Phone Call from a Stranger (1952)

Airport, and hurry.
- Do you have anything on the 12:10?
- How many?
- One.
- Nothing on the 12:10, I'm afraid...
but I can put you on the Grand
Canyon Airways at 12:30...
- if you don't mind a local.
- Where's that to?
- Same place- Los Angeles.
- All right.
- Round trip?
- One way.
- Name?
- Uh, Collins.
Joseph H. Collins.
- Is it in yet?
- It's pulling in now.
- I want to make a phone call.
- On the other side of the newsstand.
David, where are you?
I left a note there on the table...
but it occurred to me
you might-
might think I'd gone off
to do something foolish.
It's nothing like that.
It's just that I-
Well, I couldn't stand it
any longer.
I'll have to figure out another way
of living-without you. That's all.
Wh-Where are you, David?
Just tell the kids that I was
called away suddenly on a case.
I'll work out some other explanation
when I've had a chance to think things over.
Just don't let them know yet.
Where are you going?
I'll let you know when I get there.
Tell them it looked
like a rather long case.
Then they won't begin asking questions
until we've got our story set.
Will you do that?
Oh, Dave, darling, please.
Will you do it?
Of course.
But, David...
don't go away.
Please don't.
Why not? You don't think you'll be
lonely for long, do you?
Dave, Dave...
haven't you ever made
one mistake in your life?
It's no use, Janey.
I didn't call to argue the matter again...
particularly over a public phone.
Just look out for the kids.
That's all.
I'll let you hear from me
in a day or so.
Good night.
Attention, please.
Grand Canyon Airways Flight 1011...
- for Los Angeles will depart-
- Some trouble?
- Oh, no. Just in late, that's all.
- Is it the weather?
What's wrong with the weather?
How should I know what's wrong with
the weather? That's what I'm asking you.
You come in late, you go out late.
You think it's all right
to fly in all this rain?
I don't think the rain matters.
- Not even at night?
- I don't think so.
But how do they keep 'em
from bumping into each other?
I don't know exactly, but they
must have some way worked out.
You really think they
know what they're doin'?
I'm sure they do. And if there's any danger,
I'm sure they wouldn't send us out.
I hope you're right.
This'll be my first time up.
I certainly wouldn't want it
to be my last.
- I'll just have a cup of coffee.
- Oh.
- You mind?
- No, not at all.
- Can I take your coat?
- Thanks.
- May I have a cup of coffee?
- Yes.
Maybe some coffee
will make me feel better.
You're not really scared, are you?
- I'd be okay if I could only figure out one thing.
- What's that?
What holds it up there.
What do you care?
That's their business.
They can't blame you,
no matter what happens.
You mean they can't sue me
even if it falls?
They can't.
And I'm a lawyer too.
What am I worried about? Let's have
a wedge of pie with that coffee, huh?
Would you people mind if these
gentlemen sat at this table too?
No. Go ahead.
I beg your pardon.
Don't mind me, lady.
I'm just practicing. I'm an ex-wolf.
- Coffee for me, doll baby.
- The same for me, please.
You just come in on Flight 1011?
I'll say. Like we was
on a "rolly coaster. "
- What do you mean?
- The last 50 miles upside down.
- Is he kiddin'?
- It was a little bumpy.
A little bumpy?
Get this.
Just outside of Chicago,
we hit an air pocket.
We must've dropped a thousand feet.
Now, we're all strapped in,
see, but the hostess ain't.
Well, she hits the ceiling
with the top of her permanent.
She must've hung there
for five minutes.
I can see the papers
tomorrow already.
"Among those identified. "
You'll pardon me for asking,
but is that supposed to be funny?
- No, not very.
- Well, I'm afraid I don't think it's funny at all...
joking about people
might get killed.
This is this young lady's
first flight.
Oh, I didn't mean to scare you, lady.
I was just clownin' around a little, that's all.
Yeah, well, let's not clown about
this one till we get there.
Oh, we'll get there.
Pilot's a personal friend of mine.
This guy hates his wife so much...
he's not gonna take that airplane
two feet off the ground...
if he thinks there's any chance
of her collecting his insurance.
Telephone call for Mr. Trask.
Will Mr. David Trask...
please report to ticket counter
for telephone call?
You're a traveling salesman,
aren't you?
- How did you guess?
- I don't know.
I guess the way you kid around, maybe.
Salesmen always kid a lot.
I bet I can guess what you are too.
- What?
- A doctor?
That's right.
- Hey, what about him?
- He told me already. He's a lawyer.
You don't waste any time, huh, Jack?
- Hey, how do you do it?
- I don't know.
L- Just sort of a knack, I guess.
I like to figure out about people.
- You want to know something else?
- What?
- You're all married.
- Does it show from here?
Aren't you?
I am.
I'm good and married.
Aren't you?
- Yes.
- I knew it.
I can peg a married man
from as far as I can see him.
- Unfortunately.
- You want me to guess what you are?
I don't know whether I do or not.
You're an actress, aren't you?
Thank you, Docky.
You scared me there for a minute.
- Musical comedy?
- Musical comedy and nightclubs.
Hey, no kidding.
What do you do, sing and dance?
Both. Did any of you happen to see Let's Go?
That was a show in New York.
I saw it. About a year ago, wasn't it?
Were you in that?
- Don't you remember?
- Let me see. Uh-
Um, "Thank You So Much, Daddy"?
That's the name of the song I sang-
"Thank You So Much, Daddy. "
I remember it.
I saw it with Mrs. Trask...
last March at the Majestic Theatre.
- You remember my routine?
- Of course.
Let me tell you about this number.
This is the only song
I got in the show...
and out of town,
some head-shrinker wants to throw it out.
Then I got this idea. And, brother,
from then on, it was in but good.
What'd you do with it?
I did a strip with it.
Don't you remember?
I remember it.
And you forget
a beautiful song like that?
No, ma'am.
Not on that one either.
We've only got three more flights out of
here tonight, and there's no reservation...
in the name ofTrask on any of them.
All right, snap it up, folks, before
they change their minds again.
Ooh! I'm terribly sorry.
- Dr. Fortness.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
- Binky Gay.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
You mind if I hang on to you?
No, of course not,
if it'll make you feel any better.
I got a million of'em.
Babies fly nowadays,
like it was crawling...
from the dining room
into the kitchen.
Just feel my hands.
They're absolutely clammy.
Well, why do you do it
if it scares you so?
