Phantasm II (1988)

Eight years ago, my visions began.
Terrifying fantasies of things to come.
Through them, I found you, Mike.
And your friend Reggie.
First he took Mom and Dad.
Then he took Jody.
Now, he's after me.
Mike, that Tall Man of yours
did not take Jody away.
Jody died in a car wreck.
Hey, you had a dream.
Just a nightmare.
It seemed so real.
You know, partner,
what we need is a change of scenery.
Where will we go?
Well, I don't know. I guess we can
figure that one out when we get there.
Well, get on upstairs,
get your gear together.
Cos we leave when the sun comes up.
But I also found him...
The Tall Man.
Burn, you son of a bitch.
Stay down. It's OK.
I don't know where
he comes from.
Maybe another dimension?
His army of creatures.
He destroys towns and plunders
their graveyards to enslave the dead.
Each day, I can feel him coming closer.
He knows I see him.
And we've both seen what he can do.
Mike and I have grown up together.
I know you're out there.
Soon, my grandfather will die
and my visions will become real.
I need you, Mike.
Help me.
Well, I guess you could say I just...
really went over the deep end.
I got to the point where
I couldn't distinguish fantasy from reality.
That's good, keep it up.
And I don't blame Reg any more.
I mean, what could he do?
The dreams had really taken hold of me.
Just tell him what he wants to hear.
Besides, since I lost my family,
Reg is really the only person I've got.
- He's stood by me.
- I've got to get out of here. She needs me.
I'm looking forward to just moving back in
with him and getting on with my life.
There's a lot of things I want to do.
It's been a tough seven years.
But you've come a long way.
Be well, Michael, and remember,
it was all in your imagination.
Like the fuck it was.
I was afraid I'd find you here.
Come on, Mike, get up outta there.
This whole place is empty.
- So, come on, let's go home.
- Look at this, goddamn it!
That's the third one I dug up.
Doesn't it strike you as strange that
every corpse in this graveyard is missing?
What do you want, Mike?
I want to stop them.
The Tall Man - that story
about me blowing up my house
because it was infested with midgets?
Mike, that wasn't real.
Your doctors said
it was a paranoid delusion.
Fuck the doctors
and fuck you if you won't help.
Goddamn it, Mike, I've tried to help you.
What the hell am I supposed to do?
He's showing me things.
I think he wants me to come to him.
- Why you?
- I'm not the only one, there's others.
There's a girl.
She's drawn to him too.
But I'm telling you, man,
without our help, she's gonna die.
He's gotta be stopped and I'm going
after him. I know I can find him.
But to kill him,
I'm going to need your help.
Shit, Mike. If they catch you
digging up graves,
they'll put you away forever.
Come on back to the house.
Come on, man, we can talk it out there.
Dinner's waiting for you.
Aunt Martha came down
and Celeste baked a turkey.
And you know, little Bonnie,
she can't wait to meet her Uncle Mike.
She's been talking about it all day.
She's really high on something.
Welcome home, boy.
Reg! We've got to get the people
out of your house! The gas is gonna blow!
- No! No!
- Reg!
Get them out,
we've got to get them out! Come on!
No, no, no, no!
No! Got to get them out!
You knew before it happened.
I'm so sorry, Reg.
Let's go, Mike.
We've got things to do.
Mike didn't need
to ask me any more.
I enlisted for the duration.
He said it might take us years to find the
Tall Man and if we did, we'd probably die.
Well, maybe.
But not without a fight.
Let's go shopping.
Reg, long guns are no good.
If it's gonna work...
it's gotta work at close range.
There's no use
trying to tell anybody.
They'd lock us up and throw away the key.
We'd spent a long time on the road,
northwest mostly.
It wasn't hard to pick up his trail,
the places he'd been
always looked the same.
Small towns are like people.
Some get old and die a natural death.
Some are murdered.
We have to be careful.
Cos sometimes, he sets traps for us.
Too damned late.
Let's get the tools and scope it out.
- I'll check it out.
- All right. I'll go this way.
Down here, Mike.
Hey, Mike, he left one.
Who are you?
Where can we find him?
Oh, my God.
Liz, what has he done to you?
This is the one I was telling you about,
the girl in my...
You play a good game, boy.
Come east if you dare.
Get the fuck back!
It wasn't the first time the Tall Man
had left one of his calling cards.
