Pidtermyai huajai wawoon (Hormones) (2008)

Chiang Mai
You can hand in the paper
now if you've finished.
If you haven't, only 30 minutes left.
Maitree Suksamranrakmak...
Nampoo Jongrak.
Next time I'll give you a head start.
Smart ass.
Sure, I'm a smart guy.
Shut up. It took me a whole minute
to spell my classy surname.
So tell your dad to change
it for next semester.
Then we're even.
I doubt it. A lot of girls
are fighting to use my surname.
School is out!
Do you think the seniors
will scream at us?
I bet it'll be ear-splitting.
Take this.
Ain't it cool?
Next is the show by
representatives from grade 9.
Please welcome a pair
of new bies, Poo and Mai!
- (Farewell party for Grade 12)
- Hello lady, I'm a real man now...
Lots of girls chase me around...
They're hungry for me,
but I keep saying no...
I first met you a few years ago...
I was still a little boy then...
I loved you, but you
only wanted real men...
So you loved me like a brother...
But sister,
now my love blooms like a flower...
I promise I'll love you forever...
Let me be your lover, not a brother...
Don't cry.
The school isn't going anywhere.
You can always come back and visit.
My turn!
Pee Tik, can I have your number?
So I can call you sometime.
Stay strong.
Take care too.
She smells nice. So nice!
Pee Tik!!
Whoa so pretty!
They're so cute!
Kwan and Ann look so nice in this picture.
Hey, Bo and Cee are even
prettier than Kwan and Ann!
Do they have any idea
how much we worship them?
If you really love someone,
tell her.
Say it aloud.
Or you'll lose your chance.
- (Romantic phrases from romantic movies)
- This is touching.
Hi Joe.
Tonight I have an after-exam
project, wanna join me?
What project?
I'm going clubbing.
- Are you guys coming?
- Yes!!!
Well, well... you boys are so desperate.
But I am not.
There they are.
Joe, when did you get here?
Hello, Cee.
Since I've met you that night...
Dream and reality light
up my eyes so bright...
I want to stop the time...
The second you walked into my life...
I was so torn and tired...
But you've set my heart on fire...
Stop... I want to stop this life...
And spend it with you day and night...
I don't care if other
girls are nice and cool...
Stop... so I can rest
my heart and my soul...
To be with you till the end of the world.
What's wrong with you?!
I'm in love.
Who's that lucky girl?
Cee is not so easy.
What are you looking at?
Don't play smooth, you're late.
Not a romantic movie again!
I'm sick of it. Let see this one.
What's it about?
It's more interesting,
see? The actress is so lovely.
You have the hots for
Japanese cuties or what.
Sorry, this one opens next weekend.
We can come back together next weekend.
- No.
- Please.
Jerk, you're so chicken.
Yeah, look who's talking?
Sorry, sorry...
Oh, it's you. Haven't seen you in ages.
I was busy with the exam.
I lose my focus if I come to your store.
Here, a soundtrack from Titee's new movie.
I just saw the film. I love it!
Can you make it 400?
Half-price stuff are over there.
Those are B-quality discs.
Come on, give me a discount.
If Titee has a concert here
he'll definitely sing this song.
I want to practice it first.
Crazy girl,
this is an original copy!
I guarantee there are no more
than 10 copies in all of Thailand.
But you have to throw in a free gift.
Hi Titee. How's your impression
visiting Thailand for the first time?
Who says it's his first time?
He's been to Koh Samui and Samet.
Whatever. What impresses
you most about Thailand?
The nature and the sea.
And Thai food? What's your favorite dish?
Chicken curry, tamarind
paste, and tom yum goong.
For desert... nothing beats durian and
sticky rice. Especially the smelly durian.
Cut it O-lek!
We're interviewing Titee, not you!
But how can he understand you
if you speak Thai? Dumb bitch!
I bet our next scoop
will make you happy.
- I bet it will.
- It's about...
a famous Taiwanese artist.
His name is Titee or Li Jin Jia.
He's the hottest movie star in Taiwan,
and he's having a full-scale
concert in Bangkok for the first time.
There's a song of his I really love.
If you're his fan or love his movies,
you should book the ticket now.
They're almost gone.
Sorry Titee
Now you're bringing a man home?
