Phoonk 2 (2010)

Rohan, where are you going?
- Mother, I'm getting my ball.
Rohan, behave yourself.
Rajeev. -Yes.
what are you looking at?
Papa, let's go.
I'm getting bored here.
Hey, let me start the car first.
- Here we go.
Mother, why did granny
go to God's house?
She has gone to Rishikesh and
Hardwar for a pilgrimage.
Papa, did God make
everything in this world?
Yes, Rohan.
Everything is made by God.
Even you?
- Yes, Rohan. And even you.
So sweet.
- Even our house in Mumbai?
House and everything
in the house.
wow! Everything is done by
God in our house..
.. so what does papa do?
You'll get it from me now.
He says anything.
Listen, Ronnie and Arushi are
coming, isn't it? -I know.
I've arranged everything.
You know..
.. I'll see Arushi
after two years.
This America is a strange place.
- why?
It turned Ranjit into Ronnie.
Rajeev, now you're
being really mean, ok?
I was just kidding.
I mean,
he's your brother-in-law.
I was just kidding.
Aarti! Hey, Aarti!
Come on. we've reached.
we've reached.
- Yes, we've.
Raksha. Raksha.
Rohan. Raksha.
Dear Rohan, get up.
Hello, sir. I'm Arnub Goswami.
Site supervisor.
Hi, Goswami. -welcome, sir.
Please. -Thank you.
Did you like it, sir?
- Nice house. Interesting.
Rohan, where are you going?
Rohan. -Yeah! -Raksha.
Laxmi, look after them.
Actually, they both
are quite excited.
Relax. Let it be.
- A little too much.
Rohan. Rohan.
Hey, Rohan.
Sir, he's khan. Property agent.
Hi, khan.
of this bungalow.
Greetings, sir.
Hello, madam. -Hello.
Goswami, please get the luggage.
- ok, sir.
Madam and you can check the
house. -Yes, sir. Come. -Jeetu.
First let see this side.
- Come.
Sir, you must've been
told that some..
.. work is pending in the house.
Yes, I can see.
- It'll be done in a few days.
You won't have any problems.
Come, Rohan.
wow! -Look there.
Sir, the forest
begins from there.
- Nobody goes there.
Meaning? -I mean, madam..
I mean nothing.
That.. come. Let's check inside.
I'll get this swimming pool
cleaned by this evening.
And sir,
the beach is out there.
Come, sir.
- Nice view.
Sir, the living room is ahead.
The bedroom is there.
And sir, there is bedroom
on this side too.
And sir, there is one bedroom
even upstairs. -And kitchen..
where is kitchen?
- Yes, madam. Come, I'll show you.
Come on. Give me your hand.
Point out.
Sister, let's go.
- Go.
Come on. Go and play.
- Sister, catch me.
Rohan. Rohan, wait.
Sister, wait for me.
Rohan, wait.
Let's wear our shoes.
Stop, Rohan.
wow! In Mumbai we get to go
to beach only some times.
But here we can play every day.
Do you remember the last
time we went to the beach?
we made sand castles.
Hey! You were ill before that.
Do you remember, aunt Madhu
had come home for the first time?
Rohan, stop it.
This garden is in a bad state.
There is grass and
bushes around..
a man named Balu is coming.
He'll take care of your garden
and work as watchman too.
Yes, but this compound is..
- Madam, everything will be done.
Don't get tensed.
He'll be here soon.
ok, fine.
- Come, madam.
Sister. Sister.
who told you to go there?
I didn't know that door would get
shut. -It was because of breeze.
Now don't go anywhere
without telling us.
Do you like the place?
- It's superb, papa.
Superb. Enjoying yourself?
- Yes, papa.
Give me five.
keep this dinner set there.
- ok.
what happened?
who are you?
- Balu, what are you doing here?
Madam, he's Balu.
I'd mentioned to you.
Yes. That..
- Madam, that..
what do you want me to
do in the garden?
Yes, you go ahead.
I'll be there in a while.
I don't know how everything
will be done, Rajeev.
Both of you look very happy here.
It seems you like this
place a lot. -A lot?
Such a big bungalow
and the beach!
These will be our best holidays.
Best? Then go and enjoy.
And give me five for that.
- Five.
It's a big bungalow.
we've not yet seen it properly.
we should find a cupboard here..
.. which would lead
to another world.
Just like Narnia.
Just like Narnia!
"I sleepless.. "
".. the night seems to be long. "
"what's the matter.. "
It's nothing, Rohan.
The breeze is doing it.
Let's go to sleep.
Go to sleep, kids. It's late.
Come on. -ok, mother. -Come on,
Rohan. -Good night, mother.
