Phantom, The (1996)

It all began a very long time ago,
when a merchant ship was set upon
by pirates of the Sengh Brotherhood.
A small boy watched helplessly as
his father was killed by the pirate leader,
the Evil Kabai Sengh.
Hejumped overboard
and was washed ashore
on a mysteriousjungle island
called Bengalla.
It seemed like a case of
"out of the frying pan and into the ire",
but the Touganda tribesmen
meant the boy no harm.
They scooped him up
and carried him to their village.
And that night, in an ancient
ceremony of ire and drums,
the tribal shaman presented the boy
wlth a ring of great significance.
The boy understood that he was
destined to avenge his father's death
by fighting piracy, greed and cruelty
in all their forms.
When he grew to be a man,
he became the Phantom.
- Damn worthless map!
- You drive, I'll navigate.
- The map is all wrong.
- The map is good, Quill.
Remember its source.
It can't be wrong.
Then why does it show a bridge back
there? We never crossed any bridge.
- What's he saying, Morgan?
- 'urn around. "
- We'd better turn around.
- Not a chance!
Maybe this little quitter
needs a lesson in positive thinking.
Quill, now I get it.
Turn the map around.
- It's upside-down, you big moron!
- You big moron!
If the map is upside-down,
there ought to be a bridge up ahead.
All I see is more jungle.
Oh, shit!
Hey, Quill! No sudden stops.
What's the big idea?
Hey, take a look at that.
- What do you think?.
- I don't know.
It looks like it'll hold,
but then again...
Breen? Styles?
- I'd hate to bet my life on it, Quill.
- Same here.
We'll go over on foot.
All except one.
He'll stay back
and drive the truck across.
Yeah, but which one?
- I knew that bridge was safe.
- Come on, kid.
Almost there.
The brake, use the brake!
OK, back in the truck.
Well, it's on foot from here.
OK, Zak, take a look. Which way?.
- What's his problem now?.
- He says we can't go on.
- These woods are protected.
- Oh, yeah? Protected by who?
By a ghost.
'he Ghost Who Walks".
I wouldn't worry about that.
- He's not taking us beyond this point.
- Shoot him.
No! We may need him.
To drive the truck back
across the bridge!
Tie him up and leave him here.
We can find our own way.
This is it! We're there!
Everybody look around.
Well, you look like an important fella.
Hey, Quill! Up here!
- Got it!
- Mr Drax is going to be very happy.
- What's so important about that thing?
- I don't know.
I don't like to ask Drax questions.
His answers scare me.
- What the hell happened?
- He's dead.
The damn thing came alive
and choked him to death.
- It's not possible!
- Tell Styles.
- Let's get out of here.
- What about all the other stuff?
- There's a lot of valuable junk in here.
- Take it all. Nobody's going to miss it.
Now what?
- Drums.
- I know that! What does it mean?
It don't mean nothing.
But hurry up, just the same.
Devil, somebody needs us.
This place is really
giving me the creeps.
What the hell is that?
Shoot him!
- Oh, shit!
- Run!
Watch him, Devil.
If he moves, eat him.
- What about Breen?
- Tough luck. Forget him!
- Who was that guy?.
- Somebody I already killed.
- What?
- You heard me! I killed him years ago.
Guess what? He's back!
At least he's behind us.
Did I get him?
I don't see him.
You must have hit him.
So long, pal!
Keep the truck!
- Ghost Who Walks!
- Oh, yeah.
It's OK, now.
Hold on. It'll be all right.
Put them in the guardhouse.
- What have you got here? Poachers?
- Looters, Captain.
Captain, you've got a problem.
You've got a thing out there.
A big, strange-looking thing on a horse.
- With a wolf!
- Get him out of here.
He's been chewing
on the wrong kind of jungle growth.
You know what he's talking about.
We both do.
Not now, Weeks. I'm not in the mood.
'he Ghost Who Walks".
