Peterloo (2018)

The Prime Minister.
My Lords,
I believe it unnecessary long
to occupy the attention of the House
upon the subject of the motion
which I am about to submit.
I am called upon by His Royal
Highness, the Prince Regent,
to propose a measure
calculated farther
to commemorate the glory
of the Duke of Wellington.
Hear, hear.
After such an heroic action
as that of the 18th of June,
after a victory
which presented a display
of all the great qualities
of a general -
whether for defensive
or offensive warfare,
whether for resistance
or attack,
whether for gallantry,
perseverance, or skill -
I would ask whether,
after a victory
unparalleled in history,
Parliament could be
conceived to do its duty,
if it merely confined itself
to a vote of thanks,
and declined to present
any further evidence
of public gratitude
to the valiant leader
of such a signal victory...
if it refused to make
an adequate provision
for this celebrated conqueror
and his family.
I move a resolution
that this House
grant to His Grace,
the Duke of Wellington,
as farther proof
of the gratitude
of the British nation...
the sum of 750,000.
- Hear, hear!
LORDS: Hear, hear!
General Byng, sir,
Lord Sidmouth
is now at liberty erm...
Oh, beware the step, sir, yes.
Er... Er...
G-General Byng, Your Lordship.
Sir John.
- Home Secretary.
- Welcome, sir.
Pray, do be seated.
I thank you.
Let me see...
Yes, your father.
I trust he is in good health?
Sadly not, sir.
Yes. No, please,
do forgive me.
I did so enjoy his company -
despite our differing opinions.
- Splendid fellow.
- Thank you, sir.
It is a great honour
to be in your presence.
The honour is all mine,
Your Lordship.
Your achievements have been
nothing short of... Olympic.
- You flatter me, sir.
Good morning, Your Lordship.
Good morning, sir.
Would you care for some tea, sir?
- No, thank you, madam.
- Oh.
And how are you feeling today,
Lord Sidmouth?
Much better, thank you,
Mrs Moss.
I'm so very pleased to hear it.
There we are.
Thank you, gentlemen.
I must own, Your Lordship,
that my knowledge of life
is limited
beyond that of a soldier.
And... you'll forgive me
for saying,
but I have little time
for politics.
Excellent, sir.
I have little time
for politics myself.
You, sir, are...
..perfectly qualified,
if I may say so.
Might I ask
how I may be of service?
I would wish to appoint you
Commander of the Northern District.
The Northern District? Not Ireland?
- No, sir, not Ireland.
- I see.
Might you be familiar
with the North of England?
Barely, sir.
My late mother was Yorkshire.
Her family seat
was Wentworth Castle.
Wellington has nothing
but the highest praise
for your achievements.
Thank you, sir.
I had the great privilege
of serving alongside His Grace
on many a campaign.
Yorkshire is indeed
a splendid county.
However, on the other side
of the Pennine Hills... Manchester...
and the surrounding towns
of Lancashire,
there is a sickness.
A dangerous threat
of rampant insurrection.
- Indeed, sir.
- Enter.
Ah, Hobhouse.
General Sir John Byng,
Mr Hobhouse,
my permanent under-secretary.
It is a great honour
to meet you, Sir John.
Now, Hobhouse,
henceforth Sir John
is to enjoy full access to all files
concerning seditious activity
in the North.
- Excellent.
- Am I to understand
that you wish me
to commence forthwith?
Indeed we do.
- Very well, sir.
- Splendid.
Is this the way to Manchester?
Aye, you're on t'right track,
- Just keep going.
- Thanking you.
Come on, Son.
Let's sit thee down.
- Come on.
Come on.
What's this?
- Let's get this off you.
Come on, Son.
There we go. Come on.
Come on, Son.
Come on, get this down you.
Come on, Son.
Hey, now - no skriking.
- Come on.
Hey, come on.
- Mother's here.
Mother's here.
Now, Son.
- He were bleeding.
- Right, Aggie?
- All right, Father?
It were streaming down his face.
- Were it?
- Aye.
He deserved it, though.
He's been late three times this week.
Aye, he were bleeding.
A right mess.
He's wiped out.
NELLIE: He gave me
the fright of me life.
- Did he say owt?
- No, not a whistle.
- He's not changed, then!
- Aye.
- Uh-uh!
- Leave it, lad!
- George!
- No, no, no.
Now, let's put that
out of harm's way.
Sit still for a minute.
ESTHER: We'll be going for us
tea soon, lad.
'Ey, we've woken him up now.
NELLIE: We're all here.
Come on, let's sit thee up.
- Are you hungry, Joseph?
- I've done you some broth.
- You 'right, Father?
- Aye, lad.
Sit thee down, Father.
Sit down, Son.
- Esther?
- Aye.
Get me a spoon.
Now, mind - it's hot.
Here y'are.
- It's George.
- Aye, he's got big.
Ooh, you can say that again.
He has.
It's a baby.
Aye, little Sarah.
Your niece.
There's your Uncle Joseph.
You 'right?
What were t'fighting like, Joe?
Was you at Waterloo?
- Ah...
- Leave him, Robert.
Aye, he'll be 'reet.
Did you see Boney?
Oh, come on,
up you get, you daft barmpot!
- Night, Father.
- Good night.
- Good night, George.
- Good night, Grandfather.
See thee tomorrow, Joe.
Glad you're back, Joseph.
See thee in t'morn'.
- In t'morn'.
- See thee, clever-clogs!
- See thee.
- See thee.
Penny a pie! 'Alf for
an a'penny! Fresh this morn!
Ladies? Mister?
Penny a pie!
'Alf for an a'penny!
Penny a pie, mister?
Half for an a'penny!
Fresh this morn!
Penny a pie, ladies!
'Alf for an a'penny!
- Fresh this morn!
- Nell! Nell!
I'll have 'alf.
- There. Ha'penny.
- Right, love.
Coming out. Here it is.
Fresh eggs!
Farthing an egg!
Penny farthing, half dozen.
'Ey up, Nellie, y'all right?
Aye. How's thee sen?
- Oh, you know.
- Oh, aye.
- You havin' t'usual?
- Aye.
- Any word?
- He's come home.
- No?
- He has.
Ee, that's grand!
How is he?
- He's not his sen.
- No.
I'll give you an extra one.
Make him summat special
for his supper.
Thank you.
Here's your pie.
Aye, that's grand.
- See thee.
- Aye.
Fresh eggs! Farthing an egg!
Penny farthing, half dozen.
Fresh eggs!
Farthing an egg!
Penny farthing, half dozen!
Good people give ear
Since times are so hard
For my song to the poor
It doth pay some regard
For trade being dead
And weaving had a fall
But I hope in a few months
It will make mends for all
For weaving of late
Has been eclipsed a main
For the sun it will shine
On the weavers again
For weaving of late
Has been eclipsed a main
For the sun it will shine
On the weavers again
On the weavers again
Annie, please.
I can't.
- How many're you after?
- Half dozen.
- Two.
- Four.
Best butter pie, Friday.
Smile, Sarah.
- There y'are.
- Thank you.
Come on, lass.
Do you 'ave any work?
No, there's nowt 'ere.
Sorry, lad.
Any work?
I went t' t'other side of t'canal.
But there were nowt going.
There is nowt going.
There's talk of them
cutting wages again next month.
- Cutting them to what?
JOSHUA: To the bone, Mother.
Aye, and that bread tax
is helping no one.
- It's helping someone.
- Who?
- Them rich beggars.
- Bastard farmers.
It's not just t'farmers' fault,
- How d'you mean?
- It's t'government, Mary.
Landowners have got
t'government in their pockets.
Besides, most of t'government
are landowners themselves!
Getting fat on land that they
stole from us in t'first place.
Oh, aye.
What's that to do
with t'price of bread?
They have a bad harvest,
there's a shortage of corn.
They won't let them import any
from France or America
or anywhere,
so they force prices up
and us poor souls
end up paying five times more
for a loaf of bread.
- Is that t'Corn Laws?
- It is.
They were meant to help us
but it just made things worse.
NELLIE: When has a government
ever done anything to help us?
Fat leeches, down London.
They'll starve us all to death.
Elevenpence ha'penny.
You take that, Esther.
We'll get by on t'rest.
The house-rent and fire
It does take half that we get
And the others but a trifle
To supply us with meat
Betwixt hunger and cold
Our jaws they look so thin
We shall be in rare condition
For tobacco to grin
Margaret Micklethwaite,
as for the misdemeanour
of loose,
idle and disorderly conduct,
given the intoxicated
and indecorous state
in which you were discovered
in your mistress's cellar,
there can be little doubt
that you were, and remain,
decidedly loose,
unquestionably idle
and resolutely disorderly.
Now, as for the felony,
to whit, the theft of two
bottles of excellent claret,
before I pass sentence,
indulge my curiosity,
Mrs Micklethwaite,
and inform me,
what erroneous pretext
compelled you to descend into
the cellar in the first place.
I were up in th'attic
and I saw this ghost,
looking at me.
And I 'ad to run
down to t'cellar - honest!
So, afeared of the spirit
in the attic,
you partook of the spirit
in the cellar.
Given the dual nature of your crime,
I am minded to pass this case upward
to the Quarter Sessions,
with the recommendation that
you spend the next seven years
contemplating your sins
overlooking the exotic vista
of Botany Bay.
No, sir! No! I've got a lad
at home what needs me!
I am reluctant
to impose upon the Crown
the cost of your transportation.
Therefore, you shall be whipped...
No, sir, no! Please, sir!
..that it may shame you
and deter others.
