Ping Quo (Lost In Beijing) (2007)

I have already taken a shower
What about you?
We need to be quick today
I got a dinner date
The same price as always, $1,000
You can go for dinner now
Here is some money fortaxi
What's wrong?
I can't make love in a hurry
No, I didn't mean that
Good evening, boss
Good evening, boss
"Golden Basin Foot Massage Palace"
Good evening, boss
Sha Sha, bring some drinks to my office
Can you my age by touching?
You are kidding me
He likes dealing with student girls
It's just a normal relation
This guy really sucks
Yeah, they're all the same nowadays
Alright, I'll give you another massage later
My back hufts
Well, let's work on it later
Discard your hand!
Throw your hand away
See who wins
Look at it and throw your hand away
Show your hand!
Show it!
You must have lost
Look at your third card!
Show your hand!
This is really great
Watch out, I got AIDS
You got AIDS?
So what about AIDS?
It only confirms your sexual prowess
Is that so?
We are not bad either
Not there, it's here, here
Don't mess around
I thought you'd fallen asleep
Get up
No, I didn't...
Let me give you a back massage
Is it that bad?
Thank you, Mr. Zhou
Come to see me next time
I've got five customers
Already five?
Actually how many?
Only four?
I've got eight
How come you have so few?
Pingguo, take a puff
I'm cutting her hair
I want to buy an apaftment
Stop day-dreaming
Can you get me that comb?
With only four customers a day?
I meant at our hometown
Silly girl
You have a long way to go
A guy who washes cars across the street
The one with the long face
He wants to date me tonight
How can I trick him to think I'm still a virgin?
Tell me, tell me
Just go buy yourself a cherry
Where can I buy one?
Everywhere, it's cheap
Tell me where?
How should I know?
Oh, brushing your teeth?
Try some of this
Oh, it dropped
Don't you ever come to see me at work
If my boss knows that I'm married, I'm finished
I never go there
Yeah right, I saw you once at the entrance
You spilled on your shift
You didn't flip the cover again?
What are you doing in here?
I want to take a shower
Wait a second, let me out first
Let me out
Let's shower together
I have already showered at work
Stop messing around
You'll ruin my clothes
Come on
That's really nice
See, my bra is soaking wet
Close your eyes
Let's make love in bed
I learned this from watching porno
Shame on you
Let's try it
This way
That's cool
We haven't made love for days
I can't control myself
Slowly, slowly
Let's change position, it's too wild
Don't move, don't move
I'm overwhelmed
So what?
He just touched you a little bit
What's happening?
What have you got to lose?
He is one of my best customers
Where did he touch you?
Be smaft!
If he wants to feel your tits
Just give him your hands
And chat with him
Enough, stay out of this
The trouble is not about being touched
What did he do to Xiao Mei?
It's not about what a customer could do to her
It's about what she did to the customer!
Look at this!
She sliced off his toe nail with this
The water turned crimson with blood
Served him right!
You still have the nerve to talk
Let Xiao Mei apologize to him
Tell him she is too young
I don't need your advice
You know what he said?
If I don't sack Xiao Mei
They will smash this whole place up
Just come in and be paid
Stop talking
I can't keep you here, go somewhere else
For sure Xiao Mei wasn't intentional
Shut up and go back to work
Xiao Mei
Shit, finished!
Beijing is so big
Beijing is this big...
How could there be no space for a little me?
How little?
Just this little
Let me see!
They're all fucking jerks!
Fucking "stupid fucks"
You've only been in Beijing a few months
You've already learned to say "stupid fucks"!
Are you alright?
Yeah, I'm fine
So the time forthe next poker game is fixed
Bring more money with you then
Get up
People are coming
Leave me alone
An Kun
We made love last night...
Who are you?
Boss, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
Boss, please stop it!
I'm not doing this on purpose
I don't want this please...
Be quiet
I won't be hurting you
Stupid bitch, motherfucker
What the fuck are you staring at?
You've never seen this before?
I fuck your whole family
Don't fucking smash my window
You, what are you doing here?
