Photographer (2006)

In any case, the knowledge
in the fundamentals is important.
So you have to be vigilant!
It is the combination of 3
lenses which is the zoom lens.
The shutter speed in this
camera is 1 to 2000!
1 means 1/1 of a second!
click the camera the shutter will open...
...for a second to allow the
light to enter the film.
It means 1/125 pan of a second.
You can imagine, how fast the
shutter opens up and closes.
Just like winking your eye lids!
In different occasions
how much the shutter should open up!
Whether it has to be half open
or full opened. The aperture is for that.
If there is powerful light,
the shutter is to be opened a little.
When the light is very dim
change it to 3.5.
When the light is still dimmer
B shutter can be used a long time.
As per the photographer's imagination we
can open up this magic window of light!
Non hindus are not permitted.
You squirrel.
It is possible by even a squirrel.
Why was camera invented?
Why was the camera invented?
Only God does know all those things.
Your mom only knows,
about matters of God!
She has come!
What the dad and son are up to?
We have only to visit
the church on Sundays only.
- We will be virtuous! -You don't need
to bathe and you'll be happy.
Won't God get bored
if we pray the same prayer daily?
See what he talks!
- He was asking a doubt.
What will we do as we are non hindus?
Shall I tell something?
-What is it?
That you have called
mom as ammachi?
I would rather call my
mom as ammachi(Mom)
lam used to call her that.
You are become naughtier
as your age progresses!
Your teacher has not scolded you!
You have not heard
what your parents told you.
You have married me! I too am
like you and he is after all our son!
Is he not our property?
Dijo takes every thing simple!
Children must be obedient to us!
Is this pudding from the temple?
Have you sold any of the photographs?
It is Ananda valli aunty's
daughter's marriage next week!
They both have come here and invited us!
Don't look! I need a saree!
It is marriage at next door!
To buy a saree for that, is not a luxury!
It is a necessity!
You know! Desabhimani photographer
Viplavam Balettan has died!
When was it?
He committed suicide,
being hit by a train.
We are going there.
-Do you know his house? -I know.
No need to hold me.
I will not fall.
What is the www?
-Smile please dot in.
You are making a lot of money aren't you?
Why all call me as Viplavam Balettan?
Are they teasing me up?
Why have we faced that
sufferings like hell?
It is humanity!
We are now only a matter of joke!
The revolutionaries
might have got thwarted.
...but not the Viplavam (Revolution)!
If you study
the political history of Kerala.. will come to know that.
You can go.
I will go alone!
Let all things be done!
-No special about it. -how much -its fine!
You butter flies! You have to know that...
...National Geographic is a well
known magazine in the world.
Your photograph in that
will be a great thing.
Do you like it?
Anandavalli aunty's marriage
is in the offing.
When it is marriage at next door
Sathya deserve to wear a silk saree!
Is anything wrong in it?
You have gone to bring your friend?
Aadi vaasi society face
the basic problems!
The governments till today
have not studied that well...
...before intervening in their problems!
Without getting their lands
they were promised, they encroached
the forest land and staged
a protest by building huts for them!
The government is being
impassive about it.
We invite the attention of the world to
the problems of the aadivaasi of Kerala!
This protest is not a dissent by them.
It is their cry.
They have no strength to fight back.
If the attitude towards them
is not to be changed...
"they will gain the courage
for a fight back.
Mani! Did you join the struggle?
I went to my house.
Where is Thami?
He is playing somewhere here.
Where is your brother?
He is not here.
-Go there and see.
Go and bring him fast!
Dad is calling you!
-I am coming!
Come fast!
Where are you going?
-For taking photographs of butterflies!
Those guys are well drunken!
It is our leader's brew!
We will go to the temple.
There are plenty of flies.
Dragon flies are there too.
Did you get them?
I got many!
Is not there any worship
and lighting of lamps?
It is in the temple below
the worship is, during festival.
Get on to the floor there.
I will take a snap of you!
-I can't.
The deity will be angry
if we are not clean!
You are clean alright.
Climb in and sit there.
Thami and God are the same.
Smile. Smile away.
You can watch the photographs in it
from any place in the world!
