Personal Effects (2009)

I collect goldfish.
I keep them in a small
tank in my bedroom.
Other kids my age like dogs,
if they like animals at all,
but for me, it's goldfish.
I understand them,
living underwater
in a little bowl,
hearing nothing,
just watching things
through glass.
My name is Clay Pietrysk.
I'm basically
your average teenager,
except for the fact
that I've been deaf
since I was born,
and I can't really speak.
Your average teenager,
except for the deaf part,
and the fact that
my father was shot to death
outside a bar in McKees Rocks
a little over a year ago.
But all of this
isn't only about me.
All of this is more about
waiting for someone
you know
will never come back...
about that time
spent waiting...
and the people you meet
in the waiting room.
See, my dad was shot once,
in the stomach.
Walter Blount's sister
was raped, stabbed,
and hit over the head
eight times with a brick.
After she died,
her killer
tried to burn her body.
When that didn't work,
he left her
by the river's edge,
half covered
with a garbage bag.
You're up, Walter.
Feeling peckish?
Try Megabird.
What the cluck?
No. No...
Feeling peckish?
Try Megabird.
We're egg-cited to serv--
What the cluck?
Try Megabird.
Chicken, you're an asshole.
Don't say that!
Don't-- don't you say that!
That was
an interesting discussion
about how
a grandparent feels.
So many times,
extended family
gets forgotten
or neglected
in favor of spouses
and sons and daughters,
and your pain is just as real,
just as profound.
Thank you
for bringing that up today.
It was good stuff.
It's good stuff...
do I have to stay
for this?
Linda Pietrysk
is going to share
the life
reconstruction book
she made
for her husband Larry.
I really don't like
talking out loud
in front of people, but...
I know Gloria
is going next,
and she said
if I could, she could, so...
I went through
what I could find,
and so I'll just start
from when Larry and I first met,
and this is when he went away
to play A-ball out in Oregon.
Baseball didn't work out,
on account of his drinking,
and, uh...
this is, um,
when our son Clay was born.
When he was alive,
my dad drank a lot
and collected guns.
My dad also had friends
who drank a lot
and collected guns.
One of those friends,
Mark Jankowski,
shot my dad
with one of those guns
after one of those nights
People have different versions
of what happened.
No matter what the story,
I don't really care.
Mark Jankowski killed my dad.
And this is the last picture
I have of Larry.
It's, uh...
Mark is in it, the guy who...
but I kept it
well, it's the last one I have.
Thank you, Linda.
I know that was difficult.
Thank you.
It was good stuff.
Gloria Blount
has finished
the reconstruction
for her daughter.
Well, this is, uh,
the book that I made
for my daughter Annie.
Most of the pictures
have my son Walter in them
because they were...
they're twins, and...
Walter came
along with me today
I asked him to.
He didn't want to come.
Anyway, um...
Annie came first,
and Walter came
eight minutes later.
It was one of the few times
Walter came in second,
and, um...
Annie has
a little girl,
named Beth.
She's five.
She's my granddaughter.
She lives with us now.
And Annie was engaged
to this man named Brice...
see, me and Walter
have things in common,
not just the fact that
people we loved were murdered,
but the fact that we got stuck
with the things
that those people left behind.
Tell me.
No trouble.
What time will you be home?
Love you.
There is simply
no direct evidence
connecting Tom Friedinger
to the murder of Annie Blount.
There's no forensic evidence.
There's no witnesses
to the crime itself,
save for Mr. Friedinger's
communication with the decedent
an hour before
she was abducted and killed.
Yes, he liked to
walk her home at night,
particularly when she was drunk,
which she was that night.
Yes, he gave her presents
and wrote her letters
and sent her flowers,
but that does not mean
that he attacked her that night.
Strong feelings
for the victim
are not enough evidence
upon which to proceed!
Uh, particularly when
you take into account
Miss Blount's
and the number of men
she's been with
in the last few years alone!
Again, your honor,
there simply is
not enough evidence
upon which to proceed.
Me and Walter,
We know how it feels
when a new day begins,
and someone
doesn't show up for it.
We know how it feels.
