Piku (2015)

Budhan, the laundry boy would have come
and cut the fruits and keep.
All I am saying dad...
...just go and sit on the pot...
...it'll happen.
But I am still not
feeling the pressure...
Count these.
Hey Budhan!
Why didn't you give me black currant
with my milk last night? -Of course I gave.
This walking around won't help you...
...just go and sit on the pot.
I know my system better or you?
...make a note of 19
clothes in the diary...
You're still here baba?
It won't happen...just
because you're saying!
It will...l say so! Go and try.
It won't!
All right then!
You just don't want
to listen to anyone...
...breakfast is here...eat
it...after you're done.
Look... | know that 'potty' feeling...
...just yesterday I sat
on the pot for an hour.
Please dad...no point
I'm already late for work.
Give me the list..
Listen Piku...
Call me before lunch...
You're late again...
Ivladamji I've been waiting
here for 20 minutes.
So am I lying then?
No madamji.
- Move now.
- Yes ma'am.
- Yes ma'am.
Madamji, madamji sir won't spare me...
Tell your owner... l don't
need your taxi from tomorrow.
All they know is how to fleece you.
Send a cup of tea inside.
Sure sir.
Reema... PPT.
Yes sir.
Client is here.
- Yes I know I'm late.
Piku just try not to argue today.
Look. I can't stand like a beggar
in front of the client...
...I like to speak my mind.
If you've issues with that then I
am happy to not attend this meeting.
You are meeting Aniket for lunch.
Come on yaar...
Not him.
He's a jerk!
You can't be so desperate.
I am so...
Shall we?
Syed... Kept it inside.
See I get your point...but my driver
was just trying to save the other car...
...so he turned left...
..you were coming from behind...
in speed...naturally...it banged...
Your driver was speeding!
He hit and ran away...so
how's this natural?
Sir, Piku madamji had said...
Stay quiet,
what else could this poor man have done?
Who would cause an
accident intentionally?
Now where did this dent come from?
This one here...
That was another lady driver
but that's not the point...
Oh really?
Why do accidents happen with you only?
Look don't deviate...
Why is it always that
the guy in front is at fault?
All I know that he has broken this...
Oh hello..settle it or it's
a sure case of 'hit and run'...
You can't be so safe with the
designs otherwise there is no point.
- Yeah...
- Sorry, sir.
Ma'am, your father.
What happened?
There's a message from him.
Read it...
Read it quickly.
"..day before I
had Semi liquid motion...
...since then constipation and gas...
What should I do?"
Will you say something?
I am talking to you.
lam talking to you.
"Semi liquid motion first.
Then 2 days of gas and constipation.
What should I do?"
What kind of a message is this
to leave at an office?
I think its a serious health issue...
...and we should discuss it.
We could've discussed at home?
We live in the same house.
But you said you didn't
want to talk to me...
Fine...you could've sent me a text?
Why did you give it
to the Receptionist?
But just this morning you said
you didn't want to talk to me!
Didn't you say that?
This morning dad...
I've kept the lunch on the
table and I've have made Grand Pa's dish.
My dish? Or 'Moong pulses' dish?
Son of a pig!
Just go and keep lunch on the table...
On the Table?
What else did I say?
So I said the same...table...
Dad, in the middle of my...
Hey you better have
not put salt in my food...
Well how could l?
you hid it again today.
Open a new packet.
Greasing is good for motion..
Dad stop being so..difficult...
...from last two days not
a single piece has come out!
I don't want to die of constipation!
No one dies of constipation.
Elvis Presley did..
Don't look at me like that...
...his body was found
in the bathroom...obviously...
...he must've been
sitting on the commode.
Didn't you keep the
yogurt in the fridge?
It's gone sour...
Look Piku none of
my problems are small.
When you'll be my age,
you'll understand.
I don't want to get to your age...
You have problems
everywhere in your body.
Then..see this.
- What?
Haemoglobin 15...
Urine test normal.
Diabetes negative. kidney
function normal ECG normal.
When did these reports come?
And why did you give it to her?
That's not the point Dad.
Srivastav uncle asked
for blood Count ONLY.
Then why did you
get these extra tests done'?
So there's nothing in the report?
Look at your face...everything
is normal but you are not happy.
Really, things will be better
off if something comes out.
Didney or lung or
diabetes or something...
At least then there will
a solution to this house.
Look, I've given you full freedom.
Don't talk to me like that.
What freedom?
I had to meet Aniket today
for lunch but I am here. With you.
Is this how I am going to
lead my life? discussing your shit?!
Don't bring my shit in between. Don't.
And this your relationship status.
Yeah Syed.
If you ask me,
I think casual is fine...
...that works for me.
He's just all the time
imagining, hypochondriac.
What for have you come now?
I want to talk to madam.
She's not here... go away.
I know she's inside..
I told you she isn't, go!
- Dad?
Why are you so late today?
I've fired her, she
wont work for us anymore...
I've left this job myself, give
me my clues and I'll leave...
There is nothing due...
Dad please.
Did he say something?
When I mop the floor...
...he walks behind me
with his dirty shoes...
...checking the room as
if I'll steal something...
So so?
What is so wrong in that?
Three times a day I clean the
toilet and he's still not satisfied.
And today he crossed the limits, he
said I've stolen the toilet cleaner.
You think I'll do that?
Then where did it go?
- One minute, dad.
- Did I drink it up?
She's talking nonsense.
Look he didn't mean that...
No he's suspecting me all the
time...just pay my dues and I'll leave.
I told you there's
no balance... Fine Piku...
...inside that drawer I've
kept eight hundred and fifty rupees.
She didn't turn up for three
days... I've deducted that...
See he's deducted three days salary...
...you didn't turn up on Sunday and Monday
and third day you went for a movie...
Dad please
No madam I was unwell...
- Keep your salary.
Don't clean the toilets
from tomorrow. I'll do that...
Take couple of days off
and think with a cool head.
Day off?
What are you doing Piku?
Keep quiet Dad.
No no I know this lady...
- Dad shut up.
Let it be...whichever house
you get married in, I'll work there...
...but here...but till
the time he's here...
Till the time?
What do you mean till the time?
I'll be here forever... and even she...
You go. You go from here.
Yeah even I am not interested
in working here... - Go!
Goes on and on and on. No
one is going to give you a job...
One minute.
Am I thief? If I'd to steal, l
would've stolen diamonds, laptop...
...that keeps lying over
there, will I steal the toilet cleaner?
Is that all?
I've not had a good
motion since morning...
...and on top of that
dealing with this lady.
You should be happy...
...at least there won't be
any thief in this house.
She was the main cause of his BF.
You keep quiet.
Why are you worried? She'll come
back after two days saying sorry.
No no no, that's not the point.
This is the 5th maid we
have changed in 2 months.
We live in a society dad.
We need to maintain good
relations with at least some people...
What relationship Piku?
Should we take that cleaning
lady out for dinner?
Don't talk nonsense Dad..
What is your problem Piku?
Budhan is here to help you.
When your mother got me here,
she said I'll do a respectable job.
Fine then you start going
to my office from tomorrow...
Hey Piku..
And where are you going again?
Serve him the dinner on time...
l won't eat at home.
Yeah Aniket.
I'll be there at 9 o clock.
I am not in touch with any one...
...but do you remember Rhea?
She had that funny hairstyle.
Well, anyway she got married.
Yeah, its surprising..
Anyway, what's happening with you?
Usual, that Gurgaon project.
Check this.
As if my checking
will make it high...
Shut up...
How much was it in the morning'?
At 12pm it was 98.6..
After that?
- 98.8..
See it's increasing...
98.8..that's normal.
Ok..I'll call him.
Everything ok?
Yeah..sorry, just one sec.
Yeah, yeah go ahead.
