Piranha 3D (2010)

It was a mistake. Can't we just work something out here?
Mistake or no mistake, you just destroyed private property.
And from the smell of your breath,
I suggest you take the ticket.
Maybe get a ride home with your friends.
I don't know, I thought you'd take you home.
Touching an officers uniform is considered an assault?
Were you aware of that?
You look pretty hot in tan.
It's not tan, it's beige!
Hey, take it easy!
Another step and you'll pissing lightning bolts into next week, ok?
Pretty much your average day in college
Hey Kelly, I wasn't sure you'd be coming back for spring break.
Yeah, I'm here
I can only assume you're down here
to get on one of those boats
No, I came down here to pick up
my little sister for music lessons.
What about yourself?
I'm just waiting for my ride. Todd and his friends,
we're gonna go check out some music.
Todd Dupree?
Remind me who you're going out with again?
You gotta have standards ok, thats all I'm saying
Todd's a really good DJ.
Kelly! Let's go. Jump in we're late.
He says he's got backstage passes for Planners, you should come.
I would, but I'm pretty much under
house arrest with Shing Tsing and Laura.
Too bad
We'll miss you.
I gotta go.
- Come on, we gotta go!
I hope to see you before ...
... before you leave.
Pretty smooth Jake.
Hey asswipe! Cool shirt!
Nice horn.
Nice boobs
I have a training bra but I don't like to wear it, it itches.
Tell me about it.
Who are you waiting for?
My brother Jake. He's 17.
And he'll like your boobs too.
- They all do.
Come on, let's go.
What happened to you?
I don't want to talk about it, ok. Let's go.
Hi Jake.
Try to not stare at her boobs.
Shut up.
I like your shirt.
Why? You wanna throw something at me too?
No, actually I like The Pixies.
Danni, Danni, Danni, where the hell is Crystal?
She's over there with Andrew.
She went to buy sunscreen.
Andrew, Crystal, we don't need sunscreen.
We need body paint, condoms. We need Ready Whip
Tell her to come tomorrow I want bleach blonde
booty at the marina. I gotta get my first shot off by noon.
Make sure those titties are nice and perky!
Who's this?
This is Jake. He's a local.
Sandrat huh? You know your way around the lake?
You wanna job? I'll pay you cash.
No bullshit Jake.
My guide didn't show and I need somebody asap.
I need someone with ambition, someone who is willing to take chances ...
... If, you, know, what, I, mean.
Sir, you talk funny.
Yeah, well, you're short! Hold on,
- This is Derick
Don't you disappoint me motherfucker. I told you!
I want the biggest Goddam boat this podunk town has to offer
Who is that?
Derick? He's the director.
So you're like a, er.. actress or what?
I am a 'Wild Wild Girl'.
What's a 'Wild Wild Girl', Jake?
Of course we know boats! Fuck the waiver! You signed the waiver!
So, Jake baby, are we gonna do this?
Do what?
- The job! Location scout! Get us around, show us the spots...
the G-spots.
I need a local.
I need you.
We're talking about life lesson here Jake.
Great, 10am, tomorrow. Don't be late.
And... wear a different shirt
I we'll see you tomorrow Jake.
Actually, tomorrow he's...
Why'd you bother to knock, if you're just gonna walk straight in?
Am I disturbing you?
No, I'm just doing homework, and stuff for school.
Laura has been telling me that you may
have some other plans for tomorrow
I don't know what she's talking about. I'm 100% baby-sitting.
What? No, we don't want babysitter.
Yeah mum. Especially not Jake.
I'm serious, mum, we dont need one.
Out, out, out.
Jake, you know I don't have a backup.
I know mum. Don't worry, you know how crazy this week is for you.
And dont worry, I'll take care of the nitwits, ok?
Remember, if you do not fulfill their responsibilities, I have power to arrest
and imprison you.
Mum, I'm not 12. playing on the sheriff card doesn't work.
- No!
As I said, I'll take care of them, ok?
Now get outta here
-I promise next year I'll try to find another solution.
- Ok.
Oh and Jake.
-Come on Mum! Really?
It's time for dinner.
OK, alright, I'll be right there.
Hope I didn't wake the kids?
They'll sleep through anything.
So, Maggy said yesterday was the last time she saw him?
Yeah, just before midnight.
She said Matt took a boat to catch some bass.
She drove around the lake all night looking for him.
Where's the boat?.
- Over there.
