.
Show some respect.
Women like you,
I fuck them against the walls!
Get in!
Mom, are you all right?
Yes, darling.
I'm fine.
Are you moving or what?
Shut the hell up!
Mom, give me 50 tomans!
What for?
To buy a tape.
What about your Bee Gees tapes?
The Bee Gees suck!
Stevie Wonder.
Julio Iglesias.
Pink Floyd.
"Jichael Mackson."
Lipstick, nail polish, cards.
Iron Maiden.
- How much?
- 100.
- 50.
- 60.
- 50.
- 60.
- 50.
- 50.
What the hell is this outfit?
Punk shoes!
Which ones?
They're sneakers.
It's punk.
I play basketball at school.
And this jacket?
And that?
Michael Jackson!
A symbol of decadence!
Not at all, madam.
It's... It's...
- Malcolm X.
- Are you kidding me?
Lower your scarf, you little whore!
- Follow us to the committee.
- Sorry, madam.
My mother is dead. My evil
mother-in-law is taking care of me.
She'll kill if I don't go back home.
She'll burn me with the iron.
She'll force my father to
put me in an orphanage.
Have mercy!
Please, madam. Mercy...
Mercy. Have mercy, madam...
Our soldiers bravery bore fruit.
Tonight, our army destroyed 63 tanks
and 26 Iraqi fighters.
The blood of our martyrs is
irrigating our sacred land.
Deserts of despair
will blossom from it.
Dying as a martyr is like injecting
blood in the veins of society.
Are you all right, Mrs Nassrine?
No, I'm not.
They gave that to my son at school.
They told them that if they
died in combat
they would go to
heaven with this key!
They've been told that in heaven,
there's plenty of food and women...
Well, yes...
He's 14 yers old, he's interested.
I suffered a lot.
I raised my 5 children
with my tears.
Now they want to take my elder
son for this key.
I've always been
faithful to religion.
I prayed, wore a veil and obeyed.
If that's how things are then
I don't want to believe in anything.
It's me!
They arrested the Rochanis.
They found some alcohol
at their home.
Who are you covering yourself for?
For mister.
That's how we've been raised.
Don't worry.
I'll talk to your son.
Thanks to my parents,
Mrs Nassrine's son didn't
go up to the front.
Between the fear of the bombings,
the government repression,
and the spying of the neighbours,
life was taking its course.
To make things bearable,
people were partying in secret.
People were getting drunk at
the parties. Alcohol was forbidden,
so my uncle was providing
the family with wine.
He has installed a wine production
laboratory in his cellar.
Mrs Nassrine,
my uncle's cleaning lady
was pressing the grapes.
May God forgive me!
Going to these
parties was dangerous
but it was our only
little moment of freedom.
Come on! Get out!
Identity papers,
driver licence.
Ok, ok.
Come closer.
You drank.
You're lying, you dirty westerner!
That's enough!
How dare you talk to me like that?
Shut up!
I could be your mother.
How old are you?
My daughter is 13.
You'd be in hell without your wife.
Thank you!
Get in! We're going to your place
to check if there are some bottles.
Grandma, Marji, you go first.
Empty all the bottles.
- But how?
- Don't worry, my daughter.
I was used to it with your father.
We had to hide the flyers.
Listen, the neighbour on the same
floor is a bit old.
He has a heart condition.
He could die
if we make too much noise.
Can we come to an agreement?
Hey! Where are you going?
I'm diabetic, son.
I have to drink some syrup.
Like my mother.
Go ahead.
Where are the others?
Their arrogance isn't ideological.
A few bills were enough.
Tell me,
did you throw everything away?
Well, yes!
It's his heart again.
They wanted to stop the communists.
They threw a grenade.
Taher couldn't endure it.
He was lying on the ground
when I arrived.
Everything will be all right.
No, it won't.
He must have an
open-heart operation.
They can't afford it here.
He must be sent to England.
