Phillauri (2017)

What happened?
- Kanan...where are you?
- Come here.
- Kanan, come to me.
- Sir...
- Sir...
- Please wake up, Sir.
Sir, please make
your seat back upright.
We're about to land.
Yes, it has landed.
- It has landed.
Give me a minute.
I'll just speak to Usha.
"t's a massive wedding."
- Hello? Hello, Usha.
- Yes.
The flight has landed. Kanan is here.
That's great.
Come home quickly,
we are waiting for you.
"Nobody is allowed to sleep
or do unnecessary drama."
"No one is allowed
to receive phone calls."
What is this, mummy?
You've started from the morning?
Come on, it's past 9 o'clock.
"All they have to do is embrace
this moment and dance.
"Bottoms up, they drink alcohol
and completely empty their glasses."
"Waists swinging,
dancing the night away."
What is the purpose of your visit?
Wedding... I'm getting married.
Getting married?
What!! You still haven't finished?
You've still got the face pack on?
Kanan's flight has landed.
Kanan is here!
"Flowers have blossomed all around
to the sounds of hands clapping."
"The kohl of the bride's eyes
look at the street.."
" she waits for the groom to arrive."
"Girls laugh as they dress up,
they look extremely gorgeous."
"They should stay that happy as they are
and everyone hopes that.."
" one cast's an envious eye on them."
"Millions of wishes and
congratulatory messages, swirl in the air."
"Everyone is singing along,
as the Shenai plays in the background."
"..they do the Bhangra dance."
He's here! Let's go!
- "When I ask 'What's Up?"'
"All everyone wants to do is
get into trouble and dance."
"Bottoms up, they drink alcohol
and completely empty their glasses."
"Waists swinging,
dancing the night away."
Hi, Morn.
My child is here.
Why are you crying?
Was it so cold in Canada
that your emotions also froze?
These are tears of happiness.
I'm seeing you after three years.
Can't I even hug you?
Let's go. It's a long drive back.
Oh... you look so tired.
What have you done to your hair?
Style, Ma!
Hey, this looks so dirty,
why haven't you cleaned it properly?
There is a wedding in the house.
Come on, get serious!
Come on, keep this on the ground.
How will he manage alone?
We had asked for four people,
but you've got only two.
Are you kidding me?
- Piyush...
Keep all these inside.
- I'll be right there. One minute.
I have been waiting.
- Look, she's angry with me now.
"Ironically, even sobriety is spinning
around in circles."
"Nobody is ready to lose
their stubbornness."
"They all say that
they aren't drunk enough.."
"..and want the glass filled up
to the brim once again."
"When I asks 'What's Up?"'
"All everyone wants to do is
get into trouble and dance."
"Bottoms up, they drink alcohol
and completely empty their glasses."
"Waists swinging,
dancing the night away."
"When I asks 'What's Up?"'
"All everyone wants to do is
get into trouble and dance."
Where's 'L'?
- Where is he?
- He'll embarrass us again.
He'll ruin all our plans.
I for Lazy.
The groom has arrived!
He's here!
He always does this.
- Calm down.
How many times do I tell him!
- The groom has arrived!
Welcome! Welcome!
- How is everything?
- Congratulations!
- Welcome, Kanan!!!
- Welcome!
- Hello, how are you!
Wassup dude!
- Wassup!
I'll tell you wassup!
Where were you? I for Loafer.
The priest wants to know,
when will you all meet him?
He has to go somewhere else.
Everybody here has had a drink.
Usha, you don't drink.
You handle this.
He's asking for grandma.
He can ask all he likes.
He is not going to
get a straight answer.
I have been drinking since morning.
Let's all go. He won't notice.
We have to go and tell them about it.
- Yes.
Tell them what?
You''re joking, right?
It's funny, but it's not a joke.
A movie star had also done it.
I had read it in the local newspaper.
Who believes in these
superstitions nowadays?
- It's up to you.
You had asked for his horoscope.
I'm only suggesting a
solution to the problem.
Some brown people crap man!
Who's brown here?
Everybody in the family
is nice and fair.
Son, since this is for Anu,
why don't you do it?
Since this is for Anu,
why doesn't she do it?
But you are the one born
under a cursed star.
So, you are the one
who has to get married.
Yes, a tree?
Isn't it enough that I'm marrying Anu?
Now I have to marry a tree as well?
- What difference does it make, son?
Think of it as a joke.
It's just a small ritual,
let's get it over with and move ahead.
- Okay, enough of this
serious discussion.
- Michie, let's go have a drink.
- Mummy, what is this...
- Let's go.
- So what can I get you?