Feeling like a skinny dip?
Yeah, if we can make it to the end of the pier
You mean I'm to old, or too heavy?
I think you're too chicken-shit!
By the way, Gordon called last night.
He said that U.S.G.S. recorded heavy seismic activity below the lake.
Yeah, they're sending in a team of seismologist divers
And he told them that you're gonna escort them out!
Jesus Christ.
We've just been invaded by 20,000 kids
makes us a little busy at the moment.
I know. That's what I told him
This doesnt sound too good
So, what time are the divers gonna get here?
He said around 10.
Come on, just a little more.
I can't get it
- Jules!
Give me your hand!
Do you think a propeller could've done this?
I doubt it. Look at the bones. Nothing broken
It looks like toxic, are acidic decomposition
it's as it this body has been in the water for weeks
What would you say if I told that I'm
thinking about closing the lake?
...at least until we get an autopsy report
- An autopsy report is gonna take a couple of days
It'd be easier to drain this lake, than close it.
I's a big financial week for this town.
I'm gettin too old for this
We're not liying to mum.
- Yeah, we won't lie to mum.
Come on guys, every year it's the same.
I'm stuck here with you
and miss all the spring break fun.
You mean spring break boobies!
What if I give you guys the cash for the baby-sitting?
Sixty bucks and you gotta deal.
Sixty? But I'm only getting paid forty.
Twenty dollar deception surcharge!
Don't pick up the phone, don't answer the door
and don't leave the house.
OK? I'm counting on you guys.
Town rules son. You throw a peice of trash in the lake,
you gotta pick up 10 peices
After the dive, our presence is requested at 'Cocomos'
The Arizona State cheerleading team.
Hi, I'm Sheriff Forester.
Bob Gordon asked me to take you out to the site.
It's nice to have a welcoming committee around here
I assume that's technical equipment too?
Yeah, Sam, give them back.
According to the epicenter coordinates
we need to go here.
Ok, that's about 20 minutes out
Ready when you are.
You dont see many women working Law Enforcement
out here in cowboy country.
You dont see a lot of cowboys though
Who exactly are you baby-sitting here?
This is a funny story actually.
Wow. Look at those idiots.
Yeah, it's terrible.
Sandrat! Hey Sandrat, I'm talking to you.
Where the hell have you been? We've got the girls lubed up
We're ready to roll. I'm docking your paycheck!
Let's go.
Now I see what you've been scouting last 15 minutes.
Kelly, it was great to see you, I know you gotta get going...
Hi Kelly, I'm Derick Jones.
You know this guy?
Jake? Jake is my boy!
He's the man with the plan! The insight, the knowledge!
Great. Those girls, they aren't with you are they?
Yes, why? Are you into girls?
No, I'm just showing him around town. All the hotspots, stuff like that.
The job is called location scout, and Kelly you should come with us.
Today we're gonna be making movie history.
No, she's got other plans already.
Kelly do you like champagne?
I love champagne, actually I love ...
I would love to come on your boat Derek, thanks.
Come on, let me... let me help you aboard.
Hey Kelly baby. What happened to hanging with us today?
Who's that guy? Is he your boyfriend or something?
- No, he's just a boy from school...
...who said he has back-stage passes, when actually, he doesn't!
Come on Kelly!
T-shirts for you.
What the fuck.
That was Derick Jones!
Is that Jake Forester?
See you at 4 in wet t-shirt contest.
Dave, we have to talk about this
We told Jake that we'd stay at the house.
I told him that I would fish.
I can't if there are no fish.
The lake's too busy.
Come on. Sand Island is really close
I should've brought my trombone.
No way! "Be a girl and sunbathe or something!
When I become a rock star, just see if I let YOU be in my group!
Give me a break!
You play the trombone!
Here we go ladies... a little Champagne...
- Thanks
... the finest your gas station has to offer
to our newest 'Wild Wild Girl'
That's why we came here. Derick wants to capture innocence.
It's all about innocence
Just like her.
Don't worry. Derick's just making his play.
You might as well ask him not to breathe
It's the rules. Show a girl a camera and she WILL perform.
It's like a law of physics.
I've seen that guy charm the pants off a lot of ladies.
She's not messing up your party is she?
What do I care. She's not my girlfriend.
This is great. I'm having a great time.
We're going wild, I'm going wild.
Hey, Jake. How far is this place? Come on!