Sorry, I can't let you look.
- Trang)
Hi Jess.
Is your friend an intern
or a fashion model?
- She's so overdressed.
- Cut it.
Jess, you look lovely.
So lovely...
and sporty too.
You have your float ready. You
can just jump into the sea.
Stop it.
Don't just chit-chat with the
fishermen once you get there.
Miss me sometime OK?
And call me too.
See you on the 12th.
Why the 12th?
Tell me.
Tell me why?
It's... Well it's...
Quick, why the 12th?
The train is leaving, good-bye.
Can I ask you something?
Why the 12th?
Our first date was on the 12th.
And what did you do on your first date?
Not much, just dinner.
And then we went home to watch
a romantic movie "O-Negative".
Why "O-Negative"?
Kung, I'm a free man now.
So soccer this afternoon?
And don't forget to
bring what I've asked you.
I'm blasted.
Me too.
Here, I've made you these.
- You can feast on them for a month.
- Dude, this is awesome!
That's just an appetizer.
This is...
an original copy from Japan.
The model is Sora, your hand-party angel.
The thin version!
You don't have to spit.
What is the "thin" version?
The mosaics are light.
You can see through them. Like this.
Hey, shall we hit Y50?
Your girl is away. You've
got to enjoy your freedom.
You're off duty tonight.
Let's thrash the bar!
Come on.
You guys are going clubbing again?
What the hell are you
doing there every night?
Don't you have girlfriends
to take care off?
I have no idea what's so fun about it?
They keep playing the
same songs over and over.
If I hear them again I'm going to puke.
"I mistook someone for you today."
"She's not as cute as you though."
"What are you doing next?"
"I haven't seen you since school got out."
what are you doing?
I'm taking a dump.
And have you eaten?
Yes, I went with Gig
and Bozo. I'm stuffed.
What did you eat?
Sticky rice, papaya salad, and crispy
fish salad. Grilled pork neck and...
Some fried vegetables.
Sticky rice will make your shit sticky.
You're nuts.
Well... So, why are you calling me?
Let's go to a movie tomorrow.
Here she is.
Look at that jerk. He's
looking for trouble.
Yeah, he's messing with our girl.
Let's teach him a lesson.
You're here to see me off?
- Yes, come back to visit us often, OK?
- Sure.
Hello Berm.
I have to get going.
He's lucky I'm not in the
mood to beat people up today.
What a couple: A beauty and a pit bull.
What a waste.
Sorry! Sorry I stepped on your foot!
Are you Poo and Mai?
Who's this?
Must be one of our groupies.
Tough luck for good-looking guys.
I wish I were less handsome.
You guys really can't remember me?
The Hippo girl!
Don't shout, I'm no longer a Hippo girl.
We haven't seen each
other for a couple of years
and you can't even recognize me.
Now we do.
No, you still don't remember my name.
Yes, mom.
I'm going now.
I've got to dash. Drop
by at the cafe sometimes.
Now you remembered my name.
You dropped your Kotex.
Drop by at the cafe sometimes.
She's your type, not mine.
You go for her, you house is closer.
Hey Joe.
Where are the others?
They can't make it.
Let's go, it's starting.
Tell me what to do! Nobody ever hits on me
and I'm going on 20.
You don't have to do anything.
Nobody ever hits on me either.
It won't be so hard
for you.
If you were more open,
and if a woman got to know you better,
I bet
she'll like you.
Gosh, just tell him you like him!
Cee, let's go eat something. The
roast goose there is awesome.
I have to have dinner with my family.
But that place is really good.
My parents are expecting me.
Do you like the movie?
It's kinda fun.
If you dig this kind of movie
next time I'll lend you a DVD.
It's called "Circle of Friends".
I bet you'll like it.
Excuse me.
In the movie "Remember I Love You",
when the guy sings a song
and the girl begins to sob,
If you don't know
Chinese, you can't feel it!
We have a quota for
You have to give us a good
reason why you want to study Chinese.
I do business with Chinese clients.
I just got a job in Taiwan.
I am going to Beijing to study.
I have a serious intention
to improve my academic skill.
I like Titee. And I want to really
connect with him in his concert.
Hi everybody!
Hi teacher
Let's start with some simple vocabulary.
