Picture This (2008)

MANDY: My world was divided into
two kingdoms.
There was Camelot,
and then there was where I lived.
MAN: Stay behind the red line
until you are clear.
MAN: Only those with work visas for
Camelot will be allowed to pass.
MANDY: Which we call Nottingham,
as in not gated, not rich,
not popular, not cool.
They didn't let us into their kingdom
and they'd rarely sully themselves
by venturing into ours.
On the day before my 18th birthday,
a terrible thought drifted into my head.
What if I remained a crusty nobody
for what little remained
of my high school life?
were in the hottie or high hottie bracket,
and most of the guys looked like
they wandered out
of an Abercrombie & Fitch catalog.
And then there is Drew Patterson.
l have been secretly in love with him
since seventh grade.
All I wanted was for him
to just simply acknowledge me.
To just say my name.
But for that to happen,
for me to finish this march through hell
they called high school
and go out with style, I needed skills.
I needed my Excalibur.
WOMAN: Information is power.
MANDY: The video phone.
With such a weapon in hand, I might just
have a chance at becoming a somebody.
There's just one hideous criminal
mastermind standing in my way.
Mandy, 7:22. Gonna be late.
MANDY: My mom died when I was four.
And even though he loves me,
Dad had issues about letting go.
TOM: You want to make some kind of noise
so I know you're all right?
It's your birthday tomorrow, isn't it?
May have got a few surprises
up my sleeve.
-ALEXA: Mandy.
What? Hello?
-I can't hear you.
Okay, I can't talk now.
I hope you know how much
I seriously need a new phone.
I can't even begin to scheme or spy
or conspire like everyone else.
It's such a burn. I'm in high school.
-I need survival skills.
-Kitten, I...
I am socially handicapped with this relic.
I can't even send or receive
pictures or video.
And can you possibly
stop calling me kitten?
-I'm gonna be 18 years, not months.
Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it,
don't say it, don't say it, don't say it.
Bye, kitten.
-Have you seen Drew yet?
-No, not yet.
He must have been a great warrior
or a king in a past lifetime.
I could write a thousand songs about him
and I'd just be scratching the surface.
Mandy, he's right behind you.
BOY: What's up, Drew?
Good morning, Drew.
Hey, there.
Check it out.
It's kind of cute in a pathetic way.
Poor thing. Salivating over my Drew.
So sad, knowing her whole life
she'll never know a hunk.
You're mine.
I can't believe you did that.
Why didn't I think of it?
LISA: Check it out,
granny panties up ahead.
This is Lisa Cross reporting live
for the fashion challenged.
Nice girdle, Granny.
So you'll keep remembering me
Better take a look at what you had
Better figure out something the next time
When you keep remembering me
Evil One's cruelty knows no bounds.
Your ass is on every phone in school.
Forget about him, Mandy,
he's not only dating the Antichrist,
but he's upper crust.
And we are trying to claw our way up
to the middle-class.
He lives in a gated community.
We live in a dated community.
Mandy, are you even listening to me?
I don't care what you guys say.
I'm gonna get Drew to notice me.
The swim team? That's your plan to get
the Adonis of high school to notice you?
You look like a whole new species.
Maybe someone from
the Discovery Channel will notice you.
Okay, the boys practice after sixth period
in pool one, the girls, pool two.
It's at least a shot.
I think you actually enjoy being a klutz,
because you know how much happiness
it brings to others.
Are you all right, Mandy?
My name. You said my name.
Your hands...
Though tingly, maybe inappropriately
placed while we're on school property.
I can't believe Drew actually noticed me.
You were dying.
You were going into the light at his feet.
Well, it's a start.
Tell Mandy to hide, Lisa's here.
She's toxic.
She'll put a curse on her or something.
In junior high,
I heard she made it rain toads.
Alexa, what a pretty smock
and a name tag.
Very red state.
-Mandy's not here right now in case you...
-I already saw her.
You need to work on your lying.
It's a vital social skill.
I didn't know frizzy hair was back in.
Must be so humbling.
Schlepping dog food around
for minimum wage.
You are such an inspiration.
Where are the dog collars?
(WHISPERING) Drew lost his.
Aisle four.
You know what she's doing, don't you?
She's trying to not so subtly show Drew
you're just a lowly shop girl.
It's okay, I'm not ashamed
of being a shop girl.
And caring for animals is not lowly.
Sorry about Lisa
and her superiority complex.
How you feeling?
Great. Thanks again for saving my life.
You're welcome.
So, you've got a thing for animals?
Yeah, although Homo sapiens
can be difficult.
I'm going to UCSB for zoology
and then I'm gonna be a vet.
-How about you?
-USC, business school.
The acorn doesn't fall far
from the tree and all that.
Cool, follow your dream and all that.
It's not my dream.
Maybe you can help me.
My cat Andy's been feeling really funky.
Well, is his tummy pouched out, bloated?
Because if it is, he probably has worms.
You might want to try this.
Six drops in every meal.
Thanks, doc.
Maybe I'll see you around?
Yeah, maybe.
Where might you see me around,
around where?
I don't know.
The commons, tomorrow after school?
See you.
Freshman varsity football,
basketball, swim team.
Voted best hair, best eyes, best kisser.
Drew Patterson
at the commons tomorrow.
Who am I kidding?
I'm so not ready for this.
TOM: Mandy, do you want some breakfast?
Do you like it?
Are you kidding? I love it!
Yeah, I got one, too.