Yeah, yeah, we're almost there
Speaking of going wild...
you haven't seen anything yet!
Why not join us?
Hey, what's up guys?
- Close that door, you're ruining our shot!
Come on Sandrat. Get with the program.
Here they come, here they come. Here come my nymphs.
Oh my God!
Check it out! The fish, with boobies
If all fish look like that, I would fuck fish!
Looking good ladies. You like this, right Jake?
You should be paying us today, not the other way around!
Look at these goddess aquatic bitches. This is hot Andy!
This is so hot. This is what it's all about
Beer, sun and naked hunnies making out under water!
Mum, what's going on there?
How come you didn't pick up the home phone?
I've been trying to reach you.
I was outside. I can go and get it if you need me to.
No, that's okay.
Oh my God!
Nothing, just kids.
They're outside fishing...
... and it's really nice to see them ...
... playing with each other.
Put your ass on the glass!
Jake is someone there with you?
No, no, no. Just the kids on the lake.
It's crazy here. You know how it is.
Honey, I don't want Zane or Laura near the lake today, you hear me?
OK, we will stay home and we'll watch TV.
OK, I gotta go. Thank you so much for this
I'll try to come home early, ok?
Ok, ok. I love you. I gotta go.
Kelly, where are you?
Jake, you missed the rest of the show.
Let's go. Towels for the girls.
Wow! Great! good work. Way to tie up a canoe
I must've gotten my knots mixed up.
So you catch zero fish, and lose us our only boat.
Today is just full of accomplishments
Jake's gonna kill us.
Somebody will see us. See, there are some boats over there.
Don't waste your time. They'll never see us, it's way too far.
We need help!
We're over here!
Help us, somebody.
We're over here, help!
Woah! Look at the size of that!
What is it? A cavern system?
Looks to me like a subterranean lake.
You see this gap here?
The quake opened that up, now it's a connecting passage.
A lake under a lake?
That's right. I'm afraid it's still your jurisdiction.
This is part of an old volcanic ridge all over this area.
That's the beauty of it.
We're gonna be the first ones to explore it.
I don't know why you get s o excited by that crap.
All we ever see is rocks and sand.
I should warn them, it's not very pretty down there.
Tourists treat this lake like it's a garbage can.
How's it going down there?
Sheriff said that it's a real treasure trove down there
so I've got dibs on the old body spray, and 'Jugs' magazines
- I got dibs on home appliances.
- I got missing college girls
Oh my God!
This is the longest one I've ever seen.
Focus on the task.
At least 200 feet Novak
Almost full visibility.
You should see this. It's amazing!
Novak, do you hear me?
- Yes, copy that
You're about 90 feet to the entrance of the connecting cave
It looks like single file time
I'll go first
No, I should de the preliminary scout.
Anyway, you'll get us stuck!
Baby, I'm like an eel.
Electrical eel can get into small spaces that it is shocking.
That's weird
Here they are and they're splitting up
Is everything alright? I'm losing you a little bit here.
I'm getting a serious drop in temperature
it's at least 30 degrees colder.
You're probably at the mouth of the underwater lake
Do you see anything?
I'm entering the cave
It seems endless.
You gotta see this.
This is incredible
What do you see down there?
Something just bit me!
Yes, okay, I thought you like that kinda stuff?
Sam! Sam! Answer me!
Something's happening.
- What?
I don't know. Give me my flippers.
Oh my God!
Your body is a temple, and now it is time to thank the Gods.
Andrew, camera.
Come on you.
No, no, no.
No, thanks. I think I've already had too much.
Come on, don't you want to worship at a beautiful altar.
I know you prefer champagne, but you believe us,
you can trust Crystal.
Come on Derick, she said no.
No, she said 'no thanks', there's a difference.
She understands that gratitude is the right attitude.
Kelly, come on, trust us. It's never cheating
if it's with another chick!
Come on.
Come on, it's fun
Have fun, do it! Everybody's doing it
You're not trying to take away her fun are you?
She's er... she's not my girlfriend.
Fine! I'll do it.
First you lick the salt
Here we go, come over here
Then you suck up the tequila.
You don't have to do it.
- I don't think we need any of your babysitting here Jake.
And to try with Jake and Kelly?
- What?
I think not.
Come on guys, are we shooting porn today or not?
Lets make a decision
Thanks Crystal. Come Kelly.
Yes, and salt.
A little tequila.
Let's go.
Mr. Goodman?
