Pirates (2005)

Oh God, Isabella
I can not begin to tell you how happy I am right now
Life is absolute perfection my love.
I must admit, Manuel, I'm nervous.
Life is absolute perfection my love.
I must admit, Manuel, I'm nervous.
Nervous? There's no need to be nervous.
Is it true that the Caribbean Sea is full of pirates?
Yes, but would not let a pirate in sight or sound of your breath.
You are far too sexy
I can not wait to see your body
Oh, stop it , we're married now.
You'll see it soon enough.
But there is something
What if you see my body, you decide you do not like it?
Then I must sell you to a pirate as a sex slave.
You're worth a gold piece or two.
Manuel, you're such an ass.
- What? "Seriously
You're my wife now and forever, nothing will change that
I love you for all you are
Everything you're not and all that will be
Thank you my love
Thank God. Heavenly Perfection!
I've waited for 260 years this magnificent moment
We are close and she has given no sign that we have been seen.
Well done. Keep us sailing swiftly.
Aye Captain
Well done. Keep us sailing swiftly.
Aye Captain
What's wrong?
Nothing ... return to sleep my love.
Where are you going sweet heart?
I'll breathe the sea air, and I'll return soon.
"Manuel, have you ever seen a night so divine?
In all my years at sea I've never seen such serenity
God has blessed us with peace tonight
Definitely has.
How long before we get to Caribbean waters?
Late morning. - That soon?
If we don't lose the calm breeze, and if it picks up ...
... we may arrive before sunup. I'll get you there safely..
No doubt you have always sailed with speed and care.
Thanks friend
Be gone. You should be resting with your beautiful wife.
she's probably cold without you
You're right captain. Good night
- How is the sea air?
The only air I want is breathing your sweet breath.
I love you so much.
And I you. When I have my tradepost, I'll give you everything you want.
I only desire you.
I know. I just thought I'd sweeten the deal.
You're such a fool
I'm a fool for you
Line up the crew and bring the passengers.
And Sarina
... Although I love you so, do not consider killing anyone this time
What are you doing?
If you let her go, I'll gladly do what you wish.
What are you doing?
If you let her go, I'll gladly do what you wish.
There is no need for this violence!
Sorry sir.
There is no need for this violence!
Sorry sir.
Ahoy me hartees, my name is Captain Victor Stagnetti
I apologize for any inconvenience
...that we"ve caused, but ....we are pirates
I apologize for any inconvenience
...that we"ve caused, but ....we are pirates
Sadly this is our way.
Usually this would end with people like you decapitated
with your heads for the sharks, but this
Usually this would end with people like you decapitated
with your heads for the sharks, but this
This sort of pirate delight does not have to occur if I get what I want.
What is it that you desire, Captain?
I was getting to that!
I hate when I'm interrupted don't you?
I was getting to that!
I hate when I'm interrupted don't you?
Aye! Now.
I've been looking for a man for a very, very long time.
My search ends here and now
The man with the name Manuel Valenzuela, step forward.
What a pretty pearl necklace
That's enough!
I'm Manuel Valenzuela
"Please, let me save her! Good, I thought I would have to ...
"Please, let me save her! Good, I thought I would have to ...
"Please, let me save her! Good, I thought I would have to ...
I thought I'd have to throw the entire crew off the ship to find you.
"Please, let me save her! Good, I thought I would have to ...
I thought I'd have to throw the entire crew off the ship to find you.
Captain, please, let me save her.
No! You're too valuable for shark meat.
That is the fate of your beautiful lady.
No! You're too valuable for shark meat.
That is the fate of your beautiful lady.
You'll stay by me for safety sake.
She is my wife! Don't let her die. I beg you, please ...
Have compassion. "Thank you gentlemen for your time
You may go on your merry way, seamen.
I bid you adieu. Back to the Devil's Rose. And my vicious lady, too.
Helmsman, prepare to set sail.
Are you really going to let them go? Of course not. Sink her.
Captain's Log, August 25, 1763
It has been four long weeks since we've seen corsairs.
The crew has grown restless and unmotivated.
I try to motivate and teach them how to fight ...
They grow tired after little practice.
Somehow, my first mate, Jules...
...has managed to keep their spirits high.
Not sure how she does it.
Many of the men are inarticulate...
I think she gives them lessons to improve their oral skills or even Bible study.
Each night I hear the sounds of praise and joy from her cabin...
... that can only be induced by earnest worship.
At least we know that the good Lord will be with us ...
But there are more serious problems approaching.
Food supplements are quite low...
I fear we have to return to port soon.
I deeply desire to vanquish pirates we come upon..
but to be honest I am concerned.
Because Woo Chou cannot make the cannons fire.
Each time the cannon fired it smells like rotting goat's ass.
Woo believes that the powder needs more potassium nitrate and less sulfur.
It's not my fault!
