Phairii phinaat paa mawrana (Vengeance) (2006)

We're near the exit.
We'll survive.
Kamkong! Come back here!
Get Naso out of here.
Then come back and pick me up.
I'm not going!
I'll stay with my dad. Dad!
Get off me! Get off me!
I'll go and help my Dad. Get off me!
Stay here!
Dad! Dad!
- Go! Run!
- Get off me! Dad!
Dad! Dad!
Get off me!
Why did you kill him?
I didn't do it.
I didn't kill your father.
That's my stuff.
If you want to end up like him,
go ahead and help him, then.
Who's there?
It's me.
What's up?
Well, I came for the rent.
You're behind several months.
Only a few months.
Once I get the money,
I'll pay you what I owe.
Fine. It's fine with me.
lm just warning you.
Shit! Run!
He's outside!
Don't come in here!
He shot at us first!
- Don't cry, honey.
- Dad!
Shh... I'm here.
Don't hurt my dad. Please!
I'm begging you!
Don't hurt my dad.
I'm begging you!
Hey, girl! No one will shoot him.
I promise.
Dad! Dad!
That rookie cop!
We were almost dismissed, weren't we?
Damn! You're foul-mouthed!
What? I'm telling the truth.
Hey! Are you free now?
Go block those people.
I guess they came from the market.
Yes, sir.
Would you die
if you couldn't drink? Huh?
Chet, call an ambulance.
Yes, sir.
Call an ambulance.
Where are the rest of the jail breakers?
Hey! Are you deaf?
Don't you hear me?
Answer the question, man.
Please don't make us hurt you.
I was separated from them.
It's true. I missed my daughter.
I missed my wife.
Bastard! How dare you talk like this!
Your daughter was here,
you shot me?
Hey! Come on!
So, where will the rest of them go?
I... I heard them say
that they'll escape through
the Payamek Mountains
and cross the border into Myanmar
until the heat dies down.
They might pass that temple, sir.
Are you willing to go
on a journey, Father?
Until all of my sins are paid for.
Are you going into that jungle?
Are you crazy, Kratae?
Nobody would go in there.
Father prohibited it.
Is it true?
Can you tell me about
the Kinnorn creature, please?
I want to hear about it.
Hey, Kratae!
Don't bother Father.
If you want to tell me something,
tell me about the fruit tree maiden.
How are you?
Why have you come so far?
We're here on official business, Father,
so we dropped in to pay our respects.
- Chet!
- Yes, sir.
Four or five days ago,
some prisoners broke out of jail.
We heard they came this way.
They're very dangerous.
They're thieves and murderers,
as well as drug dealers.
If necessary,
we would kill them to stop them.
Take it easy, son.
I live in the temple.
I haven't seen these criminals.
You'd better ask the villagers.
You may get something from them.
Yes, Father.
Well, oldie.
Take them to the chief of the village.
Yes. Let's go.
So, we'll...
It's getting dark now.
Stay here tonight.
Replenish your strength.
Yes, Father.
How are you, new cop?
I'm fine.
Don't work too hard.
You should have some rest.
You should relax sometimes.
Our ego always
brings us difficulties.
It's not my ego...
It's my past,
that's why I'm like this.
You know them, don't you?
Whoever they are.
If they do wrong, I won't let them go.
If you have nothing else, I'll go now.
A bit late for a bath, isn't it?
Hey, Chet!
God! It's you!
You scared me.
I thought you were a ghost.
You have to wait for your bosses
to bathe first, right?
Yeah, it's all about rank, sir.
Well, sir...
Did Captain Wut have
any problems with Father?
Why do you want to know?
Just wondering.
Have those people slept yet?
They were all asleep
when I went for a bath.
I beg you, please.
Please leave my wife and I alive.
Twenty years ago,
there was a big group of thieves
who cruelly robbed
the villagers and merchants
traveling around
the Payamek Mountains.
These thieves were so confident
of their black magic
that they dared to enter the magic jungle
to search for an ancient treasure
which was believed
to have been protected
by a mysterious hill tribe.
It is a carved stone,
the size of your palm.
It would give its holder magic powers.
But it turns out that
they all disappeared in the jungle.
It's said that those
not killed by wild animals
became greedy
and murdered each other.
The police arrested him
when he came back
to see his family.
Now, that robber became the monk
whom you and I
paid our respects to this afternoon.
Kratae is an eager girl.
Something must be
with the one who knows its value.