Get out of here!
I'll kill you!
I will kill you!
Are you crazy?
Get the security guards
You screwed my wife
I'll kill you!
Dare to fuck my wife
Get Liu Pingguo here
Get him out of here!
Don't let him in again
I will report you!
What are you doing?
Stop bashing yourself!
What are you doing to yourself?
You fucking dirty bitch
Stupid bitch!
Go away
I won't
We've already got enough trouble
Get out
Why do you want to kick me out?
I won't go!
I won't go!
Where is your underwear?
Did he fuck you like this?
Did he fuck you like this?
Did he fuck you like this?
Mrs. Lin
Why don't you take your wife to my beauty salon?
You don't want to wait for the boss?
Is he up to any mischief lately?
You must be kidding
He is a fine gentleman
If he is a gentleman, we are all saints!
That's not the case
See you, Mrs. Lin
Who the fuck did this?
I have so much to worry about
Hey, where is my hair clip?
This one?
Yeah, that's it
My boyfriend bought it for me
What are you talking about?
There are more than 50 girls at my place
How would I know who is Liu Pingguo?
Whoever fucked your wife is a bastard
What? $20,000!
$20,000? You're crazy, go rob a bank
You still owe me $200
What the fuck is emotional distress?
Fuck you
I will break your leg, asshole
Go away
Did you say I owe you $200?
I'm not that kind of guy
Thanks, I'll serve you even better next time
Hello, I'm on my way
You didn't tell me that you're married
Boss, I'd like to talk to you
Asking for money again?
You two make a perfect team
No, it's not like that, Boss
Let's talk in the car
That's the end of it
I didn't come for money
I didn't know An Kun asked you for money
I don't care if you do or not
From now on
I never want to see you again
Neither of you
Boss, are you firing me?
You don't expect a promotion, do you?
Actually, it was just an one-night stand
Boss, but how could that be?
I never wanted...
It was you who started it
You had an orgasm, right?
Get out of my car
I got to go home
You can't put the blame on me!
Really, if you want to fire me
I will report you for rape
On what ground?
The stuff that you left on my skirt
Who do you think I'm? Bill Clinton?
An Kun doesn't know about it
I will not tell anybody
Is that alright?
Does this hurt?
Not hurt
I'm telling you
You can lose more weight with love-making
People like us
We don't get laid easily
We can only lay here cupping
That's you not me
How do you manage your problem?
What problem?
Infertility is not a problem!
I don't want a child anyway
Mrs. Lin, someone's looking for you
A man or a woman?
A man
Where are my cigarettes?
I'm telling you the truth
I'm telling you my true feeling
I'm not surprised at what that bastard did
It's not the first time
Expecting a man to not fuck around
Is like expecting a dog not to look for bones
But asking me for money
That's not very smart
I'll tell you why
Even if I have problems with my husband
We are still a couple on the same side
I won't do anything against my self interest
While we both feel cheated
But if you're asking me for money as a redemption
You are asking me to act against my self interest
Do you understand, boy?
If you don't pay, I will report him
My husband screwed your wife, right?
He did it against her will
Against her will, and you feel bad about it?
Not only that, I am hurt and depressed
You are hurt?
If he denies it, you'll never get your $20,000
If he admits it, it would be easy
You are heading in the wrong direction
No matter what, he won't give you money
He doesn't care much about money
But he does care a lot more about face
He will lose face if he gives you money
Cutie, there is no way you can get that money
You want to report him?
It is a no-win situation for you, too
What evidence have you got?
Who can tell what really happened?
Isn't that obvious?
Unless you really love money
If you're not just in for the money
I can have other solutions for you
Like what?
My husband fucked your wife
Why don't you fuck his wife?
That bastard
That asshole
What are you staring at?
It's French
A gift from a customer
It's gorgeous
Anyway, it's free
Just eat
You know how stupid the jerk is?
He not only sings like shit, but filthy-minded as well
I told him if he wants to touch me
He has to buy me a cell phone
And he really bought me one
You let him touched you?
Only once
Look, nice phone?
