Phii seua samut (Ocean Butterfly) (2006)

I want to break up with you.
Quan, I think we should just be friends.
I think we should break up.
You know that we're too different.
We just don't understand each other
and we never will.
Please... just forget about us.
Bastard! You're an asshole!
Is it so easy to break up with a girl?
Do you know how much I hated
that deep-fried grasshopper snack?
But I had to eat it with you!
And how much I'm scared
to death of horror-films
but I had to watch them with you!
When I had a couple of pimples on my face
you kept telling me that I'm ugly!
And this stupid bang
I only did it just to please you!
Do you have any idea? I hate it...
Oh, she's so mean.
The woman who has got bad tounge.
She made whole people trembling.
Oh gosh! I'm sorry.
Oh, is that the wrong guy sweety?
Ran by the set
and now she has got her conscious back.
"10 Ways To Get Over The Heart-Breakers"
Don't be sad! Things will get better.
Gosh! How could you leave me, my dear?
Don't be so depressed.
One will come back soon.
I'm almost heartbroken.
Just get over it!
Like they always say...
She must has feelings for us, for sure.
Probably next year
when the sun shines across the sky.
But I'm gonna die
without seeing the face of my true love.
Just think of the old saying...
To lose a bunch of gold is better
than to give away your love!
But I can't get over it.
Of course you can... just snap out of it!
Yeah! One's coming back to us.
I'm gonna feed you now.
Come, come quick to eat.
I'm not ready to get married.
I haven't turn 18 yet!
Did you guys hear anything strange?
Yes, I did.
He just farted!
You are so hungry.
No matter how much ain't enough.
I need to feed the other tanks too.
Eat it up.
She has hair on her legs.
Be quite, please! This is a library!
So what?
She has such strong arms.
Damn it!
Big time!
Who's singing?
This is the last warning!
You'll be in big trouble!
So you the one who did that?
You again?
Again what?
On the bus... wasn't that enough?
What have I done to you?
Why did you have to sing in the library?
I didn't sing... I said ouch!
If you didn't sing
then why would you admit it?
This is bullshit!
What are you looking...
She has got the biggest thighs.
She has big thighs like logs and big belly.
No, I'm not crazy because
I just got dumped from a guy!
You are so big and lovely.
You are the float with the most!
How did you do it... I wonder.
Do you know Tom & Kate?
Do you want autograph?
I'll sign it for you, free of charge!
You... do you hear me?
I'm worried too much.
Is there any fish in here
who wants to talk to me?
No one?
Yeah... I'm not crazy after all.
Hey you guys, who's this crazy girl?
What with the loud noise, I'm sleeping!
You people have no manners!
You alternative-punk-rock fish!
I'll make an anchovy out of you all!
Don't you know
who's the boss around here?
And who is this crying?
You've never seen such a hunk
like me before, right?
I'm Brad Pitt you know! Not a ghost!
Kids these days really don't know
how to respect the elder.
And what is this?
Why don't you just
step on my head while you at it?
You looking at me kid? Got a problem?
Hey you turtle!
Where are you going? I want to talk to you.
Gosh! She can hear me!
She must be one of those things.
I'd better go.
Wait... don't go yet!
Otherwise, I'll poke you in the ass!
That's rude!
When you said 'those things'
what do you mean?
And when you said...
I must be one of 'those things'
What are 'those things'?
How do I get to the eye of the abyss?
Grandpa! Grandma!
I want to buy this turtle!
I've been chosen.
I'm going out on a hot date!
See, now we've missed the bus
it took you 4 hours just to pee!
So now we have to walk all the way there!
If someone see a handsome turtle
like me here with you
they gonna think that I'm being kidnapped
by this ugly duckling.
Oh no!
Wait! There's a car coming
let's hitch for a ride.
Just use your female sex appeal
can you do that?
OK, here comes
just make it sexy and exciting!
Get ready!
No, no... I didn't mean that!
This is not sexy! I'm gonna get killed!
Thought I was going to become a legend!
Thank you god and buddha
for saving my turtle life!
I'm not dead
'cause turtle have a long life.
They say that turtle have a long life
and I have a long life 'cause I'm a turtle.
I'm a turtle with a long life
and I'm not dead!
The big Manorah do the dance
the little Manorah's on the sand.
The big Manorah hits your head
the little one hits it back.
Now do that dance
yeah that feels good baby!
Do you understand the Manorah song?
It's so damn hot in here
turn up the air conditioning!
You're lazy bum!
Watch it... you stinkin turtle!
Watch it... you stinkin turtle!
You have a turtle flu or something?
You stinkin turtle...
Hey you! Consider it luck that
I ran into you and let you tag along
so don't push it!
If it wasn't necessary
I wouldn't be caught dead in you car!
Maybe it wasn't luck
maybe you were following me!
Follow you! You said I follow you?
Why the hell would I follow you for?
If it weren't for this stupid turtle
I would've kept on going!
OK, fine I'll have my chance!
You're such an idiot!
Look at them.
Why are they being so silly?
Getting back at each other
in their thoughts like that, idiots!
Hey we're here!
