Piel que habito, La (The Skin I Live In) (2011)

Help me with the dumbwaiter.
Open it.
Take this.
Marilia, are you there?
Send up more sackcloth
and double-sided tape.
I can't get it until tomorrow.
I also wanted a needle,
thread and scissors.
You're joking, right?
Our face identifies us.
For burn victims,
saving their lives is not enough.
They need to have a face
even if it's from a corpse.
A face with features...
so they can gesticulate.
I have participated in
three out of the nine
face transplants
carried out in the world...
and they were the most moving
experiences of my life.
For a shapeless mass to acquire
the features that will give it expression...
we have to mold the muscles...
articulating the facial musculature
with the corresponding nerve endings.
Vera, I've brought you some opium.
Can you breathe more gently?
If you want me
to stop breathing, kill me.
Don't talk rubbish.
How long will all this last?
Your skin is softer than I thought.
If you don't end it, I will.
If you'd wanted to kill yourself...
you'd have tried to cut your jugular.
In any case...
I didn't know your skin was so soft.
Here it is...
taken from the animal
while it was still alive.
Thank you.
Now there won't be any more burns.
You said that a year ago.
I was hasty.
Tell me if it burns you.
And now?
I have given the name "Gal"...
to the artificial skin
I've been working on...
in recent years.
Tell me if the mosquito bites you.
This skin is resistant
to every insect bite...
...which means a natural barrier to
...malaria, for example.
Naturally, I've carried out
a rigorous quality control...
on the tissues implanted in mammals...
specifically, in athymic mice...
and the results...
...have been spectacular.
This leads me to suppose
they would be equally positive...
in human mammals.
What does the name Gal mean?
Are they initials?
That was my wife's name.
She was burned to death in a car crash.
In you presentation you stated...
that the skin is resistant to insect bites
and could prevent malaria.
What makes you think that?
The artificial skin is much harder
than human skin...
and it smells different.
It's been proven that the malaria mosquito...
distinguishes human skin by the smell.
Gal smells different and repels it.
Let's see if we can get rid of him.
That isn't enough.
How did you toughen the skin?
Excuse me.
Let's go somewhere quieter.
There's only one way to toughen skin.
By mutating it.
Yes, that's what I did.
I transferred genetic information...
from a pig's cell to a human cell.
A pig's cell?
It's much stronger than ours.
You're insane!
You know the application
of transgenetic therapy...
in humans is completely forbidden!
Yes, I do.
And, forgive me,
but it seems the ultimate paradox.
We intervene in everything around us...
meat, clothes,
vegetables, fruit, everything!
Why not use scientific advances
to improve our species?
You know how many diseases...
we could cure with transgenesis?
Or the genetic malformations
that could be avoided?
Don't go on!
I know the list by heart...
and I think of it every day.
But even so...
I must forbid you from
investigating further...
or I'll be forced to report you...
to the scientific community.
Over and above what you or I may think...
the bioethics are
absolutely clear about this.
Don't worry.
Gal was a personal adventure.
I did it in memory of my wife...
and solely to extend my knowledge.
I remember...
the first time
you told me about this experiment.
It seemed like a dream then.
And it still is.
The president has ordered me
to give it up, indefinitely.
Shit, and it'll be the business
of the century.
It will be,
but we won't benefit from it.
If you give up research,
will you go back to surgery?
Your patients will be delighted.
I don't know.
We've got a waiting list
for operations in "El Cigarral".
- I'm leaving.
- Wait, so am I.
Do you like what you see?
What do you mean?
Is there anything you want to improve?
I don't want to improve anything.
Can I take it I'm finished?
and you can boast of having
the best skin in the world.
And now what?
Now I'm going to light
this opium pipe...
and smoke it.
I mean us.
What are you going to do with me?
I don't know.
I'll think about it.
If you keep on, I'm leaving!
Couldn't we just live?
Live together.
Live together?
- How?
- Like everyone.
You and I aren't like everyone.
Look on it as another
of your experiments.
Living together as equals.
That's it!
I could set fire
to the house with this.
I'm yours.
I'm made to measure for you.
And you've just told me
that you like me.
Did I say that?
I know you look at me.