Technology has advanced so much...
and you're still listening
to these old records?
I like them. You can play
something else, if you want to.
Why play anything else?
Kanan will sing for us.
- Come on, come on.
Let us also listen to what he's
rapping about in Canada.
- Come on son, sing.
Sing for us.
Okay, enough!
Forget about him,
I will sing for you.
No need. Two pegs down
and he thinks he is Honey Singh.
That's alright. He's just singing.
Anu's grandfather would go
wild after a couple of drinks.
Once, at somebody else's house...
he asked the way to their
bedroom and took me inside.
He had so much energy, I swear!
What is it?
- Don't get uppity-
You're also the result of
one such incident.
- Fantastic!
Is everything alright?
What is this new thing
you've started?
It's cool, man.
You have always been cool, baby.
Why do you need to do all this?
Anu, don't irritate me, please.
Okay, sorry.
Do you know the wedding
is fixed for Baisakhi?
Grandma says it's a
very auspicious day.
For which wedding?
The one with the tree?
By the way, what were you
saying in the morning?
Isn't it enough that
I'm marrying Anu?
Dude, I was angry. I'm supposed to
marry a tree? Seriously?
So what? I'll be the second wife.
And the second wife always
has more fun than the first.
What happened, baby?
Isn't everything happening too fast?
We've been seeing each
other since high school.
How much more time do you need?
Don't you need more time?
Don't be silly, I've been
waiting for this day forever.
I don't even know what I'm doing
next month. Forget about forever.
Whatever you'll be doing,
it will be with me, right?
What's the guarantee?
What do you mean?
Are you seeing somebody else?
Tell me, Kanan.
Don't you want to marry me?
What are you doing, Kanan?
We're getting married in five days.
Everything is fixed now.
- Chill, Anu chill.
I know that everything is fixed.
What's the problem?
You're marrying me, right?
Yes, I am. Who else will I marry?
So how does it make a difference
if we get married now or later?
I can't keep waiting for you to
be in the right frame of mind.
That's true.'re happy, right?
- According to your horoscope
if you don't marry a tree first...
...something terrible will
happen after your marriage.
- Such as... both of you can fall ill.
Your career might get ruined.
But this won't happen now.
- After marrying the tree all
your problems will be sorted.
- And you'll lead a comfortable life.
Let us start the ceremony.
Oh, selfie time!
Come here, son.
Come and sit.
Congratulations to all of you.
The ceremony is now complete.
- Congratulations!
- Congratulations!
Bheem Singh, you can
cut down the tree now.
Excuse me!
Can you hear me?
Kanan! Kanan!
What happened, son?
- What are you saying?
- There is no one here.
- There's nothing there.
There is! I was lifted up.
I saw her.
You must've had a nightmare, my dear.
No, no. It wasn't a dream.
It wasn't a dream.
Dolly, handle it.
Come on, let's go.
- Yes, let's go.
- There's nothing to worry about.
- Let's go.
- You got us worried for nothing.
Don't worry, go to sleep.
Are you scared?
Do you want me to sleep with you?
No, no...
Oh my baby got scared.
It's all because of that, isn't it?
- What?
Should I tell uncle and aunty?
Anu! Please stop, please.
Stop all this nonsense.
This shouldn't be causing it.
- But it is.
Maybe it was a BT.
A bad trip.
Come on, forget it.
Now go to sleep. Okay?
Good night.
Good night.
Anu! Anu! Anu!
- What happened?
Er...dude, I think I'm
still having a bad trip.
Can I sleep with you?
- No way!
Please, please, please.
Don't try to pull any stunts at night.
You know...
Nothing will happen between
us before we get married.
Dude, are you crazy?
I couldn't even if I wanted to...
Nothing is gonna happen.
This is all a result of that.
What if you can't,
even after marriage?
It's nothing like that, okay? I...
"Oh shoot, I saw a ghost."
"Oh shoot, I saw a ghost."
Sir, don't!
- You?
Sir, stop!
Hey there!
Sir! Noooo!
Kanan, what's wrong with you?
You're still in your boxers?
I've got the fright of my life
and you're worried about my boxers?
What's your problem?
What's wrong with my boxers?
Don't you have to get dressed?
Won't you change your clothes?
Kanan, quickly go downstairs
and change your clothes.
The guests have started arriving
for the engagement ceremony.
I don't want to go. I'm fine like this.
I'll wear some of daddy's clothes.
Eh, Kanan, stop talking rubbish.
Go downstairs.
Do whatever you want to,
I'm not going downstairs.
Kanan, do you want me to slap you?
Go downstairs and change your clothes.
Send somebody else instead, please.