That jerk is calling again
Let's take a picture
Is the picture clear?
Very clear
As good as a proper camera?
An Kun
We don't need him in the picture
An Kun
Get closer
Get ready
Somebody is outside the window
How could it be?
Yeah, there's someone
The curtain is drawn, how could you tell?
There's really someone
There's no one
You fucked somebody's wife
What are you talking about?
Her husband even saw your butt
That jerk came to you?
Don't listen to him
He's all bullshit
I'm not talking to you anymore
Get me the candle
It's not mine
For sure, it's not mine
What if it's yours?
No way, we didn't have sex back then
You don't remember anything, do you?
Of course we did
We did at that time
I'll drink your pee if it is mine
Go drink it!
I don't want it anyway
I will get an abortion tomorrow
Fucking shit
What are you doing?
Why are you talking like that?
Stop talking about the past
Don't do it
It's none of your business
Since it is not yours, why keep it?
If you dare to do it, I'll break your leg
I will do it tomorrow
It's my belly, not yours
Don't do that
This is a chance from heaven
How are you related to him?
I'm his cousin
He says he's your cousin
Are you his wife's cousin?
You can go in
No, no. I'm not here to fight
I'm here to tell you something
You dare to claim to be my cousin?
I was afraid you wouldn't let me in
Of course I don't want you to come in
Go away
I really have something to tell you
You have a cold, is it serious?
Liu Pingguo is pregnant
I should congratulate you
Your wife is pregnant, what's that to do with me?
Let's calculate the dates
On September 20, you and Liu Pingguo...
Today is October 23
See, the dates match
What do you mean by that?
I tell you, as long as I live
You won't get a penny from me
I'm just talking with you
Look, this is caused by you
You should accept your responsibility
Now, she is pregnant
If you want to report me
Go ahead
I just want to talk to you
Get out
I will call security
Why are you so rude?
I will report you for sure
You just go ahead and file your case
Why ask me to pick you up?
Where's your car?
Flat tire
Liu Pingguo is pregnant
You have to accept it
I've already made my decision
My principle is that anything with a 70% chance
Then it is worth trying
We are a married couple
This will never change
We can adopt this baby
I can't change what you have already decided
Sixteen years and it's always like this
I can only accept it
However, we must sign an agreement
If during this process you do anything to hurt me
For example...
You start another affair with Liu Pingguo
Or to do something harmful to me
All your assets will be mine
Wang Mei, when I think about this
I think of us as a family
If you talk like that
We are up against each other
But I can't act like a lamb
Waiting to be slaughtered by you
So if anything happened
I'll split my assets fifty-fifty with you
You think I will fall for a country girl?
Pull over
What? I can't stop here
Pull over!
Wang Mei
Wang Mei
Come on up here, let's talk
Up here!
What's your blood type?
Type "A"
I'm a "B"
What about Liu Pingguo?
She is an "O"
Let's put it this way
If this baby is born a "B"
Then it's my child and I'll keep it
I'll pay you $100,000
If it's blood type "A"
You will not lose everything
Because you'll have your own child
If it's blood type "O"
Then we'll have to undergo a DNA test
What do you think about this deal?
It's not right
What's wrong with it?
Tell me
I don't think we can do it like this
Earlier you denied you and my wife had...
So you refused to pay me $20,000
That is one issue
Now you want this child
That's a different issue
This is about two separate issues
Your logic is wrong
If you accept my deal, there's only one issue
Then it's only $100,000
How can it be just one issue?
You didn't even want to pay me before
Because you denied you and my wife have ever...
This is irrelevant
It is relevant!
Do you now admit you fucked my wife?
Why bring this up again?
There's no need to talk about this
This is the key to both issues
Since you want your child
You have therefore admitted you fucked my wife
So you must pay me $100,000 first
No, $20,000 for compensation
This is one issue
Now Liu Pingguo is pregnant
You want that baby in her belly
So you must pay me another $100,000
That's the second issue
We are talking about two issues!
