Phoonk (2008)

Srinivas' labour team is
causing trouble, sir.
Then take Bala. See to it
that the work doesn't stop.
Srinivas' team would prove good
for us in the long run.
Long run! Times are not about
long runs, Anshuman.
A given day's work should be
completed the same very day.
l knew Rajeev would say that.
Rajeev, first, let me and Madhu
have a word with Srinivas.
Go ahead. Talk. But work shouldn't
stop and l trust you for that.
Sir, the workers have
found a stone..
..while digging at the site.
A part of the stone resembles
a Ganesha idol, sir.
- Yes, yes, Rajeev. - So?
The workers wish to build a
small shrine at that place.
What's wrong with you, Shyam?
How do you get such matters to me!
Tell the workers that whoever
wishes to can take the stone home.
And l won't change my
foundation plans for..
..such stupid superstitions.
Do you understand?
Oh yes.. l forgot to ask you!
lt was your wedding anniversary
yesterday, right?
- Belated wishes, pal!
So, what did the two
of you do yesterday?
Well.. we were repenting the
fact that we got married!
Leave him or his ears will tear!
- Yes.
lt'd take me six more months to
repay the loan l've taken from you.
Anshuman, l've already told
you, it isn't a loan.
Forget it, don't feel embarrassed.
What's this?
Yes, Vinay, tell me!
Guess what!
- Don't tell me.
We bagged the Delhi
lT park contract?
- That's good news!
Thank you so much.
l'll call you later.
- Yes sir!
We've got the Delhi contract!
- Congratulations, sir!
Anshuman, l'll leave.
Right! Thank you.
Hey, give me the keys. Sit.
Hello, madam, madam,
l am Shyam speaking.
On the site..
- Hi! - Guess what?
What happened?
- Guess what.. - What?
We've bagged the contract
for Delhi's lT park.
- Yes.
- Yes. - l'm so happy.
Everything's going great, isn't it?
- Yes.
Lets hold a prayer service
next week in our house.
As you wish. But don't
make me sit through it.
But Rajeev, if God's blessings bring
in happiness and good fortune..
..then why not?
Correct! l slog, l make the effort..
..and every time, the credit
goes to.. your God!
Great, isn't it?
The Ganesh idol at the site..
- Oh great!
So the news has reached you too!
Rajeev, if all the workers wish
for a small shrine there..
..then get one built.
- Do you know?
l've seen something similar
at Ganpatipule.
People believe in the
powers of that idol.
They venerate it.
Do l interfere when you pray
or hold rituals at home?
No, isn't it?
Then please do not involve
your God in my work.
l'm happy without Him.
But Rajeev l was just..
l think.. Cut it out.
Better that way.
Listen, can l have a
cup of tea? Get it.
Smile now. You look.
l'll just get it.
Laxmi, go get the kids.
Yes madam.
''Small joys.. like butterflies.''
''Along the walls..''
Hey Rohan!
- Bye!
You soiled your uniform again
today? - What do l do?
lt was raining, the playground
was full of slush.
You soil your uniform everyday!
lt's me who has to do the washing!
Not you! The washing machine!
Sister, how do people sit in
the plane if it's so small!
Dumbo! lt isn't small, it looks so.
lf it's not small then
why does it look so?
lts far off that's why.
You mean if it comes closer,
it would get bigger?
Double dumbo! lt won't
get bigger, it is big!
lf it's big then why
does it look small?
''Small joys.. like butterflies..''
- Hi Mani!
C'mon, bravo!
So what did you do in school today?
l drew Spiderman in
the drawing test!
A Sardar Spiderman, Papa!
- Sardar Spiderman?!
Yes! With turban and a beard!
- Yes.
l'm enacting the role of Helen
of Troy in a play at school.
- Mary ma'am has selected me!
That's good! That's good!
Who's Helen?
- What, grandma!
You do not even know
about Helen of Troy?!
Raksha, there are a lot of things..
..that your grandma knows
and you don't, okay!
Don't make fun. Right?
Papa, let's go out today..
- Yes, of course.
First you bathe, change
your clothes..
..and finish your homework.