The Phantom.
It's nonsense.
According to legend, he's immortal.
He's been around for four centuries.
Imagine, 400 years. It isn't possible.
- Did that sting?
- Yes.
Good. That means it's working.
This is it.
This is what I'm looking for.
The Skulls of Touganda.
One made of gold,
one made of silver, one made of jade.
Are they valuable?
More than that, Guran.
They're dangerous.
Listen. 'hen placed together,
the three skulls harness an energy
a thousand times greater than any
force or high explosive known to man. "
It's all right here in the chronicles.
"A long time ago, the Touganda tribe
possessed the skulls.
'hey knew the secret
of keeping their force contained.
'heir village was attacked
by pirates of the Sengh Brotherhood.
'he tribe was destroyed and
the skulls were separated and lost.
"For four centuries,
there's been no trace of them...
Until today.
You know, I'm fine!
I'm as good as new.
Very well, Ghost Who Walks.
Maybe later.
Yeah, maybe...
I used to come here myself, Kit.
I would consult the chronicles
for guidance and wisdom.
Usually when I was troubled
or confused,
or had just screwed up real bad.
I'm guilty on all counts, Dad.
I let that skull slip through my fingers.
Don't be too hard on yourself.
We all make mistakes.
- This one gets worse...
- How so?
It was the Sengh Brotherhood.
I saw the spiderweb tattoo.
You turned over one of the Skulls
of Touganda to the Sengh Brotherhood?
They've tried to get their hands
on those skulls for 400 years!
They don't have all three.
We don't know how many they have.
Have you any idea what it means,
if they get control of the skulls?
- They'd be invincible.
- Then stop them!
You're the only one who can.
Excuse me, Ghost Who Walks.
- Yes, Guran?
- I thought I heard...
- Were you talking to somebody?.
- Just to myself. I was talking to myself.
I beg your pardon,
you can't park there!
Oh, Miss Palmer.
I didn't realise. I'm very sorry.
Forget it. I'd throw me out, too,
if I didn't know better.
Welcome back, Miss Palmer.
- Let me help you with those things.
- Thank you.
Oh, Diana!
- You look absolutely stunning.
- Your timing couldn't be worse.
- But how are you, sweetheart?
- Lily, you look marvellous.
- I've contracted malaria, Mother.
- That's nice!
- Diana!
- Uncle Dave!
- Sorry, I didn't realise it was a party.
- It's nothing.
Just a Palmer Foundation dinner.
I'm much happier to see you.
- How was the Yukon?
- Dave, it's cold.
What more do you want to know?.
Well, why don't you freshen up?
- I'll get something to eat.
- Jimmy Wells would love to see you.
Hello, Xander.
Lily, why is Xander Drax here?
He made a very large contribution
to the Foundation.
- Return it.
- But he's a respected businessman.
No, Lily, he's a thug.
Hi, Mr Drax.
I had the strangest urge
a few weeks ago!
I wanted to charter a plane,
track you down in the frozen north,
charge into your tent, hut or log cabin,
sweep you off your feet,
and bring you back to New York.
Really, Jimmy?. Why didn't you?
After a few sets of tennis
and a cold Gin Fizz,
the urge just seemed to pass.
You're pretty
in those woodsy flannels.
You have to admit, Diana...
There's magic there.
What's in the sandwich?
Mayor, Commissioner.
Enjoying yourselves?
- As much as I can in this monkey suit.
- Wonderful. You've outdone yourself.
- Thank you, Mayor.
- Excuse me.
- Here's the man I want to see.
- You're not welcome here, Mr Drax.
The Police Commissioner is right here.
Have me arrested!
Sample the canaps on your way out.
- For God's sake, that's not necessary.
- That's all right, I can speak for myself.
Tell me, your reporters are poking
their noses into my personal affairs...
I don't understand why. Do you?
Yes. And you will,
when we publish our story.
Why go after me?
I'm just a private citizen.