That one was the worst, so far.
He must know we're on his trail
because that hunchback apparition
looked just like the girl in Mike's head.
We're moving east,
toward the state line.
There's one more town - Perigord.
I buried my grandchild
and both of my children.
And my husband.
It's so hard to live past
the ones you love.
Hey, Grandma.
You've still got me and Jeri, OK?
I don't see much of Jeri,
but how are you?
- Are you still having those nightmares?
- Er, no. No, not any more.
Oh, I can't!
You've got to be strong, Grandma.
You know Grandpa
would've wanted it that way.
I'll try.
In the name of the Father
and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I know how hard it is for you.
But remember, he's left a life of pain
and trouble and he's gone to God.
He's at rest now.
The last train leaves at 6:00.
I've got to be on it.
Damn it, Jeri,
I need you to be here, with us.
- Just one more day.
- I have to get back to Bruce and Stevie.
I've got to get going now -
it's 20 miles back to the station.
- Besides, Grandma's a tough cookie.
- Thanks, Jeri.
I'm sorry, hon, I really do have to go.
Look, if there's any problem, just call.
Take care.
Damn, it's not a dream.
Mike, where are you?
Reg, she's in danger.
- Who?
- The girl.
You said that six months ago.
Yeah, well, this time, I'm certain.
We're close to her and the Tall Man.
Come on, let's go.
Jeez, we've slept half the day away.
- You say she's here, you say she's there...
- She's everywhere.
Well, maybe so, but I'm not so sure
she's not just a wet dream.
Listen, Reg, we're close.
And soon, I'm gonna find her, and him.
All right, then.
My darling, I love you so much.
I'll miss you.
Miss you.
Forgive me, Lord.
I must end this sacrilege.
I can't close my eyes
to the things I've seen.
It must be stopped.
- You!
- The graveside service is about to begin.
Blessed Mother.
It's just a tree limb.
Damn this wind!
- Finally up, huh?
- Yeah.
- I had this dream about this girl...
- Hi.
Oh, sorry to startle you, pal.
I picked her up about 50 miles back.
Mike, this is Alchemy.
Chemy for short.
It's nice to meet you, Mike.
Hey, Reg, can you pull over?
I gotta take a leak.
Reg, this girl's in my dreams,
except when she's in them, she's dead.
I think, for her sake,
she shouldn't get involved with us.
- Your dreams always come true?
- Not exactly but pretty damned close.
Shit, Mike. Have you looked at her?
You know, we've been out here a long time.
Besides, it gets hard on the road.
Reg, you're thinking with your wrong head.
This girl, she's in danger.
So, she's in danger,
with us or without us.
At least with us,
we can protect her, isn't that logical?
Yeah, in a horny sort of way,
I suppose it is.
Works for me.
- So, Chemy, where are you headed?
- To my home town, Perigord.
- It's about 20 miles down the interstate.
- Perigord, here we come.
If you want her, come.
Looks like a ghost town.
Things sure have changed since I left.
Oh, yeah? How long's that been?
I don't know, it must be ten years now.
We're gonna have to find
a place to hole up.
My uncle owns a bed and breakfast
on the other side of town.
You guys have been really nice to me
and I'm sure he'd give you a room.
That'd be great.
I've got them both.
Not my grandma.
Jesus. What the hell...?
I'm gonna go take a look around, OK?
Maybe we can get in a window.
- See it?
- Yeah.
Trapped, too scared to come out.
Nothing to do but watch and wait.
Damn! I can't believe
they just abandoned the place.
And I don't have a clue
as to how the hell we're gonna get in here.
Allow me.
We've been tracking this guy
a long time now.
And we're getting close.
Believe it or not,
you're gonna sleep safely tonight.
As long as I don't sleepwalk, right?
Well, just stay in bed.
We'll be back before dawn.
Will you wake me when you get back?
I've seen them before, in my dreams.
They're the ones
that exhume the bodies for him.
Looks like just one.
- Yeah. I'll circle around and make sure.
- All right.
They have no need of your services.
Who are you
to question the word of God's servants?
You think that when you die,
you go to heaven.
You come to us.
For God's sake girl!
What are you doing here?
I've got to find my grandmother.
Your grandmother's gone.
He's taken them all.
- He's harvesting the entire town.
- What?
Your grandmother, your grandfather.
We've got to warn people!
What's that sound? You stay here.