-Oh, my gosh. Thanks, Daddy.
-Happy birthday, kitten.
Now we can stay in contact 24/7.
It's gonna be great, right?
Yeah, yeah, it'll be cool.
Here, make a mean face.
You have your own special ring tone.
All right, gift number two.
Somebody, I think, asked for...
Contacts? Oh, my gosh.
You have got to be kidding.
Yes, I'm not sure why you need them.
You're already too beautiful.
In fact, promise me you're not gonna go
hang out with the delinquents at the lake.
Dad. Okay, I won't. I promise.
I cannot wait
to show Alexa and Cayenne this.
Oh, my gosh. Dad, you're the best.
And I'm going to the commons
right after school.
Okay, okay. Hey, wait, wait, wait.
There's one more birthday surprise,
perhaps the bestest.
You know how you've been talking
about going away to school, right?
Well, I think I may have found
the perfect compromise.
I've been working on this for a long time.
It's a duplex in Ventura.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can commute
to UCSB. I can get to work.
It's the same distance,
I'll show you on the computer.
Anyways, I'm down here in this level and
you have this whole top floor to yourself.
Those two apartments are so close.
Just like you and me. It's perfect.
Hey, kitten, don't forget to floss.
I couIdn't very well tell him
that the concept was only
slightly less terrifying
than being buried alive.
Especially after he just bought me
this massively cool phone.
You are officially out of the Stone Age.
You've evolved.
So, the plan is we find a suitable place
for me to hang and be irresistibly alluring.
And when we see him,
we casually blurt out,
''We know where
a certain sex goddess is.''
Battle stations.
-WAITRESS: Here you go.
CAYENNE: What if he's just playing her?
I mean, forgive me for feeling like
some teenage male as fresh as Drew
might be a tad insincere,
but I don't want Mandy to get hurt.
And I keep schooling you,
listen to the songs.
They tell all. People want to get hurt.
They're just begging
to get their hearts broken.
What's up? Have you guys seen Mandy?
Oh. Um...
Hi, Drew.
-ALEXA: Mandy?
Alexa, speak. Use your words.
-At Jalapeno's.
-Jalapeno's, great. Thanks.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Mouth's burning.
I need water, I need water. I need water!
Guzzling right from the bev bar.
That is so Hercules.
Well, we all have our special talents.
Do you want a drink?
I could get you a beverage receptacle.
A cup would be awesome.
You know something funny?
Some guys actually try out
for the boys' team,
'cause the girls practice
in the pool next door.
They think they'll notice them
or something.
(LAUGHS ) Wow.
That's a really doofus move. Lame.
-I like your laugh.
God, Lisa hardly ever laughs.
She's got a burning scream, though.
And when does she...
I mean, how do you know?
Oh! Uh...
Delete that, I so don't want to know
unsavory details.
Scary movies.
She screams at scary movies.
Scary movies.
-The new video phone?
Wow. Who's this scary dude?
-That's my dad.
-Wow. Okay.
-Big Father's watching you.
Look, do you want to hang out?
Well, what about Lisa?
Lisa doesn't own me.
She just thinks she does.
We're having a kick-back.
Meet me at the lake in 20?
Sure, 20.
At the lake.
-Hey, sis.
Hey, Peyton. How you doing, buddy?
Good to... Why does he run
to the other room every single time?
Because he knows you, you know.
Children sense things.
And he senses that you're so busy being
controlling and overbearing with Mandy,
you don't have time to bond
with your own nephew.
I think that's unfair and judgmental.
You know, once Mandy goes off to college,
you won't be needing stuff in bulk
like this anymore,
but you might just need a certain nephew
to help you fill the void.
There's not gonna be a void. Oh, no.
Perhaps you haven't really embraced
the concept of the plex.
You see, and let me explain this again...
God, you can't be serious
about this duplex thing.
I'm very serious. And look at this.
I got one for Mandy and myself.
We each have one.
So no matter where she goes,
no matter what she does,
no matter who she's doing it with,
I'm right there with her the whole time.
How genius is that?
-And you think that's a good thing?
God, she's not a little girl anymore,
she's a woman, Tom.
-This is the time where you need to
-learn to let go, not hold on tighter.
-I know that.
What, you think I don't know that?
No, you don't.
Just having fun with my day in the sun
Taking off with the wind in my hair
Make no plans, I have no...
-Hey, have you seen Drew?
-Do you mind?
Sorry, I can't hear you.
Some idiot's talking to me.
-Hey, where are you?
-To your left, I'll come to you.
It's time to take
the training wheels off, kiddo.
Lisa, sweetie.
We have a serious 911 situation
on our hands.
That's me, I'm unstoppable
I've been wanting to ask you something.
Why did you want to hang out with me?
-I'm not really one of you people.
-You people?
No, no, no.
I just meant, objectively speaking.
I'm not really your type,
you know, whatsoever.
I'm not exactly a prom queen or anything.
maybe I dig you because
you're not like everybody else.
And I feel like I can be myself around you.
And I like your eyes.
Does a guy really have to explain
why he thinks a girl's hot?
-You think I'm hot?
I swear I'm gonna hurl.
I think it's Mandy's. She dropped it.
And that looks like a parental unit.
Hello? Who am I speaking to?
This is Mandy's father.
Who am I speaking to?
It's Mandy's father.
Well, you're in luck.
I think your little angel's
around here somewhere.
Mandy, it's for you, sweetie.
TOM: Hello, Mandy? Hello? Mandy, hello?