I went to see the administrative
director of the hospital.
It's unbelievable.
Do you know who he was?
My old window cleaner.
I pretended not to recognize
this moron.
Only people who are seriously ill
can leave the country.
My husband had three heart attacks.
He must be operated or he'll die.
We'll do our best.
If God wants it, he'll get better.
Everything depends on God.
I need your authorization
for his passport.
If God wants it.
This asshole grew a beard
and wears a suit.
And now he's a director!
My husband's fate depends on
a window cleaner!
He doesn't watch women in
the eyes anymore.
Fucking asshole!
I know someone who
is making passports.
Calm down.
It'll be all right.
I'm coming with you.
Where did I put it?
Ha! Here it is!
Look at that.
It looks like a real one.
A month work,
just for this stamp!
What's your name?
How much time do you need?
Passports are very much in demand.
I make a living with that.
They closed my publishing business.
It takes 15 days,
but I'll do it in a week.
Great. Be quick.
It's Niloufar.
This is Ebi,
Anouche's brother,
I talked to you about him.
She is a communist too.
Her brother was my messenger.
I'm hiding her in my cellar.
It's the only place
where she's safe.
Is he stupid or what?
He's gonna get crushed!
Here! That's what I said!
Don't look.
- It's too ugly.
- Stop!
What of piece of shit! Apart
from cutting their stomach open
and making disgusting monsters,
those Japanese can't do anything.
Grandma, do you think that
uncle Taher is gonna die?
- Of course.
- Really? You think so?
If he doesn't find any passport
to leave, he won't make it.
He shouldn't have smoked so much.
What a load of crap!
His heart is sick
because his children are far away.
A hot beans pastry boat please.
Children always leave
sooner or later.
But being separated from your 13 years
old children because of war is absurd!
It can break you heart for sure.
I'd be dead already if I was him.
May God exterminate those barbarians.
May God hear you.
Hello? Ha, Khosrow, is that you?
So, what's up?
They arrested Niloufar.
I have to escape!
Niloufar was executed.
Khosrow escape by the mountains
in Turkey and went to Sweden.
Uncle Taher was buried
three weeks after these events.
The war intensified.
Let me pass!
Let me pass!
I live over there!
- Marji!
- Mom!
Are you all right?
Yes, honey.
I'm fine.
Where did the missile go?
It hit the Baba Levys.
What? The Baba Levys?
Thanks to the government, we don't
have any political prisoner left.
We finally earned our freedom.
- Madam?
- What?
It's the new government that ordered
the execution of my uncle.
From 3000 prisoners during the shah,
we now have 300 000 with you.
How dare you lie?
Stop it!
Who was it?
The school. Marji put the religion
teacher to her place.
- Again?
- Yes.
She takes after her uncle.
Do you want her to end like
her uncle, executed?
Do you know what they do to
young women like Niloufar?
The law forbids to kill a virgin.
She's forced to marry a
Guardian of the Revolution.
Then he takes her virginity
and executes her.
Do you understand?
If someone touches one of her
hair, I'll kill him!
A little later, they decided
to send me abroad.
Since I had studied at
the French school in Teheran,
I'd go to the French school in Vienna.
My father managed to get me a visa.
My mother's best friend
was supposed to take me in.
The day before my departure,
grandma came to sleep at home.
Every morning she put jasmine
flowers in her bra.
When she was taking it off, the
flowers were falling from her tits.
It was magic.
How do you manage to have
such round tits at your age?
Everyday I put them for 10 minutes
in an icy water bowl.
I'll miss you.
I'll come and see you.
I'm gonna give you an advice
that will always be useful.
In your life, you'll meet
a lot of assholes.
Remember that it's stupidity
that pushes them to be evil.
It will prevent you from
answering to their nastiness.
Because there's nothing worse
than bitterness and vengeance.
Always remain worthy and
true to yourself.
You'll see,
everything will be all right.
No tears.