Since you brought me here,
we practically live in the same room.
In this pocket.
Carnival celebrations
are being held on the Gran Via.
You shouldn't have used her face.
If I'd been here,
I'd have warned you of the danger.
There's a resemblance,
but she isn't the same.
The resemblance is too strong.
Have you thought
what to do with her?
You'll have to kill her
or keep her hidden here forever.
Why all the hurry to get rid of her?
If you don't kill her,
she'll kill herself.
Stories repeat themselves.
No! Not this one!
Vera is stronger, a born survivor.
You're sick.
If you don't get rid of her...
what you feel now will end up
devouring you, like a cancer.
When you realize, it'll be too late.
How are you so sure of what I feel
if even I don't know?
Because I know you as if I'd borne you.
Fire the servants
and don't hire anyone.
What do you want?
To see my mother.
I haven't seen her for ten years.
If she was a servant...
they've just left and won't be back.
I saw them,
but she wasn't one of them.
My mother is prettier.
Go away or I'll call the police.
I'm your son, Zeca.
How dare you come here!
Open the door!
It's Carnival. We're both far
from Bahia and I'm homesick.
Look! Like the costume I wore
when I was little. Remember?
Little tiger!
I just want to see you for a minute.
Very well, but then you leave.
Whatever you say.
Follow the path and keep going
through the second gate.
How did you find us?
I've been in Spain a while.
I saw Robert in the paper.
He was giving a...
I don't know,
something in Madrid.
I went there
and then followed him here.
Can't I come in?
No, I'm not allowed visitors.
It smells good.
I'm hungry.
The main new items today...
are the Carnival celebrations...
and the daring robbery committed
in the Bvlgari jewelry store...
in the heart of Madrid.
It happened last night...
and today we have the first images
recorded by one...
of the twenty-four security cameras
which protect the jewelry store.
Apart from the thief,
who appears in the image...
police are looking
for one of the store's employees...
who has been missing
for the last twenty-four hours.
As if they were going to find him!
The bastard just had to
turn off the cameras...
but he changed his mind
and left one working.
He'll be rotting in hell now.
And the police are looking for you.
Sure. If it weren't Carnival,
I couldn't go out.
You can hide me here for a few days.
Hide you here?
Not a chance.
We've got loads of patients.
A lot of people come here.
I know how to hide.
Anyway, I want Robert
to operate on my face.
When he gets you on the table...
he'll give you a lethal injection!
How could you think
he'd operate on you...
after what you did?
I'll have to blackmail him.
If I kidnap you,
could I make him do it?
You're raving mad.
I'm just a servant.
Anyway, Robert's out of Spain.
Even better.
I'll stay here till he comes back.
Where are you going?
- What do you want
- A drink.
Take the bottle,
take what you want, just get out!
What's this?
It's a film!
Go away!
- She reminds me of...
- She doesn't remind you of anybody!
Get out or I'll shoot.
you wouldn't do that to your son.
You're not my son.
I just gave birth to you.
- It's her.
- It's not her!
How could it be her?
Get out of here!
Keep away!
I heard a noise, like a shot.
Is anything wrong?
I heard voices too.
Who is it?
It's me, Zeca. Open the door.
I can't.
- Why not?
- I haven't got the key.
Does Marilia have it?
- I don't know.
- What are you doing here?
If you scream, I'll break your jaw.
Where's the key to upstairs?
In the drawer at the corner.
Untie me and I'll give it to you.
No, where is it?
In that drawer, in an envelope.
- It's not here!
- At the back!
There's just an envelope
that says "clips".
- That's to fool people, idiot!
- Look inside.
No. Not the napkin. No, no, no!
- Yes, or else you'll scream.
- No, untie me, please!
Open your mouth!
Open it wider, mom!
It all fit before.
Did Robert send you?
How did you survive?
I left you burning like a torch.
He saved me.
Get me out of here!
I'll go anywhere with you!
You're saying that...
because I'm on top of you.
Ask me for anything!
What can you give me,
apart from a great fuck?
I don't know. Lots of things!
I'll do whatever you want.
You could help me with Robert.
How do you get on with him now?
- Great?
- Yes.
- And he still locks you in?
