Philadelphia (1993)

I was bruised and battered
I couldn't tell what I felt
I was unrecognizable to myself
Saw my reflection in a window
And didn't know my own face
So, brother, I'm gonna leave
Wastin' away on the streets
of Philadelphia
This one?
I walked the avenue
till my legs felt like stone
I heard voices of friends
vanished and gone
At night I hear the blood
in my veins
Just as black and whispery
as the rain
On the streets of Philadelphia
Ain't no angel gonna greet me
It's just you and I
my friend
And my clothes don't fit me no more
I walked a thousand miles
just to slip this skin
Night has fallen
I'm lyin' awake
I can feel myself fadin' away
So, will you receive me, brother
with your faithless kiss
Or will we leave each other
alone like this
On the streets of Philadelphia
This "pestilent dust"counselor refers
to has appeared on only three occasions.
Each time it was tested,
and the results: Limestone.
It's messy, but innocuous.
- "Innocuous"?
- Defined by Webster's as harmless.
I know what it means.
May I? Thank you.
Your Honor...
imagine how the children in this
neighborhood are being made to feel.
The constant pounding of construction
ringing in their ears...
as this skyscraper...
a tribute to mankind's greed...
grows daily, casting an ominous shadow
over their lives...
filling them with dread even as
they are surrounded by this toxic dust.
Your Honor, Kendall Construction...
builds neighborhoods,
it doesn't destroy them.
Granting a restraining order against
this construction site will...
throw 753 Philadelphians
out of work...
and lend validation to this contemptible
and groundless nuisance suit.
It's an example
of the rapacious litigation...
that today is tearing
at the very fabric of our society.
Let's not go off the deep end,
You've made an articulate and
compelling presentation, Mr. Miller...
but I don't believe
you've proven irreparable harm.
Not yet, Your Honor.
Proper use of trade name without...
- Is that you?
- Yeah, that's me.
Yes. Hello, Iris.
Client of yours?
Funny. Hold on, Iris.
Excuse me, sir?
My sons and I went
to a restaurant the other day.
We ordered coffee.
The waiter goes...
"Would you like sugar
or Sweet 'n' Low?"
I said,
"Do I look like I should be on a diet?"
Oh, God,
sometimes I just feel so sorry...
- Andy.
- Hi, Doc.
Your blood work came back this morning.
I'm gonna come back in a few minutes
and talk to you about it.
- All right?
- I'll be right here.
How you doin' today, Jackie?
Hi. How're you feeling?
- Feelin' pretty good.
- Great.
Make a fist for me?
Once more.
Gonna have to start lookin' for veins
in your feet, sweetheart.
- Patience, Tyrone.
- Okay.
Once more.
- How are the Magruder accounts?
- We'll close in a couple weeks.
Terrific job on the Kendall situation.
- Top-notch, Mr. Beckett.
- Thanks, Kenneth, Robert.
- Hi, Mr. Beckett.
- Hi, Rose.
Anthea, just the paralegal
extraordinaire I was hoping to see.
I know what that means.
The answer is no.
- I'm talkin' dinner at Felicia's.
- I've got a class.
I've got some pretty compelling briefs
that need proofing.
You can exploit somebody else.
- Since you've asked...
- Your exam.
Thank you. Ninety-eight.
Ninety-eight? Congratulations.
I have to pick up Amy, but I want
to talk to you about that Hansen thing.
Give me a call. I'll be here. Tell Amy
I loved her painting. It's on my wall.
Hi, Andrew. Conference call's up.
The roll call just started.
Now, this is a settlement agreement.
The red-line copy's on your desk.
- You need me in there?
- No. It's 6:30. Go home.
- Hello?
- Hey, Mom!
Oh, hi, darling.
What a wonderful surprise. How are you?
Well, what does Dr. Gillman say?
Dr. Gillman says I am fine.
My blood work is excellent.
She says my T-cells are steady.
Honey, how 'bout your platelets?
What did she say?
Oh, even my platelets look good.
Mom, more importantly,
how are you?
I'm fine.
- And Dad?
- Dad is fine.
And what are you doin'?
"Action for the wrongful interference
with prospective economic relations."
Am I interrupting you?
In a word, Bob...
Charles wants to see you upstairs.
I was just about to take a break.
- I'm not underdressed for this?
- No, you're not.
Charles, Andy has expressed
a keen interest...
in Highline, Inc. V. Sander Systems.
Isn't that right, Andy?
The fate of the participants
interests me. Yes, sir.
It's an antitrust action.
It is, and it isn't, Charles.
Sander Systems copies
Highline's spreadsheet program.
For me...
the legal principle involved is
copyright infringement.
Well, tell me this, Andy.
Which side of this conflict would you
wish to see emerge victorious?
And don't allow my close personal
relationship with Bill Wright...
Sander Systems' C.E.O. To influence
your answer in any way.
Well, I'd like to see Highline
win this one.
Oh! Why, Beckett?
If Sanders Systems wins...
an energetic,
young company is destroyed.
The laws for antitrust and copyright
were enacted to prevent exactly...
the kind of bullshit
that Sander Systems is trying to pull.
- Andy, you know who reps Highline?
- Rodney Bailey.
Oh, I object!
Rodney Bailey, who couldn't find his way
around copyright law with a map.
Well, apparently the fellas
at Highline agree with you, Andy.
Which explains why, as of 9:03
this evening, right after dessert...
Highline is now represented by Wyant,
Wheeler, Hellerman, Tetlow and Brown.
And more specifically...
Senior Associate Andrew Beckett.
- Bravo!
- Yes!
- Come on!
- Congratulations.
- Thank you, Robert.
- We've got to get on this right away.
Statute of limitations, yeah.
I'm right on it.
- Exactly.
- We have ten days to file.
Tokyo on line four, Bob.
Walter, thank you.
- Kenneth, thank you.
- You bet, Andy. Congratulations.
- Thanks. I'm overwhelmed.
- What's that on your forehead, pal?
What? Where?
That... right there on your forehead.
Oh, I got whacked in the head
with a racket ball.
Excuse me.
Charles, I...
I sincerely appreciate
your faith in my abilities.
Faith, Andy, is the belief in something
for which we have no evidence.
It does not apply to this situation.
Well, go home.
Oh, no! Go back to work.
Thank you, Charles.
No sweat, buddy.
The committee meeting we're gonna have
next week... a bunch of staff members...
Tommy, how are ya?
The Highline complaint is
right there on my desk, Shelby.
It's all set to go,
so make sure Jamey is on top of it.
Sure. You got it.
Anything else?
No, that's it. I'm gonna be working
out of the house this afternoon...
so, thanks a lot.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye-bye.
Okay. Now, you're gonna want to apply
this foundation as evenly as you can.
'Cause you don't want it to look
like you threw it on with a spoon.
- Yeah.
- So, over here, you try this.
- I got it.
- Right there.
Chandra, you don't think this is
just a little too orange for me?
Well, okay, it's Tahitian Bronze.
That works best on these lesions.
Think of it as the
"I just got back from Aruba" look.