Everyone, copy these
words on the blackboard.
Pronounce the words as you write them.
Example "kan"
means "liver".
"Xin" means "heart".
"Xin" means "heart".
"Xin" means "heart".
"Xin" means "heart".
Hey shithead.
Where are you going?
To my grandma's. And you?
I'm going shopping for my mom.
I have to hurry.
My mom would give me hell.
See you.
Wait! Your grandma's
is over there, isn't it?
Oh yes, you distracted me.
"Malee Cafe"
Hey! What are you doing here? You
said you were going to your grandma's?
Didn't know your grandma had moved here.
And you? What are you doing here?
You said you were shopping for your mom.
Last time I checked there was
no supermarket around here.
My mom wants a cup of
coffee, is that a crime?
And my grandma's not
home. So I'm looking for her.
Maybe she's in here.
I'm going out, I'll be back
soon. Take care of the shop.
Good morning, Teacher Malee.
Why are you racing here?
Usually I never see you two around.
What made you come here today?
I don't have any gold stars to hand out.
It means good morning.
You guys still stick together.
I'm so glad, I haven't seen
anyone from our school in ages.
And what about your new school? Do you...
Do you have a boyfriend?
Holy crap!
It's just an honest question.
You don't have to panic.
You've got some nerve to ask me that.
No. I don't.
Bangkok boys... are all meat...
They're all meat but no sauce.
That's so funny.
Are you ordering something?
Iced tea for me.
And you, Mai?
Anything, as long as you don't ice me.
I'll get it for you.
Nana. How long are you going to stay here?
Well... Until you get sick of me.
In that case...
get ready to stay here
for the rest of your life.
That's pure cheese... I have to go
back when the new semester starts.
I don't want it to start. I want you here
so we have the strength to live our lives.
Can I have your number?
I'll be here for a while. You
can always come to see me here.
I won't see your face
if we talk on the phone.
Do you have something to confess?
And you?
You go first.
No, you first.
The boys have left?
They just did.
I don't know you're
getting pretty popular.
We're just friends.
And what's this?
- You say it.
- No, you first.
- No, you.
- No, you.
The first to admit it wins!
I like Nana.
So what now?
I'm going to make a move on her.
Hey! Did I think it out loud?
But this time I want to go alone.
And did I think it out loud too?
Let's do this like real men.
Let's take turn taking her out.
You take the even days,
I'll take the odd days.
The one who gets her number first wins.
Why did you become a bar hostess?
Why not? I'm so beautiful.
Well... 500 OK?
Are you serious?
I am.
Come on.
I'll be done in a few seconds.
Come on.
Kung, Kung At your 10 o'clock.
- 10 o'clock.
- 10 o'clock.
Nothing at 10 o'clock.
Are you daft?
You said 10 o'clock.
- My 10 o'clock.
- Your 10 o'clock?
Over there, look.
The Jap look, just your type.
And you?
Don't worry. I've got mine. Miss Saiyard.
Where is she?
The next table.
Holy shit! A rare species.
A nearly extinct breed.
You have to go for it.
Go, go.
What about you?
We're going up to the rooms now.
I'm not really up for it,
You guys have fun. Take care of my friend.
I'm still in love with my girl...
I'm still desiring my good ol' girl...
Nothing ever changes,
even as time passes...
I don't care about any other woman...
Even if someone points a gun at my head...
I'll still love her even when I'm dead...
She has my heart,
she's the only one I have in my head...
I'll get it.
- Hi Joe.
- Hi Cee.
Who's that?
Tell her it's the fruit vendor.
It's the fruit vendor.
So they ring your bell now?
Tell him we don't want any.
"Fruits, fruits, fresh fruits..."
"I realized during this summer break..."
that the most beautiful
girl is none of these.
"But this one."
"I'm just kidding."
What I really mean to say is...
Hang on a sec.
"I've spent a lot of
time with a good friend."
She's so full of life.
She's also very lovely.
"And I think I'm really falling for her."
Don't do this. I don't
think it's going to work.
Hi Poo.
Where's your soulmate today?
Who? Mai?
He's got lots of girls.
I bet he's with one of them right now.
I see.
Can you give this change to Mai?
You can give him tomorrow...
I mean, yes, I'll give it to him.
