Pianoga itneun gyeoul (Piano in Winter) (1995)

Oh Youn Su
Kang Suk Woo
Jee Su Won
Director/ Cho Kum Whan
The piano in the winter
Are you alright?
Are you out of your mind?
Aren't you hurt?
What a damn day.
What are you looking at!
Haven't you seen accident before?
Don't try to such cheeky thing...
It's my fault.
Let's go to the hospital.
I'm fine.
This is not first time.
You would better take examine
in case.
l said Im Okay.
l know me better than you do.
Still, you would better go to
the hospital.
Im fine.
Just come with me.
Here?... What?
l got an accident...
Nothing happened to me!
l met horrible girl.
Ok. See you tomorrow.
Do you want to go to movie theater
with me tomorrow?
Have l said that l would
meet you again?
l don't think you've been hurt.
l think this is enough for...
You're acting as if you are rich.
Anyway, l feel good at you.
l think
Im going to like you.
How rude!
l tell you what.
Im in love with somebody.
Sorry! l don't care.
You know what...
Im expert in take someone over
from others.
Are you always doing like this?
When l can indeed
someone will like me.
Am l?
You will fall in love with me.
Can't you slow down little bit?
Aren't you feel great?
Let me off!
l don't want to.
Where are you going?
Aren't you serving something
for me?
Even though, l ride you at home.
Such as a cup of coffee...
You are so uncontrollable person.
Ok. I'll let you leave alone,
but next time.
Come in.
Why are you so late?
Have you eaten something?
lf you didn't...
Don't act as if you are
worrying about me!
Do you have any idea
what time is it now?
Have you ever concerned
for family?
Have you ever concerned
about me, then?
How dare you are!
Don't you know how much
we're worrying about...
l don't have family.
How's it possible to be family with
who, even, doesn't have same blood?
How can you say like that...
Leave me alone.
Im sick of this house
and everybody.
- Hyejin!
- Honey!
Leave her alone.
No. l should talk to her.
You can talk to her tomorrow.
Mother doesn't feel well
since grandfather was here.
How could they... Even, father
is the only son of grandfather.
Get out!
Get out of here!
Hwang Jiae!
Yoon Hyejin!
Hwang Jiae!
Yoon Hyejin!
Hwang Jiae!
Yoon Hyejin!
Hwang Jiae!
Hwang Jiae!
- Congratulations!
- Thank you!
Jiae is elected to
the president of the class.
Everybody should help to her to
make the best class in the school.
l want to be your...
Do you want to go to eat
Dukbokky with me?
Give up! A class president.
Tell the teacher.
You won't accept the election.
How can l do...
Ill take that over!
Mom. Do you know
what's in here?
l took it over from
my classmate.
That's not nice!
Let's go.
Say hello to him!
Oh... yes.
You are so pretty...
She is so naughty that...
Is everything going
fine, Jiae?
And l missed you.
Hyejin should respect Jiae
as your older sister
since she is older than you.
Are you going to
marry him, then?
Yes! We will...
l don't like you.
But, l like you very much.
Bring your dish something
you want to.
Help yourself.
You would never be my sister.
Because she won't
marry your father.
And she has always
respected my opinion.
They've already decided to marry.
So, we should wish
them good luck.
Oh! What happened?
What's matter?
l couldn't hold the dish!
You're pretty good.
Hey! How are you doing?
Are you still practicing yourself?
As usual...
You skipped the class today again.
This month...
l didn't even register for class.
Let's go to the movie theater.
You better study hard since
this is your third trial to enter
an university.
Hey, wait up.
Has education ever given me
any advance?
Anyway, Im out of here.
Well, she very conceited
but beauty.
She's my lover.
You are good at lecture.
Not really...
It wasnft easy
since today was my first class.
Why are you here?
Im starving.
Let's go something to eat!
Im busy.
Are you trying...
to dump me out?
Its fine with me.
But what about your baby?
What are you talking about?
What could l do?
lf you're dump me out.
You'd better kill me.
Kill me!
I'm gonna kill myself!
It was funny! Wasn't it?
Your look was so...
Hey! Are you crazy?
Im interested in you.
l don't... And l have...
l know.
l don't care about your woman.
Don't even try to find me again!
''l won't forgive you.''
You must act as if you are
so anger. Ok?
Return to your position.
Look carefully.