Exactly. I've called in sick
for four days...
and now they're gonna think
I was taking a cruise.
- Fax.
- Oh, thank you, Bruno.
Okay, we can try this light Egypt...
Excuse me.
Just like my cousin, Fredo.
Does anybody want a bagel?
You okay, Andy?
I think I need to go
to the hospital.
Watch out!
Hello, hello.
Oh, it's all right.
It's all right.
- I'm gettin' out of here, all right?
- Okay.
I'll talk to you later.
Oh, one more.
Thank you for driving
like a bat out of hell.
- Take it easy, all right?
- Dr. Gillman is out of her office.
I told her to take a day off, and she
took a day off. Can you believe that?
They took blood?
A specimen or something?
Blood, yes. A specimen, I'm empty.
Did you find someone to take your class?
Don't worry about it.
Let me see.
Oh, you got a fever, baby.
Oh, there's my guy.
Excuse me.
Doctor? Hello, hi.
Just one second.
I came that close to not making it
to the bathroom again.
- I almost lost it in front of everyone.
- So what?
- It's nothing to be ashamed of.
- I'm not ashamed, it's just...
- What about my blood work?
- We're waiting.
Meanwhile, I want to prep you
for a colonoscopy, take a look inside.
- It sounds delightful.
- Wait a minute.
Why do you need to do this?
- Who are you?
- Who are you, Dr...
- This is my partner.
- Yeah?
He keeps the records of all my hospital
visits. It's nothing personal.
Oh, I'm Dr. Klenstein.
Listen, you're right. A colonoscopy
is not a pleasant procedure.
But if the K.S. Is causing the diarrhea,
we've got to know about that right away.
No, but it could be parasites,
an infection. I mean...
Reaction to the A.Z.T.
All these are possibilities,
but we've got to go forward...
Listen to me. He's not going through
some painful procedure...
until we cancel out everything else,
- I'm trying to help your partner, okay?
- Okay.
- You're not immediate family.
- I'm not?
- I could have you removed from the E.R.
- Really?
Look, he's upset. He's sorry.
No. Don't apologize for me, okay?
Okay. He's not sorry.
Let's do this.
Let's find out
what the blood work tells us.
I'll try to give you a specimen.
Some hospital food may help me along.
Then we might hear from Dr. Gillman.
We can start from there, okay?
- Everybody happy? All right?
- Okay.
- I'll see the lab about the blood work.
- Thank you, Doctor.
I'm sorry.
That's the third time
the office has beeped me.
- I better go.
- "Klenstein"?
I gotta go give them a call.
Now, I want you to sit down and relax.
- I am relaxed.
- Oh, good.
Is there a phone around,
somewhere nearby?
- Down the hall.
- Thank you.
If you or someone you know has been
injured through the fault of others...
you may be entitled
to a cash settlement...
or money damages
for your pain and suffering.
- Good Lord.
- I'm attorneyJoseph Miller.
At McCreedy and...
Mr. Beckett's office.
Shelby, it's me.
Jamey's been beepin' me.
I'm so glad you called, Andrew.
Listen, I just want you to know we have
a minor catastrophe in the making here.
It's about that Highline complaint.
Jamey is going absolutely ballistic.
All right. Calm down.
Put him on.
All right. One second.
Andy, this is a disaster! We can't find
the revisions on the Highline complaint.
Wait, wait. Slow down.
I told them you were working at home,
and it would be here this morning.
No. I brought it into the office
last night.
I was there till 3:00 a.m. There should
be a copy with corrections on my desk.
I'm telling you it's not here, Andy.
Shelby can't find it either.
All right.
The hard disk on my computer.
Print it up on the double and run it
through word processing yourself.
- Okay. What did you file it under?
- H- L-1.
Jamey, I don't have to tell you we are
up against the statute of limitations...
and it runs out in...
in 75 minutes?
- It's not here, Andy.
- Not there? I'm on my way.
Every problem has a solution.
Aw, it's coming.
Yeah, baby, it's coming!
It's a girl.
Oh, my God.
- Take a picture, Joe.
- I'm trying. I can't get the film in.
Oh, my God.
Baby? Help me, baby.
Aw, look at her.
- That little, sweet little...
- Get a picture before she gets too old.
She's perfect, Lisa.
Long hair.
Go down to Famous Fourth Street Deli,
and get a pound of Nova...
No... Scotch salmon.
She likes that.
Yeah. Some onion rolls, bagels...
Here, give me a call.
- Nice champagne.
- You're that TV guy.
I don't care how much it costs.
Get some nice Dom Perignon.
- Thanks.
- How much?
A hundred dollars? Don't get
Dom Perignon. Get a nice Californian.
Dom Perignon's too much. Get it all
over here, because she's starving.
No, Iris, not the baby.
Lisa is starving.
Yeah, Lisa.
Iris, listen.
- Anybody call?
- An Andrew Beckett called.
Beckett? Who's Andrew Beckett?
There he is! Joseph!
The entire street is clear, except for
one small area under construction:
This huge hole that is
clearly marked and blocked off.
- Yes.
- You decide to cross at this spot.
You fall into the hole. Now you want
to sue the city for negligence, right?
Yes. Do I have a case?
- Yes. Of course you've got a case.
- Great.
- Go with my assistant Iris.
- All right.
She'll have you fill out some forms,
tell you about our fee arrangement.
Of course, you know we take no cash
unless we get cash justice for you.
How's your back? You got any
lower back pain, dizziness, nightmares?
Funny you should mention that.
I been having...
Iris will take good care of you.
Iris, you take good care of Mr. Finley.
- I will. Mr. Beckett's here.
- Hey, thanks a lot.
Take care. Mr. Beckett?
Mr. Beckett, come in.
It's good to see you again,
Judge Tate. Kendall Construction.
How are you?
What happened to your face?
I have AIDS.
I'm sorry. I, uh...
- Can I sit down?
- Yeah.
Thank you.
Oh, look at this.
You have a new baby.
I got a little baby girl.
"It's a girl."
Yeah. One week old.
Kids are great.
Yeah. Thank you, Beckett.
I'm real excited about it. Listen, I...
What can I do for you?
I've been fired by Wyant, Wheeler.
I want to bring a wrongful termination
suit against Wheeler and his partners.
You want to sue Wyant, Wheeler,
Hellerman, Tetlow and Brown?
I'm seeking representation.
I misplaced an important complaint.
That's their story.
Want to hear mine?
How many lawyers did you go to
before you called me?
The night before it was due,
I worked on the complaint in my office.
I left a copy of it on my desk.
The next day,
the complaint vanished.
No hard copy.
All traces of it
mysteriously gone from my computer.
Miraculously, a copy of the complaint
was located at the last minute...
and we got it to court on time.
But the next day I was summoned
to a meeting with the managing partners.
They were waiting for me
in the conference room.
Oh, hello, Andy!
Come on in.
Would you mind hitting the windows?
Thanks. Come on in.
Kenneth, Robert, Charles,
Walter and Lydia.
Thanks for coming in.
Oh, of course.
Andy, before we begin,
I'd just like to say...
that everyone in this room
is your friend.
