Pet (2016)

- Good morning, guys.
- How's it going?
Bailey, what's up?
What's up?
Hey, chewy.
Hey, Watson, how's it going?
Looking good.
Queenie, rascal.
Okay. Want some food,
want some food?
Wolf it down.
That's it, that's all you get.
- - How are you?
There she is, there she is.
Okay, all right, Lexi,
all right.
Back it up, back it up.
Hey, Lexi.
Back it up.
Hey, hey.
Hey, big doggie.
Big doggie, big doggie.
Holly, right?
Holly garling.
How are you?
Hi. I'm sorry,
do we know each other?
Oh, Seth.
West brook high.
- Oh. Were you in my class?
- Oh, I was in the year above you.
We didn't hang out or anything,
but I knew who you were.
You did?
Sure, everybody did.
I don't know about that.
So you're a writer now, huh?
That's cool.
That's great.
Yeah. This whole
waitressing uniform,
it's just a disguise.
It's convincing.
I was gonna order
an ice cream sundae.
- Extra sprinkles.
- You wouldn't be the first.
- This is my stop.
- Oh, this is you?
It was nice to see you again.
Nice to see you too. Hey, if
you're not doing anything...
get a coffee.
We're looking at your numbers...
There he is.
There's the man.
- Nate, let me ask you a question.
- Hmm?
If there was this girl and you
wanted her to notice you...
Are you serious right now?
Shit, man, i don't know you.
I don't know what kind of game you got.
What are you asking me?
I thought maybe...
Listen, wait...
You like this girl?
- We are talking about a girl here right?
- Yes, girl.
I do like her.
So just confident, you know?
Guy who's confident. Knows
how to make them laugh.
Tell 'em about your day.
Act like you give a shit.
I mean, it ain't a mystery.
Confident, funny,
make 'em laugh.
Got it. Good.
Hey, and no more bringing
this shit to me, all right?
You and me, we ain't like that.
Seth, Dr. Jessup needs
your help.
He's putting down
the German Shepherd in 34.
Look, you're a sweet guy.
But if you can't do your job,
I'll find someone who can.
- Is that clear?
- She's a really good dog.
Hey, Lexi. Hey.
Here's the thing, we just...
hey, girl.
Hey, Lexi. Hey.
How's it going?
Wanna go for a walk?
Hey, hey, hey.
Good girl. Yeah, it's
exciting, isn't it?
All right, Lexi.
Here we go.
All right, that's a good dog.
Yeah, that's a good dog.
- You all right?
- Yeah, she's just a good dog.
Shh, it's okay, Lexi.
It's all right.
You want her,
you can always keep her.
My building doesn't allow pets.
Very strict.
Fucking find a new place.
$9.00 an hour? I'm lucky
I have running water.
That's your whole problem.
You got no initiative.
It's how come you're still working in
a shit hole like this at your age.
You want something in this life,
you gotta take it.
So what's it gonna be?
I mean, you want her,
she's yours.
Do it, do it already.
All right, Lexi.
Here we go.
You're a good dog.
Hold still.
You're a good dog.
Hey, Holly, hey.
What time do you get lunch?
What time do you get lunch?
I get lunch at 1:00.
Hey, hey, hi.
Hey, remember me?
That's right.
Uh, well, i guess table
for one while I'm here,
but really I was just wondering
if you wanted to get
maybe dinner later.
I don't know about you,
but I love seafood.
Oh, you do?
Yeah, that's all I eat.
Seafood, seafood...
There's a, uh...
there's a place on...
there's a place on...
there's a place on Wilshire
called the crab joint.
Oh, you know it?
Yeah, we could... tonight?
hey, Holly, hey.
Hey, Holly.
How's it going?
- Hi. Anywhere?
- Yeah, anywhere is fine.
Okay. Thanks.
Hey, how are you?
I'm Holly.
I'll be taking care
of you today.
You must be a writer.
- I'm sorry?
- A writer.
The disguise from the bus.
We met a couple
of days ago on the bus.
- My name's Seth.
- I'm so sorry.
My memory, it like
totally sucks.
I know, just what you want to
hear from your waiter, right?
No, that's fine.
Uh, can I get you started with anything?
An appetizer?
Yeah, um...
Let's uh...
let's do water.
And then by the time
you come back, I'll know.
Water. Una agua.
You got it.
Hey, um, i like your hair.
It looks different from the bus.
- It's nice.
- Thank you.
Yeah. You shouldn't feel
insecure about it
or self conscious, it's...
is a good haircut.