You own companies
that regulate public utilities.
You control the trade unions,
influence interest rates and stock prices.
And you have involvements
with the Zephro crime family.
I'd say you're
a very public figure, Mr Drax.
I've never heard such tall tales!
Have you been talking to my ex-wives?
- How much does this newspaper cost?
- Two cents daily, five cents on Sunday.
No, all of it. The building,
the presses, the typewriters...
- Maybe I'll buy the whole damn thing.
- Not everything in life is for sale.
Of course it is, Dave!
And I'll tell you something else.
I usually get what I want.
Gentlemen, I have no axe to grind.
I'm only interested in the truth.
I've learnt something
from a source at the city library.
Drax has been extensively
researching esoteric volumes.
They are normally kept
under constant lock and key.
He's interested in something
connected with this symbol.
- What does it mean?
- He's on a quest.
For a supernatural power.
These are dangerous times. Dictators
are popping up all over the world.
Drax already has the desire
to become one himself.
- This will provide him with the means.
- That's nonsense.
I know it's hard to fathom,
but Drax believes in it.
This man must be taken seriously.
I've traced the origin of that symbol
to a place called the Bengalla Jungle.
This is a ticket for the Clipper.
You're not going there?
My plans were to leave tomorrow
and meet up with a Captain Horton.
But now... I don't know if I can turn
my back on Drax for that long.
- It's just a wild goose chase, anyway.
- That's right.
A far-off jungle's no place for you.
I agree. You need to stay here
and take care of things.
There you go, Dave.
Listen to your niece.
- Let me go for you.
- I don't know, Diana...
I want to go.
You were right, Mr Drax.
They know far too much.
All right, I'll be there...
- Hey!
- Call him back.
Thank you, sir.
It's Ray Zephro. Our little tootsie
is boarding the plane right now.
Say the word and
I'll drag her off by her hair.
Thanks, Ray, but I have
another way of dealing with this.
After all, I do have friends
in that part of the world.
I've got to go. Dr Fleming is here.
The librarian.
Dr Fleming!
Thanks so much for coming.
I don't mind. It's a nice day for a walk.
Yes, it certainly is. Please, sit down.
So, how can I help you?
You can reassure me that my research
at the library is strictly confidential.
- Of course it is!
- Really?. Are you sure?
Dave Palmer has been
poking his nose into my business.
You have nothing to worry about,
Mr Drax. Your privacy is protected.
All requests for access
to special collections come to me.
I'm the only one who sees them.
Well, good.
I feel a whole lot better now.
Thanks for coming.
Oh, one more thing, if you don't mind.
I'd like your professional opinion
on something under this microscope.
Here, let me hold your glasses.
- I don't see a thing.
- Just turn the focus knob.
I guess you won't be
needing these any more.
- Your coffee, Miss.
- Thanks.
Guran, I'm leaving.
I'm going with Zak. What are you
listening to? "Junior G-Man"?
I wish it was. This is real.
The Pan Am Clipper has been
forced down over the ocean.
He'll do.
We want Diana Palmer.
We're prepared to kill all of you,
one by one, until she steps forward.
- No, please!
- I'm Diana Palmer.
So quickly. How disappointing...
Happy now?. Get a good look?.
- I'll stay on the radio, Captain.
- All right.
Wake me,
if there's any news.
Can't you ever come in
through the front door?.
It's too obvious. I like the window.
- It's good to see you, Phantom.
- Captain.
- We've had some trouble tonight.
- So I've heard. Any news?
The passengers were picked up
by a Portuguese fishing boat.
Everyone is safe, except one
young woman who was abducted.
She was on her way to see me,
oddly enough.
- Her name is Diana Palmer.
- Diana Palmer?.
From New York?.
Uncle owns the Tribune?
- That's right. How did you know?.
- I heard the name somewhere.
First those graverobbers
and now this.
- I only hope we can get her back.
- I'll see what I can do.