I know that, Charles.
More than your friend...
Charles, I must apologize again
for the Highline mishap yesterday.
That was some scary moment
around here.
Wow. Thank God
the complaint was found...
and no damage was done.
This time.
What about next time?
There won't be a next time.
I guarantee it.
Yeah. It's just that something's
come over you lately, Andy.
I don't know...
some kind of stupor or fogginess.
Some people think you have
an attitude problem, Beckett.
Who thinks that?
I do.
Excuse me.
Am I being fired?
Let me put it this way, Andy.
Your place in the future
of this firm is no longer secure.
We feel it isn't fair
to keep you here...
when your prospects are limited.
And now,
I don't want to rush you out...
We've got a committee meeting.
Excuse me, Charles...
with all due respect,
this is preposterous!
It doesn't make any sense.
Oh, you're right, Beckett.
You don't have an attitude problem.
Take it easy.
If you'd lost confidence in me,
why did you give me the Highline suit?
Andy, you nearly blew the entire case.
That alone is inexcusable.
It would have been
catastrophic for us.
So you were
concealing your illness.
That's correct.
All right. Explain this to me
like I'm a two-year-old, okay?
Because there's an element to this thing
that I cannot get through my thick head.
Didn't you have an obligation
to tell your employer...
you had this dreaded, deadly,
infectious disease?
That's not the point.
From the day they hired me
to the day I was fired...
I served my clients consistently,
thoroughly, with absolute excellence.
If they hadn't fired me,
that's what I'd be doing today.
And they don't want to fire you
for having AIDS...
so, in spite of your brilliance,
they make you look incompetent.
Thus, the mysterious lost files.
Is that what you're trying to tell me?
Correct. I was sabotaged.
I don't buy it, Counselor.
That's very disappointing.
I don't see a case.
I have a case.
If you don't want it
for personal reasons...
Thank you.
That's correct. I don't.
Well, thank you for your time,
I'm sorry about what happened to you.
It's a bitch, you know?
Have a nice day, Mr. Beckett.
What the hell's the matter
with that guy?
Iris, find out
if Armbruster can see me.
- Joe Miller's office.
- Iris.
- Find out if Armbruster can see me.
- Armbruster? When?
- Sometime this afternoon.
- What's wrong with him?
No. Right away, Iris.
Excuse me.
The HIV virus can only be transmitted
through the exchange ofbodily fluids...
namely, blood, semen
and vaginal secretions.
Right. Yeah.
But isn't it true they're finding out
new things about this disease every day?
Now, you tell me today
there's no danger. Go home.
I go home.
I pick up my little baby girl.
Then I find out six months from now
on the news or something:
Whoops! Made a mistake.
Yeah, you can carry it...
on your shirt
or your clothes or...
What are you doing?
We're gonna draw blood.
- Why are we gonna do that?
- Joe.
Little Joe.
I've known you
since you were a kid.
And I don't care a whit
about your private life.
Thanks, Doc. I don't need
an AIDS test, but thanks anyway.
Just send a bill
to my office for me.
Thanks for the information.
You have a problem with gays, Joe.
- Not especially.
- Yes, you do.
- How many gays do you know?
- How many do you know?
- Lots.
- Like who?
Karen Berman, my aunt Theresa...
Cousin Tommy
who lives in Rochester...
Eddie Meyers from the office...
Stanley, the guy who's putting in
our kitchen cabinets.
Aunt Theresa is gay?
That beautiful, sensuous,
voluptuous woman is a lesbian?
Since when?
Probably since she was born.
Oh, man.
All right. Well, hey,
I admit it, okay?
I'm prejudiced. I don't like
homosexuals. There. You got me.
- All right.
- I mean, the way these guys do that...
thing, don't they get confused?
"Oh, I don't know.
Is that yours? Is that mine?"
You know, I don't want to be in bed
with anybody who's stronger than me...
or who has more hair
on their chest.
Now, you can call me old-fashioned,
conservative. Just call me a man.
Besides, I think you have to be a man
to understand how...
really disgusting
that whole idea is anyway.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Well, well.
Little caveman of the house.
You damn skippy.
Here you go, baby.
Stay away from your aunt Theresa too.
Joe, don't say that to her.
Think about those guys
pumping up together...
trying to be macho and faggot
at the same time.
I mean, I can't stand that shit.
Hey, I'm bein' totally honest
with you, okay?
- Oh, yeah. You are.
- All right. I got a question for you.
Would you accept a client...
if you were constantly thinking...
"I don't want this person to touch me.
I don't want him
to even breathe on me"?
- Not if I was you, honey.
- That's what I'm talking about.
Ho, ho, ho!
Merry Christmas!
- Merry Christmas.
- Thank you.
- Hey, merry Christmas!
- Merry Christmas, sir.
Happy new year.
- You're the, uh, the TV guy.
- TV guy.
This is the supplement.
You're right. There is a section
on HIV-related discrimination.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
We do have a private research room
I'm fine right here.
Thank you.
Excuse me. Do you know where I can find
the State v. Murdock case?
Just a moment.
I'll be right with you.
Wouldn't you be more comfortable
in a research room?
Would it make you more comfortable?
Beckett. How you doin'?
Whatever, sir.
Excuse me.
Who'd you get?
Did you find a lawyer?
I'm a lawyer.
Hey, how's your baby?
Oh, yeah. She's, uh...
She's wonderful, great.
What's her name?
That's a beautiful name.
Named her after my sister.
Look, I'm, uh...
How'd they find out
you have the AIDS?
One of the partners noticed
a lesion on my forehead.
But how do you go from, uh...
How do you go from a lawyer spotting
a lesion, which could be anything...
to the partners deducing
that you have AIDS...
and terminating you
on the basis of that conclusion?
That's a good point.
The partner who spotted the lesion,
Walter Kenton...
worked for Walsh,
Ulmer and Brahm in D.C.
A paralegal there,
Melissa Benedict...
showed lesions on and off
for the better part of two, three years.
She says it was common knowledge around
the office they were caused by AIDS.
But they didn't fire her.
No. They did not fire her.
I see.
So you got a relevant precedent?
The Arline decision.
- Arline?
- Supreme Court.
"The Federal Vocational
Rehabilitation Act...
of 1973 prohibits
against otherwise
qualified handicapped persons...
who are able to perform the duties
required by their employment.
Although the ruling did not
address the specific issue...
of HIV and AIDS discrimination..."
"Subsequent decisions have held
that AIDS is protected as a handicap...
under law, not only because of
the physical limitations it imposes...
but because the prejudice
surrounding AIDS...
exacts a social death which precedes...
which precedes
the actual physical one."
"This is the essence
of discrimination:
Forming opinions about others
not based on their individual merits...
but rather their membership in a group
with assumed characteristics."
- Charles Wheeler.
- Julius Erving!
- By golly, I'm glad to see you!
- Ken Starr.
- Ken, how are ya?
- How are ya?
Come over here.
Charles Wheeler, how you doin'?
- How are you?
- Very good.
- Welcome...
- Summons for you.
Take a look at it.
Have a good day.
Hey, Dr.J. How are you?