Think about your future.
Europe is opening to you.
When you'll arrive in Vienna,
eat a sachertorte.
It's a delicious chocolate cake.
We'll come to see you.
You're a grown up.
No tears!
- Daddy...
- Enough.
You must leave.
Never forget who you are
and where you're coming from.
My daughter.
- Mom!
- My little Marji.
Europe opened itself to me,
but not like I imagined.
After a few days at
my mother's friend home,
she decided that their apartment
was too small to accomodate me.
She found me a bed and board
where I would be very well
according to her.
- Was?
- Huh?
I was finding
shelves of products that
no longer existed in my country.
For a while,
going to the supermarket
was my favorite pastime...
favorite pastime...
favorite pastime...
Anyway! It was urgent that
I make some new friends.
At the French school,
I could understand the others
and be understood.
Do you have a smoke?
Quickly, the school dropouts
were interested in me.
There was Momo, Thierry,
Olivier and Eve.
My nationality and my history
were fascinating them.
You saw a revolution and a war?
- Yeah.
- Did you see many dead people?
- Err... A few.
I was soon a member of the band.
With Momo,
I discovered nonchalance,
a forced nihilism concept and
the alternative Vienna life.
I admit that at the beginning
it was a little difficult.
And after all, why not?
I was trying to convince myself
that I had found my place.
But I remained different.
Holidays were sure
to remind me of it.
Shit, Christmas again!
I'll have to see my whole family.
All this because of
an American invention.
Santa Claus is in red and white...
It was a Coca-Cola mascot.
I'll be bored to death in Monte-Carlo.
Monte-Carlo is still all right.
Me, I'm gonna see my father in Brazil,
what a load of crap!
It's at least a 13 hours flight!
Holidays are scraps left to the pleb.
If the anarchists had won,
we wouldn't work anymore.
Is everything all right, my dear?
It's fine.
What are you doing for Christmas?
She'll be with some friends
from shool. Be careful.
Is there anything you need?
You're right, enjoy it.
Eat some frutis and vegetables.
Is it a common behavior?
- The way you're eating?
- We can eat in front of TV.
Maybe, but not in a saucepan.
So it's true,
Iranians have no education.
Is it true that you were
all prostitutes?
It was the beginning of
a series of moves.
I was flying from
apartment to apartment.
Eve and her mother took me in.
After that I was living
with 8 homosexuals.
Next, I was living in a maid room
then at some friends home,
and at some friends of
some friends home,
to finally end in
Frau Doktor Schloss villa.
She was a retired
philosophy teacher.
To sum up, she was nuts.
The rent is 2000 schillings a month.
- You like dogs, don't you?
- Yes, yes. I love them.
Yuki adopted you.
Dogs have a sixth sense.
They recognize good people.
I decided to become integrated
during the next year.
But sometimes, western culture
remained a mistery.
Ja voll! Ja voll!
I had to improve my knowledge.
From Sartre to Bakounin,
from Zweig to Freud,..
I read everything I could.
But I understood that some things
would be beyond me forever.
Did you see?
This fat pig Waldheim has been elected.
I want to puke!
It can't last any longer.
We must demonstrate!
All of this is hot air.
Life is empty.
When man realizes it,
he creates games for ruler and...
Life isn't absurd!
People give their life for freedom!
My uncle didn't die for fun.
Fucking asshole!
My feeling of disarray was immense.
I was safe here while my kins
were enduring the war.
I couldn't let go this
feeling of guilt.
I wanted to live like
a girl of my age.
The time of change was coming.
Within a few months,
I became a young woman.
It was a time of endlessly
repeating ugliness.
First, I grew 18 cm.
Then my face changed.
My face got longer, my right eye
got bigger, followed by my chin.
My right hand became huge,
then it was my left foot.
My nose got three time bigger.
My breast grew.
My buttocks appeared,
restoring my centre of gravity.