They can buy them if they need them!
Money for that?
-That has to be there.
Here is the money.
This is the plastic money!
These numbers are important.
Can you put my photo in that? -No
I have to show this to my son!
Shall we go?
My mom died when she gave birth to Neeli!
My dad stopped drinking then!
When I grow up and go to work
in the garden dad will drink then!
- Why so? -Only dad is there
to take care of me and Neeli.
Come, run!
-Why, Thami?
What is it?
Don't beat me.
Go on.
My dad?
lam on the way.
I am coming in the bus!
My bike got repaired.
I will call you back.
Always, this cartoon. . .
Lower its sound.
- Has he come home?
-No grandma!
He is on his way.
He will reach now.
You can't trust him.
I will come now.
No, grandma.
You don't come.
Your dad has no affection!
He don't think about us,
when he is away.
Grandma has started.
She will come now.
Dad will come now.
I have told him that.
Police drove away the press and
photographers from the riot site.
They have rounded up,
the place after that.
Adivasis tied up the forest officials
in the pretext of a wildfire.
The shape of the struggle
got changed then!
He is having a discussion with them.
DGP is having touch with them. We are
yet to know about the real happenings!
We heard that some adivasis were shot up.
I have difficulty to give reply
to your doubts as a minister!
Dijo! You don't know about it.
I will call you back.
If we release these photographs now...
...the ministry has to be resigned
all including me.
In this situation it is better think
other wise than his protection.
He is an important witness!
We have to be more
intelligent in our moves!
It is politics!
Dad! I am going to sleep.
-You can go to sleep!
I will come to you,
hug you up and sleep. Ok?
We will find out a place
for him to stay at the moment.
Don't take him to your house.
Grandma has come.
Don't speak
When has she come?
-Don't ask me.
She told not to disturb her,
while sleeping.
She would not get sleep again.
What will you have?
-Don't want, you go and have
When you are coming here
why do you want to eat out?
I feel hungry! Do you have milk for me?
Milk is over.
I will go and a bath.
I feel tired.
What happened to your bike?
It does not get started.
I think there is trouble in Vaynad.
I saw in the TV!
...that the adivasis has hacked
the policemen to death.
Don't Dijo know anything about it?
Did you get up in the morning so early?
It is prosperous to see you at early...
...morning after being had your bath!
What is it? Romance at early morning?
That is why I tell you
to come home early at night!
Is he still sleeping?
School children have to get up
at early morning and study.
I want to ask you something
for quite a long!
Ask me now. This could be
the right time for that.
How did you trap my grand daughter?
She was a very obedient girl.
I could not get the answer for that.
You were very fat then and
you looked more aged than the looks!
Did you see those photographs?
I shot those.
She liked those photos first.
She liked me after that only.
She made me go after her for long!
-I see.
Her parents drove her away
and she never felt for that.
You are really dangerous!
You are not to be trusted.
He thinks he is still a nursery student.
He is in 2nd class and
don't know to eat by himself.
Come, it is over!
Who is it in the photograph?
It is not one.
It is a painting!
My friend has done it! Very nice
What is the name of your friend?
Son! You haven't told the name!
- Kosi!
When will you take back your bike?
I have to get it fast.
Get in.
The name Kosi is Christian,
is not it?
That is the picture of a Christian God!
I don't know grandma!
He is really dangerous!
He cannot be trusted.
A) {Mwmwm
Green grass hopper!
Yellow grass hopper!
Red grass hopper!
And spotted grass hopper!
Friend! A jumping grass hopper!
I too, like you a grass hopper!
Active and agile and without a company.
You or me, me or you are grass hoppers!
A) {Mwmwm
Many old stories, told by sister
The stories of the old tribal life
The old stories which are juicy
Thousands of grass hoppers
Grass hoppers of a 1000 hues
Grass hopper with wings.
Going up and coming down
Climbing up into heights
it is sweet like honey.
A) {Mwmwm
Climbing hill with thud, thud
Into the vale with greenery.
They have flown in.
A hopper with dark color
A hopper with a dotted dress
without nobody seeing it...