You're the best.
If you ever need a lawyer for anything,
you give me a call.
If you slip and fall, you know,
accidents, anything, let me know.
See you in court.
- The TV guy.
- Yeah, the TV guy.
Say, Chuck, what's up?
Now, regarding Andy, I want to know
everything regarding his personal life.
Does he frequent those pathetic bars
on Chestnut Street?
- Right.
- Oh, Jesus.
What other homosexual facilities
does he go to?
- Absolutely.
- Charles.
What deviant groups or organizations
does he secretly belong to?
- First thing in the morning.
- Wait a minute!
- Look...
- What is it?
Let's make a fair settlement offer
and put this tragic business behind us.
Andy brought AIDS into our offices...
into our men's room.
He brought AIDS
to our annual goddamn family picnic.
We ought to be suing him, Bob.
Where is your compassion,
Bob, we gave him Highline.
Did Andrew Beckett say...
"I might not be able to serve
our client to the best of my ability"?
He said nothing.
And now, disregarding the trust
and affection I conferred upon him...
Andrew Beckett proposes
to haul me into court...
to sling accusations at me,
to call me a bigot...
in full view of the entire
Philadelphia judicial establishment.
My God!
Excuse me.
Beckett doesn't want to go to court.
He wants a quick, tasty settlement.
A jury might decide
that he has a case.
Wait a minute.
He was fired for incompetence,
not because he has AIDS.
You didn't know he was sick,
did you, Bob?
Holy shit.
Did you, Bob?
No. No, not really.
Okay, everybody.
Everybody, this is the house
that I grew up in...
right here in the hometown
of Lower Merion, Pennsylvania.
Wait, here's proof.
There. My handprints
from when I was a cute little boy.
Today is the 40th wedding anniversary
of my mom and dad, the Becketts.
Isn't that somethin'?
Pretty tough life around this poverty
so many years, huh?
Well, those can be some pretty mean
streets. Don't let appearances fool you.
Here's the front door.
Now, I once slammed...
this finger in the front door
and I broke it.
There's my sisterJill,
- Say hello, Alexis.
- Mommy's pregnant again!
What? Are you really?
- Hi, Meghan.
- It's Uncle Andy!
- Where's Dad?
- He's trying to fix the snowblower.
It snows once in seven years,
Dad buys a new snowblower.
Oh, me. How are you?
Oh, Mom, today's a good day.
Meghan, keep that up.
You're doin' a great job.
I gotta say hello
to the Bronte sisters.
How are you?
Good to see you.
Hi, Lee. How are you?
Put me down!
If you let me love you
It's for sure I'm gonna love you
All the way
Bud and Sarah
All the way
There will be things said at the trial
that are hard for you to hear...
about me and my personal life.
And there's gonna be publicity. I want
to make sure it's okay with everybody.
Andy, you want me to take her?
No. She's fine.
I think it's great
that you're asking, Andy...
but this is really your call.
All right.
Thank you, brother.
Hey, you're my kid brother.
That's all that matters.
To be honest,
I'm worried about Mommy and Daddy.
They've been through
so much already.
And it's possible there are going to be
some very tough times ahead.
Andy, the way that you've handled
this whole thing...
you and Miguel...
with so much courage...
I don't believe there's anything...
that anyone could say
that would...
make us feel anything
but incredibly proud of you.
Well, I didn't raise my kids
to sit in the back of the bus.
You get in there
and you fight for your rights, okay?
Gee, I love you guys.
Ladies and gentlemen of thejury...
forget everything you've seen
on television and in the movies.
There's not gonna be
any last-minute surprise witnesses.
Nobody's gonna break down on the stand
with a tearful confession.
You're gonna be presented with
a simple fact:
Andrew Beckett was fired.
You'll hear two explanations
for why he was fired:
Ours and theirs.
It is up to you to sift
through layer upon layer of truth...
until you determine for yourselves
which version sounds the most true.
There are certain points
that I must prove to you.
Point number one:
Andrew Beckett was...
is... a brilliant lawyer...
a great lawyer.
Point number two: Andrew Beckett,
afflicted with a debilitating disease...
made the understandable,
the personal...
the legal choice to keep
the fact of his illness to himself.
Point number three:
His employers discovered his illness.
And, ladies and gentlemen,
the illness I'm referring to is AIDS.
Point number four: They panicked.
And in their panic, they did what most
of us would like to do with AIDS...
which is just get it
and everybody who has it...
as far away from the rest of us
as possible.
Now, the behavior of Andrew Beckett's
employers may seem reasonable to you.
It does to me.
After all, AIDS is a deadly,
incurable disease.
But no matter how you come to judge
Charles Wheeler and his partners...
in ethical, moral and human terms,
the fact of the matter is...
when they fired Andrew Beckett
because he had AIDS...
they broke the law.
Andrew Beckett's performance
on the job...
varied from competent, good...
to oftentimes mediocre...
to sometimes flagrantly incompetent.
He claims he's the victim
of lies and deceit.
It was Andrew Beckett who lied...
going to great lengths to conceal
his disease from his employers.
He was successful
in his duplicity.
The partners at Wyant, Wheeler
did not know...
that Andrew Beckett had AIDS
when they fired him.
Andrew Beckett is dying.
Andrew Beckett is angry...
because his lifestyle,
his reckless behavior...
has cut short his life.
And in his anger, his rage...
he is lashing out.
And he wants someone to pay.
Thank you.
Andrew Beckett represented your company
in a lawsuit in 1990. Is that correct?
That's correct.
Were you pleased
with his work?
We were satisfied
with the outcome of the litigation.
Mr. Laird, when I approached you
about being a witness in this trial...
you gave sworn testimony
in a deposition, is that correct?
That's correct.
In that deposition, you said that
you were impressed and delighted...
with the quality
of Andrew Beckett's work.
Do you recall saying that?
In all honesty,
I was delighted...
with certain aspects
of Andy's efforts.
But in general,
I found the work to be...
merely satisfactory.
Do you agree...
that a bologna sandwich
is a satisfactory meal?
Whereas caviar
and champagne...
roast duck and baked Alaska...
that might be considered
a delightful meal?
We object. These gastronomical comments
are irrelevant, Your Honor.
They are not irrelevant.
Your Honor, five months ago this witness
characterized Andrew Beckett as caviar.
Now he's a bologna sandwich.
I think the jury
is entitled to know...
what powerful force
has caused him to change his mind.
He hasn't changed his mind.
He's amplified his answer.
Objection sustained.
All right.
Mr. Laird, explain this to me
like I'm a four-year-old, okay?
Did Andrew Beckett
win your lawsuit for you?
Yes, we won.
Oh, congratulations!
That must've been a very...
satisfactory experience.
"AIDS Cures Homosexuality"
Homophobia's got to go. Hey, hey!
- Ready, Mr. Beckett?
- Get ready. Here they come.
No rights for sodomites!
Adam and Eve!
Not Adam and Steve!
Thou shalt not lie
with mankind.
Do you see this
as a gay rights issue?
I am not political.
I just want what is fair, what is right.
But you are gay, aren't you?