And to finish, a huge mole
appeared on my nose.
You see, Yuki? I told you.
She's a whore!
What a shitty music!
There are only assholes here.
Bakounin wanted the socialist
resolutions to be voted.
We wouldn't be where we are.
Capitalism is eating away
our society, don't you see?
Yeah, of course. Well...
Where are you from... Marie-Jeanne?
Yeah... I'm from...
I'm French.
Ha? I wouldn't have guessed.
Last year I was in Paris.
Excuse me, I must go.
Okay. Well then, bye.
So you're French?
Grandma, stop it.
It was just a question.
I didn't know you were French.
Do you think it's easy to be Iranian?
People are looking at me
as if I was a savage.
We're just fanatics screaming
and fighting each other.
Is it a reason to disown your origin?
Remember what I told you.
Be true to yourself.
Do you know what she told my brother?
That she was French.
- I'm not kidding.
- Did he believe her?
What? Did you see her face?
- He wanted to chat her up?
- Don't be ridiculous!
I'd kill myself if
he went out with this ugly ducking.
Shut the fuck up!
I'm Iranian and proud to be!
After 3 years in Austria
I was finally feeling good.
Momo, Thierry, Eve and Olivier
had left school.
I had new friends.
There was Birgit, a 30 years old
hippy with the face of an old child.
She had a house in the forest
where she was having parties.
The State could rest easy.
Those so-called anarchist meetings
were just a pretext to drink
beer and eat sausages.
I met Fernando at one
of these parties.
When I saw him, I immediately knew
that he was the man of my life.
Marjane, are you here?
That night, I finally understood,
thanks to you.
You revealed me to myself.
If it doesn't work with you,
it won't work with any girl.
I know it, now.
I am homosexual.
Ha! It's good to tell it.
Thank you, Marjane. Thank you.
You're welcome.
I swore that I wouldn't let
myself be caught at it again.
I won't let myself
be caught at it again!
Love is a conventional feeling!
But "Life is life",
as the other losers sang it.
One morning in november,
Markus came into my life.
Shall I walk you back?
I had finally found love.
Nothing was frightening me.
The future looked radiant.
Markus was to become a great writer.
He was reading me extracts from
his piece in his room.
We were as one.
I bought some croissants!
It's not what you think.
Marjane, I love you!
I love you!
I can't find my brooch.
It's you who stole it!
Leave me alone.
I shan't let it rest at that!
Fucking thief!
Go to hell!
I hate you!
You and your fucking dog!!!
Don't talk like that about my dog.
Where are you going?
- You won't get on with it so easily.
- Fuck off!!!
Fucking thief!
Give me my brooch back!
I'll call the police!
Come back!
How could I be so stupid?
This bastard got round me.
I'm a stupid cunt, cunt, cunt!
How could I fall in love with
this scumbag, this skinflint?
Shall I take you back?
I must fill it up.
Do we split 50-50?
This asshole's mouth smelled
like shit with his damned nature!
Fuck! What a stupid cunt are you?
My eye hurts like hell!
- Show me, my love.
- No!
Writer, my ass!
With his shitty piece!
It sucked!
This son of a bitch had no balls.
He didn't take my defense
in front of his mother.
Ja, Mutter.
A gutless individual, yes!
And it was always me
who was buying the junk!
This jerk was waiting
for me in the car.
He wouldn't have been bothered
if I had been arrested.
What a stupid cunt I was!
A stupid cunt!
It was my first night in the street.
The first of many.
I had lost some of my relatives
in a revolution.
I had survived a war.
And it's a love story that
almost got me.
How goes it?
You're waking up?
Well, that was a close one!
It's a good thing we found you.
You've had several bronchitis.
I strictly forbid you
to smoke any cigarette.
- Last name?
- Satrapi.
- First name?
- Marjane.
- Where do you live?
- In Iran.
In Iran?
Can I make a phone call?
- Daddy?
- Marjane! Is that you?
