Pico, El (Overdose) (1983)

"The following story is
based on true events,
interpreted freely by the
imagination of the authors."
Here is your camomile tea madame.
- Thank you.
We are currently living a historic
period of decisive decisions
concerning our future.
- We'll see how long he'll last.
He's handsome isn't he?
- Handsome?
He's an asshole.
- Evaristo for god's sake!
Don't say such things
in front of the girls.
- But isn't there
so much freedom?
Don't tell me all of a sudden I am not
allowed to say what I think.
Well the socialists now say ETA will
leave terrorism. - Yes?
They won't stop killing
until we waste them all.
I'm leaving, I must be
at the command by 3:30.
Till later Evaristo.
- See you later.
Be very careful. - I will, do
you feel any better? - I'm ok.
Make sure you're home early tonight.
- Alright.
No, I'm not going but we'll see eachother
later as always.
Hey, do you guys have any hash?
- Let's see if you buy for
once in stead of always asking others.
- I'm penniless Urko.
Here, you owe me 2,000 ok?
- Don't worry, I'll pay
you end of the month.
Dealing drugs right?, does
your father give them to you?
- No, your fucking mother does.
Hey Peru, don't be stupid.
It's hard to believe you can behave
with people this way.
Leave me alone.
- Let's get out of here.
I'm up to here, it's not my
fault my father's a cop.
- None of us choose our father, that's it.
- I know.
But i'm sure if we didn't have this
mess, you wouldn't be my friend
.- Shut up, don't be stupid,
we're in this together.
- Yes, but...
- If I didn't like you
I wouldn't have gotten
into nothing with you,
you think too much.
Let's go to Betty's place,
I want to get stoned.
- Me too.
Stand in front of your dad's photo.
Stop messing around.
- Let me see! What are you looking at?
It's funny to see you together,
to be honest you don't
resemble him that much.
- I'm more like my mother.
See, isn't she pretty?
- Yes. This Saturday I'm
going to pay her a visit.
It must be a drag having
your parents separated no?
- No way, worse when
they were together.
To tell you the truth it's
damn good stuff, but "El
Cojo" is a bastard, everytime
it's more expensive
.- You need to try and
understand, life is hard
and everyone's out for one's own.
- You think?
Don't get too comfortable,
soon I'm leaving for work.
Poor Urkito, always
the first to vomit.
- It feels good to vomit.
With this stuff it's easy.
These guy's are amateurs.
- It's always the same for who starts.
Well Urko have you vomited a lot?
- Yes, more than enough.
Don't you say it's
better to inject it?
- If there's not enough
money to buy a lot yes.
- Of course, you've got
more than enough right?
Don't exaggerate, it's hard
work to earn my money.
- Betty, did you ask if there's
any place for me? Yes, they said they
didn't need any more girls, sorry.
You're also going
to prostitute?
- Shut up, I work in a
massage parlor understand?
Sure, giving
massages down below.
I'm fed up with you, if you weren't Paco's
friend you wouldn't be allowed here.
- What a mess you two, what a mess.
I feel great.
Your wife suffers from a carcinoma in
the ovaries in a metastatic phase.
In a situation like
this any surgical
intervention may cause her
to suffer pointlessly.
But her pains become more and
more unbearable each day.
Is there no way to avoid them?
- She should continue with the
injections I have prescribed to her.
Please understand, this is all we
can do to avoid her suffering.
Paco, do you have any hash?
- Sure, how much do you want? 2,000 worth.
Is it good? - Very good.
- You know you can trust us.
Here, it's best if
you keep the money.
- It's always me who has
to play the banker.
Look who's there.
- Who? Mikel Orbea, the sculptor.
Yeah, the faggot.
- But he's alright no?
Ask him if he wants to buy any hash.
I know what he wants to buy.
Paco we need the cash.
- Why don't you go? He's better with you.
You always leave me to do everything.
Hi Mikel.
- Hi Paco. Would you like buy any hash?
Take a seat.
- I'm in a hurry. But take a seat.
How much do you want?
- I've got no cash on me, you'd
have to accompany me home. No way.
Last time it wasn't that bad.
- I told you I'm not doing it anymore.
Alright alright.
I need the money, but not like that.
- You prefer to sell drugs? Yes.
Hey sit down.
At least allow me to buy you a drink.
- Make it only one.
You know, even though you're
a faggot, you're a nice guy.
- Well, you too, even
though you're a cop's son.
You are anti-military right?
- Look, being Basque from
Badajoz it's enough having
served with them to know
you despise the army.
You know I don't care
about such things.
It's likely I'll end up in the army.
- Do you want to? No.
Then how come?
I don't really have a choice.
Would you like some?
- Is it cocaine? No, heroin.