He was one of my student.
Is camera ready?
Tell actress to come down here.
We have a problem.
Actress couldn't come who supposed
to be here because of the illness.
Damn it.
Is it important part of the movie?
No! Not really.
I've good student.
Do you want me
to introduce?
Who's it?
We should talk something
ever before... Money.
Don't worry about that.
Alright! Hyejin.
Do you want to try it.
My dream just comes true!
And, my brightness day
just step forward to me.
You stand in the front of camera
when you're ready.
Don't you have any script?
- Just do it whatever l say.
- Do it whatever he says.
Now. l step toward
to be movie star!
Ready! Action!
''l won't forgive you.''
Woman! l didn't do
anything wrong!
l didn't do anything wrong!
Hey, Mr. actor, you should
slap her face.
Slap her face!
You're doing well.
You're going to be good movie star.
Ok. Once more
at last scene.
Ready! Action!
We have to do again.
Camera is out of film.
So l said all the time that
you got to prepare for everything.
Ok. Once more again.
- Right side.
- Yes!
Ready! Action!
Hey! What are you doing
Damn it. Once more again.
Ready! Action!
Cut! Cut! Cut!
What are you doing?
Ill quit. Is it fair?
What a damn stupid...
How come you...
Are you going to do
if you were her?
Damn it!
Is anybody who wants
to try it?
Did you come to see the movie?
Are you by yourself?
How could l come to the movie
theater without boyfriend?
Will you introduce him?
Sure! Why not?
Happy birthday to...
He's my boyfriend.
Do you know each other?
Ill buy tickets.
Don't misunderstand me!
The accident...
I've told you that...
Ifve never seen such that girl
in my life.
She's my younger sister.
Drink it.
You look awful.
What's matter with you.
It annoys me.
Am l? Sorry, then.
Have you ever kissed her?
Then, have you ever slept with her?
l thought you're
dating with her for long time.
l know you're very known to acting
as nobility.
It does not matter who's been
dating with whom!
But, it is true that lover
could be altered.
You are such inconvenient person!
Do you know that?
Do it and say it!
Why do l break into
your love affair!
Ignore me and mad at me!
No, l don't want to be
mad at you!
What are you made by?
You always act as if
you are very warm and kind.
You're probably, right.
But l just want you to know that
Im always concerning about you.
l don't need that.
Don't you understand me!
l know who you are. Even you're
act as like an angel.
You always laugh at me scornfully.
That's your habit.
You take everything from me.
Even, my mother!
Do you love him?
lf l say so.
Are you gonna leave him?
lf you want to...
And, Ifve never thought
about him considerably.
You don't have to care about me.
Its honest.
Don't be foolish.
l don't need your permission.
Somehow, he'll be my lover.
l lit on your birthday cake
l wish, we blow out the candles
But Im sorry l couldn't.
Im alright.
Don't keep in your mind
about today.
And have a good sleep.
You, too.
Please! Don't...
Ill give you...
Its not of your business.
Did Hyejin go to somewhere?
Yes, l think
she went to the school.
And mother...
l took your money
from your desk.
For book and water paint.
l should have told you before...
Because l was in hurry.
Im sorry.
That's okay.
What's matter with you?
Can't l love with you but Jiae?
Could it be decided that who is
your lover or not?
Is it?
l didn't mean to...
But at least, love is not something
that could be stolen by someone.
That's a commit theft!
A commit theft?
l know you are here.
just come here to return your...
apartment key.
And thank you for your kindness.
Hey! You are...
How perfect you are!
You've always made all
as you calculated.
The reason, l leave you, is not
because of her.
But Ifve never thought about
you considerably.
Please! Don't...
l know you.
What do you know about me?
Do you think me virgin?
l can sleep with anybody
whom l want to.
You can sleep with me as
my last gift for you.
And l won't see you again.
Would you want to spend
time with me?
Get away!
l just want to spend
time with you. That's all!
Get away from my face?
Damn girl.
What a dirty mouth!
Damn it!
Do well!
Who are you?
Im the person who can alarm
dirty mouth up.
Get away!
Come on!
Im gonna kick your damn ass!
Are you out of your mind?
You hit me?
Im sorry.
This way.
Look at this!
They fought on the street.
But you can take her to home.
Thank you.
You must go to the obstetrics
and gynecology with me.
Don't touch me!
What do you mean?