Right now, I can't tell you clearly
But what I can tell you is
No matterwhat, there is only one deal
$100,000 total
It's not $100,000, but $120,000
This is something more than just money
If this is not about money, what is it about?
It didn't happen, right?
She disappeared
There's nobody down there
"Painless Aboftion"
Don't move
Just one moment, don't move
If we don't take out the entire fetus
You will have to do the abortion again
You'll have to come back
How could it be?
What are you looking at?
I did it
I did the abortion
Just finished
Are you out of your mind?
You are crazy
You are so silly
Believe it or not
I have no appetite
What are you doing?
You are hurting me
Wang Mei, please change seat with An Kun
An Kun, like what we agreed the other day
Here is $20,000 to compensate you for your distress
And here is another $100,000
You should visit my place for a facial
No, thanks
I'll stamp it first
Two copies of the contract
We each keep a copy
For a successful paftnership
From now on, Liu Pingguo becomes...
our most precious thing needing protection
You must treat her well
Otherwise you will not see a penny
It's time to make the first payment
Here is $20,000, count it
Let's have a toast!
We'll let bygones be bygones
We are good friends now
Yeah, right, with a smile
Always smile to our customers at work
Harder, harder
You don't need to dance
I'm fine
Go back and rest
Keep up with the dancing
Dance harder, smile, smile
Come on, don't look away, smile
Follow me
Follow me
Dry up
Get me my clothes
I'm freezing
Pingguo, here you are...
Just a second
Who is that?
It's me
Your place is really hard to find
How do you know where we live?
Where is Pingguo?
She's taking a shower
He is here
Who's here?
Mr. Lin.
Oh, you two took a shower together?
That is not right!
What's wrong with that?
What if you could not control yourself?
We are married and we're not having an affair
Making love too often will affect the baby
Anyway, I said what I have to say
Before Liu Pingguo gives birth,
You'd better stop making love with her
Also look, your place is filthy
You should clean up regularly
Open the window to let in fresh air
Let me open the window
Do you snore?
No, never
You never snore?
What? You don't snore?
You snore like a pig!
I bought these pills for myself
Now, I'm giving them to you
Take them twice a day
Two tablets at a time
Make sure you take them before you sleep
It's called "Quiet Nights"
Pingguo, come here
Here are some dietary supplements for you
I tried them
They taste awful
But you should take them anyway
They are good for the baby
On which side of the bed do you sleep?
On the right
But you should start sleeping on the left
My parents told me
Sleeping on the left will bring you a boy
An Kun, you should sleep in here
I'm leaving
Take it easy
I told you not to take this home
When did I ever snore?
That's bullshit
I won't take this shit
You snore loudly and you don't know
Take them, they're very expensive
Also very useful
Eat, you have them
What's wrong?
What's your problem?
You blow your top for nothing
Come on, let's put them on the shelf
My belly is hurting
Hurry up
How come it only has six nails?
It's over there
The child must be mine, right?
It's a gamble, either you lose or win
Willing to gamble and willing to lose
How do you know that I would lose?
Can you stop making noises?
He's kicking, that little thing
You kick when your dad is near
You can hear the kicking?
Yes, yes
The baby is kicking less than before
The baby just want to greet his dad
Come on baby, kick one more time
You really make your dad proud
How could you be so sure the child is yours?
It must be my child
Why don't you come over and try?
See if he kicks for you or not
Keep the hammer away
How is it, is he kicking?
No kicking, right?
You are so stupid!
Kicking proves nothing
You'd better pray that the child's mine
If you want to fix the chair, go outside
The noise will frighten my baby
He's kicking again, see
He kicks as long as I'm near
So salty, my throat hurting
The eggplant you cooked was so salty
The eggplant you cooked was so salty
My throat hurts like hell
If you let him hover around your belly again
I will hit you
What if this is your child?
I'm talking to you
Push harder, harder
Spread your legs!
Don't cross them
Push, push
Hold her legs up a bit
Push a bit more, push
It will be okay in a second
Okay, here it is
It's a boy
Comes home and closes door
My daughter stays on the Internet...