The bad news is that we do not have potassium nitrate
But regardless we will fight the pirates by sword or by hand ...
... To the death if necessary.
As for myself, I feel confident knowing that soon we'll sight a corsair ...
... when called upon my crew will jump into action.
We are men and women of the cold sea. Pirates will fear us.
Captain Edward Reynolds. Captain of the Sea Stallion.
Excuse me the captain...
...has made specific orders not to be interrupted.
Unless we're under attack.
That's quite alright, Oxford. I'll speak to the commander.
But sir it's quite necessary to complete the log...
You are dismissed. We'll complete the log later.
I suggest you report immediately to the crow's nest.
Aye, Captain
"Oxford was right, you should not have disturbed me."
As captain, it is my responsibility to make sure that all the ships protocols ...
... Followed exactly.
As captain, it is my responsibility to make sure that all the ships protocols ...
... Followed exactly.
As ship's captain I must make sure my orders are followed exactly...
As captain it is my responsibility...
...to make sure the rules are respected."
"Edward, stop the charade."
What's wrong?
I'm a fool. A lousy commander. I can't hunt pirates.
I can't even hunt tuna. The crew hates me."
"What are you talking about?"
We've been dreaming of this since we were children.
I'm a lousy commander
we haven"t seen a pirate ship in four weeks. Four weeks!
My father was right. I should have stayed on the plantation ...
...helping run it.
-No. You've just lost faith in yourself.
Yes, it's true. You've never set foot on a boat before.
... Yes its true. You've never been in combat with a man nor pirate.
Its true you have no knowledge of the seas ...
... But, you have a dream
But that is stronger than any knowledge or experience.
It's your fate.
What if this is not my destiny? What if this is not my fate?
You can "what if" your whole life and die peacefully in a warm bed
or you can make worthy your existence...
You can "what if" your whole life and die peacefully in a warm bed
or you can make worthy your existence...
... and prevent pirates from inflicting suffering.
Well, let's see what our fate has in store for us
Where's the Gallion, Oxford?
Off the bow my captain.
I don't see anything.
Look! There's something floating in the water.
I don't see anything. Check your dead lights, Oxford.
There is somebody floating on the wood.
Man overboard.
Helmsman, bring the ship around."
"Aye Captain. Coming about."
Help me get her inside.
Okay, you're safe here.
- Is she alright?"
Yes, just a little disoriented.
Here my dear. Drink this, it will help you relax.
My name is Captain Edward Reynolds
... and you're safely aboard my ship, the Sea Stallion."
- "Are you pirates?"
"Pirates, no.
We are pirate hunters.
Thank God, I thought I would die.
"You're safe here."
"That's what Manuel said too."
- Who is Manuel?
My husband.
- Was your ship attacked by pirates?"
Yes. We were married in Spain.
We were destined to the Sevilla island.
"He was my family.
I'm sorry.
"We were awakened by pirates."
Then the pirate captain told my husband to step forward.
to reveal himself, but Manuel didn"t.
...then I was thrown overboard.
Do you remember his name?
"I think I said his name was Captain Victus."
Who is he?
He is the personification of all that's evil.
We must find him.
"He could be halfway across the ocean now."
Jules: Nevertheless, we must find him.
But first, we need more supplies and information.
We must go to Sorscabra Island.
But first, we need more supplies and information.
We must go to Sorscabra Island.
It is a small island along the coast, which harbors thieves ...
... Murderers and pirates of the Caribbean.
Edward:"I must talk to you about something."
Jules: Captain can we speak in private?"
"Isabella, I want you to sleep and rest assured...
... Knowing that you're safe here in my ship.
- Do you think Manuel is alive?
"I don't know, but if he is, we will find him."
"Thank you."
Jules: "What has happened to you?
I just want us to consider the danger.
Can't we start with a pirate a little less... accomplished?
If we defeat Victor Stagnatt, we'll strike fear in all pirates.
Jules:"Think what the world would write."
- What would they say?
Newspapers would say Captain Edward Reynolds saves the world from pirates.
- Is it possible?
"Oh yeah, it's possible"
Books would write about how handsome you are...
Yes, I do look good. Don't I?
They would write about your bravery.
Yes, I do look death right in the eye and kick him...
And read about the love you have for all creatures.
Right on the mark. I love so much sometimes it hurts.
And read about the love you have for all creatures.
Right on the mark. I love so much sometimes it hurts.
"Oh, Edward, the women!?"
What?...the women.
They will run into your arms for safety and comfort
"I do have strong arms, don't I?"
Evil has no chance against these twin hellfire cannons.
Are you with me my friend?
Yes, now and forever. Captain Reynolds, Pirate Hunter!
Faithful crew of the Sea Stallion...
I'm about to lead you on a perilous journey.
Faithful crew of the Sea Stallion...
I'm about to lead you on a perilous journey.
...into the eye of danger.
A journey in which some of you may never return.