Nana. Let's go see a
Chiang Mai native species.
You won't see it anywhere in Bangkok.
A Chiang Mai species?
- There it is.
- Where?
Can you see it?
Chiang Mailuropoda melanoleuca
It's just a panda bear.
That's a monkey.
And this is a bird.
A bird?
And look at those wings.
What about them?
Wings of desire.
You're nuts!
Nana. Look at that jerk.
He looks like a terrorist.
Is he going to bomb this zoo?
What's the emergency number?
And the pizza number?
And your number?
Call the operator then.
I can't, there's no signal around here.
No signal? Mine is full.
I mean, love signal.
Who're you looking for, kid?
I'm looking for a loser.
Don't tell me... you've
already got her number?
This is yours.
There's more than one even
day. Consider it a handicap.
Mom, what kind of drink lives on a tree?
Let me watch the soap first.
Mom, you're such a bore!
OK, Tiger beer.
A Cola bear... it
lives on a tree.
Hey Mai.
Can I hit on you?
Holy Smoke! Isn't Poo coming too?
That bugger? He's got plenty of girls.
He must be enjoying one of them right now.
I see.
And this bike can only take one passenger.
I choose her carefully...
it's reserved only for the one!
Go easy, don't let me get thrown off.
Hang tight then. To make
sure, you can just hug me.
For your own safety.
- Mai, March 23rd
Let's go sing karaoke together sometime.
Do you think it's OK for us to
be alone in such a dark room?
You have to think of your reputation.
Look, Nana.
If you want my number, give me
your first, then I'll ring you.
Since when did I want your number?
I think I hear your heart asking for it.
OK. Give me your cell.
Here it is.
Can I sweet-talk you every day?
Pervert! I've got a husband and kid!
Crazy hag!
Hey dumbass.
Look, I had to have her
mother's number first.
I'm Thai, I respect seniority.
Don't be a smart-ass.
Don't answer any calls
from numbers you don't know.
There're perverts out there.
I never gave my number to strangers,
but those pervs still got me.
I'm not a drinker.
But since a girl broke your heart today,
let's get pissed!
Drink up!
As an expert who's been through
thick and thin in romance,
trust me, the world is
full of prettier women.
Let's get pissed!
I wouldn't give a rat's ass over
that girl. She's got no tits.
Drink up!
Where there's love,
you can count on a fag.
Drink up!
But don't get heartbroken too often.
Or we'll spend a fortune on whisky.
Let's get pissed!
This magic glass...
It keeps refilling itself.
Whisky is bad for your health, pal.
But I want to sing Happy Hurt Day
to you. To Joe, the spurned lover.
Drink up!
Let's get pissed!
Watch out. I am a
loser I'm not the chosen one!
I told you not to get drunk.
Just spew your heart out! Not
just your heart, my man.
Spew your heart and your guts
out so you can forget her!
Shit, I don't want to see his
guts coming out of his gob!
A simple sentence we always hear is
"Wo Ai Ni",
meaning "I love you".
If you want to make it into a question,
add "ma" at the end.
"Ma" is equivalent to a question mark.
Let's try, how do you say
"Do you love me?"
Ni Ai Wo Ma
Very good!
Wo Ai Ni...
I love you.
Wo Ai Papa.
I love dad.
Wo Ai Mama.
I love mom.
Wo Ai Yeye.
I love grandpa.
Wo Ai Nainai.
I love grandma.
Wo Ai Waikong.
I love grandpa.
Wo Ai Waipo.
I love grandma.
(April 13. Yeah! I'll finally meet Titee!)
I love a refrigerator.
I love the stairs.
I love a lamp.
I love grandpa. I love grandma.
I love dad. I love mom.
I love...
a trash bin.
I love you.
Waiter. Can you take a photo for us?
Hang on! Can I borrow the flashlight?
Ready... 123.
What are you doing?
I'll MMS you.
Give me your number?
Holy Cow!
"Hurry up, I'll go for
a kill next time"... Mai.
What are you doing?
- I... I...
- What?
I wanna... I wanna hold your hand.
Don't be funny.
What now?
A guy gave you the band-aid?
No guy.
My mom put it on me.
"Cheater!! You stole my band-aid gag!"
Do you own the right for that?