We were worried to death
for the last 2 months!
Daddy... Can I come back?
- Of course.
- You won't ask me any question?
No, I promise you.
I'm putting you through to your mother.
- Marjane?
- Mom, please, don't cry.
Come back home.
We're waiting for you.
- Mom...
- We won't ask you any question.
It's a promise.
Don't you have anything forbidden?
Pork, alcohol, cards, music,
film, fashion, porno?
No, sir.
Arrange your veil.
Yes, sir.
You can go.
It's Marji!
- My daughter...
- I didn't recognize you.
- You're here.
- You've grown.
You're here.
I saw the Alborz mountains again.
It had been snowing.
My father was wondering if he had
to put the snow chains on his car.
We took the breakfast together,
as before.
My mother had prepared
my favorite omelette.
Nothing had changed,
and yet, I knew that...
nothing would be like before.
We talked about many things.
My parents kept their word
and didn't ask me any question.
I didn't feel very comfortable
but I thought that the nightmare
was behind us.
The future might get brighter
once the war will be over.
The war is over for sure.
but people forgot why
there's been 8 years of war.
Let her breath.
She's coming!
No, no, mom.
It's all right.
The West sold weapons
to both sides.
We had been stupid enough
to enter this cynical game.
A million dead for nothing.
The last days had been horrifying.
A month before the armistice,
Irak bombed Teheran on a daily basis.
As if it had to be wiped
out from the map.
Just before the ceasefire,
the government got scared because
some opponents had fled to Iran.
The government was afraid of
the threat that represented
the thousands of political prisoners.
So the state decided to put
an end to it the hard way.
They proposed to the convicts
to renounce their ideals, to promise
to be loyal to the regime
and to serve their sentence
or to be executed.
Most of them were executed.
That's it.
Now streets are
named after martyrs.
That's all that's left to famillies.
Street names.
When you walk in Teheran,
it's like being in a cemetery.
You've really grown!
You'll soon be able to
catch the balls of the Lord.
Tell me.
How was Vienna?
Well, yeah...
It was different.
Do you remember Mina?
Of course, she's my cousin.
she got married.
She has two kids.
She's still as stupid as before.
And Shila, do you remember her?
- Yes .
- She's ugly.
She has hair on her face.
She looks like a gorilla.
And do you remember Mojdeh?
I remember everybody.
She got a divorce.
He had a small dick.
Well, that's what Shahri said.
She told Mehri who told me.
You'll see them all soon.
Oh no!
Well, yes...
You must be speaking German now.
Yes, a little.
I know how to say
"Ich liebe dich."
Vienna reminds me of
Empress Sissi.
You saw Romy Schneider?
Stars are shining in the sky
and you in my heart.
What a nun face! It's doesn't
look like you lived in Europe.
Talk a little!
Tell us.
I don't know...
How are the night clubs in Vienna?
Well... I didn't go out much.
- I don't like night clubs too much.
- What?!
Did you have sex?
Well, yes.
Is it good?
It depends.
You had sex with several men?
- Join a nursery school.
- Have your nose fixed.
I can't bear it anymore!
It's 40C!
I can't stand it any longer.
Damn hairdresser!
- You're not worthy of my son!
- Oh! Anahita!
Marjane just went out.
All right, I'll tell her.
Good bye.
Stop watching tv!
Didn't you want to try the exam?
You're ruining the
best years of your life.
Go and meet people!
Everybody is pissing me off.
Out of 7 million inhabitants,
isn't there one person who
you don't think is stupid?
There was Kia, my childhood friend,
I wanted to see him.
When I saw him,
I understood my grandma's words.
He was almost dead.
Kia went to war.
He lost an arm and a leg.
I spent a good time with him.
We even laughed.
After that, I relativized my miseries.
Yes. For him, it's his whole
life that's screwed up.
Yet, he laughed about it.
It's the only way to bear
the unbearable.