Obstetrics and gynecology?
He said that his aunt delivered
a new baby.
So, l would go to the hospital
for regard her.
l can't understand you!
You drunk everyday...
Even, fighting on the street.
We lost our respect each other
for long time ago.
Is that way to speak to mother?
You're becoming more worst
than ever.
Even, you committed theft.
Im tired of you.
Me either.
l don't want to be
as like a tame dog.
Anyway, you already have good
daughter but me.
l was the despair of you
since you married.
Are you okay?
He couldn't sleep day and night
because of you.
You must apologize to father.
Im so exhausting.
l said! Apologize to him!
How could he be my father?
Don't you remember?
My father's dead!
Shut up!
Apologize to him!
My father's dead.
Why... you so hurt
my heart?
What am l supposed to do?
Just leave me alone.
Treat me as a stranger.
Leave me alone please!
l hate everything.
This house.
Even, my mother.
Open the door!
- Victory!
- Victory!
She couldn't associate
with family.
l think, it was very hard to accept
new father for her.
You mean...
You're right.
We don't have same blood.
But Ifve never thought she is
not my sister.
And she's breaking heart
by herself.
Ifve never seen her that interesting
in anybody with enthusiasm.
She loves you very much.
But, l don't...
She needs someone
who can take care of her.
That's you.
lf you refuse her love...
Something would happen to her.
She'd be as like orphan.
She needs love.
Don't you want to stop to say
hello to me?
This is for...
Are you still serving for orphans?
You must be tired to lecturing!
How can you understand them
who takes everything for advance?
You don't know anything
about the business.
Sometime, business man must be
Is it fair that you forced to them
out from their nest for your profit?
Im very ashamed that
you are my father.
Do you know her?
You're my son who will
inherit my business.
You can't be with her.
She is my lover.
l will marry her.
Ill go.
Im sorry...
Never kissed anybody to be
said sorry.
Your parents are so silly!
Because they prevent what really
you want to do.
How could they make
you to be lawyer?
How's going with him?
He looks like different than me.
He doesn't love me.
Ifve always ignored the love.
l thought,
the love is not worth to have.
But l can understand who
desires to get lover.
He must be more silly
than my parents.
He doesn't like you...
Why don't we make event...
What we should go to
the obstetrics and gynecology?
She is very nice woman.
She's always come to here to
take care of children once a week.
My mother taught me
how to play piano.
She was very kindness
and warmness.
But she's dead when l was child.
And l couldn't play piano anymore.
Because my father doesn't
like to do.
You reminded me my mother.
You're very warm person
than l thought.
l won't say sorry.
It saves me from slap.
Let's talking about damn life?
Are you trying to tempting me?
What! Tempting...
l just want to cure our loneliness.
Why not!
l feel so lonely.
l know... l know...
You look lonely...
You look like a lonely bird.
Hey! What are you doing?
Don't underestimate me!
What's matter with you?
Everyman always treats woman
with sexual instinct.
Im sick of this!
You're as same as we are...
aren't you?
You came here
to pick someone up.
Didn't you?
What's matter with you?
Shouldn't Ifve drunk?
Take a rest.
Let's talk tomorrow.
l feel so miserable!
Are you gonna cut clan off?
When are you gonna
deliver a baby?
Say something!
It is out of our ability
to having a baby.
We can't help it!
Promise me that you would
deliver a baby before l were died.
Is it guilty not to having a baby?
When are you gonna stop to
demanding her to get a baby?
Why don't you say anything?
What is so important
to having a baby?
Don't you stop it!
How did you educated her that
she interrupted while Im speaking.
How could you make trouble
every time.
l ashamed on him!
They, still, insist to having a baby.
Shut up!
Do you know that how much we're
having hard time because of you.
So do l!
Do you know that how much
this house makes me sick.
Ill step out from this house.
That's one way to solve
our problems.
Let her do... whatever
she wants to do.
Hyejin left home yesterday.
l have no idea where she went to.
And, l cannot...
l didn't have any
place to go. So...
Do you know, how much
l was worrying about you.
Im very glad that
you're worrying about me.
Im so freezing.
Can l have a cup of coffee.
Actress must act smoothly.
O... look at her...
Look carefully.
Every love requires something
even death.
Are you okay?
What's wrong?
Hyejin, are you okay?
Im okay.
l can't say anything now.
l get your examine result.
