Pianiste, La (The Piano Teacher) (2001)

Good evening, child.
Evening, Mama.
Home already? I'm so happy.
Not so fast.
Please. Leave me be.
I'm tired.
I can quite believe it.
Your last pupil left 3 hours ago.
Might I know
where you've been all this time?
No, you don't.
Not until you tell me!
I went for a walk. Do you mind?
I spent 8 hours in my cage.
I was tired and needed some air.
- For three hours?
- Absolutely!
Just as I thought.
Where's the bankbook?
Tell me, have you lost your mind?
Where's my grey Autumn suit?
No idea.
Give that back.
I remember that talk show.
the guy advocated fines
for dog owners
whose dogs crap in the street.
the creep was defending the idea
that women are inferior to men.
If you'd let me get a word in...
Who rattled your cage!
Should cut your hands off.
Beating your own mother!
That frock was far too gaudy anyway.
At your age,
you should know what suits you.
Can't you stop, you cow?
Wasn't ruining that enough for you?
- I wish...
- What?
You daren't say it?
Don't bother.
I know what you wish.
I could have had a heart attack
from the agitation.
If that's what you want,
go ahead!
Stop it, Mama,
you don't know what you're saying.
There's a real hole here.
Here, too.
But why do you do these things?
Why do you do these things?
I'm sorry.
Truly sorry.
Let me look.
Never mind that.
That's how it is.
We're a hot-blooded family.
Come on, stop crying.
I'll make some coffee.
We'll have a cup together. Okay?
Nothing in life comes free.
You'll just have to give
more private lessons.
Your vanity must not
stop us buying our apartment.
You can't contradict me there.
I paid this month's instalment
long ago, don't worry.
In any case,
the dress only cost 6,500.
I'll pay the remainder
back in tomorrow.
I don't understand
why someone of your standing
slaps make-up on
and fritters money away
on frocks that will soon be
out of fashion.
I'd be wearing that dress for years.
The cut was so classical.
It was ageless.
If memory serves me right,
you used to have a dress
just like it. Remember?
You must be dreaming.
It was a designer label.
The finishing was remarkable.
It would have lasted forever.
Do you still need the light?
Did they really annoy you today?
No more than usual.
Did you have the Schober girl?
Isn't Friday her day?
She's not untalented.
She has a surprising affinity
for Schubert.
Schubert's your department,
don't forget.
That's not for you to say.
You're hardly a judge
of what is my department musically.
If you want your pupils
to have a career instead of you...
No one must surpass you, my girl.
Don't be dizzy...
Don't worry, Mama.
A little less pedal
wouldn't go amiss.
It's not enough
just to take your foot off.
A note may not be
as long as it is written
and may not be marked
as long as it should be held.
from the novel by ELFRIEDE JELINEK
"Dogs are barking,
"Rattling their chains.
"People are sleeping
"In their beds."
Do you have no ear
for what coldness is?
Or maybe you're just sloppy?
And let go.
The music is not purely descriptive.
And it's not drenched
in indifference and sentimentality.
And let go.
You see?
"Dogs are barking,
"Rattling their chains.
"People are sleeping
"In their beds."
A wrong note in Beethoven
is better than bad interpretation.
You play only phrases.
Ignore the structure
and you'll ruin the sonata.
Back to the top of the page.
I guessed you were for the recital.
Allow me to introduce...
Professor, please, do come in.
Hello, Auntie.
And your mother. Good evening.
You've met my nephew?
I was about to introduce myself.
My name's Walter Klemmer.
At the risk of seeming prosaic,
after sampling spiritual
nourishment of such quality,
I've organised,
for the interval, a buffet
to sustain the artists
and, I hope,
for your pleasure, too.
Through here.
My husband's very particular...
Excuse me, Auntie.
Sorry to interrupt but I can't wait.
I hope it's not too forward of me
to kiss the hand
that plays such Bach.
You can stop now.
Where do you get
such unfashionable enthusiasm?