You may then spend
the next 14 days in gaol,
in quiet contemplation
of your crimes.
Take her down.
Edward Wild.
For what purpose were you
in the vicinity of Tib Street,
Manchester, on the third day
of November last?
We was knocking down a wall.
- Why? What are you?
- A labourer.
Oh. Were you in liquor?
No, sir.
Then perhaps you might
explain to me
what occasioned you
to enter a haberdasher's shop
- on the day in question.
- It's my pocket watch, sir.
It is not your pocket watch.
It is a silver pocket watch,
valued at five guineas.
It is the property of
the haberdasher, Mr Arnold.
Furthermore, his name
is quite clearly inscribed
upon the reverse side
of the case back.
I won it on a game of dice.
- Where?
- The Old Boar's Head.
I can't remember, s-sir.
You are wasting
the time of this court.
I am to recommend
that you be transported
to the territory of Australia
for a period of 14 years.
Our Lord God owns
everything upon this earth,
and when you steal,
you rob from him.
- You are James Mahon?
- Yes.
Remove your hat.
- Wha'?
- You are in a court of law.
You are charged with stealing
a coat from your master.
No. No, I didn't steal it.
I took it.
Explain to me the difference.
He had two, I needed one.
He's got one. I've got one.
I was cold.
- Are you an Englishman?
- Yes, sir.
Do you know your Bible?
Can you read?
"Thou shalt not steal."
God's Commandment,
number eight.
I'm a reformer.
- A reformer?
- Yes.
That gives you
the right to steal?
No, it's not stealing.
It's sharing.
What's mine is yours
and what's yours is mine.
- Is that the coat?
- Yes.
Take it off.
Remove that coat.
Have it.
I shall commit you
to the Quarter Sessions.
I shall recommend that you
be hanged. Take him down.
Over a coat?
Find out where he lives.
It is our profound belief
that we are on the brink
of the dawn of liberty.
We are on the verge of achieving
elevation from the cesspits and swamps
in which our government
would have us dwell.
We shan't be denied any longer.
The government's defences
are creaking.
The water is rising.
The dam is breaking.
The foam it swells,
it swells all around them.
The gilded reptiles
are unable to overawe
this expression of public opinion.
- These apish Jupiters...
Hear, hear!
..the phantasmagoria
of prophets who sit fat and idle
in that infernal monster pit
they call Parliament,
are quaking in their boots.
Let the friends of
radical reform but persevere.
Let us be firm and fear not
that victory will be ours.
Our enemies will shrink
before the voice of all powerful truth.
When the pimps of authority
deny a man suffrage,
they rob him
of all security for his life,
liberty and property.
What kind of people are they
to commit such atrocities?
Friends, I urge you one and all
to go home to your families
and tell them to join us,
hand and heart.
Tell them: courage is
a kind of salvation.
Tell them:
we have it in our power
to begin the world
over again.
Every citizen
must answer the call.
For we can easily forgive a child
who is afraid of the dark.
The real tragedy of life
is when men are
afraid of the light.
Aye, well said, John.
Well said, John Saxton!
Hear, hear.
- Into the light!
- Yes.
Gentlemen... I have
long and deeply...
felt for the labouring class.
And it is this feeling alone
which induces me to promote
constitutional reformation
of the representation
of the people
in the House of Commons.
- Aye.
- Hear, hear.
For believe me when I say
that the distress of the people
is too great to be removed
by any power
other than that of Parliament.
- Aye!
- True!
The object of Parliament
ought to be the general good,
the equal protection,
the security of the person and
property of each individual.
- Yes.
- That is right.
Therefore labour,
the poor man's only property,
ought to be as sacred
as any other property.
I deem it proper to inform you,
that a few weeks ago,
the few gentlemen
from Manchester,
who have, luckily for us,
better understandings
and a superior degree
of human feeling,
presented a requisition to the
borough reeve and constables,
requesting them
to call an open meeting
to consider petitioning
the House of Commons
to repeal all the laws
which restrain the importation
of corn or grain.
- Aye! Hear, hear.
- With this requisition,
the borough reeve
and constables
refused to comply...
- Shame!
- Bastards!
- Shameful.
- Bastards!
Nor is this all, gentlemen.
If any individual
has at any time
attempted to represent
to the inhabitants of
our town and neighbourhood,
the enormous burthens imposed
upon them by the government,
or taken any steps to
prevent the imposition of new,
or to remove any old burthens,
they have uniformly vilified
and calumniated them
in the most scandalous
and shameful degree.
And, not content with this,
they have, as is well known,
caused great numbers
to be thrown into prison...
- That is right.
- ..and there endure
every species of suffering
their malignity
could procure them.
I, myself, gentlemen, have had
the distinguished honour
of being twice the object
of their malignant vengeance,
and enjoyed the indignity
of a dungeon cell.
'Tis true!
When the recent war was over,
and the people expected plenty
to have returned with peace,
their distress
became worse than ever,
and it is the opinion
of most thinking men that,
at that juncture, the populace
would then
have fallen in violence
upon their employers or their
dealers in goods, or both,
but for the views exhibited
by the advocates
of parliamentary reform.
- 'Tis true.
- Aye.
The constitution of our country
vests the right of electing
members of the House of Commons
in the people.
Therefore, we must, openly,
and in a manner
and with language that is
mild and constitutional,
yet firm and clear...
call for these reforms.
The division of the population
of the United Kingdom
- into equal parts.
ALL: Aye!
Those parts to equal
the number of representatives.
Each representative
to be an inhabitant
of the district he represents.
Each man to be entitled
to vote for his representative.
- Aye.
- Hear, hear.
And Parliament
to be elected annually.
- Aye!
- Hear, hear!
Dr Joseph Healey,
Oldham, Lancashire,
heartily concurs!
I thank you, Mr Healey.
Samuel Bamford,
township of Middleton.
I would like to speak
in support of my friend,
- Mr Knight.
- Thank you, Mr Bamford.
We have seen with our own eyes
the likes of these
borough reeves and constables,
who supposedly are there
to protect our interests
and to keep t'peace
but in truth they turn a blind
eye to t'transgressions
and iniquities that blight
all our lives.
True, Sam. True.
All the while
feathering their own nests
and hindering
the common man.
And what is
our national Parliament
but t'same affliction
on a grander scale?
The sooner
we can represent ourselves
in all matters of local
and national interest,
the sooner we can return
to our work with dignity!
We must expose the corrupters,
shine a light on their
treachery once and for all.
- Aye!
- Aye, John, aye. Hear, hear!
Hear, hear, John!
- Hear, hear!
NELLIE: You all right, love?
JOSEPH: Oh, aye.
what's to be done
to save the world, eh?
They said we have to be ready.
MARY: What for?
- For things to change.
How d'you mean?
That's what they said,
didn't they?
Aye, Father. They said
we have to spread the word.
But what did they talk about?
About having a voice.
Er... representation.
Hmm. Talk, talk, talk.
- No, no, he means the vote.
- We know he means the vote
but what's to be done
to get the vote?
What's to be done
is what they was doing...
..what they was doing tonight.
People meeting, talking,
being strong together.
All right, keep your hair on.
I were just saying.
Less talk, more action.
Come on, George.
Come on, wake up.
Any road,
they'll never give us t'vote.
They'll give us nowt by
that way of thinking, Nellie.
These folk think
we stand a chance, Mam.
- And who are these folk?
- From all over.
- Working men?
- Oh, aye.
- I'll go and see how she is.
- Come on, lad.
Good night, George.
- See thee tomorrow.
- Good night, love.
The men, women and children
who keep
the relentless grinding
of the wheels of industry
turning and spinning,
whilst working every hour
that is asked of them
are being left destitute.
With barely the energy
to stand on two feet.
- Aye.
The annals of history,
they show us what a despot
was King James II.
Yet our forefathers were able
to affirm their liberties
without the loss
of a single life.
Now, why was this?
This was because the people
were unanimous
and determined
to put down tyrannism.
- Aye!
- Hear, hear!
Hear, hear!
They secured
the Bill of Rights of 1689.
That Bill of Rights ensured
Parliament remains sovereign.
But what good is a parliament
if it does not represent
its people?
Hear, hear!
What right does a king have
to a payout from the government
of 2 million per annum?
No right!
A king who has lost his senses,
if he ever had any.
And what right does our good,
gracious, illustrious -
or should I say, big fat -
Prince have
with one-and-a-half million?
He has no right!
What right do these men have
with this money,
when those they have robbed
are starving for want?
They have no right.
No right at all!
No, sir.
They do not have that right.
- But we have a right.
- Aye!
We have a right
to present a petition
to this big, fat prince.
And that we propose to do.
- Hear, hear.
This petition
will demand at last
a fair, proper
and full representation
- for all Englishmen.
- Aye.
If... If, after forty days
and forty nights
there is no response
from our... beloved Prince...
..we shall take said petition
to the King.
And... if he ignores us,
we have the right,
as Englishmen,
to imprison him
and all his family.
All we demand
is that our voices are heard...
..and that
our sufferings cease.
We are on the verge
of a devastating cataclysm!
The time has come to alleviate
the sufferings of the people.
I call forth a deluge
to cleanse this land
of its festering corruption.
Almighty Father,
permit us to be the Noahs,
the Deucalions and the Pyrrhas
as we start this world anew.
Mr Knight!
Friends, I should like
to invite Mr John Knight
to now speak.
Mr Knight.
Gentlemen, I should like to
thank Mr Bagguley,
Mr Drummond and Mr Johnston
for their impassioned rhetoric.
Although I cannot
concur with the notion
that the imprisonment of the King
would advance the cause.