People need to have
something in common
to keep them close.
Something like a job,
or a hobby, or a sport...
or the wait
for something to change,
for justice...
All rise.
For fairness.
Court is adjourned.
But the wait
can get difficult...
Please bring the motion
to my chambers.
And after a while,
you can't just watch the story
go on without you.
After a while,
you take the story back.
You're not helping us
in there.
The way you sit
in that gallery
and glare
at Friedinger
makes Friedinger seem
even more sympathetic
than he already is.
Walter, he's a fat slob
with a low I.Q.
Who's never caught a break
in his life,
and you know
as well as I do
the evidence we've got
isn't exactly
going to fry him
without the jury
on our side.
Come to court,
lighten it up,
you know?
So, Mrs. Pietrysk...
Let some steam off
before you come in.
Jury selection
will take
the better part
of the week.
Each side
will have a chance
to rule out
any potential
problem jurors.
We'll get the right
people up there,
and we'll
start this thing.
You're Gloria's son,
Walter, right.
Oh, God...
you can't smoke
in this damn place.
I'm here for
jury selection.
I heard
it can take a while.
That's what the prosecutor
was just telling me.
There's a snack machine
on the second floor,
in case you get hungry.
Love you.
Love you, too, Ma.
Try your cluck
with daily free lunch drawings.
Suck cock, cock.
You shouldn't s--
you shouldn't--
Don't be chicken,
try Megabird.
Oh, please.
Fuck off.
Most survivors turn
to the criminal justice system
for a kind of emotional support
in their need to see
their loved one's assailants
apprehended, prosecuted,
convicted, and punished.
the criminal
justice system
exists for society,
not for you
as an individual.
So whatever you believe
the appropriate punishment
for the murder is
will probably not
be doled out.
Even if the killer
gets the death sentence,
it ultimately will not
make you feel better.
Okay, that does it
for today.
we set a date
for the charity
rummage sale,
and this should be
a great way
to let go of
those possessions
you've struggled
to get rid of,
as well as a good way
to raise money
for victims' families.
Good stuff.
Judge Wettick rejected
the defense's motions to dismiss
and for mistrial.
So, we're back to it.
I don't wish
to speak ill of the dead,
but she drank,
a lot.
She was promiscuous.
She had sexual relations
with many men.
it gave many men
reason to react to her.
That's not true...
She was a person
who put herself
into dangerous situations
with great frequency.
That's not true.
It has been established
in this court of law
that Miss Blount
was not even certain
who the father of her child is!
What are you saying
about my sister?
Mr. Blount.
He's telling a lie!
Mr. Blount.
that's a lie!
He's lying!
This is your last warning,
Mr. Blount.
But he doesn't know
anything about her!
Mr. Blount...
You're just going to
let him--
Mr. Blount...
You are so full of sh--
You are so f--
What happened?
This defense attorney
just called
my sister a wh...
Oh, that's
not right.
Basically said
she brought it
on herself.
I'm sorry.
It's not enough that
he represents that...
that human
piece of crap,
but to call
my sister's honor
into question?
I wonder
what would happen
if we waited outside
for him later today
and beat the living shit
out of him.
I'd never even
been to court
before all of this
It's like a...
It's like a foreign
country in there.
The words they use
and how things happen,
it's-- it's...
it's like I got
on the wrong plane
and got off in some
fucked-up country
I'm not
supposed to be in.
You don't talk much,
do you?
I don't know.
Well, so,
what were you doing
before all of this
Yeah, um,
I was in Iowa,
training with
the national team,
and then...
it happens,
and I came home,
and I stayed.
How old are you?
and you want to
stay around here.
I just need to see
this thing through.
One way or another.
So, what do you do
when you're not
hanging around the courthouse?
W-what do you mean?
Well, I mean
for a living.
Do you work?
I'm a chicken.
The, uh...
well, the chicken that stands
outside of Megabird.
Are you the one
I told to fuck off?
Sorry about that.
It's okay.
Well, you were kind of just
staring at me.
I'm not very good at it.
The other guy
who wears the suit,
Jose, he, like,
And flaps his arms
and stuff.