- You know what he's like!
I'll take you with me.
That might soften his heart
and he'll fix my face.
If you kidnap me,
you can ask him for anything!
I'll kidnap you, but first we'll fuck.
Lets fuck in the garden, please!
The garden? Why?
I'm sick of screwing in the open air.
This tiger wants a bed.
Don't you like it?
You're hurting me.
It's very big.
It's like it always was.
It used to drive you crazy.
and it still does.
It drives me crazy!
Shut up! You're weird,
you're distracting me.
Kill her!
Kill them both!
As children,
they played at killing each other.
I knew that one day
they'd do it for real.
The tiger and Robert?
They're brothers...
but they don't know it.
At least I've never told them.
I had Zeca by a servant
who disappeared soon after.
And Robert is the son of Mr. Ledgard.
Their fathers were very different
but both were born insane.
It's my fault.
I've got insanity in my entrails.
I'd served at the Ledgards' house
since I was a child.
Mrs. Ledgard was sterile...
and when my Robert was born,
they kept him...
and said she'd given birth to him.
But I was the one who looked after him
from the day he was born.
Zeca spoke to me as if he knew me.
He mistook you for Gal,
Robert's wife.
Unlike Robert,
Zeca grew up far from me.
When he was seven,
he started transporting drugs.
I never saw him.
He grew up on the street.
About twelve years ago
Zeca came back to the house.
He was on the run
and asked us for shelter.
I hid him in an outhouse,
but Gal found him...
she took a fancy to him...
and they ended up
running away together.
Their car crashed,
Zeca survived and ran away.
But she...
Robert found her, horribly burned,
but still with a flicker of life.
He snatched her back from death
at the last minute.
He worked day and night.
He did endless research.
He didn't sleep.
He only rested when he sat
by the bed where she was lying...
covered with gauzes.
He was intoxicated
by the smell of burned flesh.
After the accident,
we lived like vampires...
in total darkness and with no mirrors.
To everyone's surprise...
after several endless months,
Gal started to improve.
The things that a madman's love can do!
One day...
when she could finally stand unaided...
Gal heard Norma's voice in the distance...
singing a song that she had taught her.
And she got emotional.
For the first time in many months,
she got emotional.
And it was...
like feeling she was alive again.
When she opened the window...
she suddenly saw her image
reflected in the glass.
She didn't look human.
She was a cinder.
She gave a scream
that echoed through the house...
and threw herself out the window.
Years later, little Norma...
went in search of her mother...
along the same road
her mother had taken.
Through the window.
- What did you do with the body?
- I buried it well.
Did you pray?
Everything you told me.
Shall we go inside?
Do you mind if we
leave it
for tomorrow?
The tiger really messed me up.
As you wish.
But hold me!
Don't worry, I'll wait.
I don't want you to feel uncomfortable.
Thank you!
I'm falling asleep.
Sleep, my love.
Thank you.
I owe this wedding to you.
Don't exaggerate.
Nico adores you.
Without your help, he'd adore me less.
- Congratulations!
- Thank you.
Your daughter is getting on well
with my nieces.
She seems much better...
At least she isn't afraid of people now.
Yes, it's odd she hasn't come
to ask if we can leave.
She's great!
And she's having a wonderful time.
To you!
You've had him long enough,
it's my turn.
Enjoy him, darling.
Excuse me.
Sweetheart, it's me!
There, there!
What about this one?
Yes, but...
And it looks a bit old.
It's not old, it's vintage.
- Maybe something flowery?
- No, no flowers.
No flowers.
Something like this?
Not stripes either.
No stripes.
Something graphic?
Like this?
I'll come back another day.
Yes, do that, you're dopey today.
Here. On the house.
Put it on and we'll go partying.
I'm meeting my girlfriend.
Put it on anyway.
I'd like to see you in it.
It'll look great on you.
If you like it so much, wear it yourself.
You're so mistaken!
Because I don't like men?
Because you don't like me.
In any case...
I've got pills to get you in the mood.
You shouldn't take that shit.
Vicente, leave Cristina alone!
I'm off.
Where to?
Home, to get changed.
How come?
I'm meeting my pals.