We will hunt and kill the most notorious of all pirates.
Captain Victor Stagnetti and his ship, The Devil's Rose.
I have spoken with you about the dangers we'll find.
But this is a menace like none other.
Woo, Oxford, I will not blame if you do not follow me.
You are my friends now and forever.
Those who want to join me to take a giant step forward.
Remember that you will be well rewarded by my husband ...
Well done!
Commander, set sail for Sorscabra island.
"Aye, Sir."
-Crew, smartly to the rigging! - Aye Captain!
Well said, Captain.
Thank you Commander.
- What are we doing?
sailing for now.
But when the time comes, do what is necessary.
Crew, full speed ahead to Sorscabra Island!
I can feel its power beckoning me.
We are close Sarina.
Go into town. Find the Indian and report back to me.
"As you wish."
There it is.
The brethren of liars, thieves, and murderers.
Sorscabra Island.
Helmsman lead us to the northern end of the island.
Seek a good place to weigh anchor.
"Aye captain."
Commander, tell the crew to throw the anchor.
Aye, Captain.
Crewman, prepare to drop anchor and disembark!
I'm not ready for this Jules.
I know. Isn't that exciting!
Captain, Are we there yet?
Almost, Woo. We're about ready to anchor.
Well then I can buy potassium.
Alright, now listen up....
Jules is looking west and south. I will go to the north and east side.
- Where shall I go, Captain?
Woo, you'll search everywhere between.
Will let you know if we find something.
"Aye Captain."
Isabella:"Can I help?"
"Aye Captain."
Isabella:"Can I help?"
Edward: "Yes, go with Woo."
We have to remain vigilant.
We're about to disembark into the tongue of the serpant.
I'm looking for an Inca Indian living on this island.
Can anyone tell me where he is?
Well if it isn't the infamaous Sarina. The villain, Sarina.
The murderous, Sarina.
If you don't know where the Indian is, I suggest you crawl back into the bottle.
I don't want to harm you.
I know where the Indian lives.
So tell me.
So close to death, and still no answer?
I'll tell you, but it will cost you.
The Indian lives across the island. I believe he's a monk
If what you said is a lie...
you will die a long torturous death.
I do not expect anything less of you, Sarina.
I don't fear death.
I invite him here nightly to drink with me...
but he always seems to stand me up.
I hope that death will find you soon.
I hope so too.
"Alms for the poor?" Edward: "Right."
May God bless you.
"Look at his pretty dress."
Wore it for just you two sweethearts.
Step right up to the Gallion, my friends.
who offers me 4 doubloons for her?
Step right up to the Gallion, my friends.
who offers me 4 doubloons for her?
"Alms for the poor?"
Edward: "Wait a minute, didn't I just give you ...
Alms for the poor?
Edward: "Wait a minute, didn't I just give you ...
Alms for the poor?
"Here you go." "May God bless you, Sir."
Heaven is expensive, if I get there.
"With a body like that...I don't think you'll have a problem."
"Thank you, ladies."
Run along monk-ey.
Look at you, aren't you a handsome boy.
And strong too.
Careful those cannons might go off.
You are so adorable.
The name is Edwards. And yours?
I'm Madelin, nice to meet you.
This is Cristina. Edward:"Cristina". She's the newest addition to Pink Cannonball.
I'm Madelin, nice to meet you.
This is Cristina. Edward:"Cristina". She's the newest addition to Pink Cannonball.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
So tell me, what is Pink Cannonball?
"Come and we'll show you."
Sorry, I'm afraid I can't. I'm looking for someone.
We can help you look. We know everyone on the island.
Sorry, I'm afraid I can't. I'm looking for someone.
We can help you look. We know everyone on the island.
I'm looking for a pirate.
"We know many many pirates."
Don't we Madeline? Of course we do.
But it's not safe to talk about pirates on the street. Let's go inside.
I shouldn't.
"Come in and we'll tell you of all the pirates."
Hello, Marco.
I knew one day you'd walk through those doors back into my life.
Marco, I'm not here to hurt you.
Oh, then I guess you're here to pick up the broken pieces of my heart.
...and the scrapbook of my suffering.
Oh, then I guess you're here to pick up the broken pieces of my heart.
...and the scrapbook of my suffering.
I do not know why I'm here, my ship came here.
Are you still captain of HMS Dingy Whore?"
Jules:"Why are you doing this?"
I'm sorry, did I invite you to sit for a drink?
-No. And I saw you and I thought...
I'm sorry, did I invite you to sit for a drink?
-No. And I saw you and I thought...
You thought that I would invite chaos into my life?
Jules:"This will not work."
You know my life doesn't work ...
since you left me, nothing works.
Stop your false tragedy. Marco: Stop?
Stop? Did my eyes stop crying when you left me?
Did my stomach stop aching with the loss of your touch?
Did my pain ever stop? No. No Jules.