Keep this one for Captain Wut.
It'll come in handy
when the time comes.
Please take care of my son, oldie.
A hunter like you
must not be careless.
You earn your life in the jungle,
so you must be aware of it
and respect it.
There are millions
of dangerous things in there.
While he was in jail,
all he talked about
was the magic in the jungle.
When his family visited him,
he only talked nonsense.
Captain Wut was...
only four or five years old back then.
Finally, his mother
couldn't take it anymore.
She committed suicide.
He's so pathetic, isn't he?
Captain Wut moved in
with his relatives in Bangkok.
When he graduated
from the academy, he came here.
If I were him...
I would have asked
to be somewhere else.
His boss may have thought
he was a local.
Let me ask you...
how do you know so much about this, sir?
The cop that arrested his father...
was me.
What are you doing, Father?
You think you can
escape from me, huh?
Are you thinking of taking
the treasure in the jungle?
It only brings chaos and mayhem!
It's cursed.
When you saw that damn light,
you scrambled
to take that stuff, didn't you?
Here's the evidence.
You think you can trick me?
I'll go away from here
so you won't sin anymore.
What about what you've done to my dad?
It was all fate.
Leeso has committed many sins.
But you still have time.
You should stop sinning now.
Fate or karma,
it's too late for me now.
Hey! Keep them away.
Hunter! Hunter!
Father... is in the temple.
The villagers saw the criminals
escaping behind the temple
and heading towards
the Payamek Mountains.
Sir... I'll lead you, sir.
You're wounded. You can't go on.
I can, sir.
I told you not to go.
Believe him, please.
It's all right.
I'll ask a Karen hunter to lead us.
Let's go.
Hey! Get up! Go!
Come on!
I can't make it!
Give me a break. I'm so tired.
- Hey! Get up!
- I'm so tired.
No! We must go!
Damn you!
We ran the whole night. I'm so tired.
Let's have a rest, please.
Who do you mean?
I mean you!
Brother! Are you all right?
Yes, sir.
Shit! You go first.
Come on! Hold me.
Hey! You're a diehard, man.
Hey, where's the captain?
This way, sir. This way.
What's wrong with you?
If I got shot like this,
I would have gone to the hospital
to let a beautiful nurse
take care of me, for sure.
You want to try? Huh?
I'll shoot you now.
Hey! Shit! No!
I don't want to get hurt.
Sir! This way, sir. This way.
Hey, Naso! Let's take a rest.
Naso, I'll get you some water.
Go with him
and don't let him escape.
Go with him!
You all right?
I'm talking to you!
Sir... please, don't follow them.
What do you think, sir?
Let's follow them, hunter.
Don't waste any time.
Well, if that's what you want,
I can't help you anymore.
No one would dare go
into that damn jungle, sir.
Don't be an idiot.
There's nothing in that jungle.
I beg you, please, sir.
I'd rather be imprisoned than go into it.
Without him, we'll get lost for sure.
What would you like me to do,
let those criminals escape?
But this jungle, everyone's scared.
Even Father...
I don't care about the bullshit legend.
We should stay here for a while,
shouldn't we?
Who's leading this team, you or me?
No matter what happens,
I'm bringing back those bastards.
You, go home.
Hey! Chet! Chet!
Damn it!
Goddamn it!
You let the police go inside that jungle?
What are you doing?
I'm going to help them.
But that's the forbidden jungle.
Anybody who enters
won't ever come out.
Father said we can't go in there.
Father asked me to do something.
What's that?
What's that bug?
Let's go!
Tiger wasps! Damn! Get up!
- Run!
- Get up!
Leave him, boss.
Come on!
Sir, Chet looks really bad.
Let's take a rest, shouldn't we?
Hey! Be patient, brother.
- Vee!
- Yes, sir.
Take care of him, please.
Certainly, sir.
Hey, brother.
It hurts so damn much.
Hey, let's clean the wound.
Hey! Don't stand like that.
Come and help me.
Nanmueng! Nanmueng!
We're taking the right path.
Just pass the fruit tree maidens
and we're there.
Hey! Did you hear a woman's voice?
I'm sure I heard it.
Akong, you heard it too, right?
Hey, let's stay here tonight.
If you can't stay in control,
you'll end up dead for sure.
We have to get out of here before sunset.
We'll stay in this cave tonight.
Hey, what's up out there?
Vee, you feel anything?
The pathway looks strange.