Nothing's gonna happen
to me, isn't it?
l hope so...
Have a nice day.
What are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
He's my old timer
who gave me translate job.
What kind of...
He's my boyfriend!
Oh! Really.
l wish, l can date with her
since she's very pretty.
Yet, she's your girlfriend.
Here is which l translated.
Very good!
Since Im with you.
Can l ask something?
Are you very kind to me because
you're against your father?
Who's gonna fall in love
because he resists somebody?
Do you love me?
How could l describe it?
lf you can't describe it...
Show me!
lf you're kiss me,
Ill believe you.
Look at that!
Here it is!
The patient Yoon Hyejin
should come with family.
Is it worst?
Its a cancer!
And, a cancerous cells
processes so rapidly.
She has only two or
three months to live.
It'll suffer her pain so awfully
even weak eye sight.
Stop drinking!
l can't believe it!
What Ifve done?
Why me... Why?
l wouldn't die!
And l won't pray for my life.
Something's wrong!
Why me?
This is not a place where you can
enter and out publicly.
That's enough!
She comes back to home.
But how can l predict.
What's she gonna do tomorrow?
Are you gonna satisfy
if l weren't be here?
That's all you can say to me?
Have you ever been good
to your family?
l couldn't sleep
several days and nights
to worrying about you.
l always feel miserable
when l think of you...
Are you alright?
Mother... Mother!
She is pregnant.
Is it...
What a happy event!
Eat something good for you.
It must be son.
Take care of you and
keep a complete rest.
You must take care of you.
Yes, Father.
Honey, help yourself.
Yes, yes...
Help yourself.
Yes, Father.
Don't you ashamed on you.
What makes you so proud
to be have a baby.
You should finish your dish.
That's okay...
Do you eat tonic medicine
which l brought for you?
l have to know,
what's matter with you.
l have nothing to say.
l can't understand.
What happen between us?
Do you want me to explaining?
l don't interested in you anymore!
l just tired of you.
Is it enough?
Leave me alone!
l have to know!
What's matter with you?
Do l have to get any reason?
When l became irritate somebody.
l don't have anything to say.
Leave her alone!
Don't force to her
whatever she doesn't want to do.
Its not of your business.
Don't ask me anything.
l don't love him anymore.
He has lover.
You lie.
You still love him very much.
No, l don't!
You can't lie to me.
Something's happened to you,
isn't it?
Long time no see.
What are you doin' here?
Ifve appointment with Hyejin.
so do l.
Im leaving now.
How could you make me
so miserable.
Jinwoo was my lover.
Im, still, having hard time
when l think of him.
My heart has been broken
by you.
Take him again!
You're very selfish.
You had to get everything.
Even, when you're child.
l gave you everything
as my sister.
But you...
That's who you are.
Ifve never forced you to do.
You're always willing to do.
To be as if you're angel.
l did it because
l wanted to do.
But it always comes
from bottom of my heart.
You're so uncontrollable.
l don't want to be forgiven
by you.
l always dislike you.
Ifve always hatred you
since you break into my life.
You don't know what love is.
It is useless to love who is
not thanked.
It was too much for you.
Are you lecturing about love
even you're lost your lover by me?
Do you know
why l approached to him?
Because he was your love.
l just wanted to take him
over from you.
But l don't need him anymore.
As l did always.
You are evil!
We shouldn't have been sister.
You are not my sister anymore!
How are you?
Have you met Hyejin, recently?
She is...
Why didn't you tell me?
Do you think
you can hide from me?
What am l suppose to say?
l have a limited number of hour.
So you must love me.
And love me until l were dead.
Do l have to say this?
You don't have to care about me.
This is my problem.
No one could help me.
l won't let you die.
Ill be with you.
Its too late.
Im dying even
l couldn't believe it.
l can feel.
The shadow of death towards
to me, so rapidly.
No, no.
No, l regretted that
you are with me.
You don't have to lie to me.
Do you think
Ill give you up.
Im so afraid.
Im afraid not only Im dying
but also l won't exist on the earth.
l don't want to die!
l want to be with you forever.
But l can't.
Im dying...
Don't be afraid.
Im here.
Hands muscle would be palsied
when cancer develops.
You'd better say nothing
for a while.
She doesn't want to
be sprayed out.
l didn't know, l thought...
What's gonna happen to her?