Dr. Zhang
Here's the birth certificate with his blood type
I read the news and it scared me...
Dr. Zhang, there's something wrong here
I'm not blood type "A", I'm a "B"
Your wife must be "A"
No, she is type "O"
Surely someone has made a mistake
No, there's no mistake
Maybe your wife has been seeing someone else
Dr. Zhang, you should not say that
How could that be wrong?
A hospital like this doesn't make mistakes
Dr. Zhang
I'll tell you the truth
My wife was indeed seeing someone else
I thought we could get it over
But it showed up here again
You must decide for yourself
I'd like you to change this to "B"
It is not possible
Do this as a favour to me
Because of the wrong blood type
My wife might divorce me
But I don't want to leave her
You should clarify it and decide
I don't care about the child's true identity
Dr. Zhang, I'll treat him as my own
My wife is very stubborn
When I discovered her affair
She want to suicide
If she does that again
Who will take care of this child?
What will this family then?
This is something very wrong
How could I change your mind?
It's impossible
I don't want to give you trouble
Even $3,000 will not do
What's that?
Don't confuse the others
Okay, okay...
I thought a thief has broken into my place
You treat my place like a cash machine
Taking money whenever you want
I don't have enough money for you to take
The device you bought is imported?
How much is it?
Spend carefully when you have money
What if one day we got nothing left
All our money is gone
The cars are gone
The people are gone
What do we do then?
I've already paid for the child
As per the agreement
Once Liu Pingguo leaves hospital
We take the child home
She will nurse him for half a year
Then she will be gone
Where are you going?
What a cute baby!
Big eyes just like his mom
Here is a gift from us
Such a gorgeous baby
His eyes look just like Lin Dong's
Like his dad, huh?
No, he looks more like his mom
Normally sons take after their mom
Have some cake, everyone
Don't wake him up
You all brought him gifts?
Congratulations, Mr. Lin
Wang Mei, take a sip too
Thank you!
Congratulation for having a son at your age
It's not easy for an old man
Who's old?
I'm old, I'm old
Maybe you should also have a baby?
Why we are like their servants?
Today Wang Mei is the child's mother
So we have to stay in the kitchen
You are the problem
They want me to nurse the baby
You insist on coming with me
So irritating
What do you mean?
You are not part of this house yet
Already looking down on me...
Is the salad ready?
It's ready. Here, take it
I feels like I'm bursting
My breasts are so full
Liu Pingguo, could you feed him?
Give him to me, just the right time
You should move in tomorrow
You don't have to bring anything
I have clothes here that you can wear
To others you are our nanny
I'd ratherwear my own clothes
This is where I conceive my son
It's a blessed place
May the Bodhisattva watch over me
All my desires will realize
My business prospers
And my family lives in peace
Good morning
Why do you cook yourself?
I didn't wake you up since you were tired
Wake me, it doesn't matter
Pingguo, help me to set the table
Can you manage on your own?
Just set the table for two
What about Mrs. Lin?
She went to the bank this morning
She didn't have breakfast?
Le Le
Le Le
What's wrong baby?
What's wrong? Missing your mama?
Want some milk?
Okay, Okay
You've not gone to work for days
What? The same with you, right?
I can run my business by phone
It's the same
You are not staying just for the baby, are you?
You still have not deposited the money?
The money is from trading my wife and child
I want to look at them every day
I sleep with them every night
Look at this
Stop fooling around
Never seen so much stupid money in your life?
I can see why you are the best at Golden Basin
They were telling the truth, right?
You think if you make a man comfortable
He will fall for you then?
You are better than me on this
But I'm smarter than you
I know you may trick Lin Dong
But he does not dare to be tricked by you
Because he is a man
He knows how to distinguish self interest and love
Mrs. Lin, you're thinking too much
I'm not thinking too much, I just care a lot
A careful driver drives for ever
You are a woman too
You need to keep a way out for yourself
Otherwise you will end up with nothing
On life's gaming table
Your stake is much greater than mine
It's done, Mrs. Lin
Call me dad
Call me dad
Come on, put him down
Let daddy give you a hug
Let me wipe that off
Oh, your clothes are all wet
That's alright
Here's my clean baby
He smells so good
Pretty and clean
Stop spinning, you'll make him dizzy
Let me take him
Are you dizzy?