This is my hometown, guys!
I want to have someone...
to help take away the pain...
a sadness in my heart
on the long journey...
there's no one, my lonely turtle heart.
Good luck and good riddance!
Gosh! You're bastard.
I think they're angry.
Run! And take me with you too!
I've spent my life in Bangkok for too long.
Riding the boat make me sick.
I've got seasick
but the chauffeur got drunk.
Hey stop! Stop right here!
Stop for what? I was enjoying my sleep!
You're enjoying your sleep, yeah?
Well I got seasick OK?
Hey, you turtle... how far is it from here?
It doesn't matter how far it is
just swim I can't go anymore.
I'd never thought that a turtle like me
would get seasick!
Swim? Are you crazy?
I don't know if I can make it!
Listen, if you can talk to a turtle
then there's nothing in this world
that you can't do, honey!
Well, one thing you can't do
is beauty really.
Jump, go ahead!
Just let me rest here a bit.
When I'm better,
I'll pick a fight with that drunk sailor!
Sweety, how are you going to dive
into the water with that thing?
Dive! You mean diving!
Wow so refreshing!
Someone should've told me
that when I wear goggles
I look like Tom Cruise!
C'mon, follow me
follow this handsome turtle!
Stay 'till late, didn't you?
That's why you're swimming like this.
Hey, let's go over there!
I heard that all of the fishermen
are over there
so we might have a chance to
become one of those canned fish.
Well, where should we go
shopping tomorrow?
Siam Paragon Shopping Mall.
Of course, it's just opened!
Wanna join?
I bet you don't know
how to use the escalator.
I'm practicing, OK?
Well, I know how to use the elevator.
Don't panic! It's okay.
Calm down... yes, like that.
You see? I told you, you can do it.
Well, you can breath now right?
Now... inhale.
Now... exhale.
Okay, enough fun for today.
I think I've wasted enough time!
I want to go see my wives all 16 of them!
Wanna know their names?
There are Gift, Cherry
Mind and then Boy...
No... my mistake, no Boy!
Okay, and then there are
Ooh, Oun, Ma'am...
Chompoo, Lumyai and Lynchee...
Are we there yet?
Let's say that, this is as far as I go.
I can't go with you any further, goodbye!
Hey come back! How do I get there?
Where is it?
Just go toward the eye of the ocean.
If there's anything else
that you need to know
just find the old man
on the Butterfly Island.
He will explain everything to you
goodbye and good riddance.
Hey come back!
Fine, just leave me!
You can take off the goggles now
there's no point of wearing them anymore.
I'm sorry.
Hey you...
take me back to the shore right now!
That's impossible
can't you see, the storm is ahead.
So, where are you taking me?
There... The Butterfly Island.
Butterfly Island?
Would you please kindly
cook something for me
I'm starving.
Don't worry, Tan.
I'll prepare
some special dishes for you both.
It'll be good for your health.
Don't you worry about a thing.
Here it is!
Wow, it looks so delicious!
Well, it's freshly made
and very appetizing, isn't it?
The special dish will be out soon!
Hey, you!
I asked you, what is your name?
Tan, my name is Tan.
Why did you break up
with your girlfriend that day?
You mean on the bus? Well actually...
She cheated on me with some guy
I don't want to be
the one who gets dumped first
so I have to break up with her
before she dumps me.
Sorry, that day...
Your boyfriend dumped you too?
Thank you for yesterday, you saved my life.
I think, I'll stay here a bit longer
how about you?
You'll be lonely when I leave, right?
Do you want me to hit you again?
Here we are
our special dish from both of us, enjoy!
A giant prawn spicy salad
it's raw and still alive!
Help me, please.
There's chilli in my eyes, lime too
and the fish sauce is salty!
Hey you...
Thank you very much!
Why do you have to
beat me in every game?
Who's playing game?
I just wanted to save his life
you heartless beast!
But that's food.
Well, I feel pity on it.
What? Another dead body?
This is getting really serious.
I told the village headman
to build a shrine for them
but he wouldn't listen!
Now we have to loose another man.
I warned him so many times
not to go around that area
maybe it's his time to go.
Did he drowned?
No, he didn't.
He went fishing around
the Moonlight beach
I told him not to go around there.
What's around that beach?
Something scary.
Something that killed him!
Something scary? What is it?
The Sea Ghost took his life.
Why did you go there?
The local people believed
on the other side of this island
is a place where the Sea Ghost lives!
It's hard to question their believes.
Good evening Mr. Kitti.
Hurry help him!
He's going to make our island popular
a lot of the tourists will come here.
Well, look who we have here!
Who is it, sir?
Tan, a photographer for the conservation.
Let me give you some advice, bro.
If you want to take
a picture of a sea-leech
or belly of the sea
or anyone's belly button, be my guest!
But please leave me
and my work alone, OK?
Only if you promise not to cheat me
for my job like you did last time
then I wouldn't bother you really!
You're sleeping alone!
Watch out for the ghost!
Crazy asshole!
Hurry up guys! It's almost dawn!
Ting, under the water!
You need to go under the water
when we roll the film.
