Piggy (2012)

It is me. Joe.
And it is Piggy.
Piggy was an Avenger.
He arranged things I could not.
He changed everything.
Piggys philosophy and his self-confidence
gave me strength.
He gave me his version of freedom.
To tell me I must
talk about Piggy, and all the violence.
And how
I was part of it.
At the beginning of the year I
work as a messenger.
I went with
packages, letters... everything.
What was now needed.
It was my first job
for several years.
I had been too shy
to work.
- I would not at home.
- You full on Friday?
- No.
- Well... He baked in the thick girl.
- No.
- And you actually spoke with people.
It was not
a good job for me.
It was hard
to be so close to the other.
And the longer I was with them,
the less with I felt.
Maybe we feel all such
of time.
So I thought about possible dangers
in most situations.
- Delivery.
- Thank you! And your name is?
Sorry! Sorry!
Otherwise it was day one.
But they felt a little different.
I stared at the thing,
I could not get.
Tried to sleep all night.
It was pretty much my life.
Every day, almost the same.
floor at work. Work.
Become numb. Try to sleep.
floor at work. Work.
Become numb. Try to sleep.
- How are you?
- Extra lock? As a grandmother. As a woman.
- Come in.
- Okay, little brother.
- The paintings are horrible.
- They were here when I moved into.
- I did not think about it.
- It's a little weird.
Give me a hug.
You are a poor little thing, huh?
- Here.
- Thank you.
- It has always been.
- I just want to be alone.
Will you be here for a while?
- I sent my stuff back here.
- Fine.
- Would you pay a visit to Claire?
- Yes.
- Do you?
- What?
- You have a crush on her.
- No! I do not want your old.
It's an eternity ago.
I'm kidding.
You have no chance.
Is it yours?
Yes. It was not expensive.
- Let me see.
- No, come on.
Shut up.
We shall see.
I look okay.
You look like an idiot.
What are you doing these days?
What are you doing these days?
I'm waiting... to determine the me.
So you fumble around?
You have to do something. Aiming at something.
You can do better. Right?
When you were interested in something
as small, threw you feel about it.
- You seem delusional.
- There something pops up.
- Jas?
- Yes! Do not worry.
But I am.
- What is it?
- Just some fools.
One of the reasons why
I hate London.
- Come on. Say hello. Hey.
- Shut up.
Hey. I love you.
- Do not look, they can come over here.
- Hell with them.
- Hello!
- Hello!
Oh, it was lovely.
- Hi there!
- Hello.
So, that's enough. Dry white wine?
Yes. That sounds good.
year seemed to be better
from then on.
Everything was just as linked.
Marco! This is my little brother.
My little brother Joe. Jeff.
- Hey, buddy!
- Yes?
- Is everything all right?
- Yes.
Give me your money, dude.
Otherwise you will die, okay?
Hurry up, dammit!
- I know you.
- What? What?
Son of a bitch.
Hi there. It goes fine.
We're going out tonight, close to you.
- No, forget it.
- No excuses.
- You have not been in town long.
- I just do not want.
- You owe me 50 pounds.
- I do not have 50 pounds.
I'm kidding. I just want to be seen.
When I saw "the world's largest burger"
on the menu, I thought "yes, yes".
There were three steaks,
and bacon, ham, eggs.
There were a hundred things in it!
He presses burger down like this.
So he can get it into his mouth.
"You must take it apart."
"Oh no!"
Then he opened his mouth up.
Pushed inside.
There is a cocktail stick
in the middle of the burger.
- I'm sorry.
- Sit down, fool.
- See how you go, buddy.
- Dude?
What the hell is that? Blackcurrant Juice?
You want something,
matching blouse?
- Flat now down your pussy!
- Go to your friends. Go on.
You're on thin ice.
It's okay. I am calm.
- Try, when you feel strong.
- Shut up!
Go to hell!
- Crush him, mate.
- It's okay.
Damn... You know what?
Fucking idiot. There is always
fools here. What do you do?
- Easy.
- You were lucky.
Let it go, John.
- What was that a shock?
- Shut up.
- Slightly.
- We're over here!
- Jamie! Would you like?
- The second time applies.
The smile I recognize!
Damn it!
Jamie, relax now.
You do not need beatings or anything.
- I'm going home.
- Already?
- I'm just tired.
- I play against you next time.
- John. I'm out of here.
- Do not worry about the type.
They will through me
to reach you.
I'm just tired. Long days.
Okay. Come here.