Wait, just you wait.
' Piyush!
' Yes?
- Yes, aunty?
Go to Kanan's room and...
- No!
I don't want to go to his room.
I'm scared.
Scared? Who are you scared of?
What... what can I say, aunty?
You won't be able to
handle the truth.
Shut up! Just go to his room
and get his suit.
- He's waiting upstairs.
He's waiting upstairs?
- Yes.
He isn't downstairs?
- No.
Of course, I'll get it.
Why didn't you tell me
he's upstairs?
- I... okay then,
he's not in his room.
What's going on?
How are you, Kanan?
You too?
Both father and son
are driving me insane.
Okay, come like this,
come in your underwear.
Come naked for all I care.
What's it to me?
Yes Piyush, come in, come in.
This can't be happening.
But it is.
Who are you?
I'm stuck here from last night.
Who are you?
Why have you got me here?
I...I... why would I get you here?
How do I know?
That's why I'm asking you.
You're driving me crazy.
You faint, you run away...
Tell me, why have you got me here?
Why am I here?
What have you done?
I...l didn't do anything.
Don't lie to me.
- I...I...I didn't. I just woke up.
And were there.
- I know, but what did you do before that?
I went into my room and slept?
Idiot, what did you do before that?
I had gone to that tree.
- 'After marrying the tree
all your problems will be sorted.'
- 'The ceremony is now complete.'
- Kanan.
What are you doing?
You''re a ghost.
I'm scared.
Take me back.
- To the tree.
The tree...tree isn't there anymore.
What do you mean?
It has been cut down.
I'm born under a cursed star...
- So?
So they cut down the tree
after I got married to it.
So that's why I'm here.
You don't marry a tree,
you marry a girl.
And there was only one girl there... me.
You didn't marry the tree.
You married me.
- Hey Kanan...
- Kanan?
What happened, my dear?
You had a bath with your clothes on?
- Namaste. Namaste...
Whoa, whoa!
How old are you?
I, ... 26?
- 26?
That's a long time to wait.
For what?
For you to die.
Why do I have to die?
Death is inevitable.
For everyone.
And I can be free only
on your death.
It's not like I can
do any more dying.
So, for me to get rid of you,
I...I'll have to kill myself?
Stop talking nonsense.
You will die when it is your time.
You could have an accident.
Or I...l could even live to be a 100.
Please don't say that.
I hope that you die soon
so that I am free of you.
Here I'm the one who
is saddled with a ghost.
You want to get rid of me?
Yes, but you are
the one who married me.
But...but I didn't do it on purpose.
I'm not exactly having a party here.
I agree I've made a mistake, but is
there no way out? Apart from me dying?
Can't you just go?
You have cut down the tree.
Were you alive before you died?
No, no. I was born a ghost.
What! Are you daft?
So didn't you have a home,
why don't you go there?
Here... one minute.
Take a deep breath.
- Once more.
Hello, brother.
What's the problem?
Oh, my heart.
Should I ask brother
to give you some medicine?
Shut up, you idiot.
I don't need medicine.
Then, what's the matter?
Is it there?
- Yes, it is.
You keep saying you
don't like Phillauri.
- But you look forward to
reading his poems every Monday.
Our village is called Phillaur
so all of us are Phillauris.
So, how can you say that
this was written by that fool? don't call him names.
Everybody knows that he's
the only one who is so talented.
Oh my, do you want
him all to yourself?
You won't be able to handle it.
Please read it.
"An unfolding.
Like an unfurling of wings..."
"Love flies in."
"Disruptive. Breaking the dawn...
With the edge of it's beak."
"I have coaxed it to stay."
"Fattened on sugar drops,
From the tip of my tongue."
"I am hoping it will murmur my name."
"Remember me in bird song."
"They say it pierces it's heart,
On the thorns of roses."
"And blood blossoms,
As eternal spring."
"They say it will build
a thorny nest..."
"...And have you rock-a-bye,
On a lullaby of sighs."
-"And when..."
"...every second
will pass like an eon."
"And your soul burns and
dies in autumn fall."
"it will move on.
Sing another song."
"At another door.
Coax another heart."
"lnto a trap of its own making."
You write so well, brother.
Oh forget it, Soma.
What's the point?
I won't even get enough
money to buy some liquor.
You're right.
Come on Phillauri, sing!
- Come on Phillauri, sing!
- Phillauri!!!
Hello everyone...
How are you doing?
Are you ready for some fun?
Let me tell you a story.
It so happened...
...that I got into a spot
of trouble for no fault of mine.
You all know everyone
sings my praises.
You are well aware
what a gentleman I am.