You prick!! Wait till my turn then!
Is your mother in good health?
Is your liver in good health?
Is your liver in good health?
We're leaving.
(Souvenirs for your loved ones)
Where are you now?
This color is nice.
Look at this.
Yeah, look.
It's pretty.
Smell nice?
- Yes, it is.
- Let me try.
This is for eyebrows.
Let me see.
Hi Cee.
I bought you some bamboo coconut
rice. This is from the best shop.
Joe, I don't want it.
It's nothing. I've bought it for you.
I told you I don't want
it. I don't want it.
Hey S is throwing a party
at Y50. Are you coming?
No, I don't think so. I'm busy.
What? You're not free
to get wrecked with us?
Why are you so fucking busy?
I'm going to Trang.
You said you'd be going tomorrow?
You miss your girl that much?
Just a little.
I help... I help.
You know who's sitting across from me?
A Jap chick!
Great tits... So sexy... A
porn stuff made flesh!
Shit man! Hotter than your hot DVDs!
Gosh she is so doable!!
Let's talk later.
Thank you
Thank you very much.
Do you understand Thai?
Can you helping me the bags?
Oh, the bags! Is OK!
Wanna eat Pad-thai?
- Delicious
- Delicious
What's your name?
No Oi.
- Aoi.
- Aoi.
Hi what are you doing?
No, I'm doing nothing.
I'm just home. And I only miss you.
You're the king of cliches.
But why is it so noisy at your house?
Must be the sound from TV. I guess.
Have you packed?
No hurry, I can do it tomorrow.
That's so you. You're
going to miss the train.
Nual, I have to go take
a shit. Talk to you later.
It's OK. I have to start the show now too.
Talk to you soon.
Girl friend?
Oh no! Friend...
Just friend.
Aoi? Where are you going?
Pha-ngan Island.
Pha-ngan Island. I want
to go to full moon party.
Oh, Pha-ngan.
- Pha-ngan.
- Pha-ngan.
Is it great?
I don't know, I never go
to full moon party before.
Eaa? Really?
It's the must before you die.
Does your mom love you?
Mom loves me.
Is your mom in good health?
Is your mom in good health?
My mom is healthy.
My mom is healthy.
Is your liver in good health?
Is your liver in good health?
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Your mother...
Where is mom? I wanna find her.
Where is mom? I wanna find her.
Where is mom? I wanna find her.
Come on, brother.
Where are you going? I couldn't found you.
Let's go home.
Let's go.
Keep the change.
Just now I've got an update
which is also very bad
news for a lot of you.
Taiwanese pop-idol Titee, or Li Jin Jia,
has cancelled his concert
Sources report that his company
in Taiwan couldn't finalize
the deal with a Thai organizer.
- It's such a shame.
- Indeed it is.
It's unlikely that he'll
ever give a concert here.
His fan clubs are now very depressed.
But still, they have
to keep their hopes up.
Maybe he'll make it
here one of these days.
(April 13. Yeah! I'll finally meet Titee!)
Your sister is real head case.
- She puts up an
exhibition in her bedroom?
- Yeah, an exhibit.
Wait, you can't go in there, that's China.
You don't have a visa.
Whoa, she looks like a circus clown.
I think your sis needs professional help.
Why don't you take her
to an acupuncturist?
Titee's wife wouldn't
love him so passionately.
Ae. I've got to go. I
have something to do.
I'll walk you out.
Ae, why don't you tell
us your sister is home?
She's got us spooked.
I don't dare to come back
if your sis is around.
You love mom.
Does mom love you?
Is your mom in good health?
You love mom. Does mom love you?
Is your heart in good health?
Is your liver in good health?
Is your liver in good health?
Can't you see what's
right in front of you?
Can't you hear the
heartbeat pining for you?
This love is drifting into hopelessness...
Unless you turn this way...
Unless you have a heart
to brighten my day...
And bless my soul before
it's gone astray...
I'm too scared to say I love you...
But if you listen, you'll
hear my heart say so...
I love you, and though I know my
prayer will never be answered...
I'll wait for you, I'll wait here forever.
Bye bye.
Why don't you go with me?
Dickhead Kung, guess where I am?
I'm on Pha-ngan Island!!