. . alone and on a side
Alone and on a side.
Sits on the jungle sand
without knowing anything!
A) {Mwmwm
Victory!Victory to the martyrs!
VictorylVictory to the martyrs!
Martyrs are mortals!
You guys! Come here! Get in!
Go there! Damn guys!
What do you want?
-I want to see a student!
What is his name?
I have to see in the register!
You can sit there.
I have told you to go in.
There is no name Thami in the register.
He was brought by the minister.
You show him the boy.
-Ok madam!
You can't go there now!
I will go there,
find out Neeli and bring her here.
Don't cry! Nothing has happened to Neeli.
I have told you that
if I get on to the floor...
...the deity will get annoyed.
That is why all this has happened.
Thami believes,
it is the penalty for sitting here!
I am the culprit, it is not him.
I have seen you only once.
I called you here, to meet you in privacy.
You can go now.
Is that boy still with you?
You have called me here.
I will sit here for a while.
Are those boys undergoing any penalty?
I am in a serious religious problem, sir!
Thami's sister called Neeli is missing!
I have promised Thami,
to bring Neeli to him.
But I have no details about her.
There is no such name
in the official register.
In the Government's list
Neeli is not born yet..
...or even died or have been absconded.
I checked with the census
of animals in the jungle
Even Thami is not in the list.
Cl is suspended on your photo's basis!
Established an enquiry commission!
What can we do now?
We can only search for Neeli!
So many missing cases are being registered
This case is one missing in the register.
They will not release
the boy and you don't...
...need to go there.
That is safe for you.
Was it you? Are you
getting breeze in the high way?
Get behind me!
It is already loaded.
-I need one to get the balance!
That is the way it is!
Where is your bike?
-I have sold it.
You start the vehicle!
Do you have the photo of Thami's sister?
Dijo! Don't go after unwanted problems!
I thought that, nobody will be
as cruel as the policeman!
...that minister friend
of mine and you!
The question was, how those
tribes got the weapons!
They doubt if they have connection
with the international spy gangs!
The police have fired 18 rounds!
Who knows how many have died!
Police are searching for those
who have seen or talked with the tribes.
...To scare them off, and to
make their mouths shut.
Ramdas, come out.
He is the district editor of "Chena"!
He has to be hidden somewhere.
If he is caught by the police
he will be a gone case.
I have a friend in Allapuzha!
But his phone is off.
Won't the channel people support him?
I called you to know if you can
arrange something in Kottayam!
In Kottayam...
You better go to Alappuzha!
I will call you later!
We are planning some tricks
to topple the ministry!
You go away.
-Who was it?
It was the minister who
was just passing us!
You can go.
It is not with the officer
in the enquiry commission!
It is the faith with the classmate
lam asking you!
If Neeli is alive, where is she?
If she is killed..
Let me talk to Thami!
Sharan! He is not saying anything to me!
What has Thami told you?
Are you leaving?
You friend is in the enquiry
commission for tribes problems!
Asvi knows every thing it seems.
My business is the reason to it.
If you have sold the bike,
you have to buy a car!
You tell him.
Do you have cigarettes?
Sir! Shall I prepare an egg-dose for you?
He is under suspension!
What is your problem with him?
He was staring at you!
Victory to us! VOICE NOT HEARD.
Kuriakkose brother!
It is me.
ls Josichayan there?
Who is it?
The cover has not got printed yet.
Fishing in troubled waters!
Her eyes are all tears!
You have to correct the eyes!
This is world's best, alright.
The spelling mistakes are to correct
in the novel you have written!
Josechayan can try writing then!
It was because our dad
has started this office or else..
...I would not have given my novel
for publishing in the weekly!
Without my novel PAIN OF
THE SOUL, your weekly..
...would be boring like the
writing of the church!!
Voice never heard!
On the background of the
problems of the tribes.
...the opposition party was trying
to bully up the minister!
The police was charging
them with batons!
Police tried to drive away the
demonstrators using tear gas!
The minister met the
media workers at the hospital later.
Shall we go and see him?
What will I say to mom?
If you can't come back by
night inform us over phone.
Damn fellows!
-We will call you up and tell, mom!