Right, right, right.
Oh, you're the one
who sits on the...
the edge of the window.
The sad chicken.
Well, I work over
at the community center.
I oversee the special events,
mostly weddings.
I started doing it
after Larry was killed.
I was just kind of
walking around
in a haze, and...
anyway, my girlfriend,
she's head of human resources
over there,
so, you know, that's...
that's how
I got hired.
Do you like it?
The job?
They don't make me wear
a chicken suit.
Oh, wrestling.
# when we were green
and young as shoots #
# the world took off
beneath our boots #
# oh, we were picked
when we were young #
# gentle words and modesty #
# when we turned
towards the tide #
# choirs screamed
in their delight #
# oh, I am ripe
and ready now #
# my heart is heavy
it's going to fall #
# out of my body... #
Hey, let's go,
boys, let's go!
Jesus, Walter.
What the hell
are you doing?
I got it.
Jesus Christ, Walter,
what the hell are you doing
pushing all that
weight around alone?
Oh, uh, I made
an extra key for you
for the weight room.
Lock up
when you go.
Thank you.
Are you, uh...
you entering
the regional tournament?
I'm not wrestling
anymore, coach.
What the hell
are you training
so hard for?
Oh, yeah!
Hey, 'tard!
"Special" my ass.
Hey, you guys better
catch the other ones!
Come on, you too cool, buddy?
You can't talk to me?
We got one, boys,
the biggest one!
Want to run with me,
tough guy?
Want to run with me?
You too cool to talk
to me, big guy?
Come on, guy,
let's go!
You ride the cart into school
this morning?
In the back
of the yellow twinkie bus?
Come on, tough guy.
Come on, retard, do something.
Don't just stand there.
You got to talk
to me first, tough guy.
What's up?
Do something.
Let's go, retard.
Are you going to
fight me or not?
What, you can't hear me?
What are you,
deaf or something?
Let's go, buddy.
Do something.
Don't just stand there.
You hear what I'm saying to you?
I just wanted to know
if you want to fight me or not--
"Special" my ass.
Hey, leave him alone!
Take him out!
You all right, man?
You all right?
All right, take it easy.
Hey, he sucker-punched me!
Take it easy.
I'm Walter.
I know your mother.
Give me the gun.
I'm serious.
Give it to me.
The gun.
Give me the gun.
Fucking pulled a gun
on me, the freak!
Kid starts kind of
shoving him and whatnot.
He put a pretty good
lickin' on him.
He, uh, pulled out a gun.
I have to talk to him
for a second.
Will you hang around?
Are you--
No, you can't
have the gun back!
I know!
Look at me!
I know.
I know those kids
were teasing you.
Clay, you can't--
Clay, look--
Would you mind
not doing that?
Why has he got a gun?
It was his father's.
No, what's he doing with it?
I'm not stupid, Walter.
I didn't give him bullets
or anything.
Forget it.
I'll take it away.
I have to now.
If he gets kicked out
of another school,
God, and the trial is starting,
and I don't know
what I'm going to do with him.
I have to
deal with this now, so...
Your mom told me you were
coming home soon,
so I just waited.
You want to go
get a beer
or something?
I'm not drinking.
I could probably
help you get a job
over where I'm working
if you wanted to,
you know,
Do something
indoors, or...
I'm okay.
I told you
about that girl
I was seeing, right?
Uh, yeah.
She's pregnant.
I'm going to ask her
to marry me.
And I wanted to know if,
you know,
maybe you could talk to your mom
about Annie's ring?
You know,
I didn't want to just...
I just thought it might
upset her, coming from me.
You know, and I can't afford
to buy another one.
But, I mean, if she
freaks out or something,
I understand.
It's cool.
I'm going to sell
Annie's record collection
in the rummage sale,
unless you want 'em.
Have you seen
my yellow sweatshirt?
Check the wash.
this wash?
Great, Ma.
I let Beth help
with the laundry.
Well, now I've got to
go to the store
and buy another one
before work.
Because chickens
are yellow, Ma,
Not pink!
Maybe it's time you thought
about going back to Iowa.
Honey, Annie wouldn't want it
this way.