A train's too slow
for the way I feel.
I've been away for over a year now.
You know how it is
when you get that old feeling.
I can't get back to him fast enough.
Hey, we're moving.
We're rolling out to take off.
Did you get a long run in that show?
Died in six weeks.
What did you do then?
Not much of anything.
That's why I'm going back.
- You heard of success stories, haven't you?
- Mm-hmm.
Me, I'm different.
I'm a no-success story.
- Didn't you ever try for another show?
- Sure. All of them.
I even auditioned for Rodgers and Hammerstein
a couple of months ago.
For Mary Martin's part
in South Pacific.
- What did they say?
- "Thanks very much. "
I'm really surprised.
I thought you were very good.
I should've thought you'd be
a great success after that.
Thanks. Not after
the way I got started.
I may have thought I was a singer,
but after that show...
I was strictly a stripper,
and that's all.
Not that I got anything
against stripping.
But for the real dough,
you gotta be able to keep 'em on.
Take Dinah Shore, for instance.
She could sing in a Persian rug,
and it'd be all right.
Hey, we stopped.
We've reached the runway, I guess.
Besides, if you gotta
take 'em off when you sing...
there's just so far you can go.
Then, boom, the cops
are chasing you over the back fence.
Will you let me hold your hand?
Hey, Doc...
the counselor's quite
a fast operator, huh?
Okay so far.
Do you go through life like this?
- Worrying, you mean?
- Worrying unnecessarily...
about things that you
can't do anything about.
Well, I don't know
how necessary it is...
but airplanes get a very high priority
on my worrying list.
You know, I doubt if there's anything
more consistently uncomfortable...
than a fine, modern
luxury airliner...
but the New York subway
scares me more.
There's one very important thing
you forget about the subway.
In case anything happens,
the most you can fall is up.
- You ever meet a stripper?
- No, never.
Well, I go to burlesque now and then,
you know, just to kinda keep up on the technique.
But I never thought I'd meet one socially.
Hey, you know, you never can tell.
I was reading in one of these movie
magazines the other day about the big star-
I forget her name, but you always
see her picture sitting beside a pool...
or in a bathing suit saying hello
to Santa Claus at Christmastime.
- You know.
- Yeah.
It turns out that she
teaches a Sunday school class.
You're wearing out
your nerves for nothing.
Why don't you try and relax
a little while? Aren't you sleepy?
Are you kiddin'?
Well, I'm afraid I am.
You don't mind if I take a nap, do you?
No. Go ahead.
You sleep. I'll watch.
Mr. Trask?
- Hmm?
- My name is Carr.
My stage name's Binky Gay, but my
real name is Carr- Mrs. Bianca Carr.
Mrs. Carr?
As long as we're spending the night together,
we might as well know each other's names.
- Yes?
- Salt Lake's closed in. We're going into Vega.
- When?
- Now.
Adjust your seat belts, please.
We're going to land
in a few minutes.
Are we gonna land at Salt Lake City?
Salt Lake Airport's closed in.
We're going to land at Vega...
until the weather
conditions improve.
# Oh, he flies through the air
with the greatest of ease #
# He's the daring young man
on the flying trapeze #
# His actions are graceful
The girls he does please #
# He's stolen
my true love away ##
Oh, brother. They just lost me.
From now on I walk.
- What's she look like?
- We can get out of here, all right-
anytime they say
we can get in there.
I'll tell Salt Lake.
How many more days
we gonna be here, Skipper?
- Not much longer.
- Don't do me any favors, chum.
Hey, you know what?
I just got an idea.
Here we never even heard
of each other four hours ago...
and now we're just like
a regular Four Musketeers-
talking together, chewing the fat.
Talking about our families and everything
just like we was old friends.
Well, that's the way it always is.
As soon as there's a little trouble,
everybody gets real friendly.
Start huddling together,
just like horses in a storm.
- What's this "Four Musketeers"? Inflation?
- Well, you know what I mean.
Don't you think it'd be
a nice idea to have a record of it?
Or maybe like a Last Man club.
We'll meet together the same day
every year until we're 180 years old.
Here's what I mean.
Here's my card.
Maybe it's not such a bad idea. We'll get
together someday and have a few laughs, huh?
Oh, wait a minute. Get this.
"Edmund Vincent Hoke. "
Hey, Vince, you hit a clinker
on the last one, didn't you?
Listen, mousy.
Anybody who calls herself Binky Gay...
enters such a discussion
under a distinct handicap.
What about you, Doc?
- Trasky?
- I'm afraid I haven't any permanent address just now.
Oh. How long you gonna be in L.A.?
- Well, I don't know yet.
- Okay, then you call us. We'll make you chairman.
What about you, Gypsy Rose Lee?
I'll have to tattoo it on somebody.
I don't happen to have a card with me.
Look. Now, here.
Here's one for each of us.
Just write out your name,
address and phone number.
- Oh, so that's it?
- What?
So much trouble for a number.
Why didn't you just ask me?
No, no, no.
It's nothing like that.
Unless, of course, you insist.
No, I'll fight it for a while.
Say, I've been telling
you guys I was married.
Would you like to see
how married I really am?
- Wow.
- Any complaints on that?
- Who are you, HarryJames?
- Uh, you think the boys are old enough to take it?
I don't know why not. They're in no more
danger of getting drafted than you are.
- Mrs. Hoke?
- It ain't her uncle.
- Congratulations.
- Show it to Trasky.
How'd an old crock like you ever
tie onto a dish of cream cheese like that?
I've got that certain ingredient, Miss Lee,
with a locked-in flavor.
Locked in is right.
Well, here you are...
but I think they're more liable
to call your house than mine.
Oh, deal me out of this one.
- Hey, you got a picture of Mrs. Fortness?
- Sorry.
You wanna play canasta or just sit here
and think about your wife?
David, don't go away.
Please don't.
- Ever see such a jerk?
- He's no Prince Charming.
Imagine him showing a picture
of his wife around like that.
If it's a matter of taste,
his is still better than hers, I should say.
- Have a drink?
- Oh, no, thank you.
Wanna make some money?
What do you mean?
- You're a lawyer, aren't you?
- Mm-hmm.
Well, this is a case. You don't mind
taking a case out in the rain, do you?
No. But don't you think it would be better
if we waited until we got to town?
No, I don't. I don't want to wait
another minute.
When we were bouncing around
up there, I got to thinking.