Dad ate Bryonia twice, he said
potty was hard along with 'mucus'.
No no later he said it looked
like mango pulp, yes and 98.8 fever.
Ok thank you...
Should we order dinner?
No actually,
I'm not so hungry now..
No..just why don't
you..why don't you go ahead?
I'll just drop Piku
and come back home..
...yeah... ok bye... bye bye.
He hasn't seen any
of Satyajit Ray's films.
And he doesn't vote!
I was somehow tolerating him..
You were right...
He's such a jerk!
Did dad call you up?
Why did you react like this?
Like what?
I said Dad called, so you said "hun".
Right...l asked if Dad called you
and you said "Yes" so I said "hum"?
So what's wrong?
- Who reacts like that, What is "huh"?
Dad called me...so
you should say "ok".
What is "Hun"?
I know but you said you
said "yes", so I said "hun".
No you didn't say, you said "hun".
Come on Piku...
...I just said "hun"
so what's wrong in it?
Piku mentioned yellow, pulp.
Right but then later.
It was greenish..not black,
but greenish...yellowish green.
Why don't you both
sit with a shade card?
What percent of green? How
much percent of yellow?
Shit is shit..
Mind your business!
- But Grand Pa.
My heart says.
One day you'll have a great motion...
just the way you desire...lots...
Yeah...then I will die.
Happy... satisfied...
Why is it a must to talk about
death right early in the morning?
Why can't he talk
about something positive?
What is so negative about death?
I am changing the medication dear...
...you can alternate with this one.
And remember one thing, where
there is a will..there is a way...
...and the way is of outside only...
Pappu you need to
leave for Motibaug...
Make sure you get there on time...
- Sure sir...
God knows when the
winters will come...
This summer has been harsh...
I haven't caused it...
Did I say it's because of you?
Then why are you telling me.
That's because you're
sitting here so I am talking...
...imagine that I am not
here and keep quiet...
It's useless talking to you...
So don't talk... go home
and don't come here from tomorrow...
Why should I not come?
Because I am trying to work.
Oh really...even after been thrown out
of your job you still have such an ego?
Why is it really important
for you to keep reminding me of that?
But that's the truth...
Himachal taxi stand, yes.
No no I understand Rosy...
...but your Piku madam said she didn't want
any taxi from us so I didn't send anyone.
Fine I'll send...
Hey who's turn is it to drop
that madam from Chitranjan Park?
Why are you guys silent?
She's a regular client...you'll
have to tolerate her...
...and just because she insists on
driving fast doesn't mean you do that...
...don't you have your own mind?
See no one wants to go...
so why're you forcing them?
One minute...don't you
talk like Union leaders here.
Nannu...go take the car...
...and I am aware what you
and your daughter are up to...
Ritu is your sister.
Whatever it is...just watch out...
Excuse me!
- Yeah...you both
Aunt, how are you?
- Aah here she is..
Hey Bhaskor da..how are you?
Did you pass Motion?
Hello ma'am.
- Hello.
These sweet pills won't help
you much...start allopathy...
Happy birthday sister.
So tell me what's the latest?
How was your vacation?
Shimla was fantastic..you
must go once..
And enjoy yourself.
Mutton smelling good.
Anyways, where is uncle?
Why such a swollen face?
What happened?
Well she isn't married yet..
that's why all this...
..nothing serious I guess..
or am I missing something Piku?
I mean I am not saying I want
to take a long holiday...
...but may be just for a day or two
I can go somewhere..
Piku's right...
...every normal person
needs a break...
...for relaxation.
Oh nonsense...people aren't
relaxed in their own homes...
...with their own families but
they don't mind spending...
...on a train or a plane ticket
just to get to some far away hotel...
...and using some else's
used beddings... to feel relaxed...
...and these travel companies are
to blamed for it...it's all in the mind...
l am telling you..find
a nice boy..and..
Isn't your sex life active?
Your parter Syed?
It's a need.
Right, it's a need...
...but that's not a permanent solution...
why don't you both get married?
Aunt I don't Know... I'm
not even sure about him.
Again that useless topic..
You don't know marriage
is a bad word in our house?
People with low IQ only get married...
You mean I am low IQ?
My sister was low IQ?
In this whole world everyone
who is married is low IQ? - Hi hi...
Hope you are good?
Your Telegraph last 30 days.
Nothing like Kolkata news..
Don't change the topic dada.
Don't waste your time.
- Again?
To be together in
good times and bad...
...is it low IQ'?
There's no salt in this?
I couldn't find salt...
..to take care of
BP...best to avoid...
But we don't have BP!
So stop hiding like this.
Again your changing the topic?
Was my sister low IQ?
Not just constipation,
dad has problems with women too...
No...not women but their
mentality is what I can't stand...
...your sister too..all her
life she just wanted to please me..
...that was her only
purpose..no aim for herself.
...I wanted her to
be independent...but no..
..she surrendered
herself in my service.
So what's wrong with that?
Everything is wrong!
Throwing away your identity..your
...in the fire while taking the seven
vows and then leading your life...
...well that is a Low IQ decision.
And I don't want
Piku to take this decision.
But brother, don't say like that
today, on sister's birthday at least.
When she was alive,
she was not happy...
...wheh she was dying she was hot happy and
how even after dying she ls lsh't happy...
See... That's what I mean...
You're really insensitive dad.
Piku.. she was my wife..
I can say anything.
But she loved you..
I also loved her..and still do..
Then why are you criticising mom?
Because I am a critical person..
...brutal and honest.
I am entitled to think
whatever I want to about her...
...but that doesn't mean
that I don't love her...
This shirt that I am wearing...
..she gifted me on my birthday...
...so I am wearing it for her today...
Piku find a right man..and get married.
Leaving your father's home after getting
married and living in another man's house...
...taking care of that
new one...how foolish...
I gave birth to you...didn't l?
- Yes.
No tell me...l gave birth to you.
Yes Dad.
I never left you and went
away...so now I am your child..
You do the same.
I completely agree with
Bhaskor da's philosophy.
God knows how did my sister
tolerate you for all these years.
I don't know..no wonder she died
early..you only must've given her BF.
I give BP to you to Piku,
even to Srivastava, did you all die?
Would you like some Ice cream?
why I did I get it then?
Oh just ignore what Piku
says...She doesn't mean it...
Fine I am giving these bills to the accounts
department...just get the payment released.
Of course...by the
way how's your mother?
Don't even know how
I was born in that family...
...just waiting to get out of there...
...anyway tell your partner to mend her
ways or get used to travelling in a Metro.
Why don't you tell her?
- All well?
I know because of my drivers...
Look its fine..
I don't have time for
all this discussion...
So when should I come?
For what?
- To discuss this driver issue...
...you've had a word with Syed, right?
Yeah but.
So then its fine...
See you..
You need to be a
bit easy with Piku...
...I am really worried for her.
Oh...then why did you get married
thrice? If you were so worried..
Excuse me?
After Piku's mother passed away,
Piku needed you..
...so I should've shifted here
with Eisha in your house...
...gotten married to you...
...just because my sister
was no more?
Hah! Only you can have
such idiotic thoughts.
Piku and Eisha..were
never your priority...
All I am saying is that
and that is very sad..
ls this why you don't like me?
No I've enough reasons
to not like you...
...but don't you feed this marriage
nonsense in Piku's mind, don't.
Grand Pa doesn't want to meet you...
...tell him I am not here to
discuss the selling of Kolkata house...
...then why are you here?
to know the condition of my stomach?
Good evening dada, how are you?
Actually I met a builder yesterday.
He is ready to negotiate...
...so I spent my own money
for the flight ticket...
...just to come and meet you..
You know my decision...
Dada, try and understand.
There is no need to discuss
the same topic again and again...