Call us next week.
You can ask me out,
you owe me the money.
Now he sticks out!
I can not take much more
the crap here.
Hey. John Burgess, came in this morning.
- I'm his brother.
- Burgess? Ground 5th To the right.
It is very bad.
You, do you remember me?
What? Do you remember me?
Do you remember me, your pussy?
You're dead!
Damn! Fucking...
There were people enough to
justify a ufuldbyrdet life.
It is always good
to make the family proud.
have something to hold on to
on days like this.
the morning I smoked grass
and got drunk.
Almost forgot
everything about that day.
The days flowed like just together.
Life just kinda happened.
Nothing mattered,
for nothing stood out.
It was like trying to see
with a spotlight in the eyes.
My best friend was gone. Where
was I who should I charge?
How could I punish
them for what they had taken from me?
But one thing I knew.
To those who murdered John,
not have been afraid.
But it should have been.
Hey, buddy. Is everything all right?
- Do I know you?
- Yes.
When you were little,
I knew your brother.
Do you have some spare time?
I will talk to you.
The security above all. It's good.
I like it here, Joe.
Fucking... cozy and such.
- What do you want?
- I read what has happened.
It was terrible.
- How did you know about me?
- I and John were old friends.
We went to school together.
Yes, I think I recognize you.
- I read about what has happened.
- Is that why you are here?
Yes... Yes.
Who are you?
I'm Piggy, Joe.
You can call me Piggy. It makes all.
Yes. I think I remember you
from when I was a child.
May I sit down?
It was horrible.
You know, it just feels...
It feels as if there never
something is done about it.
- Yes.
- That's right.
Someone should do something about it, Joe.
- Yes.
- And you must be angry.
- I am.
- I would be damned angry.
It's horrible.
- Your own brother.
- Yes.
I mean... Your own flesh and blood.
Your brother, Joe.
When these things happen...
... Do not have anything.
- How does it feel. That's it.
If you do not do anything.
It's really terrible,
it happened.
But I'm glad I came.
It was great to see you again.
- Yes, that was it.
- See you again, right?
- Absolutely.
- Yes.
I trades always around.
I can look into, say hi.
I'll see myself out.
I dreamed about Piggy.
At work
I thought about him all day.
Where I had seen him before.
Where he came from.
I met him more and more often.
I told everything that had happened.
He would help me.
It was nice that someone said,
that he loved me.
- I bought something for you.
- Why?
- It can cheer you up.
- Jas?
- It makes you happy.
- What is it?
I know how happy
you are cooking.
- You do well to cook?
- Of course.
See here. Look at that bastard.
- You enjoy cooking, right?
- Yes.
- And then you have to use a sharp knife.
- Yes.
- Right?
- Yes.
- Thank you. It was nice of you.
- You're welcome. I enjoyed it.
The ones I talk about Joe...
It's the good, like you and me.
Or the evil. The vicious.
The monsters, Joe.
But you have to drop the fear, mate.
You can make the world
to submit to your will.
Whatever it is.
Using lies. Using violence.
Use whatever.
My old grandmother always said:
"If you can not get something, boy...
so take it, damn it. "
Trust me, Joe.
I will help you.
Why would you help me?
Because I loved your brother.
I loved him, Joe.
And I know those people.
You would like my help, Joe?
You would suppose that I help you?
Okay. We go out.
Apart? Now?
Out. Now.
You and me.
I have something for you, Joe.
Something I will show you.
You'll like it here.
It is a gift more.
Can you see it now?
Do you remember him?
Do nothing. Say nothing.
Follow me.
- Yes?
- Sorry to disturb your evening stroll.
- Do you know him?
- Who the hell are you?
No, you know him. Look closely.
You know him for sure!
Look closely.
You know him.
- I do not know you, man!
- Kill him.
I've never seen you before.
Tell him!
Kill him.
Joe! Joe!
Come here!
It's all right, Joe!
It's okay!
Joe! Joe! It's okay.
You'll be fine.
He just will not rob you again.
Hopefully he plunders nobody.
It's okay, buddy.
It's okay. It's okay.
It's all in order.
It's okay.
Now we go. We go our way.
Hell, Joe. It's just me.
Take it easy, Joe.
It was a joke.
I was just kidding!
Piggy told me what I should
clear and non-clear
- When I ought to say,
take control, say no.
He showed me situations, and how
they should have been tackled,
- To minimize damage,
or lasting damage.
This is London, Joe. Understand it.
The fear in people's eyes.