And when you come up
make it really scary, OK?
Could you please hurry up!
My dick's freezing to death.
Fish are nibbling at my...
Damn you!
Do you want the whole island to hear?
Be quiet.
Karb! Are you ready?
Almost... I just can't get the focus.
Who told you to shoot with a good focus!
I said to make it blurry!
They gonna know that it's all fake, stupid!
C'mon... let's roll!
Bitch! Why do you keep moving?
Do you want to stay in there all night?
Okay I try to keep still... hurry up please!
On the count of 3
you dive down for about 5 seconds
then you come up from the water
and make it look scary
for about 3 seconds
and dive down again for 10 secs. OK?
OK. 5432...
Damn it!
Are you making out with a fish?
I told you 5 seconds!
Hey is he drowning?
Where is he?
I see him right there!
Quit fooling around, I told you to dive!
When you come up on this boat
I'm gonna kick you
till you shit in your pants!
Wow he is swimming so fast
just like how we want it.
Help me!
Yeah I want this kind of acting
Help... help me please!
Hey, there he is! Is that dolphin?
Dolphin my ass!
Don't tell me that
you got a blur shot of that thing!
You said to shoot it blur, didn't you?
Help... help me please!
You stay here alone?
You must have been here for a long time.
Have you seen
anything strange around here?
Like what the local were talking about
something like the Sea Ghost?
You've seen it right?
The blue thing that
jumps out from the water.
Whether or not I've seen
it is none of your business!
But I've seen it
and I'm sure that you've seen it too!
Sir have you ever hear
fish talking to each other?
Why, do you hear them talk?
I don't know what's happening to me?
All of a sudden
strange things are happening to me!
Tell me... who are your parents?
I'm an orphan.
And how old are you now?
I've just turned 25 last week.
Do you know something?
Come close to me.
Hey what are you doing?
Hey what are you doing to me?
So you know what is wrong with me?
Rum-Pung, I miss you so much!
So what kind of a creature am I?
You are the same kind as my Rum-Pung.
When she turned 25 she had to leave me.
If you see her
please tell her I miss her so much.
I've never given up
I'm still waiting right here for her.
Right here, where we both met.
From now on
your body will begin to transform
within the cycle of its own
your own cycle, your own kind.
But you were raised in a different
from where you were
so it's going to be
very difficult for you to accept.
You have to understand
that it is your destiny.
It's best to make up your mind and accept.
Water will bring you back
to who you really are.
It won't be long until
you have to return here again
to find out the truth
to follow the voice
and to become one of your own.
May I squirt some water on you?
I don't think so.
You don't want to see me getting wet.
Yes I do. Happy Songkran Day.
Tan, come and see this!
Sea Ghost
Spirit of the ocean or Ocean Butterfly.
True story or fiction?
Into the world of the unknown...
this Sunday the secret will be revealed!
Are you scare of water that much?
I need your help!
Please leave... I don't feel well.
Quan, you didn't drowned
that day, did you?
Hold on a second!
What did you see, tell me?
I need to use the bathroom... just go!
Wait a second. Open the door!
No, I don't have anything to tell you.
You must know something!
No, no... I don't know anything.
If what you said was true
I think Kitti
will definitely make trouble for you!
I'm coming with you.
We are ready to do the editing.
I know.
Please hurry!
I'll be right there.
Where the hell have you been?
There you are!
You think you're slick right?
You're not going to
run away from me this time!
You think you're so slick, right?
Tan, give me back my tape!
Damn it!
You go and get ready.
Forget about the stupid tape.
I'm gonna catch the live one!
You wait for me here. I'm gonna find a boat.
We have to eliminate the intruder!
If they continued to threaten us
and intrude our land.
Before the eye of the ocean re-opens
we have to get rid of those human first.
the secrets of our kind will be revealed!
Let's go now, I've found the boat!
You get the hell out of here! Go!
Please, we can settle this
we are all friends here.
I don't want to be friend with any of you!
Well, then... it is really clear that
you want to claim this part of the island
just for yourself
while the whole island should belong
to the people of Butterfly Island!
Isn't that right, people?
Get lost!
Don't be afraid!
Karb, you go and get rid of that old fool!
Ting, you go do it.
Leave me alone!
He said to leave him alone!
Damn it!
I told you to go, or we all will get killed!
Shut the hell up!
Stop the boat!
What? What is it?
Just wait for me here.
Let me go, you scum bags!
You gonna get yours!
You got some mouth, old man?
Stop talking, you old fool
call out the Sea Ghost.
Son, why do you have
to be so harsh on him?
I think we can talk to him nicely.
Keep your nose out of it!
Hey, how long before you guys are ready?
What the...
I'm not being here anymore.
You guy keep shooting. Don't stop!
Why are you following me for? I'm a fag.
Leave me alone! I'm gay.
Please stop, don't hurt human!
Don't interfere!
You've spent too much time with them!
Come here!
You want me?
No! Please don't!
Do you think they'll be back?
I don't know but I hope that
one day I'll see my Rum-Pung again
and I'll wait for her right here
what about you?
I believe that one day
she will come back to me.