Pieta (2012)

A KIM Ki-duk Film production
CHO Min-soo LEE Jung-jin
executive producers
KIM Ki-duk, KIM Woo-taek
KIM Soon-mo
written and directed by
KIM Ki-duk
The 18th film by KIM Ki-duk
Oh Shit.
Hello? Won-bong?
It's Hoon-chul. Shit.
Lend me some money.
Right now, man!
Or I'm gonna be a cripple
Sell your house and help me!
Hello? Won-bong! Hey!
He'll be here soon!
Shit, he can't kill me
forjust $3,000.
It's now $30,000!
How can the interest be
He said he'll injure you and
take the insurance claim.
That's why they lent it to us
when we got nothing.
Why'd you sign the insurance!
I had no other choice!
I wish I could sell
even you right now!
Hey! Hey!
Do something!
You used it, too!
But only I become a cripple?
You can't. Then, I'll have to
support you.
Stop it!
Get up.
- What are you doing?
- Hold still.
At a time like this?
Aren't you scared?
It's cuz I'm terrified!
Who the hell?
Son of a bitch.
Ah... yes...
- What are you doing!
- Stay outside.
What are you trying to pull?
Stay out if you don't
wanna be a cripple.
No, Myung-ja!
Don't do this!
Myung-ja! Please no!
Oh shit.
Do whatever you want
and give us another week.
If he becomes a cripple,
we're dead.
You son of a bitch!
Please don't!
Please don't!
Please don't!
Damn piece of shit!
You'll pay for this!
Irresponsibly borrowing
and not paying up.
Folks like you are shit!
The hell!
The hell are you doing?
Who the hell are you?
Crazy bitch! Get out!
What the fuck!
Got a grudge on me?
Stab me.
Go ahead!
Lee Kang-do.
I'm sorry I abandoned you.
The hell did you just say?
Forgive me for coming so late.
The fuck are you saying!
Forgive me.
The fuck is this! Crazy bitch!
Fuck! Don't say my name!
Bitch! Don't say my name!
I got no one!
Please forgive me.
Crazy bitch!
Just leave it.
I'll do it later.
It's okay. I'll do it.
Go home and rest.
Mom? Look at me.
Turn your head.
It's pretty.
It's warm.
That's all I got.
How can the interest
be 10 times more?
Don't look, Mom!
Go in! Don't look!
No, Tae-seung...
Grab it.
I said, grab it!
If I become a cripple...
there's no one to take care of
my poor mom.
Don't you have a mom?
It's not high enough.
I can't be a cripple
and burden Mom!
If you die, the insurance gets
messed up. Justjump.
Evil bastard.
Who's that woman?
Please! Give me more time!
Just one more week!
Get lost before
I throw you over!
It's all my fault.
Cuz I abandoned you...
Cut the shit! You bitch!
Or I'll kill you!
I don't mind
dying by your hands.
Crazy bitch.
My leg!
Oh, my leg!
One joint completely gone.
The claim will be just
what you owe us.
Son of a bitch!
You'll burn to death!
You'll scream in agony
and burn in hell forever!
How dare you say that
to my son!
Stop following me!
Go away!
What will you eat today?
Pork? Eel? Duck?
I'll buy.
I'll do it myself!
Hi, Jong-bok.
Long time no see.
Why'd you call?
Me? I'm not busy.
It'll be torn down here soon.
So, there's no business.
All I got left are debts.
Drinks? Tomorrow?
Sure. Sounds good.
Okay, then.
See you tomorrow.
Think that's the end?
Irresponsible fool.
Isn't that Kang-chul?
It's Kang-chul, right?
Are you his friend?
Got any bank accounts,
rings, or necklaces?
You're really my mom
who abandoned me?
Want me to call you mom?
Answer me.
You bitch!
Bullshit! I lived 30 years
without a mom!
If I ever see you again...
I'll rip you to shreds!
Shaking me up...
You're the one who left me
as I was born?
When mommy goes to the island
to pick oysters
the baby is left alone
to watch the house
Ebb and flow of tidal waves
sounds like a lullaby
With his elbow as a pillow
the baby falls asleep
Prove to me you're my mom.
I'm sorry.
Give me proof!
I have a big birth mark.
Where is it?
If you're my mom, you'd know!