-Yeah, hi. Where are you?
The commons.
Really? Show me.
Excuse me?
Mandy, I need you to show me a picture
with your phone of the commons.
I love what they've done with the place.
I'll see you at home in 10 minutes.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Sorry, I have to go.
It was really nice knowing you.
-I hope you can make it to my funeral.
-Wait. Look.
Saturday night, I'm having this party and
I was wondering if you wanted to come.
I'll leave your name at the gate.
-Wait, are you...
-Asking you out?
Mandy, will you go out with me?
To your party?
I mean, the biggest, most glamorous,
important party of the year?
-With you?
So you'll come?
I mean, what could possibly stop you?
You're grounded.
No! No, no, no. Dad, Dad, Dad. Wait. Okay.
You don't understand.
I can't be grounded, okay?
Okay, do you not get it?
Dad, he is like the hottest guy in school
and he asked me to his party
this weekend, Dad.
Dad, it is Drew Patterson.
Drew Patterson, right. He's the rabid
primate that was groping you.
It's amazing how you can watch
these videos over and over and over.
Dad, we are not bonding here.
The problem, Mandy, is that this is just
another example of how you don't listen.
As a matter of fact,
you're double-grounded.
-I'm sorry, did I say double?
'Cause I meant triple.
Yeah, 'cause you can't go out, you can't
use your phone and you can't watch TV.
Or use your computer.
That's four things.
Shall we go for five?
MANDY: Trapped, a prisoner in
my own home.
The only thing that keeps me going
is the dream.
Call me.
Mandy, you want some breakfast?
Just slide it under the door
like all the other prisoners.
What's that noise?
My electric tooth brush.
I'm brushing my teeth.
Hey, the drops worked.
My cat Andy is totally cool now, thanks.
Check out my page
on the Living Scrapbook website, okay?
-You are coming tonight, aren't you?
Of course you are.
I'm gonna grab some sick music.
-I'll see you tonight.
You all right? I'm not deaf, you know.
I hear sounds.
Conversations on the phone.
Grounded, come on.
Dad, is it possible that you're overreacting
with far too much aggression
to such a minor transgression?
Why, no, Alexa, she can't speak with you
because she's grounded.
Not sure you got the memo.
-No, I'm not insane.
-Yes, you are.
No, no, I'm sure it's an emergency.
It's just that she's grounded.
That's why she can't talk to you.
Yeah, when you don't listen.
I'll take this, Miss Consequences.
Breakfast, on the other hand, is out here,
in case you want it.
Grounded. I can't believe I'm grounded.
What am I going to do?
I need a sign.
My Magic 8 Ball.
Magic 8 Ball, keeper of all wisdom,
speak to me in my time of need.
I've heard the siren song
of a hot teenage male.
Is it my destiny to boldly venture forth
to this party tonight?
Let me try that again.
But, of course.
And I'll beat you
'Cause I'm awesome
-I'm a leader, I'm a winner
-I'm a leader, I'm a winner
-And I'm cleaner
-And I'm cleaner
-'Cause I'm awesome
-'Cause I'm awesome
-I don't need you
-I don't need you
-'Cause I'm neat-o
-'Cause I'm neat-o
-And I'll beat you
-And I'll beat you
'Cause I'm awesome, uh-huh!
-Dad, I was just wondering...
-The answer's no.
I guess there is a first time for everything.
Even a D minus.
I'm sorry, what?
-Now he listens.
Okay, Dad. I have a totally for-real
legitimate homework 911 crisis.
I have to go to Alexa's house
to study history and econ.
We have finals.
So you expect me to believe that
on the night of this wildly important party,
you're gonna go out,
but you're gonna study at Alexa's.
When life hands me a lemon,
that's you,
I make lemonade,
by studying hard, so I can get
good grades to get into a good school
and become
a productive member of society.
Yeah, the lemon's not really buying that.
It's fine. I understand.
You don't trust me.
And even though that eviscerates
my very well-being, it's fine.
I'll just stay here and wallow in despair.
Probably scar myself for life,
but don't worry, okay?
-I'm sure eventually, I'll forgive you,
by the time
you start collecting social security.
But seriously, I have to study.
Let me ask you this,
will Alexa's mom be there?
So we'd have genuine authentic
adult supervision.
All right, I'm gonna say okay.
But there are some rules.
First of all, you can have your phone back.
That's exciting.
But you're not allowed to make any calls.
In fact, you're not allowed to receive
any calls, other than from me.
And I'm gonna be calling every half hour.
You know, just to make sure
everything's going well with the studies.
Thanks, Dad. I really appreciate you
trusting me so much
-you're putting me under phone arrest.
You've given a whole new meaning
to the term cell phone.
And don't worry, I don't need the car.
I can just walk.
It's not like the hills are crawling
with low-lifes or escaped mental patients,
convicts and gangsters
with guns and knives.
Please take the car,
I wouldn't have it any other way.
Okay, if you insist.
But I need you to know
that I'm not really a monster.
It's just that other than love,
the most important thing
between a daughter and father is trust.
Of course, Dad. And I want to trust you.
Seriously, one more deception,
you're staying here. There's no UCSB.
You're gonna live here
and you're gonna go to junior college.
Study well.
I thought you said she was grounded.
BLAIR: Well, that's what
Teddy heard from Buck's sister.
They have a friend
who's in Cayenne's Spanish class.
That's great intel, guys.
LISA: What is she doing?
Why does she have a backpack?