The kind of clear, simple,
uncomplicated thoughts...
you think when you know
that death isn't so far away after all.
That's when everything falls
into its proper perspective...
when you can see what's important
in your life and what's not.
- Know what I mean?
- Yes.
Yes, I think I do.
Well, then, if you're married
with a family...
you begin to see that there's
nothing else on the face of the Earth...
so important as their love
and respect.
- Have you got any kids?
- Two girls.
Mine's a boy.
But you know how it is.
You know that warm, comfortable
feeling you get at night, after dinner?
The doors are closed, and the rest
of the world's shut out.
It's just you and her and the kids
sitting around together.
- You know the feeling?
- I know it.
Well, when that's gone...
you have no idea how lonely life is.
What's the problem?
Tomorrow morning I'm going to
the district attorney and tell him a story-
a true story.
Now what I wanna know is, what do I have
to be prepared for when I tell him this story?
What will I actually have to face?
Go on.
Don't you drink at all?
Sure. I just don't feel
like one right now.
Five years ago, on the 7 th,
which was a Saturday-
dance night
at the club-
I felt like more than one.
I was somewhat better off
then than I am now...
with one of the best
practices in town...
a smart, well-behaved boy.
And without any doubt whatever, I had
the best wife in the whole history of the world.
No. No women.
JustJerry and myself.
They told me quite frankly
that they didn't want me.
Of course not.
It's not a woman's business.
When a boy has reached his 12th birthday,
it's up to his father to handle the situation.
Oh, Jerry's read books, of course,
and he's heard the older boys talk.
But until he's done it himself, he simply
cannot realize what it means...
- to land a marlin.
- Where are you going?
The best fishing on this coast.
- Telephone, Doctor.
- Oh, dear.
Very nice.
Thank you, dear.
It was lovely.
Excuse me.
- The hospital?
- I hope not.
That Mexican kid, probably.
You have a call for Dr. Fortness?
Yes, this is Dr. Fortness.
Very well. Tell him
I'll be there shortly.
- It's the Mexican child.
- Well, I'll go with you.
No, of course not.
You stay here and take care of Claire.
- You'll excuse me, won't you?
- Of course.
See you later, darling.
- Good night, kids.
- Good night.
Go along and drive him, Tim.
I think I will. It's my case
almost as much as his anyway.
- Luther, take care of the girls, will you?
- Okay.
But it looks like a complicated way
to get out of paying a check.
Will you excuse me?
- Here you are, sir.
- Thank you.
- I'll call the car.
- Thank you.
- Are you all right, darling?
- Of course.
What do you mean?
Of course I'm all right.
You go on back to your table.
- Thank you.
- We'll call you as soon...
- as we're through to see if you're still here.
- Do you think he's all right?
- Why, sure. What do you mean?
- He's had a great deal to drink.
- Oh, of course not.
- He doesn't show it, but he has.
That's the way he is sometimes.
No, no. And if there's the slightest question
about it, he won't even wash up.
Bob's no fool.
Besides, I'll be there. I'm washing up too.
- Come on. Let's go.
- Coming, Mother.
Now he's perfectly okay.
Forget it.
See you later, darling.
Hey, take it easy, will you?
This is only an appendectomy.
I'm watching it.
What's the matter with you?
There's no traffic at this hour.
I've always wanted to know
how fast this car will go...
and this is as good
a time as any to find out.
I'm not kidding, Bob.
- You better stop the car, Bob, and let me take it.
- Don't be silly.
I'm not being silly.
This kind of driving's nutty.
Okay, if it scares you.
Is this all right?
I believe you are tight.
That's what I might have expected.
Bob, please!
Stop it, Bob.
Stop it, I tell you!
Stop it, Bob!
- Did you sleep?
- A little while.
You couldn't have had
a much closer call, you know.
I know.
Do you feel like seeing a man
from the D.A.'s office?
I can put him off if you don't.
I don't mind.
It's all right.
I can tell him to come back
this afternoon.
No, it's all right.
I'm all right.
Dr. Fortness is awake now.
This is Mrs. Fortness, Mr. Thompson.
- Good morning, Mrs. Fortness.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, sir.
- Morning.
If you'll excuse me.
I hate to push in on you like this.
I understand.
You know what happened, don't you?
They're dead, aren't they?
All three of them- Dr. Brooks
and the two men in the other car.
I never saw such a wreck.
You must have been going 80.
You were driving, weren't you?
Are you sure of that?
What do you mean?
You were thrown out of the left side of the car.
Dr. Brooks was driving the car.
You got anybody else
who can testify to that?
Yes. I can.
Dr. Brooks was behind the wheel
when the car left the club.
And since then,
nothing but loneliness.
All right, folks, ready to board.
It's about time.
It's about time.
Good morning!
The high altitude affects my ears.
All right, all aboard, everybody.
We're gonna fly
10 miles nonstop this time.
Keep movin', Gypsy. It's too early
in the morning for one of your performances.
Drop dead, will ya?
Oh, better watch out, Docky.
Her husband's right behind ya!
What a clown.
Don't worry too much about it.
We'll be able to handle it somehow.
- I'm not worrying now.
- That's the spirit.
Trasky, she's waiting for you.!
Will you do me a favor?
Ride on the roof the rest of the way.
Huh? Sit in.
I'll sit here.
- You don't mind?
- Not in the least.
Think you'll be okay this time?
Sure. The pilot just told me
it's all downhill from here.
No use, kiddo.
I got my wings now.
Hey, are you gonna sing
someplace in L.A.?
- Why, you dirty old man!
- What do you mean, old?
- I got a good mind to write your wife.
- Go ahead. She can't read.
Anybody marries you,
I don't believe she can even see.
Oh, she's okay now.
She's beginning to get insulting again.
- Don't get tough with me, babe. I'll jam your zipper.
- Yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk.
Well, look.
I won't say good-bye now...
but just in case we miss
each other when we get in...
don't forget- the Four Musketeers!
- I won't.
- And you better call us 'cause we can't call you.
Maybe we can get together
someday and have a few laughs.
- I'll call.
- How about you, Gypsy?
I'll ask my husband
what he thinks about it.
Well, you can ask him,
but don't bring him.
- You know how that guy talks?
- Eddie?
- Yeah, him and his big mouth.
- What about it?
- He's a fake.
- How?
If I really batted an eye at him,
he'd be out of here like a scalded cat.
- On account of his wife?