I was too young.
I got scared and ran
as soon as I had you.
You lie!
Who are you?
Why show up all of a sudden?
What do you want from me?
If you're my mom, eat this.
My poor Kang-do.
I came out of here?
Here for sure?
Then, can I go back in?
I'm going back in!
If you're not my mom,
I'll stop.
You're not my mom, are you!
Hold still! I'm going in!
Wash up.
I'm making breakfast.
Try it.
Hi, Honey.
How's the baby?
Then, I'll be a daddy
next month?
Got the ultrasound?
Who does he look like?
No, he can't resemble me
or he'll end up like me.
Look closely.
Okay, then.
I love you, too.
I have a customer.
I'll call you later.
Can I borrow more money?
$30,000 more.
I'll gladly be a cripple.
Why'd you borrow it?
Cuz we're having a baby.
He'll be born next month.
I wanna give him everything.
I feel bad.
If he's born cuz of me,
I should take responsibility.
I'd do anything for the baby.
I made money off this.
But, now I'll make
the sacrifice.
I'm ready.
I envy him.
For what?
How you think of him.
Don't all parents
feel the same?
Your parents would've done
the same.
How much insurance money
can I get for one hand?
$30,000. That'll cover
your debt to us.
Then, $60,000 for both?
Then, cut this one, too.
Get $60,000 and give me
I wanna play it one last time.
If I continued with music,
I would've ended up worse.
I don't need it.
Take it.
Aren't you doing it?
What are you doing?
I gotta be a cripple.
I have to provide for my son.
So, hurry up!
Make me a cripple!
Play it for the baby.
What'd you do before
you met me?
Got any family?
No husband or kids?
Do I have any siblings?
Why're you crying?
I'm not.
Today's the lastjob.
Anything you need or wanna do?
Anyone you want to kill?
What do you want?
I lasted 50 years here.
But ended up with nothing.
The owners get new buildings
coming in.
What about tenants like us?
What is money?
I had no intention of paying
back from the start.
I got it to spend like crazy,
then die.
Ever looked down on
Cheonggyecheon from the sky?
This place is going to be gone.
I came when I was 16,
Soon, this place will be...
filled with high-rises, too.
Death complicates the claim!
What is death?
Don't feel guilty cuz of me.
LEE SANG-GU $30,000
It made me feel sorry to you.
What did you do
to the man today?
Jumped off a building
by himself.
He must be dead.
What is money?
The beginning and the end
of all things.
Love, honor, violence, fury...
hatred, jealousy...
Yes, revenge.
If anyone comes here,
don't open the door.
Call me right away!
I will.
Do you wanna go out?
Try this on.
So cute.
Me! Give it to me!
Say, one more please.
Ask for one more.
Sir, please.
Sir, please help me.
What is he, a retard?
What's so funny?
It's funny.
Grown adults acting like kids.
A mom having fun with
her son she met in 30 years.
- That's funny?
- Ma'am!
Crazy bitch!
Let's go!
I'm sorry. Apologize!
I'm sorry.
Get back!
Devilish bastard!
I never once forgot you!
I can't do a thing as a cripple!
I'm a bum!
Now, it's your turn to die!
Get down!
Mom didn't do anything!
Mom, my ass!
You insulted me in front of
my mom forjust $3,000!
Watch closely.
I told you you'd burn to death!
Pour it on! Now!
Forgive him. It's my fault.
I abandoned him.
He grew up without love.
The bastard was born evil.
He's the devil who tests
people with money!
Pour it on! Now!
Son of a bitch.
Kang-do! No!
- No!
- Don't move!
I'll light it for ya!
He probably didn't die.
Or report it to the cops.
I'm scared.
That you'll suddenly vanish.
I can't survive being
alone again.
Today's your birthday.
Go buy a cake.
Let's celebrate.
So, this was my birthday
It looks a little small for me.
It's not done yet?
Boss, it's Lee Kang-do.
Why you!
You son of a bitch!
I'm sorry, boss!
I'm sorry, boss!
You ungrateful bastard.
Get lost!
Someone else is doing it.
Please give my mom back!
You have a mother?
That's why you quit?
Scared of revenge?
It's not me.
It's probably one of
the cripples you made.
I told you to collect money,
not make 'em cripples!
You butcher!