What the fuck are you doing
there? I thought you were going to Trang.
To the full moon party.
Don't tell me you're traveling with her...
and there's only one room
left at the bungalow...
and there's no choice but to share
a bed... and it's a very small bed...
Not so fast, Kung!
What are you waiting for? It's the moment!
Just press record on the VDO
cam, then send me the clip.
It's so hot.
Let's go sea with me.
- Hello.
- Hern.
I got a call from a fan this morning.
Saying he likes my program very much.
And when I said I like
to eat BBQ Pork sticks
He said he will buy
me some to the station.
Nual, can I call you back?
What the fuck's wrong? Why
didn't you pick up the phone?
What subjects are you going to register tomorrow?
Let me copy you, OK?
Joe, don't tell me you're going to
make a Happy Birthday board for Cee.
I'm just doing it for fun.
Tonight Cee will have
a birthday bash at Y50.
She asked you to come along.
Nana, have you packed your things?
You're leaving in a few days,
right? You'd better start packing.
I'll do it tomorrow.
Nana, choose one.
Are you going to watch the
soap or listen to the music?
It said that 85%
of Japanese girl have...
the first sex at 17.
Is that true?
What age that
they have the first sex?
I think.
It's from what you read or
it's from your real experience?
You said you'd call me back.
I'm so sorry. What's up?
Where are you now?
Umm... I'm half way there.
Strange, why is it so quiet on your train?
It's been running all day, so it's getting
tired, so the driver lets it rest a bit.
Hey kid, two chicken barbecues.
One for you, and the other one?
No, just one.
Don't let me catch you.
How are you doing? You
have a lot of fans yet?
Are there any fishermen hitting on you?
You bet. Dark, tall, hairy and handsome.
They smell like fish, sexy.
Tell me, do you miss me sometime?
I miss you all the time.
I'm missing you right now.
I'm missing you too.
We've not seen each
other for many days now.
I wish you were here with me now.
Good night!
Are you tired?
Don't forget to eat up, okay!
Nual, don't you have to be on air?
No, my show is on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday.
Hern, the people here are so lovely.
I hardly have to spend any money. The
other day I went to a roast pork shop,
when they knew that I was an intern DJ,
they didn't charge me one baht.
So I ate like a pig, now I'm ballooning.
My cheeks got chubbier,
I gotta be on diet soon.
Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five.
Four. Three. Two. One.
Happy Birthday to Cee!
And everyone else who
was born on this date.
We'll sign off with this
song. Let's sing it together!
Cee is a real knockout today.
Where's Joe?
Shout loudly together!
Happy Birthday to the
special one (12nd April 2008)
Victory Monument, step down folks.
When I got home I didn't sleep a wink!
You're late.
Why didn't you come last night?
It was a bash!
Let's go swimming.
What are you doing?
I'm practicing diving.
Can I borrow your goggles?
Watch the bag for me.
Let's go out to the middle of the pool.
You're not going to drown.
If I drown, you have to give me CPR.
Can I have your number?
Poo, let's go to the
water festival tomorrow.
Ask Mai to come along.
Can you swim now?
I guess so.
Next time you have to teach me more.
Hey Mai. What are you doing here?
I just told Poo to ask you
to come to the water festival.
Come on. Let's go together.
See you tomorrow at 10.
Promise you'll come.
I'll go take a shower.
Are you cheating again?
Seriously, how many
times have you stalked me?
Never mind. You don't have to try again.
I just got her number.
Yeah. Congratulations.
What are you doing?
I didn't give it to you,
so now you're stealing it?
That time when I asked
you about the band-aid,
you lied to me.
Where are you now? I'm still waiting.
I guess I won't make it there today.
Why not?
Another train derailed
and blocked the track.
Really? Are you hurt?
No, I'm fine. But I'm stuck here. There
are no buses running at this hour.
Is it safe around there?
Take care of yourself.
It's safe, but I'm lonely.
Invite a bedmate to keep you company.
I have someone in mind. I'll
hug her if I have a bad dream.
Hern. Yes.
We've been together for three years.
It's incredible.
Too bad, I thought we'd
be together tonight.
The full moon here is so pretty.
I wish you could see it.
I'm looking at it now.
It's shining so bright, just like you.
Well. You should go to bed,
you're tired from the trip.