I'm coming, hold your horses
The store is closed
I want to know what the hell this thing is doing in my lake?
Where did you catch this?
In the middle of the lake.
Where there are 2 people dead!
- Oh my!God!
"Oh my" yeah that's right
Excuse me, but is that a fucking Piranha?
And it's not the only one.
- There are thousands.
Thousands! And they're pissed!
I heard about these things happening.
It's like those baby alligators in New Jersey, someone leaves them ...
... and then they bread.
- What?
Who released these fish into the lake?
What are you talking about?
This particular of piranha
vanished from the face of the earth
more than two million years ago!
Where's he going?
Allow me... to introduce...
The Pygocentrus. The original piranha
They used to swim the Colorado River
Right up until the Ice Age.
I don't understand how you found one... alive?
We discovered a subterannean lake,
through a rift created by the quake
How could it have survived so long, cut off from the surface?
They must have fought each other to survive.
See the eyes.
Jesus. It's like they're staring abck at you
No, no, no. Not staring. Sensing.
God! Dont do that.
Piranhas hunt in packs.
Not for protection, but for overwhelming force.
They're organised, methodical
The first bite draws the blood, the blood draws the pack
How do I stop them?
Sorry, you're not actually thinking about
going back out onto the lake?
They are killing machines but they are still fish.
You can catch them or kill them.
But if there really are thousands ...
Yesterday would have been a good time to start.
My little brother and sister.
Are they waving for help?
I don't know. They should be home. I should be home.
Jake, what are you doing? You're gonna miss my money shot
It's my familly alright! They could be in trouble
You'll be in trouble if you don't get
my flying cacas right now!
What the hell is wrong with you man?
What's wrong with me?
Oh Godamit, your missing it, your missing it, your missing it.
Oh you missed it! What is wrong with you?
Listen, they're stranded out there.
They might need my help
Listen to me. My mum is sheriff.
OK. Let's swing by the island. Throw the minnows in the boat.
It'll be fun.
Get me up!
Get me up!
What's going on?
Alright Lake Victoria, are you ready for some titties?!
Look at those weapons of masturbation!
Yes, we need the National Guard ...
...We need the Coast Guard! I need all the
forces you have the power to deploy!
Everybody back to the beach!
Everybody back!
Read the Bible.
Don't talk about faith. Take the boat.
No more talk about faith
What the hell?
This is the Lake Victoria Sherrifs Department,
The Sherrif has declared an emergency.
Don't worry, we've got beer over here!
I need you out of the water, now!
Jake? Why is he here?
I don't know.
We are so busted.
- No, he is.
I didn't even catch a fish!
Slow down.
OK, Jake,I'm not taking the fall for this. It was all Zanes idea
I paid you $60 to stay home. What do you mean.
I'll give you 40 and we are quits.
How about you get on a boat, go home and end of story.
Just get on the boat.
We should've been on the beach an hour ago
for the muthafucking main event.
Let's go!
Be careful pulling away from here. The rocks
can strip away the engine
Why don't you go and get some rest. Take Zane and Laura
with you, I don't want them anywhere near them.
The water is so clear.
What kind of fish was that?
I don't know.
I'm gonna make them take us home right now, ok?
What is that?
What happened?
Are you okay?
I think we hit something.
Andrew! Andrew, what the hell is going on?
I don't know. We're stuck on something.
Well, fix it Godamit
There are rocks everywhere.
- Yeah, they're down here.
What happened?
I think there's something caught on the prop
Stay here.
Crystal, get the sand rat up here
I said get the fucking sand rat up here! What's wrong with you?
Why can't you go get him yourself?
I'm just down here thinking how this whole fucked up day is your fault.
You wont help us with the new bitch, you don't do a fucking
thing I tell you and you take us way the fuck of course!
I get it, you're new at this. I'm cool with that...
but what you're doing ...
what this is ...
there's a word for it ...
It's a boat word, er what is it?
Mutiny! Is that what this is? Is it a mutiny
Relax Derek, ok? It's just getting a little wild
If anyone should be down there helping, it oughta be you!
Let me do that. Let me do that!
Let me do it!
This is an emergency. I need everyone out of the water now!
Get out of water now! This is an emergency!
Get out of the water now!
Come on! Come on!
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
What are you doing?
Where are you going?
Throw me a gun!
- It's fully loaded
Swim to the beach! Get out of water!
Get out of water!
Come on!