You'd better go out
the way you came in.
I have enough trouble
pretending you're not real.
Thanks, Zak.
Ghost Who Walks,
I remember they had aeroplane.
- Who, the bad men?
- A plane with boats for feet.
Boats for feet?
What, seaplanes? Seaplanes!
- Thanks for the help.
- Let's see her face.
She's sort of pretty
in a spoiled rich girl kind of way.
Who are you? Are you crazy?. Do you
realise how many laws you've broken?
Disruption of international
air transportation, abduction...
Piracy, kidnapping...
Oh! Feisty, too.
Shut up.
If this kidnapping is about money,
you won't get one cent.
Not one red cent!
I've got to report in now.
Somebody has a big interest in you.
Maybe when I get back,
you and I can spend some time alone.
Good work, Zak.
Now go back to the Rope People.
Stay away from bad guys.
Nice boots. Expensive, huh?
Not really.
Come on, we can talk.
It's just us girls.
Mind if I take a look?.
Quit that!
I was right.
Fifth Avenue, New York City!
Just my size, too.
What have we here?
All right, gentlemen, nobody...
Ladies, kindly pardon my error.
Don't move!
Oh, a love letter!
- What is this, a ship full of women?
- All my pilots are women.
Interesting. Excuse me.
- Who are you?
- A good Samaritan.
I bet you're better than good.
- I'll get the chance to find out...
- There's an old jungle saying:
"Never point a gun at someone,
because it might go off. "
Fast hands!
I like that in a man.
Tie her up.
Or don't...
It's personal.
- Let's go.
- Not so fast. Why should I go with you?
- Trust me, Diana.
- You know my name?
Sure. You're Diana Palmer.
Your kidnapping has been reported
to the authorities. This is a rescue!
Thanks, you've done a good job.
I can take it from here.
She's not changed a bit...
- What the hell is going on?
- There's a man in a purple suit here.
No, it can't be! Scramble the pilots!
Find him, stop him!
Don't let him get off the ship! Now, go!
- The engine room!
- I'll take the port side.
- I think we should stick together.
- OK.
We should stick together,
but I should go first.
Fine, go ahead. It's your rescue.
Get a hold of him!
Get back!
Relax, pal! Relax!
Small world, huh?
How is that knife wound doing?
Where was it again?
Right about there?
Good boy, Devil.
- Your dog's a wolf.
- I know. Come on.
- Come on, get in.
- You can fly a plane?
Of course you can. Why ask?.
Let's go! They're getting away!
We've got to stop them!
Mount up, we're going after them!
Hurry up, let's go!
Come on, come on!
Stay with us! Ride fast!
We're losing fuel!
We better take her down!
- See the pontoon?
- Yes.
- Climb onto it.
- What?
Trust me.
I must be crazy.
- Who's flying the plane?
- I jammed the stick.
There's not much time.
The clearing's short.
- Get ready.
- Get ready?.
- You can't!
- We have to.
OK, jump!
- I can't believe we just did that.
- Neither can I.
Swing around behind me.
What's the matter with you?
Can't you hit anything?
Come on, step on it! Faster!
Catch them!
Don't let them escape! Go, go!
We can't outrun them
doubled up like this.
Don't worry,
I've got friends in these woods.
- How did you do that?
- My friends, the Rope People.
- Are you OK?.
- I just feel a little dizzy.
It must be the humidity.
- Wait here one second?
- OK.
I want to give you something
to remember me by.
I don't think that's a problem.
Well, you won't find these in New York.
Black pearls. They're beautiful!
They were a gift to an ancestor
by a grateful Arabian prince.
- I want you to have them.
- Thank you.
Oh, no! Not the old pearl ploy again.
That's what passes for humour
in the jungle, Diana.
Captain Horton, Diana Palmer.
Thank God you're all right Diana.
- How did you manage to get her away?.
- Diana did all the work, actually.