I'm delighted
the tradition of recitals lives on.
It was practically extinct.
The masters die, then their music.
People today
only ever listen to pop or rock.
You're right.
Families like this are no more.
Generations of laryngologists
toiled over Beethoven's
last quartets.
Now, at best, academics
stamp their feet in time
to the trumpety-trumps
of Bruckner.
Disdaining Bruckner is immature,
Mr... Klemmer?
Tell me, what enables you
to talk about music so precociously?
Your Aunt said you studied...
Low voltage, professor.
Low voltage.
It was made between 1620 and 1630
by Marcel Pichler.
From Hallein. A rare piece.
It is played
like a cello.
Its common name is
leg viol or quinton.
Recently, I found a painting
that exactly shows this instrument.
Not this type of instrument. I mean,
specifically this instrument.
The painting depicts
a concert of viole da gamba
at the court of Duke Augustus
von Braunschweig-Wolfenbttel.
- Can I fetch you something?
- Not at all. Why?
It's fascinating.
Look at them.
Do they give a fig
about the benefits of illness?
Have you read Adorno
on Schumann's Fantasia in C Major?
He talks of his twilight.
It's not Schumann bereft of reason,
but just before.
A fraction before.
He knows he's losing his mind.
It torments him
but he clings on, one last time.
It's being aware
of what it means to lose oneself
before being completely abandoned.
I'd say you are a good teacher.
Thank you.
You talk about things
as if they were yours. It's rare.
And I think you know it.
Schubert and Schumann
are my favourites, that's all.
Since my father died
completely mad in Steinhof asylum,
I can talk easily about the twilight
of the mind, can't I?
If you'd really prefer not to eat,
perhaps you'd care
for a drink of something?
Go ahead.
I had to sing for my supper.
Dr. Blonsky with his instrument
fetish is such a bore.
Klemmer, or whatever he's called,
seems a bit of a leech?
Walter studies
at the Engineering School.
But his musicality
keeps up with technology,
as you will understand
when you listen to him play.
Over to you, Walter.
My uncle exaggerates shamelessly.
After the professor's performance,
I feel doubly amateur.
I had intended to play for you
Schnberg's Opus 33b,
so that my wrong notes
might go unnoticed.
Not very funny, I know.
But a discussion of
Schubert and Schumann's madness
left me deeply impressed.
I have decided to drop Schnberg
for my favourite piece by Schubert:
the Scherzo
from the Sonata in A Major.
"...Dreaming of what they don't
have, replenished of good and bad.
"And next morning, all flown away."
And here,
the mood switches to irony.
D... D... D...
"So what? So what?
"they've had their pleasure."
That's the obstinacy
of the complacent middle-class.
"And they hope
that what they left behind
"Might be waiting for them
on the pillows."
Excuse me, Professor.
Can I have a word?
Go ahead.
Anna says you may not let her play
in the jubilee concert.
I said a soloist
needs more than talent.
She doesn't practice enough?
Only she can tell.
She works 8 hours a day.
It's the end result that counts,
not the hours.
For her, only music counts.
Look at her.
Schubert isn't a walk in the park.
I didn't say you wouldn't play.
We'll see how you gel
with the singer.
Excuse me, I have a rehearsal.
The Professor is right.
Without total commitment,
you won't get anywhere.
Wipe your nose.
What do you look like?
Your mother wants you to call her.
I've only just arrived.
I don't know.
At least 3 hours.
In that case, I'll take a taxi.
I'm not a baby.
I have to go now.
Can we play the trill the same?
I'll start on the upper note.
"Bark me away, you waking dogs,
"Don't let me rest
in the sleeping hours!
"I've reached the end of dreams.
"What will I do
amongst the sleepers?
"I've reached the end of dreams.
"What will I do
amongst the sleepers?"
Sorry to disturb you.
What is it?
Professor Kohut?
What do you want?
At the Conservatory,
no one interrupts lessons.
I apologise. I am very sorry
but I wanted to come to you
rather than ask just anybody.
