Pilgrim, The (1923)

Written and Produced by Charles Chaplin
$1,000 Reward Escaped Convlet
The Elopers.
The Father.
He Can Marry Us.
Getting Located.
Special Notice:

The Rev, Philip Pim Sunday will be our new pastor
I Wonder If He`s Young.
For some reason I can not get my Sunday.
Trip was delayed a week.
Rev Philip pim.
Sunday Morning.
The Reverend Mr.pim,
I`m Sheriff Bryan.
The Church Men Bers Are Waiting For You.
You Are Just
In Time For The Services.
I Haven`t My Glasses.
Read This, Please.
For reasons I can not go Sunday
Cannot Arrive As Expected Will Be Delayed A Week
Rev Philip pim
Well, What Dose It Say?
Am Feeling Much better - Lizzie
The Service.
The Choir
Page - Hymn 23.
The Collection.
The Sermon
The Sermon!
My Sermon Will Be
David and Goliath.
Now Goliath Was A Big Man ...
This is Mrs,Brown And Her Daughter.
You Will BoardWith Them.
Introducing Howard Huntington ...
... Alias "Nitro Nick "
... Alias "Picking pete."
In The Good Old Days
Before Prohibition.
The Family Album.
Go Play With The Gentleman.
Go Play Withe mama.
May I Help You?
Won`t You Stay For Tea?
No, Thank You ...
We Must Be Going.
Please Go On With Your Tea.
We`ll Find It Somewhere.
I Want My Hat.
Where Did You Find It ?
They Were Eating It.
In The Evening.
We`re Old College Chums.
Won`t You Come In ?
You Dropped Your Pocketbook.
I Have The Money For The Mortgage.
Guess I`ll Go Along Too.
You`d Better Pay Me Tomorrow.
We Can`t Transact Business on The Sabbath.
You Said You Were Going.
I Missed My Train.
Then You Must Stay For The Night.
I`ll Get Some Light.
Don`t Worry. I`ll Get It For You.
Every Cent We Have Is Gone.
But The Paron Has Gone To Get It Back.
He`ll Never Come Back.
Look At This.
A Hold Up.
Next Morning.
I`m Sorry, Miss,
But He Must Go Back To Jail.
Pick Me Some Of Those Flowers.
There Are Some More Over There.
Get Them.
Over There?
Yes ...
Over There.
Mexico ...
A New Life ...
Peace At Last
H.Akbari /.