Not only is he mysterious,
he's modest, too.
Old jungle saying:
"Phantom is many men. "
No smoking in the Skull Cave.
Sorry, I forgot.
I received your uncle's wire. What's
so important as to bring you here?
Can you identify this symbol?
You'd better have a look.
Well, somebody say something.
We're all mixed-up
with the Sengh Brotherhood.
- The what?
- Sengh Brotherhood.
An ancient order of evil.
They started out as pirates.
Nowadays, there's no telling
what they've become.
- Where did you get this?
- New York.
My uncle's newspaper
is investigating Xander Drax.
He's crazy, power-mad.
Take her back. Use every man
at your disposal and give her protection.
You're going to send me away?.
I'm afraid so.
I came here to do a job,
and that's what I'm going to do.
There's a lot more I need to know.
- Wait a second!
- Diana...
- Nobody argues with the Phantom and wins.
- Old jungle saying.
Oh, baby...
Oh, it is beautiful!
I used a little toothpaste on it.
It polished up so good.
Toothpaste? Really?.
That's nice.
You know,
I am in such a good mood right now.
I almost hate to mention this.
The happy home-coming!
Kind of brings a tear to the eye,
doesn't it? What went wrong?
- Something you didn't count on.
- Oh? Really?.
- And what was that?
- The Phantom.
- I thought that was a superstition.
- Oh, no. He's real.
And he won't die. I know,
I killed him once and he isn't dead.
- That doesn't make sense.
- Look, I brought this to prove it.
See this hole? That's where
I stuck him with a 12-inch blade.
You stabbed him in the back?.
I've underestimated you, Quill.
- Right up to the hilt.
- That should've done the trick.
The Phantom helped Diana to escape.
I think he's in love with her.
This is getting more interesting.
Why do you say that?
Because he could have had me...
but he picked her.
- That could only be love.
- Or simply bad judgement.
- So, what should we do about him?
- Do? Nothing.
This is New York. I'm not concerned
with some jungle hero half a world away.
Here. Keep the change.
Not so fast, buddy-boy.
This isn't real money.
You're right, that's Bengalla currency.
Coin of the realm
would be appreciated.
- I'm afraid that's all I've got.
- It'd better not be.
All right, here...
Where is it?
These are opals.
And that's...
.. a star sapphire.
Take all of them.
Don't worry, they're real.
They'll secure your services
for the rest of the day, so wait here.
- You're kidding?
- I never kid.
God is dead,
and darkness rules the earth.
America is in financial ruin.
Europe and Asia
are on the brink of self-annihilation.
Chaos reigns.
But like I've always said,
there is opportunity in chaos.
And so, my brothers,
I give you...
.. the Skull of Touganda.
This skull is one of three.
When all three skulls are united,
they will produce a force
more powerful than any army on earth.
You've only got the one!
Legend has it
that if the skulls are separated,
two of the skulls
will point the way to the third.
- Like I said, you've only got...
- Raymond, Raymond...
Ray, I know the location
of the second skull, OK?.
The symbol of the Sengh Brotherhood.
We shall succeed where they've failed.
The skulls will be ours, and
all of the power that comes with them.
Count me out. This is wrong.
Skulls? Forces of darkness?
This isn't right.
I was an altar boy at Saint Timothy's.
So were you, Charlie. This isn't right,
we weren't raised this way.
Sit down, Ray.
The only power I believe in
comes out of the barrel of a gun.
Not from some jungle souvenirs!
Come on, Charlie.
You're on your own, Ray.
- What?
- You're on your own.
Fine. Suit yourself.
But I'm gone, Drax.
I'm taking my entire syndicate with me.
OK, if that's how you feel about it.
My bursitis is really flaring up again.
Charlie, you're the new boss of bosses.
- Think you can handle it?
- I've been waiting all my life.
Good man.
Plans have been set for tonight.
We'll go in and get the item
while the building is closed.
