Pirates (1986)

Captain Red! Capt...
The hook, the hook!
- Was that you?
- What?
I thought I heard...
It sounded like... a pig.
Must be the heat.
Now, now, Froggy? Be reasonable.
Come on down, you little baboon.
- You want to eat me. Damn it.
- It's a law of nature...
by thunder!
The strong always eat the weak.
Come on down lad...
make an effort.
- Cannibal!
- Come on, piggy-wiggy.
I'm not piggy, I'm the Frog.
Cannibalism is a mortal sin.
It will bring you bad luck!
You shall writhe in hellfire.
What about confession? What do
you think confession's for?
Sail ho! Sail ho to windward!
Devil take you, Frog,
have I not told you to trust me?
- Am I not proved right again.
- Aye, aye, Cap'n.
Well you're not to forget it,
you little rascal.
Never lose faith in divine
providence... never!
Watch out, lad! The shark, a shark.
'Twas good sport, though,
by thunder, 'twas indeed.
You can have me balls for breakfast
if 'twasn't, what do you say?
Whatever you say, Cap'n.
Then we're both agreed.
Ah-hoy! A-hoy there!
Dang me buttons!
There's a thin slice o' luck!
See her colors?
Quick, quick... The documents,
for heaven's sake!
Me gold!
- Miserable wretch!
- God will be your ruin, Cap'n.
- It will cost us our heads.
- Easier to live without a head than...
without gold, you numskull.
I fight for hatred or the Spaniard...
I fight for glory, not gold!
A man fights for what he lacks the most.
Shiver me soul!
- What, Cap'n Red?
- "What, Cap'n Red?
What, Cap'n Red?" Can't you see those
whore-sons ain't a-changin' course?
She'll run straight past us, all sail
set and the wind up her tail.
Aye, Cap'n... she's holding course.
'tis a ghost ship?
Ghost or no ghost, we need
a- rescuing', by thunder.
- Ahoy!
- Ahoy there!
Ahoy on deck!
- Here, Frog! I'm stuck!
- Drop the chest, Cap'n!
- Drop the chest!
- Never!
Quick, quick... Pull.
Pull, damn it...
Help! Help! Here...
Me treasure! Murder!
Five-and-twenty years of
unstintin' toil! All me savings!
Down to the brig with them!
Come over here, and open your lug-holes.
If they should question us remember
this: henceforth, I'm Benjamin Parr...
- of London, understand?
- I understand, Cap'n.
Cotton shipper for Matthew Spencer
and Company, right?
Attacked at night by pirates.
On board the... "The Morning Star".
Sunk with all hands. We're the
sole survivors. Repeat.
Benjamin Parr of London,
cotton shipper of...
Tobacco or vanilla would be better.
- And who might you be, sir?
- Joseph Seraphin Amadeus Boomako.
- Boomako?
- Boomako, ship's cook.
- What the devil are you doin' down here?
- I'm in irons, Captain.
- And why's that, pray?
- Spaniards loco...
they say Boomako poison great
Captain Linares to steal throne.
- Throne? What throne?
- Throne of Kapatek-Anahuac.
- Here?
- Who?
- The throne.
- Ah, here.
- You've seen it?
- Ah, by little hole.
- Where, for God's sake?
- Here. Put your eye here and you see...
If I may make so bold, they'd look very
well hanging from the yardarm.
Yet you have just informed me that
they were victims of a shipwreck.
A pair of dogs, Your Honor!
An Englishman and a Frenchman!
Lieutenant, I would remind you once
and for all, that the war is over.
- On paper, perhaps.
- When a treaty bears...
the sign manual of
His Most Catholic Majesty...
personal sentiments must take second
place to national obligations.
- You Honor's vinegar purge.
- Another! 'Tis the fourth today.
I assure you, doctor, I have naught
left inside me to be purged of.
And Spain's present obligations are
clearly defined by the Treaty...
- of Pyrenees...