And then we'll go. C'mon.
Let's go!
- Be careful!
Raksha, careful!
- Yes, mom.
Switch on the TV.. let's
see what's being aired..
..on Aastha channel.
The base of spiritual
preaching is that.. must accept
everyone as his own.
Lord hanuman is the God of powers.
ln the olden days, there
used to be a..
..Lord Hanuman temple
outside every fort.
When Lord Hanuman went in
search of Mother Sita.. demon was able to stop him.
Sister Laxmi venerates Lord
Hanuman everyday too.
What will she do with his powers?
You will always remain naughty!
When Lord Hanuman was your age,
he was naughty too.
Very vile!
Papa, grandma was telling
us about demons.
Grandma, are the demons
afraid of the Gods?
What are you telling them, mom?
Just that.. how would one
realize the power of God..
..unless there are demons.
C'mon! Go to sleep! C'mon!
C'mon! C'mon!
Good night, grandma.
You too go to sleep.
O' Lord Ram.
O' Lord Ram.
Rohan! Raksha! Do not run!
You'll fall down!
Yes, l've allotted the work
to Anshuman and Madhu.
l think they'll handle it.
Rajeev, l find Anshuman and
Madhu a little weird.
- Especially Madhu.
Her mannerisms.. l find her insane!
Yes! - No, pal. lnitially
l used to think the same.
But she's quite smart.
And you cannot judge people..
..according to their mannerisms
or behaviour.
No, friend. Yes.. she looks a
little insane and childish..
..but as far as the work's
concerned, she's good.
She's good but she's completely mad!
l trust them for their work
and l trust them completely.
- Raksha.. - What happened?
- Raksha!
Get up!
What happened? Did you get hurt?
No, papa, just a little..
Why don't you listen
to what mamma says!
Papa she beat me first.
Go inside! Else you'll get
a beating from me too.
Rajeev, at least think
before yelling at them.
You.. are hurt? You are alright?
lt's my mistake. l incited Rohan.
l'm sorry.
Rajeev loves his daughter
a lot, doesn't he?
Are you alright? Come.
Oh, when did you people come?
- Just now.
Come, sit. You are okay,
right? Come.. come..
Hello, yes, yes, tell me.
Rajeev, we had a word with Srinivas.
He has agreed.
Okay, but keep him under control.
There's no need to worry.
This time, we have him
fully under control.
And Rajeev, you should worry
when there's a problem.
Not when there is no problem at all.
Raksha, did you read the
books that l had sent?
No! Those books are meant for kids.
You have grown up but you still
sit in your dad's lap.
My wish! What have you
got to do with it?
Raksha, is this the way
to talk to elders?
Papa, l don't like her.
- Raksha!
How sweet.
Go inside..
Sorry Madhu, she's just a kid.
She's a kid.
By the way, l've organized
a party tomorrow night.
On the occasion of getting
the contract!
Lovely! This is called climbing
the ladder of success in style!
And while climbing the
ladder of success.. should keep an eye to see that
no one else is going up the lift!
Relax. Relax.
l think you would need a drink too.
- Yes.
Raksha, why are you standing
there? Come here.
Come here, dear.
She doesn't like me.
- What?
But l love her.
Hey! You're late!
l want to talk to you.
What happened?
Come inside, please come.
- Cheers.
No.. you got..
- Such a big fraud!
Rajeev, what.. what happened? Why.
How dare you! How dare you!
Fraud? What kind of a fraud? l .. l ..
What is all this? What is all this?
Rajeev, let me explain.
The thing is..
What do you want to explain?!
Why.. why.. why did you beat him?
Don't utter a word. Don't
you dare utter a word!
- You too sided with him and..
l considered you two..
so close.. go away!
Rajeev, what happened?!
- Why did.. why did you beat him?
- Ask him! Ask!
Leave him!
lf you had asked, l would have
given you alms just like this!
l trusted you and
you are cheating me.
l'll not spare you!
- Listen to me, Rajeev.
- Rajeev! What are you doing? C'mon!
Rajeev! - Leave me! Keep quiet!
- Rajeev! - Leave me!
l want a notice out in
the newspapers tomorrow.