No, I can't wait that long.
This is too exciting! We go in now.
- Now, in the middle of the afternoon?
- Yes!
I would appreciate it if you'd
keep the police away until I'm done.
Hey, there! Found you.
Page One Girl
back from the escapade in the jungle.
- Why are you here?
- I was in town on business...
- Business?
- I was having some suits made.
- That's not business!
- It is for the guy making the suit.
Why do you have to be difficult?
Let's have dinner and catch a show.
- Can I take a rain check?.
- Sure. Add it to your collection.
Diana, I have a surprise for you.
Come into my office.
- Kit!
- Hello, Diana.
It's been a while, hasn't it?
- A few years, at least.
- Six to be exact.
I read about what happened.
Are you OK?.
I'm fine. It started out bad,
but it all turned out OK.
- By the by, Jimmy Wells.
- Hi. Kit Walker.
So tell me, Kit,
where do you know our Diana from?
We were friends at college.
I see.
- Are you living here in New York?.
- No, I'm just passing through.
I'm catching up on old times
with Uncle Dave here.
- Yes. Trading information about Drax.
- What do you know about Drax?.
He's come across a rare artefact
connected to the Sengh Brotherhood.
It's an old silver skull
with precious stones for the eyes.
- I've seen something like that before.
- You have?
Yes, but it wasn't silver,
I think it was green.
Green... Jade, perhaps.
I mean, where did you see it?
Let me see.
It was my twelfth birthday party.
Mum and Dad had rented a big room.
Now I remember.
The Museum of World History.
- Yes, sir. At your service.
- You're in a good mood.
You bet. While you were inside,
I had those stones appraised.
- You can call me Al.
- Kit Walker.
- I'm going with you.
- Diana...
- Where to now, sir?.
- The Museum of World History.
You heard the lady.
You look great, Diana.
You've not changed a blt.
You just vanished, Kit.
I guess I did.
Not a word, not a letter.
Not even a phone call.
- I know.
- Why?.
I had to go home.
- My father died rather suddenly.
- I'm sorry.
I never heard from you again.
I had to take over the family business.
It's hard to explain, but I've thought
a lot about you since then, Diana.
I've thought about you too, Kit.
Then I stopped and went on with my life.
It's all wrong. It's the wrong century,
the wrong hemisphere.
It's the wrong culture. The skull hasn't
been lost, just misplaced.
What's your interest
with Drax and these skulls?
I represent their true owners.
I want to see them returned.
Drax wants them for himself. I can't let
Drax get his hands on this skull.
I've got to get it out of here.
Uncle Dave knows an important
member on the board of directors.
It may take a day or two, but...
Or we could just break the glass.
I'll take that, thank you.
Museum security.
Everything's under control.
Free cake and sandwiches
are served in the Hall of Nature.
Bring the little ones.
Don't miss out. Thank you.
- Who are you?
- A collector like yourself, Mr Drax.
Drax, what's with the bag?
Something's happening!
This is it!
It's happening right here and now!
It's beautiful! It's magnificent!
Show me the power!
Show me the power!
I love this!
The skulls have spoken.
All right, what's your name?
Why do you want that skull so badly?.
Kit Walker.
- And who is Kit Walker?.
- I am.
- And the skull?
- It'd go well with my drapes.
Cute. You're very cute, Mr Walker.
Fortunately, I have a cure for that.
Stop it! Don't hurt him!
Diana, are you sweet on Mr Walker?.
I thought that your true love
was swinging around in the jungle.
How did you...?
I mean, who told you that?
I did!
Sala's got all the latest gossip
on two continents.
Deny it. He's in love with you,
and you're nuts about him.
From the moment he came flying down
that laundry chute, you were hooked.
"Kismet in the jungle. "
You're despicable.
You're just jealous.
- Now I'm one up on you.
- Ladies...
Quill, show Mr Walker up to
the observation deck and make him talk.
I claim the body, when you're done.