Nevertheless, I congratulate them
on their considerable fervour
and their zeal.
I thank you, gentlemen.
- Thank you, Mr Knight.
Thank you, Mr Knight.
- They're going to London.
- What, Bagguley and that?
They're going to see
the Prince.
- What?
- They're not!
- They are, Mam.
- The Prince Regent, it is.
Oh, aye.
They're taking him this er...
What is it, Father?
- Petition.
- Aye, a petition.
- What will it say, Father?
JOSHUA: It's a list of demands.
- Oh, aye.
- Our rights.
Prince... thingummy
isn't going to give ha'porth
for a scrap of paper that's
come all t'way from Lancashire.
If he dun't,
they'll take it to the King.
And then what?
He's as mad as a March hare!
They said if he won't do owt,
they'll lock him up.
- What, the King?
- Aye, the King and his family.
Who's going to lock up
the King? Them three lads?
No, the people will.
And how's the people
going to do that?
That's just plain daft.
At least they're
doing something.
They're not doing owt.
It's just more talk.
I'll tell you what they're
not doing, Nellie,
they're not sitting
on their backsides, waiting.
I know, I know.
I don't blame you
for losing hope, Mam.
I haven't lost hope, son.
I'll never lose hope.
Times is too hard to lose hope.
Hope's all we've got.
But you've got to start small.
As they say,
from little acorns...
mighty oak trees grow.
They must be removed forthwith.
- I concur.
- Hear, hear.
They're polluting our streets.
Indeed. We must pluck
the braying bellwethers
from their schismatic pulpits,
but we cannot incarcerate
their entire Godless flock.
Three thousand fools
stuffed into the New Bailey
like anchovies in a pot?
No, gentlemen. The rabble
must be awed into submission.
A mere show of military might
would soon see them
gambolling like little lambs
back to their looms.
They are ignorant souls.
They know not what they want.
- They are children.
- Innocent babes.
Babes, perhaps.
Innocent? Never.
The rod is all they understand.
"My son, fear thou
the Lord and the King,
and meddle not with them
that are given to change."
Gentlemen, might I urge
a little forbearance?
The labouring classes
are ruled by their stomachs.
Were we to
prevail upon the mill owners
to furnish them with an
additional shilling per week...
their hunger
would be alleviated
and this agitation would cease.
A shilling this week,
two shillings next week,
a guinea for Christmas.
This concerns not money.
This concerns not
an extension of the franchise.
This concerns
neither liberty nor freedom.
The remedy, gentlemen,
is the iron hand of the law.
So we're all agreed. Grand!
Gentlemen, is this not...
a passing season...
..of hot-headed intemperance,
which will run its course?
No. It is not.
Will you not join us at table,
These are dangerous men.
They're a threat.
We need some pretext
to arrest them.
But the question is this:
do we have evidence that
they are inciting these people
to armed insurrection?
Well, we do not know
that they are armed.
Are they armed, Colonel?
Gentlemen, I have witnessed
no evidence of arms.
You have witnessed no evidence
of arms, Chippendale.
But that does not mean
that they do not bear arms.
- In my opinion...
- Your opinion?
Your opinion is not important.
You're an informant.
Inform... or sit down.
I might remind you,
Deputy Chief Constable Nadin,
that this man is in my employ.
Colonel Fletcher, sir.
- Gentlemen,
we cannot act
without evidence.
There's always evidence.
You've just got to know
where to look for it.
And if you don't find it,
you crack a few heads.
When might you next
visit Manchester, William?
Wednesday. Early.
I've to be in court.
I thought
I might travel with you.
If you must.
I should like to visit
She has the palsy.
Has she, now?
Listen to this.
"In all my twenty years
as a magistrate
charged with the keeping
of the peace,
never have I been witness
to the scale and size
of these people's ambition.
The trouble brewing here has
a much more frightening purpose
than that of winning the vote
for the working man.
What we are witnessing
on the ground
is a vast number of people
ripe for insurrection.
They will never
give up their course
until they have established
a republican court."
Oh, dear!
"I am sorry...
to have to... inform you..."
"These are
the most violent preachings
of disaffected demagogues,
who seek to strike
the flint of reform
against the steel of greed -
the greed of a labouring class
ever seeking a shilling's more
wage for an hour's less toil.
The resulting spark
must soon take hold,
threatening the very safety
of our neighbourhoods.
Such gatherings,
and many more hewn from
the same seditious block,
no longer bring together
a few dozen malcontents
and ne'er-do-wells
to pass secret codes
and hidden messages
at the back of Methodist
Sunday school rooms,
or above squalid low taverns.
These meetings, now held
brazenly and in plain sight,
are attended in numbers
in many instances
exceeding three,
four, five thousand.
And there the rallying cry
of Bagguley
and his scurrilous brethren
are hallooed by
the ill-educated, ungodly mob
as they incite them
in violent and in bloody terms.
They speak not of reform...
but of destruction.
Oh, I humbly beseech
Your Lordship
to do all within your power
to bring forth
a great deluge from above,
that this may extinguish
once and for all
this most ferocious
and bloody threat
to the peace and harmony
of our... great land..."
"..of our... sweet land.
I remain, as always, your most
humble and obedient servant,
Charles Wicksted Ethelston."
Morning, Mr Rook.
Mr Grout, sir.
Lord Sidmouth and Mr Hobhouse.
Thank you, Mr Cobb.
Mm. Mr Golightly?
- The Reverend Ethelston.
"The rallying cry of Bagguley
and his scurrilous brethren
- are hallooed by..."
- Hallooed!
- Hallooed!
- Hallooed!
" the ill-educated,
ungodly mob
as they incite them in
violent and in bloody terms."
Heaven defend his congregation,
Mr Grout.
Indeed, Mr Golightly.
- Ethelston.
"Bring forth a deluge
from above..."
The bard of Manchester.
Five thousand
at Bagguley's meeting!
I believe the time has come
to remove the head
of this particular serpent.
- How old is he?
- Nineteen.
- Sunday school scholars.
- Indeed.
We have given this young man
enough rope
with which to hang himself.
I suggest we tighten the knot.
This plague ever spreads
throughout the land.
We must be brutal,
with a cautious hand.
Indeed we must.
Another magisterial missive
from Manchester.
Gentlemen, may I first avow,
that it is a matter
of some pride...
..immense privilege
and not insignificant
to be met here today in this
great metropolis of London
with such a wide and devoted
body of reformers.
Hear, hear.
I am certain
that we have all, at times,
faced with
the mighty forces of tyranny
wielded by those in power...
..felt that our actions
were of no more impact
than the ripples thrown up
by a single pebble
tossed into the sea.
Hear, hear.
But let us know, as we turn
to each other in this room,
as we look
our fellow man in the eye,
in the sure knowledge
that we gather here
to protect and improve
the lives and future lives
of the tens, the hundreds
of thousands of souls
that we have the great honour
to represent...
..let us know
that those ripples
can and will begin to grow.
- Hear, hear!
They will grow
as we grow together.
And as we combine, in courage,
and companionship...
Hear, hear.
..those ripples
will become torrents,
- will become waves...
- Hear, hear!
..that will rise inexorably,
until they begin
to pound this land
and come crashing down
on the corrupt old order.
Aye! Well said, sir!
Hear, hear!
So that from
the rich fertile ground,
left behind by these
magnificent, mighty waves,
will rise up the purest shoots
of regrowth and renewal.
- Aye! Huzzah!
- Hear, hear!
Hear, hear!
So that from our actions,
actions forged by the needs,
the cries, the ardent pleas
of our common man,
we may put that common man
at the heart of any
Commons House of Parliament.
- Well said, sir!
- Hear, hear!
One vote for each and all free men!
Let that vote be cast
in secret, and annually.
That is what we must seek.
For let it never be in doubt...
.. that there can finally be
no cessation
of any reform that is
undeniably right, just,
and in the overwhelming
interest of the multitude!
Mr Hunt, sir.
Pray pardon the intrusion, sir,
but may I say
how heart-warming it is
to hear a man
speak from the heart
on a subject so close to our hearts.
I thank you
for your kind words.
We are fellow reformers, sir,
from Lancashire way.
Samuel Bamford
and Mr Joseph Healey.
Dr Healey.
Would tha' care to join us
in a pot of ale, Mr Hunt?
T'would be a great honour
for t'both of us.
Alas, I must soon return
to my rooms
but I thank you, gentlemen.
- Good day, sir.
- Good day, sir.
Might I trouble you
to stand, sir?
Thank you, sir.
Have you misplaced something,
Mouse droppings.
You are Mr...
- Richards.
- Mr Richards.
And what can we do for you,
Mr Richards?
It's more of a case of what
I can do for you, gentlemen.
And what can you do for us,
Mr Richards?
May I?
If you must, but make haste.
Thank you.
I'm a patriot, just like you,
I would lay down my life
for my country.
I have certain information
that I believe would be
very useful to you.
I have contacts...
skills, ways and means.
Where do you hail from,
Mr Richards?
Here and there. London.
It's... hard to say.
Have you visited
the North of England?
Yes and no.
But I'm familiar enough
with the North, sir.
These contacts.
Are they in the North?
Debating clubs?
Union societies?
Reform meetings?
Where? When?
You receive visitors
in London?
- From time to time.
- How many?
Too many to count.
Come, come, Mr Richards.
We should need numbers
and names.
But of course.
At a price.
"My Lords and Gentlemen... is with deep regret
that I am again obliged
to announce to you
that no alteration has occurred
in the state of my dear father,
His Majesty the King's,
lamented indisposition.