- It will get cold, Your Honor.
which treaty expresses the will of our
noble King Philip the Fou... ourth...
A treaty signed by His Excellency
Cardinal Mazarin...
to the greater glory of our country
and the honor of our Holy Mother...
the Church.
Tut, tut...
- we haven't eaten our oatmeal.
- Quite possibly.
So we need look no further should Your
Honor have no movement of the bowels.
Now then. You were shipwrecked, I am told.
We were indeed, Your Honor, sir, till
divine providence saw fit - Deo gratias,
to put us in the way of this here
vessel belonging to the good King...
of Spain.
I see. This shipwreck...
how did it come about?
- Pirates... Devil take 'em!
- Who were these pirates?
'Twere too dark to see, sir.
I did hear 'em shout a name, though...
wait... I think... Ah, I heard
"Cap'n Red, what shall we do with 'em?"
"Kill 'em all," says he. "There's naught
but baccy and vanilla aboard this hulk. "
That was our cargo on the
"MorningStar", sir, tobacco and vanilla.
- You heard "Captain Red", are you sure?
- Sure as I've a timber leg, sir.
- He has been dead these past four years.
- Garcia Gomez put an end to him...
at Boca del Toro.
This dog must have been dreaming.
What ain't no dream, Your Honor,
is all I possessed...
went down in that there skirmish.
Homeward bound, I was...
after 18 years a-workin' me fingers to
the bone on a little vanilla plantation.
Life's always dealt me harsh.
Take this cursed leg o' mine;
crushed by a barrel of vanilla at
the tender age of three-and-twenty.
And the scar?
On your head...
was that a barrel of vanilla too?
Not at all, sir, not at all.
That's from the irons they used to pluck
me from me poor late mother's womb.
I 'hope Your Honor gaveno such
trouble to his own mother.
Some respect, dog!
Away with them.
Look at it sing,
the tasty little titbit!
Caramba, I could make
you sing a song or two.
And you wouldn't need your guitarra,
believe me!
Are you not, as I have had the
pleasure of bein' told, the carpenter?
Master Carpenter.
And a fine trade it is, by the power!
Many's the time I've regretted...
not learnin' it myself. Still, too
late now, and there's an end on it.
I perceived your kindly features at
once, master carpenter, and was a...
wonderin' whather pr'aps you might wishto
devote a little of your precious...
- time to me timber leg.
- What's amiss with it?
Cutt off short in its prime...
I drift to starboard every step I take.
These are some precious family heirlooms
what I've always refused to...
be parted from, even in times
of direst adversity.
Like this one here. 'Twere given me
by me favorite aunt.
- And the other?
- Ah, that one!
Me father gave that to me poor
old mother, God rest her!
Thank you, gentlemen.
I think we have settled matters
insofar as we are able.
Go take some rest and leave me to
prepare for my own, which I warrant...
this time will be a lasting one...
Long live the King!
- Long live Spain!
- Long live the King!
Long live Spain!
- I have done all I could, Your Honor.
- I know, my good Juanito, I know.
Alas, there are times when all is
not enough. Farewell, Doctor.
My son, unburden your soul
to Almighty God.
Confess your sins and repent
of them is humility...
- that they may be forgiven you.
- Ah, my sins... How they haunt me!
We both know, my son, how Satan con
profit from a sailor's isolation...
inciting him to shameful
solitary practices.
- I am an old man, Padre...
- Very well, then. There remain greed...
anger, pride, mendacity, sloth...
Let us wrestle with them one by one.
For some time now, I have been plagued
by certain weighty questions which...
hardly pertain to mendacity or sloth.
- What manner of questions?
- Throughout my life I gave fought for...
my King, my country,
and Holy Mother Church.
- And God shall reward you for it.
- I have killed in their name.
- A soldier's duty.
- Aye, but 'tis a sorry duty to kill...
men, women and childrenfor the
sake of a nation's gold.
These are savages...
cannibals, some of them!
- They don't even know the value of gold.