About what?
The entrance exam.
I want to join your master class.
That's very flattering, young man.
I hope your interruption
is not to arouse interest
your talents don't merit.
Application forms are available
in the secretary's office.
First floor, door 11.
Please excuse us,
we have work to do.
Go on.
"How hath the tempest riven
"the grey robe of the sky!
"the clouds embattled fly
"In wild disorder driven."
- Mr. Walter Klemmer?
- That's correct.
Your programme
is particularly difficult.
Where do you wish to begin?
Wherever you prefer.
Professor, it's your class
that Mr. Klemmer wishes to join:
which piece
would you like to hear first?
I don't mind.
The first on the list.
Go ahead.
Stunningly brilliant.
No, seriously,
I think it wasn't too bad.
He just put "private lessons".
That's even more remarkable.
I don't know how seriously
he takes his engineering
but for someone whose priority
is not the piano, bravo.
It's amazing.
I quite agree.
He truly is very talented.
Ladies? Gentlemen?
- I vote for.
- Yes, me too.
No doubt about it.
What do you say?
Your opinion counts most.
He's applying to join your class.
After such euphoria,
it's hard to voice reservations.
I can't say
I totally share your enthusiasm.
Clearly he doesn't lack talent
but I wonder,
and I ask you,
what does he expect from us?
For a professional career,
he's too old.
By accepting him, we'll reject
a more motivated student.
And, frankly, I find his histrionics
suspicious or even unpleasant.
I don't see what you mean.
In the Andantino, there were
no histrionics, as you put it.
Everyone knows
our views on Schubert diverge.
Please, let's not waste time.
I feel unable
to nurture the artistic temperament
or virtuosity of Mr. Klemmer.
Dinner's ready!
Coming, Mama!
Sit down, I'll bring the sauce.
Can I switch off the TV?
If it bothers you.
Don't you like that?
I'm tired.
You look it.
Are the auditions so exhausting?
Boring, rather.
That's tiring, too.
What's wrong with you?
- What do you mean?
- Look.
Is that why you're in a bad mood?
You might be more careful.
It's not very appetising.
"Mare on heat seeks ardent,
successful stallion,
"for jumping and dressage.
"Must be 8 inches."
Hello, Mr. Naprawnik.
Who's she?
My piano teacher.
Don't pick out
the inner voices so much.
Do you know where the melody is?
It sounds
as clear as a muddy windscreen.
Probably due to the images
lodged in your mind.
You have one approach for Bach,
Beethoven and the others.
What made you want to study music?
Your meagre talent?
I assure you it's not worth it.
Take a job playing in a strip joint
and stop wasting my time.
- I'm sorry.
- What for?
For earlier...
At the newsagents.
Why are you sorry?
What for?
It doesn't work like that.
Sorry isn't enough,
if I don't know why.
Are you sorry because you're a pig?
Or because your friends are pigs?
Or because all women are bitches
for making you a pig?
Or just because you got caught?
The lesson is ended.
I propose
your mother comes to see me.
Maybe she can shed
some light on this.
What are you sorry for?
I'm listening.
The silence is deafening.
See you next time,
along with your mother.
Now, please remove yourself.
I'll need my break to recover.
This time I'm expected.
The break's not over yet.
And the lesson hasn't begun.
Can I take out my scores
while I'm waiting?
You know I voted against you?
I don't believe
you're serious about music
but rather about the kudos
it brings.
You know that's untrue.
And even if it were true,
would it be such a shameful motive?
What have you brought?
You should forget Schubert.
- Schnberg is all...
- I fought to win your attention.
Give me a chance.
I know you're not as indifferent
as you pretend.
I neglected my studies for you.
It's the truth!
You may think it's ridiculous,
but since the recital
at the Blonskys,
I've had you stuck in my mind
like a nut on a bolt.
I apologise for being so technical.
I never intended to apply here.
Stop lying, it won't wash.
I'm not lying.
For next time,
find a copy of Opus 19.