I think we're going to Casilda's party.
Were you invited?
Jorge knows one of the nieces.
We're just going to the dance.
Well? Are you coming?
Leave her alone, you pain.
Good afternoon.
My wife has left us...
and I was wondering
if you'd want her clothes.
- Josefina?
- Yes.
we don't have anything for fat women...
If you're interested,
I'll let you check them out.
They're very nice.
We'll look at them and let you know.
- Of course.
- It's this, right?
It's heavy.
It certainly is.
did she leave or has she disappeared?
Both things.
To be honest...
she does it regularly.
We're used to it.
So the next time she does it...
she'll have to leave naked
because I'm selling her clothes.
I'll show you the garden.
What a party!
Fresh air!
You're all stoners!
I'm Vicente.
I'm Norma.
Your friends have gone.
All the better, right?
Are you stoned?
Have you taken any pills?
Cipralex 20...
I don't take Rohipnol now.
And Lyrica, of course.
I'm high as hell too.
You're not from here, are you?
No. Are you?
Yes, but I want to get away...
I'm sick of these high heels!
And this jacket!
All these clothes give me claustrophobia.
If I could, I'd go naked all the time.
I'll leave you naked.
You're so pretty...
and different.
I'm different too.
Are you in treatment too?
Do you think I should be?
I don't know.
And now, on the groom's request,
I'm going to sing...
"I Need To Love".
This is also for the bride...
with all my affection.
Shut up!
If I left, you'd stay here
with my mother, wouldn't you?
but where are you going?
I don't know.
I'm sick of the town.
That's because of all the stuff you take.
I haven't taken anything in a week.
Then it's because of that.
So should I take it or not?
It's best not to.
I'm going out.
Now? Without finishing it?
Are you coming for supper
or will you be late?
I'll be home for supper,
I just need some air.
Leave it mom, I can do it.
Pass me my helmet.
Are you leaving that mess?
I'll finish it tomorrow.
What are you doing, asshole?
Are you crazy?
Son of a bitch!
Are you crazy?
Don't shoot!
Come in.
Sit down, please.
Thank you.
I was told there's news.
We found the bike, totally destroyed,
at the Finisterre cliffs.
And the body?
It must have been washed out to sea.
We're very sorry, ma'am.
My son is alive.
- As we said...
- Yes, you found the bike...
but my son?
He could have been kidnapped.
Until his body appears,
you must keep looking, please!
We've talked about this already, ma'am.
You have to keep looking.
My son is alive!
If he is, he's far away.
All his friends that were questioned,
even your assistant...
all say he was fed up and wanted to leave.
But he said he'd be home for supper.
Cristina heard him.
If he didn't call me,
it's because something happened.
It's me, Norma.
It's dad.
I won't touch you.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Norma, love.
Everything OK?
It's me, Norma.
You can come out,
the men have gone.
Can't you put her in a dress?
In that gown she looks worse than she is.
We tried...
but she can't stand
any kind of fitted clothing.
She rips it off.
Dr. Ledgard, I don't think
you should visit her so often.
- She's my daughter!
- But she doesn't recognize you.
And she gets worse when she sees you.
In her mind,
she's convinced you attacked her.
I just found her lying there!
Why can't you get that into her head?
She identifies you with the rapist.
we let her out too soon.
It was your idea
that she should socialize.
She was getting over her social phobia.
How could I know...
someone would try to
rape her while she was with you.
Over here!
Please! Get me out of here!
Get me out of here!
I'm thirsty and I'm starving.
You'll eat and drink now.
I haven't done anything!
This is a mistake!
Everyone makes mistakes.
Come over here, you bastard,
and set me free!
Turn around!
I'm chaining you nearer to the table.
But, why?
I haven't done anything.
You'll be more comfortable there.
Thank you!
Sorry if I annoyed you the other day.
I've been alone for so long.
Wait, please! Don't go!
Please, don't go!
We have to talk.
My condolences.
We did what we could.
It wasn't enough
and you did it very badly.
I'm going to report the hospital,
and you in particular...
for homicidal negligence.
- Please, this isn't the place.
- Please...
You really want to work today?
You should rest and try to forget.