Uh. Why don't you
take a look at the menu
and I will go grab your water.
Yeah. Pie.
Apple pie.
How's it going over here?
- Seth.
- What's that?
My name is Seth.
How's the food, Seth?
It's good.
It's quality.
Actually, I had
a question for you.
Do you like Ben folds?
'Cause I have a couple of tickets
to his concert this week
and the girl
i was gonna go with...
not a girlfriend or anything...
she can't make it,
she has a thing.
I was wondering
if maybe you'd wanna...
- Go?
- I'm sorry, I can't.
I don't like going
to shows by myself,
it feels kind of strange,
you know, so maybe...
Not a big deal, no pressure.
We could just go. It wouldn't
have to be a date or anything.
The thing is, I already
sort of have a boyfriend, so...
No, you don't.
I'm just gonna leave this here.
Thanks for coming in.
Hang on a second.
But, like, when they do speak,
you know you're in trouble.
- There's a guy out there.
- Ooh, is he hot?
I'm serious, Claire.
Don't get paranoid on me, hol.
You're no fun
when you're paranoid.
- Never mind.
Ten bucks says it's him.
- Yes, Eric.
- Hey, babe.
What do you want? Jesus,
what's with the attitude?
I just wanted to talk.
I've been thinking about you.
Is he drunk and weepy again?
A little bit.
- Who are you talking to?
- You with someone?
Don't get paranoid on me, Eric.
You're no fun
when you're paranoid.
So the other night with Eric?
Really? Are we gonna
go there again?
He was two years, you can't
convince me he never mattered.
I'm serious, though, hol.
Being alone
is just kinda shitty.
So, what, I'm just supposed
to forget everything he did?
Yes. Forget, forgive.
Move the fuck on already.
Just go back to the way
things were.
You know i can't do that.
To us.
Hey, Sam.
- Someone's popular.
- What?
We put it in the break room.
Lucky, bitch.
Spill. Who's the guy?
- Hey.
- Hey.
Listen, I'm so sorry for the
drunk dial the other night.
I mean, you know how it is.
Yeah, I do.
Listen, can I get you
a beer or something?
Eric, you have to stop
doing stuff like this.
Stuff like...
What now?
Come on. Roses? You know
they're my favorite.
I didn't know that.
Okay. Well,
now I just feel stupid.
- Well... just one beer.
- I should go.
It wasn't all bad, right?
We had some good times.
So why don't we
give it another shot?
Are you really gonna
make me say her name?
This is so fucking stupid.
I mean, we had something.
Eric, past tense.
I'm gonna get some air.
Nice night.
- Yeah.
- Yep.
- Not a smoker?
- Me? No.
That's good.
Don't ever start,
it's a terrible habit.
Okay, I won't.
- Have a nice night.
- You like the flowers?
You seemed like a red and
white roses kind of girl.
It was just a guess.
Oh, my god. You're that
guy from the restaurant.
What are you, like,
following me or something?
What? No. Just...
Look, I'm not some psycho, okay?
You know me. We went
to school together.
What do you want?
I don't want anything.
I just want to talk to you.
When I saw you on the bus
the other day,
after all these years,
i felt something.
I know you did.
I can't just walk
away from that.
- I don't even know you.
- But you will.
- You can go, I just... can
I just talk to you? - No.
- Hey, hang on.
- Don't! Don't touch me.
Are you kidding me?
Just let me talk to you.
Fuck you. Fuck you!
- Just let me explain.
- What the fuck?
- He tried to grab me.
- What? No.
Hey, that is not
true at all, man.
Fuck off.
- Did he hurt you?
- I'm fine.
You think this is funny?
Eric, stop.
Stop it.
- Stop it.
- Laugh it up, dick head.
Let me handle this.
- Hey.
- Come on.
Get the fuck away from her.
Don't you ever come back here.
Maybe if you retrace your steps.
No. It's gotta be
here somewhere.
Well, was your name in it?
Or like any contact information?
What do you think?
You fucking bitch!
You here?
What I just put in you
is called pancuronium bromide.
It's a paralyzing agent.
It stings a little.
Don't worry, it's safe.
I tested it on myself.
What you doing here?
Oh, boss lady calls
in the middle of the night,
gotta make a delivery.
Not so fast, man.
Sign in.
- Excuse me.
- The hell's that?
I think it's delousing powder.
All right, see you later.
- You hear that?
- What?
- Something wrong?
- Shh.
- You hear something?
- Quiet, man.