Let's talk first.
I can't see the point.
Don't just stand there.
Sit down and begin.
Is this your last lesson?
Pretend you have a migraine
or something.
It's lovely out.
Either you play
or my migraine will end this lesson.
It's bound to finish late.
our first Mendelssohn rehearsal.
So, don't call up every 5 minutes.
It's embarrassing.
Viora of the Philharmonic's coming.
He'll think I'm a little girl.
Is that clear?
If it ends late, take a taxi.
I adore lying in the name of love.
I'm so happy for you.
If she calls after 10, don't answer.
Is that okay?
It will be a pleasure.
Good evening, this is Mrs. Kohut.
May I speak to my daughter?
What's wrong?
What the...?
Stay there!
Stay there, cunt!
Are you crazy or something?
Your father died this afternoon.
Above all, keep calm.
It's so inconsiderate of you!
Think of the consequences!
Kind of you
to honour us with your presence.
Might we know what kept you?
Stop blubbing! What happened?
I have diarrhoea.
Are you scared or what?
A pianist needs solid nerves.
- How can I perform after...
- Don't overdo it.
We should be going up.
Don't be so pathetic.
They won't bite. It's a rehearsal.
Did I overestimate you?
"Dogs are barking
"Rattling their chains.
"People are sleeping
"In their beds.
"Dreaming of what they don't have,
"Replenished of good and bad."
"Why do I avoid the roads
"Where other travellers go,
"Seek out hidden paths
"through snowbound rock outcrops?
"Seek out hidden paths
"through snowbound rock outcrops?
"And yet, I've done nothing
"to make me flee my fellow men.
"What is this foolish desire
"Driving me into the wilderness?"
You think me devoid of sensitivity
and indeed I can be superficial.
You see, I admit it.
But telling me to forget Schubert
was atrociously unfair.
It's quite the contrary.
There are days,
like after our first lesson, when...
The sight of blood makes me ill.
Go to her.
Be her brave protector.
- What happened?
- Let me.
Call a doctor.
Don't stare, there's nothing to see.
Go back to the hall.
Come on.
Stop it!
If you don't stop immediately,
I'll leave.
Look at me, not your penis.
Be quiet.
Don't move or I'll leave.
I love you.
No one has...
If you won't be quiet,
you'll end up all alone here.
Why do you hurt me?
I can't hold back.
I said, silence!
Keep going. Come here.
That's it. It's coming.
Keep going. Don't stop!
I'll write down
what you can do to me.
All my desires on paper
for you to peruse at will.
You don't like that?
You can't leave me like this.
Come on.
I've no desire to touch that now.
Keep going, please.
Out of the question!
Hands off.
Or we never see each other again.
It's totally sick
what you're doing here.
And it hurts!
I sympathise.
Stop it.
Don't be stupid.
You're spoiling it.
I won't touch you again.
I want you to stay like that,
that's all.
Facing me!
Don't put it away.
It's not me who's stupid.
It's you.
You should know
what you can and can't do to a man.
- You bitch!
- Shut up!
The playing field has to be level.
If you think...
I won't move, I promise.
I won't say a word.
You will receive my instructions.
By letter.
Or face to face.
Or maybe over the phone.
Now, you can put it away.
Facing me.
How about a little smile?
Go on.
Don't be so serious, pretty lady.
Next time, we'll do much better.
I promise.
Practice will make you perfect.
At least 2 months, with no guarantee
of complete recovery.
That's terrible.
And she really was quite good.
She has the nerve.
She played amazingly yesterday
despite nearly not making it.
Pull yourself together.
You're no use to Anna
if you break down like that.
For the moment, we must wait.
She mustn't neglect her left hand.
That's always her weak point.
Also, she'll be scarred for life.
Just imagine.
A pianist with a disfigured hand.
She's hardly attractive.
Her only attribute
was her talent.
That's why we sacrificed everything.
She sacrificed everything.
You said "we".
It's Anna who sacrificed everything.