I'll pass.
So you're on the hard stuff
?, No less than heroin.
- There's nothing like it, hash,
anfetamines, LSD, none come close.
- What's up?, it
hits high right?
More than that, it brings you peace.
- Peace? Yes, peace, nonsense right
?, that peace that everyone always
talks about you find just like that.
Sniffing a bit of powder.
And you feel, at peace.
- Now I understand everything,
that's why you're
running wild chasing
money everywhere. Yes.
But don't you realize that...
- Alright alright. I don't need preaching.
I don't have louses, heroin makes you itch.
It's a nice feeling, it's
nice to scratch yourself.
- Right. I know it's dangerous,
but I can control myself.
I'm not going to get hooked.
Hi. - Hi, where have you been?
Out with some friends.
I'm going to the pharmacy,
your mothers' pains
have returned and she's
out of injections.
- If you like I can go.
- No, let's go together, I feel like a walk.
The pharmacy on the
corner is open on duty.
Good evening, how
may I help you?
- Good evening, a box of pethidine please.
Do you have a prescription?
I seem to have left it at home.
- I'm sorry, but pethidine
contains morphine and
without a prescription I
cannot sell it to you.
- Shall I go home and get it?
It's ok. Look, I am a Captain
of the Guardia Civil.
- Ok, wait one moment.
You'll soon feel better.
Paquito, go to bed.
- Sleep well. If god so wishes Paquito.
Good night father.
- Good night, turn off the
light in the hall, not like yesterday.
- Sure.
I probably should have
told the boy off.
- Why? What do you mean why?, look
at the time he's come home at.
He has me very concerned.
Something's wrong.
- At his age exercise
and more sun is
needed, but here, always raining, the only
thing he can do is go from bar to bar.
I hope he can achieve his degree, so he
can be accepted in the military academy.
There he'll become a man and
will have no more trouble.
Do you really believe
that's the solution?
- Of course, make no mistake.
Besides, young
people today have a
hard time finding work.
The army means a secure future.
Why did you two decide to shoot up?
- Money, girl.
- You'll see, just a bit of powder
equals three sniffed lines.
You go first.
- Alright give it here, tighten hard.
It sets my teeth on edge.
Leave it to me, I'll shoot you.
Well?, can you feel it?
The heart is going...
thump... thump... thump...
How is it?
Get ready. Your turn now.
I'm coming.
Who is it?
- Betty sends us.
Come in.
Cut, cut.
- Hi. Quickly, I'm working.
- Bye.
Well done boys. Great job.
- It wasn't very hard, you
have a good clientele.
We know what we're doing.
Pilar, fetch two beers for the boys.
- Alright.
And, what about our commission?
- Easy, take it easy.
Here you are. There's more than one gram.
This is very little.
- Hey come on, surely you've
stuck your fingernails in
the folds of the customers.
None of that Cojo, we're legit.
- Here are the beers,
they're not very cold.
I need to watch my interests
boys, I'm to be a father.
Ok, but keep in mind we
are very good dealers.
Let's see where
else you can find
sons of cops and politicians.
- You'll see, we'll do
great things together.
Just don't get too hooked.
That's bad news.
- Don't worry, we can control
ourselves, we're not stupid.
I'm going to shoot one up now.
- Me too.
What are you saying you
bitch?, you're about
to give birth and you
want to shoot up?
The baby won't come out if you keep up.
- I can't resist it.
You fool.
- Just a small one,
nothing's wrong with that.
I'm going to teach you a
lesson if you keep insisting.
Please bring the camomile.
- The bottle? Yes please.
Now everyone together, I'm
taking a photo. Get ready.
Hello? Hello mother how are you?
Everyone quiet, I can't hear.
Here we are, yes 18 years old.
He's now a man.
I'll put him on. Paco!, take the phone,
your grandmother wants to congratulate you.
How are you granny?
Thank you, of course I'm
studying, no, I don't
have a girlfriend yet.
Yes, I'd like to visit you
soon, maybe this summer.
And you, can't you come?
Alright don't exaggerate,
it can't be that bad.
Everything's calmer now.
Yes granny, thank you very much,
I'll pass you to my mother.
How are you? Yes I am ok, day by day, I
feel I'm much better. Yes, I have more
than enough encouragement.
What about yourself?, I can
imagine, that's great.
You have amazing memory, you
never forget anyone's birthday.
Very well, my regards and a hug to all.
I'll pass you to Evaristo.
Mother, the call will end up costing a lot.
Don't worry, we all take very
good care of eachother here.
Ok, pray if you like but
don't worry too much.
Look at the bags under Paco's eyes.
Yes, Paco you always have bags.
Don't be silly.
- Be quiet!, I can't hear anything!