You heard that, right?
That "uh" sound.
I don't hear anything.
What is it?
Fucking, ac, man.
Shit's always going out.
Oh, I got it.
I got it.
- It's broken?
- It's always broken.
- This whole place sucks.
- All right.
Shut up.
So, I'm Seth.
In case you forgot.
Fuck you.
Your choice.
- Fuck you!
- I'm doing this for your own good.
We'll try this again tomorrow.
Fuck you!
Fuck you!
I brought you some water.
Drink this.
Breathe, breathe, breathe.
Sit up.
Take it easy.
It's okay.
I brought food as well.
In case you feel up for it.
Water, food.
Just take it easy, all right.
That's all you're getting today.
Please don't leave me.
I know this is hard.
It's hard for me too.
But it's important to define
our relationship.
Establish some boundaries.
This doesn't work.
That's right.
I'll come back tomorrow.
And we'll get started.
He's gonna kill you.
But you know that.
Maybe he'll lose his nerve, huh?
Chicken out.
Or maybe he'll just get bored.
You're not helping.
He won't even need a gun, Holly.
All he has to do is walk away.
Shut up.
Look at you.
You're letting him beat you?
That pathetic little shit?
If that's all it takes,
then maybe you deserve
to be in there.
Shut up!
Are you gonna rape me?
Kill me?
I hope not.
You hope not?
Might not have a choice.
And why's that?
I might not be able to save you.
What is this, some kind of
fucking religious thing?
Did god tell you to punish all
the whores, something like that?
It's a different kind of saving.
- And, no.
- So what, you're just a sick fuck?
This is how you get your kicks?
I'm not doing this for me.
I'm doing this for you.
Because you're special.
It's true.
Before I met you,
i was just floating
through life.
Like any minute,
i could just drift off.
No one would even notice.
Then you came along.
And the thing...
the thing that made it
so hard is,
is I thought you were different.
You're smart. Funny.
When you talked to me,
you saw me,
you really saw me.
That's just what you
wanted me to see, huh?
The version of Holly you are
when everyone's watching.
But we both know
that's a lie, don't we?
Go to hell.
That's the question.
Which one's the real Holly?
The Holly on the outside
or the other Holly.
Because if there's
even a chance I can save you,
I have to take it.
But if that's it, if there's
nothing left to save,
then you're never
leaving this room.
What you doing here?
Man, if they catch you
fucking around them tunnels.
They won't catch me,
I'm not going in there.
Just grab a mop.
We got that place smellin'
like dog shit out there.
This fuckin' dude is a joke.
What are you gonna do now?
I'm gonna wait.
Good girl.
It's a real page-Turner.
You're a hell of a writer,
you know that?
You're a thief.
And now what?
Suddenly, you got me
all figured out.
I wish. No.
Mostly I just felt
sorry for you.
You? Felt sorry for me?
Yeah, it's the part
where you talk about love.
"Love is just a label
for our biological
I don't know.
Felt ignorant to me.
Are you really gonna
lecture me on love, Seth?
You're keeping a girl in a cage.
I think I finally
figured it out.
All these people
who talk about love
like it's this
lightning bolt from the sky.
This irresistible force.
So you think, well,
I've never felt that.
But those people are wrong.
Love is not a lightning bolt.
Love is, real love,
takes work.
Real love is giving everything
you have to someone else.
- That's love.
- Fucking kidding me?
You don't think?
"Love is sacrifice"?
You know who believes that?
People who hate themselves.
Who are alone, depressed.
Just like you.
- You think I have myself?
- I know you do.
You hate yourself so much,
you can't even imagine
how fucked up someone would
have to be to love you back.
So you convince yourself that love
is this thing that you can buy.
That all you have
to do is keep giving.
Well, like I said,
i just feel sorry for you.
Spare me the fucking pity,
I'm not the one
who's alone here.
Oh, I guess not.
And how is Claire these days?
What are you talking about?
You know, sometimes
before I open that door,
I can heard you talking in here
to Claire.
The way you do two voices
scared the hell
out of me at first.
You don't know
what you're talking about.
I know more than you think.
Is she here, right now?
She's not real.
You don't think i know that?
I think you're
starting to forget
don't get paranoid on me, Eric.
You're no fun
when you're paranoid.
You're sick, Holly.
Feeding that sickness
until all it does is eat.
You just have it all
figured out, don't you?
One thing
i still don't understand.
The journal.
First, I get it. You and
Eric getting engaged.
Blah, blah, blah.