I don't see how that's
any of your business. But, yes, I am.
Totally irrelevant.
Do you think that homosexuals
deserve special treatment?
- Hell, no!
- We're in Philadelphia...
the City of Brotherly Love,
birthplace of freedom...
where the Founding Fathers authored
the Declaration of Independence.
I don't recall that
glorious document saying...
anything about all straight men
are created equal.
I believe it says
all men are created equal.
Gimme a goddamn break.
As far as someone being fired
from a law firm or a business...
if we found that their action
was discriminatory...
they'd do no business with the city.
- Thank you, Mayor.
- Yo!
You're not getting a little light
in the sneakers, are you, pal?
Yeah, I am, Filko.
I'm changing.
I'm on the prowl.
And I'm looking for a hunk,
not just any hunk.
I mean a man,
a real man like you.
You can tell everybody. You know
what we do. You wanna play sailor?
- Remember? You're the first mate?
- That's not funny!
Let me tell you something.
These people make me sick.
But a law's been broken.
You remember the law?
At least we agree
on one thing, Joe.
What's that, Charlie?
Tutti-fruttis make me sick too.
Ms. Benedict, is it true you worked
for Walsh, Ulmer and Brahm...
at the same time as Walter Kenton?
That's correct.
At that time,
did Walter Kenton know...
the K.S. Lesions on your face
and arms were caused by AIDS?
I told all the partners.
How did Walter Kenton treat you
after you told him you had AIDS?
Every time he'd come in contact with me,
he'd get this look on his face.
I refer to it
as the "Oh, God" expression.
As in, "Oh, God,
here comes that woman with AIDS."
Thank you, Ms. Benedict.
No more questions, Your Honor.
Ms. Benedict,
how did you contract the AIDS virus?
Through a transfusion. I lost a lot of
blood giving birth to my second child.
So, in your case
there was no behavior on your part...
which caused you to be
infected with the virus.
It was something you were unable
to avoid. Isn't that correct?
I guess.
Thank you.
But I don't
consider myself...
any different from anyone else
with this disease.
I'm not guilty. I'm not innocent.
I'm just trying to survive.
Thank you, Ms. Benedict.
No further questions
at this time, Your Honor.
You may step down, Mrs. Benedict.
Beyond noticing
the marks on his face...
were there other things
about his appearance, Miss Burton...
that made you suspect
that Andrew had AIDS?
He was getting thinner,
and he seemed very tired sometimes.
But he was working so hard.
Still, I felt something was wrong.
And I can't believe they're pretending
that they didn't notice anything.
Just answer the question, please.
Have you ever felt discriminated against
at Wyant, Wheeler?
Well, yes.
- In what way?
- Well...
Mr. Wheeler's secretary, Lydia...
said that Mr. Wheeler
had a problem with my earrings.
- Really?
- Apparently Mr. Wheeler felt...
that they were too...
"ethnic" is the word she used.
She told me he said
he would like it...
if I wore something
a little less garish...
a little smaller and more American.
What'd you say?
I said, "My earrings are American.
They're African-American."
Let's have order, please.
Thank you. No more questions.
Ms. Burton...
weren't you recently promoted?
Yes. I'm in charge
of the paralegal department.
Congratulations on your unfettered
ascendancy at Wyant, Wheeler.
I don't know if I'd go so far
as to call it unfettered.
I don't understand.
How do you explain...
the promotion of an obviously...
intelligent, articulate...
African-American woman...
in a firm which practices
as wantonly and consistently
as you and Mr. Beckett claim?
- I can't explain it.
- Could it be...
that these...
instances of discrimination...
are in fact misunderstandings...
that have been blown
completely out of proportion?
I think counsel tends to
oversimplify the issue somewhat.
Thank you, Miss Burton,
take that note
under consideration.
- How's the trial going?
- Excuse me?
It's a great case. I saw you on
television. I'm a law student at Penn.
- How you doing?
- All right. How are you?
- Saw me on TV?
- Yeah.
It's a good school, Penn.
What year are you in?
Second. Listen,
I just want to tell you...
this case,
it's tremendously important.
I wanted to let you know
I think you're doing a fantastic job.
- Hey.
- Thank you. All right.
When you graduate,
you give me a call.
Okay. All right.
Thank you very much.
- Listen, Joe?
- Yeah?
Would you like to have a drink? I just
finished a game and could use a beer.
Ah, no, I can't.
My wife is...
I don't pick up people
in drugstores every day.
- You think I'm gay?
- Aren't you?
What's the matter?
I look gay to you?
Do I look gay to you?
- Relax.
- I ought to kick your faggoty ass.
Take it as a compliment.
That is exactly the kind of bullshit
that makes people hate your...
faggoty ass.
You want to try
and kick my ass, Joe?
- Asshole.
- No, you're the asshole, buddy!
Please continue, Ms. O'Hara.
We were going crazy looking
for this complaint.
I felt like I was
in the twilight zone.
Mr. Beckett was screaming
at everybody and he just...
He looked so freaky.
Mr. Kenton kept saying,
"You lost the Highline complaint?"
And he called Mr. Wheeler,
and all of a sudden...
Jamey comes in with the complaint
in his hand.
- He says, "It was in central files."
- Central files?
Central files is a place where paperwork
is sent when cases are closed.
Jamey ran it over
to the court just in time...
and everybody just stood
there completely wasted.
And Mr...
And Mr. Beckett
just kept saying...
"I'm sorry. Sorry.
I don't understand this."
Thank you, Ms. O'Hara.
No further questions
at this time, Your Honor.
All right. Mr. Miller.
- May I?
- Certainly.
Thank you.
- You okay?
- Yes.
- You want a glass of water?
- No.
Was Andy a good boss?
He was very sweet.
How would you characterize
his work as an attorney?
How would I know?
I just worked for him.
Excuse me, Your Honor,
but is this for the record?
Mr. Miller, perhaps you should
return to counsel's table.
Yes, sir.
- Miss O'Hara?
- Yes?
Were you aware...
at any time of any problems
that the senior partners had...
with the quality of Andrew's work
prior to this missing file episode?
No, I wasn't.
Thank you.
No more questions, Your Honor.
Is Andrew Becket the kind of lawyer
who misplaces crucial documents?
Not to my knowledge. No.
If you wanted to make a lawyer look
incompetent, would this be a good way?
Hiding an important document
maybe for a few hours...
and then making it look like
the responsible lawyer misplaced it?
Why would Mr. Wheeler and the others
behave so outrageously?
Because they found out
Andy was sick?
- He's not answering the question.
- Perhaps.
We've had lawyers with heart attacks,
ulcers, prostate cancer, leukemia!
No one sandbagged them.
Did you have something to do with this
file being lost accidentally on purpose?
- Objection.
- I'll rephrase.
Did you have anything
to do with this file being misplaced?
Absolutely not.
Are you a homosexual?
- What?
- Answer the question! Are you a homo?
A faggot? A punk?
A queen, pillow biter, fairy?
Bootie snatcher, rump roaster?
Are you gay?
- Objection!
- Order!
