Pilsudski (2019)

In 1900, Jzef Pisudski
and his wife Maria get arrested
in an underground printing house
in d.
Jzef is taken to a citadel.
After 10 months, he is transferred
to the St. Nicolaus Mental Facility
in Petersburg.
Jzef Pisudski.
From Zuw.
We've got your letter.
To the management
of the psychiatric hospital.
When I am lying on the bunk,
It harms my heart.
electricity, electricity...
I shouldn't suffer like this.
Water is all he's been drinking
for a week.
Everything is poisoned. Even eggs.
And I ate eggs in Siberia.
All right, I'll eat eggs.
I'll eat them. That's it.
My dear resident,
why are you so scared?
Me? I'm not.
Enough! Let it go!
Calm down, everything is fine.
Breathe. Easy.
We employ assistants for such jobs.
I'll try if you let me, doctor.
I'm a resident.
I'll have my first night shift in May.
Which month is it?
- Which year?
- 1901.
14 months since your arrest.
Sulkiewicz, I and Demidowicz.
I know them.
You must start eating.
You will have to...
From Zuw.
Jzef from Zuw.
Yes, yes... electricity.
There is no guard at the gate
for the staff now.
Sulkiewicz is waiting with a boat.
Will you get changed on your own?
Are you sure?
I hid your coat in the laundry room.
Good evening.
Good evening.
Are you in charge here?
There are no doctors at this time.
Just me.
I was supposed to meet
the head of the department.
I'm really sorry.
There are some men
at the side entrance.
- Check it.
- Doctor Omelczenko.
Resident Mazurkiewicz
sent for Pisudski.
They say you have cruel criminals
in this hospital.
I'd like to get some information
about one of them.
Is it true that he drank blood?
These are only speculations.
- Did you call Pisudski?
- Yes.
- Why?
- He is an interesting case.
This man is only acting.
He's a prisoner brought
for observation.
Where is he now?
Just a minute.
I sent him back to his cell.
- Are you a journalist?
- Yes, Mihalkov.
I am sorry that you had to wait.
We'll talk in a moment.
- Good bye.
- I just have to check on Pisudski.
40 minutes late.
What shall we do?
A policeman.
Let's not make noise.
Let's go.
What are you doing here?
- None of your fucking business.
- What?
None of your fucking business.
Go and fuck your mother.
Look like it's not just him,
but more people involved. Officer!
He exists. Just him. I can feel that.
Just go ahead.
Did Pisudski get back in his cell?
Not with me.
30 more steps.
One minute.
20 more steps.
20 steps.
We've been waiting so long.
Sickly body.
There was a journalist,
we had to wait and then...
What journalist?
- Do you have tea?
- I'll make some.
Do you want scrambled eggs?
- When is the train?
- We have two trains in the morning.
They'll be looking for me then.
I need to leave the city
and go to Gomel then.
One to Reval in an hour.
Can someone help me to get shaved?
Can someone help me to get shaved?
You're okay.
- When did they release you?
- In January.
Where's Wanda?
At grandma's.
They poisoned you with drugs.
You're all right.
Six months.
Six months without politics,
printing leaflets.
Six months' vacation, all right?
- Six months, ok?
- All right.
Six months.
I'll make you some tea.
Ziuk. You're all right.
It's so good now.
It's so good.
People are unwilling to work.
It's hard to convince them.
A socialist used to mean something.
Now it's just crisis, inertia.
When they imprisoned me,
I counted heads.
- There were about 500.
- Not more than 300 now.
Perhaps it should be like this.
- Others will deal with it.
- What are you saying?
My work is good for nothing.
This is how I see it.
A new leader is needed.
And I need some life.
With Maria.
- With Wanda.
- Most of all you need some rest.
I'll take you across the border
to Lviv.
- You'll have a rest.
- I've already had a rest.
There was Karlsbad
and Jzef from Zuw.
I'll have eggs and that's it.
I must use life at last.
Far away from jawing about Poland.
You have a visitor.
This is my relative.
He arrived when you were sleeping.
- Szczucki.
- Dbrowski.
They say you slept for 30 hours.
You look weak.
Straight from hospital.
Can I help you? I trade in timber
if you are looking for job.
I'll take you home, feed you
and cuddle you. You'll get a break.
So young but so ill.
How about some liqueur?
I know you're Pisudski.
The leader of the Polish Socialists
that broke out of prison.