-What's in her backpack?
No one carries books in a backpack.
That little wench is up to something.
Loving it all, I've got it made
Now I'm the one who is ashamed
I had her heart
It was in my hands
She didn't take her backpack.
You're here. It's a prison break.
If only.
You know those electronic cuffs
they put on criminals' ankles?
This is worse.
My dad's gonna call every half hour
to check in on me.
Nail scissors.
No, thanks. I'm fine.
Get me nail scissors.
Pay attention. You might learn something.
Your father is Big Brother
and he's watching you.
My one shot at
high school nirvana is blown.
What are you watching?
Just reliving my glory year.
Ninth grade, the talent show.
Cayenne and I rocked the house.
It's been all downhill since then.
That is so not true.
If anything, you've gotten better.
I've seen you play like a thousand times.
You could so be
a big glamorous star right now.
Yeah, except for the minor detail
of my vocal cords freezing,
the panic attacks and
the projectile vomiting
if I set foot on stage.
-Hey, guys.
Alexa, do you have anything I can eat?
What, the Twinkies and the Skittles
aren't gonna hold you?
DANNY: So this Mandy Gilbert girl...
BOY: She's got some sweet boobsicles.
No wonder Drew's trying...
DANNY: Yeah, but she's not
girlfriend material.
He's just gonna do her and drop her.
You know, hit and run.
BOY: Yeah. Strictly a hump and dump.
And then rush her out.
Hit and run?
Hump and dump? Rush her?
Where did you find this?s
Melissa Gilcrest was
under the bleachers at school.
She just sent it to me, but...
Okay, I kept asking myself, you know,
what would a fly guy like Drew
want with our dear sweet Mandy?
And then it hit me.
The ritual sacrifice.
What are you saying?
Drew Patterson is an Aztec?
Definitely a descendant.
Because every year at the Patterson bash,
a Patterson boy
takes a girl up to the tower
where he deflowers them in the shower.
Okay. Drew is no different.
He's gonna be just like his big brothers.
That whole thing is stupid gossip.
It's more than gossip. It's a rumor.
I say we tell her.
I say you keep your mouth shut
and let her dream.
Guys, it's 5:28.
We've only got two minutes
until my dad calls,
and I promised him
your mom would be here. Where is she?
AA meeting. And then she's meeting
Jennifer for a drink.
Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.
Home movies.
Do you have any home movies
of your mom?
I don't know. She hates being videotaped.
Come on, you have to have something.
He's gonna call any minute.
-What the hell is that?
-I got a million videotapes around here.
-Hey, Dad.
-Hey, Mandy, just checking in.
What you doing?
ALEXA: '91, no. '94, no.
Reading 1984.
Yeah, I'm right at the part where
Winston is about to go stark raving mad.
You know, because he can't escape
the relentless, meddling, intrusive gaze
of Big Brother.
Oh, my God. Our first talent show.
Hey, what's that?
ALEXA: We'll watch it.
There are boys there?
-Guys. Guys.
-Okay. Perfect.
Dad, no. There's no boys here.
And Alexa's mom is
around here somewhere.
Would it be too much trouble
if I asked to see her?
All right, Dad.
All right. If you insist.
Kind of. I do. Yeah.
Get out of here! Out! Get out!
-Get out!
-Jeez! Stop!
Mandy, thanks. I'll call back in a half hour.
But the... Yeah.
Okay. Bye.
That was seriously insanely stressful.
I cannot believe it worked.
You guys, we can do this.
We can totally punk my dad.
He's only going to call twice an hour.
You think we can pull off
such a radical punk?
Mandy, your rampaging hormones are
making you delusional. Be reasonable.
Drew Patterson's waiting for me,
ergo, tonight's not about
being reasonable.
She scares me.
That vial she wears around her neck,
it's got Marilyn Manson's blood in it.
-Marilyn Manson doesn't have blood.
-CAYENNE: She's psycho, okay.
Don't go to the dark side, Mandy.
That's just what she wants.
You're right. I'm not gonna get mad.
We're gonna go shopping.
We have to find a seriously wicked outfit.
Should've known trashing
that crappy little rag wouldn't stop her.
She's probably gonna try
and score some killer outfit.
What if she finds something
outrageously cool?
Highly doubtful.
But I'm not taking any chances.
Remember when Four Eyes ate that
macadamia nut cookie in second grade,
and puffed up like a blowfish?
How am I gonna get her
to chow down on it?
Tell her it's free.
Tell her it's orgasmic, whatever.
Just make sure
she puts it into her pie hole.
Are you kidding me?
A $10 Scoopy Yogurt card
just for trying this?
This is my lucky day.
It's like a sauna in there.
You know, I feel really bloated.
I mean, nothing is looking good on me.
Your face.
It's alive.
What's happening to you?
Jeez Louise, you guys.
What is the big deal?
Oh, my God. I have butt face.
It's my dad.
Hey, Dad.
I know you probably want
to see us hard at work.
So here it goes.
Great, girls. Keep up the good work.
I'll call you back.
It worked. I'm safe.
Not for long.
Butt face!
-Butt face!
-Butt face.
Crap, this is a nightmare.
Take some of my Lexadril.
I use it for my allergies. It works.
MANDY: It's amazing.
It works, like, right away.
-Are you sure you're okay now?
-I'm fine.
Not too much. It makes you sleepy.
Don't be ridiculous, you guys.
I'm not even tired.
There is no way I'm going to fall asleep.
Mandy. Here.