Yes, naturally.
Who would do such a thing?
The police say it must have been
another student
acting out of jealousy.
Can you imagine it?
Being so evil?
She's always been a loner.
She hardly has any friends.
They'll find the man who did it.
He deserves his hands chopping off.
My next lesson is waiting.
I'll have to ask you to leave.
Tell Anna she's welcome to drop in
when she's better.
Remind her about her left hand.
I'll tell her.
Thank you very much.
She'll come by.
She admires you so much.
Chin up, Mrs. Schober.
Who will replace Anna
for the concert?
No one.
No student could
at such short notice.
I've been asked to stand in
for the singer's sake.
That's very good.
Anna will be pleased.
Back to the beginning.
You gladly ignore the dynamics.
What does it say?
- Piano.
- Exactly. And then?
And then?
And diminuendo
and mezzo-forte, forte,
fortissimo, sforzatissimo.
Schubert's dynamics range from
scream to whisper not loud to soft.
Anarchy hardly seems your forte.
Why not stick to Clementi?
Schubert was quite ugly.
Did you know?
With your looks,
nothing can ever hurt you.
Why destroy
what could bring us together?
- Mannerism is no...
- Why can't I look at you?
Because if I do, I won't resist the
temptation to kiss you on the neck.
May I kiss you on the neck?
Can I get you a glass of water?
When can I see you?
Let's call each other.
Let's go away this weekend.
Just you and I.
I can't,
I'm going out with my mother.
Forget your mother. Think of us.
We must make up for lost time.
Do you mean me?
I must make up for lost time?
Stop always thinking of others,
your mother, your scruples...
You talk of anarchy
but sacrifice love to be with Mama.
Let yourself go.
Allow yourself feelings for once.
Don't be such a leech.
You cough because you're uptight.
I have no feelings.
Get that into your head.
If ever I do,
they won't defeat my intelligence.
I love you.
Don't be so cowardly.
Is what you've written
just as cowardly?
Don't touch it!
Not now.
I want you to read it alone.
Now, get stuck in to Schubert.
That's all you may do in this room.
Brahms would say:
"Con intimissimo sentimento."
Are you mad? What are you doing?
I followed you.
I said we'd speak on the phone.
You can't drive me crazy like that
and then run off.
Drive you crazy?
Let's go somewhere
where we can talk in private.
Did you read the letter?
I don't want any letters.
I want us to talk!
I advise you to leave now.
Never hound the woman
you claim to love.
You should know that,
even at your age.
If you value my affection, go.
I'll call you tomorrow
to fix a date. Okay?
- Take your hat off.
- What?
Good evening.
I have matters to discuss
with Mr. Klemmer.
What's that supposed to mean?
We won't bother you.
We'll talk in my room.
Come on.
Excuse me.
If you try to come in,
you'll be sorry.
There's no food in.
I didn't expect visitors.
Don't put yourself out,
I've already eaten.
First, read the letter.
You've still got it?
So, read it now, please.
Do you want to finish me off?
I said
I don't want to read any letters.
I'm here, you're here.
We're made of flesh and blood.
Don't be so scared.
I'm not. I want all you want.
But read it first.
Is that why we barricaded the door?
I don't know how much longer
I want to play this game.
Sit down there, please.
"On the contrary, if I beg,
tighten my bonds, please.
"Adjust the belt
by at least 2 or 3 holes.
"The tighter the better.
"Then, gag me with some
stockings I will have ready.
"Stuff them in so hard
that I'm incapable...
"of making any sound.
"Next, take off the blindfold,
"and sit down on my face
"and punch me in the stomach
"to force me
to thrust my tongue in your behind."
Is this supposed to be serious?
You're making fun of me, aren't you?
You want a slap?
"For that is my dearest wish.
"Hands and feet tied behind my back
"and locked up next door
to my mother
"but out of her reach
behind my bedroom door,
"till the next morning.
"Don't worry about my mother,
she's my problem.
"Take all the door keys
with you from the apartment.