"There was a house with high walls
where well-bred and innocent people lived."
"There was a girl hiding inside it
but the windows were open."
"There was a house with high walls
where well-bred and innocent people lived."
"There was a girl hiding inside it
but the windows were open."
- What happened after that?
"He's got a silky kurti with
Phillauri written all over it."
"Playing his Tumba
for all the village girls."
"He sings and dances as he plays
music for them, all for Phillauri."
"He sings and dances as he plays
music for them, all for Phillauri."
"Listen to my tales because
it has knowledgeable things."
I attempts to capture the attention of
all the women around."
"Like a pigeon that spots seeds to eat."
"I tells everyone to let go of
any fake shame or modesty.."
"..l doesn't want them to pretend
like embarrassed."
"Just like a cat that drinks up
all the milk.."
"..and then wipes its moustache."
"There is no need for anyone to ask
what happened next."
"When both are agree to be
in each other's company.."
"..there is no deceit or lying
in the relationship."
"Behind an extremely dark veil,
I spotted a fair lady's face."
"She had a husband from
foreign shores, who was a little deaf."
- What happened after that?
"When the woman was
coming to terms with.."
"..the rural and rustic
environment of Phillaur."
"Playing his Tumba
for all the village girls."
"He sings and dances as he plays
music for them, all for Phillauri."
"He sings and dances as he plays
music for them, all for Phillauri."
"There is no need for anyone to ask
what happened next."
"When both are agree to be
in each other's company.."
"..there is no deceit or lying
in the relationship."
"There is no need for anyone to ask
what happened next."
- Where are the...
- What's going on?
- Wh...what is going on?
I'm getting engaged.
What's that?
- I'm getting engaged.
I've been telling you since morning...
And you've realized it now?
Since morning...
Who is getting engaged? YOU?
- Yes.
You've ruined my life
by marrying me.
Whose turn is it now?
- Please, please, be quiet.
- Why? Why should I be quiet? Huh?
Are you okay?
What's wrong with him today?
"The auspicious day has come."
"Come my friends
the house has been decorated."
"I have met my love
and congratulate me on my love."
"My lover will come and take me,
the house has been decorated."
She's here.
- Who's here?
- Anu.
"I have met my love."
How do I look?
She is naked?
She is naked!
No. It's a song.
I've composed a new song.
"You are naked but so nice..."
"The world's naked in my eyes."
What is wrong, Kanan?
Why isn't she wearing clothes?
What are you doing?
- Kanan, put this ring on.
- Come on.
- Beautiful couple.
- Wassup, everyone!
The boy from Canada
and the girl from Punjab...
...are getting engaged.
Let's all raise a toast.
It's time to dance.
- Good evening!
- Good evening!
Meet the editor of the journal,
Mr. Gurbaksh Singh.
People of Phillaur, how are you doing?
- All is well, sir.
Today we will play Gauhar
Jaan's new record for you.
- Shashi!
Good evening.
- Good evening.
Why are you dressed so fine today?
The gramophone people
have come from the city.
Everybody is going there.
Shashi, won't you come too?
- No.
- Huh?
Don't you have anything better to do?
Is it a religious gathering?
Or is it a speech by
one of our freedom fighters?
I don't understand what is
wrong with the youth of our village.
They don't care about the country.
And you?
How is it that you are going there?
Let me talk to your father.
- No, no, no!
I'm going. I'm going home.
I'm not going for the show.
I'm going home.
- Mother will be so upset with me.
I'll get into trouble.
- Yes, brother?
Don't get involved in all this,
my dear.
No, don't worry. I have no
interest in such frivolity.
The whole village may go,
but I won't.
Will this box play the song?
How on earth did the singer get
inside that with all the musicians?
In that small box.
I think Amrit is back.
- Is the doctor at home?
- Namaste, doctor.
I'm from the
neighbouring village.
One of their friends got
into a scuffle with the British...
and he got shot.
I'm locking the door from outside.
Go to sleep. And if anyone asks,
don't say anything.
I haven't heard anything, so...
Bless you.
Let's go.
Good evening.
Isn't she the doctor's sister?
Who? Shashi?
She's not your type.
She's very respectable.
What makes you think
I'm not respectable?
Let her be, brother.
She doesn't even come
to listen to your songs.
- Take this, my dear.
This week's journal.
Thank you.
- Have a good day.
Let's go.
What happened?
- Isn't it there?
Gurbaksh Singh, the editor has
written an open letter to Phillauri.
Asking him to disclose his identity.
This was bound to happen.
Phillauri writes so beautifully.
I think he should come forward.
Tell me, if he writes so well,
why does he have to be secretive?