It never did so, why should I stop now?
What do you want me to say?
I'm a slut. I'm a whore. I'm a streetwalker.
That I fuck every guy I encounter and I love it?
It's not true. She's just making a point, you idiots!
Let's put things into perspective.
We had a few nights of decent of sex, don't be so dramatic.
Decent? I was magnificent!
We had a few nights of decent of sex, don't be so dramatic.
Decent? I was magnificent!
Yes. You were amazing. You were magnificent.
- Then why did you leave me?
Yes. You were amazing. You were magnificent.
- Then why did you leave me?
I made a mistake. I severely regret it.
Yes, I left you for another, but I didn't mean to hurt you.
Hurt me, no. You killed me!
Yes, I left you for another, but I didn't mean to hurt you.
Hurt me, no. You killed me!
I walk this world without life without love, because of you.
Hurt me, no. You killed me!
I walk this world without life without love, because of you.
Okay Marcos I'll leave you in peace.
You know what, even if you did leave me in peace, I wouldn't find it.
I'm in pain with you here, in pain when you leave.
Please let me be in pain, watching your beautiful face.
Sit down and have a drink.
Can we live in this moment...this moment alone?
Time begins and ends here.
Time begins and ends here.
I will drink to that.
Drink up sweetheart, live for tonight.
The past is but dust...
And the future is but a mist in the coming winds.
Drink up. Tonight will be a loving memory.
Father, forgive me, but I have sinned.
What are your sins, my son?
Why is this man tied up and gagged?
"He's not your concern."
Why is this man tied up and gagged?
"He's not your concern."
Any man suffering in the house of God is my concern.
I'm looking for a Inca Indians living and working in these walls?
I can not help.
Victor:"Let me warn you before you speak.
If you try to lie, I'll run this sword in your skull.
Who you are and what the devill are you doing here?
Don't speak the devil's name in vain.
Why would you cause another man to harm?
Because I can.
Surrender to God and your soul will be saved.
All you men of the cloth are the same. Always wanting to save souls.
I'll ask one more time.
Then I'll cause so much pain that your soul will feel it in heaven.
I do not fear you or death.
Good.. Sarina tie the father to the altar.
I think it's time he confesses his sins...
...to Father Victor Stagnetti.
You are Captain Victor Stagnetti? God help us all.
Save the worry for yourself.
It's a bit slow tonight.
-Cristina, why not get Edward rum?
No I shouldn't.
Nonsense. A little grog won't hurt you.
Besides, you look tense.
You know, I've been under pressure lately.
Here you go my dear.
Thank you.
Good stuff.
I'll get you another. Edward:"Okay."
Let's rest that gorgeous body.
Ladies, I'm looking for a pirate.
A pirate by the name ...
This fabric is so soft, what is it?
Silk from India.
So smooth.
Not as smooth as these silk lips. here.
Touch it.
Yes, that's very smooth.
Thank you.
There's more delights where that came from.
Kissing with their tongue.
He's ours, bitch.
Ladies, ladies, ladies ...
... Please. There will be no fights, not when Captain...
Edward Reynolds is here to save the day. There will be no bloodshit...shed...bloodshed.
What was I talking about?
You were saying you wanted to take us to Cristina and I to a bedroom.
Was I? I don't remember that.
Yes, let's talk about this in a more comfortable place.
Do not even think to follow us.
The pirate's name I'm looking for is a... is a ...
Let's talk about this pirate later.
Yes, let's talk about dreams and fantasies.
- What do you mean?
Every man has a dream.
I dreamed the other night...
...that my cock was a giant Spanish gallion.
I dreamed the other night...
...that my cock was a giant Spanish gallion.
-No. What have you always dreamed to be?
I want to be the greatest pirate hunter the world has ever known.
Your wish is our command.
Close your eyes and imagine that the bed is your warship.
You're floating on a sea of treachery. It is night.
... and you are sleeping.
A pirate hunter's eyes are always open, always awake, vigilant.
Ready to do battle at a moments notice.
-Details. These men always have many details.
Through the darkness, through the blinding snow, through the fog...
-Details. These men always have many details.
Through the darkness, through the blinding snow, through the fog...
...a pirate hunter will relentlessly hunt prey.
Nothing will stop him and nothing will stop me.
Pirates, attack. It's time to taste sweet wine pirate.
Do you have wine? Oh.
His sword is so massive.
Taste his sword. Show him we do not fear his weapon.
Aye, Captain.
I'm the greatest pirate hunter in the world.
You're the greatest pirate hunter in the world!
I am the greatest pirate hunter in the world.
That was amazing.
Thank you.
A night to remember.
Great sex, drinking and meeting the world's most feared pirate...
Who would that be?
Captain Victor Stagnetti's first mate, Sarina.
You met Victor Stagnetti?
Captain Victor Stagnetti's first mate, Sarina.