The distresses consequent upon
the termination of a war
of such unusual extent
and duration
have been felt,
with greater or less severity,
all the nations of Europe.
You will, I doubt not,
feel a just indignation
at the attempts
which have been made
to take advantage of
the distresses of the country,
for the purpose
of exciting a spirit
of sedition and violence."
"I am too well convinced of
the loyalty and good sense
of the great body
of His Majesty's subjects,
to believe them capable of
being perverted by the arts
which are employed
to seduce them.
But I am determined
to omit no precautions
for preserving
the public peace,
and for counteracting the
designs of the disaffected.
And I rely with
the utmost confidence
on your cordial support
and cooperation,
in upholding a system
of law and government,
which I deem to be
the most perfect
that has ever fallen
to the lot of any people."
Hear, hear!
- Give us a potato.
- What?
- Gi' us a tattie.
- What for?
God save the Prince Regent!
What're you doin'?
That's our supper!
Ah! Ahh!
Lord Chancellor!
My Lords!
I have one of the most
important communications
to make to your Lordships,
that has ever been made
to Parliament.
His Royal Highness
was only now leaving this House
when he was most viciously
attacked with a stone,
or as some say, two balls,
fired from an air-gun...
or some other
heinous instrument.
The malignant spirit,
born of the odious
French Revolution,
is even now plainly
persuading our people
that, alone by open violence,
can their grievances
be redressed.
I am deeply pained
upon this occasion,
to state that I require
the suspension
of the Habeas Corpus Act.
And, my Lords,
I ask that this power
should be communicated
without d-delay...
Hear, hear!
..for here procrastination
would spell
nothing short of... ruin.
Hear, hear.
Good morning, gentlemen.
Good morning, Joseph.
I bring us good fortune.
- We can do with some of that.
- Aye.
I found this on Deansgate.
How are you faring?
What tidings?
- How's the brush trade, Joe?
- Grand. Grand.
It thrives, John, it thrives.
So, gentlemen, our response
to this evil action.
- We must be clear.
- Indeed.
We have a duty to our readers
to explain
what a barbaric act this is.
It may be that not every reader
will understand
what Habeas Corpus means.
- Indeed.
- Exactly so.
We must remind them.
"Habeas Corpus means every
Briton's right to protection
against unlawful arrest
and detainment without charge."
- Er... Good.
- It is a... a cornerstone
- of our constitution.
- Aye.
Without which the common man
is reduced to slavery.
Yes. Now, "There are
three classes of men -
lovers of wisdom, lovers of
honour and lovers of gain."
We're aware it's Plato, John,
but is it truly to the matter?
In my opinion, it is.
I think not in this instant.
- Jack not in this morning?
- Fetching paper supplies.
- Grand, grand.
- Read that out, James.
"It is the cornerstone
of our constitution
without which
we are reduced to..."
Now then, lads.
- Good morrow, gentlemen.
- Sam.
How are you going
at this end of t'country?
How are you going at
t'other end more to the point?
- We've been to London.
- When did you get back up?
- Last night.
- By coach.
- We were inside.
- Aye, keeping out of t'rain.
Please, gentlemen,
make yourselves comfortable.
Smoky and dark as ever,
were London.
Shan't be going back there
in a hurry.
- There were uproar.
- An attack on t'Prince!
- Did you hear about it?
- So we heard, aye.
There were talk of gunfire.
- Pistol shot, rifle shot...
- Cannon fire.
We heard
he was hit by a potato.
- Poor fat lad,
wouldn't know what to do
wi' a raw potato.
But, think on this.
We saw Mr Henry Hunt
addressing t'crowd.
You saw Orator Hunt?
Orator Hunt.
Isn't that right, Doctor?
Aye, we saw him, we heard him
and we were moved by him.
- That right, Sam?
- Aye, at Elephant And Castle.
Never afore did I see a man
so gifted in public speak -
and I've heard a few
in my time.
Tha'self included, John.
You're not so bad
on the hustings, Sam.
Aye, I have
a certain following.
But not like this man.
It's as if he were born to it.
- We can all deliver a speech.
- Do not get me wrong, John.
I'm not saying that
tha'self cannot turn a phrase,
but this feller, he knows
how to unite the crowd.
- Do we not all do that?
- Aye, but...
he speaks with a...
a passion and a fervour
about t'same matters
and t'same concerns
we've all been preaching about
these past years,
but when he does it,
the crowd, they follow him.
They're in t'palm of his hand.
They say he's not a modest man.
Aye, "vainglorious",
I've heard folk describe him.
Well, I daresay
he's not perfect.
- Who of us here is?
- Was he wearing his white hat?
- Aye.
- Aye.
He were wearing his white hat.
So you could see him, aye.
You wouldn't miss him
in t'crowd.
- Jack.
- Good day, gentlemen.
- Jack. How do?
- Jack.
Here he is.
- Is he not a landowner?
- Aye, he is, James,
and a countryman -
and a wealthy one at that.
And that gives him
the wherewithal and the ability
to fight for liberty
and reform.
- True, true.
- Now think on this.
If you lads,
through your newspaper,
and t'Manchester
Patriotic Union,
are planning this big
public meeting at Peter's Field
to discuss universal suffrage
and the election of
a representative for Manchester
in Parliament, then surely you
would want Henry Hunt
addressing t'crowd
alongside t'rest of us.
We don't need some fancy dandy
coming up here,
taking over the show.
Hey, John Saxton,
I come here to speak as I find.
Thy prejudice
is thine own affair.
But will he be as effectual
up here with our people,
as he is down there
with London folk?
- Aye.
- He would be effectual
anywhere in t'country
as long as there were
a crowd to listen to him.
From John O'Groats
to t'Land's End.
Did you speak to him?
We made ourselves known to him,
- We told him our business.
- And what was he like?
In himself.
Why... you'd be...
hard pushed to say.
- He were...
- Aye.
- He has a round face.
- Aye.
You might say
he were a bit bland.
Aye, but I do hear tell
he has his own brewery.
- Aye. True, true.
Now, if I am done here,
my good wife has promised me
a hot potato pie
on my return to Middleton,
so if tha' will allow me, John,
I shall be making my way up
t'bank to avail myself of it.
We shall give this matter
our due consideration.
- Aye. Well, think on.
- Good day, gentlemen.
- Good day.
- See thee later, lads.
Good day.
- Where are we up to, Jack?
- Just off three hundred.
Can you not go any faster?
A faster printer
you'll not find
in the whole
of Manchester.
Thank you, sir.
Right, gentlemen, I must away.
- Good day.
- Good day.
Good day.
Here's tha' beer, Joseph.
- Who's tha' writing to?
- Hush, woman.
I am writing to the great
orator, Mr Henry Hunt...
Here is the intercepted mail,
Mr Grout.
Thank you, Mr Cobb.
Hmm. Exactly so.
Most definitely, Mr Grout.
Yes, I concur, Mr Golightly.
Who is this Johnson?
He holds a position
of influence
amongst the middle class
radicals of Manchester.
He is a brush manufacturer.
A brush manufacturer?
There is now little doubt
that this mass meeting
will take place.
- Legally, we cannot ban it.
- Alas, not.
A working class upstart orator
is one thing,
but a land-owning,
self-styled man of the people
like Hunt is quite another.
We cannot allow
this Wiltshire peacock
to incite
the disaffected masses
under the spurious guise
of parliamentary reform.
This is a powder keg which will
ignite at the slightest spark.
I believe it prudent
that we write to General
Byng immediately.
Indeed. Instruct him
to increase his forces
to the utmost degree possible.
- Post haste, my Lord.
- And, Hobhouse,
insist that
the local magistrates
the greatest restraint.
Very good, my Lord.
Dear sisters,
welcome to the Manchester
Female Reform Society.
They said we've got to pay,
but I'm not paying 'cos I
'aven't got owt to give.
There is no money to be given
if you do not have it.
Please, do take a seat.
I'm right standing, thank you.
As you wish.
As I'm sure you are all aware,
there is to be a great meeting
at St Peter's Field
to further the cause of reform.
We have reviewed
for a considerable time past
the apathy and frequent insult
of our oppressed countrymen
by the borough-mongering
And in order to accelerate
the emancipation
of our suffering nation,
we do declare that we will
assist the male union
formed in this town,
with all the might and energy
that we possess,
in obtaining the object
of our common solicitude.
I don't understand
a word you're saying.
- Give over and sit down.
- No, she's right.
I don't understand
what she's saying neither.
- No.
- Ladies, please,
you will all
get a chance to speak.
Pray silence for our president,
Mrs Fildes.
Thank you, Susanna.
One man, one vote.
Representation for all of us,
for each and every family.
Hear, hear!
We are neither ashamed,
nor afraid,
of thus aiding our menfolk,
and we are actuated
by no motives of petty vanity.
We come together as wives,
mothers, daughters and sisters
in our social, domestic
and moral capacities.
May our flag never be unfurled
but in the sacred cause
of liberty, peace and reform,
and then may a female's curse
pursue the coward
who deserts the standard.
And now, ladies, our secretary,
Mrs Susanna Saxton,
will say a few words.
Sisters of the earth,
how could you bear to see
the infant at the breast
drawing from you the remnants
of your last blood,
instead of the nourishment
which nature requires?
The only subsistence
for yourselves
being a draught of cold water.
We can no longer bear to see
numbers of our parents
immured in workhouses,
our fathers separated
from our mothers
in direct contradiction to
the laws of God and man,
our sons degraded
below human nature,
our husbands and our
little ones clothed in rags
and pining
on the face of the earth.