What way?
Well, you in a chicken suit
outside the Megabird, for one.
And you sitting
in that courtroom all day,
staring at Peggy Friedinger's
half-retarded son.
How would Annie
want it, Ma?
She'd probably
want you to be...
I don't know,
doing what you used to do
the way you used to do it.
Am I embarrassing you?
No, Honey.
You know what
Annie would want?
Annie would want it
to be made right.
She'd want it
to be fair.
I can fix you some eggs
or something.
By the way,
Brice stopped by.
He wants
Annie's ring back.
Yeah, he got
some girl pregnant,
and now he wants to
give her Annie's ring.
It's up in Beth's room,
in the dresser drawer.
What are you doing?
What are
you doing?
Grammy says I can stay home
from school today.
What are you going to do
Is that you, Walter?
I just wanted
to come by, and...
Can you...
can you take off
that damn mask, please?
You know it's raining out.
And they make you
stand out here in the rain?
Want to get a coffee?
I don't
drink coffee.
I'll watch you
drink coffee.
Just, I need
one second.
I just want to thank you
for helping Clay.
I'm afraid I...
I was bitchy.
So, anyway,
What's going to happen with him?
Oh, the city put him
in this program.
What program?
Some genius
in the Mayor's office thinks
if you send a kid
to the coroner's office
and watch autopsies
on gunshot deaths
it'll change
his life.
And this is a kid--
I mean, his father
was shot to death.
I'm doing this wedding
Saturday night,
and I'm allowed to
bring someone...
And it's not like
a date or anything,
I just need someone
to come with me.
Because I cr...
I cry too much at the weddings,
and I...
I just can't seem
to stop it,
and I just--
I think about Larry,
and I-- and I lose it, and...
anyway, so my friend is saying
maybe I shouldn't do it anymore
if I can't control my emotions,
so I was thinking, well,
maybe if I had
someone with me...
I wouldn't feel
so sorry for myself.
You know, if you want to come.
# you would be nothing
without me #
# I could be nothing #
# said the waves to the sand #
# I could be nothing
without you #
# without you
I would be nothing #
# without me
you could be nothing #
# said the waves... #
I have to get dressed.
Hi, Walter.
You look nice.
Thank you.
Is this weird?
Going to a wedding
where you don't
know anybody?
I guess.
I just feel
kind of stupid
asking for
your help now.
It's okay.
I was just going to
watch TV,
Thank you.
So, this wedding
we're going to...
It's a beautiful
story, really.
Um, they met
in their church choir,
and, um, well,
her father is dead,
but was military,
and her uncle
is walking her
down the aisle,
and the flag
that was over
her father's coffin
is going to be placed
in an empty seat
in the front row.
Oh, and then
the bride and groom
are going to sing
to each other, and...
and she's pregnant.
# I thought my prayers... #
# would never be answered #
# but I kept the faith... #
I'm sorry.
I know this is
so stupid.
# out of nothing
you made my life anew #
# I found all these things
when I found you #
Will you take
this man...
You said
you didn't want to cry.
...for better
for worse,
in good times and in bad,
for richer, for poorer...
in sickness,
and in health,
so long as you both
shall live?
I do.
I now pronounce you
husband and wife.
You may kiss
your bride.
You're having a terrible time.
I'm just watching.
They're all so happy,
aren't they?
Have you ever been married?
No, I've just been...
Wrestling, you know?
No kids?
Sometimes I help watch
my sister's daughter.
She's five, and a half.
So I help with her.
Hey, pretty lady.
Hey, come dance
with me.
Oh, no.
That's cool
with you, right?
Come on, now.
You arranged
all this, right?
Okay. open,
and he was
so gentle with her.
He was nice.
Wasn't he?
He seems like
a really nice guy.
He's the greatest guy.
I'm sorry
I got drunk.
Oh, that's okay.
I'm sorry I looked at
your drawings.
I don't know why
I did that.
No, it's all right.
I'm sorry
I got weird about it.
I liked them, though.
They're good.
I-I like how there
aren't any people in them.
You don't
have to say that.
No, I did.
There's something
about an empty room.