Once I check these coordinates
we'll know the location of the third skull.
Get up. Follow me.
- Well, I'll be damned.
- What?
The Devil's Vortex.
We are going to the Devil's Vortex.
Are you sure? Check again,
maybe you've made a mistake.
No, no mistake.
Isn't that the place
where ships disappear?.
Yes! Incredible, isn't it?
There must be an island there.
An uncharted island.
Maybe my brother was right
about all that stuff.
Nonsense! Come on, Charlie.
This is the chance of a lifetime.
Where's your spirit of adventure?
Mr Drax, I've made all the arrangements.
You're getting a full police escort.
Excellent. Have you heard the news?
We're going to the Devil's Vortex.
The Phantom's in the building.
I saw him with my own eyes.
Tell your officers there's a madman here.
He's armed and dangerous.
- Shoot on sight.
- Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
- And the girl?
- Bring her.
She's our Phantom insurance.
Get me Security.
We're all ready here, sir.
Pardon me.
Look out!
- Follow that car.
- Take my money, but don't hurt me.
I'm a friend of Kit Walker's.
I need your help.
Hey! Hey, you! Come back here!
- What's back there?
- The zoo.
This is where
he would have entered.
He sure as hell isn't around here.
Let's keep looking.
Good girl.
Stop! Hold it right there!
Get in!
Forget him, he's not coming.
He's probably dead by now.
What is wrong with you?
Why are you so mean?
Don't you care about anything?
- Like what?
- You figure it out.
All right, everybody just shut up!
Step on it, Quill.
Drax is heading for the docks.
I picked it up on my police band.
- I thought you'd want to know.
- Thanks. Step on it, huh?
It's the bottom of the ninth
and you're two skulls behind.
Dad, a man named Quill
has a gun belt like mine. Is it yours?
He said he could show me
the Sengh Brotherhood stronghold.
He took me to a place
deep in the jungle.
- What happened?
- He stabbed me in the back. Literally.
So sue me.
I'm a lousy judge of character.
- Maybe I can get the gun belt back.
- If you haven't lost him.
Don't worry, I'll catch him. I have to.
- There's a woman involved.
- Saints be praised! It's about time.
- Tell him to step on it.
- Can you go any faster?.
- Are you talking to me now?.
- Yes. Can you pick it up?
Sure. Hold on to your hat.
Or whatever.
Looks like I've got a plane to catch.
Hey, pal! Give my best to Mr Walker.
I love New York.
We're getting close. We're almost there.
- What's that?
- Where?
That's it.
There is an island!
Take her down.
We're so close now. I can feel it.
History is about to be made,
and you're all a part of it.
An unequal part, of course,
but an important part, nonetheless.
- This one is mine.
- In your dreams.
- Take it easy! My brothers, stay calm.
- Why do you call us brothers?
We, too, are members of the Sengh
Nice going.
Come with us.
I think us girls should stick together.
Now let me see...
When was the last time
we had visitors here below the ocean,
deep in the bowels
of this uncharted volcanic island?
Never! Congratulations!
You pathetic doomed fools are the first.
- Who are these people?
- My name is Xander Drax.
- What?
- X-A-N-D-E-R D-R-A-X.
Xander Drax.
Begins and ends with the letter "x".
From New York City.
And you, sir?. As long as we're making
polite introductions and chit-chat.
- Who might you be?
- He is the Great Kabai Sengh.
Leader of the Sengh Brotherhood.
Direct descendant of
the Evil Kabai Sengh...
.. first leader of the Sengh Brotherhood.
You're a long way from New York City.
What brings you to this place?
These brought me here.
The Skulls of Touganda.
And what do you know
of such matters?
I know all about these skulls
and the power they contain.
Once all three are united...
The two I hold...
.. and the one you have there.
Look, O Great One.
I really wasn't in the market
for a partner,
but we have
a mutually beneficial situation here.
Think of it this way.