Where did this come from? Suddenly
counsel's attacking his own witness?
Mr. Collins' sexual orientation
has nothing to do with this case.
Please have a seat, Miss Conine.
Would you approach the bench,
Mr. Miller?
Could you kindly
share with me...
exactly what's going on
inside your head...
because at this moment,
I don't have a clue.
Your Honor...
everybody in this courtroom...
is thinking about sexual orientation,
sexual preference...
whatever you want to call it.
Who does what to whom
and how they do it.
They're looking at Andrew Beckett.
They're thinking about it.
They're looking at Mr. Wheeler,
Miss Conine, even you, Your Honor.
They're wondering about it.
Trust me, I know they're looking at me
and thinking about it.
So let's get it out in the open.
Let's get it out of the closet.
Because this case is not
just about AIDS, is it?
So let's talk about what
this case is really all about:
The general public's hatred,
our loathing...
our fear of homosexuals...
and how that climate
of hatred and fear...
translated into the firing
of this particular homosexual...
my client, Andrew Beckett.
Please have a seat, Mr. Miller.
Very good.
In this courtroom, Mr. Miller,
justice is blind...
to matters of race, creed, color...
religion and sexual orientation.
With all due respect,
Your Honor...
we don't live in this courtroom,
though, do we?
No, we don't.
However, as regards to this witness...
I'm going to sustain
the defense's objection.
How many weeks would you be out to sea
without stopping at port?
Oh, anywhere from two weeks
to several months.
Any women on board?
Not when I was in the navy.
So, during these long voyages...
months at a time out to sea,
no women in sight...
hundreds of hardworking, robust
young men in the prime of their lives...
at the peak of their natural appetites
and desires...
their God-given hormonal instincts,
anything going on?
Going on? Like what?
Like two sailors down below
making flippy-flop.
- Objection.
- Mr. Miller.
We had one guy like that.
You haven't ruled on my objection,
Your Honor.
Go on, Mr. Miller.
You had one guy like that.
You mean a homosexual?
He strutted around quarters naked
trying to get everybody to notice him.
Made everyone sick.
He was destroying our morale.
So we let him know this kind
of behavior was not acceptable.
How'd you do that?
Wrote him a letter?
We stuck his head in a latrine
after ten of us had used it.
- You taught him a lesson, didn't you?
- Yes, we did.
- Like firing Andrew taught him a lesson.
- Objection.
I withdraw. You were aware
when you worked with Melissa Benedict...
that she had AIDS, correct?
- She didn't try to conceal it.
- So you are aware...
of the difference between
a bruise and a lesion. Correct?
Beckett told me he had been hit
by a racket ball, and I believed him.
Did you avoid contact with Ms. Benedict
after you found out she had AIDS?
She says and I quote, that you were
repulsed by her. Is that correct?
I felt,
and I still feel nothing...
but the deepest sympathy and compassion
for people like Melissa...
who contracted this terrible disease
through no fault of their own.
Don't move now.
Boy. It's not going through.
We may have to flush it out again.
The vein's closed.
We've got to call Barbara.
- Nurse Ratchett.
- Wait a minute.
Yeah. Tell her to come over.
Look, I've... There's so much stuff
that I need to get done.
Can we... Can we just skip
the treatment for tonight?
No. We are not
skipping this treatment.
It's my arm, and it's my treatment,
and I say skip it.
You know something?
That stuff is saving your life.
What's the matter with you tonight?
Close the law book.
Will you just...
The least you can do...
is look at me...
and give me a little
of your time, man.
Got it?
You are worried...
we don't have very much time left,
now, aren't you?
No. No.
I'll tell you
what I'm gonna do.
I'm going to start planning
my memorial service.
I'm going to start preparing
for the inevitable.
Maybe you should
think about it.
I've got a better idea.
- Hi, Andrew. Hi, Miguel.
- Hey, hey!
- Oh, Joe Miller, Counselor.
- My wife, Lisa.
- Are you Lisa? Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
- You look wonderful!
- Maria, Lisa.
- Miguel's sister, Maria.
- How are you, Maria?
- Do you care for something to drink?
- I'll take care ofJoe.
You're looking, uh, alive tonight!
I had a blood transfusion,
and I feel great.
So, you like it?
I'm a lawsuit.
You get it?
I'm a lawsuit.
- It's not bad.
- Lawsuit.
- What are you drinking?
- Wine is good.
Can I have some
of the red, please?
We've got to get to this Q and A
sometime tonight, you know?
Sure. Just one problem.
- I'm at a party right now.
- Fine. Whatever.
- We'll get to it, just later.
- Thank you.
Hi, Joe Miller.
- Do I know you?
- Mona Lisa.
Ah. Uh, lawsuit.
Nice. Have fun.
Mr. Sandman
Bring me a dream
Make him the cutest boy
that I've ever seen
Give him two lips
like roses in clover
Then tell me that
my lonesome nights are over
Mr. Sandman
I'm so alone
Don't have a boyfriend
to call my own
Oh, won't you please turn on
your magic beam
Mr. Sandman, bring us a dream
It is hard to imagine
Oh, that nothing at all
Could be so exciting
And so much fun
Oh, heaven
Is a place
Where nothing
Oh, nothing
Can go wrong
Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Sure.
Congratulations, Counselor.
You've survived what I assume to be
your first gay party intact.
Let me tell you something.
When you're brought up the way
most people are in this country...
there's not a whole lot of discussion
about homosexuality...
or what do you call it,
alternate lifestyles.
As a kid you're taught
that queers are funny, queers are weird.
Queers dress up like their mother,
that they're afraid to fight...
that they're a danger
to little kids.
That all they want to do
is get into your pants.
That pretty much sums up the general
thinking, if you want to know the truth.
- Thank you for sharing that with me.
- You're very welcome.
Let's go over this testimony.
We've got a big day on Monday.
Okay. First I'll ask you...
"Can you describe
the circumstances in which...
you joined the firm Wyant, Wheeler,
Hellerman, Tetlow and Brown?"
Do you ever pray?
Andrew, that is not
the answer to the question.
But, yes, I pray.
- What do you pray for?
- What do you mean?
I pray that... I don't know!
I pray my baby is healthy.
I pray my wife made it through delivery.
I pray the Phillies
win the pennant.
Now, can we go through
these questions?
Number one: "Can you describe
the circumstances in which...
you joined the firm Wyant, Wheeler,
Hellerman, Tetlow and Brown?"
Can you do that for me?
There's a possibility I won't be around
to see the end of this trial.
Yes, I've considered that.
I've made some provisions
in my will for some charities.
Miguel will need a lawyer.
I know it's not your area.
I know a good probate lawyer.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome. Now...
"Can you describe
the circumstances in which...
you joined the firm Wyant, Wheeler,
Hellerman, Tetlow and Brown?"
Do you mind this music?
Do you like opera?
I am not that familiar
with opera, Andrew.
Oh, this is my favorite aria.
It's Maria Callas.
It's Andrea Chenier.
Umberto Giordano.
This is Madeleine.
She's saying how...
during the French Revolution
the mob set fire to her house.
And her mother died,
saving her.