- It's a golden opportunity...
...super deal..all these things must
be done while you're still here...
...then you can peacefully...
Listen Budhan...
- Yes Grand Pa.
Hope you haven't
made tea for him yet?
I am about to...
No need...no need..
Just shut the door when
this man leaves...
...and don't open it
if he comes back again...
Irritating man.
Oh that's an insult!
I made so much of effort
to negotiate with the builder...
...is this how you treat me'?
I'll tell Piku didi...she's practical
and will dispose off your house...
Yeah fine...go ahead...
I rang the bell for an hour...
Useless old man...wasted my time.
It is normal.
How are you respected sir?
Very serious. BP is normal.
This is not a joke Piku.
Please sit.
Greetings ma'am..
That idiot Nobendu, he again came last night
to discuss the selling of Kolkata house...
I will not sell that house..
That old house is a pain!
- What?
I have told you before... l
will not sell CHAMPA KUNJ!
This year I will go to KolkataL.
I have decided..end of discussion!
Fine then end this discussion.
Tell Nobendu not to come again...
What's there to get so affected...
Of course I'll be...
I am an emotional man...
If you were emotional...my
sister would've been happy.
Listen you Dutta sisters...
I know your habit of blame game...
...and I worry..my Piku
is also becoming like one of you..
...what your Banerjis are like,
well I also know that.
That Mont Bane,
your Aunt.
Piku...whole day she roams around in
the house in just a flimsy night gown...
...that too without a Bra!
Really Aunty?!
- Even you do the same.
Hey...shut up... I only do
that when I am alone at home!
Anyways...what's the point in getting
BF checked 100 times in a day...
...whatever this Nobendu came
and said and you started panicking?
These are all age related problems,
what's so abnormal in it?
But what if my BP shoots up?
Everyone has some issue or
the other in their lives...
...just for a day if you haven't crapped,
there isn't any need for this drama!
Nothing has happened to you; you are
just simply going through menopause...
...even men go through menopause.
Oh ignore what she's saying...
One minute, menopause, me?
No way...here take
a look..he's Asaako.
He cycled even at the age of 99...
...died just last week...
How did he die?
Hear-t attack, cancer, brain damage?
Nothings written here...
He who cycles even at the age of 99,
what can he suffer from?
Stop stop stop...
Is this your cycle?
- Yes sir.
I want to take a small round.
Sir, I'll be late...
Oh no!
- Wait wait wait.
Be careful.
Just a few minutes more...
I need to go to other houses too sir.
Yeah I know...its okay...
Didi will scold...
Don't push...l am trying to balance...
- Careful...
Hey don't push...it'll turn...
Sanju is coming to have a talk...
...go change your clothes
or go to the stand...
Why what's wrong with these clothes?
...and in any case he's not
coming to take you back with him.
Look what he's saying mom?
At least we can ask for a settlement?
Well he's already left you
so what are you going to settle?
Now earn, live your
life respectfully.
You're just frustrated and
you don't want even me to be happy...
If you were so worried
about your happiness then...
...why did you steal your mother-in-lavws
diamond ring and give it to mom?
It wasn't your
ring...that she stole...
...what does he have anyways...
Do you even know what honesty means?
Treachery never brings
happiness...do you get that?
As if you've been righteous always...
Exaotly...how do we know why
were you thrown out from your job...
Hello..again. where? Honda.
What the taxi's been hit again...
Who was the client?
...three drivers have left us already.
Hello Syed... Look how this
another taxi has also been hit...
..no we need to sort
this out my friend.
Ok, I'll see you tomorrow.
Played after ages.
Going back to Saudi.
Not again.
Piku is here..l
thought you gonna bunk.
It wasn't my fault...
Shall we leave? - My
driver must've delayed you, isn't it?
You guys chat..I'll just get my Laptop
VVell...whatever it may be...these are known
drivers...you're safe with them...
Not only do they listen
to you...they're also scared of you...
Nothing like that...
So what about that Honda case?
I was getting late for a meeting
so I asked him to speed up...
...normal speeding up...he banged...
This time again you told
him not to stop after banging...
...and even if he did,
Delhi Police listens only to women...
...no matter whoever's
fault it may be...
You mean I am making
them break the rules?
No no I have no problems
with that...break them...
...as long as no one gets hurt...
...in any case I send the
damages to your office so it's ok...
No it's not ok...l can take
an auto... l can manage myself...
Come on Piku; he's just saying that he
has some decent drivers working for him..
So it's my fault?
See the point is, everything is mutual...
you don't like them, they don't like you..
Did they say this?
No, but does it matter...
...when it's the truth..
Got to leave...
There won't be a
need to take an auto...
See you..
He's rude.
Don't be so judgmentaL.
Obviously he's your friend
you are going to take his side..
It's not like that.
You know what
I need a break...
...I won't come to
office for a few days.
But we have a meeting...
Piku how am I supposed
to run this firm?
Hey Piku...
- Yeah.
There is no water in the flush.
Budharmlwow many times to tell you
not to put the tea leaves in the basin.
I heard you're driver left the job...
...why not keep another?
Miser, we're misers, ok?
Hey Piku,
come, the whole gang is here..
No you guys carry on...bye
I don't need your taxi.
I'll be ashamed if
you're taking an auto...
I said I don't need your taxi.
I'll call you if I need it.
Thank you.
Look we can always sort
out this Driver issue..
Okay...thank you
We've to go for Chhobi's party in the
evening...have you booked the taxi?
Yes. HIMACHAL TAXI service.
8 pm. Sharp.
See I told you you'll need...
Thank you dear.
- Happy Anniversary.
Thank you...
Bhaku da you must have
a drink with me today.
Aunty..he can't have this.
That is why I said no..
It's my anniversary,
come on.
He can't handle all this.
Then you don't know me!
Yeah that's more like it, cheers.
Sourob Sourob..
Excuse me ladies.
You know Bhaskor right.
Yeah yeah.
And she's Bhaskor da's daughter.
Hi.. - Hi..
- Piku.
Sourab has his own business
in San Francisco and he's single.
You are planning fourth wedding?
Sunita..hi hi..
So what do you do?
I have my own art gallery.
And you?
I actually work at
an architecture firm.
Do you plan to marry?
I am single, if I find a nice girl,
why not? I mean a nice girl.
But she is very moody.
Like me.
And she's not a virgin, right Piku?
Dad. - No no no..what
do you mean by 'nice'?
Sshe has her own business.
She's financially independent...
sexually independent...
...need based...just looking
for emotional partnership.
So is she 'nice' according to you?
- I mean it depends.
Depends on?
- I am leaving...
Aunty will drop you home.
Yeah so...
...what were you saying?
I said it depends...
No..no..let me be...
Dad it's late.
I tried waking you up at 4 am...
...but you didn't open the
door so I called for Dr. Srivastava...
Nothing to worry...
...a bit of shallow breathing...
pulse drop...that's it...
...Dr Mukherjee has
given him medicines...
Right now he's ok..
At his age,
we should not take any risks...
Get his tests done...
It's a must.
- Sure.
How are you young man?
How's everyone at home?
All okay uncle, what happened?
Nothing serious...he just
enjoyed a bit too much...
Yeah.. cancel my meetings.
I won't come.
- Budhan, keep the lunch simple today.
Put the pan.
On my head...
obviously on the burner...
I'll go to...
I'll go to Kolkata...
That idiot Nobendu...
...I won't sell Champa Kunj.
How are you'?
- Mother...
I will go to Kolkata.
No uncle, I am not worried for him...
...in fact it makes
no difference to him...
...if he wants to go he'll go...he
doesn't care about anybody else.
Now do I write on a stamp paper that
I will not die during this trip...
...will that be fine.
Look at his health.