Have you seen Mandy?
She's not here.
Your lying skills haven't improved.
We saw her at the makeup counter.
Her face was huge.
Well, if you happen to see her,
tell her we'll miss her tonight.
Come on.
That slut. She can't stop me.
I'm gonna beat her at her own game.
-Your face is better.
I need to get dry.
The Holy Grail.
Let us take a moment of silence
for the perfect outfit.
I can't believe I just spent two months'
paycheck on 20 ounces of fabric.
I am flat broke.
Why do I feel so fantastic?
Hey, Pop.
Yeah, I bet you're wondering
what we're doing,
and we're still hitting the books.
Let me show you.
Wow, looks like you guys
haven't even moved.
Hello? What's happening?
Well, I'm losing the signal.
Might be on your end or mine.
I'll call you back
on Alexa's landline, all right?
Landline, landline. Plan B.
We've got to get reception.
Now, finding that number.
There we go.
ALEXA: Hello?
Hi, Alexa?
Yeah, it's Mandy's father. Is Mandy there?
Okay, could I speak with her, please?
Now. May I speak with her now?
It's her father
Please hold. I have another call.
Hi. Sorry for putting you on hold,
but it was my dad.
-I'll get Mandy for you.
Oh, darn, she's in the bathroom.
-Would you like to wait?
-Would I like to wait?
Sure, I'd love to wait.
Come on, give me some bars.
Gosh. Thank you.
Hey! What's going on here?
Would you mind
showing me that nothing?
Dad, I'm still in the bathroom.
Do you want a play by play?
I'll call you back in two minutes.
Yeah, that's fine. Hello?
Brown leather couch.
-Excuse me, these leather pieces are...
-Okay. Lamp, that one.
-And the room divider.
-I don't have a room divider.
It's not like my dad knows that.
It's either the room divider
or the rest of the furniture store.
Fifty-two seconds
until hell phone doomsday.
Thank you, always so helpful.
Just sit down. Take your shoes off.
And act natural.
Stuff your face!
BRUCE: Are you girls part of
some sort of reality show?
I promise to make a purchase, okay?
All you have to do is sit here,
smile and wave.
Two minutes tops. Thank you.
Everybody settled?
Should I be calling my agent?
No. Okay, just please go with the flow.
And act fatherly and read the paper.
Yeah. Hi, Mandy. What's going on?
Who's that man?
We're just hanging and...
Dad, don't be rude.
You remember Alexa's step dad?
He's a mortician.
Right. Okay. I'm...
So I'll call you back in a half hour.
Hello, Gerald.
Okay. Bye.
-Oh, my gosh.
-We rock.
Thank you, Bruce!
-Thanks, Bruce.
-Thanks, Brucey.
Hey, whatever you girls are on,
can I have some?
MAN ON PA: Bruce, please
report to the manager's office.
Cinderella's carriage
turned back into a pumpkin.
She is so smoked.
That'll teach her to mess
with the Alpha Blonde.
Blair, I want you to spy on the schizoid.
-Make sure she's down and out.
-Why me?
Because pretty eyes see better.
-Get out.
MAN: Don't bother begging or crying.
MANDY: No, that's my car!
You can pick it up
at the impound in an hour.
What goes in the truck stays in the truck.
It'll be about $300.
Talk about a nail in the coffin.
No. We've got to get the money.
Mandy, I feel dizzy.
Like I'm gonna pass out and wake up
in a pool of my own making.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Look at the crowd. They love it.
SINGER: Thank you.
Don't forget to vote for us.
Alexa. Alexa, think about it.
Which one of us has the skills here?
Thank you very much.
You're right, I...
I'm gonna...
I'm gonna take one for the team.
I got it.
You're Dead Meat?
-How did you guess?
-You're on.
Time to take
the training wheels off, kiddo.
Come on, Alexa!
I can't sing.
I don't got it.
-You do it.
MANDY: No, you do it.
ALEXA: I can't.
Brain fading fast.
Let's go!
You said, oh, girl, it's a cold world
When you keep it all to yourself
I said, you can't hide on the inside
All the pain you've ever felt
Ransom my heart, baby, don't look back
'Cause we got nobody else
We're running with
the shadows of the night
So, baby, take my hand, it'll be all right
Surrender all your dreams to me tonight
They'll come true in the end
My dad.
If everybody could please be quiet?
I'm asking nicely.
Yo, I said quiet!
I'm 18 years old
and I've never been in love.
Never even been kissed,
but right now,
I have the chance to be with this really,
really amazing guy.
But my dad's car got towed,
and I need 300 bucks.
And he's gonna call me on
my video phone any second.
And if I can't convince him that
I'm anywhere but here, I'm screwed.
My life is over.
Do you understand?
So I'm begging you.
I'm asking you to just please...
Please help me.
That's my dad.
Please, just... Please, help me.
Hi, Daddy.
Hey, Mandy.
About the duplex.
You know, it really is just one option.
And it's a darn fine one, Dad.
So, what are you girls doing?
We're taking a break and
we're watching a DVD.
Oh, yeah, which one?
Dance Like You Mean It 2.
Hey, do me a favor.
Point your video camera at the DVD.
I want to see how good this looks
on the phone.
All right?
TOM: That's weird, the...
The clock in the DVD says 7:32,
and it's 7:32.
Go figure.
Yeah. Do me a favor
and let the DVD play a little longer
and then pause it.
All right.
I'm taping and now I'm pausing.