Let mama take you
Sorry baby, here is your mom
He's confused
Sit down
Le Le
You've been here the whole day already
You still don't want to go home?
You're watching me here
Instead of going to work?
No, it's not like that
Recently I have not been working at all
Just a few months apart and you can't stand it?
I want Pingguo to come home for a few days
That's not possible
You have to keep your bargain
Why don't you just leave?
I'm already like an extra here
Not even you
What are you talking about?
Think about the money you got
Don't be angry, it won't do you any good
As I told you the first time we met
Every problem has a different solution
Lin Dong signed an agreement with me
If he starts an affair with Liu Pingguo again
And breaks up with me
His asset will be split fifty-fifty
So I tell you, as long as I'm there
He does not dare to do that
Your wife will go back to you soon
You can never control him
An Kun
An Kun
It's me, Xiao Mei
Such a nice car
My throat is sore
Don't you remember me?
I miss my mom
What did Wang Mei tell you?
Tell me what she told you?
I've already explained everything to you
It was just a misunderstanding
Nothing happened
That child is mine
I changed the blood type behind your back
You're just making this up
You are really good at it
You are just jealous
I already told you nothing has happened
Just think what you like
Believe it or not
You are so stupid
Why should I fool you with that?
That child is mine, you heard that?
That child is mine
Let's go to the hospital tomorrow
To do a blood test
Then we take a chance
Bring the child back to our hometown
Don't you feel ashamed?
Is the child yours?
You have no shame! You made us look awful
Fucking Liu Pingguo, you've changed
You are just like a hooker
You are just a fucking hooker
You fucking...
Stupid bitch
Just get lost
Get lost
Get lost
Fucking get lost
Pingguo, what's wrong?
What's wrong with you?
Tell me what happened
Why do you stop me?
I gave it to you and you don't want it?
Don't you like me?
What happened?
It's okay
It's alright
An Kun
What are you doing?
Why are you taking the child away?
Did you two conspire against me?
To kidnap the child and blackmail me
Are you that crazy for money?
Did you devise the plot?
There is nothing between her and me
We even signed an agreement
Did you drive An Kun to take the child away?
Without the child, we can't keep Pingguo, right?
I tell you
If I find out you masterminded this
I'll keep Pingguo here
I'll marry her and divorce you
After all these, whom can I still trust?
Everyone is cheating on me
Fucking dirty games
Officer Wang?
My child has been kidnapped
I don't know
Stop running
Take it easy, buddy
Watch your step
It's a bit messy
Mr. Lin, you have visitors
Please come in
Oh, officer Wang
I'm sorry, we are renovating
Even no room for a step
I don't know how to thank you this time
Karaoke or seafood? Your choice!
No need to thank me for now
Something unexpected happened
What happened?
Is that kid telling tall tales again?
He did not tell any new story
But we performed a DNA test with your agreement
The results came out
I brought them for you
The analytical report shows
F9612 is not the biological father of C9612
His biological father is in fact M9612
You are not related to C9612
An Kun is the biological father of the child
You take the report and read it carefully
There must be a mistake
It can't be a mistake
It's not right
What a test
Anything can be wrong
Don't get upset
How could you tear it up?
This is science and science can't be wrong
Well, I'll see you later
You'd better accept the reality of this matter
I don't know what went on between you two
There is nothing
Okay, see you soon
Absolute nonsense
This is my new address
I know you will not come to see me
But I still hope that you will come one day
Is this Xiao Mei?
How did she die?
We suspect a customer robbed and killed her
Count the money
I'm related to this child
Please keep the money
I feel he's my son the whole time
But he's not
Take the money back, let me keep the child
He's mine
We belong to each other
I can give you more money
Just tell me how much
He's my son, I will take him with me today
For the sake of what we've gone through together
Let me take the child
I give you three days
Otherwise we'll meet in court