So! You are not to come!
-What a kind of mom is she?
I will drive it.
Sister in law! We have told mom that
we are off to the head office in Kottayam!
I doubt if we ever
have a head office in Kottayam!
If at all she comes to know,
our mom will not be annoyed like before.
It was since long time!
Are you waving with
the broom stick to us?
Why do you suffer by
getting hurt by others?
We will get money by
selling the milk of rubber!
Mom will not get that.
We will give that to you.
Why do you get hurt by others.
...when we have an office
which our dad started?
What are you both doing?
-We have not met before!
I am a circle inspector
who have resigned.
The son of Kumarettan who
was a worker in our estate.
He has a son called Prakasan!
Dad has sent him to school!
When Josechayan goes there
he was the senior officer there.
The problem of reservation!
Why do we want the money
for saluting these?
Tell sister in law!
What about you?
Can't I ask a doubt?
I am a novelist too.
All can go home then.
I will stay here in the night.
It is of no use, for staying here,
vigil all the night!
One of the twins is not to be trusted.
They are very dangerous!
Be watchful!
When our dad died,
I came all alone without Satya!
Have mom asked me anything?
Leave that. What about him?
Mom at her death bed
has called me up and said"
...not to agonize mom at any reason.
Forget him.
-Yes, forget about me.
They are Christians to the core.
He said it very sincerely.
He is a novelist, and mom would not
understand his pain as she is a publisher.
It is the name of my novel.
Pain of the soul has waved him
good bye with broom stick...
...the Asha latha!
She is the daughter of Kuruppan master!
He was dad's old friend of Ramangiri!
She has passed TTC and is a
teacher in a school nearby.
She is staying in our house!
She is good looking but
-ls her conduct not good?
This will not come correct
Joy, please come here.
Their love is intense. They are
afraid of mom and keeping quiet.
He came very late yesterday night.
What has mom told about it?
Mom knew that we are coming to here.
Kuriahose brother!
It is an act that she cannot hear!
We will stay with them,
for 2 days, is n 'tit?
He has just come from the hospital!
We have not celebrated yet.
Here is it. It is Seema!
Let mom be called.
No. Not needed.
Take it.
What are you singing aunty?
You have started at early morning.
Who is it in the picture?
Don't you know Abraham?
He is the father of Ishmael and Isaac!
I mean, he will be a kind of
an uncle to Jesus Christ!
When are you going to know all these?
These are things to learn from the
Sunday school in the child hood!
Enough mom!
I will take only the dosai!
You have to take the dosai
with the lady's finger!
How will we eat it
without a little chicken or fish?
Pour sambar in it.
My mom used to cook chicken stew!
The smell of it being cooked
is very delicious!
All will be tempted to have it.
Dad says he will shoot the one..
...who has discovered lady's finger.
- Yes, it is too boring!
Give the key to me!
You are over speed!
You only have to get at the back.
He drives very slow.
Why have you send your son alone?
Can't you go with him?
Dijo is taking him every day.
They are very dangerous! I tell you!
Go a bit slow!
Don't get scared about the waves!
The one who can control
the wind and sea... in the car!
Deol traveler who travels
to the other shore!
Don't get scared about the waves!
The one who can control
the wind and sea... in the boat.
When we travel in the boat
of loyalty"
...when you are tired
of pulling the paddle..
...don't be afraid, Jesus is with us.
We will come to the harbor!
Move away! Move off!
It was his mistake!
He came in the wrong side!
Anandan! He is my friend!
One more can get in.
Asvikka! Get in!
Drop him in his school and you go home
I will come later.
Grandma is watching.
Are you not satisfied yet?
She is Anandan's mom! She is not well.
Her elder son Nanda gopan
was doing his engineering...
I know it!
What do you know?
...that I am mad?
Nandu was taken away
by the police and killed him.
If I say that,
they will say that I am mad.
I was saying that
I know all about Nandu.
That boy is not seen any where.
Sir, please sit.
They are looking for him.
Will you sit down?
These are usual things here.
Many have escaped from here.
When they are caught by the police
they will be brought back to here.
If they are caught
in this jurisdiction.
