Petchakat (2014)

One second, he just got here
Are you Mr Chavoret?
- Yes
- This way please
Wait a moment please
Uh, who's the real executioner?
Mr Chavoret was the executioner at Bang Kwang central prison
or otherwise known as the 'Big Tiger'
or as foreigners know it
The Bangkok Hilton'
1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
As warden of Bang Kwang prison, I welcome you sir
Does it really have to be like this?
Relax Dad
After the Minister speaks
Please say a few words
Mr Chavoret, now that the state has transitioned
from execution by gun to lethal injection
Is it a disappointment for you?
My job was always my duty
It was not my job to feel disappointed or not
Let it begin
Number one
How many executions have you performed?
I'd like to call upon the Minister of Justice
On this day, 20th October 2003
The Government is pleased to announce
the transition from the death penalty
carried out by gun
to lethal injection instead
Can number one please show us how you aim the gun
Now can I ask Number two
Do you ever miss your job?
I have fulfilled my duties already
The new law that has passed
has changed from death by gun to lethal injection
Do you think that this method of execution
is more preferable?
Better or worse
I cannot say
Cannot say or will not say?
Cannot say
My name is Chavoret Jaruboon
I am the Last Executioner
My name is Chavoret Jaruboon
I am the Last Executioner
My name is Chavoret Jaruboon
I am the Last Executioner
In front here
is the machine gun
that Mr Chavoret actually used to execute prisoners
and this is the real guitar that he used to play
when he was in a rock'n roll band 40 years ago
Good evening everyone
I welcome you all to tonight's performance by
the 'Helmet Heads'
Hey, that's the pretty girl from last night
Excuse me
I wondered if you were free tonight
to come and see our band play?
See you later then
What's there to eat?
Careful, careful
Don't squash him
We're about to have a family together
What shall I do?
The baby's on the way
You know Bang Kwang prison?
They're recruiting prison guards
We'll have money to buy milk for the baby now
Did you get it?
Chavoret, you go first
This is Bang Kwang Central Prison
These prisoners are all hardened criminals
They are dangerous
with more than 25 year sentences
There are more of them than us
Everyone must follow regulations
Everyone must perform their duties
and must take their job seriously
you are going to carry out your duties
Open the gate
Listen very carefully to the sound
If there is any sign of damage
or erosion on the metal
you'll hear the difference right away
You've just been baptized
We interrupt programming with breaking news
Chow, look at this son
John F. Kennedy has been assassinated
He was fatally shot by a sniper
while passing by in his motorcade
headed from Dallas Airport to downtown
along with Governor Connally from Texas
He's been admitted to Parkman Hospital
Hey, let's go son
As for his current condition...
- Ah, there you are - Hello
It's your birthday right?
This boy's destiny
is to work with death
Come on, roll call!
1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10
All done boss
I need support immediately in cell block 3
What's wrong, boss?
What's going on in there?
You better watch yourself, boss
What's happening here Chavoret?
False alarm, sir
All clear, sir
Aren't you going to eat, sweetheart?
The food's still warm
Come in
Mr Chavoret Jaruboon
Yes, sir
Think you will work here long?
Yes, sir
I think it is time to promote you to the execution team
You start tomorrow
Your duty will be to escort death row prisoners
Can you handle that?
Prisoner Pornchai Saengsomboon
Number 517
Prisoner Pornchai Saengsomboon
Number 517, sir
Open the gate
According to the sentence of
prisoner Pornchai Saengsomboon
Number 517/2511
of Bang Kwang Central Prison
sentenced to death
After appealing to the State
the Minister of Justice
has considered the case for appeal
and has come to the conclusion
that pardon is denied for Prisoner Saengsomboon
His death sentence stands
by order of the court
The Ministry of Justice
is to carry out this sentence with immediate effect
Prisoner Pornchai
time of death 17:41 hrs
Here give him to me
Damn it! It won't fire
Stupid gun
What's wrong with the gun?
It won't fire
It works fine boss
Let's see
Still won't fire
Officer, check the prisoner
for any sacred charms on him
Go on then
Tattoos all over your arse!
Found it, sir
Get it off
Protecting you, eh?
It won't fire
Damn gun just won't fire
I'll do it myself
No you can't
We have to follow protocol
Show some respect
Why don't you do it yourself
Don't let the bugger suffer
Shoot him again
Go on
He's not dead yet
Don't let him suffer
Keep shooting
Get the body down
Found something you're good at?