Good night, mother.
- Good night.
- Yes?
Check the doors.
- Yes, madam.
And turn off the lights.
- ok.
what is it? what happened?
Nothing, it was just a nightmare.
Nothing will happen. Go to sleep.
- Coming.
I'm getting late.
I know.
Take this.
- Yes. Just a minute.
Sister, take this.
- when will you return?
when did you start questioning
like traditional wives?
Can't I ask you?
But you never did it before.
Yes. But it's a new place
so generally..
Around 7.00- 7.30.
Give me the file.
- oh! Sorry.
By the way, come here.
I really feel like
we just got married.
ok. You can think that.
That's it.
- Yes.
That's it.
- Bye.
Rohan. Raksha.
Bye, papa.
- Take care.
Bye, papa.
All right. Bye.
- Have fun.
Yes, Goswami.
- Hello, sir. Let's go.
Catch this, Rohan.
Rohan, you're too much.
Rohan, let's go to the beach.
Sister. Sister, wait for me.
- Enough. Enough.
Sister, isn't there any other
kids to play with us?
why? Am I not here?
will I play only with you?
oh! Don't be over smart.
or I won't play with you at all.
Rohan, let's see what
else is here. -where?
Leave the ball.
why are you we going there?
Come on. Let's explore.
what if we get lost?
I know the way. Let's go, dumb.
Rohan, where are you?
Rohan, where are you?
Rohan, idiot!
why? Didn't you get scared?
- Rohan, don't do it again. ok?
I really got scared.
Let's go.
Laxmi, bring the bread
and lady finger.
Yes, madam.
- I want rice.
- I want bread.
who will eat bread?
- wait a minute. -Nobody.
Laxmi, give it to him.
- Hi, Vinay.
- Bread.
- wow!
You want bread?
we got it
little early this time.
Superb. Fantastic.
Mind blowing.
You ok?
No, it's just..
I don't feel so well.
what happened?
I'm just a bit tired.
So take it easy.
You don't need to do
everything at once.
why do you take stress?
want to see a doctor?
- No.
Are you sure?
- Yeah.
ok, tomorrow Arushi and Ronnie..
- I know they're coming.
Go to sleep. -Yes. I'll do that.
- You'll feel better.
- ok, go.
Raksha. Rohan.
Don't you want ice-cream?
Come fast.
Coming, mother.
what happened?
that doll was looking at you.
Don't talk nonsense.
I saw it, sister.
That doll just turned
her head towards you.
I'm not going to get scared.
I'm going to beach.
You can come if you want.
Rohan, it's just a doll.
Rajeev, how are you talking?
Don't scold him.
I'm not scolding him, I'm
explaining it to him. -But..
I know, but he's a kid.
He's scared. That's it.
Mother.. -I'm..
- what happened?
- what is it?
Rohan, it's nothing.
It's just a doll.
- Again it..
It didn't do anything, Rohan.
- Yes, sir.
Take this doll and
throw it out right now.
Papa, please.
- Rajeev, please.
Papa, not the doll, please.
- Raksha.
Sit there.
Rajeev, this..
- Sit there.
Rajeev, listen to me.
You're just over-reacting.
I'm over..
Didn't you hear me? Take it away.
Let it be now.
ok, eat this ice-cream.
I don't want it.
Don't be stubborn, Raksha.
I said, I don't want it.
Sir, will bring a new doll.
And come downstairs.
Rohan is waiting for you.
I don't want a new doll.
And I don't any want ice-cream.
That doll wasn't so nice.
It didn't look like a doll
but more like a human.
Maybe papa and you
didn't like that doll.
But I like that doll.
Papa! -Raksha!
- what happened?
what happened?
- what happened?
what.. what happened?
that doll was outside. -what?
That.. was outside.
There.. it was out.. out there.
- where is the doll?
what are talking about?
- what is she saying?
It was outside, papa. -But when
I woke up, it wasn't there.
There isn't any doll, Raksha.
- Just a minute.
There is nothing.
- Listen to me.
No, papa.
- There isn't any doll, Raksha.
Look, nothing is there.
Raksha, listen. Listen to me.
- we'll bring a new doll. ok?
what's wrong
with the two of you?
You scared him too.
Come here.
You all right?
Come to me.
- Go to sleep.
You all right? -You must've
had a nightmare, dear.
Go to sleep.
Come on. Go to sleep.
- Go on.
There's nothing. -You too go to
sleep. -ok? -Put him to bed.
It's nothing. Nothing.
ok? I'm here.
- Come on. Go to sleep. -Sleep.
Good. Good boy.
Tomorrow Ronnie uncle and
aunt Arushi are coming.