Or else, they will be caught up
some where else.
This establishment has
only that obligation!
Will it be a problem, madam?
He is not in the register,
why do we worry then?
Has every body come?
-Yes sir.
Please take your seat.
Yes, Dijo! I am busy today.
I will be here tomorrow!
We will see!
I told you not to go after that!
We will see tomorrow.
We will see tomorrow Dijo! It wills be
late to reach the guest house!
I will call you there.
Come .
Come and sit.
I said to sit.
I want Thami back to me.
That is you job if you have
no hand in his absconding!
Are you threatening me?
Can't I threaten you up?
What is it?
-He says he has a bad stomach.
What did you have?
-Tell it your dad.-Chicken.
These two have to be send from here.
If you can't tell it,
I will tell them.
What is this?
It is only a minor stomach pain.
I will make it alright now!
You come here.
You go and bring some ginger juice!
You had only a piece
of chicken for that.
How will you then have
pork and beef with me?
I will take leave then.
Are you going to Banaras for that?
Where is aunty?
She is not to be seen?
We are leaving.
-Just wait. Take this too with you.
Come quite often!
Mom will be happy then!
We are leaving then!
We will ask mom to call you up!
Are you not getting down?
How will you face mom without it?
Go.-We will have a few drinks fast.
Are not you coming? -I am not coming.
I have no problem for me.
Have at least 2 beers!
It is better than sitting alone here.
You go and come.
How about a little red wine?
-Will you go away?
You sit there .l can say only that.
I want to have a little more!
Sun was about to set.
Ashokan climbed the steps!
He came to Mary's window and knocked!
Mary!There was a response
from the room for the call!
The windows were opened.
Like fishing in the troubled waters...
"tears filled up her eyes!
Her hair were flowing down.
She held Asokan's hands and cried.
Asokettan lf the society
don't allow us to live..
...breaking the barriers of religion..
...we will elope away to some place!
Shall I read the rest?
-You can read after a while.
His writing is good! ls not it?
It is mom, who makes me drink like this.
Josechayan has undergone
his police training"
...and I am a novelist.
My head is tender!
Mom has to understand it.
What was in the head office?
You have gone for about 3 days.
What is this mom?
How long will it prolong?
Are you not fed up?
If mom call you up he will come here.
You alone have to call him up!
Mom thinks that it is
Dijo's story that he is writing!
Mom will come to know that it is she
who is making this cruel deed by Dijo!
I will go to the Kottayam head office
and stay there for 5 days.
That is why she has been pleasing mom!
Without Asha latha
nothing seems get moving!
She reads Joy's novel
to mom and makes her cry.
They both are teasing me up!
Seema sister will say
this to mom without delay!
I am getting mad
and you are making things worse!
I have no love or anything for you!
Have you thought this as a play?
You are a scary guy.
In the history of world
no body has said... his lover girl like this
after being scared of his mom.
How do you know that?
Get away.
Why are you not saying anything?
He will not come if I call him.
Don't take it for granted.
He has confronted dad and
got away as an act of boldness!
When he wants to see me
he will come to me.
What shall I do now?
Government need not have
to show these files to you.
Government's announcement that it will
offer the land to the tribes was official
That was not all.
They grabbed the forest land
and built up huts!
They set check posts
in the forest and
"stopped forest officials
and the police from getting in.
Can the government allow that?
It was them who offered arrack
to the policemen on duty there.
When the tribes hacked a policeman
a few of them were annoyed.
These are not things that concern to me.
I have suspended the Cl
on the basis of your photograph.
I have dismissed him.
What shall I do then as the CM?
I shall take up the responsibility
on me and resign.
It is not the CM
it is to be decided at the top.
You mean God who is at the top?
Anandan's death was
a sheer accident as you say.
Then,where is Thami?
Some body is watching us!
Let us go to the room!
Dijo!We don't need it.
You need not take up
an enquiry on your own.
We have nobody to take care of us!
We have nobody for us!
I am not your enemy or a police.
We don't know that. None of us have
not gone there from here
In 18th century, British
empire built up..
"The forest law.
God created the tribes
as the children of the jungle!