That's a fine DVD.
I'll talk to you in a half hour.
-Bye, Dad.
Thank you so, so much.
You know that sometimes it feels like
It's all moving way too fast
Use every alibi and words you deny
That love ain't meant to last
You can cry tough, baby
It's all right
You can let me down easy
But not tonight
We're running with
the shadows of the night
So, baby, take my hand, it'll be all right
Surrender all your dreams to me tonight
They'll come true in the end
Yeah, I know.
I'm watching it and I don't believe it.
Hey, hey. There he is.
How you doing, buddy?
Give me some of that, or not.
He's fantastic.
Well, he just knows to run away.
What are you gonna do all day?
Shopping, then yoga, then more shopping.
You know, the more I spend,
the harder Ray has to work
and the less I have to see him.
I figure about two more maxed-out Visas
and... He's gone.
-That's a nice plan.
-Thank you very much.
We're gonna be here bonding.
You don't worry about a thing.
-Go. I got it.
-Good. Thank you
-I need the break.
-You're welcome. All right.
-You're a good uncle.
-No problem.
-See you.
Just gonna be us now.
-Where is she?
-She hasn't come out yet.
MAN: Congratulations to our
Battle of the Bands winner, Dead Meat.
Oh, my God. She's a zombie.
She keeps rising up from the dead.
KIMBERLY: Where did she get that outfit?
-Are you seeing this?
-LISA: Do I Iook blind?
That poser almost looks hot.
Damn her.
Lenny? This is Lisa Cross.
There's a wacko stalking Drew.
She just escaped from the nut house.
She's driving this ugly old American car.
I'm really good with numbers.
-I thought you failed math?
-I lied.
Her license is 1TAH498.
She's with two other punk-ass girls.
Don't let her in.
-I am so in awe of you.
-Save it.
Let's get our butts to the mall.
That outfit is mine.
What do you got there?
You wanna put that back?
Don't you...
Don't take one more step.
Listen to me.
You are not going to break that.
You're going to put it down
or you're going to give it to me.
-But you are not...
One of us is gonna blink
and it's not gonna be me.
Peyton, get back here.
Ow, ow!
Hold it right there, please, ladies.
Hold it right there, please.
Nice try, but I saw your license plate
and I've been tipped off.
What do you mean, tipped off?
It was so Lisa and her cult.
You're the wacko stalking Drew Patterson.
No, no, no, you have me confused
with some other wacko.
He invited me, I'm on the list.
You're on the list all right.
Look. I'm gonna call the cops, all right?
So why don't you
just back away and back off.
Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.
You know?
The only list we're on is the loser list.
My whole life I've been on the loser list.
Lisa, it's Lenny.
Thanks, Lenny.
She just won't give up.
She's like a pit-bull with boobs.
Time to get a little more proactive.
Game over, buddy.
Yeah, hello.
Hi. May I please talk to Mandy?
Yeah, well, no. She's not here.
She's at Alexa's house.
She was supposed to be here
with the booze an hour ago.
Booze? What booze?
Oh, well. Have a nice night.
No, no, no. Don't hang up.
Big Father again.
It can't be. I still got six minutes.
Pull over.
I can't.
Give me my sweatshirt.
Hey, Dad. What's up?
Just having fun. How about you?
Hey, got any booze?
Why? Are you running low?
Come on, Dad,
you know I wouldn't do that.
Hey, what's that?
You're not driving in a car, are you?
No, I'm looking for a CD.
Here, look.
No hands. No eyes.
Let me see the keys.
Sure, the keys. Right.
See? Dad, now, think about it.
I couldn't very well be
zooming down the street
with no hands on the wheels,
covering my eyes
and dangling the keys, now, could I?
Jeez. A little trust would be nice.
TOM: Yeah, I don't know
what's the matter with me.
-You know, with you graduating...
-Yeah, I know, Dad.
I really want to nail my econ final,
so I have to go hit the books. Bye.
-Hey, Mandy.
-Yes, Dad.
-Love you.
-Love you, too, bye.
-Put the keys back in.
-I'm... Hey, I'm...
Guys, come on. Guys, seriously.
CAYENNE: Start, come on!
Hey. There you are, good one.
Look at you,
you're gonna be an architect. Nice.
What are you... What are you...
Well, don't do that.
All right.
That's not fair.
No, no, no, no, no.
Okay. Look at me now. Look at me now.
Hey, no, no. Oh, no, no.
Seriously, I'll go onto the roof.
This is getting weird.
Getting weird? We crossed the line
from desperation to deranged hours ago.
Okay? We almost died.
A rational person
would take that as a sign.
A sign.
This. This is a sign.
A sign I shouldn't give up.
Yeah, you know it's not a toy.
I'm not upset that you broke it.
But I worked on it for a very long time,
and you destroyed it
in a matter of seconds.
Yeah, that's not upsetting at all.
Why don't we just sit here,
take a little time-out.
Let's see if we can't entertain you
for a couple of minutes.
Keep your hands off... Sesame Street
is always good, as is Barney.
What do we have here?
This might be interesting.
All I need is for you to sit there
and not
break things.
You're still behind me, right?
WOMAN ON TV: Doing great.
Good, good. One more push.
DOCTOR: Yes, good, good, good.
One more, one...
That's good.
It's a girl.
Cut the cord, Mr. Gilbert.
Mr. Gilbert?
Mr. Gilbert.
TOM: You're rolling. Got it, sis?
-MARSHA: Yeah, I got it, go.