- Value of gold! Kapatek-Anahuac!
Is it God? An eagle?
The sun or the moon?
The throne carries a curse if it is
removed from its rightful place.
The other night... I dreamed...
it was red with blood...
If we were wisewe would hurl it overboard...
The Neptune might sit on it
without fear or remorse...
but we poor mortals... And my ship?
What will become of my men?
Why was I born a Spaniard
and not an Aztec? Why, Padre...
are there never answers to
the questions that truly matter?
Man that is born of woman hath but a
short time to live and is full of misery.
He cometh up and is cut down like a
flower. We beseech Thee, o Lord...
to receive into the depths of this
ocean, upon which he sailed as...
a brave captain and a valiant
soldier, thy faithful servant...
Don Jos Maria Alonso Ordonez
de Linares y Escobar...
Knight of the Order
of the Holy Cross.
What a creature! Proud as a peacock
and twice as 'andsome.
Ah oui, and those eyes...
they burn like coals of fire. And that skin...
smooth as peach, pardieu!
The Lieutenant, you dunderhead.
Guards, prepare to fire.
Come and see this.
Come here and look at this.
Look, look at this.
We'll all die of the plague!
Get back in line, you dogs...
in line, I say!
Hold, hold! I'm not the cook,
I'm his replacement!
I know nothing of this.
I drink to the new Master After God
of His Majesty's good ship "Neptune".
Gentlemen, Don Alfonso Felipe
Salamanca de la Torre.
Don Alfonso!
- Your Honor, mutiny a board.
- A what?
The men found a rat in the soup.
The wrecked is tearing 'em up.
Commander, turn up the guard.
We must fight for the betterment
of our conditions. We must claim...
- our rights.
- All your rights... no exceptions.
- We can beat them, if we stand together.
- Right.
- Unity is strength!
- Right.
- And the soldiers, what about them?
- They are our brothers...
- We will talk to them.
- They are sons of the people, like us.
The officers have bled us dry. Jesus said...
"'Tis easier for a camel to pass
through the eye of a needle...
than for an officer toenter the
kingdom of heaven. "
The armory, lad... to the armory!
Must be somewhere close by here.
Ah, Corporal, we've come to mend a leak.
- Leak?
- Bosun's ordered is to help...
the carpenter. His mates
is down with the squitters.
Must find this leak... 'Tis said to
be close by the armory.
Ah there.
Vive la France!
The keys... see if he's got the keys!
- No keys, Cap'n.
- Out o' the gunport with 'im!
Holy Poker, that would've been
too good to be true!
Here, Froggie, give us a hand.
I'm stuck.
Move a muscle and
I'll blow your brains out.
Cut this quick! Look alive!
These too!
Ship's company! Your Captain will address you.
Now then, what seems to be amiss?
Come now, speak your minds!
There's naught to be afraid of...
this is no galley ship.
Go on, go on, tell him...
Go on, tell him what happened.
They... they... they're feeding us rats.
- Rats? A rat.
- We want to relieve ourselves in peace.
- We're sick of the whip...
- We want our rights...
we want our rights.
Easy man, easy! Don't all speak at once!
We shall settle this matter amicably.
You...! You...! And you two over there...
the cripple and his crony.
Over here, all five of you!
The rest of you, back to your posts!
On the count of three...
I shall consider you mutineers and
give the command to fire. One!
Gentlemen! It seems we have just
been spared a mutiny occasioned by...
this little rodent,
which fell into the soup.
And what, pray, does our learned
physician make of this?
'Tis boiled?
My late grandfather partook of
several during the siege of...
Cartagena, and never suffered
any ill effects.
- You heard that?
- Aye, sir, we did.
"Never suffered any ill effects".
That is uncommon good news,
you'll allow?
- Aye, uncommon good, but...
- But? Come...
would you represent our surgeon's
grandfather to be a liar?
Nay, sir, I'd as soon
slit me throat.
Then kindly be seated.
You are our guests.