So they've promoted Alfonso to general
?, where have they posted him?
Huesca?, nice post, I'll send him
a telegram congratulating him.
Can you hear me?,
the line's cut.
Sometimes I think the government
even controls our telephones.
Be careful Evaristo, you're drinking
too much and you're not used to it.
- Don't worry Eulalia,
it's the boy's birthday!
Come here Paco.
Come on!
- Yes, it will be great.
Wait there, you'll see what a
surprise Paco will give you.
Soon you'll grow a beard, and you'll be
able to leave a mustache as is proper.
- I already have a
few hairs here.
Few hairs, on the subject
of hair, I've noticed
you seem to scratch your
balls a lot lately.
What's up?, have you been messing around
with some whore that's given you lice?
Not at all. - Let's see, man to man,
how many have you had? - With none.
What do you mean?
Isn't it so easy these days?
- Maybe in Madrid, Bilbao...
There's nothing but tomboy's here.
The guys are faggots.
They only know how to stuff themselves
with food and wine. That's them.
Made pigs.
- I don't know. Look son.
I'm going to give you the same present my
father gave me on my eighteenth birthday.
- What present?
Buy you a prostitute.
- Sure, a good hooker, but
one of the expensive ones.
I want you to lose your virginity well.
- But...
Look in the newspaper
and find one you like.
- What's happening, for
when this surprise?,
we need to leave for school.
He's coming.
Paco hurry up.
These hairs need to be stretched
back a little.
You look untidy, come
on, go to the cupboard
and put it on.
We'll find some gel for
you in the meantime.
No, not there. the other one.
Attention!, I present
Captain Torrecuadrada!
Paco don't move, I'm going to take a photo.
Here he is, now a man.
Come on Paco, give your mother a kiss.
Oh it's you.
- I've got a job for you Betty.
But only if we go half half.
Well, don't you want to?,
- It's up to you.
It's been a long time since we haven't made
love, and now that your father's paying, I
don't know, I feel like it's a rip-off.
Your boy's taking his time.
It looks like Betty's doing a good job.
Well Betty's well served since
the boy takes after me!
The first hooker I had, no offense.
At the start she was very playful, 'how
cute', 'what a cute leg', 'who's going
to eat that which nobody's eaten yet'.
When I started, I didn't last very long.
Then after that, slowly,
I managed one and another,
another, another!
- Good heavens!
Let's say she was left quite lively!
But this isn't your boys' first
time, I could tell straight away.
- Be careful, sometimes
appearances can be deceptive!
I'm going to take this off since
it's unbearably hot in this place.
- The customers like
the heating high!
Look, there he is.
- Shall we leave? Let's go.
Have you payed the girl?
- Yes.
What do I owe you for the drinks?
- 5,000. If you prefer we accept visa.
No it's ok, here's a tip.
- Thanks darling, maybe
some time you could show
me a demonstration, you haven't lost
your touch over the years have you?
Let's go. But Paco?, what's wrong? -
Just a moment. - It must be dizziness.
The heating's up very high.
Girls, open the balcony
doors, let some air in.
- What's wrong with you Paco?
- Nothing nothing.
I've taken one drink too many.
- If you'd like to lay down a while.
No, we're leaving, it's ok I'm alright.
Are you sure you're alright?
- Yes, sure.
We don't want to scare your mother.
Watch out!
We have been informed that
it was the son of Captain
Torrecuadrada who through
an agile reflex managed
to save both his father's
life and his own.
Francisco Torrecuadrada, how old are you?
- I'm just 18.
How do you feel after such
a terrible incident?
- I don't know, well I feel
fear, nothing special.
Did you manage to see
the men in the car?
He's so high.
- I only saw the shots.
As a result of this incident
there have been various
political protests by
groups from the Basque
Country, the Abertzale
deputy politician Martn
Aramenda has made the
following declaration:
At this moment...
- Dad you're on TV!...
my party precisely because
of disagreements towards
armed struggle will
continue to work tirelessly
in favor of this
negotiating process.
I read in the newspaper that
the son of that captain...
studies at your same academy.
Do you know him?
Only by sight...
What a throat!, it doesn't stop yelling!
- It's born hooked. I'm not joking.
No shit. - Really, since Pilar hasn't
stopped shooting during pregnancy...
You can't imagine, the
doctor knew immediately.
Prenatal heroin addiction!
Good thing he's a trusted
Doctor otherwise...
Come on wake up!
Can't you hear the baby?
- Yes, it's just that I'm exhausted, It
didn't let me sleep a minute last night.
Alright Cojo give us the merchandise,
we've got to get going.
That's exactly what I wanted
to talk to you about.
- What's wrong?
