Petit tailleur (2010)

There you are, schmu!
Look at the time!
The metro scares me.
Sure it does!
How dare you, goy!
Dirty goy!
Now flip it over.
Turn around.
Really, very nice.
Good work Arthur.
Get home safe, Mr. Gilbert.
- Thanks.
- Nice to see you.
Take care.
Every time!
- He looked happy, didn't he?
- Yeah...
Did you see the state he was in?
His demeanor?
He left straight as a poker.
His heart a little lighter.
We're artists, Arthur.
We transform.
For what? A tux?
It's pointed, not like that.
A tux is pointed.
You don't usually use satin for blazers?
No, not for blazers.
Could you use another fabric?
Of course, you could use...
Another color?
Red, green, yellow, anything.
No problem.
I did a wedding that way.
It was lovely.
In the Resistance, we made "sizaines."
- How many?
- Sizaines.
Only five knew about you.
So if one got arrested...
Only six could be arrested.
They didn't know others.
One guy knew six.
Another, six. That's all.
That was the Resistance.
In the Maquis we knew everyone.
The Resistance and the Maquis
were separate.
Wasn't it in the Maquis
that you ran into an old friend?
That's because...
Only four of us survived!
I told you once.
One died in Ghambery...
Who, Fredo?
It was Maurice the Poet,
we called him.
He wrote poems in the camps.
I met him at Nexon
and later at Rivesaltes.
The four of us escaped together.
All the same age?
We were all about...
The same age, yes.
Just about.
Even the one who died
at Aix-les-Bains?
He was 16, yes.
The important thing
s they slaughtered him.
They slaughtered him.
Hi boys!
I made pie.
Superb, my pussycat!
I think it's overcooked.
She usually burns it...
This tart...
is a miracle!
What time is it Albert?
- It's 8:10, kiddo.
- Really?
- Wait!
- I'm late!
Whe are you running to?
The theater.
The theater.
Yeah, right!
We won't show the play
Slvain and Arthur went to
because with theater,
you're either there,
or you aren't.
The play: Kate of Heilbronn,"
by Kleist.
It tells of a Prince' s dreams,
a Princess jealousy,
and a bastard girl's kindness.
What's everyone else doing tonight?
Kate of Heilbronn
- She was on stage, Sylvan!
- I did't see her.
- You didn't see her smile at me?
- No.
You're pissing me off, Arthur!
- Believe me?
- No.
I'm sure she looked at me
and smiled.
I'm going.
Don't tell her Kate smiled.
Stand here, smile.
I'm going!
- I'm worldly.
- I'm intellectual.
- True.
- Isn't it?
Marie-Julie, this is Arthur.
- Hey.
- Hi.
What about me?
You'll p y Lady Macbeth.
- You'll play Lady Macbeth.
- Right!
On my mother's grave.
How is she?
Arthur and Sylvain go way back,
too far back,
Sylvain sometimes thinks.
Sylvain is a cynic
a savage who pretends
to like civilization,
and other things he calls lies.
He probably just likes the idea.
But that's enough to make him original
in Arthur's eyes.
Take Marie-Julie home?
I can drive you.
Chill out. Don't get excited.
They live nearby?
Tell me what you do.
Stop pestering me.
I'm waiting.
I take things in.
- What?
- I'm a tailor.
Next year, I'll work in haute couture.
There's a lot
men don't understand.
Any girl prefers a miserable man
to a success story,
because she wants love to be active.
Men are busy.
For them, love is secondary.
A little conversation,
a walk in the garden,
and that's all.
To me loving you means
dreaming up ways
to cure your anguish,
and following you anywhere.
If you're in heaven,
If you're down,
I'm down with you.
Was that in the show?
It's Sasha from "Ivanov."
Don't you know Chekhov?
It's a joy to see you work, Arthur.
If my father sees you,
he must be proud.
Aren't you happy it'll be yours?
You are happy, right?
I'm happy too.
I'm happy you're taking it.
What's wrong?