Whatever I repeat myself,
I can't do it.
It's still unbearable.
What I endured lies too heavy on me,
but who can I talk to about it?
- You see?
- Hmm.
My relatives have suffered so much.
I was a stranger in Austria
and I became one here.
I see.
Your sickness has a name.
It's a nervous breakdown.
There are some effective treatments.
I'll prescribe some medication.
Don't you want to come with us?
Some fresh air will do you some good.
No. I want to be alone.
Don't worry.
So, kiddo, what are you doing here?
Well... I'm dead.
My child,
your time hasn't come yet.
Oh really?
My daughter,
you'll have to put yourself out.
He's right for once!
You've got much to do.
Rise and shine.
Go and do what you have to do.
Don't forget that the fight goes on!
Yeah, yeah.
The fight goes on.
Rising up
Back on the street
Did my time
Took my chances
Went the distance
Now l'm back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive
lt's the eye of the tiger
lt's the cream of the fight
Rising up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching us all in the eye
Of the tiger
I'm so hungry!
- Didn't you eat yet?
- She's on a diet.
- Are you nuts?
- Her cousin asked her
to bring back an issue of Vogue.
She's reading it all the time!
It looks like you've
made a hit with him.
Enough! I'm ashamed.
We'll talk about Botticelli.
Venus Birth in particular.
We could also...
call it The Spring,
like the other great...
..Botticelli's mythology
shown at the Offices.
Hey! You, there!
Why are you laughing?
Do you wanna bet that
I'll take off my veil?
- Yeah right!
- How much do we bet?
At the begining of the 90s,
the time of great ideals was over.
After the Revolution, the government
had put so many students in prison
that we didn't dare to talk
about politics anymore.
And the war was finally behind us.
We were looking for happiness
so much that we forgot
that we weren't free.
Grandma, are you here?
Yes, I was here to see you.
How nice, you're all
dressed up to the nines!
Are you in love?
Exactly, I had a date with him.
I got a real fright. Guardians
of the Revolution charged.
Do you see how I'm made-up?
I was stuck. Then I remembered
this guy who was eyeballing me.
You know them.
I couldn't pretend to
be a little defenseless girl.
A man said indecent things to me.
Where is he so we can shut him up?
Over there.
That's him!
Aren't you ashamed?
Don't you have a mother? A sister?
Would you like it
if we insulted them?
I didn't do anything!
I swear it on my mother!
What did they do with the guy?
They picked him up.
Do you think that's funny?
Yes, don't you?
I think that you're a fucking slut!
That's what I think.
I had no other choice!
Yes, you had!
Everybody has a choice.
Everybody always has a choice!
Your grandfather went to prison
for protecting innocents.
And your uncle Anouche!
Did you forget why he died?
What did I teach you?
Does this word ring a bell, miss?
Shame on you!
The lady with the bag!
Stop running!
The lady with the bag!
Stop running!
Hey! Stop running!
Madam, why are you running?
I'm late.
You must not run like that.
When you're running, your behind
makes indecent moves.
Then don't look at my ass!!!
Fuck it! Wherever we stand,
we always see the same thing!
Anatomy lesson my ass! The only
thing sticking out is her big nose.
Go to the central university
All the absentees
will be suspended for 2 weeks.
We must behave correctly.
The flowers of the Revolution
grew from the blood of our martyrs.
To have an indecent behavior is like
trampling on the blood of the martyrs.
So, I'm asking to all
young ladies to wear
tighter trousers and
longer cowls.
They must cover their hair
and must not use any make-up.
Does anybody have a question?
If not, the session is ended.
Our cowls are short,
our trousers are indecent,
we put on a lot of make-up, etc.
I spend a lot of
time at the workshop.
I need to be able to move
freely to draw.
A longer cowl makes it difficult.
Our trousers efficiently
hide our shapes.
Knowing that those trousers
are in fashion,
is the religion defending
our integrity...
or is it simply
opposed to fashion?