"Don't leave a single one here."
What will all this open up for me?
Maybe you'd open your cultured
mouth and comment on this shit.
"If you catch me
disobeying any of your orders,
"hit me, please,
"even with the back of your hand
on my face.
"Ask me why I don't cry out
to mother
"or why I don't fight back.
"Above all, say things like that,
"so that I realise
just how powerless I am."
What's going on in there?
Open up! Move that chest.
Don't you want to let her in?
Do you want me
to hit you in front of her?
Calm down!
Be quiet and watch the TV!
Open up or you'll be sorry.
Stop making a fuss!
Do you have no sense of decency?
Invading people's homes like this.
The sheer nerve of it!
Are you angry with me?
I hope you're not.
It's not very well written, I know.
I'm a pianist, not a poet.
After all,
love is built on banal things.
Think it over.
You have my phone number.
Like I said,
I want everything you want.
I have all we need.
But it can wait till tomorrow.
Aren't you talking to me?
Do I disgust you?
That's not necessary.
The urge to be beaten
has been in me for years.
I waited for you, you know?
It's not a joke, all I wrote.
You know that.
From now on, you give the orders.
From now on,
you choose what I am to wear.
What colour do you prefer?
You never said.
You're not talking to me?
You're angry?
Say something then.
You're sick.
You need treatment.
If you want to hit me, hit me.
I don't want to soil my hands.
No one would touch your sort,
even with gloves on.
I swear I loved you.
You don't even know what it is.
Right now, you repulse me.
Fuck it.
...came to North America
with the Spanish.
Left to roam free,
they became the famous Mustang.
today's cowboys' most loyal
companion is the quarter horse.
Very fast over short distances
and with good stamina...
You really are quite shameless.
What have you done with him?
Is he still in your room?
It wouldn't surprise me.
Nothing surprises me any more.
But you can do what you want.
At your age.
Good Lord.
All those sacrifices for this.
That's what you get in reward.
You carry on like that.
You can set up a bordello here.
Who cares
what the neighbours think!
As always, you do as you like!
I love you.
Stop that! Have you gone insane?
Don't be so filthy,
you're out of your mind!
Shut up. I love you.
I love you, too.
But stop this now.
You're mad!
You're mad.
You're completely mad.
Go to sleep now.
You're going to need
all your energy.
Even if you're just standing in,
you must be well prepared.
You never know
who might be in the audience.
I saw the hairs on your sex.
Can I have a word?
Someone to see you.
Is that your little sister?
Don't run away, he's coming.
- What do you want?
- Speak to you.
I'm listening.
Not here, I can't.
Over there.
How did you manage to find me?
Just there.
Go on in.
Forgive me for the letter.
I'm an idiot. I shouldn't have
done that to you out of the blue.
Like you said,
we should have talked first.
Forgive me.
What are you doing?
Stop it. Get up now.
Come on.
Come on top of me.
- You want me, don't you?
- You're mad.
Come on. I love you.
I'll never write anything
you don't want.
You tell me what you want, okay?
Someone might come in.
You're being ridiculous.
Get up.
Hang on, let me do it.
Let me do it, I said.
I can't, not here.
Stop it. I can't.
- It doesn't matter.
- I can't do it here.
I know you want to protect us,
but I don't care if people catch us.
I don't care.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Come on.
You have to help me.
- I don't believe it.
- I'm sorry.
Don't look.
Don't look.
I must really disgust you.
- No woman ever puked it back.
- Sorry.
I don't know what happened.
I'm clean.
I'm all clean.
Like a baby.
Inside as well as outside.
For you and thanks to you, darling.
Do you like me calling you darling?
It's absolutely marvellous.
You must be patient.
I'll give you all the names,
we'll play all the games you want.
You know you really stink?
Sorry, you stink so much,
no one will ever come close to you.
You'd better leave town
until you don't stink so bad.
Rinse your mouth more often,
not just when my cock
makes you puke.
Who is it?