This is all I got for you
Get down
Down on the ground
I have the situation under control
Thank you Inspector
Make sure the director-general doesn't hear about this
or else I'm screwed
Is Chavoret here yet?
One of our men is captured inside
We need to get him out
without any casualties
and prevent the situation from getting worse
Take your men in
but be very cautious
Sak, Amnat go in first
and then use the tear gas
Yes, sir
Don't come any closer!
You want him to die?
What are you doing, honey?
I'm making papaya salad to sell to prison visitors
I'm taking the kids with me
Why do you have to do that?
These bills are spreading like cancer
I'm off to work
Hey Chow
Good timing
The Commander wants to see you at the Ministry
At the Ministry?
Shall I bring my guitar?
Chow, it's the Commander
Stop kidding around!
We're going to be on the same team now
Have a seat
Right now we are short of an executioner
and I think you're qualified
You'll get an extra 2,000 Baht each time
Pardon me, sir
What did you just say, sir?
2,000 Baht each time
Do you think you can handle it?
Children wash these oranges for mummy
Can you help me with these?
Yes, that bag there
Bring it over here
Ashes of the condemned
The heartless and brutal ones
Father Abbot
I believe I've crossed the line today
You... need to let it go
Life, suffering and death are normal
But these died before their time
They died for their bad karma
Here, here, see
they don't have family, these ones
We had to put them in these pots
This one here was dealing drugs in schools
Teacher caught him
This one was also executed
for murdering someone over inheritance
Aren't they nice?
I bought them at the market
I'm an executioner now
Now that you're an executioner
you don't need to do this anymore
It's a habit sir
Go home and get some rest
Tonight is your first
We don't want you missing the target
Yes, sir
Getting excited?
Mr new executioner!
- What are you doing son?
- Poking this frog
Don't do that
It's bad karma
Let it be
I heard a rumour you've done this before
What do you mean?
Upcountry, remember?
How did it feel?
It felt like a duty
Then why don't you do the next one yourself
You know what?
When I first met you
I didn't think you were handsome at all
I thought you were cool
I was very beautiful back then
Back then
if I had been a famous rock artist
our life would have been much easier
Everything would have been different
A nice house, a nice car
No bill chasers
Fried pig knuckle and Singha beer every night
No guns
No killings
You'd probably have left me for a sexy groupie
That's right, that's what I was thinking
You stink of alcohol
Do you think we made the right choice?
Do you have any regrets?
Daddy, we have a ghost in the house
No there isn't, sweetie
Come here
Close your eyes now
Special delivery
Father Abbot
I'm worried that the job I do
is going to cause bad karma
Don't think of it like that
I'm not only worried about myself
but my family too
Your family
They are not a part of your karma
Don't think of them being involved
I don't even like this job
Don't worry yourself with it
It's not bad karma
You are just doing your duty
Yes, Father Abbot
Thank you
Hang on...
What about your guitar?
Are you leaving it?
Oh, right
Seeing you with a guitar
reminds me of my younger days
I used to sing too
Oops, almost sinned
Ronald Reagan was re-elected...
Dad, what are you watching?
Watching TV
What's on TV?
The news
What news?
Ronald Reagan news
Who's Ronald Reagan?
He's a movie star
What's a movie star?
So many questions
Be right back
Hello, hello
Please come inside
Please take a seat
Hey, Aum, come over here
Yes, Dad
Please everyone
Thank you for all coming
to congratulate Aum today
We want to tell you that
we are very proud of you son
It might not be a very fancy job
but it sure is an honest one
I hope you'll make the most out of it
Congratulations to
The little tiger
of the 'Big Tiger' prison
You know Chow
on his first day at work
he was a sharp shooter
Shooting what?
Prisoners, what else could it be?
Shooting prisoners?
Real life people?
Yes, of course
That means he's a murderer!
What do you mean murderer?
They're called executioners
It's the same thing!
It's a sin
Shooting people
How did I get into this circle of sin?
I can't accept this, I just can't
Oh my god!
Mother, Father
I'll bring my Dad over to introduce to you
Nop's mother and father are waiting
I hear you are courting my daughter?
Do you know what I do for a living?
Excuse us
Are you sure about this?
Here you go
- Mum
- Yes?