You make comments about us
while the brothers...
have many different clothes
and hair cuts.
Sometimes, we can even
see their underwears.
Why is it that as a woman,
I'm not allowed to feel anything
when watching them,
while men can get excited on
our shorter cowls?
It's great. It's as if you had
cut their little dick.
Take off this fucking cowl.
It makes me claustrophobic.
I tend to forget it.
Don't ever forget it.
It's fear that makes us
lose our self-awareness.
It's also changing us into cowards.
You had guts.
I'm proud of you.
- I want to leave.
- To go where?
To the USA or to Europe.
Where in Europe?
I can't stand living
here any longer.
What about us?
You'll come with me.
- I don't want to leave.
- That's because you're still nostalgic.
Sooner or later,
people will disgust you.
You can die in the West,
nobody cares.
Don't worry.
We'll manage.
What's your relationship with him?
We'll call your parents.
Either they pay
or it will be some lashing.
When your mother and I were 15,
we used to walk together holding hands.
Oh la la!
And yet it was in this country.
You know, that's how
the situation is now.
You have to be careful.
I think it's better if you're
not seen outside anymore.
This situation is unbearable.
We can't go anywhere.
We're like prisoners.
It's not a life!
Yeah... We can only get married.
- Did you cry, mom?
- No.
I always wanted you to be
independent, educated and cultured.
And now you're getting married
at 21 years old!
I want you to leave Iran
to be free and liberated!
It's fine.
Trust me.
I know what I'm doing.
- Did you see the car keys?
- Huh?
I left them here.
I don't know.
They were here.
We don't share anything anymore.
You're the ideal couple to us.
Ideal couple, my ass!
What? You want my picture?
Not so long ago,
you were saying that you loved him.
It's impossible to know...
until we live under the same roof.
What will you do?
Are you gonna get a divorce?
I don't know.
My sister left
her husband last year.
As soon as she got a divorce,
all men wanted to
have sex with her.
The butcher proposed her.
Then the baker and the greengrocer.
And even the beggars.
Men are convinced that
their thing is irresistible
and that a divorced woman will
accept since she's not a virgin anymore.
Stay with your husband
as long as you can.
Something's wrong?
Don't get yourself
into such a state!
Excuse me.
What is this sorrow for?
It's terrible!
What's so terrible?
I think that... I think that
I don't love Reza anymore.
I think we'll part.
So this is your terrible thing?
I thought somebody had died!
You've no idea what you're saying!
I have a heart condition.
And you're talking to me like that!
All those tears for a simple divorce!
Listen to me carefully.
I did it 55 years ago.
Back then,
no one was getting a divorce.
I knew that I would be happier
alone than with a damned nuisance!
No buts!
A first wedding is a rough
work for the second one.
It will be better next time.
You're crying because
you were wrong.
It's hard to accept your own
mistakes, isn't it?
Where were you?
I was very worried.
Nima is dead.
Huh? What?
Nima is dead.
I'm leaving you.
The time had come for me to leave.
I decided to go to France.
I had to wait 3 months for a visa.
I went to the Caspian sea
with grandma
where I filled my lungs with
this unique air.
An air like nowhere else.
Then I promised grandpa
that he'd be proud of me.
Then I wnet behind the prison
where my uncle Anouche was resting,
somewhere next to
thousands of innocents.
I promised him to try to be true
to myself as much as possible.
Then, one day, the time
to leave had come.
My father cried, as usual.
you're leaving forever.
You're a free woman.
Iran of today isn't for you.
I forbid you to come back.
Yes, mom.
My sweet little girl!
I never saw my grandma again.
She died a little later.
Freedom always has a price.
Ah! What a shitty weather!
Where do you come from?
Grandma, you always smell good.
How are you doing?
I pick up jasmine
flowers every morning
and I put them in my bra.
This way, I always smell good.
Wow! It's great!