I couldn't sleep, and working
will keep my mind occupied.
- Call the whole team.
- OK.
My mother will be very worried.
I never stay away without calling her.
You have a daughter, haven't you?
Why do you say that?
The toys...
My daughter is dead.
We buried her today.
I'm sorry.
And now, some aftershave.
Why did you shave me?
That's a good question.
It's us.
I'll let you in.
If he says we're late,
say there were two
accidents on the road
You know how he is about punctuality.
Good evening.
You're late.
There were two accidents on the road.
Here's the paperwork and envelopes.
When you're ready, we'll start.
Two accidents, one near that town...
He's very young.
He looks like a boy.
He isn't.
He's 27 and he knows
exactly what he wants.
It's a particularly confidential case.
What's happened?
What did you do to me?
A vaginoplasty
Listen carefully to what I'm going to say.
It's very important.
As you've just seen,
the operation was successful...
but the tissues of the vagina are still
very tender and could stick together.
But don't worry,
it's easy to prevent that.
You have to keep the new orifice open...
and manage, bit by bit, to make it deeper.
Think that your life
depends on that orifice...
that you breathe through it.
In this case...
there are several dilators
of different sizes.
Start by inserting the smallest one.
It will hurt at first...
but in a few months...
the largest one will fit without any effort...
and the skin...
will be perfectly healed.
This is very good.
How long have you been using
the last dilator?
Four weeks.
Can I go now?
- Go where?
- Home.
But we've just started.
What else are you going to do?
You'll see, when the time comes.
Why are you doing this?
Do you remember
Casilda Efraiz's wedding?
In that spectacular house?
I'm Norma's father.
She was the child you raped.
I don't think I actually raped her.
You "don't think"?
Have you lost your memory?
I'd taken a lot of pills
and I can hardly remember it.
Well I didn't take anything
and I'll never forget it!
What are you going to do now?
It's a pity you can't see your whole body.
They don't seem pneumatic now, do they?
They're like drops of water
sliding along a glass surface.
The marks on your skin will disappear.
There's still work to do.
But to put you mind at ease,
there'll be no more burns.
I've bought you this body stocking.
It'll protect your skin.
It'll also give you support
and mold you.
Get used to wearing it all the time...
like a second skin.
Put it on.
Will you zip me up, please?
Give me the key
or I'll come up and stab you!
Stay where you are!
I'll slit my throat...
and then you'll have no toy!
You wouldn't dare.
We were lucky.
I can't keep calling you Vicente.
From today, your name is Vera.
I don't know if you're there.
I'm returning the makeup book
and the makeup.
Do what you want with them.
...and you can practice it anywhere...
on a hospital bed, in jail.
There's a place where you can take refuge...
a place inside you...
a place to which...
no one else has access...
a place that no one can destroy.
To access that place there is yoga...
an ancient technique.
It's a place where you'll find peace,
where you'll find tranquility...
But you must practice it...
continuously, intensely...
and then you'll achieve it.
My Cigarral!
I missed it so much!
These four years seemed eternal!
- Was it that long?
- Four years and two months.
I thought you'd forgotten me.
I thought that...
at least you'd have called me
when Norma died.
My poor child.
To throw herself out the window!
I'd rather not talk about it.
As you wish.
But I'm going to miss her so much!
Let's go to the kitchen.
I'm parched.
Don't look at the surfaces.
Everything has to be cleaned.
Call the agency
and hire the help you need.
You've installed more televisions.
They're not televisions.
It's to control a patient.
I'll explain.
From now on, you'll look after her.
But you don't have to go into her room.
She cleans it.
- Are there more patients
- No. She's the only one.
You've put on your uniform.
You don't have to wear it.
I like the uniform...
because it means we're together again.
Who is she?
I told you.
Her name's Vera.
What's she doing?
She's writing on the wall.
I can see that.
It smells of croquettes.
She called me on the intercom...
and asked who I was and what day it was.
When I told her
she started writing on the wall.
I don't want her
to take liberties with you.
Don't unlock her room.
If there's a problem, call me.
She reminds me of someone.
All the women I've operated on
end up reminding you of someone.
Yes, but her more so.
The face is the same.
- What are you doing?