The British made them
to work in the estates.
The forest laws,
which they have to abide...
...are to be changed.
So you do not know about Thami,
Neeli, or their dad Mani!
They have not lived with you.
If you can drop her at the school
I could go straight in my way!
You can go,
I will do that.
If you go this way
it is only 10 minutes walk for you.
You will become very active then!
Who is this?
Dijo is gone for 3 days!
Don't know, where he has gone!
I have no news from him!
A) {Mwmwm
What is it mom?
With sufferings vast as the sea and..
...consolation vast as the land.
I hear, your soft spoken lisp!
Showing your tiny teeth put up a smile.
You walked with your tiny legs!
To keep you asleep,
I didn't sleep whole night
In order to feed you...
...I couldn't sleep during the day
My mind ,is like an oyster
...and you are a pear! in it.
In the nights during prayer,
with the angels
With tears in my eyes..
I 5999911 for you.
Flowers blossomed in your dream...
...those springs!
Angels accompanied you in your way!
Always, you are followed... love and affections
To hear that voice ...
...the nightingale have waited.
For you, the waves of light,
Offered the light.
Here, a kind of search was done.
Now, we must see in Vynad.
If police have caught him, that can't
happen without Cl's knowledge.
Which CI?
That one suspended.
I doubt if he might be dismissed.
Lives near power house.
Vacated the quarters.
One of you come with me,
to show the house.
That we will do.
If you question in the right way,
everything will be told. Ok.
What is it?
A photographer called Dijo John is
not seen since 3, 4 days.
They say, that sir knows
about his whereabouts!
Who are you?
What do you think,
when you see me?
Get lost.
Then, Sir know, where Dijo is?
I should know that. Else you can't
go from here.- Are you kidding?
I also want to say the same.
It is Kottayam team.
That too, a tough one.
Can't you see the fire in eyes?
It will be immense.
It will engulf all.
I don't think, it is needed for you.
If the eyes and nose are lost,
you won't get them back.
Not at all.
Be slow.
Narayan!Narayan! (chanting Lord)
Joe hasn't come?
He came and left immediately.
Where he went?
-Don't know. He didn't say anything.
Leave the boy there
and sleep for some time.
For anything, Let it dawn!
Entered Thodakki forest and
searched for tribes.
That is also an emergency situation.
Naturally, we doubt.
You know, he was having a camera with him.
That is a different camera.
It's a camera, hidden in the cap.
Phone to Sir. From minister!
I called up in the morning and
asked him that's why.
Release them.
What about minister?
Is he a family friend?
He called us and said
to release that Dijo.
He is Dijo's friend. Studied
together in law college.
These are twins, isn't it? For both,
horoscopes matched well, with police.
Kottayam team! Great!
He is not from state police.
But, from special investigation team.
When minister called and said to
release you, there was a commotion.
The tribal problem is on his hands.
Then, where I can search?
You for the time being,go to our house,
taking Sathya and the boy.
To there, without Dijo,
will she come?
Didn't you get any information?
Searching. Minister is
taking special interest.
Nothing to worry.
Come, child.
If he is in the custody of Central
Intelligence, nothing to fear.
He didn't do anything wrong, isn't it?
Has he gone behind a deer
or a peacock with the camera?
He was of that kind!
We have to think that way.
-That is ok.
For time being, till he comes,
you go to mom.
You get ready by dawn.
Here, I will stay.
I have to check with some friends.
Uncle will bring father, soon.
-Let us go to our house.
Your mom said, she want to see
you and this child, directly.
What ever anger is there,
all will be gone.
I know. My child only, she is.
Why do Lord Krishna looks black?
Why Krishna looks so black in color?
Is it that he has taken a
bath in Kalindi river?
Or that he has kitted Kaftan
the serpent king?
Oh brunette Radha, say it.
Is it because you kissed him?
Radha then offered a reply!
When Govardhan hillock
was taken in his hand... cloud have hugged him.
16000 lover girls...16000 lover girls...
"might have fondled him with love!
Guruvayoor Kannan replied that...
...when Kurooramma put him in the pot once..