Try and understand, Paco's
now famous, he's in
newspapers, on TV, all Bilbao
knows he's the son of
Captain Torrecuadrada.
A few angry clients
have already called me.
- If that's the way things are I can be the
one who gives face, I don't care. - I do.
Everybody knows you're friends,
they would be alarmed with you too.
- No way.
You'll have to stop for the time being.
I don't want to abandon
you, but I can't mess up.
Give me some paper to fix this up. -
You, where's the paper? - In the kitchen.
There you are.
It's finally stopped crying.
You bitch!
I told you not to do that!
- It won't shut up!, ever!,
I can't take it any more!,
my head's going to explode!
Don't you hear it?!
- This is all your fault!, explode
from heroin, see if I care!
This is all your fault!
Who got me in all this?!, who?!
See!, you need to
control yourselves!
- Cojo don't try and confuse us!, we
know you more than well. Let's go.
Paco!, wait.
Where are you going?
- Bye.
Mother are you ok?
- No. Isn't father with you?
No, he's on duty.
What's wrong mother?
- I can't take this pain any
longer, I just can't.
Have you had an injection?
Yes, but it doesn't seem to help.
I am waiting for
your father to return so
he can give me another.
Where does father keep the injections?
There, in the cupboard.
Did I hurt you?
- No, in the beginning the
injections used to hurt, but
now I almost enjoy them.
Yes, that happens.
When did you learn to give
injections?, you're good at it.
- Well, I can't remember, oh!,
actually on a lifeguard course.
Take care.
- Wait a moment, stay a while with me.
What's the matter Paco?
Nothing, why do you ask?
- For the last few months
you've not been yourself.
Well, I guess I'm growing up...
Does that scare you?, it does because
you don't want to be like your father.
No, I don't want to be like him.
Then tell him Paco.
Tell him once and for all.
- Yes, I'll probably end up
telling him, everything.
Excuse me mother, I'm
going to the bathroom.
I'll be right back.
Paco?, are you still awake?
- Yes. Is something wrong?
Mother was in pain.
Open up Paco.
Your mother tells me you
gave her an injection.
- Yes, she was in a lot of pain.
You only gave her one right?
Of course.
- It's very strange,
five vials are missing.
What's wrong with your arm?
- I could come up with any excuse, but what
for, sooner or later you
will have to find out.
- Find out about what?
The vials are in that box.
One of them is empty.
I just injected it.
But why?
Have you gone crazy?
I would have preferred heroin.
But you know, sometimes
you have to settle for
the next best thing.
I've been shooting up for a few months.
I'm a heroin addict.
You tell me like this? So relaxed?
How do you want me to tell you?
What's happening? - Eulalia go back to
bed. - I know what's wrong with the boy.
She knows? - No, she hasn't any idea.
- Paco doesn't want to be a soldier.
That's why he's been so distressed lately.
He didn't have the confidence to tell you.
- He's told me enough. He doesn't have
the dignity to wear this uniform.
We aren't talking
about that mother.
- Leave us alone Eulalia.
Let's go in the lounge.
I wish to speak with the boy in private.
How did you get into this?
Who taught you this addiction?
- No one. What do you mean no
body?, there must be someone.
Someone must have dealt you the drugs.
- Don't look for culprits.
What I need is your help.
But what the hell can be done to help you?
You can get anything you
want from a pharmacy.
- You don't expect me to...
If I shoot in small amounts,
I can slowly quit.
Bit by bit, until I
can manage to stop.
I can't stop all of a sudden.
The man who dealt me the
drugs doesn't want to
sell to me anymore.
I'm desperate, really father.
So there was someone who
sold you the drugs!
- I'd prefer to forget all of that, but...
Who is this individual!?
What does it matter...
- I asked you a question!
I'm telling you that from this moment
on you are no longer
speaking to your father,
yet with a captain
of the Civil Guard!
Tell me immediately who this person is!
- Fine!
I'm speaking with a captain
of the Civil Guard!, but
you're not speaking with a
snitch or an informant!
- Tell me the name
of this individual!
What are you going to do in
order for me to tell you?
Use the same method you
use down at the station?
- Idiot!
I told you to leave us to talk in private.
Return to your room immediately!
Well, do you prefer to tell me everything
now or at the police station!?
- Are you going to take me handcuffed?
If necessary I'll take you at gunpoint!
If you have the balls
shoot, because I'm
leaving this house right now.
- Don't move!
Evaristo for god's sake!
Paco, obey your father.
Don't be afraid mother,
we all know it's very
dangerous to run when the
Civil Guard says halt.
But I am his son.
Hey there hero!
- Fuck off!
What are you going to do?
- If you don't mind I'd like
to stay here for a while.
You may stay as long as you like.