- Slicing a pineapple.
Don't look at me like that.
I won't hurt you.
I don't trust you.
If you did, it would be much easier
for the three of us.
Pass me the tray.
No. I'll take it up.
Just put it in the dumbwaiter.
Thank you.
Good morning.
Thank you.
Where's Marilia?
In the kitchen, grumbling.
She doesn't like anyone else
looking after you.
Last night...
before we went to bed...
we talked a lot and we made a promise.
- Or did I dream it?
- You didn't dream it.
You promised me that
there'd be no more locked doors...
that I could see all the TV channels...
that I was free.
And I promised you
that I'd never leave you.
Don't let me down.
It's all I have, Robert.
Your promise and mine.
Have you really thought
about what we're going to do?
When we're in the streets
she could push me and run off.
She promised not to.
And you believe her?
You're like a child.
You were always like that with women.
And look where it got you!
That's enough!
I'm sorry I took so long.
I've put on high heels to practice.
Buy whatever you like.
Marilia has the cards.
Thank you.
Come along, child!
Have you a problem with me?
No, but as you can see I'm very busy.
I want to talk about the clinic.
I told you on the phone.
After talking to the president...
I decided to stop using the house as a clinic.
But if things are done carefully,
there's no reason to worry.
It's not just that.
I've got other plans
that don't include operating.
If you don't want to operate,
we'll rent the clinic from you.
I'm speaking for all the team.
Our main patients love the isolation here.
I said no, Fulgencio.
And now I'd like to be alone.
Forgive me for not seeing you out.
You know the way.
Are you still here?
I'm leaving now...
but first I'd like you
to see today's paper.
Vicente Guillen Pineiro.
We gave him a sex change.
He disappeared from his home
on September 10, 2006...
as you can see.
I was always surprised he wanted
to get a cunt...
without hormones.
He only wanted a cunt.
He's much more muscular now
and he's working in L.A...
in porn movies, and making a fortune.
What's this about?
It says that his mother
is still searching desperately for him.
Don't go there.
Those documents you
gave us were all false.
It wouldn't be the first time...
we accepted false documents.
Why do you think
our clients prefer this place?
- You know what I think?
- No, and I don't care.
I think you kidnapped him...
and you've been experimenting
on him in every sense.
You told us...
you'd tested your new skin
on athymic mice.
Knowing you as I do...
I think you'd have no scruples
about testing it on a human being.
On Vicente, for example.
Do you know what would happen to you...
if the scientific community
found out you used transgenesis...
on someone you'd kidnapped?
I don't like threats,
they end up infecting me.
You don't know what you're talking about.
Get the hell out of here!
If you're talking about me,
Dr. Roberts didn't kidnap me.
what's that transgenesis?
A cream?
If I'm here it's because
I came of my own will.
And my name isn't Vicente,
it's Vera.
Vera Cruz!
And I was always a woman!
Give me a cigarette.
Thank you.
No, I thank you.
Does it still hurt?
Shall we do it from behind?
Wouldn't that hurt more?
- Wait...
- What?
Just today I bought lubricating cream.
- Go and get it!
- It's in my purse.
I'm sure I put it in my new purse...
but I can't find it.
You must have left it downstairs.
I'll go and get it.
Hurry up!
At last!
I thought you'd gone.
Not yet.
Come on...
What are you doing?
I'm going to kill you.
This is a joke, right?
Call it what you want.
But you promised!
I lied.
He's asleep.
I heard a noise.
Yes, so did I.
Go back to bed,
it was nothing.
My son!
Come out of there! Bitch!
Where are you?
I knew it.
You see to her.
Good morning.
What did you want?
Is anything wrong?
Are you all right?
I don't know where to begin, Cristina.
Do you know me?
I'm Vicente.
I've just escaped.
I was kidnapped.
They gave me a sex change.
I had to kill two people to get away.
You have to help me.
Do you remember this dress?
Before Casilda's wedding,
six years ago...
I said I'd give it to you...
just to see how it looked.
You said if I liked it so much,
I should wear it myself.
At that moment we were alone, remember?
Is anything wrong?
Come here a moment, ma'am.
Why are you crying?
I'm Vicente.