Go to sleep. ok?
Close your eyes.
Good. ok?
I'm here.
- Nothing will happen, Raksha.
Go to sleep. ok?
- I'm here.
Go to sleep.
Close your eyes. Come on.
It's really hot. isn't it?
- Yes.
Aunt Arushi!
- My darling.
Yes, kids.
You've grown so big.
How are you, brother?
- I'm superb.
Seeing the love of brother and
sister, tears came in my eyes.
Enough! Funny as always.
Look at her husband too, friend.
- I can see you. How are you?
- How are you, bro? -Superb.
Did you get the doll?
- Yes.
There is a forest here.
- Really? where?
Rohan. Rohan.
You be careful with that camera
now. -It's ok, Aarti.
Don't worry.
Thank you aunt Arushi.
- You're welcome.
what happened?
You didn't like the doll.
It's nice, but..
.. the old doll..
I see.
You didn't like the doll
since I've brought it.
No. It's not so.
of course she liked it.
I hope so.
ok, let's have some fun.
Yeah! But like what?
- where?
Let's go to beach.
I'll tell you a joke.
- ok.
Shall I? Hello.
- Yes. -Yes, please.
when I was in college a
salesman came to our hostel.
He asked me, which shaving
cream do you use, sir?
I said of Philips.
- ok.
Rajeev.. -Just hang on.
- ok. -Right?
Then he asked, which
after-shave do you use, sir?
I said of Philips. ok?
which deodorant do you use?
I said of Philips. -ok? -He asked
about soap. I said Philips.
He asked shampoo.
I said Philips. -Philips.
So finally he got irritated
and asked me, sir..
.. if I'm not wrong, Philips makes
only TV and tape recorder.
So.. -Yes. -Exactly. -All this..
So guess what I said.
- what?
- what?
I said Philips is the
name of my friend.
Rajeev, I knew it.
See. I knew it.
what happened to him?
Ha, ha, ha. what?
what did you understand?
That when papa was in
college, he was a thief.
Do you remember..
.. the day she was born?
Rohan, come here.
Rohan, hey.
what happened? what happened?
Here. something..
Tell me something.
There is something.
There is..
- It's nothing.
There is something.
- what?
what? what?
Relax, Aarti. Relax.
I.. I can hear voices.
which voices, Aarti?
Nothing is here.
There is..
- There is something. Something.
Hey, relax.
- There is something.
Aarti.. -I..
- That..
Relax. Take a deep breath.
Take a deep breath.
Relax. There is nothing. ok?
I can feel it.
- Aarti.
It's nothing.
- Ok, come. Sit here. -No.
I don't want to sit. - Aarti.
ok. ok. ok.
- I don't want to.
Relax. Relax.
- I'm scared.
There is nothing, Aarti.
Take it easy.
Do you hear something?
- I heard some voices. -where?
what was that?
Just calm down, Arushi.
- what happened?
- what happened?
what.. what happened?
we were in the forest.. -what?
Somebody was chasing us and..
who was chasing you?
we heard strange voices.
- what?
It was very confusing.
It must be some animal.
No, brother.
No. It wasn't an animal.
There was no animal.
- Relax, Arushi.
Relax. -There wasn't
any animal, brother.
Not Aarti, but Madhu!
You haven't changed as yet.
I'll do it, mother.
Don't bother me.
ok, did you see my doll?
Doll? No.
Let's find it.
I'll make them suffer.
I'll make them suffer and
kill all of them..
.. whom you love.
Yes, Rajeev.
- Vinay.
Madhu has returned.
which Madhu?
- which Madhu! Madhu.
Rajeev, you.. are you mad?
Listen to me.
- Madhu is dead.
I just heard her. Maybe she's
a ghost or something. I heard..
...Aarti in Madhu's voice.
Rajeev. Rajeev,
how.. how is this possible?
Vinay, I've no time.
You.. listen to me.
A gardener works at our place.
He said he'll bring a exorcist
from a nearby village..
.. but I don't trust him.
You bring Manja here.
ok, Rajeev. Rajeev, relax.
Hurry up.
Bring him quickly, Vinay.
Look, I'll do something. ok?
I'll bring Manja.
what happened, papa?
what happened, Rajeev?
Papa, let's go on a drive.
I'm getting bored here.
Even this beach
looks boring now.
Yes, take them.
we'll go tomorrow.
Yeah! Rohan. Rohan, listen.
I won't kill her so easily.
Didn't I say that I'll
make her suffer?
You can't even escape, Rajeev.
Because Aarti is with me.
what did you say to Vinay?
To Balu?
Go. Do what you want to do.
Bring whomever you want.
