Piercing Brightness (2013)

We're being followed.
I think you should put those away.
Why have we come here anyway?
We're blending in.
Do you know where we are going?
Idiot. We don't have any money.
What is he talking about?
He is a contact. He is uncorrupted.
How can you be sure?
I have seen it. He can be trusted.
Are you sure about him? He may have
been here too long. He's erratic.
Yes. I remember him. Don't you?
The class clown.
Are you certain he's not corrupted?
What would we want with food?
We can't wear these.
Choose something for me to wear, kid.
The Glorious 100 were sent to secretly
observe the birth and development
of another planet for the mutual
benefit of our world and their world.
The return of the 100 remains
the primary mission goal.
This is primitive. It must
take up so much time.
I can't believe this problem
has not been addressed.
Our host seems quite taken
with these earthly ways.
It's possible he is not as
uncorrupted as we first thought.
I want to observe the humans.
We should wait here where it's safe.
Naseer can tend to us.
No. If we return home tomorrow
what stories can we tell?
We have eaten food.
We have watched yet more films.
But we have experienced nothing.
I have not even managed
to light this cigarette.
It's unsafe. We need to guard the stones.
Naseer can look after them.
We need to experience this planet.
It's an opportunity that
will never be repeated.
Come on...
just for a short while.
It's foolish.
What if something goes wrong?
Nothing will go wrong.
How could it?
I wonder where they've gone?
Where are they?
Come on, what are you doing? Keep up.
I'm going to "dance".
You're what?
Dance over there.
Will we get there on time?
Take these...
Make your preparations.
Take them.
Hold them tighter.
The Glorious 100 were sent to secretly observe
the birth and development of another planet...
...of another planet for the mutual
benefit of our world and their world.
We're being followed.
They're getting closer.
How close?
How much further?
Damn scoundrel.