I've never been to prison.
You broke out. Don't worry.
My lips are sealed.
But I'm going to use it.
And I'll throw something in.
There's never been a better time
for this country than under the tsar.
Everything's growing.
Railway, factories, freedom?
I've got Kociuszko on my wall.
Because I can.
It makes you want to live.
And it's never enough for you.
You instigate people. You lose faith.
Using Poland as blackmail.
Poland, Poland, Poland, Poland?
There's no free space.
Between Russia and Germany
there is no free space.
You shouldn't be deceiving people.
And you should get punched on the face
so that you span
- and saw the world around you.
- Go ahead.
Then you might understand
that it's a question of will.
Not geography.
His sincerity and fucking hominess
made me strong again.
No free space!
I'm not going to force you
to join the company.
For now.
In February 1904,
the Russo-Japanese war breaks out.
The Polish Socialists go forward
from agitating to military tactics.
1904, CRACOW
Is Mr. Jdrzejewski in?
- I need to have a word with him.
- Jdrzejewski?
- The key's here. He must've gone out.
- Thank you.
Yes, sir?
Who's that lady in red
next to Jdrzejewski?
A cocotte?
Not a cocotte, but no lady either.
One day you'll get a medal for it.
Got it?
He has it on him.
Welcome, gentlemen.
Since I became free, I've been telling you
to get ready for such situations.
And it's here.
We need to turn the war between Russia
and Japan to our own Polish advantage.
That's why we went to Tokyo.
That's why we got the money.
That's why I urge you...
I demand...
we change our tactics.
We must spend it on weapons.
Instigate the conscripts.
Shoot at snitches, and gendarmes.
It's terror.
Terror against the state of terror.
- The tactics of action.
- Nonsense.
There's no data
that would turn the Polish cause
into a valid political coin.
I do not consent to bloodshed.
I consent to doing nothing.
I consent to stupor?
- You are? a demagogue.
- And you are a philosopher.
I hereby declare that I'm against
the change of tactics.
I'm against handing guns
out to the workers.
And I want to vote.
I request a break.
We'd like to hand out materials regarding
our stance on purchasing weapons
and establishing
the PPS combat organization.
Any problems?
I suggest voting.
Who's for the tactics of action
and establishing
the PPS combat organization?
Just a moment. One moment.
Could you come here?
What for?
Come on. Don't be afraid.
Do you see what I see?
I always carry it. You know that.
You do.
You carry it!
Let others carry guns too.
Let's vote.
I thought we'd have to take it,
but she already had a photograph.
- Very pretty.
- Even two versions of it.
- We've overstayed.
- Good evening. Check, please.
For yesterday too?
How much?
This is my stepdaughter Wandzia.
Get to know my close friends
and the men of the cause.
Witold Jodko.
Doctor Jodko.
You know uncle Kwiatek.
This is Micha Sulkiewicz
from a famous Tatar family.
And this is Sawek himself.
Walery Sawek.
Also known as Gustaw.
- Sometimes as Konrad.
- Gustaw Konrad Walery Sawek.
Walery Sawek. Hello.
Join us, please.
I know I overstayed...
but it's a really important day.
I knew Jdrzejewski would oppose.
But with a joint effort?
I'm sorry.
I forgot.
- Shooter, my ass.
- It's a question of training.
Which of your eyes is weaker?
- Both.
- Throw a spear then.
Same here, Mr. Jodko.
And I could learn from you.
- I've been shooting all my life.
- Let's not waste the bullets then.
You two, one more time.
Don't shoot me in the back.
How do you see it?
How many people will come?
9,000 copies of the proclamation
have been out.
And what do you think?
I think big.
The entire Grzybowski Square.
You're going
just after the high mass.
At 11 a.m.
Walek takes the left door,
and you - the middle one.
Today is a day of blood and glory,
Let it be a day of resurrection!
Gazing at France's rainbow,
The White Eagle launches into flight.
Inspired by the sun of July,
He calls to us from above:
"Arise, oh Poland, break your chains,
Today is a day of your victory or death!"
Hey, whoever is a Pole,
to your bayonettes!
Live, freedom, oh Poland, live!
Let this worthy battle cry
Sound forth to our foes!
Sound forth to our foes!
Not yet!
Not yet!
Off with Tzar's reign!
Off with Tzar's reign!
Off with Tzar's reign!
Off with Tzar's reign!