But here comes your best friend, Claire.
The real Claire.
Holly can't eat.
Holly can't sleep.
Holly wants to confront them
but Holly's too scared.
Fuck you.
Then here. Here's where it
gets really interesting.
I get home and there's like
20 messages from Dwayne, right?
He's like, "where are you?
Why haven't you
picked me up yet?"
Even though,
he's the one who said
that he was coming
to get me on Saturday.
You know, somehow of course
it's just magically my fault.
Were you going to tell me?
Tell you what?
Come on, Claire.
You know.
Um, not really.
How'd you find out?
His email. He doesn't
know i have the password.
- Shit
- yeah.
Holly, what do you
want me to say?
You know, I'm sorry.
We were so drunk. And it
didn't mean anything.
Oh, well, as long
as it didn't mean anything.
Okay, Holly,
please slow the car down.
You're unbelievable.
- Do you know that?
- I'm sorry.
You have no idea how shitty I
feel about this whole thing.
And if it... damn it, please
slow the car down, okay?
You're supposed to be
my best fucking friend.
Holly, come on.
Holly! God damn it,
you're gonna kill us.
Oh, my god.
Oh, my fucking god.
We're okay.
I'm all right.
- We're gonna be okay, Holly.
We're okay, Holly.
We're gonna be fine.
We're gonna be okay.
I'm gonna be fine.
And you think that's what?
A confession?
I'm a writer, Seth.
Fiction's kind of what I do.
That's why I didn't go
straight to the police.
I had to be sure.
I thought I'd follow you
around for a few days,
but you didn't make me
wait long.
It was a risky move.
- No!
- Even for you.
There were so many.
You want to know what I think?
I think you wanted
to get caught.
That's why you kept the journal.
You wanted to get punished.
Lucky you came along.
You don't get it, do you?
This isn't punishment.
I'm trying to save you.
Then do it.
Save me.
I will.
I will.
I meant what I said.
I'm gonna stop you
hurting other people.
One way or the other.
And the Oscar goes to...
He wants to save me.
I have to let him
think there's a chance.
So that was all an act?
You were just humoring him?
- Playing along...
- If you've got something to say...
I'm just making sure
your head's still in the game.
I don't need another
useless pep talk, Claire.
And I don't need you.
No. Nothing.
Just was curious.
Why you did it.
I guess, when I saw
Eric's email,
all those messages
from Claire...
no, not Claire.
I understand that.
It's a crime of passion
or whatever.
I wanna know why
you didn't stop there.
Why you killed the others.
'Cause you feel guilty
for what you did to Claire,
for getting away with it.
You wanted to get caught,
didn't you?
No, because I could.
Yeah, I don't believe that.
Well, I don't care
what you believe.
'Cause see,
here's the thing, Seth.
When someone dies in front
of you, the way Claire died,
it's like you're whole world
just snaps into focus.
Cry for help?
It was a way to pass the time.
Don't pretend
you know what I am.
You're wrong, i do know you.
I know you from this.
And the girl who wrote
this, you had dreams.
She cared about people.
Who's scared to be alone.
This is the real you.
Seth's got a little crush.
This isn't about us.
If you love something,
set it free.
Isn't that how that goes?
You know I can't do that.
Do you know what happens
to a great white shark
when you put him
inside an aquarium?
It bashes its brains
against the glass.
Every time.
Come on.
Stop, Holly, stop!
Stop, Holly!
What are you gonna do when
you come down here tomorrow
and I'm belly up
in the tank, huh?
'Cause you can't just walk away.
Not with your finger prints
all over the place.
I kill myself,
your life ends too.
So how's that for the boundaries
of our fucking relationship?
- Seth?
- Hmm?
Finish this up and come
see me in my office.
Something wrong?
"Is something wrong?" That's
the question, isn't it?
I'm not following you.
The kennels are filthy.
We've got bugs up
in the stock room.
And where's Seth? He's not
here, that's for sure.
Nate says you haven't
been here in two days.
Mrs. gundy,
Nate is hardly...
Nate does his job.
You should've done yours.
You're firing me?
Disciplinary notice.
This goes in your
permanent record.
One more strike and you're gone.
Thank you.
You don't know how much
this means to me.
This, this is what's
gonna happen to you
when you think
you're in control.
You think you're
in control, Holly.
Well, this is what'll happen
when you think you're in...
- I control the situation.
There's the man.
Just doing some maintenance.
Didn't ask.
Hey, Seth.
I got your paycheck.
Still here, huh?
Where's the rest?