I trust you enjoy
your meal, gentlemen.
Could it be that you donot
fancy Spanish rats?
Why, but we do, sir,
we thinks gold dust of 'em.
- Alas, we have but one.
- I pray you, sir, one will be...
more than suffice...
you are too kind.
Some seasoning for our gourmets.
I fear we have no vanilla...
Would you not prefer the head?
Nay, nay, lad, I wouldn't rob you of it.
To the last morsel,
if you please.
For the love of heaven! Don Alfonso!
You have demonstrated your dominion...
over these wretches.
We have all understood.
Enough now! Stop this cruel jest,
I implore you, stop it at once!
Your desire is our command.
Get it off.
One! Two!
- Three!
- That's it, then.
The whip for him,
the rope for us.
Six! Seven!
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is
with thee. Blessed art thou amongst...
- women and blessed is the fruit of...
- You might as well pray to a bowsprit.
Hey, hey! No blasphemy, lade...
not at this hour o' the watch.
I do not want to die like a dog.
I have a wife and babes.
- I am still young, young!
- O Jesus, in Thy infinite mercy.
They haven't the spunk of a weevil. We
must get ourselves out of this alone...
- just you Froggie, and myself.
- I'm with you, Captain!
- You're a bullycock.
- I'm with you too!
- And me, and me! What's to be done?
- Number one, stop gabbin'. Number two,
- do as you're told. Where's the dagger?
- In my satch, sir.
Take it, Boomako.
Twenty seven!
That's it, that's it. Cut our ropes,
cook, but have a care...
just beside the knot, and mind
you leave a strand or two.
Having made their peacewith Almighty God...
through the offices of Padre Don Antonio
Fuentes, these four mutineers...
are sentenced to be hanged
by the neck until they are dead.
May the Lord have mercy on their souls.
- Shipmates, you shall be avenged.
- Shut up you. You want the rope as well.
Do you want it? Cause you can have it.
My son, unburden your soul
to Almighty God.
At this supreme moment, you must confess
your sins that they may be forgiven you.
Matter of fact, Padre, I'd be glad to
'ave the benefit of your theological...
advice, just in case of accidents.
You never know.
Resign yourself, my son. In a few
moments you will be meeting your Maker.
Well, meantimes...
I should tell you that I had
a mind to eat the Frog...
and I'm a-feared bad luck
may come of it.
God created animals to be eatenby man,
so why not a frog?
- Come, my son, what else besides?
- Beggin' your pardon, Reverend...
but that's the Frog, standing alongside.
'Twas 'im I had a notion to eat.
Now that is a serious matter.
Down with the officers!
For the love of Jesus,
have pity on him...
No... Have pity.
down to the armory, son!
Take some of the lads with you!
Hold them back, hold the door.
Put your weight behind it.
Take them on deck.
At your age... have you no shame?
- Hands off the prisoners!
- Easy now, hombre. If there's enough...
- for one, there's enough for two.
- Here's your shawl.
I beg you to pardon the hole, mam'selle.
Shipmates! Divine Providence
has seen fit to deliver...
this here vessel from the tyranny of
your de-generate Hidalgo masters.
I do hereby take possession of her in
the name of brethren of the coast...
and shall henceforth command her.
I am Captain Thomas
Bartholomew Red!
Mercy, have pity...
Long live Captain Red!
Long live Captain Red!
Long live Captain Red!
What are you babbling about,
you bakehead?
- 'Ap'n... 'Ap'n...!
- What captain? Where's that water?
A ghost! A ghost! There, 'Ap'n!
What's the fuss? Aye, 'tis Captain Red
himself, flesh and blood...
so don't stand there gaping. Sooner go
getch us a good bottle of Hollands...
you can see the Captain's
got a thirst on him.
Well, you old shark...
got me 632 doubloons marked down in
that vampire's account-book o' yourn?
Strange you should ask, Captain. I was
just casting an eye over your account...
and indeed, you're right...
aye, 'tis exactly the figure.