But you know on what conditions.
No shooting up or deals with dealers.
Can you commit to that?
Don't worry, I'll get clean.
What I don't want is to go back home.
Or be out and about at the risk
of encountering my father.
Okay Torrecuadrada, your
son wouldn't have gotten
into this unless someone
would have led him.
But keep in mind me must
address this cautiously.
It wouldn't be appropriate if this
were to turn in to a scandal.
Take in to account your
son has appeared famously
in the headlines these
last few weeks, as a hero.
- I am the first one interested in
keeping me and my family's honour, but
we cannot consent these corrupters
to continue operating with impunity.
No matter how they are
protected by democratic laws!
- Careful, careful.
Don't get too sticky,
you know the socialist
government does its best
to get along well with us.
The ministry of home affairs spends
its day praising us and Felipe
Gonzlez as well. Things are much
better than with Franco. - Yes.
But that's just because of fear.
Nothing else.
Anyhow, what concerns me the
most at the moment is my son.
I want him to come home. And to find those
people who've corrupted him into this.
We can both agree on that.
Look, I'm going to introduce
you to Lieutenant Alcntara.
He's been working in narcotics for
years and knows that world well.
Did you bring your sons photo?
- Yes.
Here you are.
The Colonel explained to you
that we must be very cautious.
We'd best avoid any scandal.
- Of course, I'll interrogate a
few youngsters, they'll give
us the leads we need.
Will you show them my sons photo?
Don't worry Captain, the youngsters I know
have learned to keep their mouths shut.
- Anyway I would like to be
present for questioning.
You don't mind right Lieutenant?
Of course not Captain.
Well, know him?
- No, I don't know him.
Are you sure? Look well.
Yes, not at all. I don't know him.
Let's now talk seriously.
Don't make me lose my patience.
Don't look at me!
You sold him the drugs right!?
- No. But you do know who did right?
I know nothing I swear!, I
swear!, I know nothing.
It seems unbelievable, I
considered you a good boy.
You're going to make me angry!
Where can we find that boy?
- I don't know, I haven't seen
him for ages. But you know
him perfectly well correct?
I already told you yes, but...
- You know him because you sold
him drugs!, isn't that so?
No. I never sold him anything.
- Then tell me who did. I would if I knew.
But I don't fucking know.
Juanra, talk with Juanra.
- With who? Juanra Ramrez.
You already know him.
- Sure, sure I do. Let's go.
How's it going Juanra?
- Please Alcntara, release me.
Desperately in need are we?
Let me leave, I haven't
done anything wrong.
- We can still hold
you for another
twenty four hours, and up to ten days if
we charge you with the antiterrorism law.
But why? I can't tell you anything,
it's been ages since I've seen
the cops son, I mean, Paco.
That's the name everyone knows him by.
Look, pure heroin. Straight from Thailand.
I believe you don't know where he's hiding,
but you do know who sold him drugs.
- He went often to Baracaldo,
to Cojo's house.
El Cojo?
- Yes. You're not lying are you?
No! No way.
- Do you wish to ask him
anything else Captain?
I am going to release you.
If you dare to mention what you've spoken
about here with us, you'll pay.
- Yes lieutenant, don't worry.
Who is this 'Cojo'?
- Captain, El Cojo and his
wife are well known to us.
Then why didn't you bring
them in for questioning?
We didn't deem it necessary.
- Well I don't understand, if this
person is such a notorious dealer
why he wasn't brought in.
Take responsibility
Captain, El Cojo and his
people are trustworthy.
I understand Lieutenant.
Anyhow I wish for them to
be questioned immediately.
He was always with Urko.
He'll certainly know where to find him.
- Who is that?
He's Martn Aramenda's son.
- Martn Aramenda? Yes, the politician.
Paco is involved with
Aramenda's son?
- Yes, they are good
friends, always together.
Does that boy also take drugs?
Of course!, and plenty of it.
- Surely Urko will know where he is.
May we go now?, we've left our
baby with a neighbour and...
- Okay you can leave, but pay attention,
we may be needing more details.
As you wish Lieutenant.
- And be careful, I don't
want you to have any more
contact with my son. Don't make me
personally have to blow your brains out.
Take it easy Captain,
Lieutenant Alcntara knows well
that on more than one occasion
we've been very useful.
- That's what makes me
feel sick, that people
like you can be useful
to the Civil Guard.
Go on leave.
Well couple!, was it a boy or a girl?
- Boy. And well yes?
Yes, thanks.
- Take care! Bye.
See you!
- Bye.
Well Captain what now?
Should we bring in Aramenda's son?
- Yes, of course. That could complicate
things a little don't you think?
I don't care.
- In cases like these it's
best to use another method.