There is no rest.
This is what happens when you start
acting like you're in control.
That's not enough.
You don't get to decide that.
Fuck you.
Fuck me? I go through
hell for you
and what do you do, threaten me?
You ever pull that shit again,
I'll show you what
a real hunger strike feels like.
Fuck you.
I had a dream last night
and you were in it.
It was just the two of us.
And we were in this house
down by the water.
And I think we'd been
living there a long time
'cause there were these
pictures on the walls.
Pictures of us.
It was weird looking at them,
because something
about it felt right.
Like this, this whole
world is a dream
and that house on the beach,
that's reality.
That's how things
are supposed to be.
Maybe I can get you some snacks
from the vending machine.
Thanks, Seth.
Holy shit.
There's a light on the wall.
Hey, what's your name?
Um, I'm Nate.
Listen to me, Nate.
You have to find something
to break open this lock.
Can you do that?
What kind of fucked up...
- Did Seth do this?
- Nate, there's no time for that right now.
Okay, go at it hard,
at an angle.
We gotta call somebody,
the cops or whatever.
You have to get me
out of here right now.
Keep going, try now.
That's what I'm doing.
No, just...
This is all fucked up.
Okay, that's great.
- Okay, on three.
- All right?
One, two, three.
Hold on.
Do you know
what real love is, Nate?
- What? You know, real love.
Say you loved somebody.
But she got sick.
And then someone
came along one day
to pull the plug on her
to take her away
from you forever.
What would you do?
I don't know, I just wanna
get you outta here.
You would do anything
to stop that from happening.
Anything at all, no matter
what the cost
because that's what love is.
Love is sacrifice.
What the fuck?
You die.
Are you stabbing me?
The block, Seth.
Use the cinder block.
He's moving.
Come on, use it.
- I can't.
- You have to.
Seth, I can't lose you.
- Please?
- Oh, fuck.
I can feel my leg.
What the fuck?
Somebody help me.
- Oh, my...
come on, do it again.
One more time.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Seth. You have
to listen to me, okay?
You have to do
exactly what I say.
Are you listening?
Okay, step one
is disposing of the body.
The sooner, the better.
Okay, burn it, bury it,
sink it, whatever.
Just get it out of here.
But you can't do that
before you get rid
of the identifiers.
Teeth, tattoos, fingerprints.
The fingerprints are easy,
you can use a carob for that.
After the teeth,
you need to scatter them.
Dumpsters, in water, whatever.
Just not all in the same place.
And then there's
just the body to worry about.
He's not gonna fit
in the incinerator.
Well, not like that.
Do you want to practice
with me what to say?
Hey, Mrs. gundy,
it's Seth.
Sorry to call you so late.
Um, yeah, Nate asked me
to watch the front
while he ran some errands
and he's still not back yet.
I don't know where he went.
Okay, good night.
How do you feel?
I don't know.
Like it happened
to someone else, you know?
The first time's
always the worst.
There is no first time.
It was an accident.
- I told you.
- You know what always got to me?
It was the questions.
I remember in the beginning
all I could think about
was what if she had a pet?
It's poor little doggie
just sitting by the door
waiting for her to come home.
But all that goes away.
The more you think about it
the more you remember
the parts that you liked.
How it made you feel.
Like you were in control
of your life
for the very first time,
like nothing could hurt you.
That's not how it was.
But the only problem is
that sooner or later
it all goes back to normal.
All of a sudden you're nothing
special, you're just you.
Stop, okay?
And that's when you
start to wonder.
How far you'd have to go
to get that feeling back.
It's not the same.
There is no shame in accepting
what you are, Seth.
I did it, to keep us safe.
I had no choice.
Didn't you ever wonder why
all the girls in the world
but you get a hard on for me?
And you think that's, what,
a coincidence?
You and me,
we were born to do this.
Don't act like you know
a goddamn thing about me.
I know that a normal person
finds a murder confession
and goes to the police.
Not to petsmart.
Oh, yeah, "excuse me, officer.
You see that girl over there, the waitress?
She's Hannibal Lecter.
You know how I know? I broke into
her apartment and stole her shit."
Think that'll work?
Oh, and so plan b is kidnapping?
'Cause the fucking alternative
was sitting around watching
you hurt someone else.
Good thing no one got hurt.
I told you...
I told you.
It's an accident.
Face it, Seth.
This was never about saving
lives, you like this.
You like having
that kind of power.
Deciding who lives, who dies.
Holly, it's not too late.
I can save you, please.