- Oh, that I don't know.
He doesn't want any part
of any other dame, that's for sure.
Could it possibly be
that he loves her?
- You really think she is?
- Is what?
His wife!
Don't you?
I don't know.
I don't get it.
There's something phony
about that whole setup somewhere.
- Don't you think so?
- It never occurred to me, no.
A lump like him with a jug like her.
It does seem possible
that she could have done better.
Done better?
It looks like she lost a bet.
- But you know what's funny about it?
- What?
- He's happy. That guy's really happy.
- Why not?
Instead of advertising what he's got,
he'd be a lot smarter...
sitting out in front
of his house with a shotgun.
Still figuring people out, huh?
I can't help it.
I can't rest till I got 'em pegged.
- You wanna hear about you?
- I don't believe so. Thank you.
Oh, you were a cinch.
I had you pegged almost before-
If you don't mind,
I'd rather not discuss it.
All right.
Wanna hear about the doc?
What about him?
He's in big trouble.
Why do you say that?
Well, he's a pretty smart guy,
and he's worried.
Smart guys don't worry
about pimples.
Takes something awfully important
to make a smart guy worry.
Go on.
- You know what else I think?
- What?
- He made a deal.
- A deal?
Some kind of deal with himself.
He's a pretty smart guy.
He knows nobody can have
a hundred percent of anything.
So he made a deal with himself.
He settled for half.
Am I right?
What's that?
Ah. Clouds.
It's nothing.
It's a funny time of year
for that much ice.
Yeah. We're getting
everything this trip.
You know, that's what I'm doing.
Making a deal?
Settling for a percentage.
- I had mother-in-law trouble. You ever heard of it?
- Yes, I've heard of it.
- You ever hear of Sally Carr?
- Yes. Vaudeville.
That's right. Back in the old Palace days.
Big mama singer.
- Heart of gold stuff. Remember?
- Sure, I remember.
- She could really belt out a song, couldn't she?
- She was wonderful.
- That's my mom-in-law.
- Really?
Every hour I spent with her has been
like five rounds with Sugar Ray Robinson.
You see, she's still trying to
hang on to what she used to be.
She's got this broken-down
nightclub out in Hollywood.
She's the emcee,
and Mike's the floor show.
Mike's my husband
and a very nice guy.
To hear her tell it, it's Danny Kaye
and Sophie Tucker, only better.
- See what I'm up against?
- Yes, I see.
Imagine how she took it
when Mike walked in with me.
But why?
You're a professional too.
Well, maybe to me, but not to her.
I was with a U.S.O. Troupe overseas.
That's where I met Mike.
That didn't count with her.
'Cause she says if it's free,
soldiers will look at anything.
Isn't that rather
a fine distinction?
Ah, that wasn't it.
The truth of it is...
she didn't like me on sight
any more than I liked her.
It was bing, bing, bing all the way.
Know what I mean?
Well, what about Mike?
What was he doing all this time?
What's a husband usually doing
in a spot like that?
Refereeing, with Mumsy in one corner
and Sugar Lump in the other.
So what then?
Well, then pretty soon all three of us
are hangin' on the ropes.
Then I get this bright idea
how to straighten out the mess.
I'll go to New York and show
the big town what I really got-
make a monkey outta the old bag.
So I do the same and make
a monkey outta myself. Joke over.
- You think we oughta turn back?
- I don't think yet. If it gets much worse.
So now you're going back
to make a deal.
Give me Mike and a couple of kids,
and she can have all the rest of it.
Do you think you can take Mom now?
After a year of loneliness,
I can take anything.
Will there be anything else, sir?
Yes. Would you write out
a telegram for me, please?
Certainly, sir.
Make it a day letter
to Mrs. Jane Trask...
1846 Oak Avenue, Midland City, Iowa.
DearJane, my address
for the next few days...
will be Wilshire Hotel, Los Angeles.
Hugs and kisses for the children.
Signed, Dave.
Get that off right away.
Put it on my bill.
Yes, sir.
Thank you, sir.
And don't forget-
the Four Musketeers!
Give me Mike and a couple of kids,
and she can have all the rest of it.
Well, when that's gone,
you have no idea how lonely life is.
Get me Marino 3637, please.
Hello. Mrs. Fortness?
Yes, this is Mrs. Fortness speaking.
You don't know me, Mrs. Fortness...
but I was a passenger
on the plane with Dr. Fortness.
He and I came to know
each other rather well...
and I thought perhaps you might like
to hear something of that last night.
Mr. Trask?
- How do you do, Mrs. Fortness?
- Come in.
- Sit here, will you?
- Thank you.
I hope this isn't too much
of an intrusion on your grief.
Not at all. It was an extremely
thoughtful thing for you to do.
Dr. Fortness and I spent a good deal of time
together at the airport in Vega...
and inevitably we talked
about our families-
as men will if the conversation
lasts long enough.
AboutJerry mostly, I imagine.
About both of you.
He adored Jerry.
He told me.
It must have been
a wonderful relationship.
It was very close.
I, uh, agreed 100% with him...
that Los Angeles should be
in the major leagues.
You did get down
to the fundamentals.
Is, uh, Jerry here now?
No. He had to go out this morning.
How's he taking it?
It was a great blow
to him, of course.
I hope you won't
consider it an impertinence...
if I tell you also that every reference
Dr. Fortness made to you...
was filled with such tenderness...
such warmth and devotion...
that it was impossible for me
not to be impressed by it.
Thank you.
You... don't expectJerry back soon?
I don't believe so.
Then I won't wait.
I just came
to offer my sympathies...
and to tell you how much you both were
in his thoughts that last night.
Thank you very much.
And... if you think he'd like it...
I'd be very happy to come back
some other time and talk toJerry about it.
He might be pleased to hear
some of the things his father told me.
That's very kind of you, Mr. Trask.
It's nothing more than Dr. Fortness
might very well have done for me.
You have a son?
I have two daughters.
He's not coming back.
What do you mean?
He's gone away.
Run away.
I just found this.
- But why?
- He thinks I did it.
He thinks that I drove him to it.
- He hates me.
- But how does he figure that?
I don't know.
I mean, it's-
It's too mixed up
to tell you. L-
I shouldn't have said
anything about it, but I-
I just can't seem
to think straight...
with everything happening at once.
I'm sorry.
Can't you- Can't you think of something
I might be able to do?
I don't believe so.
Thank you.
- Would you like me to talk to the police?