You met Victor Stagnetti?
No I met his first mate. We traded wits. She almost killed me.
You met Victor Stagnetti?
No I met his first mate. We traded wits. She almost killed me.
What's she doing here?
I don't know. She was looking for some Indian...
Did she say where she was going?
No. Why do you care?
I'm just curious about pirates.
-Jules, I love you.
I love you.
- What do you want me to say?
It must be something, Marco.
Would it kill you to say you love me too?
What happened to "yesterday is dust & tomorrow's mist"?
Well tomorrow is here and it doesn't love me very much.
What happened to "yesterday is dust & tomorrow's mist"?
Well tomorrow is here and it doesn't love me very much.
Marco. "You know what Jules, just go."
"Go be a whore somewhere else."
That's it!
Wait. What are you doing?
I tried to enjoy this night with you.
And it's clear that's not going to happen.
-Jules, please don't go.
Don't say a word!
OK, I overreacted. Maybe I was too dramatic.
Don't say a word!
OK, I overreacted. Maybe I was too dramatic.
My mother always thought it would be a great actor.
So make-believe I'm staying, so you won't be lonely.
No Jules! Where are you going? I can't lose you again.
Where you going? No! Jules! I can't go through this again.
Why did you leave me filthy whore? I love you!
I feel like I could die!
Ladies, that was exquisite.
The pleasure was all ours. Here's your coffee, darling.
Thank you my dear.
Go away! He's done.
I must say, I'm a little nervous in your presence.
Cristina and Madelin told me that you're a Pirates hunter.
I always wanted to meet a real pirate hunter.
I'm just a man... a great man....but just a man.
You look so strong.
-No pirate can withstand your brute force.
It's not my mighty sinew that's defeated so many pirates.
It's my knowledge of the sea which has guided me so gleefully.
You're not only beautiful, but your words are poetry!
It is not easy to be so smart.
Sometimes people don't understand what I'm saying.
Captain Victor Stagnetti could not stand your superior wit.
So you've heard of Captain Victor Stagnetti?
Yes, of course.
Everyone has. He is in town as we speak.
Victor? Here? Where?
A few of his men had just left for Black Broom.
Black broom, where is that?
A few of his men had just left for Black Broom.
Black broom, where is that?
-2 Blocks to the left
- What will you do there? "
What I was born to do.
Hunt and kill pirates.
You're so noble. Kiss me.
I must depart.
I'll go with you. We'll fight Victor together.
No, this is something I must do alone.
No, please. I can't stand the smell of here anymore.
I can take away the stench of the pirates from my body.
No, please. I can't stand the smell of here anymore.
I can take away the stench of the pirates from my body.
Please. take me with you.
I must go.
But when I return, I will ensure that those nasty pirates never touch you again.
Edward, I love you.
I must go.
No, I need you.
-Cristina, help me.
Come on girl, let it go. You've got work to do.
-Cristina, help me.
Come on girl, let it go. You've got work to do.
No. I never want to work here again. I found my true love.
Let go of me you bitches!
No. I never want to work here again. I found my true love.
Let go of me you bitches!
I'll be with you soon, my love.
Your pain tolerance is remarkable.
Why do not you tell me where the Indian lives? I won't hurt him.
I made a promise.
Victor:"It's a matter of time, I'll find him."
- Why are you doing this to me?
Because it's so wrong ...that's what makes it so pleasurable.
Sarina, wipe the blood from his lips
I want to hear his suffering clearly.
My child, give up this wretched path. God will help you.
It's too late.
Let God be the judge of this.
I'm glad you mentioned that.
Leave him alone.
Good timing ...
...I didn't want you to miss this. NO!.
Why did you do that?
Sorry, old friend.
You've run around the world to escape me.
See what horror you've caused this man.
I have the descendant & the knife.
It is your duty to show me what I want to see.
I have the descendant & the knife.
It is your duty to show me what I want to see.
Follow me.
Sarina, hide the priest's body. Keep Watch.
When I was little I wanted to be a sorcerer.
A sorcerer! Why/
Why not a sorcerer?
What about that one?
Aye. The captain will certainly be satisfied with her.
My mother taught me how to make black powder.
Someday I'll be a sorcerer, and maybe I will see my father again.
How about you?
What will you be?
Isabela, Isabela, where are you?
Where is the dagger of Atahualpa?
If you fail, you will drown in the blood of the innocent.
If he is not the true descendant he will die.
And we'll all drown in the blood of the innocent.
There you are.
Is he still alive?
Aye. "Good."
Untie him and gather the stones.
I know you're not a father, but I must confess to someone.
Follow me, my child.
Tell me your sins.
I have killed many men.
Say 7 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Father's.
"That's not all. "Proceed.
I had premarital sex with men and women...
"That's not all. "Proceed.
I had premarital sex with men and women...
...participated in many lustful orgies.
I have helped in the murder of a priest.