Though the whole 632 might be
difficult to raise at the moment...
prices have gone up since you've been
away... but with a sacrifice...
I may manage, say, a hundred down
and the balance over... let me se...
three months? Would that be acceptable?
You're tremblin'.
Is it fever or fear?
Neither one. I'm all a-tremble with
pleasure at seeing you restored to life.
And your best affidavit to thatwould
be my 632 doubloons.
See the course I lay?
But! Great Heavens! What's this,
Captain? You're short of a leg!
Oh, an active man like yourself...
what a tragedy!
Belay that. Me doubloons!
Hendrick, bring me over my casket, that
I may count out 622 doubloons for...
- Now we can talk business.
- What business?
You don't...
You don't reckon. I'd come back
empty-handed, do you?
- I've got me a galleon! -Gold!
- Ah, no gold, not at all. 'Ostages!
- Not again! I've had a skilful of 'em...
they're swarming like
maggots all over the island.
I swear I'll never touch another
hostage. You keep 'em!
There... six hundred...
and thirty-two.
Go fetch the Frog.
- Is that one back as well?
- Tell 'im to bring the hostages.
- No, no... no thank you, not here!
- Move, or you'll lose your ears!
Harkee to this, Dutch...
I've got... the niece of the
Governor of Maracaibo, and the...
- First Lieutenant of the "Neptune"!
- First of third, who cares?
For over 2 years now I've been trying to
ransom the best-known lawyer in Spain.
Nobody wants him, his wife, his children,
the bar at Seville, not even for free!
- Those halfwits did cut his tongue out.
- Of course... a lawyer without a tongue!
No, Red, no. I mean it. What with the
traveling expenses, the go-betweens...
the overheads... a hostage isn't
even worth his keep these days.
Neptune, Neptune... Let me see now,
she was bound for Spain, was she not?
- Aye...
- And you say there was no gold on board?
Come in, come in, me beauties,
that I may present you to Dutch.
- No, no! I don't want to see them!
- Look, here she is... niece to the...
Governor of Maracaibo. He'll cough
up 3,000 at least. What's your name?
Three thousand! Insolent scoundrel!
If you knew your business you'd know...
- I'm worth ten times as much!
- Take them away! Get them out of here!
Drown them if you've a mind too.
I want nothing to do with 'em.
You son of a double-dyed whore from
the reeking gutters o' Rotterdam!
A plague on your scurvy head...
what's wrong with me 'ostages?
They're hostages...
that's enough!
What's this here, then...
- So how much for him... a hundred?
- Not even. Last July Carlos the...
Portuguese negotiated an arch-bishop for
only 325. So a padre... you can imagine!
You might dump him in Shark's Cove...
he's not worth the price of his sandals.
We'll speak of it later. Our of your
juice, vulture! You're givin' a party!
Aye, m'hearties, 'tis I.
I've lost a drumstick, true,
but the rest's all Cap'n Red!
I'm half-seas over with joy at seein'
your friendly physiognomies again.
still alive and kickin'?
You old skulk, you!
Where's Meat-Hook!
Ah, there you be...
sour-faced as ever.
Bibleback! Not grown
much straighter, have you?
So Moonhead... took me for Satan
himself out there, did you?
Soiled your linen, did you?
Strike me blind, you've as muchto
say as a shoal o' mackerel!
Look at me! Four years and more
on a poxy desert island...
yet I can still crack a smile.
What ails you all?
Had your tongues pruned like
that dago lawyer?
That's better, me hearties.
Let's make the rafters ring!
We'll drain the Dutchman's cellar...
drinks are on the house.
Life's a bed o' roses!
Dang me buttons! That were
worse'n a Spanish broadside!
We thought you was killed
at Boca del Toro.
Saint's blood, that's what I thought myself!
So did the Spaniards likewise...
else we'd not be here now.
Shan't forget Boca del Toro for quite
a while. Never did more killing...