- No. That wouldn't be any use.
I wouldn't want him back like that.
Only if he misses me someday
and- and wants to come back.
- Is this Jerry?
- Yes.
I'm terribly sorry to have
imposed this on you.
You deserve better.
I do appreciate your coming here...
and very much what you've told me.
Well, I- I don't like to
leave you alone like this.
No, I'm all right now.
Thank you.
Would you mind if I
telephoned this evening...
just in case there
should be something?
If you want to.
But please don't feel that you need.
You may think of something.
Thank you.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.
That's right, madam.
Are there any ships leaving here today
for South America?
No passenger ship, sir.
What about freighters?
Yes. Two. The Chilean Star at midnight
from Berth 75 in San Pedro...
and the Santiago at 11:00
in Berth 160 in Wilmington.
Thank you.
Well, no sign of him here.
We'd have seen him, I'm sure.
They watch these ships pretty close these days.
They got guards.
Excuse me.
Oh, yeah?
Hold it a minute.
They got him over at Pedro. Pier 75.
- The watchman's holding him for you.
- Seventy-five?
- That's right.
- Thank you.
Hello, Art?
Be right over.
This him?
- Jerry?
- Who are you?
If you'reJerry Fortness,
I'm a friend of your father's.
I was on the plane with him
the other night.
- You were in that crash?
- That's right.
Your father and I became
very good friends that night.
That's why I'm here-
to see if you and I can't get together
and talk this thing over a bit.
- You mean with Mother?
- I should think so.
How did she know where I was?
She didn't.
It was my idea.
Won't you come back with me now?
No. Not to her.
I told her I'd never go back to that house
again, and I won't- not as long as I live.
After we've talked about it...
if you still want to go away,
I'm sure she won't object.
- I'll bet.
- You rather go to the cooler?
You can't put me in jail.
I haven't done anything.
- You sneaked on this pier, didn't you?
- Oh, sure, but-
Then you can go to the cooler.
What do you think that's up there for?
- I didn't see that.
- That's another charge.
- Not noticin'.
- Why don't you come back with me now, Jerry?
You got two choices. Go with him like
he says, or I can ring for the wagon.
Whichever you want.
All right, then.
But I'm not gonna stay there.
It's up to you.
I'm only interested in tonight.
Much obliged to you, Officer.
He'll be all right.
He's not a bad kid.
- How'd you figure this thing?
- Just took a chance.
Your father told me
how you used to take trips together...
how the big plan was to sail away
to South America someday.
So, here we are.
- That was pretty smart figurin'.
- Thanks.
Jerry! Darling!
I'm so glad to see you, darling.
- Are you all right?
- Oh, sure.
Are you hungry?
Would you like something to eat?
No, I'm not hungry.
- I'm terribly sorry.
- Leave me alone, will ya? I'm all right.
- How did you do it?
- Just luck.
I'm not gonna stay here, you know.
I told him already.
- Why not?
- She knows.
- Are you sure she does?
- Why shouldn't she? She knows the whole thing...
but that didn't stop her from sending him
out ofhis own house.
If he hadn't had to keep going away all the time,
he wouldn't have been on that plane.
You think I don't know why he kept going away,
too, but I do. I've known it all along.
He went away to drink, didn't he?
But he couldn't help that.
I know what drink is.
It's a disease.
He couldn't help himself
any more than you can help from...
getting T.B. Or pneumonia
or anything like that.
You're supposed to feel sorry
for a man like that...
not drive him away from
his own home to be sick.
He went away... because he didn't
want you to know, darling.
Oh, sure. Everything was his fault. You didn't
do anything. You just wouldn't talk to him.
All you did was
make him like a ghost...
walking around all the time
without saying anything.
And all the time he loved you
more than he did me.
He never said it, but he did.
I could tell.
And my loving him
just wasn't enough for him.
If you would prefer to leave,
Mr. Trask-
I'd still like to talk to him.
- Jerry, darling.
- I'm getting out of here!
- Jerry!
- Let me go!
- Not until you promise to behave for a few minutes.
- Let me go!
And get it through your head
I didn't chase you to Wilmington...
just to come back here and listen to
a lot of whining nonsense.
I know that you mean well, Mr. Trask,
but... that is not the way to handle my son.
Would you be good enough
to leave now?
In just a few minutes.
I promise you.
But not until I've explained
one thing to him about his father.
- I don't want to hear it.
- I'm afraid you'll have to, Jerry.
What about his father?
The other night, Dr. Fortness
engaged me as his attorney...
for a matter that
I'll explain in a minute.
This, I believe, gives me something more
than simply a busybody position here.
I can't guarantee, of course, that this is precisely
what he'd want me to do or say...
but if I learned anything
during our few hours together...
it was that I was with a man who was
prepared to go to any lengths...
to make up in any way whatever...
for the cruel, shocking,
almost irreparable harm...
he'd done to the love
and respect ofhis family.
- That's not true.
- What's not true?
That he ever did
any harm to his family.
Five years ago, your father was in
a dreadful automobile accident.
- Do you remember that?
- Of course.
Three people were killed
in that accident.
Two in the other car and his friend
Dr. Brooks, who was driving.
- Is that right?
- Yes.
That's when all your trouble
started, wasn't it?
Yes. I guess so.
Were you at the country club
that night?
No. I was home in bed. Why?
Then you wouldn't know whether
your father was drunk or not, would you?
- Who says he was?
- Wait a moment.
- Yes?
- What are you trying to do?
Straighten him out.
That's all.
But you mustn't, like that.
I won't permit it.
It'll only make things worse.
How can things be worse?
But you have no right
to shake his faith in his father.
Why, it's the most important
thing that he has left in his life.
I forbid you to say
such things to him.
But what if I told you that this is exactly
what his father was planning to do...
only a thousand times
more shockingly?
I don't know what
you're talking about.
You know the whole story
of that night, don't you?
- Of course.
- Then you know a lie.
It wasn't Dr. Brooks that was driving the car
that night. It was your father- drunk.
Did she tell you that?
Of course not.
He did.
I don't believe it.
Is it true, Mrs. Fortness?
And it was your mother
who knew better...
who heard your father
tell that lie to the police...
and then lied herself
to protect him.
I can't believe it.
It's true, Jerry.
But when you're thinking about it...
try to understand this:
It was an indecent thing
that he did...
but that didn't make him
an indecent man.
An indecent man would have
enjoyed his escape.