I do not want this life anymore.
I want all this death to stop.
Can you hear me brother?
Sarina, what are you doing?
I thought I heard something.
Our work here is done. Wasn't that a lovely ...
Wasn't that a lovely sermon? We will have to come again.
Sarina, perhaps you can participate in communion next time.
Let's get off this stagnant island.
I have no more money for you.
Jules! Jules! I have something to tell you. I have something too!
"I have something to say." "Me too."
Jules! Jules! I have something to tell you. I have something too!
"I have something to say." "Me too."
Me first.
I go to The Cannon Balls. First, I walk through the door ...
...and the furniture doesn't really match the decor ...
-Edward! Yes.
Anyway, by my great intellect and a little ...
... Research, I discovered, right now, as we speak ...
Anyway, by my great intellect and a little ...
... Research, I discovered, right now, as we speak ...
... on this island, Victor Stagnett is here.
Why are you wearing this robe?
- What did I tell you? She's a whore to the bone. ...
The wench's crotch ain't dry yet, she's got her talons in another swabee.
- Who are you? "Shut you mouth land lubber!"
"Marcos, why are you doing this?" - Is this your new victim?
No, I've known him since I was a child, he's my captain.
- What is that?
I'll tell you what it is.
Captain is a sexual petname. That's what it means.
Sea Witch.
I loved you so much. I wish you didn't exist.
And when you act like this I wish you didn't exist.
I loved you so much. I wish you didn't exist.
And when you act like this I wish you didn't exist.
Shut your mouth. She won't hurt any more men.
And when you act like this I wish you didn't exist.
Shut your mouth. She won't hurt any more men.
What does that mean?
That means I will not let you hurt other men.
What does that mean?
That means I will not let you hurt other men.
This is a misunderstanding.
You both are going to die. - What!?
Don't worry, my darling. They're not going to hurt you.
But if you don't put on a show, they will.
Don't worry, my darling. They're not going to hurt you.
But if you don't put on a show, they will.
So relax and enjoy yourself.
Look me hartees what we have captured.
- What should I do with her?
Take her clothes off!
Want to see what's under this dress?
"Let go, what are you doing to me?" "Fiery Spaniard!"
That's great. Keep up that fighting. They love it.
Release me! Oh, I'll release you from these garments that hide your beauty.
Is this what you wanted to see?
Yes! Aye! Aaargh!
I'm going to kill you when I'm free.
Yes! Aye! Aaargh!
I'm going to kill you when I'm free.
I won't give you the pleasure of calling you a whore!
So, you want to be difficult?
I'll show you what we do with your kind.
If anyone of you touch me, I'll cut you.
No stop you bitch, I'll bite your nipples.
Not before I do.... You'll like this.
"Stop I'm married." "All the better."
Oh! That feels good. Uhh!
Oh, Don't stop.
I don't know if we should do this.
What do you mean? Look what she's done to you.
Maybe if she and I spent some time together.
Maybe we could get it back to the way it was before.
Maybe my balls could turn into breasts.
don't be foolish.
She's incapable of loving anyone.
I don't know what to do.
Marco look at me!
You're a great white shark...
With huge daggers for teeth.
And you're swimming around in the oceans of this world.
Out there in front of you is tender vittles.
...dolphins, tuna, there sweet little bodies.
All you gotta do is take a bite!
...with those big dagger teeth. You're gold matie!
Spanish gold!
You're telling me you don't know what to do with those big dagger teeth!
You're right. I'm gold, spanish gold.
You're a shark. "I'm a shark!"
Burn this place down. Go get the dolphins, matie.
Nice work Jules!
"It's not my fault."
I thought you were a virgin.
"It's not my fault."
I thought you were a virgin.
Edward, do you smell something?
I thought you were a virgin.
Edward, do you smell something?
What? Something's burning.
Yeah, it's probably your pussy from all the action you've been getting.
Shut up! How are we going to get out of here?
What do we do now Jules?
I don't know, Edward.
What was your news?
I found out about Victor and where he's going.
What was your news about Victor?
You're absolutely right Jules.
Something definitely is burning!
I don't think its your crotch.
Oh no! I think matters may have just gotten worse.
Pretty lady carried by 2 men
there's always a pretty lady being carried around by 2 men.
Wouldn't be a normal day otherwise.
Wouldn't go down there if I was you.
Edward, my love.
Angelina, untie us.
No. Jules: No?
What do you mean, no?
You going to let us die?
Jules:"Please untie us. This place will collapse!"
Edward has to prove that he loves me.
Make love to me, here, now.
You don't want to go someplace safe?
Make love to me, here, now.
You don't want to go someplace safe?
No. It must be now.
We could all die.
I would rather die, than not to have your love inside of me.
Edward, fuck her now!
I'll do it.
Better satisfy me.
Oh!, Yeah!
Oh. Oh. Yeah.