Todd, what are you doing?
Get the fuck out of the way!
You're gonna kill the engine.
Zane, Laura, hold on to something and get back from the glass.
Come on!
Come on!
Yes, yes!
Holy shit!
Let's go!
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
- Yes.
Where is Kelly?
- It is on the other side.
Kelly! Kelly!
Get out of the water!
I cant find a way to you. Get out through the skylite
Let's go. I don't want you to see this.
They took my penis! They took my penis.
Jake hurry up, the water's getting higher
Hurry up!
Chew on this muthafuckers!
Everybody out!
All ashore!
Everybody out!
No! No!
Hold this.
[phone ringing]
This is Sheriff Forester.
- Jake.
I'm sorry, I screwed up. We're on the lake.
Where are Laura and Zane?
They're with me on the boat.
Oh my God, Jake.
Whatever you do, do not enter the water!
You don't understand, Mum. Our boat is sinking.
Where are you?
What are you doing?
I'm coming with you.
Let's go.
That's mum.
Mum! Hey!
How are we gonna get the boat close?
- I don't know.
The rope. Do you think it will reach?
Jake, I'm gonna throw you the rope.
I want you to tie it to the highest railing
Okay, Mum.
- Yes.
Back up a bit.
Watch out for rocks.
Watch out!
- Yes.
Keep it tight. I've got my radio
Hold on.
Mum, are you okay?
Is this everybody on the boat?
No, Kelly is stuck down in the cabin.
We can't get her out.
We can't get her out.
- Kelly?
God! Kelly?
Can you reach my arm?
Help me get out of here. Water is getting higher!
- Can you reach the skylite?
It doesn't matter. It's fucking stuck!
I'm scared!
Please help!
Mum, hurry!
- Kelly?
- Were gonna die.
We are not gonna die, OK?
I need your help! Please!
The only way to reach it under the ship.
All of the rope.
What are you talking about? We can't leave her there.
When we all go over the rope, I'll come back for her.
I'm not leaving without her mum!
Jesus, Jake! The only way to get to her is for you to get into the water
I'm not gonna let you do that!
The reason she got on this boat was coz of me
This is my fault.
I'm not going without her.
- This isn't gonna hold much longer. Let's go!
I'm gonna take Zane and Laura across and when I get back,
we are gonna do this. Together.
We're gonna keep the 2 little ones between us, you go first.
Can you do this?
- You better believe it! I don't pole dance for nothing!
You have a lot of explaining to do.
Be careful, don't look down. Let's go.
Just like at the playground guys,
... hand over hand
Don't look down.
Don't look down, alright.
Come on, you can do this.
Don't look down.
No! No!
Laura, listen to me!
If you move fast, it will not get you.
You have to move now!
Come on!
OK guys, you're here.
You did it.
Let's go, keep moving!
Are you ok?
Cut the engine.
What are you doing?
Jake, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
Jake, do not!
They want blood, don't they?
Well, we'll give them.
Wet T-shirt, wet t-shirt.
Oh my God! Oh my God!
We're gonna get out of here. Both of us!
- I'm in! I you need to pull us out as fast as possible! Do you copy?
- Ok, we're ready when you are.
Jake, what are you doing? They're gonna come back.
I gave them a snack. That's gonna hold
them off for a while at least
I need you to tie these together ok?
- Why?
Just do it!
Where are you going?
Hold your breath, we'll swim to the bottom of the boat.
I need you to hold on tight. Can you hold on tight to me?
I need you to pull us out in 10 seconds, do you copy?
- We copy. 10 seconds from your signal.
Get the kids down.
... 3 ... 2 ... 1
Come on!
Come on, fucking thing!
Oh my God!
Holy shit!
Are you okay?
Kick your legs, come on!
Let's go!
You're alright.
Breathe, you're ok.
You're alright.
Oh my God! It's good to have you on board!
Look mum, over there.
They died.
They're all dead.
You did it Jake!
Hey, it worked.
I thought dynamite fishing is illegal in these parts sheriff?
[over radio] -Sheriff! Sherrif?
Yes, this Julie.
Julie, we have a major problem.
I'm looking out at a school of dead piranha.
It's not all of them, but it's a good start.
You don't understand.
The specimen you left with me
has no mature reproductive organs.
- What?
What are you talking about?
The piranhas that killed those divers, the ones you're hunting for...
They're not fully developed!
They're the babies!
Well, where are the parents?