He sings these songs
in front of everyone.
- Hello, ladies.
How are you, Miss Amrit?
Very well.
- Let's go.
Why Shashi, why don't
you come to listen to my songs?
Girls don't go to such gatherings.
Of course they do.
They come secretively.
But you don't do that.
Are you scared of your brother?
Your songs are not
worth listening to.
You don't like my songs, but you
read my poems in the journal.
You can fool the world, but can you lie to yourself?
You have been blessed
with such a good voice.
Everybody comes to listen
to you sing.
You are so fortunate.
People will listen
to every word you say.
Do you know, only a few people
get this kind of opportunity?
You can change the way people think.
But you?
You sing meaningless songs.
Your songs have no depth or poetry.
No poetry?
"An unfolding. Like an unfurling of wings.
Love flies in..."
"Disruptive. Breaking the dawn,
With the edge of it's beak."
"I have coaxed it to stay. Fattened
on sugar drops. From the tip of..."
You should be ashamed of yourself.
I'm sure nobody dances like this
even in brothels.
If the elders drink like this...
...what will the children learn!
Why can't you leave me alone?
You know why...
A married woman has to stay in her
husband's house as long as she lives.
But aren't you dead already?
I died a spinster and
got married after that.
Why are you bringing
this up again?
It's the truth.
You have done this.
You cut down the tree.
And who gets married to a tree?
What the...? Why don't you
leave me alone?
- You want me to leave you alone?
Great. She's been drinking too.
No, look... I wasn't...
I wasn't talking to you.
Who were you talking to then?
Who else is here?
Wait...look...there is...there
is something I need to tell you.
It's like this...
we have a big problem.
I got married, by mistake...
- Mistake?
Am I a mistake?
I knew it.
That's why you were behaving
so weirdly over there.
Hey that's because...that's
because of Shashi.
Who is Shashi?
This freakin' girl I'm seeing!
Finally you are telling
me the truth.
You are having an affair
with somebody else. Isn't it?
Not that kind of seeing someone,
I can actually see someone.
I can see a girl.
That kind of "seeing".
I can see a ghost.
I...l can see a ghost.
Shut up!
Enough of this nonsense, Kanan.
You don't think of me at all,
do you?
You kept saying,
I want to go to Canada!
Who helped you then?
I did.
I convinced your
parents to let you go.
I said, let him fulfill
his dreams.
And you... you disappeared
for three years.
When I asked you why,
you just sent me a message saying...
..."but baby, I love you",
with a smiley.
And I was okay with it.
You said we should get
betrothed and get married later.
I agreed to that too.
Who gets betrothed over Skype, Kanan?
On Skype!!!
And today...when we are
finally getting engaged... are behaving
as if you don't want to.
But Anu, I want to.
I want to get engaged to you.
Please just...
Thanks, man.
You are doing me a big favour,
aren't you... agreeing to marry me?
Did anyone ask me
before finalizing this?
Are you being forced into this?
- 'You can change the
way people think.'
- 'But you...'
- 'You sing meaningless songs.'
Don't get married to me as a favour.
I don't want to force you
into sharing your life with me.
I love you, man.
Don't insult me like this.
- 'Your songs have no depth or poetry.'
- 'You should be ashamed of yourself.'
Are you upset because
of what Shashi said?
I don't want to sing. That's all.
- Don't worry.
- I know what will help
you get into the mood.
Please leave.
I've heard that there's a
new girl at Banto's place.
Want to go there tonight?
- Huh?
Don't you understand
what I'm saying?
Just leave me alone!
Okay, as you wish.
"Spring is here."
"The gentle breeze..."
- Excuse me, just a second.
Do you have that journal, Preetam?
Of course.
One minute.
Here you go.
But the poem is not here.
Your poem?
Don't you know, it hasn't
been published this week?
And last week?
You must have the old issues, right?
Yes. Give me a minute.
Are the poems there?
See for yourself.
"What I thought were stars..."
"...were tiny holes
in the fabric of the night."
- "I managed to unstitch
and unravel..."
- a corner of the dark skies."
- "And realized it was your light..."
"...on the other side."
"Stealing through my night."
"Stealing through my night."
I didn't write that.
I know.
You still don't get it,
do you, Phillauri?
I'm the other Phillauri
of this Phillaur village.
I wrote these poems.
"My prayer of your name,
flies in the sky.."
"..with hundred of wings."
"My prayer of your name,
flies in the sky.."
"..with hundred of wings."
"My prayer of your name,
flies in the sky.."
"..with hundred of wings."
"My prayer of your name,
flies in the sky.."