I don't... there's
something about...
interesting about
what might happen next,
because you don't know.
It could...
Yeah, I guess.
You just hope
it's going to be good,
though, you know?
For whoever
steps inside.
At least I do.
That's really nice,
Oh, my God!
Jesus, that's Clay.
Can you stop the bus?
Can you stop the bus?
Damn it, Clay!
What the hell
are you doing?
Go home!
No, just go
the fuck home!
This is where the guy
who killed my husband
used to live.
Thank you.
I'm sorry
about my son.
Could you ask Clay
to meet me
in the gym
first thing
Monday morning,
Before school?
Just ask him.
Thank you
for the wedding.
You're welcome.
Good night.
Oh, use
a plate, huh?
You were on a date last night.
Kind of.
Not really.
You were with Linda, huh?
That's nice.
I guess.
I need your help
with the rummage sale.
I'm not hanging out with you
and your support group friends.
I'm not asking you
to come, Walter.
I need help
cleaning out the garage.
I can't lift
half that stuff, okay?
Thank you.
It's nice you have a new friend.
I went to a wedding
that she was working at.
That's it.
Okay, let's go!
Good, good!
One more,
up you go!
I don't know
how to talk to you,
so I just wrote some stuff down.
This is about the team, okay?
Ah, good one!
That's what
I like to see.
This is a permission slip
you've got to get
your ma to sign, all right?
watch it!
I think you'd be good at it.
Keep those feet
At least it'll help you
work off some of that stuff.
And again.
Come on, pick it up!
Wrestling helped me a lot
when I was your age.
All right, take five.
That's the coach.
He's going to talk to you now.
Tommy was home by 11:00.
How do you
know that?
The news just started.
We watched it together.
The 11:00 news?
That's right.
We always watch
the news together,
and then
the late show after.
So at 11:00,
at least an hour before
the coroner said
the murder took place,
your son Thomas
was home with you?
That's what I said.
No more questions.
You may step down,
Mrs. Friedinger.
Walter, hey.
So, uh...
Grace said yes when I proposed.
Can I get in here for a second?
Yeah, sorry.
She's not going to tell
her parents she's pregnant
until after the wedding,
so we're moving
pretty fast here.
So we want you to be
in the wedding party.
I mean,
you and your mom
should be part of this,
you know?
It just
wouldn't be right
if you all weren't
part of this.
Thank you.
Thanks, man.
How's he doing?
a lot different
than fist-fighting.
But he stuck it through
the whole practice,
and he's still
at it.
I'll help him.
All right, you guys!
No conditioning
tomorrow morning,
light workout
tomorrow after school.
Okay, good.
You did good.
Come on,
off you go!
All right, good!
Are you sure this is
going to be all right?
Yeah, deaf kids
can wrestle. He's...
You just, uh...
You might
want to get him
some Ben-Gay
or something.
And tell him
to take a hot shower
Before he goes to bed,
just so he doesn't
cramp up too much.
Ladies and gentlemen
of the jury,
you have heard all the evidence.
Now it is my duty
to instruct you
on the law
that applies to this case.
You must base your decision
on the facts and the law,
and you must determine
these facts
from the evidence received
in this trial,
and not from any other sources.
The jury's deliberating.
They're breaking
until Monday.
Sometimes it takes
a few hours,
sometimes it takes
a few days.
Friday's not a great day
to start deliberating, so...
they'll bring something
back next week.
I'm sure of it.
So, what are you
going to do with yourself
this weekend?
I don't know.
I have another wedding
on Saturday night.
You know,
if you want to kill some time.
They met on the internet.
He's in a wheelchair.
She's works at a gym
in South Hills
teaching some exercise classes.
He's a professor at, uh,
CMU, in computers.
She's never even
been to college.
It's crazy.
So, you know, something to do.
Are you going to
say anything or not?
Uh, sure.
I'll come.
I'll come
with you.
I'd like that.
They're starting up,
I'll see you later.
Okay, tomorrow
at, uh, 5:00.
Oh, your friend,
um, Brice,
came in here
with his fiancee
the other day.
Guess they're using
the community center
for the wedding.