Again and again you're thinking
about.. -It's not so.
It's not that I don't
want to forget it.
.. I don't know..
.. what it was.
Just forget it.
It's no use thinking about it.
I mean.. those voices..
That laughter. Those footsteps.
Please forget all that.
And.. and just relax. ok?
I like that car.
Rajeev. -Yes, Vinay?
That one. -That..
- Manja..
Manja is dead.
- what?
Yes, but..
- His head was..
He was beheaded.
- what?
Rajeev, there..
Are Raksha and Rohan fine?
They're with me, friend.
Listen, Rajeev. I've found a man.
He can surely help us.
I'll bring him there
this evening.
Look, Rajeev.
Take care of Raksha and Rohan.
Papa, what happened?
Papa, what happened?
Just an accident. -Accident?
Get inside. Get in.
Raksha, get in.
So because they were corrupt..
.. you fired Madhu and her
husband from the job.
Yes. And when I found
out that Madhu was..
.. doing black magic
on my daughter..
.. we took witch-doctor
Manja's help and..
.. he killed Madhu.
It seems like everything was
over, but now it feels..
.. that Madhu has returned
as a ghost.
But how?
After dying where do people go?
They're here around us.
Nobody goes away from
this world forever.
They return as spirits or ghosts.
Madhu's hatred towards you
became an deep obsession.
But she couldn't take
revenge in her lifetime.
So she has returned.
And to take revenge from you
she's using your wife's body.
Now what? Now..
Can you bring Madhu's
husband here?
He must've some
secrets of Madhu..
.. which can help me in
confronting Madhu's spirit.
Until then it can be dangerous
for me to enter your house.
I'll bring him. No matter
where ever he is, I'll bring him.
Rajeev, take care.
I'll bring him.
when her husband returns..
.. everything will be fine.
Till then be careful.
She's a ghost.
And don't forget, your wife's
body is in her control.
Now go and until they return..
.. take care of your daughter.
Hail peace!
Hail peace!
Madam, tea.
Hey, when did you come?
Just now.
- Give it to me.
You can go. And marinate the
chicken. -Yes.
what happened?
- Nothing.
No. Listen to me Shyam.
At any cost we..
.. at any cost we've to reach
there with Anshuman.
Yes. At any cost.
I.. it will take.. around
half an hour.
oh no!
Ronnie! Ronnie, somebody's here.
what happened?
Somebody's here.
- Nobody's here.
No, no, I... I just saw
somebody out there.
Just relax look at me.
- Go to sleep. -I saw somebody.
- There's nothing.
Go to sleep.
Come on, go to sleep.
My God!
Yes, Vinay. Did you find
Anshuman? -Mr. Rajeev.
who is it? -Mr. Rajeev, I'm
sub-inspector Joshi speaking..
Sub-inspector.. -we've got your
number from this mobile phone.
Sorry to inform you
but your friend..
.. your friend Vinay has died
here in a road accident.
Hello. Hello, Mr. Rajeev.
- Mr. Rajeev?!
what? what happened?
whatever has to be done,
it has to be done by you.
Nobody can save your wife.
At least..
.. save your daughter.
Carefully take your daughter..
.. run away from here.
- Hope that..
.. Madhu's ghost..
.. can never find you people.
.. find you'll.
Mother. Uncle Ronnie.
It's nothing!
Nothing has happened! Here.
Ronnie Uncle?!
- Nothing, will happen dear.
open the door.
- Somebody open the door, please!
Ronnie, is Raksha there?
Raksha isn't here.
- Papa.
This door isn't opening.
- It's locked.
- Papa, I want to go to mother.
Papa. -Rohan. Rohan.
Rohan. Son, I'm here.
Rajeev. Even Arushi isn't here.
No, mama! Mama, please.
Mother. Mother.
Papa. Papa.
Papa. Papa. Papa.
Papa! Papa!
No! Papa!
- Papa.
- Papa.
what happened? what is this?
This.. Raksha!
Everything will
become all right!
Raksha, everything will become all
right. -what has happened to mama?
Listen to me.
Listen to me.
No, papa.
- You sit here.
No, don't go.
- You sit here. Just be here.
Listen. I'll be back. -No.
I'll be back. Don't worry.
ok? -Don't go, papa.
Raksha, run! Raksha, run!
Uncle Ronnie!
Uncle Ronnie,
please open the door.
Raksha, the door is jammed.
Just run away.
- Ronnie uncle. - Hide!
- Papa!
- No!
She is our daughter, Aarti.
our daughter.
Aarti, no.
Don't do like this Aarti.
No, no!
Papa.. -Aarti.
- Mother, don't.
- Papa.
Ra... jeev.