Our enemies are resolved
upon destroying
the last vestige
of the natural rights of man,
and we are determined
to establish it.
For as well
might they attempt
to arrest the sun
in the region of space,
or stop the diurnal motion
of the earth,
as to impede
the rapid progress
of our enlightened friends
to liberty and truth.
You're talking bullscutter,
an' all.
- Be quiet!
- You be quiet!
No, you sit down now
and stop your brabblement.
Order! Ladies, please!
We cannot bear
the ponderous weight
of our chains any longer.
But we must tear them asunder
and dash them in the face of
our remorseless oppressors,
who have nearly picked bare
the bones of those who labour.
- They have, they have!
- Aye, they have!
The founder of Christianity,
Jesus Christ,
He was the greatest reformer
of all.
Sisters, the bitter cup
of oppression
is now full to the brim.
Well done, Susanna.
It's true! It's true is that.
We come out on strike
last year.
We were out seven weeks,
wasn't we?
Aye, we wa'!
They beat us back to work
and we've got nowt
to show for it, nowt!
I've got two lads to feed
and nowt to give 'em.
- Be quiet, the both of you!
- No, you be quiet!
- You be quiet!
- Don't you belder at me.
Let us move on to the next
subject on the agenda.
So... let me
get this straight, now.
There's going to be
a big march.
ROBERT: At Peter's Field.
- Outside?
- Aye.
- Not indoors?
- No.
- In broad daylight?
- On a Monday.
- A Monday?
- I know, it's daft.
- Second Monday in August.
- Not go to work?
- Aye.
They'll have to make do
without us.
We'll get the sack!
Not if all the mills turn out.
You're playing with fire.
No, Mother,
this one'll be different.
Different? How?
There's hundreds going,
women and children an' all.
ROBERT: We've to turn out
in our Sunday best.
Ah, well, I best get
me darning needles out, then.
MARY: Aye, you should, same as
t'rest of t'street will be.
I know they will,
but so will that Nadin
and his bullies, the swine.
They'll have to get past them!
Aye, but people have been
practising marching peacefully.
Haven't they, Father?
Oh, aye, up on Kersal Moor,
they say.
- Childer?
- Aye, 'ole families.
It's a day out for everybody.
We've to stand up
for ourselves, Esther.
We can't go on being afraid.
I know, love, but we've all
got to be careful, though.
John! John Bagguley?
It's an honour to meet you,
Your reputation precedes you.
They say you're a great orator.
Do they?
Your message is strong
and clear... and true.
You're not from
around these parts, are you?
I'm a radical, John -
just like yourself.
- Greetings, friend.
- Greetings.
May I ask you a question, John?
Are you as angry as I am?
I am angry.
But are you angry enough?
People need to see
how angry we are, John.
Rise up.
Violence... hatred...
We are prepared.
We have arms ready.
Then use 'em.
When the time is right...
..we will.
The time is now, John.
Until next time.
Call me Oliver.
BAGGULEY: Friends...
thank you for being here today.
But let me state
this meeting will be short,
as the suspension of
Habeas Corpus is upon us.
This is not the end.
No, this is only the beginning.
But permit me to say...
that when the power...
of any government...
is in the hands of
an agreed number of persons,
whose interest together
with the interest
of the government
are different and distinct
to that of the people...
..well, so then such is
the case,
the speedy destruction
of our nation is inevitable.
- Hear, hear! Hear, hear.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you. My friend, Samuel
Drummond, will now speak.
Thank you, Mr John Bagguley.
Friends, I will only speak
very briefly today.
The time for speaking is over.
Now is the time for action.
Our chief intention
is to restore to you
your long lost liberty
by you arming yourselves,
and being strong and resolute
and ready to win back your
ancient rights for yourselves.
- Aye.
- Hear, hear!
Now is the time for action!
Not tomorrow, not next week.
- Now!
AUDIENCE: Hear, hear!
For my part,
I will stick to you until my
last drop of blood is expended.
If the whole host of hell
come against me,
I will not stir an inch,
because I know
our cause is true and just,
and the Lord Himself shines
His heavenly light upon us.
Hear, hear!
Get all armed!
Give me my liberty,
or let me die.
Liberty or death!
Liberty or death!
Liberty or death!
Liberty or death!
Liberty or death!
I thank you.
My friend, John Johnston,
will now say a few words.
Fellow countrymen...
..the time has come
to rise from your lethargy.
- Aye.
- Yes.
No longer will our blood,
sweat and toil
line the pockets of
the avaricious aristocracy
and the landowners.
No longer will the curdled
screams of starving children
echo through the streets of
Manchester and beyond.
Our French brethren
have shown us the way.
We must punish our mad king
and his gluttonous offspring
by taking off their heads!
- Oh, yes!
- Yes!
I declare to that God
that gave me being,
that superintends my actions,
that one day,
I must give an answer
for all that I do
on this earth,
that whenever... whenever
it lies within my power,
- I will strike them down!
- Aye!
And, if I cannot effect it,
I hope the women
of this great nation
will tear them
limb from bleeding limb
like the Maenads
on Mount Cithaeron!
- Yes!
- Arm yourselves!
Bring pistols, guns,
swords and pikes,
and if you cannot
attain these weapons,
bring yourself
a pair of tongs and a poker,
hot from the fire!
- Be ready, lads,
and true to yourselves!
Give me liberty,
or give me death!
Liberty or death!
Liberty or death!
Liberty or death!
Liberty or death!
- Let's go.
You bastard!
Let go of me, you bastard!
- I shall never be defeated!
- You will not silence us!
- We will never relent.
- Hey, you bastard!
We will never give up
the fight for liberty!
- Liberty or death!
Liberty or death!
You cannot confine us to these
receptacles of the damned!
Get in. Get in!
I'm going to smash your teeth
down your throat!
Get in! Get in!
No! No!
Get off me, you bastard!
- Get off! Oww!
- Get off me!
Jesus Christ Himself
was the greatest ever reformer!
You will not silence our cause.
- Left, right. Left, right.
Stand still!
About face, gentlemen!
Quick march!
Listen to the drum.
Swing your arms.
By the right.
Move to the right!
Right face!
Pick up your dressings!
Right, then left.
Keep dressing from the right!
Swing those arms!
Pick up your dressings,
Let's have a bit of pride!
Mr Hunt?
Joseph Johnson
of the Manchester Observer.
Ah, Mr Johnson.
Er... This is Mr Knight,
Mr Saxton and Mrs Saxton,
the Secretary of the Manchester
Female Reform Society.
- Good evening, Mr Hunt.
- Madam.
- Welcome.
- How kind.
- Good day sir.
- Mr Hunt.
Gentlemen. At last.
We should like to thank you
for enduring your long journey.
Welcome to Manchester.
I shall indeed look forward
to a good night's repose
in anticipation of
tomorrow's exertions.
Mr Hunt, I regret to inform you
that the meeting
will no longer
take place tomorrow.
It has been postponed, Mr Hunt,
until tomorrow week, the 16th.
For what reason, pray?
Due to circumstances
beyond our control.
What circumstances?
Our intention was that
the meeting should consider
the propriety of
electing a so-called
Parliamentary representative
for this district.
Mr Johnson, did I not
stipulate that my attendance
here in Manchester
was conditional
upon there being no mention
of any such illegal election?
We were not planning
to hold an election, sir,
merely to discuss
the possibility of an election.
Aye. The magistrates
misunderstood our intentions.
Because it was a foolish
proposition in the first place.
Mr Hunt, as you very well know,
Manchester has no
Parliamentary representation.
- We do not. It's a scandal.
- Time is pressing.
You, of all people, know that.
Yes, Mr Saxton, I am well aware
that time is pressing.
That is why I cannot spend one
week of my life in Manchester.
But thousands of people
are eager to hear you speak.
Then I shall leave it to you
to explain my absence.
Sir, there will be a great
outcry if you do not appear.
- It will be carnage.
- Only your presence
can promote tranquillity
and good order.
Sir, please let us conduct you
to your hotel.
That is out of the question.
With my name,
any longer than one night
in any hotel in this land,
and the place will be
swarming with spies.
Then we must find
more secluded accommodation.
This is where I reside,
Mr Hunt.
Leave it there.
Mr Hunt?
Good evening, madam.
This is my dear wife,
Mrs Johnson.
Mr Henry Hunt.
Mr Johnson, if I could perhaps
be shown to my rooms?
Sarah, show Mr Hunt upstairs.
Oh. Erm...
This way, Mr Hunt.
If you would provide me
with some writing materials?
- Very well.
- And my trunk.
Mrs Johnson, if you could
bring me a light repast?
What's that?
- I thank you, Sir John.
- A pleasure.
Always good to see you, Guy.
Now, to be clear,
I myself may not be present
at this little gathering.
Indeed, I understand that.
I have other matters
to attend to,
but I have every confidence
in you, old boy.
I shall endeavour
to do my best, sir.
Stout fellow. Your horse.
Aye, aye.
Ah, good morning, Joseph.
Go on.
- Are they not ready yet?
- No.
Not while this afternoon,
you said.
- Right.
- Give us a look.
That one in't done yet.
It's grand.
We are in a state of
painful uncertainty, Sir John.
- We are.
- No doubt.
And we feel comforted
and assured by your presence,
your prowess in dealing
with civil disorder,
and in the knowledge
that we are in your safe hands.
- Hear, hear.
- Indeed.
Thank you, gentlemen.
However, at this stage, I would
urge you to show caution,
and to abstain from
any precipitous acts.
with the greatest of respect,
the time for caution is over.