- Which method do you mean?
Well, two or three experienced
men in civilian clothes go out
and find the boy, then take him
to a discrete location and use
the only efficient procedure to make him talk.
Naturally those
men will never identify themselves
or jeopardize the body.
I don't like that method.
Yes it's true, I see no reason to deny it.
I'm a good friend of Pacos,
and was certain sooner or later
I was going to be brought here.
How come you were so sure?
- It's just well, many people
say they're being arrested and
asked about Paco.
Apparently those youngsters
aren't as discrete as
you thought Lieutenant.
What are they saying?
- Well that they've been beaten up.
But they couldn't
say anything because they don't have
any idea as to where Paco's hiding.
But you know where he is right?
- No, I don't know.
Come in.
- At your command, sir.
Excuse me Captain, Martn
Aramenda is outside.
He wishes to speak with you at once.
Tell him to come in.
Follow me please.
It's that son of a bitch
right?, Martn Aramenda.
- Yes, what the hell
is he doing here.
Stop beating around the bush and
tell me why you've detained my son.
What is he accused of?
What has he done?
Would you mind rolling
up your sleeves?
Come on. I want your
father to see your arms.
Look, scars from the needle.
Your son is a heroin addict.
- What are you saying?
Us fathers are always the
last ones to find out.
What is this?
Come on, tell me what this is from.
Why are you so quiet.
Is it true what they are saying?
We can fill you in as to every
detail Mister Aramenda.
Your son has been addicted
to heroin for months.
- But, how did he buy it?
He never has any money.
In lack of money,
they chose to deal.
Yes, deal.
- I can see you accuse
him of serious crimes,
but I advise you I am
prepared to defend my son!
I understand you. I also defend my son.
That is the reason behind
this unpleasant reunion.
- What do you mean? It seems your son
and mine are the best of friends.
They're classmates from the academy.
But from what I understand,
they've only seen eachother.
Isn't it so Urko?
- No father.
Paco and me are good friends.
Such good friends that they've been
shooting up heroin together for months.
I believe mister Aramenda that
you and I should speak privately.
- Fine, but only when it's
not in such premises.
It's best no one finds out about this.
- Yes, it's obvious we both wish to
avoid any scandal. But at the moment
you've mobilized the whole Civil Guard.
I had no other option,
my son has disappeared
and I have to find
him any way I can.
That's why I questioned your son.
- What did Urko tell you?
That he knows nothing,
but I'm sure he's lying.
If you could talk
to him perhaps...
- I'm sorry but don't count on me for that.
I know your kind hate us...
- but I hoped you could be able to
distinguish my feelings from my uniform.
Why on earth do you ask
me to distinguish when
you are not even capable
of doing so yourself.
If you want to find your
son look for him, but
on your own, and leave
your hat at the station.
Sir, we've been trying to
contact you for hours.
- What's wrong?
Eulalia isn't well.
And the girls?
- They're with her in the bedroom.
Hi. How are you Eulalia?
- Tell the girls to go
and have dinner, they
won't listen to me. Come on girls go
and eat, I'll stay with your mother.
Close the door.
Have you found Paco?
- Not yet.
But I don't think I'll take long.
You're going to try and
understand him yes?
- Of course. I will do
everything possible to help him.
Find him please. Find him soon.
Do you recognize this boy?
- No.
Hey, that guy's a Captain
of the Civil Guard.
That's Pacos' father he's a Civil
Guard let's get out of here.
Looking for someone?
Maybe I can help you,
Captain Torrecuadrada.
You know me?
- Through references. Please sit down.
It seems everyone knows me around here.
- Well yes. But I've got no reason
to run away like the rest.
Perhaps because you have nothing to hide.
Well the truth is I do hide something.
Something important.
- What is it you hide?
Your son.
Tell me where he is at once!
- I won't tell you Captain Torrecuadrada.
What is this, a provocation?
What do you intend?
I intend to simply calm you down.
Paco is very well, he's completely clean.
Are you certain?
- Yes, absolutely.
If you see Paco tell him his mother is
about to die, and wishes to see him.
Good. I'll tell him tonight when I see him.
I know he's worried about her, but don't
follow me, or arrange for someone else to,
you'll make a serious mistake Captain.
I'll stay there until my mother dies.
- And afterwards? Leave Bilbao.
I want a change of environment.
Besides, this isn't my land.
- This land belongs to all those
who desire to live in it.
It's really raining, could
you lend me an umbrella?
- Over there take it.
Yes Mikel, I have to leave.
It's the only way to
break away from everything.
- Sure, break away.
I don't want to break
away from you.
But you know I can never
correspond to what you feel.
I don't mean to be cocky.
- Well well, there's no
need to be like that.