-Okay, eyes closed.
I'll walk you over the step.
Your big birthday... Step. There you go.
Birthday surprise coming up.
Keep those eyes closed.
And open your eyes.
-Happy birthday, kitten!
-MARSHA: Happy birthday, Mandy!
-Is that for me?
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
-It's the best bike ever!
-I know.
-Can I try it? Let's try it.
-Yes, yes, it's yours. Happy birthday!
-Got it?
-MARSHA: Yeah, I got, I got it.
-Okay, Daddy, let go.
-I know, you got it.
Daddy, you can let go now.
-You got...
-Daddy, I got it!
Okay, okay, there you go.
You got it. You're on your own. You got it!
You're doing it.
You don't need me, that's great.
Look at her.
Go right ahead, ladies.
I can't believe it. We made it in.
Of course.
MAN ON TV: Are you ready for
Babes Gone Bonkerz?
WOMAN: Bring it on, baby.
You want to meet the twins?
Do you want to meet the twins?
Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.
-Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.
Let's not tell your mom about this. Okay?
What do you say?
Let's play a new game.
We're gonna play hide and seek.
Yeah, sound good? What do you say?
You hide, and I'm gonna count
to a really big number,
and then I'll come find you.
Ready? Go hide.
Tell me all your dreams
that you wanna come true
I listen to you sing
while I pretend
You tell me all your lies
but you can't
Tell me you love me
Just tell me you love me
I remember one day
when we laughed out loud
When I saw your face
in a faceless crowd
You hit me like lightning
And your words
are frightening
ALEXA: Queen of Darkness jacked
your outfit.
That's it. It's over.
Listen. It's for the best.
We saw a video and
Danny Sherpil called you
a hump and dump
and said Drew was gonna hit and run.
-The Patterson Legend?
The virginal sacrifice?
Every year at this party,
a Patterson male has a girl
meet him in the tower.
And he gets her into the shower.
Maybe he wasn't even
gonna start the shower.
Well, if he does, you know he's got
a whole lot more planned
than a shampoo and cream rinse.
Mandy, if you were to walk up
those stairs, everyone would know,
and unless he fell head over heels
in love with you and dumped Lisa,
you'd forever be a tower girl,
and be even more shunned than usual.
Trust me, Lisa did you a favor
by jacking your baby.
Yeah. Yeah, you guys are right.
It just wasn't meant to be.
You're wrong.
Okay, I'm confused.
I know.
I know what Danny Sherpil said.
And I know what I've been saying all night,
but, Mandy, the Force is with you.
Look at the facts, you've survived
a butt face, a near drowning,
you entirely rearranged the furniture
department at Morrison's.
Okay, you conquered a bar full of drunks.
You survived a death car on the freeway.
And against all odds,
you have done the impossible
and totally phone-punked your dad.
-So on the contrary, Mandy,
this whole night was meant to be.
-You really think so?
I do.
Holy crap, Cayenne.
You are full of surprises.
Thank you.
Peyton. Ready or not, here I come.
I'm gonna find you, buddy.
Where are you? Here I come.
I'm gonna find you.
You're not in here, are you? No.
Wasting time in that room. Maybe in here.
Am I getting warmer, buddy?
You in here somewhere?
Hi, it's me.
Guess what I just got?
A brand new video phone,
like yours and Mandy's.
How're you guys getting along?
Oh, terrific.
You hesitated.
That means you're lying,
I can always tell when you're lying.
What's he wearing?
The Spidey-Hulk-Bat thingy.
You are so busted,
that's not what he's wearing.
Which means
you're not in the same room with him.
Show him to me.
What do you mean?
You heard me.
Shoot a video like you do with Mandy.
Right. Okay, well, it's just I'm hopping
to the bathroom, literally, right now.
So let me call you back
in two minutes with that. Okay? All right.
Peyton, buddy, where are you?
Come on, work with me.
I gotta find you now, buddy.
She's gonna call back.
She's gonna call back any second.
Come on, seriously.
A little help, pal. Peyton.
Man, this is not right.
This is not happening to me.
What am I doing? Peyton, Peyton.
I can tell exactly
how your things gonna end
I see you chilling
but you're still unaware
But, boy, I'm coming for you
so you better stay aware
There's no escape
if you even try to run
Forget, forget
it's already begun
I wanna taste your love
Oh, I'm gonna turn you on
Make sure there's no time
Oh, I'm gonna
make you shiver
You made it. Any trouble getting here?
No, piece of cake.
Here we go, we'll improvise.
Ready, yeah.
Yeah, you wanna play it that way?
That's what we'll do, then. How's that?
Yes, hello.
All right, let's see him.
Well, you know, he's asleep as I said and...
And quite frankly, you know,
it doesn't seem like you trust me.
I'm actually offended by that,
that you would not trust me.
And like I said, he's asleep.
I'm on the fast track
of getting really cranky here, big brother.
All right, okay, fine.
I'm going in the bedroom there.
Look at him in bed, he looks so adorable.
He's so still.
Normally he tosses and turns like crazy
when he sleeps.
Oh, he does?
Well, maybe he's just
sleeping really soundly.
See, I told you.
Oh, yeah. Gosh, you're right.
Maybe he's having a bad dream.
Maybe you should wake him up.
Oh, sis, gosh, I don't know, I mean...
Honestly, it took so long
to get him to go to sleep,
I would hate to be the cause
of him waking up.
Okay, let him sleep.
Yeah. Let's let him sleep.