Now they have nothing
to do with our company!
We are not responsible if these two
deal with anybody on our behalf.
And l want this first
thing in the morning!
First thing in the morning!
- Yes sir. Okay, sir.
Next time they come near my office,
just kick them out!
Kick them out..
What? What? What?
- Rajeev!
What are you staring at? What
are you staring at? - Rajeev!
Rajeev. - What are you staring
at? Lower your eyes!
Lower your eyes!
- Rajeev! - Lower your eyes!
- Staring at me! Look down!
Rajeev, listen.
- Take him out!
Not ashamed of doing it!
Lower your eyes!
Leave. Leave.
Anshuman, take her away. Madhu,
let's go from here.
Get out! Get out!
Let's go from here. Let's go.
Anshuman, take Madhu away!
Come, let's go, Madhu.
Rajeev, what's the matter?
Just get out of here.
Get out!
A witch she is! Get out of my house!
Lower your eyes! Lower your eyes!
- Okay, okay.
Ask them.. ask them to get out now!
l want them out of my compound now!
- Okay, Rajeev, okay.
One minute! This is the
company's car, not yours.
Get out and go walking!
C'mon, out! Go!
Rajeev, l've never seen you getting
angry like this before.
Mom, l do not wish
to talk about this!
You go and sleep.
Let it be now..
Rajeev, it's good they
got caught now itself.
The loss could have been more.
We haven't lost the money,
we've lost the trust.
We won't kill him.
We won't kill him.
We will make him suffer.
He loves his daughter a lot, right?
Ram! Ram! Ram! Ram! Ram! Ram!
Vinay, what about Anshuman
and Madhu's replacements?
l've shortlisted a candidate.
He's coming to meet you tomorrow.
- Sir.
l'd like to meet those newly
appointed contractors.
Sure sir.
- What?
Sir, l had told you
about the workers..
..wishing to build a shrine..
You are still stuck
with the same thing?
The workers will keep
making such demands..
..and are you going to
accept whatever they say?
No sir, their religious sentiments..
What religious sentiments? Stop it!
We are here to construct a
building and not a shrine!
Don't bring this matter to me
again, okay? - 'Yes sir.'
Rajeev, it's just a small issue.
Get a shrine made. What's the harm?
lt will just take half a day.
The workers would be happy too.
Don't tell me that you too
believe in such things?
Hey, who said l believe?
But when it doesn't harm us
then why not believe it?
Yes, Aarti, tell me.
Rajeev, l don't know where
Raksha has gone missing!
l searched the whole house
but she's not to be found.
You come soon.
l .. l'm coming.
What happened?
Rajeev, Raksha is not
to be found anywhere.
We searched the whole house.
Call her friend!
- l did! She's not there.
Rajeev, you go and search for her.
Did you look there?
Raksha! Raksha!
How did you get here?
Are you okay? Come, let's go home.
What are you looking at?
How did you go there?! Tell
me! Don't be quiet!
l'm asking.. l'm asking you
something! - Rajeev, leave her.
- What does this girl think!
'Rajeev, do not be angry.
Be calm and talk.'
What be calm and talk?
'lt's my fault! l've pampered her!'
You ask her. Ask.
- Rajeev.
l am sorry too, dad. - Come here.
l really do not know
how l got there.
lt's alright, Raksha, it's alright.
Smile now..
Mandar. - l think you are
absolutely right for the position.
Thank you so much, Mr. Rajeev
Rajeev. Just Rajeev.
- Yes, Rajeev. - Cool. C'mon!
Mandar, l had an unpleasant
experience with the guy..
..working here before you.
You'll come to know about
it in due course. - Sure.
You are joining from the day after,
right? - Yes, that's right.
Great! l'll see you then.
- lt was a pleasure meeting you.
Same here. Carry on.
The agreement's been signed!
- So? Everything's okay?
Shinde is a government man.
These guys need to be bribed.
He was asking for five.
l settled it for three.
Five or three. What's the big deal?
The work's done, right?
That's what matters.
Should l order something?
A cold drink or.. tea?
Get me a cup of tea.