Forget logic...from here to
airport and from there to Kolkata...
It's too much Dada.
Who said I'll take a flight?
I'll get palpitations on it...
- Give me some tea.
BP fluctuates at that height.
Bathrooms are claustrophobic
palpitation, nervousness.
It's bad for my condition.
I am not going by train certainly.
Train? Never.
Never.. never... this train movement
shakes up everything inside...
I get constipation.
That is not a good option.
Just five days back
you've gotten up from bed.
Could've died...it was
my marriage anniversary...
...why did he have to drink and dance?
And then he comes home...drinks...
Budhan why did you give him the drink?
Piku you also didn't bother.
This old man has gone senile!
Look you don't interfere.
No one is asking you.
You're my sister's husband
that's why I am concerned...
But your sister is no more..
so keep quiet.
Hey shrivastava.
There is one way.
I've an idea.
I was thinking exactly the same...
...you might get tired but
then you can stop anywhere and walk...
Correct, correct, correct.
That way things will be in control.
According to my convenience.
So nothing...done...decided!
Who'll drive that madam
from CR park to Kolkata?
Day after morning at 4.30 am...
who's duty is it?
Come on she's not bad at heart.
Alright then Dhani Ream. take
the car that has a carrier on top.
Here...take this.
Take out the other two
suitcases kept in the garage.
All this will not
fit in one suitcase...
...need another one.
He should be here any moment.
Where's your Driver?
I am sure he must be on his way...
...or may have stopped
for some fuel perhaps.
I've been calling you since 4 am!
I check.
Hello. - I told you my father will
be travelling too...he's an old man.
Let me talk to him...and I am not old!
- Dad.
Sorry Piku.. I can't get
through any driver just now...so.
We've been waiting for over two hours
now...with our luggage all packed...
...and you are telling
me there is no driver.
Look look..l am trying...
just give me some time.
If you don't know how to do business
then why did you even take the booking?
How's your shouting gonna help?
You just don't talk
in a civilized manner...
...and that's the reason none
of the drivers want to go with you...
...do you understand this? - In that
case you shou | d've told me the truth!
Yeah so even I didn't know this...
...that after listening your
name itself the drivers will run away!
Oh I thought you guys would've
left by now, what happened'?
Driver didn't turn up.
Good...now take a flight later...
useless plans end up like this only.
I thought passing motion before this journey
will give me some relief on the way...
...but no...it's
all hardened inside...
Been on hold for 10 minutes
now... these airline idiots.
But why are you calling flight?
Call the driver.
Call the driver.
None of the drivers
are ready to go...
...so...is this the luggage...
should I keep it outside?
ls he the driver?
Budhan keep the luggage in the car.
ls this the time to come?
Because of you my stomach...
What is your owner's name?
Dad.. he is the owner.
He is the owner.
Oh so he's that same irritating
owner you told me about?
Well if the owner is like him...
...then obviously people under
him will also be as useless.
Keep this up...
Do you know mister...
...because of you my daughter
is going through so much stress.
Dad please.
No...wait a minute...what
is your name?
Rana Choudhary.
Are you a Bengali?
- No. UP Thakur.
Where in UP?
Sandila. District Hardoi.
Oh that place is
famous for its sweets...
...get us a Kilo or two
when you go there next time.
So you are going to take
us...where is your license? - What license?
Driving license?
- Yeah I have...
Check if the taxi
has a carrier or not.
And keep both the suitcase in
the front seat if there is no place...
Where is it?
Had I known there'll be so much
of luggage, I would've got a mini bus.
Do you have any medical issue?
Eye sight?
Night blindness? Day blindness?
Glassesf? - Dad, do all this later.
- Sir..everything is...fine.
Why a medical test now?
Any bad habit?
Piku have you kept water?
Cigarette. drinking?
You know...
Drinking driving. zipping.
Then.. bang. accident.
has it happened to you ever?
As if he's gonna tell you?
What a question?
- No fortunately no sir.
Are you speaking the truth?
I don't want to go with a liar!
Sir... we're already late.
I think we must leave.
Remaining questions
you can ask me on the way.
I am an honest man...can
I have it back...
By the way sir, your name?
My name? why?
We've to travel
together...till Kolkata...so
I am. Bhashkor.
Bhashkor Banerji.
- Yes.
I think you all must leave now...
...don't think you're free now.
Please Bhaisaab what will
I do without your company...
...anyways we'll talk
over the phone everyday.
By take care
- Bye bye.
Oh Respected brother.
this too needs to be taken.
Hey Budhan.
Now where will this fit?
Budhan...sit behind.
What are you exchanging the seats for?
What route are you planning to take?
Yamuna expressway...
then Agra bypass.
I am asking up till Kolkata.
It's marked in Red.
Noida, Yamuna express way,
Agra bypass, Firozabad, Kanpur...
...Allahabad Bypass, Banaras, Mugalsara,...
...Gaya, Assansol, Durgapur, Kolkata.
Oh god...
...that's some distance... its far!
How much time will it take'?
Of course it's far.
1500 kms.
I didn't ask in Kilometer... I
asked you time..
40 to 45 hours.
Could be more also.
Hope you don't intend
to drive after dark?
Night halt?
Haven't thought about it.
Maybe Benaras.
Hey...sit on the seat...idiot!
Yes I'll send the vehicle...
- Should I...
Should l?
Go with him...
Where's the toilet?
Hey Budhan come..
Fill up the tank...
Keep saying...
What was that?
Where's dad?
He'll take some time...
Where's the next stop?
Not before two hours...
...after that wherever we find a
decent place...we'll stop for breakfast...
Two hours?
That's too far!
This is why I didn't want us to drive down.
Unnecessarily you force your decisions.
No, I never forced.
I said. You agreed.
And you also.
When the driver didn't turn up... I
almost decided we'll go by flight...
...who told you to come last minute...
...and at least you should've
called up before coming?
What?! Why are you
dragging me into this...
I didn't load your luggage forcibly...
...I would've dropped you
at the airport had you asked me to...
...we can go back even now...
if you want to that is...
Go back?
Who said about going back?
What? tell me..
- He said...
Look mister...don't you
interfere in our family matter.
In my house I decide
everything...got it?
But this is a car, that too his.
I know it.. donkey!
Here...press this...
Piku..you said you wanted
an 'adventure trip' so this is it..
...adventurous trip you wanted
to go out of Delhi...here it is.
So enjoy..sing song..
what was that song...
'what if this road never ends...
'...how will it be, tell me my dear'
'what if this road never ends'
'...how will it be, tell me my dear'
Tell me.
You tell me.
No no you tell me.
You tell...
So Mr. non Bengali Choudhary, do
you know the meaning of this song?
This path...this road that we are on..
...if it never ends,
how will that be?
Well then sing another song,
that has a better meaning..
To appreciate good
music is also an art...
Whoever wants to do whatever... can do
it here...we won't stop here for long.
Where are you?
You're asking as if you
really are worried for me..
Why aren't you telling?
- Kolkata.
What happened?
Bathrooms very dirty..it's
morning hours...
...peop | e must've used it..
God knows when will Grand Pa use it.
Keep down the phone...
All the driver are
sitting on my head.
I'll handle them
and don't take any bookings
Haven't you informed at home?
So what is your
father's real problem?
A weak stomach...that's it...
Then tell him to do
it fast..we need to leave...
...in any case we
have that 'throne'...
...wherever he feels the urge,
we'll stop...
He doesn't eat unless he...
I got it...
There he is...
...not looking happy though..
Did the army win the war?
A bit.. there were so many
mosquitoes that I could not concentrate.
You don't have to meditate...
...this is the only job that happens
on its own...without any effort.
So much butter.
Yeah sir all safe.
In the morning when I got the call it seemed
you needed to reach Kolkata today itself...