Where were you?
Know how much I worried!
Why didn't you take your phone!
I'm sorry.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
I have a favor.
Plant me a tree.
Where's the sweater?
I wanna wear it today.
Can a pine tree live
by the water?
It'll live.
When I die, bury me here.
Don't say stuff like that!
Everyone dies.
But still...
It's not for a long time.
Go to your bed!
Get out!
Did I do something wrong?
Go water the tree.
It'll wither to death.
Kang-do! Someone's here!
- Mom?
- Why're you doing this!
Stop it!
No! Please! No!
Help me! Help me!
Who the fuck are you!
Why are you doing this!
It's my fault!
Not my son's! Please!
Yes, Han's Machinery.
Yes, of course we can do it.
The price of copper went up.
Then, I'll do it for 30 .
That's it.
Hello? Hello?
Son of a bitch!
Take the skin off my back
why don't ya!
Damn bastard!
Damn sons of bitches!
Greedy bastards!
Sons of bitches!
Damn bastards!
I'll kill you! Bastard!
I'll rip you to shreds!
You bastard!
Looking for Jong-do?
He quit and went to
Where's your son?
Where's Lee Jong-do!
Your friend's here.
How nice there's a friend
who still remembers you.
You must be so happy.
Don't you ever die
cuz of money.
Damn money!
How can you leave me behind
over losing an arm?
After everything I did
to raise you.
Damn bastard!
That bastard...
Where's your dad! Tell me!
What'd you do yesterday?
Thought of you, fool.
Never once forgot you
doing this to me for $10,000.
So, what did you do!
Getting revenge!
Tell the truth!
Stabbing you!
Burning you!
Sinking you!
Ripping you to shreds!
That's not enough!
If you had parents,
I'd take 'em as you watch and...
But it's no use.
A cripple like me.
All I can do is hope
you rot in hell.
Just you wait.
I remind my kid what you did
every single day!
When mommy goes to the island
to pick oysters
the baby is left alone
to watch the house
Ebb and flow of tidal waves
sounds like a lullaby
With his elbow as a pillow
the baby falls asleep
Thank you.
I led a foolish life.
So, I cannot see
as much as others.
That is enough.
It's $3 for a bag.
What would you like?
Rice puffs again?
You bitch!
What bastard did you
go and fuck!
Shut up
if you don't wanna starve.
We're living like this
cuz you borrowed that money.
What? I didn't do it
just for me.
Bitch! It's all your fault!
Get lost, you bitch!
If you doubt me so much,
you go and make money!
You bitch!
Where's my mom?
The hell! You had a mom?
Then, why the act!
Cuz I'm scared.
I can't even move! See!
Beer money?
Don't need it!
The devil's money!
If there was no law,
I'd kill you a hundred times!
You piece of shit!
Wish I can grind you
with my car!
I got $40! Shit.
$5,000 BECAME $50,000.
Why'd you do it?
Why were you so cruel?
I cannot forgive you.
You're a devil who tests
people with money.
Now, you feel the heartache
as them.
Watch your family die
before your very eyes!
No use crying now.
Pathetic fool.
Devilish bastard!
What is it?
The hell!
The fuck!
You bitch!
Get lost, bitch!
You waited long, right?
The fool's soul will die now.
When I die before his eyes...
he'll be in dire pain
over losing his family.
He'll go crazy.
Why am I so sad?
Sang-go! I'm sorry.
I didn't intend to feel this.
But I feel sorry for him.
Poor Kang-do!
Mom! where are you?
Don't come up!
Please don't kill me!
No! You son of a bitch!
Let Mom go!
What do you want!
Mom didn't do anything!
Kill me instead!
Kang-do! I'm scared!
Forgive me! Please!
Don't kill me!
Kang-do! I'm scared!
No! Mom! No!
I was wrong!
I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
I'll die instead!
Let Mom go! Please!
I'll die! Mom is innocent!
Kill me! I'm sorry!
Kill me, please!
Let Mom go! Please!
I'm so sorry!
Please don't kill Mom!
Please forgive me.
She didn't do anything.
It's my fault.
Forgive me.
And please let my...
Please let my mom go.
Kill me.
Please let her go.
Please don't harm her.
I'm sorry.
I am to blame.
Please don't kill her.
You're not alone anymore.