He explained to me
on body language.
I had never thought of before.
Your brother often talked about you.
- Did he?
- Yes.
Two minutes, Joe.
Piggy said that he did not
would kill an innocent.
He would kidnap one of them and get
him to say who attended.
He said that if we made a mistake,
we would be just as bad as them.
The plan seemed good, so
was no undue sacrifice.
It is here we go with
from now on.
- Why are you laughing?
- It's a pig nose.
And you have to have it on when we go out.
- Why?
- We must apron us, Joe.
Shall we?
No one has seen us yet.
It comes to the.
And then they will notice
a disguise.
- And that is what they will remember.
- Okay.
The more silly disguise is...
... The less they will be able to remember
otherwise. Think.
All they will remember
This pig's snout.
And believe me, if the goofy snout
the last thing they see before they die-
- They arrive to hell
Psychology, right?
It's fucking smart. Honestly.
About one hour is dark.
- What should I say to her?
- Do not respond.
How are you? Are you outside?
Wait a minute, I let you in..
You better hide
in the other room.
Do not lose focus, Joe.
Do not lose focus.
Hey, you.
I miss him so.
That's it.
I do not know
how to work with it.
- Nothing gets better. It does not heal.
- Yes, I know what you mean.
And that someone did that to him...
It was not an accident.
- I'm sorry. He's your brother.
- It does not matter.
I'm not an angry person. I
care about others. I'm not hateful.
- I know.
- But if I could...
I think it is clear...
But how can you live with
this in the head rest of your life?
They took not only his life,
but also his past.
Because you can not think of him
without thinking about them.
Are you okay?
Yes, it is.
How do you know?
I got it just right.
John loved you very much.
Do you think they ever
catch them, Joe?
They get caught.
I promise you.
- We know that there were five.
- Yes.
One by one, Joe.
One by one.
A very cheerful assembly.
Ham in blue.
We follow him.
Look where he lives.
How we begin.
He is alone.
Take your nose on.
Now it's not kidding.
When I say, so get the car.
Do not think, just do it.
- What did I say?
- Get the car.
- What?
- Get the car.
Ready? Come on.
Get the car.
Take his cap.
Do you know why you are here?
Take his knevel of.
What is this?
What the hell are you doing? I must...
Get me out of here! You're dead,
do you know? Damn fool!
You are not in a situation
where you should swear at anyone.
Take it easy!
Guess what...
I know that you know
who killed John.
I can guarantee that you were there.
It was not me!
I know.
There were 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of you.
Just say who they are.
Save yourself.
I do not know what you're talking about.
Yes, you do, you bastard.
I'll find them.
I find the bastards.
I beat them all to death.
I'll start with you.
- Yes.
- I know nothing.
I'll start with you.
Relax. He comes up.
Yes, it's just...
He looks very paltry out.
He'll be fine.
Hi, this is Joe.
I'm not coming in today, because...
I do not feel so good.
Thank you.
See you tomorrow, I think.
- Did I say that I move?
- No.
I can not afford
without him fool Justin.
- Is it over?
- Yes.
- I did not like him.
- Why not?
I did this just is not.
You can help me move,
if you want.
Have you heard that they have arrested
someone for murder?
- No.
- A local newspaper wrote about it.
"The arrest was connected to..."
But they were shown released
- I think they are all happy.
- Yes.
Sorry, I'm talking about it.
It's okay.
It feels alligevel not virkeligt.
To the well, that there is virkeligt?
- What is that?
- You next, I'm here for you?
- What do you want that low?
- Just be together.
- What do you want?
- The same.
- I think about it. What do you think?
- The little black dress?
- Nej?
- Mske. Mske not.
- For the rest... Shall we go?
- Whither?
I just want to go.
- Ned ad Gaden there.
- Okay.
- Where are we going?
- We can go the Vej.
- You wanted to go on Hovedgaden.
- There is enough cramped.
Okay. You have suffered strange now.
- What kigger you after?
- Not something.
- Where are we Vej going?
- Primrose Hill... I'm at it.
Where would you go to? What would you discount?
I want to Kentish Town. Okay?
- Nice.
- Is it okay? Come.
I, do not, if I should change
or budding at the same kursus.
- I do not.
- Really?
- Listen... I will have to go.
- What?
I have to go.
I'll call you, okay?
Good morning, good morning!
What the hell...
Come here.
Hello there!
Come now.
Everything is in order.
Shh, shh...
Look. He smiles, see.