She says, "Look!
The place that cradled me
is burning.
I am alone."
Do you hear the heartache
in her voice?
Can you feel it?
Now, in come the strings,
and it changes everything.
It's like the music...
it fills with a hope.
And that'll change again.
"I bring sorrow
to those who love me."
Oh, that single cello!
"It was during this sorrow
that love came to me.
A voice filled with harmony.
It said, "Live still.
I am life.
Heaven is in your eyes.
It's everything around you.
It's the blood and the mud.
I am divine!
I am oblivion.
I am the god...
that comes down from the heavens
to the earth...
and makes of the earth a heaven.
I am love.
I am love."
Geez, I better get out of here.
I told her that, you know...
I'll look over the Q and A.
No, you're ready.
Yes, baby.
Oh, I love you, little Larice.
Place your left hand on the Bible.
Raise your right hand.
Do you swear to tell the whole truth and
nothing but the truth, so help you God?
- I do.
- Please be seated.
Andrew, can you describe
the circumstances in which...
you joined the firm Wyant, Wheeler,
Hellerman, Tetlow and Brown?
Wyant, Wheeler
aggressively recruited me.
They were the most
prestigious firm in Philadelphia...
full of opportunity.
And I was impressed
with the partners.
- Including Charles Wheeler?
- Particularly Charles.
What impressed you about him?
He was the kind of lawyer
I thought I wanted to be.
What kind of lawyer is that?
Possessed of an encyclopedic
knowledge of the law...
a razor-sharp litigator,
genuine leader.
Gifted at bringing out
the very best in others...
and an awesome ability
to illuminate...
the most complex of legal concepts
to a colleague, a courtroom...
to the man in the street.
The kind of person who can play
three sets of tennis...
but doesn't sweat.
Underneath an elegant surface...
he has an adventurous spirit.
In the years
you worked at Wyant, Wheeler...
did you ever tell Charles Wheeler
you were gay?
No, I didn't.
Why not?
You don't bring your personal life
into a law firm.
You're not supposed to have
a personal life, really.
Anyway, I did plan
to tell Charles eventually.
But then something happened...
at the racket club...
about three years ago.
Somebody started telling
some jokes.
What do you call a woman who has
P.M.S. and E.S.P. at the same time?
I don't know!
What do you call her?
A bitch who knows everything.
Sounds like someone I know.
Hey, Walter, how does a faggot
fake an orgasm?
He throws a quart of hot yogurt
on your back!
That reminds me...
How'd that make you feel?
that I never told him
I was gay.
Just very relieved.
All right.
Are you a good lawyer, Andrew?
I'm an excellent lawyer.
What makes you
an excellent lawyer?
I love the law.
I know the law.
I excel at practicing.
What do you love
about the law, Andrew?
I... Many things.
What I love the most?
Is that
every now and again...
not often, but occasionally...
you get to be a part of...
justice being done.
That really is...
quite a thrill
when that happens.
Thank you, Andrew.
You said earlier...
you aspire to be the kind of person
who had an adventurous spirit, correct?
Something like that.
Do you take risks?
In my work, yes.
Calculated risks.
You have to.
Did your doctor ever tell you
to reduce stress?
That long hours
and stressful working conditions...
might damage the immune system...
and speed up your illness?
My doctor mentioned the impact AIDS...
Excuse me.
My doctor mentioned the impact
stress could have on the immune system.
Have you ever been
to the Stallion Showcase Cinema...
on 21st Street?
I've been to...
I've been to that theater...
three times in my life.
What kind of movies
do they show there?
Gay movies.
Gay pornographic movies?
Objection, Your Honor.
Your Honor, this line of questioning
is vital to the issue of credibility.
Let's see where this is going.
Continue, Counselor.
Do men have sex with each other
in that theater?
Some men.
Have you ever had sex with anyone
in that theater?
I'm Robert.
When? Approximately what year
did that event take place?
I guess it was 1984.
'84, '85.
Were you aware in 1984, '85...
that there was a fatal disease
out there called AIDS...
and that you could contract it
through sexual activity?
I'd heard of some...
I'd heard of a thing.
The gay plague, the gay cancer.
We didn't know
how you could get it...
or that it killed you.
Do you need a break, Mr. Beckett?
No. I could use some water, though.
John, would you
bring Mr. Beckett some water?
While you were employed at Wyant,
Wheeler you did everything you could...
to make sure no one knew
that you were an active homosexual.
That's not correct.
I never lied about it.
As a homosexual...
one is often forced to conceal
one's sexuality.
Isn't that right?
In some circumstances, yes.
Isn't it true you've spent your life
pretending to be something you're not...
so much so that the art
of concealment and dishonesty...
- has become second nature...
- Your Honor, I object!
I'll withdraw it,
Your Honor.
Mr. Beckett, were you living with...
Miguel Alvarez...
in 1984 or '85
when you had your...
anonymous sexual encounter
in the porn theater?
So you could have infected him,
isn't that right?
Miguel has not been infected.
You didn't answer my question.
You could have infected Mr. Alvarez
at that time. Is that correct?
You've testified that
the lesions on your face...
were visible to the people
that you worked with, correct?
That's right.
And you contend that when the partners
were made aware of the lesions...
that they leapt to the conclusion
that you had AIDS and fired you.
Is that correct?
As painful as it is...
to accuse my former colleagues...
of such reprehensible behavior...
it is the only conclusion
I could come to.
Do you have any lesions
on your face at this time?
One here...
right by my ear.
Your Honor,
may I approach the witness?
Yes, you may.
Remembering that
you're under oath...
answering truthfully...
can you see the lesions
on your face in this mirror...
from three feet away?
Answering truthfully.
Well, l...
At the time I was fired...
I had four lesions,
and they were much bigger.
Could you answer
the question, please?
Well, no.
No, I can't really see it.
No more questions, Your Honor.
This would be a good time
to break for today.
- We can reconvene in the morning.
- I hate this case.
Your Honor, may I have
five minutes in redirect?
Mr. Beckett, can you go on
for five minutes?
- Three minutes.
- Yes.
May I borrow your mirror, please?
Do you have any lesions on any part
of your body at this time...
that resemble the lesions
you had on your face...
at the time that you were fired?
Yes. On my torso.
Your torso.
If it please the court...
I would like to ask Andrew
to remove his shirt...
so that everyone could get an accurate
idea of what we're talking about.
Your Honor, it would
unfairly influence the jury.
Your Honor, if Andrew was forced to use
a wheelchair due to his illness...
would the defense ask him
to park it outside...
because it would
unfairly influence the jury?
We're talking about AIDS, about lesions.
Let's see what we're talking about.
I'll allow it.
Mr. Beckett, would you please
remove your shirt?
My God, what a nightmare!
He asked for it.
Can you see the lesions
on your chest in this mirror?
Thank you.
Do you swear to tell the whole truth,
so help you God?
I do.
Please be seated.
Mr. Wheeler, were you aware
that Andrew Beckett...
was suffering from AIDS at the time
of his departure from Wyant, Wheeler?
- No.