Oh, yeah! Oh fuck me!
Can we untie her and go?
Thank you ladies. That was quite lovely.
I'm sorry we grabbed you like that.
But our other dancer did'nt show up.
How can we pay you for your services?
Well, I could use some potassium nitrate.
Potassium nitrate! What does a woman need that for?
I have a rat problem.
Well then, you're in luck.
This is a supply room for black powder.
Take what you like.
I will thank you.
You're the best partner I've ever had.
Have you ever been with a woman?
Actually no.
Have some grog my friend.
But I want to live the life of a pirate hunter!
It's not a life for delicate flowers like yourself.
But... No buts.
One day I promise, I'll return.
You promise with all your heart?
Yeah...the whole thing.
Bye bye.
Goodbye, my sweet pirate hunter.
She's insane.
Yeah...I know. Let's go.
You disappoint me.
What do you mean?
Are you losing your cruelty?
Becoming more compassionate?
No, Victor.
Otherwise I would have no use for you.
Helmsman, weigh anchor.
Prepare to sail southwest.
Aye, aye, Sir.
This is where we're going.
Cabarrus Island.
No one have ever come back from there alive.
You couldn't say that unless somebody had.
You poor Edward.
Thank you, Woo.
Well there's the viscious lady I remember.
Don't ever second guess me.
I sensed compassion. I don't trust a compassionate pirate.
You question me after the blood I spilled for you.
Vigilance is what kept me alive until now.
Not vigilant enough.
I guess not.
I've sensed weakness within you as well.
What is that my dear?
You have become so obsessed with your quest that...
...you have forgotten man's most basic desire....lust.
Without that you are nothing.
you're not even a man.
And what do you know of desire?
I desire 2 things.
Man's blood upon my blade...
And this.
What are you going to do Sarina?
It's not what I'm going to do.
It's what you're going to do.
Now lick it!
And if I don't? Now lick it!
And if I don't?
Then I will slit your throat and celebrate my new position...
as Captain of the Devil's Rose.
Lick it!
That's my girl.
Vic, vic, vic!
Don't ever second guess me again.
I love him so much.
And now he's just gone.
Isabella, if he is alive I promise we will find him.
Even if we find him, he won't love me anymore.
What do you mean?
I broke my vow to be faithful to him.
You were married 7 days.
Who'd you sleep with?
Don't tell me you slept with Woo Chou.
No, no, no.
I was captured by pirates.
Some pirates were throwing a bachelor party.
They only had one girl to put on a show.
So they captured me and...
...I was the other girl.
They forced you to sleep with her?
Not really.
At the beginning I resisted.
But then I...
"You enjoyed it." "I really enjoyed it".
You didn't do anything that horrible.
Besides most men like it.
Absolutely. They encourage it.
Maybe Manuel will too.
I love Manuel so much.
I can't see myself being with another man.
But there was something about her.
So different.
A woman knows how to touch a woman.
I like it too.
"You do?" "Yes."
Can I feel it again with you?
I don't know that...
mmm... "Slap me harder."
"Yeah?" "Yeah."
You are fiesty.
You like this?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'll lick it.
Yeah, baby.
Oh yeah. Oh my.
Oh my. Oh my.
Oh, oh, fuck yeah.
Oh, oh, oh.
Fuck me.
A lucky pirate captain, I am.
To have such beauty and lethality at my command.
Blessed that you are not hunting little ol' me.
I am your first mate. You are my captain.
...until death do us part.
All done, Jules.
I'm fine.
That's an order. Go to bed.
You can't kill him tonight.
Besides, I need you strong when the time comes.
I never thought such callousness could be found in man.
It will be over soon.
Trust me.
Go to bed.
What happened here?
What are all these ships?
These are the ships of those who failed...
...in the task I will triumph.
Can you see her in the distance?
Calabarus Island.
Sarina, get Manuel.
Where are we?
All the ships there?
We're close to Calabarus Island.
I can feel death...
...permeating my skin.
I can too.
Hold me Woo.
Get away.
Knock it off.
You only need to worry about Victor's blade.
There it is, Devil's Rose.
Remain calm.
He's anchoring on the west end.
Let me see.
I don't think he spotted us.
We'll have to assume he has.
Helmsman, take us to the east end.
Isabella, Oxford arm yourself.
This could be dangerouse and a trap.
Yes my captain.
Stay with the boat.
Aye captain.
you must be quiet.
We don't want to make noise to alert them.
Aye captain.
Alright. Stay with me, stay close.
Once inside, do not touch anything.
Stay behind me.
This looks like a trap.
Stand back.
False alarm.
Let's go.
Look. There's a light ahead.
This is it.
Are you sure?
Want to scout around?
No. This is the image I saw.
Follow me.
Stay close.
Who knows what dangers may lurk.
There you are my ancient friend.
It's so beautiful!
Even more beautiful in my hand.