I can save you.
Maybe you're not
supposed to save me.
Maybe I'm suppose to save you.
Don't, don't.
Seth, please help me,
I'm so cold.
Please make me warm.
Can you help me,
can you please make me warm?
I thought you love me.
I do.
I do love you.
Holly. Holly.
I'll come back as soon as I can.
- Oh.
- Seth.
This is detective Mira.
Something wrong?
Is there somewhere we can talk?
So, you work with Nathan, yeah?
When's the last time
you saw him?
Wednesday, I think?
Wednesday evening.
Yeah, he asked me
to cover the front
while he ran some errands.
- What kind of errands?
- Um, he didn't say.
Uh-huh. And this
would be about...
What time?
9:00, 10:00.
Something like that.
He leave out through the front?
The front door, you sure?
Yeah, why?
Well, here's the thing.
The front door operates
on a keyless entry system.
As you know, it records
each instance in or out.
Now you wanna guess the last
time someone opened that door?
That's 4:00 am.
- Huh. - And you said it
was what, 9:00 or 10:00pm?
It's kind of weird,
don't you think?
No, maybe I'm
remembering it wrong.
He could have left out the
side door, or loading docks.
Loading docks?
Oh, sure. Yeah.
I should check that out.
You and Nathan friends?
Well, we worked together.
He was a nice guy and all.
Until he tried to get you fired.
What? Oh.
That is not what happened.
Nate and i were friends.
Oh, now you're friends again.
Or you were friends, past tense.
That's the second time
you said that.
Well, you know what they say.
First time 's confusion,
second time's confession.
What's this about?
Standard procedure.
So now, he asked you
to cover for him,
this is what Wednesday night,
nine or ten?
Did he say where he was going?
I think he had to meet someone.
He got a phone call, something.
It's funny, because
the first thing we did
was check the phone records.
And the last person he
talked to was his girlfriend.
5:32 that afternoon.
Gotta eat something.
Holly, come on.
Come on.
Come on, don't do this.
Now I know what you're doing.
It's not gonna work.
Just talk to me, please.
It's over, Seth.
I don't understand.
Because if you can't help me
if you can't give me
what I need, then no one can.
Tell me, tell me what you need.
You know the answer.
You put me in a box.
That's not love,
that's ownership.
You didn't give me anything.
All you did was take.
I can't let you out.
- You know that.
- I didn't ask you to.
Then what?
What do you want?
- A finger.
- A what?
A finger?
My finger?
No. No. No. No.
This is fucked.
Can't you see that?
This is totally fucked.
No. I'm trying
to save you here.
And I'm trying to let you.
Well, you can't
ask me for that, Holly.
And I'm not gonna do it.
I used to think
i was the only one.
Even when I was a kid,
i still knew.
That if they ever found out,
my family, my friends...
If they knew what I really was,
they'd run the other way.
And so you learn to...
Blend in, to fake it.
After a while,
you don't even notice
how lonely you really are.
But then...
Someone comes along,
someone like you.
Even if he just
doesn't know it yet.
And all of a sudden,
you start thinking,
maybe it doesn't
have to be this way.
Maybe I don't have to be alone.
And so let go of the rope.
Because this person,
he's not gonna let you fall.
He's gonna catch you.
You know it.
At least that's what you
keep telling yourself.
The whole way down.
Don't come back.
If that's all i am to you,
if I'm just a pet.
Then don't come back for me.
Don't come back for me.
If I do this for you,
then you'll believe?
This is wrong.
Seth, you love me.
There is nothing
more right than that.
You're almost there.
Open the door.
- What are you doing?
- Open the fucking door.
You're already down
a finger, Seth.
How much more
are you ready to lose?
Get back.
What are you doing?
I believe you.
You do?
Do you...
You saved me, Seth.
Of course i love you.
But you know what that means.
Don't leave me.
Oh, god.
You've been working
on these pieces for years.
- I know, I'm not saying
- I'm not excited.
It's like great
to get that call.
- I just... - I figured you'd
be more psyched about this.
It's a big deal,
getting published.
It's just a vanity press, it's
not exactly "the new yorker."
Screw that, it's still awesome.
I'm proud of you.
I thought you didn't
even like my story.
I like you.
- Hey, babe, can you grab my phone?
- Yeah.
Here you go.
Thank you, babe.
I had another bad day with Eric.
He's still fooling around
with other girls.
This morning I almost hurt him.
But then I thought of you.
And how much you love me.
And what you're doing for me.
Then I felt better.