- For absolute clarity...
did you fire Andrew Beckett...
because he had AIDS?
No, I did not fire Andrew Beckett
because he had AIDS.
Mr. Wheeler, can you explain,
in a way that leaves no doubt...
why you promoted...
Andrew Beckett through your firm?
And then, most importantly...
why you eventually
asked him to leave?
If you're the owner
of a major league ball club...
you recruit the hot rookie.
And Andy was tremendously promising
as a young attorney.
Fresh out of Penn.
That's why we went after him.
That's why we hired him.
And that's why we stuck with him
year after year.
Why did you give him...
opportunity after opportunity?
Well, when you groom someone...
the way we groomed Andy,
nurturing him...
lavishing all kinds of
special treatment on him...
you make quite an investment.
We were waiting for the promise
to kick in and deliver.
But ultimately
we could no longer...
ignore the gap between
the reality and the promise.
Thank you, Mr. Wheeler.
No more questions
at this time, Your Honor.
Mr. Miller?
- Your Honor, objection.
- All right, Mr. Miller.
- That'll be sufficient.
- Mr. Wheeler, you are magnificent.
You are my hero.
Andrew is right.
You are the greatest.
Are you gay?
How dare you!
Witness will kindly answer.
No, I am not a homosexual.
Isn't it true that
when you realized...
Andrew Beckett... your golden boy,
your future senior partner...
was gay and had AIDS...
it drove a stake of fear
right through your heterosexual heart?
all the hugs and handshakes,
the intimate moments in the sauna...
the friendly pats on the backside
that you and Andrew exchanged...
like guys exchange.
It made you say, "My God!
What does this say about me?"
Objection, Your Honor.
The witness will please
respond to the question.
You may tap dance around me
all you wish...
with your innuendoes
and locker room fantasies.
But the truth still remains
that your client...
worked when he wanted to work...
telling us what he thought we needed
to know about who he really was.
Andy insisted on bending the rules...
and his work suffered tremendously
in the long run as a result of that.
Explain this like I'm a six-year-old,
'cause I just don't get it.
Who makes these rules that
you're talking about? You?
Read your Bible, Mr. Miller,
Old and New Testament.
Pretty valuable rules in there.
Excuse me.
Excuse... I can't...
Excuse me!
Christ's sakes, somebody get a doctor!
What is it?
Turn over now.
- Call an ambulance, please?
- Right away.
An ambulance, please!
Let him breathe.
Please make room for him.
It's not working.
- Please, sir!
- It's not working!
- They know how to save him.
- It is making him worse!
Did you notice any changes
whatsoever in Andrew's appearance...
over the course of the year
leading up to his termination?
Yes. I did.
Were these changes for the better
or for the worse?
Sometimes for the better,
but generally they were for the worse.
Mr. Seidman, what did you think caused
these changes in Andy's appearance?
I was afraid.
I suspected Andy had AIDS.
- Order.
- Thank you. Your witness.
- Miss Conine?
- Mr. Seidman...
did you share your suspicions
with Mr. Wheeler...
or any of the other managing partners
at any time...
before the decision
to fire Andrew Beckett was made?
No. I didn't.
I didn't mention it to anyone...
not even Andy.
I didn't even give him a chance
to talk about it.
And I think
I'm going to regret that...
for as long as I live.
- Any more questions, Miss Conine?
- That's all, Your Honor.
They are sayin'he wasn't
a good lawyer. He was mediocre.
And the fact that they gave him the most
important lawsuit they ever had...
for one of their most
important clients...
They say that doesn't prove anything
because that was just a test.
- What'd they call it? A carrot?
- Yeah. "What's up, Doc?"
To see if he'd rise to the occasion.
Say I gotta send a pilot
into enemy territory...
and he's gonna be flyin' a plane
that costs $350 million.
Who am I gonna put in that plane?
Some rookie who can't cut it so
I can see if he is up to the challenge?
Or am I gonna give that assignment
to my best pilot...
my sharpest, my most experienced,
my top gun...
the very best I got?
I just don't get that.
Would somebody please
explain it to me...
like I'm a six-year-old?
- Juror number six?
- I agree.
- Juror number seven?
- I agree.
- Juror number nine?
- I agree.
Juror number ten?
- I disagree.
- Juror number 11?
- I agree.
- Juror number 12?
Have you awarded any damages?
Yes, Your Honor, we have.
For back pay and loss of benefits
we award $143,000.
For mental anguish and humiliation
we award $100,000.
And for punitive damages
we award $4,782,000.
You may record the verdict.
Everyone remain seated
until the jury is removed.
How could they do that?
This trial is now concluded.
We'll strain ourselves
getting a reversal on this one.
- We'll get started in the morning.
- Well, that's that.
Congratulations, Mr. Miller.
I'll see you at the appeal.
Well done.
Oh, man.
Thanks a lot.
- I'll see ya at the hospital.
- Okay.
Oh, Mr. Miller.
Hi. How you doin'?
- You know where the room is?
- Down the hall.
- Right there.
- The one off...
If he leaves the hospital,
which is unlikely...
don't expect him to be
remotely like he was before this crisis.
He's lost the vision
in his right eye...
and because of the C.M.V.
He will not regain his vision.
- Next door, to the right.
- The C.M.V. Has ravaged his body.
Hi. Congratulations.
Hey. Way to go.
Man of the hour.
Hey, Joe.
We are so grateful to you.
You were wonderful. Thank you so much.
- Can I take that for you?
- Yeah. I brought some...
- Oh, wonderful.
- Cheese and stuff.
How ya doin'?
What do you call
a thousand lawyers...
chained together
at the bottom of the ocean?
I don't know.
A good start.
Excellent work, Counselor.
I thank you.
It was great working with you...
I'd better go.
Yeah. Sure thing.
I'll see you later?
Thanks for stopping by.
I'll see you again.
I'll keep it on ice for you.
See you.
I just want to say thank you.
We really appreciate it.
We'll see you again?
He's a fighter.
We just want to get him home.
Thank you, Joe.
What do you call a thousand lawyers
chained at the bottom of the ocean?
- A good start?
- Very amusing.
I'll see you tomorrow, buddy.
God bless you, Andy.
Good night, son.
Try to get some rest, okay?
I love you, Andy.
I love you too, Dad.
See you first thing tomorrow.
Hey. It's okay.
- Don't worry.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
Come on, sweetheart.
It's all right.
It's okay. Don't worry about it.
Good night, my angel.
My sweet boy.
No, let me help you.
I'm ready.
Joe, it's Miguel.
- It's nice to see you.
- Everybody's upstairs.
Sometimes I think that I know
What love's all about
And when I see the light
I know I'll be all right
I've got my friends in the world
I had my friends
When we were boys and girls
And the secrets came unfurled
Look at my boy.
Oh, hi.
Yes, I know.
City of Brotherly Love
Place I call home
Don't turn your back on me
I don't wanna be alone
Love lasts forever
Someone is talkin'to me
Calling my name
Tell me I'm not to blame
I won't be ashamed of love
City of Brotherly Love
Sometimes I think that I know
What love's all about
And when I see the light
I know I'll be all right