- in all my life... Did I, Frog?
- Never Cap'n.
Why, you should've seen old Froggie
here, screamin' "Vive la France!"
And layin' about him like a demon.
That was your day, son, was it not?
Well, 'tweren't mine. Damnation...
cannon ball tore one leg to shreds.
Hey, Scratch! That rum...
do we get it today or tomorrow?
Directly, Captain, directly. Moonhead,
surprise, fetch up another keg.
- I wan' hear 'Ap'n Red!
- Do as you're told, wretch!
All that remained
of the Black Princess -
a few spars and suchlike... broke up on
the reefs of that accursed island.
Four and a half years' scrimplin'
on turtle-meat and coconuts...
Aye, purgatory it was...
not like the good ship "Neptune"...
where these generous Spanish
officers received us like princes.
Come, come! Join our little party!
Now's your chance... you've earned it.
Shift yer arses!
Make room for the gen'le folk!
Free our guests' flippers,
that they may drink me health!
'Avin' been so 'andsomely received
at your table, sir...
I 'ope I may prevail upon you
to accept me 'ospitality.
An officer of the Royal Fleet
does not drink with pirates.
It takes all kinds to make a world,
does it not, Padre?
It does indeed, my son,
it does indeed.
As we hear from Dutch,
an expert in these matters...
you're not worth a bag o' nails.
So, pirate that I am, I find myself
obliged to have your hanged from...
the yardarm of your beloved "Neptune".
You'll be dancin' a jig on air...
- come day-break. What say you to that?
- Death means less to me than...
dishonor! Had you the courage,
you would confront me sword in hand.
You will not deign to drink with us,
yet you would taste our steel.
Well, I have it in mind to play a
little game we never tire of...
me mates and I, which I myself
call Dead Man's Nag.
Legs a thoroughbred!
To the death, gentlemen.
And if any rider's feet touch
the ground before he's skewered...
I'll have you hanged... prompt,
riders and nags alike.
Do not be distressed, mam'selle,
'tis only a sport.
There, that's better! I like that!
The winner's life shall be spared.
Cap'n Red gives his word on it.
Tell me, I was just wondering,
the throne or Kapatek-Anahuac...
- Who?
- Kapatek-Anahuac...
- Never 'eard of 'im.
- Well, I gather...
I thought the "Neptune"...
- I heard a rumor that...
- What rumor?
Nothing... Just idle gossip.
You've been blabbin' about
me throne, you dog!
No, not a word, Captain, not a word!
Mum as a clam, I swear!
Get up! Get up, get up!
Get up, get up. Yah, uh...
Damn it! Get up! Get up!
And who might you be, sir?
It must be that lawyer
the Dutchman spoke of.
Is it you, sir, whose tongue
these dogs have cut out?
Heaven be praised! Can you assist us?
Do you have a plan?
- What does he mean?
- He appears to be to be thirsty.
Thristy? Ridiculous!
What is that to us?
He wants some rum.
In the name of His Majesty, I command
you to help us... we need arms.
Give him some rum!
What! Three more barrels? Over
my dead body... you tell him that.
I'd rather you told him yourself.
"Three barrels of rum are to be taken
aboard the "Neptune".
May God help you. "
- Good fortune!
- All our hopes go with you, my son.
Quite so, quite so.
Give us a blessing.
Quick, quick!
Where are those barrels?
Come on, mates, that's it! I took
bets on who could drink fastest.
You mean the most!
Who cares how long it takes?
I was thinking: if we were to keep
one of these three barrels...
- would there not still be two left?
- What do you say?
- Keep it how?
- Roll it over the side.
- It would sink.
- Nay, it'll float...
we can moor it to the anchor
and pick it up later.
No, later!
Long live the King!
Thanks be to God, who in his infinite
wisdom has put an end to this mutiny.
The buccaneer is dead.
So is his crony.
Here's a man of mettle...
one who put loyalty before treason.
He suffered terribly inthe fray,
poor soul...
but his valor shall not go unrewarded.