"the affection of black shade,
smudged on his body.
He said he said he has really
wonderful color, even then!
When the agitation started the tribes
were not aware of the seriousness.
With the police,
who were firing at them.
Then, there is a national solidarity, it
seems. All will try to take the advantage.
That is the problem of their stand point.
Politicians were involved
to that much only
But, there is no master
plan for the people.
In Kerala politics,
what you said is correct.
But, that is not politics.
Dijo is having an interest in
the tribal anthropology, and...
...empathy for them since he was
studying in law college.
He was a photographer since then.
When the agitation was done,
he said his opinion.
Tribes will support his findings too!
If it is about Dijo's missing,
he could be missed any way.
You mean to say that
Dijo is behind this agitation?
His opinions will be respected by them.
As Jose says, if the Central Intelligence
caught, they won't leave him.
Won't be allowed to release.
He is the real National.
No, if we file a habeas corpus, then he
will be produced in the court
The records show that forest officials
questioned and released.
Got the order.
Order has come, you can go.
Then about me, all the enquiry over?
Who am I?
Go home, all might be worried!
Go and see your son.
You will be alright then.
You enquired in all directions.
Dijo John is a photographer
and not a terrorist.
Finding this, you release me.
I am searching him.
But, so far, didn't find
anyone responsible.
Dijo John is a photographer,
but not a criminal.
That is clear on the records.
Thami, Neeli, nobody is on their records.
When enquired, nobody knows,
even about their births.
Really, who is there for them?
For one photo,
he was afraid to sit here.
He said you will be angry
if he comes to you, unclean.
How he is unclean?
Ok, who are you?
If the light becomes less,
then you should use B shutter.
For how long?
As per the photographer's imagination.
...we can open up the magic window of light.
I am watch man sir.
They have gone.
Sir, that investigation team had returned.
Its raining, and if delayed there
will be land slide and other problems.
They put Dijo in custody
in Forest guest house.
If sir say you don't know, we are from
Kottayam and we don't believe it.
Joe, this is not the thing,
you think of.
Sir, we don't have time
to hear all this account.
One with a good status
in Kerala, is missing.
Records say he is in the police custody.
It is the duty of Kerala government
to find and return him.
If you don't take that responsibility,
then you resign. Come, Jose.
Don't think that it is just a talk.
We have an establishment to
topple an assembly. That's enough.
Joe, what is this?
Come, quietly.
If I resign...
...every one's problems will be solved.
If the assembly is resigned,
what is the use?
We want the return of Dijo.
That's what, I also say.
Not that. Photos taken by Dijo are there!
Then, to take a decision,
what else we need?
Taking today and tomorrow,
for how many days?
If I go home,
I couldn't see that boy' s face!
Curiacose, Dijo, will come?
In Kerala, the rains are
continued on today also.
As per the government,
due to rains; 13 people died.
In Vynad and ldukki nine people died.
In Kozikode, due to
sea erosion, 4 people died.
As per the government,
in total its more than 65 are injured.
In Vynad, in a fishing accident,
5 of a family were washed away.
Govindan of
I will take the child. - ...he died
The children of Govindan,
Rakesh and Reji were found dead.
Other people, due to the unfavorable
conditions, search was stopped.
In Tekupad of ldukki district...
Eat something.
-I am not hungry.
Once it is clear, you all go and search.
Mom, we searched every where.
Then, you need not go for him.
He will come himself.
To her, how many times I told?
Can phone and inform.
Can come by taking the next vehicle.
It could have been avoided!
Mom, come.
If I called him,he would not have gone.
All my children are saying that.
Please tell him that
Mom is waiting for them.
Holy mom, you must let them know.
To Abraham and Moses and... pray to the Father; regarding my son... must tell to your son, mom.
Today it will not rain again.
It take some days to find
a route out of this forest.
While searching for the way, let me
go and enjoy the forest.
I am Dijo John, a photographer.
I lost my self in this jungle
for some reasons.
If you don't have any enmity for
non hindus, I will capture some photos.
Thank you, Lord Ganesh!
Who are you?
I am a human, lost way in the forest.
You have a camera!
-I am a photographer!