Off with Tzar's reign!
Off with Tzar's reign!
"in Warsaw".
Do you think shooting people
is the right way?
As for the moment, it is the only way.
It comes so easy to you.
You sound like a schoolgirl.
Harm always brings harm.
Is apathy better?
Surely, it is one's conscience.
someone wants to talk to you.
He's asked me twice.
He is in Zakopane.
Do it for me.
Are you going to shoot, as well?
Or you'll send others,
like in the Grzybowski?
- Frick it.
- And you're safe near the Tatras?
- Frick it.
- Coward. Provocateur.
Don't say this,
First, there is blood
at the demonstration. Dead bodies.
And where're dead bodies,
there's revenge.
And the bastards get bombed.
Then they get their revenge.
And all over again.
You're a philosopher.
I don't care about the dead
but about propriety.
And propriety is
when the one who kills has an equal
chance, and he dies himself.
That will be all of my "philosophy."
When I shoot at a Russian general,
I should die myself?
In the name of what?
- To preserve humanity.
- This is war, not a university.
For the first time in 50 years,
Russians ran away from Poles.
- The whole world writes about it.
- Really?
Nothing terrifies you about it?
Yes, I'm terrified...
that we won't get
bombs before spring.
1905, WARSAW
Hello, citizen Prystor,
a new leader
of the Combat Division of the PPS.
Hello, citizen Pisudski,
Sawek and Sulkiewicz,
representatives of the Central
Workers' Committee of the PPS.
Do you know I've known Ziuk
for 15 years already?
- Fifteen?
- Yes. From Vilnius.
- Lithuanian gang.
- Lithuanian and Tatar.
- How is it on the border?
- Wet.
- Is the way to Warsaw long?
- Short.
Have you raised people?
Are they waiting?
Two fives, as you wanted.
So, there's no point in delaying.
Let's go!
These are children, really.
I vouch for them.
Hello. Wiktor.
- Kostek.
- Ernest.
General Nolkien,
he is responsible
for beating, arresting,
spying and the bloodshed
in the Grzybowski Square.
It's payback time.
The mission must be
prepared thoroughly.
Nolkien is not a stupid man.
He has a certain habit
we want to take advantage of.
He has to see everything
with his own eyes.
Including his men's dead bodies.
His heart feels better
when he has checked everything himself.
- What is it?
- A message from the city.
Kwiatek has been arrested.
We'll get the son of a bitch.
there's no time to wait.
Come on.
Police Commissioner...
Walek! Walek!
- Walek!
- Guys!
- Walek!
- Help me!
Raise him up!
In February 1905,
a group of young activists
take over the leadership
of the PPS.
They call the 9th
PPS Convention in Vienna.
I can already hear them woofing
and biting the ankles.
You could've stayed at home.
Or have never been born.
A convention of my PPS.
They are woofing because
we are building power
while they're taking over
the leadership of the party.
Horwitz... Kon...
Who knows them?
Who knows them?
He's here.
Everyone got quiet.
For them, he is a legend.
That's why we need to be smart.
Smart? What for?
He has nothing to do with socialism.
Only "Independence."
He has authority.
He treats the organization
as his army.
Soon, they'll put a gun to our head.
Do you want this?
Let's go.
Two years have passed since Cracow,
where we have started our combat.
A lot has happened since then.
The good and the bad.
Our combat squads carried out
nearly a thousand attacks.
Unfortunately, our new Combat
Division took on a life of its own.
Especially, after it became
a private army of comrade Wiktor.
Should we talk or give speeches?
You're welcome.
I know I'll be hanged.
I just want to know for what.
Let's speak frankly
about the issues that divide us,
the old PPS with its Combat Division
and you,
who took over
the leadership of the party.
The election were held.
We've got a democratic mandate.
And you can't accept
the new face of the PPS.
New, indeed. I don't know most of you,
though I'm in the party for years.
The party had 300 members
under your leadership. Now it's 15,000.
Let it be.
- Let's talk about our guilt.
- We'll run out of time.
It states here: "The combat
organization is suspended."
Which is the thing that we've developed
together over the past two years.
It's the only real power that we've got.
You've got it, but not the Party.
Do you really want this?
I can't be responsible
for the fighters who'll get killed
- before they surrender their weapon.
- Are you threatening us?
This is the atmosphere
of the past few months:
- hounding and oppressing.
- Everyone gets what they deserve.