I just hope before you leave
you can come and say goodbye.
You have to return the umbrella.
Yes Mikel, I will.
May I come in?
- Come in son.
Your mother is waiting for you.
I've finally managed to
get the girls to sleep.
Poor girls, how hard
this must be for them.
Are you not going to sleep?
- No, I don't think I'll be able to.
I'd like to stay and talk with you a while.
If you want.
It's funny, these last few
weeks I've been so concerned
about you that I almost
forgot she was about to die.
I'm sorry my problems have
complicated everything for you.
That's why it's a priority
for me to leave Bilbao.
- Leave?
That night you told me I didn't have enough
dignity to wear a uniform. Remember?
The truth is I've never wanted to wear it.
I've changed a lot since that night.
Before I was very
assured, everything was clear.
The sense of honour,
the pride of belonging
to the Civil Guard, my
obligations as a father,
but now all of a sudden...
I don't know, I doubt everything.
Was it so hard to acknowledge
your son as a heroin addict?
- No, not just that.
Don't go Paco.
Stay with your sisters and me.
I've requested a transfer
and soon we can all leave.
No father. I wish to leave now.
- At least wait a few months.
I know you're an adult
now and you can do whatever you like, but
on this occasion, I am saying please.
Please don't leave again.
Fine. I'll wait a few months.
You look great Urko!
- I already told you on
the phone I was clean!
I couldn't believe it!
Neither could I about you!
- Well now we're like new again.
Was it very hard for you to clean up?
Yes, terribly. You?
- Yes, but it's all over now.
Urko?, are you not going
to play any more or what?
- I'm coming, I'm coming.
Wait, well be finished soon.
Wait for them too?
- No way, we can go by ourselves.
Hey, bring me a glass of water.
- Sure.
What are you going to do?
- Can't you see?
I'm going to prepare a shot.
Urko, we'll get dressed and leave right?
- Why such a hurry.
Hi. - Well Urko, where did
you leave the cop's son?
Are you no longer friends or what?
I want to buy five bucks of heroin.
I thought you were clean.
- You didn't last long.
Stop messing around will
you sell it to me or not?
- Alright man don't get mad, I've got a
quarter but it's 6 bucks. It's good right?
Of course. - Damn. This is a quarter?
Be yourself, if you're not interested...
Did you get it? Come on.
Damn, there's almost none left.
- Yes. How many shots have you had?
The same as you.
- No way you've shot way more than me.
Shut up.
What do you mean shut up do you
think I'm stupid or what?
I've got to do everything because you're
the cop's son and nobody can see you.
- For me you can fuck off, I
don't need you for anything.
You can fuck off with your faggot
friend that helps you so much.
Are you hurt?
- No, it's nothing. Sure?
Yes, I'm fine.
Shit, the paper?
- I thought you had it. It's gone.
Let's look for it.
Here it is.
It's all gone.
We're such idiots.
- Yes. I'm sorry it was all my fault.
No, it's just bad luck.
- We can't go on like this Urko.
No but, we already tried to get clean
once and look where it's gotten us.
That's it. We have to
confront things as they are.
- What do you intend on doing?
Tonight my father's eating at a friends.
He'll be late.
The worst of all is not the
fact they've left home,
but that they have a gun
and plenty of munition.
Do you know if your son has
stolen any weapon from you?
- There have been no firearms
in my house for a long time.
Well the danger is that they at the
least have one. We have to find
them before they do something crazy.
- Of course. Where do we start?
The last time Paco ran
away, there was a
strange individual who
happened to know where
he was, blonde, a big
nose, and frog like eyes.
- I believe I know
who you refer to.
The sculptor Mikel Orbea.
I recall now that Urko told me there was a
possibility Paco was taking
refuge at his house.
- Do you know him?
Yes, he's a well known artist
and a supporter of my party.
Gee!, what a surprise. - Where are
Urko and Paco? - I have no idea.
They've ran away from home,
certainly you know something.
- Can we come in?
Wow, I never could have
imagined Martn Aramenda
coming to question me
accompanied by a Captain
of the Civil Guard.
Apparently when it comes
to defense of the family
anything's possible.
Please Mikel, don't be silly...
we need your help.
- Come on Martn, the Captain
doesn't understand Basque.
We can't be rude with
the collaborators.
- Stop messing around and
tell us where they are.
I've already told
you I don't know.
Do you mind if we take a look around?
- Yes, I do mind.
Friends of mine.
We were having a nice time, before
you came and spoiled the party.
- So, you enjoy yourself with boys.
That's right.
Hadn't you explained to the Captain
the fact that I'm a faggot?
Now you know, I'm a faggot.
- What did you do with Paco!?
Where do you know him from!?