When you knew what Dad does
How did it make you feel?
Very proud, sweetie
But don't tell your Dad I said that
He's sacrificed a lot for us
Hey, Chulee
I'm really sorry
He seems like a nice guy
You can use normal language, Chow
Mr Chavoret, I've heard so much about you
Yes, Ma'am
I'm studying law right now
so I have a special question for you
I'm happy to help
Were you always sure
that the people you executed were guilty?
I am like the end of the waterfall
not its beginning
I can do this, Dad
I'm just watching
The apple didn't fall far from the tree, did it?
You know
in all these years
I've never once found out anything
until after the execution
Death Sentence for Prisoner Duangjai
There's still time, would you like something to eat?
Maybe something light
Look at this
This woman named Duangjai
was a nanny for some rich family
She got fired for stealing
So she and her boyfriend
decided to kidnap the kid for ransom
They had the kid's parents board a train
and when they were to see a red flag
to throw the ransom money out the window
The parents missed the red flag
so they didn't throw the money bag out
The kidnappers got angry
so they strangled the boy to death
But some people say
Duangjai might not be 100% guilty
It was probably her boyfriend
When you say 'some people'
are they the judges or the police?
Let go of me
Come on
You go do your duty
and I'll do mine
Go on
She's not guilty! She didn't do it!
Why are you killing her?
I really didn't do it
I killed the kid
I did it!
I did it myself!
Why the hell did you kill her?
Screw you!
I did it!
Screw you guys
She had nothing to do with it
Bastards! She didn't do it!
I did it! Kill me!
Prisoner Duangjai time of death
17:43 hrs
Duang didn't do it, screw you!
Duang, is that you?
Hey, Duang didn't do it!
I did it!
Shoot me!
Don't do that!
You can't do that
I did it!
You're gonna let her suffer like this?
We must follow protocol
Flip her over for now
Duang didn't do it!
Shoot me, shoot me
Please don't do it...
I'm begging you!
His parents don't even want him
Don't harm him
Tie her up again
Please forgive me
Shoot, shoot
Shoot now, shoot
I brought someone to meet you
I really didn't mean to
I didn't want to do it
Please forgive me
You should go home
Mr Chavoret, we have some questions
Mr Chavoret
What was it like to kill your first woman?
Is she dead yet?
Dad, let's go inside
Look at the camera please...
You see
They followed you home
You can't bring work home with you
I think I ate too much
You only had three bowls
Dad, shall we get something for Mum?
How about this one?
You're scary enough without it
Who is it?
Nobody, I didn't hear anyone
You go home first
Is everything ok?
Nothing, sweetie
I just need to do something
I'll see you this evening
What do you think you're doing?
Why did you call me just now?
Are you talking to me?
Stay away from me
It's time you left me alone
Mister, keep your head down
That's enough
It's not your time yet
You don't want to join the new execution team?
Thank you very much, sir
But I want to spend more time with my family
It's a pity, a man like you is hard to find
Here you go, Dad
For your health
It tastes awful
Let's go Dad, they're here
Go with Chulee, okay?
Come on
Please give him an applause
This man has executed 55 prisoners
He will be remembered as
the 'Last Executioner'
Mr Chavoret, please say a few words
I have fulfilled my duties
according to my belief and faith
to the best of my abilities
Thank you very much
Now I'd like to invite everyone
to join in releasing these balloons
symbolising the souls
of the executed prisoners
all 319 lives
May they rest in peace
with these balloons!
On the 20th of October 2003...
the Minister of Justice presided over
the opening ceremony of the new execution room
and marked the end of the firing squad
Lethal injection
so prisoners don't get shot at
I believe is
better and more civilized
and more importantly
it's much cheaper
only 200 Baht per person
It doesn't get any cheaper than this
We should have done it a long time ago
Welcome back to the show
I'm here with the former executioner
of Bang Kwang Central Prison
Mr Chavoret Jaruboon
Not only was he an executioner
he also wrote many books
Here's one that was written in English
very popular amongst foreigners
The book is called
"The Last Executioner"
Mr Chavoret
As executioner, have you ever
hesitated to kill anyone?
Please don't kill me!
I didn't do it!
Let go
I didn't do it!
They paid me
Don't kill me...
What is it?
I want to see the documents
What documents?
I don't want to kill an innocent man
Good thing it's you
Anyone else
I'd relieve them of duty
Do your job!