Are you going to shoot me,
and us, as well?
I'm sorry. I got carried away.
One more thing, all right?
It's the most important one.
Striving for Poland's independence.
Is this to be removed
from our draft resolution?
The core of our thought
and our fight.
Our hope.
If this is to be removed,
I can't stay in the Party.
37.2 degrees C.
1907. CRACOW
How long?
Your lungs are weak.
The right one in particular.
And a cavity behind the ribs.
Do you ever change air?
Do you go to the mountains?
I have plans to do so.
Your heart loses the rhythm.
My heart's always been impetuous.
About everything.
Have you bought medications?
He prescribed no medications.
How come?
He gave me nothing.
- Give me the prescription. I'll buy them.
- How will you pay for them?
Anyone offered to help?
Who are you writing for?
- For myself.
- For yourself?
A diary about me getting kicked out
of the party that I founded myself?
Maybe you should've talked to them?
To whom?
To those scumbags?
What if they're right?
Why don't you marry Horwitz then?
Or Kon...
Or Rosa Luxemburg, ideally.
Open up!
You want to take
a close look at a rotting face?
- The doctor said it's healing.
- Yes, it is.
God knows what for.
- Long time since you last visited me.
- Wanda has, though. Several times.
She wanted to come today, too.
A stroll is always a good thing.
Why are you simulating?
Why don't you open the door?
Why do you hide?
Do you want to see my face?
Is that how she remembers me?
What do you think? What?
A real lord of the manor, aren't I?
I'll get money. You'll fix
your teeth, grow a beard.
A beard, fingers,
an eye and an ear,
because I'm deaf in one.
- You must live.
- I don't have to.
- I just lack the courage, for now.
- Stop it!
Are they loaded?
Yes, they are.
No need to fear, though.
They got to know me,
and said they like me
and won't go off again.
They like you too.
Was he in?
What took you so long?
I broke the door down
and went inside.
And he's not in?
He must've gone away.
I left your letters in there.
- Were his clothes there?
- Yes.
What do you have?
You're such a darling.
Let me invite you again, ladies.
We, the children of the revolution,
are always on the attack.
I didn't know
you were such a keen player.
They give me free tea here.
I got on a train
as soon as I got your cable.
What happened?
Did they arrest anyone?
I'm losing strength.
And faith.
Your nerves got to you.
They kicked us out of the party,
but some people are still with us.
The whole combat squad.
How many?
How many people are left?
The Poles don't give a shit
about independence.
The nation is great,
only the people are whores.
Will you take charge
of whatever's left?
You'll take a fresh look.
Maybe you'll see something.
The ladies are here.
When I was to leave here,
I took my wife with me.
Ola agreed to go.
You know Ola? Szczerbiska.
Ziuk, what's going on?
What are you doing?
Say sorry to the ladies from me.
Tell them it's the party business,
or something.
Make something up why I can't...
Because I can't.
Think of what I said.
Excuse me.
Your bag.
How did it go?
Wake people up with a blast?
It's a modern concept, indeed.
Did your compatriots wake up?
Or they got it was Japanese money
and foreign hands?
Not just Poland, Poland...
What do you want, sir?
I guess you have a mouthful
of homeland, too.
As much as possible.
- I guess you're right.
- I guess I am.
But it's the end
of the carnival tonight.
We're celebrating.
That's why I don't give a shit
about your doubts.
May I?
- I have a meeting.
- It'll take a minute.
I'd like to persuade you
to come to Warsaw.
I run a few arms caches.
People would like to see the legend.
I promised them that I'd try.
After all that, they need support
after the split.
They need someone...
A reference point...
Into good hands.
Faster! Faster!
Slow down!
20 minutes 46 seconds.
During the day.
Oh, so it's clear now.
Because I have something
to look at.
There they go.
15 seconds longer.
Our route is faster.
- All right.
- Yours is faster at night.
As a penalty, you must wait here.
And we'll go for a stroll.
Look out!
82 steps to the platform.
50 meters.
300 meters from where
the horses will be.
30 seconds.
You're quick.
Because I'm young.
- The mail car is first after the engine.
- Is it armored?
Yes. The car with guards
is right behind it.
4 gendarmes usually.
We'll divide into 3 teams.
You'll go first.
The gendarmes and the engine.
Gorgul - the station's building,
the telegraph and the telephone.
Prystor and I will take the armored car.