Sir, the contractors..
- Yes. All three are good..
Give them the extension letter.
- Okay sir.
Sir, l shouldn't say it..
But the workers are adamant
about the shrine.
l tried explaining but..
You and these workers..
don't you understand?
l'm not going to relent
by them being adamant!
Lay off all the workers right now!
And that.. Who's that.. Kalyan!
Employ his labour team!
Go now! Go!
Where's the tea?
- C'mon Rajeev.
You don't need to take
such a serious step.
This has been an age old conflict..
..between believers
and the non-believers.
And between the two are
over smart guys like you
Who are bent on either side, right?
lt's safe!
- What safe?
See, l'm one of those who take
advantage of the beliefs..
..related to religion.
And anyway Hindu religion
permits us..
No matter how many sins you commit..
..apologize for them once
before dying. That's it!
Everything's forgiven!
And whenever such problems crop up..
As long as my time and energy aren't
wasted, l mould myself accordingly
You know something?
You are worse than them.
l know. But l am me.
- Yes, you are you! What? - Rajeev!
Where's the tea?
Rajeev! What happened? Are
you alright? What happened?
Rajeev, did you have a nightmare?
lt's okay. Go to sleep.
What is this?
- Sir.. unlucky.. l don't know, sir.
Mani, what is this?
- l don't know, sir.
How did this come into the compound?
Papa, some dog must have brought
it. - Or some crow.
Dumbo! A crow cannot
carry such weight.
Laxmi, throw all of this outside.
No sir, l can't touch it. - What?
- Yes! - You..
Sir, that.. me.. - What, me, me!
But how did the lemons
and the bones..
..come into your compound?
- l don't know.
What do you mean?
- l don't know!
Actually, l don't care!
- What then?
l picked up all of that and threw
it out of the compound, that's it.
End of the matter.
Sister, why was Laxmi so afraid..
..seeing the lemons in the compound?
Laxmi is afraid of everyone!
By the way what's so special
about this stupid lemon?!
Lemon juice!
- Yes.
What happened?
Rajeev, mom is very worried about..
..those lemons and the bones
found in the compound.
- Give me a break. - But..
l can hear some voices.
- What?
What kind of voices?
- l don't know.
Someone has cut my hair too.
- What?
Cut your hair?
Your hair is the way
it was earlier.
No, dad. You do not observe
my hair everyday!
Raksha, this is your imagination.
Your hair is just the way
it was earlier. Come.
Come, l'll put you to sleep.
Come. Did Shersingh go to sleep?
First, you stop listening
to grandma's stories, okay?
Shersingh has gone to sleep.
Now you too go to sleep.
Good night.
Vinay.. what's happening?
Rajeev.. Mandar..
- Mandar? Who?
The one you had appointed in
place of Anshuman and Madhu..
Yes, so?
- He was surveying the site..
l don't know how but when the
stones were being dumped..
..he got crushed under
them and died.
Come again!
- Rajeev, Mandar is dead.
He is dead, Rajeev!
Sister! Sister!
Raksha, come inside now.
l am sorry!
Bye Raksha! - Bye.
Sit down.
What's wrong with you?
Why are you laughing?
Where's everyone?
Aarti what..
What happened?
- ln a manly voice..
l didn't understand.
l don't understand anything either!
Dad, what has happened to sister?
Nothing, she's just a bit unwell.
Which class do you study in?
- Fifth. - Fifth class.
Look here a little..
Very nice. Very nice.
What were you doing in
your class yesterday?
l had a test yesterday.
- You had a test?!
What was the test about?
- Math.
You didn't do well.
- l did well. - You did well?
Get up for a while. Stand up.
Very good. Go a little back.
A little back. Yes.
Look here.
Now look here.
Rajeev, as far as my
tests are concerned..
..she's perfectly fine.
Good that she's fine, doctor.
But.. what happened at the school..
..what was that?
Don't take me otherwise, Rajeev.
l think your daughter
wasn't prepared..
..for the class test.
That's why.. She was
just pretending.
Pretending? That's not
possible doctor.