Sir, I am of the opinion
that the presence alone
of the civil and military force
that we have in readiness
is sufficient to deter
any conceivable sedition.
You're speaking of insurrection.
Indeed. Moreover we cannot
allow these radicals
to follow the example
of their French brethren
on the 16th of August.
Mr Norris, the General's
very attendance upon the day
will ensure that no such
catastrophe can possibly occur.
Gentlemen, regarding
my attendance upon the day.
My attention may be called
to other quarters,
and I do not find myself
in a position
wherein I can guarantee
my presence.
Am I to understand
that you will have
more pressing business elsewhere?
There is
a distinct possibility.
But, I have
the utmost confidence
in my second in command,
Colonel L'Estrange.
He is a fine soldier.
I see.
Indeed, sir.
Mr Tuke, is this to take up
much more of my time?
No, Mr Hunt.
The stiller you sit,
the sooner we'll be done.
Arm down, please.
Am I permitted to use
my right arm?
You may use your right arm as
long as it does not impede
on our progress
with your left arm.
May I enquire as to the nature
of your speech, Mr Hunt?
It concerns
the inalienable civil liberties
- of all free men.
- Does it, now?
My wife expresses
something of an interest
in attending your gathering
on Monday.
Will you not be attending
with her?
No. I'm not one
for too much talk.
Mr Hunt, please.
Would you be so kind
as to hold down my papers?
Hold down t'papers?
Top left corner.
Me 'ands are dirty.
That's no matter. These are...
...notes for myself alone.
Will I be in t'picture?
Nay, lass,
thou'll't not be in t'picture.
Leave t'gentleman alone!
The young lady is providing me
with assistance, Mrs Johnson.
Oh, I beg pardon, Mr Hunt.
Understand this, I care not.
I will not be paraded like
some beast in a menagerie.
Can I not get thee a drink,
No, thank you, my dear.
Who is that?
It's Mr Hunt.
- Oh, yes.
May I ask what thee would like
to speak to Mr Hunt regarding?
What I would like to speak
to Mr Hunt regarding, Joe...
I would like to speak
to Mr Hunt regarding.
Well, it would appear Mr Hunt
is otherwise occupied
at present.
Oh. Well, we all have matters
that need attending to, Joe.
And I'm sure Mr Hunt
can spare a few moments
to speak to a fellow reformer.
- Mr Bamford.
- Mr Hunt.
What is it of such import that
it cannot wait till Monday?
How are you going on
at our end o' t'country, sir?
Sadly, I have been immured
within these four walls
this past week.
Though I am grateful to
the kind hospitality
- of these good people.
- Aye, I'm glad to hear it.
They are indeed good people.
Now, speaking o' t'meeting
we've been drilling t'lads in
ranks for nigh on a month now,
and we have a thousand men
moving together
as if it were a mere score,
I am heartened to hear it,
Mr Bamford.
I am told that we are
to anticipate a mighty crowd.
Aye, we are that, sir.
And we shall do thee proud.
Now, we have been
instilling into t'lads
the principles of cleanliness,
sobriety, order,
and also t'notion of peace,
which I believe
were your own personal addage
to t'list, sir,
and one
which I respect greatly.
Now, these ideas have been
taken to heart by all t'lads
and have been carried well
throughout all t'ranks, sir.
I look forward to seeing it
with mine own eyes, Mr Bamford.
I'm sure they'll do you proud.
Now, on that subject, sir...
..would it not be prudent of us
to have
a small contingent of men -
say a score or two
amongst a thousand -
armed with cudgels
just to protect...
Mr Johnson, will you show
Mr Bamford the door?
Mr Hunt, I have come here
to speak man to man
about an important matter.
Then let me speak to you
man to man, Mr Bamford.
If any man is armed with
so much as a stone on Monday,
there will be no meeting
at which I will speak.
There are a large body of men
signed up at Manchester.
And women and children.
And it is them
that I seek to protect.
I am speaking of t'Manchester
and Salford Yeomanry, sir.
A large body of men are signed up,
and weapons have been widely
distributed amongst them.
And it is precisely
for that reason
that we must give them
no provocation.
But these are men
who are not only
politically averse
to our cause, sir,
but also personally
averse to us.
- Mr Bamford...
- Are we to lead our young'uns
and our wives
and our sweethearts
into the mouth
of such a threat,
wi'out t'means
of defending them?
Mr Bamford,
I understand your fears.
But you have not been
to a mass meeting
as this promises to be.
I have.
I have spoken
at meetings in London
of over one hundred
thousand people,
and at those meetings
not one blade of grass,
not a gust of wind,
has been the recipient
of a single act of violence.
Had they been, the authorities
would have taken it
as permission to break up
not only the meeting,
but the entire movement.
I will not have my reputation
and name,
and the virtues
which I espouse,
besmirched for the behaviour
of a single group of men...
But this is Lancashire, sir,
and the authorities here
have no regard
for thy reputation
or anybody else's.
And meetings of this nature,
invariably end in violence.
That is because they have not
been addressed by me.
Dost thy have children
of thine own, sir?
I do, sir.
And would thee lead
thy children
into danger such as this?
I would gladly lead my children
by the hand,
with a song in my heart,
to any meeting
chaired by Henry Hunt.
Uh-huh. Well, I am
hardly satisfied by that.
But as this is a committee
decision not to bear arms,
then I suppose I am
duty bound to carry it.
But I shall pray to God
that He might afford
some protection
to our vulnerable folk.
I shall see thee a-Monday, sir,
and let us hope it is a day...
we need not look back on
with regret.
Let us hope that, both.
Good day.
Mrs Johnson.
I do apologise, Mr Hunt.
I want him watched
from now until Monday.
There will be no violence.
I shall see to it.
There are to be no weapons.
Rest assured.
Let us continue our supper.
Oh, it will have gone cold,
Mr Hunt.
It's no matter, Mrs Johnson.
Gentlemen, I hope
you may permit me
to dispense with the formalities.
We neither need nor desire
introductions, Mr Hunt.
Indeed not.
Well, then, let me ask plainly.
Is there, as I've been led
to believe that there is,
a charge against my name?
I suggest you may be a victim
of false information, Mr Hunt.
There is presently
no such charge.
There is no such charge
at present?
- No, sir.
- Would that there were,
Mr Hunt.
Well, sir, should there be,
let me avow that I would
freely and without hesitation,
offer myself up for arrest.
I seek no subterfuge
here in Manchester.
Good evening, gentlemen.
You remain at liberty, Mr Hunt,
but I might remind you
that we retain the full
and unwavering support
of His Majesty's Government
and military force.
As I, sir, retain the support
of the people.
You, sir, are a blaggard!
He should be clapped in irons.
It takes but a matter of moments
to inscribe a man's name on a warrant.
- Good evening.
MAN: Good evening, madam, sir.
I am seeking Mr Henry Hunt.
I was told he would be
at this address at this hour.
And you are?
Richard Carlile of Sherwin's
Political Register, London.
Mr Carlile! Joseph Johnson
of the Manchester Observer.
Mr Johnson.
- Oh, do come in.
- Thank you.
- Ah, Henry!
- Richard.
What do you here in Manchester?
Why, I... I am here to attend
tomorrow's great assembly,
But at whose invitation?
Why, that of Mr Wroe and...
and Mr Knight
of the Manchester Observer.
And why was I
not informed of this?
Well, I...
I have prepared some words
to address the multitude.
Richard, I'm afraid
we have agreed
that the number
of speakers tomorrow
will be kept to a minimum.
Henry, I have brought with me
one hundred impressions
of your exemplary
Smithfield speech
on civil and universal liberty,
to distribute tomorrow.
This was last month. I do not
intend to repeat myself.
The people of these parts
must know
that reform
is not merely a matter
of achieving
universal suffrage,
but... but of freedom from
the tyranny of the Church
and of the destruction
of monarchy.
Richard, in Manchester,
universal suffrage
is the sole message.
That alone.
I thank you for your pains.
Henry, what consideration
have you given
to the possibility of violence
I fear it greatly.
Richard, firstly you advise me
how to speak.
Now you advise me
how to behave.
I feel your interventions are
both excessive and unnecessary.
Well, perhaps you will allow me
to travel with you tomorrow?
Mr Johnson, might there
be room in the barouche?
Aye, I should think so,
Mr Hunt.
Well, then, yes, you must.
You'll be my guest.
I thank you.
Our chains are shaking, Henry.
They will be broken.
I will take my leave.
Good evening.
- Good evening.
- Good evening, sir.
I must apologise for
the continued interruptions,
- Mrs Johnson.
- Oh.
I can assure you, come Tuesday,
your lives
will return to normalcy.
Go home, Bessie.
Yes, Mrs Johnson.
Good night, Mr Johnson.
- Y'a'right?
- Aye.
- The heat's knocked her out.
- Ooh... It's too warm.
- I'll not sleep tonight.
- It might cool down later on.
- Night.
- Good night, love.
Night, Father.
You a'right for tomorrow?
Aye, I reckon so.
It'll be a good day, Mother.
Aye, it will.
Night, love.
You a'right?
Look at her.
- Little angel.
- Mmm.
I were just thinking, in 1900,
she'll be eighty five.
- Will she?
- Aye, of course she will.
She'll be a great-grandma.
- Wishing her life away!
- Oh, I'm just saying.
I hope it's a better world for her.
Summat'll get better.
Some things'll never change.
They say there'll be
a lot of folk there tomorrow,
waving their flags,
banging their drums.
I hope so.
Good night, Mother.
Night, Father.
Right, we've got five lads
in t'front row...
WOMAN: Absolutely right.