We have 3 bombs. One for the gendarmes,
one for the rails, and one for you.
For the armored car.
Just don't begin...
I know what to do.
I may look young,
but I know what to do.
A daredevil.
I used to be like him.
He doesn't surprise me.
Sawek says he's a good boy.
He does things.
A bit impetuous, perhaps.
I understand him.
Why don't you take Sawek?
I would, but he's not interested.
He's in the dumps.
I asked him 3 times.
I'll ask the 4th time.
Will you come to my place?
- I have to go back.
- No, you don't.
- The housekeeper's waiting.
- No, she isn't.
She'll go to sleep.
Very well.
Let's go to your place.
216 steps - it's close.
- There'll be a scandal.
- I don't care.
I'd rather stay in your place then.
Mr. Dbrowski, right?
A cable for you.
She suffered for 2 days.
The appendix.
It burst and infected
her whole body.
Is she here?
Have you come alone?
I asked you if you'd come alone.
I won't let you divorce me!
I won't!
I'm alone.
I won't let you divorce me.
I won't allow you
to attend the funeral.
I won't.
You're coming with me.
You're coming with me!
I won't leave her.
You're crazy...
I pray to her.
She's a holy person.
She might be holy,
but it's a different story.
The train is full of money,
and there's only a handful of us.
- Half of them had no combat experience.
- I won't leave her!
Who'll visit her at the cemetery?
Tell her about the world?
It's the last action like that.
- I'm of no use.
- Your hands are all right.
Yes, my hands are good.
My hands are good.
Your hands are good.
- My hands are good...
- The chance is one to three. Or less.
My hands are good,
they're good...
What a shame!
My hands are good,
my hands are good...
What a shame!
It'd be easier to die together.
Faster! Faster!
Get down!
Get down on the ground!
Get down!
What's going on?
The second bomb went off.
The kid dropped it.
Fucking hell!
- I don't know.
- Why?
I don't know. I don't know...
- Give me the third one.
- It's on the rails. Misfired.
Fucking hell!
Open up!
Open up!
I'll count to 5,
and then I'll throw a bomb in.
Get out.
Come! Come!
Are you all right?
You're quick. Get to the horses!
Get the money.
The horses.
Are you alive?
I am.
At last.
Vilnius train due in 4 minutes!
- Is that all?
- Yes!
Loads to share.
Combat organization.
It's dead.
For leaflets, weapons...
For the army.
In 1910, Pisudski is granted
by the Austro-Hungarian
intelligence to form
The Riflemen's Association.
Jzef Pisudski became its chief.
Fix bayonets!
Stop! Stop!
Bayonets off!
Give me two lines!
Who's in charge?
- Who the fuck is in charge?
- Corporal Matejkiewicz.
- What are children doing here?
- I don't know. An hour ago...
Check your gun and papers.
Forget about the Rifles.
You'll take over. Your name?
put his nomination on record.
Yes, sir.
Lead the company.
I know it's hard for you.
I'm no support or comfort for you.
I've spoken to her a hundred times.
She won't give me divorce.
Move to my place.
Please, be patient.
Don't lose your spirit.
Are you ashamed of me?
- What are you saying?
- Are you?
I'll talk to her one more time.
I promise.
Look at me.
I promise.
- Marysia!
- No!
You can move out any time.
I won't give you divorce, though.
I've gone through one divorce already.
That's enough.
Is she moving in with us after all?
Write it down.
Mr. Jzef Pisudski?
Captain Jzef Rybak.
The army made me responsible
for the Polish
military movement in Galicia.
So this is your work?
Well, it's about
what they call supervision.
I've lived without supervision for years.
Yes, I know.
I used a wrong word.
Let's call it cooperation.
Let's call it spying.
You should call it some other way.
Let me show you something.
Nice, isn't it?
Escape from hospital.
I see you've done your homework.
Recently, in Zakopane
there's been a meeting of the Riflemen
that you're... a chief of.
MPs were there too.
- Could you tell me about it?
- It's all in the papers.
I'm more interested
in the moods and trends.
Moods were good,
and trends were plenty.
As you wish.
You must be fatigued.
The political situation
will make us meet again.
Especially after what happened today.
What happened today?
Oh, well,
you've been on the road today.
Today in Sarajevo
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed.
There's a war coming to Europe.
It happened.
Austria has declared war on Serbia.
- Is it certain?
- Yes.
From the Austrian Headquarters.