I am a man who is a photographer.
Are you mad?
I don't know.
Sathya, see who is arriving?
Grandma, have you come with them?
When called to our house,
Sathya didn't come..
That's why I also accompanied her.
What else to do?
Here, what? I couldn't believe.
Couldn't sit or stand. Couldn't sleep.
Its just a feeling of discomfort.
How can I go, without handing
over your wife and son?
Ok, where did you go?
I went to see the god, grandma.
To see god? Did you see?
-Yes. -How?
What? What did the god say?
He said, that he likes us much.
He wanted to say his regards to grandma.
Why does he want to convey
his regards to me alone?
God likes more, the aged
people! Isn't it dad?
I can't believe this one. Oh Lord!
Wake him up.
Which is a dream? Which is real?
We have almost reached.
Am I awake then?
Hey, Thami.
The aged are liked by
the angles, isn't it?-Yes.
Mom, Sathya, her son and he also came.
Standing out side.
Mom, call them.
Ask them to come in, mom.
Come child!
Which is a dream and which is real?
This is a confusing situation, dear Jose!
I had a dream that
l came back to the house.
Then, grandma was
waiting for me, at the door.
When I woke up,
before me, is him, like an other dream!
Forget all that and sleep well.
Everything will be alright.
Now, can I have a sound sleep?
While I was crossing, in a lorry,
that rock in the forest; That...
Dijo, don't think of unnecessary
things and get confused.
If all this is a dream,
then let me dream for ever.
You are always my dream.
If, this, you think as an illusion
This is 125, the most common shutter speed
Aperture level.
Now on one side, there will be
a green light. -Yes.
That means, the camera is
ready for taking a picture.
To the trinity, Father,
Son and the holy ghost..."
To say thanks, this lamb is offered.
Take and give something to eat and drink.
If you have to say anything
to the Sanctum, say it.
There isn't much time.
The butcher is already coming on cycle.
-Now, hold.
Hey, you took photo! Come.
Give me the camera. -Don't give.
Give it to the Aunt.
I say, don't run.
Give it.
It's a rented house, with dust and
cobweb! There is no need to close it.
If you close and give the lock
then it will be alright.
Jose also come.
I will also come.
To where?
For you,it doesn't matter where it is.
We will get the child admitted in the
school, where Asha teaches. Shouldn't we?
In this, what is there to think about?
That is the best school!
Children of rich people study there.
Even then, we have to check
with teachers and masters.
There are good teachers,
who take risk to make children study.
Isnt it brother, Jose.
Will he take rice water?
Who knows? Give and see. He may drink.
Will drink. Now, he is in family.
To mom, it is Asha who reads out
I will cry off when I hear her
reading that novel.
When I hear the story,
I will think of you!
Dear mom!
- Please come.
-What happened?
Where is charan?
-I sent him for a bath.
What is it?
-Thammi is crying there.
Why do you cry?
Come with me inside. Come.
I want to go.
He wants to return home.
Why is he been returned to the forest?
He can stay here.
Son will have a company.
Who will come in search now?
Mom, now, nobody will come in search.
All searching have stopped.
Do mom know?
For the daily bread...
...As god says, living a life
without any effort .. mild animals are these,
Thammi and his people.
Just like the flowers and trees
in the forest, they are like themselves.
As I love you mom, they love the forest.
When I was taking that photo,
he said that god will be angry.
The death of his father
and Neeli's disappearance...
Its all because I took
that photo, he believes.
Mom,do you have real belief in god?
Dijo, I made food ready, come.
To send off Thammi, I, also, will come.
We will go together
I got it.
That sleep, I never slept like that.
No sounds and no dreams. I also ceased.
Then I got up. What I heard
later were, horrible sounds.
Like the sound of thunder
in the inner ear!
Then I heard the sound of rain.
When I woke up it was darkness.
It was heavy rain and thunder!
There was land slide also.
Dijo might have heard that sound in sleep.
I did not think of anything else!
I needed only the light.
I prayed for light and waited.
Let us go.
Do not push me!
Thami, shoot!
I will shoot a picture.
Is the green light on?
I want only the photograph.