Hello again.
And goodbye.
Oh, my God. Grandma.
I'm sorry, Grandma.
What the hell's going on here?
Er... Reg. This is Elizabeth.
- I'll get the car.
- OK.
So, tell me what happened.
Well, the priest saved my life.
Just a few minutes later,
I saw him get sliced and diced by some...
- flying Cuisinart.
- So, you've seen it? His sphere?
She's seen it, Reg. I told you,
I had a funny feeling about this place.
They took my grandma
and turned her into some kind of...
We've seen it before.
He crushes them down and...
ships them off to God knows where.
He got Mike's brother.
He got my whole family.
I don't think
we oughta wait around this place,
just waiting for him to come and get us.
You're right.
But I think we've only got
a couple more hours till daybreak.
The traps on the door should keep us safe.
I'll tell you what,
why don't we just get some shuteye?
And then we'll just bang outta here
in the morning.
Yeah, I could use some sleep.
Come on, I'll watch over you.
And I'll watch over you.
I love you.
Her lips aren't moving.
- We're dreaming.
- Wow!
This is great!
We're different, Mike.
That's why he wants us.
We're the only ones
who can see what he's doing.
I prayed so hard that you would find me.
And you did.
I love you.
God, Reg, I love your head.
What the hell was that?
The grenade went off.
Forget it, Mike. There's nobody out there.
Looks like Chemy's uncle had a cat
or a dog, or something - I can't tell.
Reg, who are we kidding?
I'm a 19-year-old kid, you're a bald,
middle-aged ex-ice-cream vendor.
Thanks, Mike.
We can't kill him alone. There's no way.
How about our families?
Are we just gonna forget about them?
We're never gonna forget about them.
But, Reg, come on, we've got people
who are alive who are depending on us.
Come on!
I'll get the gear.
Reg! Wait, wait. Let me go with you, OK?
No way. Take Liz's car and drive south.
Now, go.
What's gonna happen to you?
How are you gonna find me?
I'll find you...
if I'm able.
What's that supposed to mean,
if you're able?
- All right, load up.
- You got it.
Well, shoot the fucker!
Ah, shit!
- Goddamn...
- Reg!
- Hey, hey.
- The seat belt's jammed. Give me a knife.
Oh, great.
Just give me the knife.
There's no sense in both of us frying.
- No way, pal.
- Come on.
I'm not leaving you now.
Damn it!
- I'm free, I'm clear.
- Come on, let's go!
Come on.
Let's go kick some ass.
Hydrochloric acid.
Let's see him try to reanimate anybody
that's embalmed with this shit.
Hey, Reg, come here.
What does that look like to you?
It's round and it's got a couple of slits
like one of those... brain suckers.
It's a keyhole.
This must be a doorway to his worid.
We gotta catch one of those things
so we can get in here.
Yeah, sure, Mike. You catch one.
Come on. We gotta find Liz.
All right, I'll take the north wing,
you take the south.
I'll meet you back here in 15 minutes.
Come on, let's go!
Come on, you mother!
I think it stopped it.
Shit, I hope so.
Don't move, be still.
The metal should hold it.
I'll get the other door.
Come on, Mike, let's go, OK?
Come on.
- Are you OK?
- Yeah.
Come on.
God damn it.
Damn it.
Here, hold this.
- What the hell do you want with that?
- Don't worry.
- Be careful.
- Don't worry!
I'm hoping, as long as
it's embedded in flesh, it's safe.
- Hey!
- Oh!
Where's the rest of the guy?
I'll tell you later.
Here, I'll trade you.
Come on.
Right, let me have it.
All right, here goes.
Let me show you something.
Come on.
Let's torch this place
and get the hell outta here.
Mike, Mike!
Oh, God, oh!
Suck on this.
Come on, get the hell outta here.
- Chemy?
- Come on, get in. Let's go.
Come on!
Come on, get it, it's Chemy.
Whoo! Ya-hoo!
We nailed that son of a bitch!
Hey, wait. Mike, check out that coffin and
make sure that whatever is in there is dead.
- Empty!
- That's the way I like 'em.
Hey, babe, you know, you could've run...
but thanks for sticking with us.
You know, I've been thinking about us...
Reg! Reg!
Reg! Reg!
Listen to me. This is not happening.
We're gonna wake up, it's a dream.
It's only a dream.
No, it's not.