Raksha is a very bright student.
ln fact, she stood third
in her class last year.
l too stood first in
the seventh grade..
..and then in the eight grade,
l stood twenty first.
This happens with children..
..but parents don't
seem to accept this.
They keep on changing.
Doctor, l think.. l know
my daughter. - Yes.
Raksha.. Doing this..
- lt's.. lt's just not possible.
See.. children behave in a
particular manner at home..
..and in an altogether different
manner, once outside.
But then doctor, what
about her laughter.. a manly voice?
Look, firstly, Raksha laughing
in a manly voice is abnormal..
..and l don't disagree to this.
And because she kept laughing
for such long time.. you say then maybe she
had some throat trouble..
Maybe some sore throat..
..her vocal chords
were pressurized..
You know when one has sore throat..'s voice changes.
And it's possible after hearing
such voice, everyone thought..
..that she was laughing
in a manly voice.
But anyway, what's the problem?
She's absolutely fine now.
What's happening to me?
Nothing, why?
What was the doctor saying?
The doctor said that you
are perfectly alright.
You're fine.
- No papa. l'm not fine.
Something's wrong with me.
- No, dear, you're fine!
Nothing has happened to
you, Raksha. Really.
Raksha, go and rest upstairs.
What happened?
What did the doctor say?
She's perfectly alright.
She'll be alright. She's okay.
Tell that doctor to get
himself cured first!
Someone has performed black
magic on Raksha. Yes!
- Yes, Rajeev. Do not be blind!
There's something.
That day, Raksha suddenly
And then the lemon and bones
were found in our compound..
And then.. all of
this at the school!
What can it be other
than black magic!
Mom, stop watching those
baseless programs..
..on the TV!
O' God!
Hail Lord Brahma!
Hail Lord Vishnu!
Hail lord Shiva!
Hail Guru!
Hail Lord!
Ram! Ram! Ram! Ram! Ram! Ram!
Hail Lord!
You're the one doing
all this, right?
No.. no.
- You are doing this. - No.
Laxmi. - Yes madam. - Serve
the breakfast. - Okay.
Papa! Papa! Papa! Papa!
Papa! Papa! Sister..
What happened? What happened
to your sister?
- Raksha! - Rajeev! What happened?
Baba black sheep..
..have you any wool!
Yes sir, three bags full!
One for my master.
- Raksha.. - One for my dame.
One for my..
One for the little boy who
stays down the lane!
Baba black sheep..
..have you any wool! Yes!
What happened, Rajeev?
- Come with me.
What happened? Tell me.
Come.. see for yourself.
ls everything alright?
- Come.
Baba black sheep, have you any wool!
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full!
One for my master and
one for my dame!
One for my little boy
who stays down the lane!
One for my..
l know a doctor..
Doctor Seema Walke.
She's a psychiatrist.
l think we should call
her immediately.
Raksha. Raksha.
l'm not Raksha!
You aren't Raksha?
- No!
Then who are you?
Who are you? Who are you?
Where is Raksha? Where is she?
With me.
Can l talk to her?
- No.
Why? Why?
- Raksha!
lt's ok.
- Dad!
What's the problem, doctor?
What do you mean by
what's the problem?!
Can't you all see that she is
possessed by an evil spirit?!
Please do not believe
in such superstitions.
l do not believe it blindly!
You all have gone blind!
Each individual has
his own emotions..
..and has his own thoughts.
That is what makes
each individual who they are.
Like your thoughts and
views differ from mine.
That is what makes your identity.
ln Raksha's case..
lts what we call a case of..
..dissociated personality disorder.
ln such cases, the thinking
power, thoughts..
..or emotions get divided.. and..
..are compartmentalized in
different parts of the same brain.
And we think these people have
different personalities.
Because their mannerisms,
behaviour.. well as the manner of
speech changes suddenly.
ln most cases, this happens
when one goes through..
..a mental conflict or stress.
But l believe the cause of..
..all this is the evil spirit
that's possessed Raksha!
Yes, it is.
lf you want to call
mental conflicts..
..which are a result of
past experiences or..
..some old conversations
which have..
..happened in the past as evil
spirits then surely call them so.