...but the way family is going now...
...as if out for a picnic... forget 48,
we'll not reach Kolkata even in 72 hours.
Yes...what was the need of
stopping there to buy bangles...
...she could have bought them
at Kolkata...
She has got no sense of time.
I have no sense of time...
You're not going to let me get married...
Let me enjoy these bangles at least
Most people here would marry off
their daughters just when they're born..
..and he doesn't want
you to get married?
That's strange...
...this doesn't happen
even in western culture.
Western culture is not a benchmark
of progress, is that clear?
We were always ahead of them...
always..that..a..Rani Laxmi Bai...
...Sarojini Naidu,
and...Kadimbini Ganguly...
...all these fine women spent their
whole life in serving the country.
And all she wants
to do is please a boy?!
So many times I have told
you Annie Besant wasn't an Indian...
Still she fought for
our country's independence!
But all these women were married.
Yes...but with a purpose.
Marriage is not wrong...
Marriage is not wrong...but
it must have a purpose...
All that a husband wants is that wife should
serve food during the day and sex at night..
...but is that what a
woman is made for? No...
That is why marriage
without any purpose is low IQ.
Fine but not all women
are nice and simple...
...you don't know...many of them
are very manipulative and scheming...
...what does one do then?
Women should be scheming...it's not
wrong... because man is like that.
That's why it's alright
for her to be scheming...
What are you looking at her for?
No aunty...
Yeah Driver is fine.
About half way.
Listen, they're not bad people.
No sometimes that man talks
sense...then suddenly he loses it..
You want the slippers now?
- Why do you want it now?
I feel I just unnecessarily
got carried away and now I am stuck...
...between this crazy
father-daughter duo...
As if you had a great life at home...
I might just run away
in between...I am telling you.
No still too far...not
even halfway...
I don't know if they really want to get
there or they're just on a joy ride...
Hey, look there. I had kept
my slippers in the bag.
Budhan had kept it in the suitcase.
- I can't hear you, bad signal.
Budhan kept it?
What's this?
Are you planning to kill him?
Mad or what?
It's his...
Oh is he planning a murder?
Perhaps for safety.
What can we do to him?
No no this is very dangerous...
Hey Piku it is very dangerous.
Hey, where?
One Minute...I'll call you later...
What's this?
Maybe the driver has kept it for safety.
We're on the highway
so...keep it inside...
Listen, don't you know what's
kept in your car and what's not?
You are lying You are. Lying..
you must've only hidden it.
Sir...l don't even know how
to use it... I am telling you...
No no no!
I won't travel with you.
No no... I can't trust somebody...
...who has a knife...! - Dad, don't
create fuss in middle of the road..
Please uncle trust me, trust me...
- I am not your uncle.
I am not your uncle.
I'll just not go...you
first throw this knife...
Otherwise I am not going..
- How can I throw it...
No you throw it...take
it in your hand and throw.
I can't...it was kept in the car.
So you agree it was kept in the car...
...I had told you I don't
want to travel with a liar...
l am not a liar...
- You are a liar..
I am not a liar...l can't throw it...
- You are a liar..
Whole journey is left, there is
a girl with us, how can I throw it?
Girl? She's my daughter...
Fine but how can I throw it?
She's also my responsibility.
No you have to.
- I won't.
You will...othervvise I am not going.
Keep screaming.
I won't go.
- Fine...
Now sit inside...
What? No you tell him
to pick this up and throw.
Throw it otherwise
l am not going...
I am not throwing it...
What happened?
Did the tyre get punctured?
Why don't you throw it?
There's nothing else here, relax.
So you must be having another
source of income as well...
Another source of income?
Are you sure?
Since when are you
running this taxi business?
It was my father's
business actually...so I...
Oh the greed to earn more money...
I had a job earlier...
Saudi...civil construction.
Is this what an Engineer does to
earn a living? A taxi business? Sad.
They'd promised a big position
at the time of the interview...
...but once I got there...l
realized I was duped...
Why didn't you come back?
My passport was them
with a contract of two years!
God! But who gives the passport?
That's the way it is...
So then...?
I had a tiff with my supervisor,
even though I was right...
I lost my job...
Hey Piku...your Paanchu
babu! cry baby
What's that?
I mean if you know you were
right then why that sullen face?
All honest men in the world
have faced similar consequences...
...it's nothing new...
...well neither will you gain
my sympathy nor try to gain Piku's...
So you came back?
Yeah and handling this
taxi business since then...
Yes Srivastav..she's checking...
Yes 130-90.
Yes I have Crateagus...fine then...
Hey Budhan get me Crateagus.
Taansen sang Raga Deepaka...
...all the lamps lit up.
He sang 'Raga Malhaari...
...well it rained...
So why didn't anyone sing 'Raga Motion'?
You would've been relieved by now...
Like Raga motion.
What do you say?
Here's what I have...lndian
Basil and mint leaves...
...boil them in water
and drink it...you'll be fine...
How do you know?
Will you boil these
or should I throw them?
No wait...Budhan...get
this done for me...
Trust me...whatever is inside,
it'll come out...
Okay... fine
Tell me one thing, is this the only topic
that you both discuss the whole day?
I should've found out before
taking the booking...well...
Prayers to the God
at 5am and check out at 8..
Lakhan take them
to room number 112.
Budhan keep the medicines ready...
...I'll see you in a bit Dad.
I'm coming...
This place is famous
for its desserts...
...would you like to have some?
Am I disturbing you?
Can we sit quietly please?
Yeah sure..
You were calling someone scheming?
Not you..
Better not!
I would've thrown
you out of the car..
How would your Dad have
gone to Kolkata then?
I would've driven...
Well...had I known this earlier...
...I could've stretched for a bit.
Now you drive tomorrow...
I don't like driving...
Why? So? Women in
Saudi are fighting with the govt..
..for their driving rights...
getting jailed too for same...
...and you say you don't
like driving...that's weird.
Not really...those
countries are like that...
Yeah but your country isn't...
liberates a woman.
Are you saying all this to impress
me or you really do respect women?
Isn't it written on my face?
Well...You were arguing
with some Ritu this morning...
My sister.
And my mother,
another devious woman...
...I swear...you can ask Syed...
Yes Dad, ok I'll be there.
Tell me something...you're
really his daughter...
I mean...
Yes, I am 'his' daughter.
...and ten times more strange.
No no no... l didn't
mean that way...
No I know what you mean...I
know its weird its okay...
...but I am like that...
There's no room that's vacant.
Excuse me...room...I need a room.
All occupied.
That Bengali family that's just walked in
I am part of that...Exuse me...
Not here...go...
Which room number is
that Bengali family in?
There aren't any rooms available.
Apparently a lot of tourist.
I Know.. Budhan is
also sleeping in the can.
Hey listen I am the owner... Not your
driver that I go and sleep next to him.
That dormitory is
infested with mosquitoes...
It's midnight already...just go please...
I am not sleeping outside.
ls this the only hotel in Banarasf?
You're behaving as if I am
barging in your personal bedroom...
I'll leave but this
is not...I am taking the car...
Your luggage is there...and
your father's throne as well...
Ok take bye bye.
What time will you
be here in the morning?
Have no idea, not sure
if I'll come at all...
Sleep here.
See that's what I was saying.
But on a chair?
Now what is it?
Switch off the light.
Can I change?
Can you not make any sound...
That basil water did nothing...
Sir do you sit Indian
style or western style?
Do you sit Indian
style or western?
Huh? What do you mean?
There aren't any toilets
with Indian style these days..
That's the issue...
...it's the most scientific
way for excretion...
Rana, please stop
this nonsense discussion.
No no its not nonsense..
...did our fore fathers ever
have this constipation problem...