How strange? I don't feel anything.
You think too much, huh?
Hey! You're drinking too much.
Sir, don't yell at me!
If you want to drink, just tell me.
My stuff is very strong.
Chet is getting worse, sir.
If we let them go,
they'll cross the Payamek Mountains into Myanmar.
If your father is a robber,
a cold-blooded murderer
who could even kill his best friend,
and you're a cop,
what are you going to do?
My boss didn't send me here.
I requested it myself.
I'm sorry, sir.
Sir! Sir!
Who's there?
Sir, it's me.
Sergeant Vee!
Why is he like this?
He was sucked
by the fruit tree maiden, sir.
Fruit tree maiden?
The ones that chased Muek last night.
What a bullshit story!
- It's right here!
- Shut up!
Kratae, your mouth will get us in trouble.
Can't you keep your mouth shut?
No more words, huh?
You should go say you're sorry...
Hey! What's up?
What's next, sir?
This jungle is dangerous.
But if we go back,
we'll lose everything.
Sir! Sir!
Put down the guns.
Put them down!
Who are you?
We are policemen.
We're here to catch the prisoners.
The guys who built a fire last night?
You saw them, right?
We saw a bonfire, just put out,
not far from here.
I'm Wut. What's your name?
- My sister's name is Si-on.
- Kampang!
What's up?
I just have my doubts.
Be careful, Kampang.
There's a fierce animal following us.
They stayed here last night.
Just under our nose?
The bonfire is still warm,
so they might not have gone far.
Well... their footprints
are lost in the jungle.
- But I think...
- I'll lead you.
I know this jungle well.
But now, we must get out of here.
Are you okay?
Yes, sir.
Muek, bury Vee's corpse.
We will keep going.
Put down your guns.
I told you to put the gun down!
I should be the one giving orders.
Will you put your guns down?
Throw it here.
Hey, what's next?
Kill them all.
But I want her.
Suit yourself.
You old dog!
- Kratae, help me.
- Come here.
- Get off me!
- Come here!
- Get off me!
- Don't!
Son of a bitch!
Will you fight me?
- Go!
- Go! Go!
- This way!
- Grandpa!
- Grandpa!
- Go!
Look out!
What should we do?
There's too many of them.
Kill them all.
What should we do?
If you ask me again, I'll kick you.
Let's have a rest.
Thanks for your help.
You can't follow him.
We'd better stay here.
You're lucky you only got
a little bit of the poison.
If you got the Silver Scale's poison
and didn't find the antidote in time,
you'd be dead for sure.
Silver Scale!
That giant serpent.
It's said to be a demon.
But thank you, anyway.
Without you, we'd be in trouble.
Do you trust those two women?
Shut up or I'll kick you.
You've never heard about
the Karen's tale,
the mysterious people
who hide themselves in the jungle?
I don't care
about such a bullshit story,
but I know that
if you don't shut up...
Why? I've shot a lot of people too.
Not just you.
He's killed a monk already.
What did you say?
Don't, sir!
What did you say?
Don't, sir!
We're policemen.
I shouldn't have been so stubborn.
Everyone might have lived.
No. It's our duty.
It's not personal, is it, sir?
I'll take everybody out of here.
Your name is Si-on, right?
Yeah, her name is Si-on.
If your sister is Si-on,
then you're Si-kem.
- Son of a bitch! Damn!
- Bitch!
Enough, Kampang, enough.
Calm down!
Bitch! Don't let me go.
Calm down! Calm down!
Who are you?
I asked you who you are.
We are wanderers.
We look for herbs in the forest.
You know this jungle is cursed.
Only demons can wander around.
Hey! They're coming to help us.
Shouldn't you try to trust someone else?
No! I won't trust anyone.
Stop being so pessimistic!
You see, they're humans just like us.
Kampang, enough. Calm down!
How are you?
I have to find more herbs.
They don't help for very long.
Just so you can go to my village.
Where is it?
At a water source over there.
You don't know it.
I'll go with my sister.
Let's go, Kampang.
If they don't help,
who else will do it?
They're foresters,
so they must know about herbs.
So why did you doubt them?
Herbs? I know about them too.
Here they are!
Sir! Sir!
It'll come in handy
when the time comes.
We don't have to help
all of them, Si-on.
This is enough.
You don't want to carry them, do you?
Leave the injured man
and take the good one instead.
Between the injured man and the bad man,
which one will you take?