Do you want to come with me?
l just want to watch you.
You know.
l wasn't good at anybody.
Recently, l regretted what
Ifve done.
Don't hurt anybody.
Especially, to your parents who
concerns you very much.
Is it possible?
How could l change me
You can do it.
First, you should register
for class again.
And stop fighting and
Can you promise me?
Ifve never promised for anything.
Do you think, you can die in peace
after l made promise?
You're right.
It isn't hard to changing me.
But l would not able to see you
again, if I promise you.
You're gonna be here when you
want to check me out.
Ok, we shouldn't
make a promise.
Promise makes people miserable.
What is it?
Ticket for travel.
l thought you suppose to
arrange for lecture.
l finished it.
It is not good for you.
This kind of moment remind
me that Im dying.
Even l want to forget it.
l can't stand with it.
Im sorry.
l didn't mean to remind you.
Im just angry.
l irritate that you are
so kindness.
Day is being past.
And walking people
on the street.
Even, me who has to
waiting for death.
l can't help to be anger.
And Im mad at me.
Who is useless for you.
You've never been useless.
You would understand
what l mean.
After l left you.
And when you get hard time
because of my death.
Don't imagine anything.
Just think.
We're together right now.
That might help...
Thank you.
Can't you come to
home little bit early?
And can't you help Jiae...
she's doing everything for house.
l might helpful when l left here.
You are so...
Im gonna travel with Jinwoo.
You are so unpredictable.
Mother, let her go.
Sure, as you always does.
Mother, let her do whatever
she wants to do.
He told you, didn't he?
l didn't know...
l misunderstand you.
What's matter with everybody?
l would be gone forever.
Who has been despaired
from family.
Isn't it joyful?
Why are you hurting yourself?
And why are you trying
to concealing you.
Even to me.
Im your sister.
You don't have to be defendant.
l don't want to be weak.
It means, l admire death.
You must be broken your heart
because of me.
l regret, l wasn't good
for you as your sister.
Itfll hurt me for long time.
Don't be sad
because of me!
My sister.
Please forgive me.
My sister.
l hurt you because l couldn't
be as like you.
And l always envied you.
Ifve never approached to him
to hurt you.
But Ifve always loved him
since l met him.
And l even, slap you.
Without trying to understand you.
Do you know when l felt
so gladdest?
That was when you slapped me.
That moment, l felt
l paid for what Ifve done to you.
And Im very regretted
what Ifve done to you.
My sister.
l feel very sorry to you
than anybody.
l want to pay off to you.
lf l have enough time to do.
But l don't have...
No, you won't die.
You'll always be with us.
Please take care of mother
even though...
What are you talking about?
And what do you mean?
You wouldn't able to live anymore.
Its not true.
Why my beautiful daughter
should be died?
It is not a true
isn't it.
Something's wrong!
Its true, you must believe it.
Im regretting not only true of my
death but also broke your heart.
Ifve never execrated you.
l know...
Ifve never disliked you.
l was hurt by that
l couldn't help you.
You're my daughter.
There are no mother
who hates their daughter.
Im sorry mother.
l don't have enough time
to be good daughter.
l wish, l would be able to
see a new baby.
l think, l could do everything
for my family...
Im so miserable.
Ill save you.
l won't let you go to anywhere.
l will always be with you
even in your wedding day.
You know, l can't live without you.
My daughter!
Father and Mother.
Im sorry Ifve hurt you.
Forgive me.
What Ifve done.
l wish, l would
able to see a baby.
It must be son.
My sister.
You're so kindness to me.
Ill leave with your love.
That you're always kept
in your heart.
Please, take good
care of mother.
My friend who told me that
promise makes people miserable.
People could live cheerfully
if they'll die tomorrow.
l believed, you promised me,
you wouldn't hurt anybody.
l... want to walk on the beach.
l love you.
Ifve never expected that word
makes me feel sorrowful.
It is miserable that l can't be with
whom l love forever...
lf l could feel your breath
at this time.
l dislike a good natured person.
My heart is hurt.
When l remind them.
My love.
Every love requires something.
Im very happy that you love me.
l thanked you.
You love me.
That made me realize how it is
thankful to having lover in my life.
Even though, life never waits
for us...
My lover...
Im falling in sleep...
l can hear sound of the piano...
Could l hear it...
when l awake from my dream...