..just try and remember...no...
never...isn't it?
No l didn't get you...
This constipation problem wasn't
there in olden days, isn't it?
Sir let me explain you,
it's a very simple formula!
Now this is our stomach.
- Yeah.
Our intestines
go like this...see...
...this is our stomach...this
turns here...
...and after that...makes
this question mark kind of thing...
...and when we...one minute...
...sit like this...it
puts pressure on our stomach...
...and intestines get pressed...
...and whatever waste material is there
in the pipeline that slowly comes out..
...no need to put pressure...it
happens on its own...
Are you a doctor?
And aren't we getting late now?
Can't leave him like this, can we?
Sir should we try again?
Where, here? What if I fall down?
I want to reach Kolkata safely.
Dad has arthritis...he
cannot do this stunts..
Budhan will help.
I can also, come inside.
No, no l will try.
Dad..what's wrong with you?
You cannot..climb this!
This is western style,
how will I squat on it?
Let me help you...
Dad what if you fall?
Hey Budhan.
- Come here...
Fine...when you're clone
with this circus...call me...
Sir let her go...
We will try.
Please hold my hands.
Hey go away you both...l
need to take off my night pants...
Should I also?
Will you manage to?
Not satisfactorily but
at least got something new to try..
Don't think you can impress
him or me with your home remedies...
...we know everything
about constipation.
Ohh yeah obviously...
Grand Pa's been lying still for a while...
Should I check him?
Keep quiet! He's resting...
There's no better place
then Banaras for last rites...
Shut up.
Just check on him...we
can still get back to Banaras.
Hey..why are you?
And why are you speeding?
I am not..
Look in front, look
in front...oh god...
Relax and sing that
path song you sang earlier...
You should be there.
Let him drive...we're
paying you to drive not sit...
She's driving fine...
I know how to drive...
Piku you've never
driven on a highway...
This is how accidents
happen Dad... Keep quiet...
But what if she bangs...
I don't want to come under
a truck like a dog or a cat.
I don't like unnatural deaths.
Stop stop stop the car..
Slow. Slow.
It doesn't matter what
you like or what you don't...
...whenever its time you'll die.
On a road...in a hospital...
Death and shit... come
unannounced...anytime... anywhere...
I disagree!
Do you know patience
is a must for a good driver.
I was testing.
That's all...come...come..
Lets go..
Who all stay in Kolkata?
Actually my mother, dad and I...
we used to stay there earlier.
In any case one leg of
Bengalis is always in Calcutta...
Yeah but I mean...I feel
totally at home in Delhi also...
Yeah but one does have connections
with the place one belongs to...
Correct. Correct.
But there is nothing for me Babe...
...few relatives...l have no connection
with them...and that house.
Which you want to sell off
but I won't let you...
Are you going to
sell off your home?
Don't know...
Hey Budhan...where
did it's cell go?
I gave it to you...
No, it was in your hand when we stopped
at that roadside place for dinner...
Is it?
Turn back the car...turn back...
Turn back the car...
My ear plug cell has gone weak...
...I think I've left it
behind where we'd stopped...
Hey why are you still
driving? U turn, u turn.
We'll be in Kolkata in a bit...
Nobody is talking to you mister...
...do as I say. U turn...
Dad...I am sure you have enough
battery that can last you till there...
...we can't waste
time unnecessarily.
Oh Unnecessary...
...this ear whistles
due to weak battery...
...strange sounds
come out of here...
...is it unnecessary?
Why do you think
I am a burden on you...
I am not a burden!
Look, I can do everything
on my own, alright?
No, no you be quiet!
And you... you are charging us...
...if you don't listen to me...
...I won't care whether
you're an owner or a driver...
...I can take bus also...
I am fit. I am not dependent
on any body... No body...
Why have you stopped here?
Fine...you can take the bus...
...stopping every now and then...bloody...
even my patience is running out...
- Please mind your language...
- No I have not said anything wrong...
And what's with
this burden thing?
Wonder why parents feel satisfied in
emotionally blackmailing their kids...
If you were a burden you
would've been sitting in Delhi..
...she wouldn't have cared to
take you all the way to Kolkata...
...so close your eyes
and sit quiet for sometime...
Sky won't fall if you don't hear
some words...
if we keep going like this,
we will take forever to reach...
Ok shall we?
But...what if on the way I
feel like passing motion then?
I'll stop the car...
...keep your throne on
the other side of the road...
...you can do what you need to...
Two hours more...
Will wake you up once we're there...
Thank you.
Didi, they've arrived...
They've arrived.
Hey Binod!
Brother! Come, come.
How are you Binod?
Come come come,
all ok?
Uncle you've lost weight.
Champa kunj, here I am!
No no...whole night
we were just awake...
Brother...you must be very tired?
I am fine...
Get the luggage.
Nothing's changed here...
And whose idea was
it to do this road journey?
Goshh! you need
a heart to do that...
Ranamcomem Kaku
he's Rana Chouclhry...
Greetings...Mr Choudhry...
please sit...
Hey Binod, he's not Bengali...
He's the owner of l-limachal
Tourist Taxi stand...
...his driver didn't
come so he drove us...
Oh...that means Delhi people aren't
as bad as we think them to be here...
Please don't mind...
Not her fault...well that is the
perception about Delhi people...
So Piku?
Get that chair
in...I'll have to leave...
Where...you can't be going
back to Delhi right now...
...go tomorrow morning...
No its fine...really...I'll leave...
No one asked you.
Where have you kept my luggage?
In that room down there.
No...keep it up
stairs...in that room.
"Where did that chair come from?"
That's grand pa's commode...
...don't touch it...haven't
cleaned it with an ANTISEPTIC yet.
The whole feel of this house has
changed...because brother's here.
Yeah but Piku...
...don't know what
she has grown up to be...
...first she stays with
her aunt Chhobi, plus single.
Living in Delhi...
Hello...yes Nobendu...right...
He has not told
me anything, why?
Ok, ok.
What happened?
Nobendu is saying...brother
has come to fix the house deal...
I am not surprised.
Must've done sitting in Delhi...
It can't be true...
I warned you...but
you shouted at me...
...now see for yourself...
...you respect him so much
but for him we are nobody.
You're over reacting...I
don't think its anything to worry...
How's Dr Shrivastava?
He will miss you.
I don't think so...
...Dad just forces
him to come everyday...
I never force anybody, never.
There...Mr. Choudhary...join us.
Pass me some pepper Piku...
I had no idea that your bowel
problem had become so chronic?
I don't think it's in our family...
Of course it is!
Our father had it!
- But how would you remember...
...you were busy in fooling around
with life...fun...women.. all that.
Were the elders just watching
the show if he was fooling around?
When sister in law and almost decided
to get him married to her sister Chhobi,
...then what was the
need to come and see me?
Next day I had my M.Com exam,
final paper but no one cared!
Mom just expressed
it to grandma that...
...its fun if two brother's
are married to two sisters...
...but its not that she
didn't love you when you came...
You were not even born
then Piku, how would you know?
All I know is when mom
was in the hospital...she said...
...whenever I would get married,
you'll do the rituals on her behalf...
...not aunt Chhobi.
After mom, you are
like a mother to me.
Why dig the old graves? She's come here
after so many years. But what did I say...
No no, don't stop
her, she's right...
This frustration
is not right...it causes...
Righ negativity and
that causes indigestion and then...
Amazing! How do you connect
everything with the stomach?
Coz everything is
connected to the stomach!
A person's emotion
depends on his motion...
This is all your nonsense
theory in your own head...
...it's not that your
constipated all the time?
Why're you getting angry with me?
I am not getting angry...
...but you don't discuss
anything other than this Dad...
...there's a limit.
Just relax brother...
I am relaxed.
And you don't talk much!