Well... I'll take the bad man
'cause he can walk
while the injured man can't.
Oh my God!
But if I were you,
I'd help only one person.
Which one?
The one who asked your name.
Hurry up! It's getting dark.
Taking so many of them to the village
will make Grandma happy.
Listen carefully.
No matter what happens,
you must take those guys
to the village.
There's no more time! Go!
Got you!
Help me!
Help me!
I'm cold.
The Silver Scale bit me.
Chew it well...
and apply it to the wound.
You're okay, right?
I'm fine.
You're holding me too tight.
I'm sorry.
You didn't do anything wrong.
You like it? Firefly.
Someone once said
that it's the spirit of a lover
waiting to be reunited.
What's this?
It's the symbol of my village.
It's the promise that I must protect
The Time Travel Coin
as long as I live.
The Time Travel Coin?
You don't understand.
The Time Travel Coin controls time.
Nobody can fight it.
Someone has stolen it from my village.
Since then...
Now it's getting close to dawn.
Let's get going.
Are you okay, Grandpa?
Sir! Sir!
God bless you.
If something bad
happened to you, I would die.
That bad, huh?
Yeah! Of course.
I've committed myself to Father.
Thanks. But I'm fine, okay?
Hey! What's up now?
Who pissed you off?
You promised me.
This way, Grandpa.
You're all right?
You're so thick-skinned.
Don't, sir!
I've got a lot of shit
to clear up with you.
Kampang, I won't take
those guys to the village.
- Why?
- Quiet!
Someone might hear us.
I'll take them to the jungles edge.
But... it's nearly full moon.
If we don't take them
to the village...
What if Grandma finds out?
Who is it?
What's up?
Kampang said that
you've traveled very far.
Yeah. We came from town
to catch the criminals.
So, go take a bath and rest.
Tonight, we'll arrange dinner for you.
Don't worry. We won't stay long.
It's all right, isn't it, Grandma?
Si-on, take care of them please.
- Go!
- Hey!
Don't push me that hard.
What kind of a cop are you?
Sit down!
What the hell are you looking at?
You too, what the hell?
You don't shut up, huh?
Shoot me!
You failed, boy.
You failed.
Shit! It's mine.
Father's coin, sir.
You have heard about the legend
of the Karen's magic coin, haven't you?
Father used to tell me about it.
Do you believe it?
Well, hunter!
What's this for?
I don't know, sir.
Kratae may know, though.
Hey, where's Kratae?
Don't you see her?
Clear these bodies.
Grandma, I feel that Si-on has changed.
Maybe she and that guy...
Nonsense! Si-on knows well enough
those people made us like this.
I know that you love her,
but if the time comes
and she betrays you for that guy,
you'll know how to cope, right?
But now, take these bodies away.
I've got something for you to handle.
Hi, baby!
Kratae's book.
What book?
That one.
Father gave it to her.
It's really special to her.
Not now, hunter.
They're doing the ceremony.
You must come with me!
Back of the forest.
What's the matter?
You guys must leave here now!
To where? I don't understand.
Do you remember the story I told you?
After the Time Travel Coin
was taken from the village...
our people were cursed.
Animals became abnormal...
and every full moon...
I will change.
Change what? How will it be?
If you help me,
I'll give you something.
Hey! Look at that!
Cut it, quick!
Shoot its heart.
- Si-on!
- Die!
Bitch! Where're you going?
Father's coin, sir.
At the middle of the village,
there's a mark for the coin.
Whoever turns it anticlockwise
will be able to travel
to any time in history.
I'll get you out of here.
They make sure
no one can travel in time.
If the coin is used,
they'll be destroyed.
Come on! Come to me!
The Time Travel Coin!
I'll go back and undo all this madness.
It's useless.
No one can change things
that have already happened.
Go! And leave the coin here.
It has to be changed!
You still remember that firefly, don't you?
- Dad!
- Go!
He'll come back to help me!
Who are you?
Give it back!
Is this yours?
This damned coin ruined my life.
Did you know it killed everyone?
What the hell are you talking about?
I don't understand.
Dad. I'm sorry!
Dad! Dad!
- Run! Run!
- Dad! Get off me!
Dad! Dad!
- Get off me!
- Run!
Get off me! Get off me!
If your father is a robber,
a cold-blooded murderer
who would kill even his best friend,
and you're a cop,
what would you do?
It's not ego, Father.
It's the past that made me like this.