"..with hundred of wings."
"My heart has become monk."
"My heart has become monk."
"it began to move to your place."
"My prayer of your name,
flies in the sky.."
"..with hundred of wings."
"My prayer of your name."
"Your eyes are like a book,
if you open, I will read them."
"With kajal stories of your is written,
"I will keep talks on your lips,
like Batasha."
"it will get melted slowly,
tell me if I should taste it."
"My prayer of your name,
flies in the sky.."
"..with hundred of wings."
"My prayer of your name,
flies in the sky.."
"..with hundred of wings."
"My heart has become monk."
"My heart has become monk."
"it began to move to your place."
"My prayer of your name,
flies in the sky.."
"..with hundred of wings."
"My prayer of your name,
flies in the sky.."
"..with hundred of wings."
"O my beloved, Your talks, I've collected
them as if they're my treasure."
"Of desires,
I've filled bowlfuls."
"I've coloured the Sky in your colour."
"My prayer of your name,
flies in the sky.."
"..with hundred of wings."
"My prayer of your name,
flies in the sky.."
"it began to move to your place."
- "He told me a tale..."
- "...of a prince."
- "Who gallops on drum beats."
"A war cry of heartbeats."
"Watch his Cupid bow."
"He will disarm you, little princess."
"My prayer of your name."
"My prayer of your name."
"My prayer of your name."
"My prayer of your name."
"My prayer of your name."
"My prayer of your name,
flies in the sky.."
"..with hundred of wings."
"My prayer of your name."
"My prayer of your name."
"My prayer of your name."
"My prayer of your name."
"My prayer of your name."
Do you remember editor Gurbaksh
Singh's open letter in the newspaper...
...asking Phillauri
to disclose his identity?
I sent a reply to him.
What did you write?
That you are the real Phillauri.
He's coming to Amritsar with the
people from the gramophone company.
They will release a
record of Phillauri's songs.
My words, your voice...
your face.
Are you crazy?
The record will bear Phillauri's name.
And we're both Phillauris, aren't we?
Try and understand.
I'm not even allowed to
go up to Ludhiana.
It took me a lot of courage to write...
...and get these poems published.
Girls from respectable families
cannot get involved in such things.
You will go, won't you?
You are a poet, so intelligent.
I can't believe that you
would say such silly things.
Must be Soma.
- At this hour?
He comes over at odd hours.
Wait, I'll be there!
I'm coming! I'm coming!
Kishanchand! You'll kill her!
Let's go!
Here, drink this.
It's medicinal.
I've raised you like my daughter.
I educated you so...
...that you could read the Holy Book.
So that you know right from wrong.
I didn't get married so that...
...I could give you all my love.
What did I do wrong?
That you punished me like this.
He's not worthy of you.
- He's worth nothing.
- Girls like you don't get
involved with men like him.
Respectable people like us,
don't get involved with...
...disreputable music and singers.
Drink this.
- Enough, my dear. Stop crying.
Just two days to go for the wedding.
What has possessed you now?
- Please don't scold him, Dolly.
- He will tell us,
if we ask him nicely.
Aren't we doing all this
for their happiness?
He's anything but happy.
Anu, please let him speak.
Kanan, don't be scared.
- Tell us what the problem is.
- Let me tell you.
He actually got married to me.
And then you got
the tree cut down.
What do we do now?
- It''s...
It's just too early.
What? What is too early?
I just finished my studies.
Getting married at this age?
So when do you want
to get married?
What is it that you want to do
that can't be done after marriage?
I... I just...l just need to find myself.
- Well done!
He's got his first world
issues to Amritsar.
Where exactly are you
searching for yourself?
What does he mean?
You are right here.
Should I help?
See...this is you.
And here is Anu.
- I've spent all my life here.
I didn't need to go
anywhere to find myself.
He doesn't know what he is saying.
You guys just don't get it!
So explain!
My dear, after marriage,
you can search...
You're not getting it!
He is right.
We don't understand anything.
- You both have been joined
at the hip since you were kids.
Both of you love each other.
I love him, but he doesn't.
Don't you love her?
Told you so many times, I do!
But you don't want to get married.
I want to, I want to marry you.
Well, then the problem is solved.
Come on, hug each other.
- Great, things are back on track now.
- Enough of this!
- Let's go.
- Well, problem sorted!
Let's go.
- Make yourself a drink.
- Come on, let's go.
- Let's go, mother.
Let's get a glass.
- Let's go.
- Today I want to drink.
I gave you a chance to call it off.
What more do you want? Tell me.
But you are too scared to, aren't you?
- Philanderer...
- Womaniser...
It's all true.