I'll talk to you later.
I lost the kid.
Why can't I just tell her I lost the kid?
I lost control of my daughter.
I've lost control of my life.
Peyton, I don't want to be a crummy uncle,
I want to be a great uncle.
I could be a great uncle,
if I could just find you.
Gosh, I wonder where Peyton is.
You found me.
I sure did.
There you are.
You like that?
Pretty tasty.
It's almost 9:00.
Time to call Mandy.
Some place to fall
No pain at all
I know I'm home when I'm next to you
DREW: I can't believe I've been out of
your orbit for four years.
MANDY: Yeah, well, I haven't exactly been
what you call a rising star.
You are tonight.
You're the most beautiful girl here.
Drew, I don't have to be
the most beautiful.
I'd just like to be somebody to you.
You are.
Do you wanna go somewhere
we can be alone?
Just the two of us?
I'm expecting a call.
Okay, I'll meet you up there.
Your dad's gonna call, like, in a minute.
We have to punk him one more time.
No, it's time to take a stand.
I'm gonna tell him that I'm gonna do
what I want, when I want.
I mean, how could I even trust myself
if he can't trust me?
What in God's name are you doing?
Sexual tension.
It's just too much for her, she's snapped.
Daddy. Are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine.
Yeah, I'm just whispering because
I finally got Peyton to go to sleep.
Hey, Mandy, listen.
When I raised you,
I did an okay job, right?
I mean, on a scale of one to 10,
I was probably an eight.
I mean, I was at least an eight, right?
I mean, it wouldn't be a five.
Dad, you're a 10.
Cross my heart.
Why didn't you call me?
Well, because
I trust you.
Well, I guess I'll go.
Thanks for not calling.
Every time I see you, I like you even more.
So, this is the tower.
That's cool.
That's a good one.
My favorite.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
LISA: She took you away.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
LISA: Come back to us.
What is she doing?
She's using Marilyn Manson's blood
to put a curse on Mandy.
I told you, she is a real witch.
It's payback time.
Come back.
Come back to us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
LISA: Come to me, Drew.
Come back.
She stole you away from me.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
LISA: Leave her.
Come back to me, Drew.
She is bad.
Come back to me.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
-Drew, you are one of us.
LISA: I don't feel so good.
I can feel your heart beating.
So can I.
You're the most handsome,
coolest guy I've ever met.
I've dreamt about this
a thousand times but...
My hands are sweating.
Would you excuse me?
''My palms are sweating''? Come on, Drew.
God. Okay, water, water.
But now I hurt so bad
You think you have friends
that you
Don't really have
I can take a slap
like the best of them
But when it hurts
too much to feel
Oh, I just dress
my heart up
In these bandages of steel
I'm a fragile tough girl
BOY 1 : Awesome spew.
BOY 2: Lisa Cross, the vomit queen.
How you feeling?
That was so incredibly mean
and sneaky and underhanded.
I know, and I feel just wonderful.
-Did you see her face?
They're ridiculous.
How'd it go?
Let's just get out of here.
I know you're waiting up.
Ready to pounce.
Yeah, you're right, I couldn't sleep.
But I want you to know
that I don't wanna know.
You don't wanna know what?
It's none of my business.
I mean, I feel bad
that I tried to make it my business.
Remember when you said
that I was a good dad and that I was a 10?
Well, I finally listened
and I just sort of realized
at some point tonight,
I did the best I could.
And then everything felt like
it was gonna be okay.
And then,
I have something to show you.
Step into my office.
I made a few changes.
Now, it's modular.
No longer attached.
I don't want to be detachable.
It's just that I'm so sorry
about being paranoid and overbearing
and ridiculous and...
Keep going, you're on a roll.
Control freak.
Very good.
You know how you always say
I never listen to you?
-Well, at this one particular moment...
Kind of a critical mass kind of thing,
when I wasn't sure, you know, what to do,
I just listened to my heart.
I was listening to you.
Get some sleep.
So you could've had this boy,
this Drew Patterson.
This every-girl's-fantasy.
And turning him down means...
Social suicide.
I'm sorry.
it was my choice.
You let me make it.
MANDY: Once again, I had to walk as a
ghost on the grounds of high school.
For I, a humble peasant girl,
had done the unthinkable.
I had spurned the crown prince
of Camelot.
The repercussions of which
would no doubt haunt me
for weeks to come.
All right, all right, listen up.
This is the moment
we've all been waiting for.
Senior prince, Drew Patterson,
will now crown his princess.
Come on, man, what's up?
If you do this, you're no longer one of us.
-Oh, no.
-Oh, yes.
Come with me, please.
Why are you doing this?
With all these people around,
I figured you might not say no to me.
And I could do this.
And this.
Pictures of me
Hung up on your wall
for the world to see
Pictures of you
Pictures of me
Hung up on your wall
for the world to see
Confess to me
Every secret moment
Every stolen promise
you've believed
Confess to me
All that lies between us
All that lies between
you and me
We are the boxers
in the ring
We are the bells
that never sing
There is a title
we can't win
No matter how hard
we must swing
Pictures of you
Pictures of me
Hung up on your wall
for the world to see
Pictures of you
Pictures of me
Remind us all
of what we could have been
Pictures of you
Pictures of me
Hung up on your wall
for the world to see
Pictures of you
Pictures of you
Remind us all
of what we could have been
What could have been
We could have been
Pictures of you
Pictures of me
Remind us all
of what we could have been
We could have been