Only a decent man
would have been lost...
in the shame and the horror
of what he had done.
I know all this, Mrs. Fortness,
because Dr. Fortness engaged me...
to go with him to the district attorney
to tell him the whole story.
And whatever
that would have meant-
and I assure you he had no delusions
about the possibilities-
it would have been
worth it to him...
if it brought back
your respect for him.
Thank you.
Good-bye, Jerry.
- Mr. Trask.
- Yes?
Tell me. Was he-
Was he drinking
when he told you this?
Of course not.
I don't take cases from drunks.
Now, now, darling.
Hempstead 3449, please.
Hempstead. That's right.
- Club Carr.
- Is Mr. Michael Carr there?
Just a minute.
Somebody wants to talk to Mr. Carr.
I'll take it.
Yeah. Who wants him?
He doesn't know me.
Is this Miss Carr?
Yes. Who's this?
I was on that plane Friday night.
- What plane?
- The, uh-Well, that plane from Chicago.
Well, what about it?
I'm sorry.
Just a minute. Hey, you!
You with that vacuum cleaner.
What's that rockhead's name?
- Hey, Henry. Knock that off.
- What's the matter with you?
Can't you see I'm talkin' on this phone?
What is it you want?
I think it's a matter I'd better
take up with Mr. Carr first.
When will he be in?
- You can try after dinner about 9:30.
- Thank-
What's the matter with you?
You blind?
- Good evening, sir.
- Good evening.
I'd like to see
Mr. Michael Carr, please.
Mr. Carr's about to go on now, sir.
Would you like to wait at the bar?
Thank you.
# P art of everything I do #
#To cry as much
to laugh as much #
#And love me even
half as much #
#As I love you ##
- Uh, gin and tonic, please.
- Yes, sir.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, it gives me
great pleasure to introduce to you...
a young man who really needs
no introduction.
You all know him very well.
I know him even better.
I give you Mr. Michael-
- Michael what?
- Carr.
Ah! Of course!
How stupid of me.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Mr. Michael Carr!
Thank you, Mama.
Thank you what?
I'm terribly sorry. I forgot.
Thank you, Sister.
That's better.
Try not to forget again, Son.
As a matter of fact,
ladies and gentlemen...
this happens to be Miss Carr's birthday.
# Oh, the old gray mare
She ain't what she used to be #
# She ain't
what she used to be #
# She ain't what she used to be
The old gray mare #
# She ain't what she used to be
many long years ago ##
Now, ladies and gentlemen,
a favorite of mine...
and I'm sure one of yours.
- #Again #
- Give me a Coke.
- #This couldn't happen again #
- Miss Carr?
- Yes.
- My name is Trask. I spoke to you on the phone this afternoon.
Oh, yes, but you'll have to wait
till after the show now.
- That's all right. I'm enjoying it.
- # T his is the thrill #
# Divine #
#And what's more #
# T his never happened #
- # Before #
- Is it about Binky?
Why, yes.
What are you? The lawyer?
Well, I am a lawyer. Yes.
Well, if it's alimony she's after,
you're wasting your time.
He's not gonna give her a nickel.
Well, has she asked for any yet?
No, but that's what you're here for.
I know that dame.
What'd she do?
Phone you the minute she got the notice?
As a matter of fact, I'm only here
to get a line on the situation.
- Nothing's been really-
- You want a line on the situation?
I'll give you a line
on the situation.
I'll give you plenty line on it.
Come with me.
- Tell Karl I want to see him.
- Yes, ma'am.
#This doesn't happen #
If ever a dame asked for it,
it was that client of yours.
I pegged her the minute
I laid eyes on her.
Sit down.
She never cared a nickel for Mike.
All she was after was the name
and what she could get out of it.
- What do you mean the name?
- Carr!
My name.
You know who I am, don't you?
Very well indeed.
I'm an old vaudeville fan.
Well, she knew it so well
she wanted it for herself.
It don't hurt, you know,
to have a famous name in this business.
Come in.
- You know that boy Henry?
- Yes, madam.
- Give him his money and get him out of here.
- What did he do?
- Didn't I say no serving during the show?
- Yes.
Did you see what
he was doing just now?
Yes, but the party called him over.
They're a little drunk, and I told him to go.
They might have made a fuss of some kind.
Listen! I don't want to argue.
Just get him out of here like I tell you.
Yes, madam.
How well do you know this dame?
Not too well.
L- I met her only once.
Well, let me tell you
something about her.
If I had been that girl's own mother,
I couldn't have treated her any better-
like my own blood daughter.
I knew she was out for
what she could get, but...
when I saw that my son
thought he loved her...
I nearly broke my back
trying to make that marriage work.
- Oh, I see.
- But you wouldn't believe it...
the abuse I had to take
when he wasn't around.
And such vulgarity
you never heard in your life.
But do you think I let him know it?
I'd rather have cut off
my right arm.
Until last week.
And then, heaven help me,
I had to tell him.
Well, uh, why last week?
Because I couldn't stand to see him eating
his heart out any longer, not for that rip.
I let him have it, but good.
And it was then
that he decided to file suit?
What else could he do,
and her already gone a year?
Did she ever tell you
the way she left here?
- No.
- I'll bet she didn't.
Well, it was a Saturday afternoon...
about this same time last year.
She'd really had one of
her spells on that week.
You should have seen her, Mr. Trask.
You wish to see me, my child?
The jerk tells me you don't want me
to sing in the show.
I do want you, Binky dear...
but I just don't think it would be advisable
at this particular time.
And I say that for your own good.
Yellow, huh?
I'm afraid I do not comprehend
what it is that you mean by that.
Scared, you dope. Scared if they ever hear me
sing in this trap, they'll throw rocks at you.
You mortify me, Binky.
What do you think
I'm here for anyway?
Listen to that cornball show
every night?
Why do you think
I married that goon?
But I thought you loved me,
- Why don't you go and fly a kite?
- But, Binky, dear-
My son. My son.
I'm here to get mine, fat stuff,
and the sooner you know it, the better.
I'm sure you don't wish
to be unfair, child-
Do I sing or not?
That's all I want out of you.
- As I've tried to explain, Binky dear-
- Okay, I get it.
I got one more proposition for you.
Anything within
human reason, daughter.
You want me stay here, ducky?
Oh, you know I do, darling.
Then tell Mumsy you and I want 50%
interest in the joint.