Anyway, I told them
I'd help them out.
You know,
save some money.
That's nice.
Come on, Linda.
I want you
to dance.
We'll show you,
come on.
You want to dance?
No, I don't dance.
No, neither did
my husband.
Well, I'm going to.
You don't have to,
but I'm going to.
I want everybody to dance.
I want everybody
to have fun.
Come on, Linda.
I'm sorry.
You're working.
Yeah, but I left you
sitting in here
for, like, an hour.
It's fine.
You're working.
It's-- it's okay.
I just had to make sure
all the unused bottles
weren't billed
and the rose petals
were put away.
You going to
close up, Linda?
Oh, yeah, go on.
I'll-- I'll do it.
Thank you
for helping.
Oh, uh, yeah.
No problem.
You know, you don't
have to keep coming
to these things
if it's boring
for you.
No, it's--
it's okay. It's--
You sure?
Yeah, I had fun,
Yeah, in your way.
In my way?
Yeah, your...
I know I'm a lot
older than you,
and I know I'm all...
fucked up.
No, please don't stop.
Please keep going.
No, just, please,
before I think too much.
I want you to
hold onto this for me.
If I tell Clay
you're keeping it for him--
I don't want it.
He won't
argue with me.
I can't have it
around here.
I don't want it.
To Clay...
this is what he has left
of his dad.
I can't just
throw it away.
I haven't,
since Larry died,
even been able
to talk to someone,
let alone
be with someone.
Yeah, I just, um...
I think I'd better
get going.
Good night.
Good night.
# when you finally
scaled the wall #
# thinkin' you had heard
the siren singing #
# what you really heard
was a broken bird #
# making out
like it's a dove... #
Okay? You do it.
No, no--
Hook that. Hook that.
Feel that?
# everybody knew
what you were thinking #
# ivory towers
lover's flowers #
# but no one thought
you were a fool #
# you never stopped
to notice all #
# the stolen clothes
stacked in the hall... #
You know how.
Do it.
Come on.
# from the others
who scaled the wall just to... #
Watch me.
Hey, watch me!
You're going to do
what I do.
Fuck you!
Come on!
Come on!
I'm sorry about
throwing you like that.
It's part of
the sport.
I didn't
mean anything by it.
Around this time
about a year ago
I was a couple
tournaments away
from making
the national team.
There was this guy, Packer,
and this other guy
from Northeast Pennsylvania.
Said he'd give me
a run for it, but...
man, I was close.
Then one day I'm...
in the middle of a workout.
One of the trainers comes in.
I could just tell by the way
she was looking at me
that something...
really horrible had happened.
So I take the first bus home.
I get there,
and everything is just a mess.
My little niece is asking
where her mommy is,
Annie's fiance, he's just...
he's in shock.
He's in no position to take her,
and my mom just starts talking,
just non-stop,
just to anybody that'll listen.
It's, like,
nobody's thinking about anything
except for themselves.
Not about Annie,
not about the guy
that killed her.
I mean, am I so screwed up
to be constantly thinking
about this guy?
I got no idea
what you're talking about.
Just tell your mom,
and she'll tell me.
In the matter of
the people of the Commonwealth
versus Mark Henry Jankowski,
case number T-O 21554.
We, the jury
in the above-entitled action,
find the defendant,
Mark Henry Jankowski,
guilty of the crime
of murder
in violation of Penal Code
upon Lawrence James
a human being.
You okay?
Clay's asleep.
Do you want to
help me?
Turn the light out.
I don't...
Do you want this?
Write it down?
What are you doing?
Cleaning up
for the rummage sale.
I see that.
Thanks for getting
all that crap out of here.
Mom, the verdict.
The verdict's in an hour.
You're not coming?
I'm going to church.
Whatever Tom Friedinger gets
isn't going to
change anything for me.
Ladies and gentlemen
of the jury,
I am going to ask
that you carefully listen
to the verdicts
as they are being read
by the clerk.
After they have been read,
you will be asked
if these are your verdicts.
I caution the audience
to remain calm
during the reading
of these verdicts.
Any disruption will mean being
removed from the courtroom.