See you tomorrow.
- OK.
- Bye.
Nana. I've packed your bag for you.
You're going to the water
festival tomorrow, right?
I've to go.
"It's so nice that somebody has
been taking me out this school break."
Poo! Poo!
Lunch is ready!
Poo. Get up son.
I'm not hungry.
How come you're not hungry?
You didn't eat this morning.
Are you all right? Are you sick?
I'm fine, mom. I'm really not hungry.
Poo! Poo!
Don't turn it on!
What? I didn't do
anything. Don't make a big fuss.
What? Are you hiding from someone?
Mom. I'm going to Lampoon. To see grandma.
I'll be back when school opens.
Take care of yourself.
Excuse me. I'm going to rub
some powder on your face, OK?
Let's go play over there.
No thanks. I'm waiting for some friends.
One o'clock? Nothing earlier?
One ticket please.
- Yes.
- This is the work flow chart.
- Yes.
- Study it and tell me what you think.
Don't work too hard.
Nual, I'm so beat.
Your office is so far
out. The middle of nowhere.
They really work you to the bone. It's
the water festival and no day off?
Have you booked a restaurant?
- Not yet.
- I knew you wouldn't.
I've made a survey.
From the main road I've made a list.
The noodle shop looks delicious.
You know what? On the train...
I did two things: Missed you and ate.
I ate two pad-thai.
I'm getting fat, look at my tummy.
Even though I'm getting fat, a lot
of people hit on me on the train.
Too bad most of them are queers.
Convincing, but they couldn't fool me.
Let's break up.
Next is a song from
the movie "O-Negative".
An old song that you might
have already forgotten.
Let's hear it again today.
Happy Songkran.
O-lek, pay your respects
to grandpa and grandma.
...can't go back to Taiwan,
just stay in Thailand.
Thank you
Sis, come here. Come play with me here.
Grandma and grandpa would be very pleased
to see the whole family
coming to pay their respects.
O-lek, go get some more food.
We'll go back to visit Ah Song
- He's lying next to grandpa.
Who's Ah Song?
Ah Song is grandpa's friend.
Is your liver in good health?
Is your liver in good health?
Who's that guy O-lek is talking to?
Shit, that Taiwanese singer.
He's a real hunk!
What's his name?
Titee. I'll go take some pictures.
Wait for me! Let's go!
Come on, let's go together.
I'm not going, don't let
anybody mess with Nana.
Except you. Splash some
water for me... Poo.
I can't make it. Take care of Nana.
I'm the loser, I'll have to
take care of myself... Mai.
You didn't go with her that day?
I thought she chose you.
I thought she chose you.
Holy shit!
What are you running away from?
Tug your shirt in, now!
Where's Nana?
Why don't you come next year?
This is a load of crap. So lifeless.
What's this movie?
Circle of friends
"Circle of Friends"
I've been wanting to see it.
Who's the director?
"Circle of Friends"
Sounds familiar.
Hi Cee.
Is this yours?
You said you'd lend it to me.
I'll take it, OK?
Are you guys ready?
Let's show everyone how crazy we are!
Shithead, haven't seen you in ages.
Asshole, I thought you're a goner too.
Where's your faculty
having the freshman outing?
We're going to Petchburi.
- Mine's going to Kanchanaburi.
- That's cool.
It's OK.
Wow, your faculty only
accepts cute chicks?
No. They're from Mass Comm.
I see.
From Mass Comm.
Let me get it.
It's OK. Come on, let me get it.
Are you going to the freshman outing?
You look like one of them.
How are you doing?
I'm OK.
I'm just hurt.
well... Actually before our anniversary,
I was dying to see you.
So I got on the train a day earlier.
But... I was delayed, because...
I met a Japanese girl on a train.
She's very lovely.
She is super sexy.
I think any guy would think the same.
So I got off with her. I thought I would
eventually make it in time to see you.
But I didn't.
On our anniversary, when
we talked on the phone...
I was with her.
It was a full moon night.
I almost slept with her.
But I didn't.
Your face kept flashing in my mind.
I couldn't do it, Nual. I couldn't.
Not because of her.
But because of you.
One... two... three...
Hi, do you know where are
the information counter?
(Nual 0818999065)
You are...