Right, women in rows of five!
Come on, you girls!
Rows of five.
Sort yourselves out.
- Now, then...
- Right.
Who's got t'banner here?
That end. That's it, lads.
You lads at t'end there.
Hey, now.
Keep in rank and file right, lads.
Keep to the right.
- Mary.
- Right, let's have a look.
Now, then.
The meeting we are going to today...
is t'biggest
and t'most important meeting
about parliamentary reform
we've ever had.
So, lads, stay in your ranks!
The more calmness
and sensibility we show now,
the more we make liars
of our enemies,
who have represented us
as a mob and a rabble
these past few years.
And let's shame them
with our good conduct.
Now, what we are
going to town for today,
we're not going to beg
or plead...
..because what we want,
it's not theirs to give!
It were given to us by God,
on t'day of our birth,
as honest Englishmen.
- And with that in mind,
no weapons must be allowed
on t'march
as agreed by t'committee.
So come on, lads, drop
the sticks, drop your clubs.
Drop your knives
and your cudgels.
There's no need
for violence here.
That's it, boys.
Now, then.
First stop, will be Sam Ogden's
taphouse in Harpurhey...
And then on to Manchester...
..and liberty!
Left foot forward, lads!
Come on - get on with it.
Get a move on.
There's stones all over here.
Get 'em on the back
of this cart, and quick!
- That's what they are. Scum.
- Aye, they are that, sir.
I put food on their table
and this is how they repay me.
They've got no right, sir.
- Are we all ready?
- Aye, Nellie.
Reet, come on!
- Morning, Eli!
- Morning, Nellie.
MARY: Looking forward to it?
- All right, lad?
- Aye.
- Liberty or death.
- Annual parliaments!
No taxation without
Vote by ballot!
- No Corn Laws!
- Universal suffrage!
- Get back to your husbands!
- Shame!
Whores! Harlots!
Go home to your babies!
- It'll achieve nowt.
- Friends, unite and be free!
for King and Country!
- Aye, sir. King and Country.
ALL: King and Country!
To King and Country!
To King and Country!
- And again!
- To King and Country!
- And again!
To King and Country!
..give them a bit of justice!
You wait till you get
to the field.
Mr Norris, how do you do?
- Look at them.
- It is without precedent.
Is the room in readiness?
- Aye, it is.
- Very good.
I sent my man here earlier
with some wine. Is it...
- Aye, sir, it's over there.
- Excellent.
- Could I have a word?
- Of course.
I don't know what's going
to happen this afternoon.
Mr Buxton, would you
kindly remove that... sheet?
Certainly, sir.
should you need refreshment,
we have some fine claret here,
if you wish
to avail yourselves.
Gentlemen, I wish you well
with your business today.
If nature calls,
there's a pot in t'corner.
- Good day, sir.
- Thank you, very much.
What's going on now?
I don't know.
We're just waiting.
How long have you
been waiting for?
Ah, not long.
- Have you come far?
- Chadderton.
- That's Oldham way, in't it?
BOTH: Aye.
- That's a fair way.
- Aye, it is.
Too far.
Father, what are you doing now?
Where you going?
- Has he had enough?
- He's got to walk back yet.
- How far is it?
- Nine mile.
- See thee.
- Aye, see thee.
Colonel Fletcher,
just where are the Manchester
and Salford Yeomanry?
They stand hard by
in Portland Street.
They await my orders.
FLETCHER: We should
summon them immediately.
Once the crowd see them,
they shall disperse.
In my view, that would be
the wrong course of action.
We should arrest Hunt
before he arrives.
Send in the troops
and spirit him away somewhere.
These people
are in a good mood.
The men have
brought their wives
and their children with them.
In the presence of women,
men behave better.
Men, women, wives, children,
I care not!
We are their moral superiors.
It is our Christian duty
to bring the axe down
on this riotous mob!
Well said, sir! Well said!
They are not mere animals,
They are honest, gullible folk.
I agree with Mr Warmley.
Arrest Hunt
before he arrives in the field.
You silence the man today
and he'll be rousing
another rabble
- before the fortnight's out!
- Absolutely!
We must give him
just sufficient rope
for him to hang himself.
We are in charge, gentlemen,
and we must be seen
to be in charge, and not Hunt.
- Hear, hear!
- I am not disputing that, sir.
If I might advise you,
from a legal standpoint,
it is essential that the true
character of that assembly
be allowed to reveal itself.
"One man, one vote"!
"Parliamentary Representation"!
- Preposterous propositions!
- Sedition!
We must allow Hunt to speak,
so that he be seen
to be inciting
a gullible mass of people
to riot.
Then we may act
with promptitude and vigour.
We must read the Riot Act
and we must do so immediately.
I second that!
Prepare ourselves legally
to clear the field.
I have the Riot Act here,
and they shall hear my voice
and there shall be one fold
and one shepherd!
- We find you in glad spirits.
We shall maintain our spirits.
Primarily our function
is to observe.
Secondly, we must expedite
the express directives
of the Home Office,
which are namely to allow
the meeting to take place...
It is an illegal meeting!
- But, is it?
- It is not illegal, gentlemen.
We must let Hunt speak
and then only seek to intervene
should the crowd
then move to riot.
So is there a level
of bloodletting
which you find acceptable,
Mr Norris?
Gentlemen, may I remind you
that today is not the Sabbath.
It is a Monday,
and Monday is a working day
and these idlers and sluggards
should be at their toil.
Aye, and what are
they up to instead?
The gates of hell are open
night and day.
Smooth the descent
and easy is the way.
Have you any idea
how the introduction
of the mechanical loom
has changed the life
of this town?
- I have, sir.
- Then why not stay silent?
Then why not join the mob, sir?
- The mechanical loom...
- All this is prevarication!
Mr Hunt!
Mr Hunt!
John Tyas, the London Times.
- Tyas?
- Mr Tyas?
I wonder if you might admit me
onto the hustings.
For what purpose? To spread
more of your falsehoods?
Not at all, sir.
- Keep close.
- Much obliged, Mr Hunt.
- Gentlemen.
Gentlemen! Gentlemen!
Gentlemen, you have
many strong... opinions.
But if I may,
speaking as the chairman
for this special committee
of magistrates...
Beg pardon, Mr Hulton.
- Did you say the chairman?
- Indeed I did, sir.
- But you're not the chairman.
- I am the chairman.
- I am the chairman.
You are mistaken, sir.
I am to take the chair.
Upon whose authority?
Upon the authority, sir, of the
Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire.
- Give way, sir!
- Mr Norris, sir, stand down!
- Stand down!
- It is settled.
May we proceed?
I suppose you may, Mr Hulton.
Move back!
Move back! Move back!
Back! Back!
Move them back!
Get back!
Universal suffrage!
Votes by ballot!
The white hat, there. Look.
- That's him, sir.
- And the women.
- Votes by ballot!
- Can you see?
Give them a wave!
Give them a wave!
Unite and be free!
Hunt and liberty!
How do? How do?
Gentlemen, what are your
intentions regarding that mob?
To whom am I speaking?
Oh, you know very well
to whom you are speaking, sir.
- I do not.
- We, sir,
are in fear for our persons
and our property!
- Aye.
- Not to mention our lives!
I can sympathise
with your fears,
and I may share your concerns,
but I will not tolerate
your behaviour!
Our men are in readiness
and they will be dispatched
in due course.
You have your
Manchester and Salford Yeomanry
- at your disposal.
- And His Majesty's forces!
- Use them!
- We are the law, sir.
And we will use them
when we see fit!
Hunt forever!
- She's unwell.
- She's fainted.
Bring her into the carriage.
Thank you.
Thank you, Mr Knight.
Oh, what a splendid multitude,
Universal liberty!
I have never before seen
such a great multitude.
Aye. This is the day, John.
- Go on, Mary. Go on!
- Yes, take your hat off.
- Go on.
- And your frock.
- Universal liberty!
- As I promised, Mr Hunt,
the largest assemblage
ever seen in Manchester!
Alas, with the wind as it is,
it might have been better
had the hustings been
positioned in the far corner.
I was given assurance that this
was the best position, Mr Hunt.
It is no matter.
I've succeeded with worse.
How are you finding Manchester?
Oh, I'm very fond of it,
thank you, Mrs Saxton.
The first of many trips north
in the interests of reform.
Edward Baines, Leeds Mercury.
Ah, Mr Baines.
Please join us. You are welcome.
Thank you, sir.
- Which paper?
- The Leeds Mercury.
Ghastly rag.
John Tyas of the London Times.
- All the way from London?
- Hmm. And you are, madam?
Susanna Saxton
of the Manchester
Female Reform Society.
I do hope you will represent us
favourably, Mr Tyas.
- Mr Knight.
- Is that Mr Smith?
- Who's that?
- Ah, Mr Saxton.
- Welcome, Smith.
- Mr Wroe.
I was informed
you were not able to attend.
Oh, I shouldn't have
missed this for the world, sir.
Look at the people!
- Ah, Mr Healey.
- Doctor.
Ah, Mr Baines.
John Tyas of the London Times.
Edward Baines, Leeds Mercury.
Make sure we have a moment
for the address.
- Aye, aye.
- John Smith,
Editor of the Liverpool Mercury
and Political Herald.
Good to have you here, sir.
I'm pleased to make
your acquaintance, sir.
- You have my voice.
- Thank you, sir.
We should have stuck together.
Shall we try and find them?
No, it's useless.
- See 'em back at t'house.
- Aye.
- Where are they?
- I don't know.
- Can you see 'em, Joseph?
- No.
- They should be close.