But they aren't so in reality,
they exist only in the mind.
But they are evil spirits after
all, right? - Dad, save me!
Dad, save me! Dad! Dad, please!
Raksha, what happened?
- Dad, its hurting a lot!
What happened? What happened?
Dad.. someone..
- What? - Dad.. - What?
Doctor, please do something!
- Dad, save me! Dad! Dad!
Dad, someone's twisting my hand!
Just get me that injection please.
- Dad, dad!
Dad, my hand's paining! Dad!
Please doctor, help.
Dad.. my hand's paining a lot, dad!
- Please help me dad!
Doctor! What's happening,
doctor? Dad! - Raksha!
Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad!
- Raksha. - Dad! Dad! Dad!
The effect of sedative will
remain for some hours.
After that she will be alright.
You don't worry.
As the treatment continues,
it will be alright.
Doctor Pandey, l need
to conduct some tests.
We need to take her to
the hospital for that.
Tests won't achieve anything!
What all will you test!
Can't you see how she's struggling!
This.. this definitely
is black magic.
lt's common in black magic
that a doll is made..
..of using a cloth and
her hand is twisted..
..after chanting some mantras.
When will you people understand?
When will you all understand?
Excuse me. Excuse me.
l know, Rajeev, that you
do not believe all this.
But l believe in God. l believe
with true conviction.
lf God exists then so
does evil. Certainly.
But today, if my child is suffering
because of that evil power.
Then what is God doing?! Why
isn't he doing anything?
Why is He not helping us.. spite of my years of
devotion? At least some help?
My Raksha is still a kid..
She's so small.
And all this happening with her..
You are silent!
Just silent!
Aarti! Aarti! God puts us to
the test from time to time.
Birth and death are the
laws of the nature.
But when something goes against
the law of nature..
..then one starts to fear.
We keep questioning God
out of helplessness.
Sparking life into us humans is like
just a brief force of wind for you.
Then what kind of a force is this..
..that is driving away
the life out of a girl.
''The volcanoes like this..
..break the heart.''
''The pain which breaks down..
''Everyone is asking..
..the shivering hopes.''
''Silent ice like gaze..
..keeps shivering.''
''At slight movement..
..the mind starts wandering.''
''What is the reason of the fright.. one can understand.''
''There is a hope of the dawn.''
''As if the breaths..
..have the feeling..
..of death.''
All the tests are normal.
lt's good that there's no
major problem in the brain.
So clearly, it is a case of..
..a psychological dissociated
ln such cases, a hurtful memory
of some old accident.. hidden in the unconscious mind.
And when it gets mobilized
and emerges then suddenly..
..the behaviour of a person
changes drastically.
lt's almost like he is being
possessed by some evil spirit.
l think in Raksha's case, her
grandma's superstitions..
Her.. l hope you don't
mind my saying this..
Her superstitious fantasy stories..
..have had a lot of
effect on Raksha.
And to top it all, the
sudden appearance of..
..the lemons and the
bones in your house..
Her fear that someone
has cut her hair.
All these things together
have affected her gravely.
She has gone through a very
deep psychological trauma.
Will she be fine, doctor?
What l need to do now is..
l need some time to resolve
her mental conflict.
Don't worry. Don't worry about it.
Such treatment takes time, Aarti.
Be patient and.. have faith.
She'll be fine. She'll
be fine. You know that.
Nothing will happen to her.
Hail Goddess Kali!
Hail Goddess Kali!
Dad, dad!
Sit properly!
Raksha! Raksha! Raksha!
Raksha! Raksha!
- What is all this!
This is Baba Devappa. He is
the only one who can help!
Get up! Get up!
Get out, Get out! - There is
an evil spirit in this house.
Whom have you brought here!
- Don't beat him, Rajeev!
You keep quiet!
- What's all this happening?!
Your daughter will die!
- Leave! - What are you doing?
Get out! Come! Get out!
Try to understand! - Get out!
- Please try to understand!
Out! Get out!
- Your daughter will die!
Get out!
- Listen! - Get out!
God will punish you!
You don't know what you are doing!
Get out! Are you an idiot!