I'm all this and more.
I was all this and more.
Before I met Shashi.
How dare you enter my house!
I will kill you!
Don't you dare look at my sister!
You are right.
I am not worthy of her.
But I can try.
And I will be.
I am going to Amritsar.
To record the songs written by Shashi.
You don't know, do you?
She is a poet.
Nobody knows this.
- Everybody in Punjab reads her poems.
But they don't know
that she is the poet.
I will make sure she gets her due.
On Baisakhi day...
I'll ask you for
her hand in marriage.
Please take care
of Shashi till I return.
After that, I'll take
better care of her...
...than you ever could.
"My heart has got tangled with yours,
that every thread in it was pulled back."
"My heart has got tangled with yours,
that every thread in it was pulled back."
"Like in a saint's tomb,
shawl has been draped."
"Everyday it wove as it flew."
"Writing a ballad of love,
have I again."
"Sahiba (Juliet),
go where Mirza (Romeo) goes."
"Sahiba (Juliet),
go where Mirza (Romeo) goes."
- Every girl dreams of this day.
I'm sure Anu has too.
Don't ruin it for her.
I'm trying to do what
everybody wants me to.
I'm trying to make everybody happy.
If you aren't happy,
how can you make others happy?
You are a man, so act like one.
I am about to spend the
rest of my life with her.
Of course, I'm scared.
Are you scared of making a decision?
If you don't, you'll only regret it.
If you go ahead and get married... spite of her being there,
you'll be lonely, always.
"There were blank letters.."
"..l cried and sent you
with the seals of love."
"There was a paperboat of my heart.."
"..the canal of tears made it drown."
"This out of tone music of the heart,
it makes some case, listen to it."
"You are my mirror,
and you don't recognize me."
"You don't consider me what I am,
no, don't be a stranger now."
"There is a cry of pain in the heart,
like some musical notes."
"You are there in my heart,
like some noiseless (peaceful) ragas.."
" some threads of saffron,
you were dissolved in such a way."
"I was lost..."
"What a hazy grey color
is there on my heart..."
"My heart has got tangled with yours,
that every thread in it was pulled back."
"Like in a saint's tomb,
shawl has been draped."
"Everyday it wove as it flew."
"Writing a ballad of love,
have I again."
"Sahiba (Juliet),
go where Mirza (Romeo) goes."
"Sahiba (Juliet).."
"O Sahiba,
there is injury of separation."
"O Sahiba,
the heart has become a rebel."
"The obstinacy has gone beyond the limit,
and the tongue chants."
"Without you.."
"Without you, even my breathe pierces me
like glass."
"Without you,
and the life seems like ash."
"Without you, even my breathe pierces me
like glass."
"Without you,
and the life seems like ash."
Go and see who is there.
- Namaste.
There's a letter for the doctor
and some money too.
- Namaste.
300 rupees.
Who has sent it?
Roop Lal Phillauri.
- That's a lot of money, doctor.
My tip?
Baisakhi is around the corner.
I was wrong.
You had asked him to do this,
hadn't you?
You would've remained
in the shadows...
...and he could've become famous
and made a lot of money.
But he didn't do that.
He is worthy of you.
He values and respects you.
How can I refuse to let my
sister marry such a man?
He will be here on Baisakhi day.
Your groom.
This brother of yours will
give you away in style.
Oh brother...
My child.
- Anu...?
- Anu...?
Why does everybody
keep fainting in this house?
What did you do?
I was only trying to help.
I can see that.
Anu...? Baby?
It's okay, it's alright,
chill. Relax...
It's okay. chill, chill...
Hey, it's okay.
Anu, calm down. Calm down.
She's harmless.
It's alright. It's alright.
Anu...Anu, it's alright.
You are lucky you
can only see the veil.
Think of how scared I have been.
I can see the whole ghost.
Why can't I see her?
Well, I'm married to her, so...
only I can see her.
You didn't want to marry me,
but you went and married a ghost?
I didn't do it purposely.
It just happened.
If we hadn't gone to the tree,
we wouldn't have gotten into this mess.
Marrying you would
get anyone into a mess.
Baby, don't say that.
I'm sorry, I was confused.
I'll fix everything.
Does this ghost have a name?
Come on, relax. She won't hurt you.
Calm down. Come on.
Nothing will happen.
Nothing will happen.
She dresses a little scantily,
but the girl is nice.
She likes you.
She likes you.
Thank you.
Why are you here?
Didn't I tell you, the tree...
I don't know why
I am stuck here.
She doesn't know.
Did you have any
unfinished business?
Something you needed to do?
Congratulations, Kishanchand!