- But, Binky, dear-
- You want me to stay or not, ducky?
Mumsy, darling.
Would you-
Could you see your way clear to-
Mike, my own, you know I'd rather
cut off my right arm...
than deny anything to you or Binky.
But after all,
you already have five percent.
And unless something good
turns up for me on Broadway...
this little joint is all I have to provide
for my few remaining years.
But, when I pass on...
remember, it will all be
yours and hers, 100%.
- How about that, Binky?
- Sorry. Too indefinite.
- How much you got in the till?
- Well, I don't know.
- Come on. Let me have it.
- You can't do that, Binky. That's larceny.
Shake it up.
I'm chiefing out of here tonight.
But if you take the money, Binky, we will have
no change for the customers.
Get out of my way.
Let her have it, Arthur.
Her need is greater than ours.
And that's the last
we've seen of her.
As Mike says, absolutely incredible.
And after all we'd done for her.
Beat it!
I thought you was in there.
My sympathies, of course,
are entirely with you...
but, after what you've said, I find myself
in rather an awkward position.
- I thought you would.
- No. It's- It's not that.
Well, the fact is,
I didn't come here about the divorce.
I knew nothing about that
until you mentioned it.
Nor did Mrs. Carr
when I spoke to her.
I don't believe she even
dreamed of such a thing.
Then what was it?
Well, as it turned out,
you seem to have been in some error.
- At least on one point.
- Which one was that?
Binky's professional talent.
- You ever hear her?
- No, I never did.
- You're lucky.
- Then I, uh, take it you haven't heard about the audition.
- Audition for who?
- Rodgers and Hammerstein, is it?
Binky auditioned for
Rodgers and Hammerstein?
For the Mary Martin part
in South Pacific.
Miss Martin's leaving
to go into the London production.
Ha! Well, that must have
been a beaut.
- They asked her to audition after seeing her in Let's Go.
- What'd they say?
Well, for a couple of days, nothing.
They had lots of others
to listen to, I imagine.
And so she just had to
sit and wait...
until last Thursday afternoon.
Oh, why, yes.
This is Miss Binky Gay.
Rodgers and Hammerstein?
They do?
Both of them?
- You're a pretty lucky gal, really.
- Oh, don't I know it?
There isn't a dame in this place
who wouldn't give up...
half her alimony to be
in your shoes tonight.
Did you say there's going to be
some more cast changes?
Just a few.
Not everybody.
- What about Bloody Mary?
- We're going to get someone for her too.
- That's a nice part.
- Nice?
It's the kind of a part that comes along
once in a generation.
For an old doll, that's dream stuff.
Remember Sally Carr?
Sally Carr?
You bet your life I do.
Now there really was a trouper.
- When she played the Palace-
- Oh, what about her for Bloody Mary?
- Sally Carr?
- Why not?
But holy smoke, is she still alive?
Oh, very much so. And still belting
them out as good as ever.
Oh, Mr. Sawyer, in that part
she'd be real terrific. She really would.
- Where did you dig her?
- She's my mumsy- my mother-in-law, that is.
We've had our little differences...
but she's still a grand old gal
with a heart of gold.
And as Bloody Mary
she'd be sheer heaven.
Sally Carr as Bloody Mary.
- How can I get in touch with her?
- Oh, you needn't bother.
I'll, uh, phone a friend of mine out there tonight,
and he'll go talk to her about doing it.
But under the circumstances...
I have no intention of embarrassing you
with Mrs. Carr's suggestion.
I had no way of knowing
how inexcusably she'd treated you.
Or, believe me, I wouldn't have come out here
and wasted so much of your time.
- You're Mr. Carr, aren't you?
- Binky's husband.
- Uh-
- Yes?
Oh, uh, could I see you
outside for a moment?
Just what I was
about to suggest to you.
Good night, Miss Carr.
What was the idea?
The idea originally was to bring you
a piece of very tragic news.
- I got it just a few minutes ago.
- I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Carr.
Thank you.
- When did you see her?
- I was on that plane.
Did you talk to her... much?
Quite a bit. We were
seated together.
Did she say anything- anything about
why she was coming back?
She, uh, hadn't received the divorce notice,
if that's what you mean.
- Are you sure?
- I'm positive.
As far as she knew,
she was coming home to you as ever.
Thank you very much for that.
As for that nonsense
to your mother, I-
- Skip it. Just don't be in town when she finds out.
- Thanks. I won't.
The reason I didn't
stop you myself-
I mean really stop you-
you were giving Binky
such a beautiful success...
the kind she always dreamed about,
never could have...
till you gave it to her.
- Good night, Mike.
- Good night, sir.
Get me Valley 48269, please.
Mrs. Hoke? You don't know me, but I was
a passenger on that plane with your husband.
- I'm calling on Mrs. Hoke.
- Oh, yes, sir. Will you come in?
Thank you.
You can go right in.
She's expecting you.
Thank you.
- Mr. Trask?
- Mrs. Hoke?
He showed you the picture, I see.
Yes. And it was greatly
admired, of course.
But he didn't tell you
how old it was.
- No.
- He never did, but you can see why.
- Sit there, will you?
- Thank you.
- It's very kind of you to do this.
- Not at all.
It was Eddie who was responsible,
as a matter of fact.
There were four of us who spent a good deal
of time together during the night.
The Four Musketeers, he called us.
The name seemed to establish
some kind of bond between us- still.
And are you going to see
the other families too?
- I have already.
- How grateful they must have been.
That I'm not so sure of.
Why not?
I came in on people whose lives were not
as uncomplicated as they might have been.
Oh, good heavens!
Whose is?
- I don't know.
- Is yours?
Of course not.
Nobody's is.
That's what Binky said.
One of the other Musketeers.
I'm sure that every single solitary person
we see every day of our lives...
is trying to find his way out of
one kind of problem or another.
- I suppose so.
- And in time, of course, they will.
- All of them?
- I imagine so, in time.
I wish I could agree with you.
You mean your own?
Forgive me.
This is hardly the moment to-
- Is it really so serious?
- To me, it couldn't be more so.
Only to you?
- What do you mean?
- Not to your family too?
Well, to my children, of course.
But not to your wife.
You can't be interested in my problems.
You know you can't.
Where is she now?
- At home.
- Back home, you mean.
That's it.
And does she want to stay there now?
She says she does.
- You doubt it?
- No.
But I don't know
that I care to be there with her.
Even though you're
still in love with her?