- Go!
Baba, save! Save!
What's happening to my..
- Raksha!
Raksha! Raksha!
Raksha! What happened
to my daughter!
O' God! O' God!
What's happening here!
- Have mercy on her.
- What's happening to her?
Somebody's hitting me, dad! Dad!
- Raksha!
What happened, Raksha?
What happened?
Somebody's hitting me!
- What happened, Rajeev?!
What's happening to her?
- l don't know? - Dad!
What happened, Raksha?!
Leave me! Leave me!
Raksha! - Raksha!
- Leave me! Leave! - Raksha!
What's happening to you, Raksha?!
What's happening, Raksha!
- Leave!
Get the car out! Tell Mani
to get the car! - Leave me!
Leave! Leave! Leave!
- Raksha! Raksha! - Leave!
Leave me! Leave me!
'Leave me!'
Leave! Leave! Leave!
Look Rajeev, l know that
you do not believe.. God or the supernatural.
But Rajeev.. all of this..
We aren't having a drawing
room discussion here!
Okay, the faith you have in
these doctors, science..
ln spite of these doctors being so
well educated, if they are not able.. find a solution
then shouldn't we..
..look for some other
alternative, Rajeev?
Look at Raksha! Look at
how she is suffering.
Rajeev, some person who could do
something about Raksha's plight..
Who ? Who?
- Manja.
l've enquired. Rajeev, please.
You kill her. You kill her!
lt's better to kill her than
let her live in this state.
Nothing will come out of these
tests or treatments.
Doctor, someone has cast..
..a black magic spell on Raksha.
Black magic! And no one
can do anything about it!
Not even God!
l can understand your predicament..
But you must understand!
Raksha has a psychological problem.
Yes, it's a psychological problem.
And so it doesn't reflect..
On any of the tests
But it doesn't mean that
we start believing.. superstitions like
black magic! No!
lf we start believing
in such things then..
Then we are no less than
primitives, Aarti!
We have found out scientific
solutions to everything..
..and come out of the primitive
age stage by stage
And it is with this very thinking
that we can move forward.
Think.. Think.. Problems
that medical science..
..didn't have answers
to ten years back.. has now, isn't it?
Similarly, problems to which
we don't have answers to.., we will have them
in the near future.
l have full faith in it!
We have to believe in
the scientific way!
Not in superstitions!
Have faith. Have faith in me.
Raksha will surely be alright.
Just.. Just believe in me. Alright?
Believe in me.
Your child is in distress.
Your daughter.
How did you know?
- Don't ask useless questions!
You are an atheist?
- Yes. - Why? - l don't know.
l don't know what God is.
What do you do when you have fever?
l take crocin (tablet).
What does that tablet contain?
- l don't know.
Without knowing what it contains,
you have it..
..thinking it will take
care of the fever
You agree to whatever your
mom-dad or the doctors say.
Then what's the difference between..
..believing in an ordinary
tablet and God?
Do you have an answer?
Not all things have an explanation.
Where is your daughter?
At the hospital.
Rajeev, who is he? And
what is he doing here?
Black magic.. without a doubt!
- What nonsense is this!
lt is beyond your understanding!
Who is he? Who is he?
Rajeev, you.. of all people!
You've brought him here?
We don't have much time.
Take me to your house.
Take you home?
Ok, come.
This man.. black magic..
l didn't listen to you, mom.
Your daughter.. is going to die.
What?! What are you saying?!
What are you saying?!
There's someone who wants
revenge against you. - Who?
What's he saying?
- And they are two people!
A man and a woman.
Anshuman and Madhu!
- And someone is helping them..
Someone working closely with you.
Sir.. sir, please sir. l am..
Shyam, the shrine which the
workers wanted to be built.. the site.. Build it.
Stop it right now or
else l'll kill you.
l don't need either black
magic or God to kill you.
Stop it right now!
Stop it right now!
Rajeev, this..
- Aarti..
Dad, you are hurt?
- lt's nothing.
Come here!
Rajeev, if Raksha is
safe with us today..'s only because of Dr. Seema.
Thank you.
lt's ok!
Yes! Yes!