Do you know Piku, for how
long your uncle sits on the pot?
What do you mean?
Father had
constipation...brother has...
...and you also have the same
its in the family... - No brother...
Yes father had...
You had constipation.
Why are you looking at me?
Uncle you know about
the water shortage in Delhi...
...still he wants a bucket
full of water...
...because he's not satisfied
with that jet spray.
No that's because that jet has a sharp
flow of water, it hurts me here.
And in winters he
demands hot water...
...now tell me who needs hot
vvater to clean his back side?
You must know that every third person
in America has the same problem...
...in fact constipation
is their biggest health issue...
- Of course!
Still they live care free...
...looking at their faces can you ever
tell what's going on inside them?
Who cares? They're the
biggest economy in the world
No no I care.
Now for any normal person,
normal like, for example me...
How can you call yourself
normal so confidently?
Hear me out...for any normal person,
a breakfast...
...a lunch and a dinner...
...these three meals is all that is needed
to smoothly do the job next morning...
...but they...on an average
go once in three days!
All through the day
they just eat junk...
...collecting inside
as if a fixed deposit...
...and then one day they
go...and well...do it...
No no seriously, don't laugh.
And your condition isn't that bad...
...do one thing...just chew
your food like this like a cow.
Next day you're bound
to have a clear motion...
Mr. Banerjee have you ever heard a
cow or a buffalo ever getting constipated...
...or doing a hard cow dung...or
loose...think about it...
Tell me.
Right, his logic is right.
Are you sure you are not a Bengali?
Sir not everything is
a copyright by Bengalis...
You didn't know this?
There was a railing there?
I think yeah.
That was a new
construction, needs repair.
Will get it done...
You're family is
quite interesting...
just because everyone laughed,
don't think everyone is impressed...
...we are very critical people...
Oh I know, some people just
can't like anyone, it's ok.
You think I am like that?
You are...but...can't
blame you for it...
...actually after a certain
age one becomes like that...
...difficult to please.
Then don't try to 'please'.
Do you know Piku...
...Binod was in secondary when our
father started building this house.
And same year brother
also got a job in ITC...
...37, Virginia house,
You remember?
Earlier we just had ground floor...
..when they shifted here,
that's when this 1st floor was made...
OK listen, my head...
Can we go out somewhere?
Yeah, I'll just give
dad his medicines...
...the centre of my circumference...
...I feel is this
place, this courtyard.
Then after retirement why
did you settle down in Delhi?
You knew your brother doesn't
earn as much as you did...
...to maintain this house.
Can you Keep quiet?
Why should I?
No no, carry on, she's right.
A woman as educated as her should
not be stopped from speaking her mind...
...but tell me Moni...
...in 1979 who wrote that job application
for you in that BATA company?
I had my connections there, still
you didn't take up that job, why?
Because then my salary
would've been more than his...
That's exactly what
I call a low IQ thinking...
...you yourself are responsible
for your frustrations...
...no one else, anyways such
old memories coming back...
...remember Binod, after
mother passed away...
...her body was kept here, head
that side legs here...
And then Piku's mother's
body that too...
Piku lets go.
We'll just go out...just...
But where?
Kolkata tour.
Hey Piku...Don't be late...
Yeah I'll come soon...
If you're so emotionally
attached to this place...
...then why do you want to
sell it off? You don't need money...
What? Have you lost it?
Brick by brick I've
constructed this house...
CHAMPA KUNJ can't be sold
ever, it will never be sold!
Our mother's name...CHAMPA...
that's written on it...Got it?!
But brother...
No no no! if you can't maintain
it...I'll give the money...
Turn right from here
Mom used to teach here then
she met Dad and got married...
And left the job?
- Yes.
Why don't you
elope and get married?
He's not that bad...
Moreover you need
someone to run away with...
...why didn't you marry?
Next stop coffee shop
hhuuhh and then by the Ganges.
There used to be a theater
here and now a building.
That's what happens usually...
...don't you want
to sell off your house?
One day a building
will come up there too...
I am just being practical...
No no I am not saying
you're wrong.
May be this is the way forward...
...guess this is
what development is...
...but if you pull your roots out...
...what will remain...
...you know what I mean...
Yes Dad. Crataegus.
Carbo veg... 6-7
drops, yes I am coming.
You guys must not be
having any medical expenses...
...looks like you manage
your own treatment...
How old is you father must
be at least 70?
Hmm exact.
And the way you're being his doctor...
..he'll be around for another 20
more years...which makes him 90.
And in next 20 years, you too
will become 50 approximately?
- So?
50 in just taking
care of your father?
One minute, why are
you saying all this?
You know my situation?
You know he's dependent on me?
Can't hear or see properly,
shoulcl I leave him? - No no...
How will he manage on his own?
I am not asking you to leave him..
even I haven't left my mother...
...I am just saying I hope
you realize he is a selfish man...
...no he's not...
Yeah he is
And even if he is...
he's my father...
If he's your father then
why do behave like his mother?
Because Rana, after a certain
age parents can't live on their own...
...they need to be kept alive...
...and that responsibility
is of kids only...
...so if someone
wants to marry me...
He'll have to adopt
your 90 year old kid too?
Of course...
...will you marry me?
I haven't gone mad...
Then don't worry about me...
No no I am not worrying.
Dad used to take us there to show steamers
there can you see, there?
Please come down,
Aunt Chhobi is here...
Bhaku cia...Piku...Binod...
How are you all?
Wait wait, I am coming.
How come? Why? I mean...
There, surprised you!
- Surprise, well...
Where's Piku?
Piku's gone out.
Aunty... Your uncle suddenly
made a plan for Darjeeling...
...so I thought I'll meet you
all on the way, now come fast.
Ok ok.
Thank you dear, cheers!
Bhaku da, hey Bhaku da.
What is it, why is your mood off?
Now you're in Kolkata...
No, l am thinking...
About Piku? No point, that
Sourobh is already married now...
...you didn't like him, so what's
the need of this 'thinking now'?
l am thinking...when
will you spare me...
I can't believe, you've
come here too.
Ok, so if you've such
issues with me I'll go.
Last night I saw you seeing Piku...
Can I go Dad?
I was looking at you...
Oh really, say the truth
or else you'll be in trouble.
Want enema?
Look I am not meditating here...
I am ready for fourth marriage also.
If you've done little then
do the rest later...
Lets end this here for today.
So Mr. Choudhry,
ready to go back to Delhi?
Oh done with badminton?
Yeah why?
So who all are there in your family?
My sister,
mother and father passed away...
...father died?
Death, who said death? Who's death?
Rama's father, he died...
Not now, long back...
What was the problem?
No problem as such...
Died without any problem?
I mean he had cancer...
So cancer is a problem, why
are you saying he had no problem?
Well he had cancer
but it was removed...
Oh ok. Where was it?
- Throat...
Throat, smoking is it?
Where are you going?
So they must've done tracheotomy
for him to breathe.
Did they reconstruct Food pipe also?
Ya something like that...
What do you mean
something like that?
I mean... You should know what
all the doctor did.
Dad everyone is not
so interested in all this...
...this medical nonsense
has become your hobby.
Hey I am not talking to you...
I am also not talking to you!
Hey, listen where are
you going, then what happened?
Nothing...he was in the ICU...
and then on a ventilator and...
VENTILATOR?! You shou | d've
not put him on a Ventilator...
...it is wrong.
Piku what he did to his father,
you don't do that with me.
I'm telling you. You see, all
this is commercial business...
..professional money making,
why did you allow them to do it?
Allow...l mean...l was...
No no but why...why did you allow
them to do this to your father...
Look my father was on death bed...
...doctor said we needed
to put him on the ventilator...
...so what could've I done?
I couldn't have said
no...it's not my decision...