Open up.
- Open up now!
- What do you want?
I said, open the door!
You'll wake the whole building.
I'm opening it.
Don't do that again, okay?
- What do you mean?
- Shut up, you sad cow!
Just then,
I was under your window
and I was jerking off.
That's what you want, huh?
You want to...
Is that it?
You're a witch, a pervert!
You want to give everyone
your illness, don't you?
- Not me!
- I did apologise.
Fuck your stupid apologies!
Wasn't last night enough for you?
Will you make this a habit?
Screaming the house down.
Go back to bed!
Walter, please.
- Get out!
- Be off with you! Now!
Not as you imagined?
We'll see about this.
The police will put a stop to this.
This is nothing to do with you.
Forget your mother.
We have time. We have all night.
Let's pick up where we left off.
Is this really
what you had imagined?
What then?
You'll be sorry.
Just because we're women doesn't
mean you'll get away with it.
Let me go.
This is unbelievable!
At least this one has a key.
Open up!
How about one
for your daughter's room?
That's that dealt with.
"As for my mother,
pay no attention to her." Yes?
Am I quoting you exactly?
"Give me lots of slaps, darling.
"Hit me hard..." No.
"Hit me around the face
and hit me hard."
At your service, dear lady.
Is that what you want?
Stop, please.
What then?
Not that. Stop, I beg you.
What are you doing?
- Shut it or I kill her!
- Murderer!
- Where's the water?
- In the kitchen.
Don't think you'll get me going...
by flashing your pathetic body.
You know,
I do realise
that all this isn't very nice of me.
But if you're honest, you'll admit
you're partly responsible.
I mean, it's true...
Yes or no?
Am I right?
Yes, Walter.
- Are you okay?
- I'm okay.
You can't get a guy going,
then take refuge on the ice.
Not my face! Not my hands!
Aren't you ashamed?
I'm begging you to stop.
Don't touch my daughter.
Leave my daughter alone.
I'm begging you.
Why do you do that?
I calm down
and you try to cross me.
Be a little cooperative, fuck it.
I'd be happy to learn to play.
But not if we only ever play
by your rules.
You can't delve around
inside people, then reject them.
Be nice to me, please.
You can't let me go just like that.
Stop, please.
You have to give a bit.
You can't leave me all alone now.
Love me, please.
Are you trying to tell me
I should go?
I'd appreciate it
if you tell no one.
Anyhow, it's for your own good.
You can't humiliate
a man that way and...
It's not possible.
Will you be alright?
Do you need anything?
You know, love isn't everything.
See you, then.
Has he gone?
Say something. Has he gone?
Open the door.
What's wrong?
Talk to me, for God's sake.
Oh my God, child!
What a state you're in!
What did the bastard do to you?
Hurry, we'll miss the tram.
I'm just having a glass of water.
Don't be so nervous.
It's only to replace someone.
I'm so looking forward
to your Schubert.
I think I should go and take
my seat. It begins in 8 minutes.
I'll come up with you.
Good evening,
I'm delighted to see you here.
What about our convalescent?
She doesn't lack courage.
She insisted on coming tonight.
To hear you play.
How are you feeling?
Sorry, let me introduce myself.
I'm Mrs. Schober.
My daughter, Anna.
This is my mother.
Lovely to meet you. You must be
very proud of your daughter.
Why? It's a school concert.
She's standing in for a pupil.
That pupil is my daughter.
Where are you sitting?
Not far from us.
It's late. We'd better go.
Can we go up together?
Are you coming, Anna?
See you later. I'll go up
with Mrs. Schober. Break a leg.
Enjoy the concert.
it was a pleasure to see you.
There, now...
What a nice surprise!
George! Look who's here.
- Professor Kohut.
- My respects.
Hurry up, Gerda.
Give me your coat.
I'll keep it with me.
Men! Always rushing you.
You know how it is.
Have an excellent evening.
Come on!
See you later, I hope.
My respects, Professor.
I can't wait to hear you play.