He is happy. Are not you glad?
- What the fuck?
- Hello.
What's going on?
I know, you kill John.
I'm know about it...
cause your friend, Craig told me that.
It was Jamie. It was fucking Jamie.
It was his fuckin thing.There are missunderstood
You can not.
You were there.
Tell the truth.
I was there
but I dont kill him. please!
It was Jamie.
There are always fuckin Jamie!
Jamie and Andy Pretson...
Frank Erswell. And Craig. Craig Raaz.
- Jamie Ritler.
- Jamie Ritler?
Yes, Jamie Ritler. Do not kill me.
I have a little girl!
Okay, okay! It's alright.
Cal Down. Nothing happens.
The finder is not Jamie.
He has bolted..
He ran the next day.
I swear.
I told you that it was not me!!
It was not me. I swear.
For the devil.
Host it. It is fine
It's good.
For the devil then!
Dump his body in the wilderness.
Everything was different
for me, but was still same as before.
I was a different person.
At least on the way to becoming so..
- What?
- I'm just having fun.
- Joe...
- Shut the fuck up!
- Pitstop.
- What?
Jamie Ritler, this Pitstop.
- For what?
- Fabrics, apparently.
- Not related to John.
- Satan.
It can last an eternity.
We should perhaps
take it easy.
Maybe not.
Now I know everything
Frank Erswell. Come on.
This is fine.
A lovely night.
Do you think you are going to die now?
I will not die, man.
Say you are sorry.
I'm sorry, man.
We would not go that far.
I'm sorry.
- Sorry?
- Damn.
Revenge... feels fucking great.
You probably should not be
so much with Claire.
What? What are you talking about?
What I mean, Joe. You know,
what I think is good for you, so...
Then nothing. It does not concern you.
- It was not nicely said.
- I've done everything you've asked for.
What have you,
what I do?
I just do not think that you need
becoming too involved. Okay?
- You need to focus on the finish line.
- What a stroke?
Our target.
That I do not agree in.
I have given my opinion.
Follow my advice or not.
I do not.
But do.
What you fucking.
Well...! Goddamn it!
It stinks like hell!
Is he dead?
I do not know. Ask him.
Oh, God! God!
What will you do to me?
Your naughty boy.
You have shit in my pants.
What shall we do now?
We have not given us.
I'm not saying anything to anyone,
if you let me go. I swear!
I swear by my father's grave!
I say to no one.
No, of course.
If my life depends on it...
I will not... I will not die.
- It would be my brother does not.
- Not even John.
Your brother?
I did not know.
Why would you? You asked
he's not a personal question.
- I said that it was not me.
- You were there.
- It was Jamie.
- You were there.
It was them. It was fucking Jamie.
You were there.
Yes, but Jamie is cooped up.
What? What do you think?
- Custody.
- For this?
- Substances.
- Substances, apparently.
So he is fucking lucky!
It's okay.
We get hold of him.
I beg you, I beg...
- Listen to me.
- "Listen."
Let me go.
Let me go.
You know that we can not.
You're like our insurance.
Sadly for you
you must stay here a while.
- Get out!
- Up to the chin.
No... I shall not go.
- Do not leave me, hear ye!
- Quiet.
I ask you. Do not.
I shall not go.
Do not let me die like this,
hear ye!
I will not die!
We move him next time.
Playing a little more with him.
- Yes.
- Do not leave me here!
Do not leave me, hear ye!
I will not die...
- Hello!
- Hey, are you around?
- Can you come? Do you remember Justin?
- Yes.
He's outside, very full.
He has been there a long time.
- I can not get him to go.
- Relax. I'm coming.
- Justin...
- Now close up, damn it.
- Who's that little shit?
- What the hell do you want? Go. Now.
- Make me. It will be bloody.
- I think you should go.
- Your little pussy.
- How to not speak to her.
You are a fucking dickhead!
Let me see.
It's nothing.
I do not know why you...
That's fine. Let me see the other.
Never mind that. Never mind.
Thank you.
- I must go now.
- You just got here.
Yes, but I...
I have something to fix.
- You all right?
- Yes.
Joe! Joe!
Joe. We are finished.
We are finished!
- We're done, Joe! Finished!
- What the hell?
- We have been seen on film.
- How the hell did you get in?
When we took Craig,
filmed a camera us.
We're done, dude. Finished!
We must finish this tonight.
I can not do it here.
We run away immediately.
- No, we take Danny, tonight!
- It is ridiculous.
- No, mate. Let me think.