Calm yourself Captain,
you're not at the station.
I advise you as well to not pull
your gun out here neither, things
may get difficult.
Don't you think so Martn?
- It's best we leave.
Yes. - We must continue searching for them.
Mikel, please, if you are made
aware of anything please contact me.
They could get in to big trouble.
They have a...
- Don't tell him anything!
We can't trust this guy.
- The captain is right.
Don't tell me anything, guys like me...
will never have the pleasure
of trust by the Civil Guard.
Who were they?
Nobodies, two despicable individuals.
I can't believe this, I
thought you were both clean.
- You know that's not so easy.
Don't come crying to us.
We don't want problems
with Pacos father.
He's got quite a temper.
- It's amazing that you're
afraid because of that,
considering the relationship
you have with the Civil Guard.
No more jokes.
Why have you come?, what do you want?
- We've come to hold you up and
take all the heroin you've got.
Come on Paco, did you get
that toy from your father?
- Ask no questions and give
over all the powder you've got.
Do what they're saying, they're
desperate and capable of anything.
- Yes, look at my hands
trembling, dangerous,
thinking of how easy it
is to pull the trigger.
Alright man, easy.
You're in luck, almost 100 grams.
First class stuff too.
At your command, Captain.
- Alcntara, what are you doing round here?
Do you know yet?
Know what?
- El Cojo and his wife.
Yes, of course.
I just heard it on the radio.
ETA apparently right?
- May we speak in private?
Well, let's go to my office.
Go ahead.
Look Captain...
we've done a ballistic analysis of the
shells found at El Cojo's apartment.
- What's been found? That they correspond
to the munition issued to the Civil Guard.
Well, it's not that strange.
Terrorists have robbed
many arms from our men.
Please allow me to ask
you a direct question.
Is your son well
controlled Captain?
- Absolutely, since he's returned
home, there have been no problems...
Anyhow, how dare you ask
me such a question?
- According to the
reports made by certain
witnesses, after the shots
were heard two young
boys were seen hurriedly
exiting the building...
one of them was blonde
and with curly hair.
There are thousands of
youngsters with such features.
Yes, sure.
I can see Lieutenant
that you are affected by
the deaths of such
valuable collaborators,
but don't worry, I am
responsible for my son.
- Please understand Captain...
I have lots of work to do Alcntara.
You may leave.
At your command Captain.
Martn, you have a call...
Haven't you explained I'm busy?
Sure, but he says to tell
you it's doctor Torres...
Please excuse me.
I'm afraid the boys may be implicated
in an extremely serious matter...
over the phone I
can't reveal much more.
Yes, we must see eachother right away.
- In fifteen minutes then.
I'm sorry but I must leave, I may
be away some time. Anyhow, this
afternoon you're due in parliament.
- I don't think I'll be able to...
what's wrong?, are you got
trouble with your son again?
- I apologize, but at the moment
I can't explain anything.
It's likely I will be obliged
to turn in my resignation soon.
Gee, look at you two, why don't you go
out for some air? You've been shooting
up non stop for four days now, you're
going to kill yourselves at this rate.
Maybe some music will
liven you up a little.
Another one?
He's dead.
What can we do?
Don't leave Paco! Don't leave me alone...
Mister Aramenda, I would like
express my sincere condolences...
- Don't say anything Captain,
I appreciate you coming.
Please, wait for me outside.
Leave us alone, and may no one disturb us.
I've spoken with the forensic,
although a full autopsy is yet to
be made it seems clear your
son died from an overdose.
- Yes...
this is what I've also been told.
The reports made by that girl don't seem
very compromising, apart from the fact
that they were apparently at her house for
a number of days. Injecting non stop...
I'm sure they got the drugs from that
dealer duo who they killed themselves.
- You have told no one that
your son stole your gun right?
Not yet...
But I can't continue hiding it, I am
committing a serious misdemeanor.
No one can enter here.
- I am Captain Torrecuadrada's son.
Yeah right...
Let him come in.
It wasn't my fault, I would
have helped to avoid it but...
- I know, but how can you not
be to blame for anything.
Damn Urko, we've gone way too far...
but always together...
I don't understand why this
time you've gone for it alone.
How many deaths we have in
our lives Captain...
so many.
Where's my gun?
How many bullets are missing?
- Two.
That leaves five.
More than enough to shoot you, and myself.
It would be a heroic way
to exclaim one's honour.
Aren't you afraid?
- No...
I prefer you shooting me
than putting me in jail.
Where are the drugs you stole?
Here, there's almost 90 grams.
And this rubbish can destroy a life?
- You mean the powder?, or the hat?
Very funny...
here is all the evidence that can
be used against you...
the murder weapon...
and the loot of the robbery...