Mr. Friedinger,
please stand and face the jury.
Miss Nedved?
Superior Court
of the Commonwealth
in the matter of People
of the Commonwealth
versus Thomas Robert Friedinger,
case number SA-21423.
We, the jury,
in the above-entitled action,
find the defendant,
Thomas Robert Friedinger,
not guilty
of the crime of murder
in violation
of the Penal Code 187-A,
a felony,
Upon Anne Lynn Blount,
a human being...
as charged in count two
of the information.
Ladies and gentlemen
of the jury,
is this your verdict,
so say you one, so say you all?
Are you okay?
Is there anything
I can do?
Want to be
left alone?
I've changed my mind.
Excuse me?
The records.
Here's your money back.
I-I don't want to sell them
We agreed on a price.
I think I paid you fairly.
No, but it's not
about the money.
I want my daughter's
records back.
Sir, you should probably
give her her records back.
What's your
problem, man--
Give her
her records back.
Remember why
we're doing this.
Just take your damn money.
Please? Please?
Gloria, just take a breath--
Fuck you, Hank.
I want my daughter's
records back.
remember why
we're doing this.
We're trying to get--
Jesus, lady.
Take the records.
I'm sorry.
Take them.
I'm sorry.
Take 'em.
Just g-give me...
give me
the Alan Parsons Project.
I gave that to her.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Hank.
You hit me with
a goddamn umbrella!
I'm sorry.
What, this is funny?
This is funny?
Yeah, okay.
Okay, good stuff.
Oh yeah.
Good stuff.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay...
What happened?
He was...
They found him not guilty.
They're letting him out today.
We could use some help
with the refreshments, Walter,
if it's not too much trouble.
Clay made varsity.
He's wrestling against Peabody.
He-- he wants you
to come to the meet--
Walter, please, the mask.
You want to
come over later,
What the cluck?
Try Megabird.
What the cluck?
What the cluck?
Try Megabird.
Hello, Tom.
What the cluck?
Try Megabird.
Try Megabird, Tom.
You okay?
No, I just, I...
I got him into this.
No, he'll be fine.
Shake hands.
Come on, buddy!
Green, you're down.
Man on...
One, two...
Let's go again.
That's it,
come on, get him!
over and under!
Hit it, hit it!
One, two, three...
Way to go, Clay,
you did it!
You won.
You won.
You won!
You won!
Get going.
I haven't seen Clay
that happy in years.
He was so happy.
He was so
proud of himself.
The way he looked
at you afterward...
so was this
anything more for you
than just...
It is for me.
It has been...
So you're not going to
just disappear on us, then?
'Cause me and Clay,
you know, we...
we really like you.
Well, we love you
is what I mean.
# every tale you tell #
# every sinking wishing well #
# I can see your face
in the deep blue sea #
# every holding hand #
# every piece of major land #
# I can feel... #
# on the deep blue sea #
# and your ship, love
is moored #
# head and stern #
# and the dead weight
of your loss #
# drags me down #
# I will stay with you
my love #
# I just need
to feel you near #
# and you beckon me each time #
# I close my eyes... #
How many times
did you hit her?
How many times
did you hit her?
How many times?
How many fucking times
did you...
hit her?
It wasn't me!
It wasn't...
It wasn't me.
You used a knife,
and a brick!
And you burnt her body!
No, no, no!
I was the other guy
from the bar!
I was the only one
that was nice to her!
You killed her!
No, I tried to walk her home
that night,
and she wouldn't let me!
And she
wouldn't let me...
and she wouldn't let me...
I was her friend.
I tried!
I was her friend.
I was her friend.
I'm not going to tell anybody
what happened, okay?
Can I go now, please?
Can I please go now?
What are you doing?
Go home.
Go home, Clay.
Go home!
Go! Go!
The Judge ruled these
but we interviewed
every one of these guys,
and they all
substantiated that...
you know.
There wasn't much of a case
against my client.
I'm sorry, Mr. Blount.
He didn't do it.
He didn't do it.
He was trying
to help her.
I'm sorry.
He was doing
what I should have
been doing.
I should have been there,
but I left her...