- The decision was made for us, Joe!
I do not know what to do.
Do you go from me, Joe?
You do not suppose?
I did not say. It's just...
It is much to cope with.
We must be one step ahead.
We take it, we can take in the evening.
We save us, we wait a year,
we'll take Jamie.
But you do it this time, Joe.
You do it!
For your wonderful brother John.
I did not know what thoughts
was mine or Piggys.
By sharing brain with anyone.
to be full of ideas,
which may not be one's own.
I trusted no longer on my
intuition. What food I liked.
Music, clothes...
Who is it? Come on!
Who the hell is that? Come on!
Who the hell are you?
Who the hell are you?
What are you in my house?
It did not quite
as planned.
I can not do it here.
- Joe, stay.
- It's over.
- I do not want more.
- How it works not.
- Says who?
- You! This is what you wanted!
Come on!
I knew what I wanted.
My brother's murderer.
I wanted them dead.
But it was imagination.
Now it felt like that when we did
this, we destroyed the imagination.
That's the problem with a fantasy.
As soon as it becomes reality,
It no longer exists.
Do not be afraid.
You can come home after this.
Every day I waited for the police.
When the phone rang, because I up.
When the doorbell rang,
I hid.
I began to hope
killings would stop.
Piggy would travel now,
where we had all we could.
And for a while everything was quiet.
But only one time.
Joe? Joe!
Wake up, Joe!
Wake up, honey,
the food is ready.
Banks never on?
We're going to hunt, Joe.
- What the hell are you doing?
- I told you, she made you crazy.
You know nothing about her.
Do not mix her into this.
We're going out, Joe. Tonight.
What are you talking about?
It is no more left.
Yes, it is.
There are other, Joe.
You can help.
We are finished!
It's over! Okay?
We are not finished, Joe.
We are not finished, Joe!
We are not finished, Joe.
We are not finished.
We are not finished.
We are not fucking finished.
I have no idea who the hell you are.
I have no idea who the hell you are.
I have no idea who the hell you are!
I have no idea...
Why do you never talk about,
what happened?
- I do not know.
- It's just...
I see no reason for it.
I know you're upset.
It felt just not.
If you wanted to talk about it...
If you would be upset...
Why would anyone want
to be outraged?
I did not mean it like that, but just...
If you wanted to talk about it...
I'm here.
The only thing in my head.
I mean...
... Nothing changes just because
you walk up to it. Well?
Good or bad.
Nothing changes you
No matter what you think.
I understand.
That's my fault.
It was my fault.
Are you okay?
Associate you not to me, you hear!
You are still safe.
It was my fault!
BAND LEADER RITLER convicted Today
You knew nothing of John, do you?
You've never met him!
What the hell does that mean?
Good grief...
What role does it, Joe?
You could do what you wanted.
I gave you just an excuse.
I did it all right
by saying that it was not.
You're crazy.
And you could have stopped,
when you wanted to.
But you did not.
You did not,
for you have made you a victim.
You are weak.
You're just like the others who do not
stand by it. You are fucking weak.
You are meaningless.
You are a shadow.
Your brother knew it safe.
And you knew it for sure.
And all the others who were fortunate enough
to socialize with you-
- Over the last 20 years
a your miserable life, knows it too.
And you know what, buddy?
That's why you're so good at violence.
For the weak people.
You are tough to commit violence because
You have so much repressed anger.
You do not know
how to be yourself.
You do not know
how to be someone else.
And what happened your brother...
It gave you just an excuse
to do what you did.
And that's all people like you
need, right?
An apology.
One way to get it to feel right.
You are a mirror, Joe.
You're a fucking mirror
of what is out there.
For every miserable bastard,
who got up and went out today.
What is it, buddy?
Have I made you angry?
It's a damn shame, Joe.
I thought really about you.
I really did.
You can go now.
Just go.
Now I understood,
exactly what to do.
I understood what Piggy had
taught me what he would say.
when John died, I died too.
That was it.
I was tied to it.
I could not put it behind me.
And now there was only one way
to move forward.
I'm moving in a few weeks.
I have to do a lot.
It's a shame, Joe.
You are always welcome here again.
Thank you.
This is for me now.
Piggy was an Avenger.
He arranged things I could not.
He changed everything.
Piggy was all
they wanted him to be.
I knew he would not die.
Now I knew that it was my responsibility
to finish what we had started.
And I promise to finish it.
Translation: fyzue with google translator
Original : T. Miller in Danish