You represent the old guard of grizzled
scallywags and Peg-leg Petes.
I stand for the new order of things,
modern and up-to-date.
Just the man to carry our cause
into the 20th century.
You have no bargaining power
with me, Mr New York City.
I could kill you and
feed your pink ass to the sharks.
you don't have the fourth skull.
What fourth skull?
What are you talking about?
There is no fourth skull.
The fourth skull controls
the power of the other three.
Without it, you've wasted your time
and your meaningless New York lives.
Wait a minute!
Anything happens to us,
others will come looking.
They know where we are.
You'll have an army down your throats.
Do you want that to happen?
No, that's bullshit!
Nobody knows where we are!
- What are you doing?
- Shut up!
Spirit of adventure, my ass.
It's every man for himself.
OK, Kabie. You get me out of here
or else you sleep with the fishes.
What are you going to say about that?
What's that supposed to mean?
Just ancient pirate talk for
"Fire the cannon".
Great Kabai Sengh,
I'm Quill, a loyal follower and soldier.
Look, I once killed the Phantom.
Join the club. Many of us
have killed him over the years.
But he keeps coming back.
Hey! I can see that this Phantom thing
really strikes a nerve.
In that case, you're going to love this.
She is his girlfriend!
Bring her here.
Think of the opportunities this presents.
Ransom, bait, revenge!
The Phantom has good taste.
Good! Personal pleasure,
I overlooked that one.
So, what do you say?.
The girl for the skull
and I'm out of your hair.
- You pirates need to get out more.
- Kabai Sengh!
Let's get him!
Run away!
Ghost Who Walks,
I'll cut you off at your knee!
You're not immortal.
I know your secrets, Phantom.
Take them to your grave, Kabai Sengh.
Sala! Cut the rope!
- Torpedoes.
- This explains all those missing ships.
You and Sala can escape in here.
I'll shoot you to the surface.
Those are like warheads.
If we hit anything, we're fish food.
We'll use the periscope
to make sure the path is clear.
Come on.
- How are you going to get out?
- I'll be right behind you.
At last.
I've already killed you.
No, you killed my father!
You've got something
that belongs to me.
- Drax, over here!
- What is it?
These skulls are more powerful
than I imagined!
I've harnessed the energy of the sun!
Who needs a fourth skull?
I do. And I know where it is.
I've worn it all my life. For protection.
I've never understood
what that meant until right now.
What a cheap jungle trick!
- End of the line.
- We made it!
It all began 400 years ago,
when a boy saw his father murdered
by pirates of the Sengh Brotherhood.
That same boy
swore an oath of vengeance.
He would fight piracy,
greed and cruelty in all its forms.
He became the first Phantom.
I'm his descendant, Diana,
sworn to carry out his oath.
The mantle of the Phantom
was passed on from father to son.
Twenty Phantoms came before me,
but no one knew that.
They thought he was the same Phantom
and that he was immortal.
That's why they called him
'he Ghost Who Walks".
I'm not immortal, Diana.
I was born right here in this cave
and educated in America.
When my father was killed,
I came back to take his place.
And one day,
your own son will take your place.
The plane for Miss Palmer is waiting,
Ghost Who Walks.
Thank you, Guran.
- Does Guran know the truth?
- Oh, sure. He just likes to call me that.
Goodbye, Devil.
Take good care of your master.
I'd better go.
Hey, Kit.
- I like her.
- Thanks, Dad.
Well, get going!
Before I go...
take off your mask.
Let me see your face.
I'm not really permitted
to reveal all of my secrets, Diana.
You're not?
Actually I am,
but only to one person.
- Who's that?
- The woman I intend to marry.
- What if she refuses you?
- No one refuses the Phantom.
Leave It to my son to let the perfect
woman slip through his ingers.
Diana knew her own mind.
She vowed to herself that she would
soon return to the Bengalla Jungle.
Maybe then I can get some rest.