Did you hear my question?
I asked if you ever hesitated
No, sir
I believe in our justice system
But the system can be wrong too!
What if?
There's no 'if'
Last question
I want to ask you
Which do you like more between a gun and a guitar?
I was an executioner
not a murderer
How's it going?
Father Abbot
I want to ordain
I've never done it before
Never ordained, eh?
How long are you planning to ordain?
- Two weeks
- Only two weeks?
I thought you'd say two Lents
Two weeks is more than enough, Father
Not a bad idea to ordain
You can pray for those you've executed
How about your family?
Yes, sir
You should have your wife become a nun
and your son become a novice
That should be fun
Hey, sweetheart
- Yes? - You don't need to cook today
I'm about to become a monk
Let's go have a bit of fun
Let me change first
Do you hear something?
No, I don't
Sounds like the fans are calling for me
I don't hear anything
Toads don't usually live near water
until it's mating season...
Dad, what are you doing?
I'm calculating my insurance
You know what?
If I die today
You will get 30 times my monthly salary
plus our 500,000 Baht in savings
That will put you through to your masters
and you have to finish your masters, understand?
And you will get to take piano classes
We should also have enough for you to keep this house
I'm going to the bathroom
Hope the mood lightens up when I come out
Do you have an appointment?
We have a health check booked
Chavoret Jaruboon
Can I have your coupon please?
Mr Chavoret, the doctor will see you now
The doctors won't get any of my money
It's better to check just in case
First doctor said I drink too much
I can stop drinking
I still think you should take further tests
No need
It's just a waste of money
What are you doing in the dark?
I can't sleep
...executioner of Bang Kwang prison
Mr Chavoret Jaruboon
Mr Chavoret
What do you think of the work you do?
I think the job I do is helping prisoners
relieve themselves of their sins
and their sufferings, sir
Don't forget to do good
because good and bad karma
will affect you in this life and the next
I am ready to work hard again at the age of 60
no need to queue up for your 500 Baht anymore...
Mr Pornchai is here
Hello, Chow
Please, come and sit down
Are you doing well?
I have good news for you
The two books we released are selling really well
I'd like you to write two more
How would you like them?
Actually I'd like one in English
and one in Thai
...about life inside the prison
and for the Thai one
I want it to be about spirits Thais like that...
Colon cancer?
...third stage
How much will I get for my next book?
I've booked the operating room for
8 o'clock tomorrow morning
I think the chances of
removing it is very high
Did someone die?
What's with the flowers?
Thank you
Let's go
There'll be more expenses for sure
Smile will you Dad?
I have a special guest with us today
And let me tell you
that he is an executioner
at Bang Kwang Central Prison
and has personally executed...
Fifty-five lives?
I'm not kidding you
Please welcome Mr Chavoret Jaruboon
How are you today?
I feel like the most envied man
in all of Thailand right now
And for today
we have Mr Chavoret's book
to give away to our fans
If you want this book
go to our Facebook page
First five to click 'like', will get a copy each
We're going to take a short break now...
Do you know this guy?
Does he look like Grandpa?
This is why your Grandma liked me
As promised
today we have a special show
for everyone here
Please give a round of applause
for our own Elvis of the 'Big Tiger'
Are you ready to go?
This place has changed a lot
That's right
There was never this many people
Shall we buy some food for the birds?
Wait right here, okay?
Doctor says to be prepared
Let me tell him myself
Right now it has spread to the brain already
Doctor says
your rock'n'roll days are over
You've got to be kidding
This is your good karma
And this is your bad karma
We're going to weigh them, let's see
Where are you taking me?
Sorry for keeping you waiting
I'm overloaded with paperwork
Am I in hell?
No, no, no
But those ones are
because they actually enjoy killing
Does this mean I'm dead?
It says here you're not
Smart move, not answering
I'm not going anywhere yet
Who are they?
They're me
Hey, you're here
- Hello
- Today's your birthday, right?
Take this big one
So you can grow up to be Elvis
Why don't you try it out?
Who are they?
They're me
Both of them?
Do you like your job?
Killing people never made me happy
Have you ever chosen between karma and family?
No, sir
The two cannot be compared
Was the music okay for you?
It sounded great
What's your name?
I'm Chavoret
You can call me Chow
I'm Tew
Pleased to meet you