I love ou, Albert.
Don't say that.
Get back to work.
Be a good boy.
You know that Albert...
won't live much longer.
Afterwards, you can leave.
The new test results?
What's wrong?
Do you have a girlfriend?
Don't be silly!
What, then?
Think I'm impressed?
You're wrong.
Is that all?
It's a good start.
I've been warned...
Lovely flowers.
Why are we hiding?
My director,
I don't want to see him.
Is there a problem?
No cologne?
That's good.
Stop playing games.
I have to warn you too.
I torture boys by the thousands.
I'll Cry, you'll see.
Just wait.
The hotel "Wasn't a good idea.
No, that's not it.
l'm so glad I found ou.
I love you longing for me.
But I despise you for it too.
I'll never see the whole y0U.
I look at your right eye,
at your right eye,
at your nose,
at your mouth...
Then, with all these memories,
I reconstruct your face.
You have to imagine me to see me?
Do you want to imagine my legs?
There we were,
you and I,
in this deserted place.
I watched you,
dressed in black.
What's wrong?
I'm late.
In three days, I disappear.
I'm going on tour.
- I don't approve.
- Too bad!
- Will you be gone long?
- Yes.
I told you.
Not to get attached.
I'm backstage
reading a Cocteau play.
"I like truth,
but it doesn't like me."
Pretty, isn't it?
I miss you.
I gotta go, I'm on.
It's Arthur.
What are you doing here?
- A m I bothering you?
- No.
Sit down.
What is it?
I brought you some thing.
What is it?
It's beautiful.
Did you make it?
Marie-Julie was born April 19th, 1984.
She's always feared herself.
She's always feared herself.
At 15, at the suggestion
of her grandmother,
she stalled acting clashes
she started acting classes
Acting is a perfect fit for her.
She appreciates that,
during a performance
the present is made whole.
I see you!
What she loves and fears most
is the stage.
How does It look?
Very likable.
Because it puts her in a state
of great confusion.
Thanks mom. Thanks dad.
It's beautiful.
You'll be a great couturier, my son.
Marie-Julie, a word please?
Get ut.
First, learn to knock!
Get out until you do!
Leave my room!
- Your room?
- Out, yes!
Get out!
Get out of this dressing room!
Get the fuck out!
Give us a minute.
All done.
It's not my voice speaking.
You OK?
I think I'm going crazy.
I don't knowwho I am.
Calm down.
Try to talk about it.
I'm so scared.
What's happening to me?
Touch my heart.
Don't worry,
it's happened to me many times
Hold my hand.
I he perfect thing.
Here, drink up.
It's not working.
Please tell me stuff.
Wha stuff?
Doesn't matter, anything.
Close your eyes
Close your eyes.
Listen to my voice.
Not long ago,
I told myself what I was doing
was a rough sketch of the future,
not my real life.
my life is fo real.
It's my real life.
It's like my life writes itself.
It's not like I imagined.
Not long ago,
I meat a girl
with an undefinable sadness.
And now I don't feel so alone.
I think I love him.
Is what you have catching?
It's my extrasystoles.
What are extetrasystoles?
it is serious?
Not according to them.
Who's them?
Why won't it stop?
Should I call a doctor?
No, I'll just lie down.
Pass me the drops.
Here, drink.
The dress I made you is a copy.
I'm nothing but a fraud.
Would you like me
an actress?
I don't know.
I'm stopping then.
Still like me?
Yes, I do.
I like you.
Kiss me.
What do you want
with a stupid little tailor?
You have to save me.
Tell me how.
Quit your job, then I'll show you.
OK, just a second.
It's done.
I've quit.
You're less gloomy,
less serious.
Now I want us to rest.
Do you want to come?
I want to go to London.
It's too expensive.
Don't worry, I'll pay.
I didn't tell you but I'm rich.
But for how many generations?
At least seven.
OK then, let's go to London
I've never been!
Nothing beats
A full moon in Maubeuge...
Don't forget to clip the seam
or it won't open.