Of course it is! Do you've any idea how
much pain your father went through?
His whole body must've
been pricked with needles...
...drip, blood, catheter
down below, ECG machine...
...it's inhuman treatment...you
tortured your father!
You get up if the Nurse picks you up...
be at her mercy to change your clothes...
...and if you've passed motion in those
clothes, then just keep lying down...
...waiting for her again...
Oh gosh no!
Look Piku, when I die, don't do all this
with me l want to die in peace!
Do you always have to over do it!
But I was only telling
you what not to do with me...
Why did he go?
Did I say anything to him? No!
Rana brother...
...grand pa has sent this
for you and has called you down...
You don't need to be sorry, I didn't
feel bad. I am fine, it's ok.
Sorry? For?
Check that our
water pump is not working...
...you did civil right?
You did civil engineering check it...
What? There...water...water
pump...its not working...
Call an electrician...its
not my job...
What do you mean its not
your job? You must be knowing?
Ok fine...l know but I am getting late
so you call anyone else l need to go...
You're going now?
Who who's going? No
no how can you go?
There's no water in the over
head tank or in the bathroom...
...or the flush, how can he go?
I don't care water or no water
in flush or tank or wherever else...
...its a plumber's job not mine...
How will I cook?...
There's no water in the kitchen...
As if you were making
Mutton kebabs? Huh!
Fish rice...but that too I can't
cook now, we'll have to order in.
No mutton kebabs, Dr. Shrivastava
told me eat only pulses and rice..
But brother how will she
cook rice that needs water too.
Binod it's a useless argument...
She just needs an
excuse to avoid cooking.
What a useless argument!
Shut up!
Where's the water pump?
Its on check the water flow.
Not coming...
Are you angry?
Not your fault...
Not yet.
Am I irritating you?
I have a good tolerance...
That means I am
talking to you forcibly.
God, just like
dad, ditto same...
Don't compare me with that man.
Water is coming little...
With your attitude, you won't
find any companion your entire life.
Its not like that...if
I seek actively...
Somebody or the other
I'll definitely find...
...worry about your self...
...god forbid you shouldn't be left with
Budhan for company in your old age.
I'm serious, just be aware.
It's better that you leave, really.
And there's Water now...
Fine now I am also leaving...
There's water.
See I told you he'll repair it.
this water pump company has shut down,
change the pump please.
Thank you. Thank you Mr. Choudhary
thank you so much, thank you.
Now you can leave, better
to take breaks...
Yeah I'll see where I get by
the evening, ok I'll leave...
You could've stayed
for a day or two more...
Why? Not needed,
he has his business there...
...his family...no no you must go...
and once you get there inform me...
Do you know what the real
issue is Mr. Banerjee?
No one understands you.
You're right...
Can I suggest something?
Yes tell me.
Will you listen?
- Yes yes tell me...
Stop hiding salt...
Hey mister, hey wait wait wait...
In straight and simple words, stop
being so difficult alright?
Do you meditate?
Piku siste all
well greetings!
With this kind of a family at
least someone should stay calm...
...balanced...you must begin...
you'll stay relaxed.
I am relaxed...
Is it?
I'll call you...
By the way my family is totally...
...you thought you'll play this game
and we'll sell off the house?
No no elder brother, that
builder said otherwise later...
Later means when?
Later even if all
these people have died...
I'll be still alive
to take care about this house ok...
Why will you take
care of our house?
Later when?
Aunty Champa Kunj
will not be sold.
And if uncle has no objection
then lets find a tenant ok.
Thank you.
Now you leave, ok?
What nonsense, waste of time...
Ok Piku...
- Bye... bye.
Hey wait, is this your cycle?
Yeah Syed,
I don't know when I'll come...
How did he even go?
And why did you not wake me up?
But you know him Piku...
Why didn't you lock the cycle?
He'd taken the keys last night...
I've searched for him everywhere
but I couldn't find him.
Go and check once again.
Whole life he kept mom
also stuck in all this!
She sacrificed her own happiness
to tolerate all his tantrums...
...he said I want
to go to Calcutta...
...so I said fine...l left
everything and came with him...
...see what he is doing now?
What if he falls
down on the road?
He's here...
I saw everything...
Writers Building...
...Dalhousie...Shyam Bazar...
and these dumplings...
Who'll eat all this?
Because of him all my life I
have eaten pumpkin... bitter gourd...
...and now he wants to eat this...
...sweets and what not...
...get Medicine from inside...
I know what drama
is going to happen now...
I am fine, no drama will happen.
You are not fine dad...
...and I will cycle tomorrow also...
No you will not! Do you get that?
One month ago he had collapsed.
His BF had dropped...
...suddenly one fine day you
can't cycle for 25 kilometers.
You think your lungs
are fit to do all this nonsense...
...your Heart cannot take it,
you are 70 yers old!
Just doesn't listen.
I said we'll take a flight
but no he wanted to go by road only!
Have you ever thought what I want?
Absolutely selfish!
Yes, I've had physical
...but is this something
he needs to tell every man I meet?
That meet my daughter she is not a
virgin which father does this?
Calm down Piku, have some water.
Rana was right, one
should eat everything...
Like never before Piku!
Extraordinary! Best motion!
Good, so no cycling
from tomorrow...
I understand
you all are angry...
...but everyone's way
to go has been decided...
...even mine...
I know even mine it will be.
Through my digestive track...
my life will go from here...
...so let me cycle...
I am enjoying...
Hey Binod tromorrow...
Haan Kaku?
See what's happened to brother,
didn't wake up with an alarm also...
...I also woke him, but
he says nothing...
Moni..Moni..come fast.
Grand pa...
I switched on the
light in the morning.
He didn't get up...
Get up grand pa...
What happened?
Call Dr.Ghosh.
Grand pa.
Piku, hey Piku.
Oh that means either
Cardiac Arrhythmia.
Basically irregular heartbeat...
...or Sleep Apnea.
...respected brother always
wished for a peaceful death.
Yes uncle, no tube, no ventilator.
Dad was happy,
he said it was the best motion...
...he always forced me to listen to him
but he made sure death also listened to him
Let me tell you
all dad was in peace.
He was in no pain.
And those who know dad they know he
had just one problem constipation.
But that too got
cured before he left..
..so dad's death was a happy
one and I'm going to miss him.
Now no one will call
me from this room, Piku... Piku.
Bhashkor da was a
big attention seeker.
If that man sees Piku is here
all sad, roaming with her hair open...
...he'll come immediately
and take her away too.
Piku, l love Bhaskor da.
Piku, come here for a minute.
Or maybe he has already
made a plan of coming back...
...as Piku's kid...
...daughter don't mind me saying
but I need to tell you something.
But I will pray to
god if he comes again...
...then he should come
without constipation.
You and Syed are close, its ok.
But respected brother
had just one issue with this...
...loook its my duty to tell you.
He felt in fact he was sure,
that Syed, he too has constipation.
You want a drink?
Do you have constipation?
Do you have constipation?
Why didn't you tell me before...
I mean its not
chronic just Piku...
Here is the balance amount
and this is for petrol.
And what about that
outing on Ganga ghat.
And that mental torture that I
went through because of your dad..
...where is the money for all that?
My god yaar, he kept
everyone on their toes.
You can't judge parents
no, no matter how they are.
After taking care
of that kind of a man.
Even you've come in the category
of Rani Laxmi Bai, Annie Besant...
...kinds you know
the great women.
Anybody in my place
would've done that.
No one does it these days.
So now?
Will you manage it alone?
I think so.
I mean that much
dad has prepared me.
It's a small spelling.
Bhaskor. Bhaskor.
Kor, not Ka.
If it's not done by tomorrow,
I am not going to pay.
Sister, I...
Ok come from tomorrow.