- Aye.
- All these folk.
- I know.
Well, we're all right.
We've got bread.
Here's Sam.
Make way for the Middleton lot!
Make way for Sam Bamford!
Make way for Sam.
Here's Sam Bamford.
Make way for Sam.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
We're here!
Now, lads.
Stay in your ranks and all
folks stay close to t'colours.
Go on, Sam!
- Hello, Mr Bamford!
- Mr Bamford!
- Hello, Mr Bamford.
- Now, then, Sam.
- We have arrived!
- Behold!
I can barely believe it, John.
- Doctor! What a day, eh?
- Sam!
- What a day.
- Mr Johnson.
I do not want Mr Bamford
on the hustings.
Hey, John. How do?
This is only the beginning,
Aye, true.
Mr Hunt.
Is tha' impressed
wi' t'turnout, Joe?
Aye, I am indeed, Sam.
Now, shall I speak afore
Mr Hunt or after him?
We agreed there is to be only
one speaker on this occasion.
Only one speaker
was advertised, Mr Bamford.
That was myself.
Well, 'ere is your audience,
Orator Hunt.
And pray remember
they deserve much more
than fine words
and empty promises.
I shall make my way
to yon public house
where I shall rest my feet,
for it has been a long,
long journey to this place.
And what you have to say, sir,
I have heard many a time afore.
Many a time.
Hey, Mr Bamford,
do not leave us!
Aye, lads, well done
for turning out, lads.
- It is a great shame, Samuel.
- Sam.
- Sam! Samuel!
- Mr Bamford?
- He's getting down.
- He's got a right cob on.
Wait, please.
Mr Johnson, might we commence?
Aye. If you are ready, Mr Hunt.
Good man.
Have courage.
Breathe from the bottom
of your lungs
and speak at
the top of your voice.
Fellow citizens...
It er...
It is with great honour
that I should like to propose
Mr Henry Hunt Esquire
as our chairman.
Let's see what he has to say,
Let's see what he has to say!
Go on, Henry!
- Friends, all.
The Riot Act, Mr Ethelston.
I shall bear you witness.
Sovereign Lord, the King...
..chargeth and commandeth
all person..."
It would be hardly
" depart
to their habitations,
or to their lawful business..."
..given the magnificent volume
of people
so peaceably assembled
here today...
"..upon the pains
contained in the Act
made in the first year
of King George
for preventing tumults
and riotous assemblies."
God save the King!
God save the King!
That is for the Yeomanry,
this is for Colonel L'Estrange.
Somebody summon my man.
- Mandley!
- Yes, sir?
- Mandley.
- Dispatches.
- Be ready.
Time is of the essence.
Well, stop fiddling,
man, hurry!
- The warrant, sir!
- Mr Hulton, the warrant!
Yes, gentlemen,
I am well aware!
- Henry Hunt.
- John Knight.
Hulton, whatever actions
we take here today
will have serious repercussions
Mr Norris, please.
I've no wish
to find myself in the dock.
The only people in the dock
will be those blaggards.
Here, I wish someone
would tell him to speak up.
Aye. I can't hear nowt.
- Can you see owt?
- Not really, no.
- Where've thou come from?
- Wigan.
Oh, aye, that's a fair way.
- Is this your brother?
- Aye, he is.
Aye, you can tell.
You must have been
up with the lark.
Aye, set off at six.
Have you not brought
owt to eat?
- No, we didn't think to.
- Nah.
Well, do you want some bread?
- Oh, no, you're all right.
- Aye, go on.
You must be famished
coming all t'way from Wigan.
- You sure?
- Aye.
- Oh, thank you.
- Thank you.
There you go, Mary.
Pass that round.
Save some
for your father and Robert.
That's if we ever
see 'em again.
- Gentlemen!
- Men of the 15th!
Mount Up!
- Mr Nadin!
HUNT: ..all the many
and nefarious means
- employed by those...
- Nadin!
- authority to delay...
- Show restraint.
..our harmonious assembly.
But let me simply avow...
..that they have
roundly failed!
Mr Hunt.
The Yeomanry is here.
- This will not end well.
- Mr Knight, please!
And they will
continue to fail...
It's the Yeomanry.
We must stick together
and try not to be afeared.
..of peace...
of unity and of hope...
They're reprobates.
I ask you to give
three cheers!
- Huzzah!
CROWD: Huzzah!
- Huzzah!
- Huzzah!
- Hunt.
- Huzzah!
Henry Hunt.
I hold a warrant
for your arrest.
You put this meeting and
the lives of all those here...
- You'll come with me!
Mr Hunt!
- John! John!
- Come with me!
This is a peaceful protest!
I am John Tyas
of the London Times!
I care not!
- Come on!
Shame on you!
Shame! Shame!
God will judge you all!
Get out of the way, you scum!
What will we do?
- What will we do?
- Get her out, Mother.
Come on, come on, move!
Let's go.
You will not silence me, sir.
You will not silence me!
My hat!
Please, no!
Please help me!
- Get off me!
- Come here!
- Shh, shh, shh.
- Argh!
- John, John! John, John!
You should be ashamed of
yourselves, you bastards!
- Colonel L'Estrange!
- Yes, sir?
For God's sake,
do something, man!
- What am I to do?
- Disperse the crowd!
Cannot you see they are
attacking the Yeomanry?
- Sir.
- On my count!
Right! Left! Right!
Left! Right!
Draw... swords!
Troop will advance!
Disperse the crowd!
- Forward!
Left! Right! Left!
Right! Left! Right!
Get back! Get back!
Keep your line!
- Back! Move!
- Push them back!
Move forward!
Move forward!
- Hold the line, gentlemen.
- Get back!
- Hold the line!
- Get back!
Hold the line! Hold the line!
- Get back!
- Dressing!
Dressing, damn it.
- Get back!
- Go on, get back.
Clear out of the way!
- Get back!
- Keep the line!
Keep the line!
Get back! Get back!
Get back!
I know you!
You're little Joe Lomax.
- Yah!
You, sir, are a coward.
Shame on you.
Hah! Walk on.
Just like him
to go wandering off!
- Stop mithering!
- I'm not mithering, man!
- I just want to know.
- Shift, vermin. Shift.
- Bitch.
You! Come here, you...
Come here, you, you fat bitch!
Yah! Yah! Come on!
Come on! Come on!
Hey! Soldier boy!
Joe! Joe!
- Robert!
Get back!
- I'm all right. I'm all right.
- Mary, love.
- We've got you, son.
- For shame!
Gentlemen, forbear!
The people cannot get away!
- Come on, Sir Arthur!
- Move ahead!
- Bad luck, Byng!
- Oh, dear, old chap.
What a pity!
Sir Arthur used to be
a fine horse.
- Indeedy!
- Quite splendid he was.
Please excuse me.
Gentlemen, Lady Fitzwilliam.
- Not a happy soldier.
John! How do you fare?
I have been grossly mistreated,
- You have indeed.
- Horribly.
- There will be repercussions.
- There certainly will.
This is carnage.
It's but the beginning.
We must report this heinous
barbarism to the last detail.
- We must.
- We will.
- When can you publish?
- Wednesday morning.
I shall take this afternoon's
mail coach back to London.
Gentlemen... good luck to you.
- This is a battlefield.
- Aye.
A Waterloo on St Peter's Field.
The Battle of Peter's Field.
- The Battle of Peterloo.
- That's it!
No, the massacre.
- The Massacre of Peterloo.
- We must print that.
Aye. I'll publish it
in my next edition.
So will I. Come...
Let us take cover.
- Oh!
- Ah.
- Un petit bonbon, Prince?
- Ah, oui!
- Ah... Oh.
- Oh.
- Oh.
Ah, Prime Minister,
Home Secretary, m'dears.
- Your Royal Highness.
- Sir.
Lady Conyngham.
pray rest your arses.
You must be stiff
after your journey.
Lady Conyngham, I t-trust
you've recovered from your...
- Stiff...
I missed me morning swim!
Indeed you did, my love.
You swim, don't you, Liverpool?
I fear not, sir.
Ah. Sidmouth?
- Oh, no, of course you don't.
Damn and blast
this bloody business!
Indeed, sir. It is a most
regrettable circumstance.
Regrettable, Liverpool?
It's interminable!
When will it ever end?
Dear England!
Whither... goest thou?
My old heart aches.
This sceptred isle.
These pastures green.
- Arcadia threatened.
- Arcadia!
Indeed, Lady Conyngham.
Perfidious Albion doomed.
Cursed by these malignant
agents of m-m-malcontent.
The creeping cholera
of revolution.
Damn it, it gets worse
by the hour.
I fear for me neck
more than ever.
- Oh!
- God forbid, sir.
Well... I know what is good
for my people,
better than
they know themselves.
We must not be held to ransom
by the mob.
- Indeed not.
- Sir...
there shall be no further
insurrection in this l-land.
Your government will ensure it.
I thank ye.
I should like you to convey
to the magistrates at...
- Where?
- Manchester.
Yes, yes, of course,
Kindly inform them
of my most gracious
appreciation of their conduct,
and of the great satisfaction
I have derived
from their prompt, decisive
and effective measures... preserve
the public tranquillity.
- We shall, sir.
- Indeed.
- To England!
BOTH: To England!
I heard a voice from heaven,
saying unto me,
'From henceforth
blessed are the dead
which die in the Lord.'
Even so," saith the Spirit,
"for they rest from
their labour."
Lord have mercy upon us.
Christ have mercy upon us.
Lord have mercy upon us.
Our Father,
which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name,
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
in earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive them
that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.