Working hard?
I'll be right back.
What are you doing?
- You'll miss the finale!
- Shut up.
You'll look after me?
Your ticket.
Don't you want to go?
Promise you'll try.
I'll try, I promise.
Be at the theater at 11.
The train leaves at midnight.
Be on time.
You know I'll die
if you're not there.
Your boss is just as I'd imagined.
Is he communist?
Don't you think he's scary?
Your girlfriend seems a little nutty.
She's not sad, why?
I didn't say she was sad,
I said she was nutty
You pricked yourself.
Part of the trade.
I'm not so hot, Arthur.
I want to see Claire.
Claire is fat.
Claire is ugly and stupid.
How are things with Lolita?
Lolita goes out...
Comes in...
Doesn't come in,
- or go out, actually.
- Of what?
My life!
She passes right by me.
She's nice.
I'm all washed-up.
You want to leave?
You know you never will,
don't you?
I know.
But I'll try.
What's the world made of?
I don't know.
Forgive me,
for today I abandon you.
I use this leaden word on purpose.
Considering what I'm leaving behind,
this letter deserves gravity.
Better too much than not enough.
You chose me, Albert.
Just as I chose you.
When I meet you,
I was suffocating to the point
of wondering if life was real
Then I met you.
You, a real man,
who weathered the greatest storms,
and stood fast
in the face of horrors,
and, most of all,
loving life.
Believing one day this veil will lift,
you awake each morning
hoping it has.
I must admit,
you gave me a faith
I never thought possible
but hoped for
with all my might.
What is it, Arthur?
-Something wrong?
- Nothings wrong.
- Coming to the party?
- Yes, I'll meet you there.
You look beautiful.
Thank you.
-Want a drink?
- No, thanks.
A ginger ale?
A glass of ginger ale?
You don't look good.
I had a fight with my girlfriend.
-The one I saw this afternoon?
- Yes.
That sweet thing?
Where'd you meet?
I saw the play she was in.
She's an actress?
What did you fight about?
She wanted me to go
on tour with her.
She found me a job.
- What!
- Costume designer.
- And?
- I told her it was impossible.
Of course it's impossible!
You know that.
I really like her, Albert.
What do I care?
She might need me.
So, she needs you.
I need you too.
We both need you.
I thought we could find a solution
What solution?
What kind of solution?
A money solution?
You want money?
Is that it?
Iwas counting on you
to run the workshop.
If you leave, I'm screwed.
I know, Albert.
If yo know, why ask?
Why did you come?
I don't want the workshop.
It's not my life.
I'm a fuck-up.
I'm nobody.
I'm a fuck-up too.
Dummy, you little shit.
A fuck-up"? What's that mean?
Get out, then.
What can I say?
You think you're a fuck-up?
You think so?
Then get out.
Get in.
I can't hear you.
I'd like
my psycho fianceeH
to get in my car.
I don't give a damn.
I've seen it all.
You can go, it's all the same.
Why did you hide your illness?
- Who cares?
- Don't you think I do?
Why didn't you tell me, Albert?
Who am I without you?
Who am I?
Whfr didn't you tell me!
My life and death belong to me,
not you.
It's not about you,
its my death!
My death belongs to me.
What am I going to do with my life!
If you're gonna talk nonsense, get out.
I've had it.
Get out!
Out of my sight!
-Why are you here
- Where is she?
- Kiss me.
-I don't have time.
I'll tell you where she is.
I'll never make it.
Will you forgive me?
I'll forgive you.
Because I'm cazy about you.
If I make the lashes dark
And the eyes more bright
And the lips more scarlet
Or ask if all be right
From mirror to mirror,
No vanity's displayed
I'm looking for the face I had
Before the world was made.
What if I look upon a man
As though on my beloved
And my blood be cold the while
And my heart unmoved?
Why should he think me cruel
Or that he is betrayed?
I'd have him love the thing that was
Before the world was made.
Little schmuck!
I brought flowers.
It's not me
you should bring flowes to!