- Why do you assume that?
- You must, or there wouldn't be any problem.
Janey, my wife,
fell in love with another man.
After 12 years and two children,
that's what happened to our marriage.
And it happened
without my even suspecting it-
without my knowing anything about it at all-
until it was all over-
- and she told me.
- She told you herself?
That was a month ago.
And I tried. I tried very hard
to understand what had happened...
and to find some way
to accept a fact...
which I couldn't think of
without dying a little.
But it was no use.
I couldn't do it.
Have you ever thought of it
the other way around?
That's always the woman's argument.
And that's always the man's way
of dodging an answer to it.
It's different.
I wish it weren't, but it is.
Have you talked to her
since you went away?
- Once, on the phone.
- What did she say?
She cried.
But it's the memory of that mistake.
It's the memory of someone else
always between us.
And I don't believe
I'd ever be able to support it.
Few men can.
- I know.
- Only the strongest.
Many, many wives, of course,
but only a few very strong husbands.
I'm sorry.
I had no right to say that.
Would you care for a drink?
No, I don't think so.
Thank you.
How did you like Eddie?
Quite well.
He was a lot of fun.
- Too many jokes, you mean.
- No. Not at all.
We had a very pleasant
time together.
- Most people detested him.
- Oh, no. I can't believe that.
Loud, dull, vulgar.
Always horning in where he wasn't wanted.
I don't believe that's a fair
description of him at all.
- Don't you?
- No. I don't.
I do, because
that's what he was:
A tiresome, foolish, irritating man.
And even after all these years...
I still can't think what it was
that made me marry him.
Of course, I was flighty
myself in those days...
and perhaps I thought he was fun and that
marriage with him would be one long laugh.
If that was it, though, I was wrong.
So, naturally, there came a day when
I looked for happiness somewhere else.
- Not late, am I?
- No. I was just nervous anyway.
We're okay now.
- Turn off Elm.
- Okay.
Was there any trouble?
He wasn't there.
He flew to San Francisco this afternoon.
- You didn't tell him.
- Uh-uh.
What about when he gets back?
Won't he go to the police or something?
Oh, I left a note.
- Saying what?
- Just that I was going away. That's all.
Not who with?
No. Nothing else.
Well, it doesn't matter.
We know what we're doing.
I'm not worrying.
When do you figure
we'll get to Chicago?
I don't know. I don't see any reason
why we ought to break any records. Do you?
- Oh, no.
- Thought we might, uh, take it easy...
stop off here and there and see a bit of
the country while we're about it.
I'd like that.
You'll never make it.
Okay, wise guy.
Are you all right, darling?
I don't know yet.
What'd you do, hit the raft?
Did I?
- Okay?
- Okay.
Good afternoon, madam.
- Can you park the car?
- Yes, sir. You go right ahead. I'll get the baggage.
Thank you.
- Lake 22000.
- Is it serious?
It's possible.
St. Luke's?
This is Dr. Fernwood.
I want an ambulance sent to the Chicagoan Hotel
on State Street. Thank you.
- What is it?
- Let's sit down.
How'd she get that bump on her head?
In a lake. She dived,
came up under a raft.
- Hmm. Cigarette?
- No, thanks.
- How long ago was that?
- Last Thursday morning.
Yeah. Well...
that's it, I imagine.
Without getting
technical about it...
she seems to be suffering
from a blood clot on the brain.
Subdural hematoma.
That's the way those things usually start-
from some blow on the head.
How could that be?
She was perfectly all right the next day.
- Just a little headache.
- Yes. I know.
That's the way they
develop too-very slowly.
Will you have to operate?
Yes. We're getting her ready now.
There's already
a partial paralysis...
and her breathing's been affected.
- That's why I thought we shouldn't waste any more time.
- You mean she's liable to die?
No, I didn't say that. It's a delicate
operation, but it's very rarely fatal.
What is quite possible, though, and I think
you ought to be prepared for it...
is a residual effect-
some degree of paralysis afterwards.
I'm afraid that's
fairly common in these cases.
She'd be paralyzed afterward?
It's quite possible, to some extent.
Oh, yes, Doctor.
I see.
Well, is she conscious this morning?
I see.
Thank you, Doctor.
Thank you very much.
Hello? This is Mr. Nelson in 1267.
Yes. Will you get my bill ready right away,
please? I'm checking out.
Thank you.
It was a week before I could
bring myself to realize...
he'd gone away and left me.
But by then
it didn't seem to matter.
Nothing did.
in this whole, wide, empty world.
Mrs. Hoke?
Hiya, beautiful.
Dull, foolish...
vulgar to some...
but not to me.
To me he was a man like a rock.
Nothing could shake him.
Nothing could shake his love.
It was from him I learned
what love really was.
Not a frail little fancy...
to be smashed and broken by...
pride and vanity and self-pity.
That's for children.
That's for high school kids.
But a rock as strong as life itself.
Indestructible and eternal.
May I use your phone?
Long distance?
I'd like to speak to
Mrs. David Trask person-to-person...
at Prairie 4267, Midland City, Iowa.
And reverse the charge.
This is Mr. Trask.
Valley 48269.
That's right.
They're ringing now.
There's no answer.
She's out.
- Well?
- Well, it's nearly midnight there.
Oh, for the love of Pete.
- I don't understand it. We've got children there.
- Hello?
- Hello, Dave?
- She's got no right to- Hello?
Hello, Dave?
Hello? Hello?
Hello, Janey?
- Where have you been? Up on the roof?
- You know I always...
- take a shower every night.
- Phone's been ringing for-
Shower? At midnight?
Of course, darling. You know I always
take a shower every night.
- Don't you remember?
- Oh.
Oh, yeah. Sure.
Well, how are you?
We're all fine.
How are you?
I'm fine.
How are the kids?
I told you.
They're fine.
That's fine.
What is it, darling?
Well, Janey,
I've been thinking about it...
and the way
things are, if-
if it's all right
with you-
- You get on that plane.
- What?
Don't- Don't you wait for the train.
- You know I do, Janey.
- Hurry up, darling. Just get on the plane-
- I am. Right away.
- Let me know what the schedule is-
Absolutely, honey.
I'm getting the first plane out.
Now you get on that plane.
Don't you wait for the train.
- But-
- And we'll all come down and meet you.
Listen, darling. Do you have any idea
about the schedule?
But don't you even want to hear why?
The girls and I can come
down to meet you.