And so all she had
to rely on
was someone like that,
that's what she...
Shh... No, no.
That's what she had...
It's okay, it's okay.
It's okay.
Let me take care of you.
Let me help you.
Let me love you.
What are we, really?
What are we?
To each other?
We're just
sad reminders of--
Walter, stop.
You have your conviction.
What do I have?
I have nothing.
I have this.
I'm a fucking
You don't have to
be afraid.
I'm not going to
ask you to save me.
And I'm not going to
disappear on you--
I'm not--
I'm not afraid!
I'm going back to Iowa.
I can't...
I can't be here anymore.
I'm sorry.
You know,
when I was eight,
I asked Grammy
if I could have
the basement.
Because I didn't want
to share my room
with a girl anymore.
Your mom was
pretty mad about that.
She used to sneak down
into my room
and crawl into my bed
after I fell asleep.
Just like you.
So that's why Grammy
bought her this,
to keep her company
at night.
It would make her
feel better.
I think it's time
for you to have this.
It's for you.
I don't know
what you're saying.
I can't...
Is this about that man?
I don't know.
I don't know anymore.
It's the key to the weight room.
Coach Partenheimer says
he thinks you'll
do well next year.
If you keep at it,
he thinks you might
make sectionals, so...
you'll be all right.
I have to work tonight.
Stay home.
Love you.
I've spent my entire life...
I didn't deserve
any better than I got--
my husband and his drinking,
my son,
my life on the South Side.
You know what?
I like it here.
I love the grey sky,
and the old buildings,
and the smells
coming from the houses
and the stores, and...
I love raising my son here,
And I love being with you.
I'm sorry I'm so sad.
It's just that I know,
if you would let me, I...
I could take good care of you.
And I know if you wanted to,
you'd be good to me and Clay.
I know you would
because you already are.
I just had to...
before you leave...
tell you how I felt.
Nothing more.
Nothing more.
# oh, the beauty of things #
# you never consider #
# like walking at night
with a can of beer... #
# a dark stormy night #
# the lack of light #
# consumes me sipping #
# a dribble
runs down my chin... #
I guess
this is all about the things
that were left behind.
The gun,
the music box,
the key to the weight room.
They keep us all holding on.
and maybe, in their own way,
these souvenirs
keep us wondering
what to do with them...
# I want to hear you
for the first time #
# again #
# oh, the beauty of things #
# you never consider
like... #
But the wait can become
And after a while,
you can't just watch the story
just go on without you.
After a while,
you take the story back.
I made a mistake.
Clay's not here.
He took his gun.
I have no idea
where to look.
It's okay.
It's okay.
I got it.
# and if you take
the oldest works #
# and if you take
the newest works #
# you find love #
# and if you take
the oldest songs #
# and if you take
the newest songs #
# you find love... #
Can I help you?
Go, Mom!
You shot him.
You shot him!
I collect goldfish.
I understand them,
living underwater
in a little bowl...
"hearing nothing.
Just watching
through the glass..."
My name is Clay Pietrysk.
I'm basically
your average teenager.
Except for the fact
that I've been deaf
since I was born,
and I can't really speak.
Good job.
Love you.
I love you, Mom.
But all of this
isn't only about me...
all of this is more about
waiting for someone
you know
will never come back...
About that time spent
and the people you meet
in the waiting room.
# well, the ropes are taut #
# and the stories
have all been caught #
# there's a frost-cover
drawn on the shore #
# and the catcher
still seems to want more #
# through the reel
and through the unreal #
# not what you see
but what you feel #
# and what transpires here #
# what I hear transpires #
# and it falls, falls, falls #
# and it falls, falls, falls #
# it rises up, rises up #
# and it falls, falls, falls #
# I just want to break even #
# I just want
to pass on through #
# like a ghost
through a household tune #
# under light
of the early dusk hues #
# navigating
and dealing extremes #
# is not what
at first it seems #
# and I keep my ship
tight and true #
# for the next time
that I'll see you #
# and it falls, falls, falls #
# and it falls, falls, falls #
# it rises up, rises up #
# and it falls, falls, falls #