This place is scary.
I agree.
This is not a happy cave.
We should have brought more men.
What! More men?
We don't need more.
My body is a battalion of destruction!
Anyone who dares....What was that?
Relax. I just stepped on a rock.
It's OK. I was just testing reflexes.
Keep moving.
Your ancestor saved Prince Aluhuapa from the conquistador.
Your family was honored custodian...
...of the Sceptre of Inca!
Only a true descendant can retrieve the Sceptre.
So. Here we are.
Now give me the Sceptre.
So I can show the world who is king.
Isabella you're alive!
No, don't hurt him!
I can play like you.
Release him or I'll kill your whore.
Do it.
I'd be glad to rid me of her scurvy vagina.
No one will stop me wielding the power of the Sceptre.
Give it up Victor.
The forces of evil are always outweighed by the forces of good.
I never finished my victory speech.
Oh well.
Kill them.
Kill them all.
I thought we were partners.
Sorry my dear.
Have a nice death.
Is that the best you got, Pirate Wizard? Bones?
They can't be bad. Just skeletons.
Dead skeletons tell no tales.
Ashes to ashes.
Bones to dust.
How do you kill bones?
It's alright everyone.
No need to worry. I'm unscathed.
A little tangled up there. Sorry I couldn't free myself...
...in time to help you...
I think they're coming back.
Now's your chance, Edward.
Run. Run!
Oxford, prepare the boat!
What's the hurry?
the boat!
Turn the fucking boat around.
Fuck me!
Go hurry!
Weigh anchor men. It's time to celebrate.
Well done captain.
How does being 2nd in command of the world sound?
An honor, sir.
Spread the news.
Pirates, let's get this piece of wood a drifting!
Men to the riggings.
Take Manuel below deck.
We have to catch Victor before he sets sail.
He'll be sailing south.
We'll cut them off.
Weigh anchor and set sail.
All hands, make way.
There she is.
All hands to battle stations!
All hands!
Pass her on the port side.
Aye captain.
She's coming around our port side.
How do you know?
I don't know.
It's all the fun part of sailing.
Steady boys she's almost in position.
Get ready crew!
Stand fast men.
Shiver me timbers..the fool survived.
Aye. She's yours to destroy captain.
Such a pretty ship.
Keep coming.
Fire at will!
The mast and rudder are damaged!
Damn it you bloody pirates!
I just cleaned it!
Death to the pirate scallywags.
Woo, fire!
I thought you fixed this Woo?
It's not my fault. It should've worked. Piece of shit!
Please tell me this is part of your plan.
Should get credit if my next plan works.
Come about and let me finish them off!
She's coming around again.l
OK. I've a new plan of action.
Woo, make those cannons work or we're all dead!
Wait she's almost there.
She's a fish without a tail.
Point at her and fire.
Woo, you're the only one that can save us.
Make those cannons work.
Too much pressure, Edward. I don't work well under pressure.
Come to papa broadside.
Woo, fire the cannons. Jules: fire in the hole!
She's got us!
From Davey Jones' locker I stab at thee!
We killed him!
Well done men!
I think I shit my pants!
It's over. I sunk the Devil's Rose.
We're really pirate hunters now.
Guess my plans weren't so bad? Were they?
It's so good to look in your eyes again.
I miss swimming in their beauty.
I missed you as well.
But I must confess something.
I was not faithful to you.
What do you mean?
I slept with a woman.
Well, not just one woman but two.
You did?
Yeah, but I didn't mean for it to happen at first.
The second time I started it.
Did you enjoy it?
Would you do it again?
Yes. Do you hate me?
I love you!
Think maybe I can see you with another woman?
Maybe you could join us too.
I knew I married the right woman.
Oh! Oh, yeah!
Oh my gosh!
Fuck yeah!
Oh my gah, yeah!
Oh Yeah!
Oh, Manuel!
You like that cock inside you?
Yeah, come on.
Fuck that pussy!
Want my come?
Here it comes!
So you happy to see her or should we have her walk the plank?
Yes. It is good to be together once again.
I cannot thank you enough for caring for my wife.
Please, no reason to thank me. She took care of us.
Edward, I don't even know how to begin to thank you.
You've been a magnificent captain.
You just did.
You alright?
I thought he loved me.
He couldn't love.
Evil's incapable of such beauty.
I lied to myself.
I wanted to belong to something.
I killed for him.
I was a vicious....murderer.
That life is over.
You can be whatever you wanna be.
You're free now.
To do what?
To make peace.
To live a life of honor and virtue.
...with us.
I'm a pirate.
You helped us.
You are now...
and forever...
a pirate hunter.
Spit on my cunt.
Give me more.
There it goes.
Smack my pussy.
What are you going to do now?
These waters are full of thousands of pirates.
So I've heard.
One down.
A thousand more to go.
Drink up me hartees.
Sarina is now hunting...