"The auspicious day has come."
"Come my friends the house
has been decorated."
"I have met my love
and congratulate me on my love."
"My lover will come and take me,
the house has been decorated."
What had I stolen from you
that you stole Phillauri from me?
You used to sing his praises
all the time...l fell in love.
Fell in love? You broke my heart.
Listen, what's the time?
This is the twentieth
time you are asking me.
It's 11 o'clock.
What's wrong? Can't wait,
you shameless hussy?
Can't wait, huh?
Granny's here.
- Namaste.
May God bless you.
Put the flowers up properly!
What's wrong, Shashi?
See you fell sick.
You've been restless all morning.
Wait, I'll call your brother.
What happened?
Yuck! Disgusting!
- Shut up!
Did you do it with him?
Didn't you feel shy?
What! I'm going to be an aunt!
"The auspicious day has come."
"Come my friends the house
has been decorated."
God bless you.
Phillauri hasn't arrived as yet.
Don't worry.
He must have missed the train.
The next train will
be here in the evening.
I'm sure he'll be on it.
I will be thereto receive him.
You are looking beautiful.
- Amrit!
Yes, brother?
I'm going to the railway
station to pick him up.
You take care of everything here.
Come on, let's go.
- Let's go.
There is a doctor in Lahore,
from a good family.
I'll send him a telegram tomorrow.
Lahore is very far from here.
Nobody will know about your past.
That you were disgracefully
left at the altar.
Are you mad?
Nobody is worth dying for.
- He took advantage of you.
He used your poetry.
This is how he paid you back.
But he had sent some money.
He sent her money.
He had gone to Amritsar, right?
In April.
This year? Or the last...
I don't know.
I can't really tell how
much time has passed.
Which year is this?
98 years...
98 years, man...
98 years!
Then why?
Why am I here?
Hey, Mr. Groom?'re in the bedroom already?
You can't wait, right?
Anu's grandfather was just like you.
He had given this to me...
on our wedding day.
This might break,
you might lose it...
but his love will be there...
Just like Kanan's love for you.
Isn't it, my dear?
You look so beautiful.
Just like an angel.
Don't you have something
to say to your bride?
"I was living in a half-remembered dream."
"And you brought me to my senses."
Idiot, say it to her.
"I was living in a half-remembered dream."
"And you brought me to my senses."
"You are my truth."
"And I bow down to you."
"You are my truth."
"And I bow down to you."
"Don't abandon me, dear heart."
"I am nothing without you."
"Don't abandon me, dear heart."
"I am nothing without you."
"Dear heart..."
"This pain of separation
wounds me.
"Dear heart..."
"This pain of separation
wounds me.
"it urges me to rebel."
"Dear heart..."
- "This pain of separation
wounds me..."
How does she know this poem?
Grandma, what song
are you singing?
It's from my favorite record, my dear.
"Dear heart..."
Can you show it to me, please?
Where is it?
Here it is.
The record will have both our names.
The one who sang...
...and the one who wrote.
Both the Phillauris.
So long ago?
What a terrible year.
- With that inauspicious
Baisakhi day.
But today, we will not
talk about all that.
Today, we will have
a happy Baisakhi.
It was Baisakhi.
The day he was supposed
to return from Amritsar.
Baisakhi? Amritsar, 1919?
Please call the bride and groom.
- Yes.
Kanan, where are you going?
- Anu, where are you going?
- Wait... Anu!
- What happened?
- Anu, where...
- Anu...Anu..
- Kanan, where are you off to?
- Where are we going?
What is happening, Kanan?
- You have no idea, right'?
How would you know?
Killed yourself like a fool.
Everybody knows
what happened... Amritsar on Baisakhi day,
in 1919.
Thank you, sir.
I'll never forget what
you've done for Shashi and me.
What are you saying, son?
I am the lucky one. I got
to make this record for both of you.
I'll take your leave now.
But there's still some
time before your train leaves.
Why don't you do something?
I'm going to a gathering nearby.
Come with me.
And leave in time for your train.
Is he here?
So many people.
I just took a chance.
I thought it was on this day...
- "An unfolding.
Like an unfurling of wings."
- "Love flies in."
- "Disruptive.
Breaking the dawn."
"With the edge of it's beak."
- "I have coaxed it to stay."
- "Fattened on sugar drops."
"From the tip of my tongue."
"I am hoping it will murmur my name."
"Remember me in bird song."
"They say it pierces it's heart."
"On the thorns of roses.
And blood blossoms."
"As eternal spring."
Won't you slap me today?
Take care of each other.
So this is what forever means.
I can try.
That's good enough.
That's more than enough for me.