It did happen.
Go to the Esplanade.
We must set up the headquarters.
Why not here?
For the world.
So that everyone could see us.
Poland is coming.
How many men do you have?
- And precisely?
- 7,000 riflemen.
When we enter Russia,
there'll be 10 times more.
We're interested in sabotage.
And I'm interested in having
my riflemen in my army, not in yours.
- Lvov squads, too.
- Sabotage.
Telegraph lines, depots,
bridges, railroads.
What do I get in exchange?
A Polish government.
And a guarantee
that we'll march on Warsaw.
I'm not authorized
to discuss politics.
We're wasting our time then.
A war with Moscow
is a holy thing in Poland.
When we enter Russia,
crowds will follow us.
We must have political guarantees.
For now, I can give you weapons.
Come with me, please.
We must sign the papers.
Come, please.
- We must send out a call to arms.
- Did he agree?
I don't give a shit about his consent!
He talks a lot, but does little.
- Did he agree to the government?
- Yes, and no.
- Weapons?
- We've got it.
How much is there?
102 Mannlichers and 355 Werndls.
To mobilization!
- Rybak has my signature.
- What did you agree to?
Sabotage, bridges...
And riots in the Dbrowa Basin.
He doesn't want to hear
about the government. Or the army.
He promised 150 kilos of dynamite.
I don't give a shit about his consent!
Or his dynamite!
They'll hang me
for that signature anyway.
War has broken out.
Austria declared it on Serbia.
And Russia.
Now it's going to roll.
I'll be staying in Oleandry.
Chief. I was in the mountains.
I got back to Lvov.
I had lectures for women
at "Rifleman".
I'm here.
Let's go to a hotel.
They know me
in every hotel around here.
We got a message from Lvov. The squads
will have arrived within 2 days.
They'll submit to your command.
Prepare a place for women in Oleandry.
Citizen Szczerbiska
will take the command.
you're extremely privileged
to go to the Kingdom as first, and cross
the border of the Russian partition
as a vanguard column
of the Polish Army.
I'm looking at you, and greet you
as the First Cadre Company.
From now on, there are no riflemen
or squadron members.
You're all Polish soldiers.
I cancel all the previous emblems.
The only emblem now is the White Eagle.
Before the new emblem is handed out,
I want you to exchange the old emblems
as a sign of accord and brotherhood.
I've gone mad.
And now.
Long live Jzef Pisudski!
Company, stop!
AUGUST 6, 1914
Herwin, Bukacki!
Knock down the enemy's post.
The army!
The Polish army.
Two men!
Why are you afraid?
Poland is coming to you.
After years of slavery,
Poland is coming back.
For long?
Why the fuck are you afraid?
Fuck you all.
Phase one.
Taking advantage of the war
between nations, we enter the Kingdom.
We take over Warsaw.
Phase two. Together with England
and France, we turn against the Germans.
The initial technical advantage
of the Germans will help defeat Russia.
But the wealth and the resources
of France and England
will finally prevail over the Germans.
I've always said that the Poles
want independence.
But they would want it
to cost two pennies,
and two drops of blood.
Today we have a historic opportunity
to change this attitude.
In November 1918,
after 4 years
of the bloody European war,
Jzef Pisudski returns to Warsaw.
Welcome to Warsaw, commander!
So this is what you look like.
You look so much like your mom.
You're beautiful.
- They are here.
- Give him a moment of rest.
One minute.
Come here.
She's staring at me.
You'll stay with us?
I will.
You won't stay in hotels.
I don't want to stay
in hotels any longer.
Stay with us.
There we go.
Give her to me.
It's all right, all right.
Right shoulder arms!
Present arms!
How does it work?
A radio telegraph.
It airs the message, no cables.
This way the message
can't be intercepted.
- When can I begin?
- Whenever you wish.
Just give me a sign,
so that I can turn on the transmitter.
As the Chief Commander
of the Polish Army, I'd like to notify
the governments and the nations
warring and the neutral
of the rise
of the Independent Polish State
that encompasses all the lands
of united Poland.
The Polish State comes into existence
from the will of the entire nation
and is based
upon democratic foundations.
The Polish Government shall replace
the rules of violence
that have overshadowed
the fate of Poland
for 140 years
with a system built
on order and justice.
I am convinced
that the powerful democracies
of the West
will offer their brotherly
support and assistance
to the Reborn and Independent
Polish Republic.