How say you, Gonzalez?
- Long live the King!
- Long live the King!
Long live the King!
- Long live the King!
- Long live the King!
A roving, a roving
Since roving's been my ruin I aim
We'll go no more a roving
With you fair maid
- Why do you always stare at me?
- Captain Red commanded me...
- not to take my eyes off you.
- You are very obedient.
I do my duty.
Is he perhaps frightened that
I shall grow wings and fly away?
- Perhaps.
- And you, sir?
- I, mam'selle?
- Why did you come to my rescue?
Why did you kill one ofyour
comrades for my sake?
Ahoy there, sonny!
Come over here by us!
Or take her into the bushes!
Ah! Very good morning to you,
Master Carpenter.
I was just a'wonderin' if
you had any further need o' me ring?
Since I've been parted from it, 'tis
as though I were missin' a finger.
Here it is.
As good as new.
To arms!
To arms!
To arms!
On your feet swine!
On your feet!
On your feet...!
Up, up...
You too, get up...
Get up.
Me throne. Me throne!
Here, you cut-throats...
you forgot your trademark!
Better luck in the next world!
- What will they do with us?
- Rest easy, my pigeon.
I saw you born and I shall see you
married. Your safety is precious...
- to these cut-throats.
- Yet they are not all wicked men.
That Frenchman, for instance...
He seems different...
Anaconda Bay... that's
where we'll hide.
All quiet topside?
Aye, sir. All shipshape and seaworthy.
Tide'll be up by eight bells.
Who goes there? Password!
'Tis, Maria Dolores Eugenia del Alcade.
This Padre and his brave companions have
delivered me from the pirates' clutches.
- Conduct me to my uncle.
- At once, Seorita...
- I will call the Officer of the Watch.
- My son...
I have a communication of paramount
importance to impart to His Excellency.
Kindly convey us thither
with the utmost discretion.
No one else may know ofme presence 'ere...
so batten down yer 'atches!
- Well? Did you hear what the Padre said?
- Directly, Seorita!
Your uncle will rejoiceto see you safe and sound.
We have all been praying
for you, Seorita.
Hell's bells!
Permit me to rouse my poor uncle,
else he may die of apoplexy.
Uncle Archibaldo!
'Tis I, Dolores!
Wake up...
wake up, I bessech you!
- Uncle Archibaldo!
- That'll do! On yer feet, Archie!
Oh forgive me, Lord! San Antonio
deliver me from all these demons!
'Tis Dolores, your niece!
Eh! Are we all dead?
- Where am I, Father?
- I'm not your father, idiot!
I'm Cap'n Red!
- Thomas Bartholomew Red!
- Himself...
but pressed for time. Now bend your earto
this: I've got your niece here...
and I'll trade her for
the throne of Kapatek-Anahuac.
What insolence! That throne
belongs to the Spanish Crown!
No longer, you old whale!
I want it! At once!
Never! Do you understand?
- Go on, sonny!
- Where, Cap'n?
- What are you waiting for?
- I... I can't.
- 'Tis an order!
- I know Cap'n...
- yet... no!
- Insubordination!
- Boomako, stand in for this traitor!
- Aye, Cap'n.
No, no, save me, sir, for
pity's sake listen to your heart!
Surely, my virtue is worth a throne?
- You agree then?
- Never!
You shall see what stuff a
Spanish Governor is made of!
Monster! At least have the grace
to kill me before you dishonor me!
Cap'n, can't you see? He doesn't
care two coppers for his niece!
- Let's have his eye out!
- No!
Aye, there's a pretty notion!
Let's take a peek at 'is brains!
Spare him, I beg you! I will give you
my jewels... all my jewels!
Have pity on him. I implore you,
for the sake of the mother that...
bore you in her womb!
Oh, my gout! My gout!
Get off, quick! You're killing me!
Help! Hel... " Stop! Stop! Stop! In
the name of the Holy Virgin, stop!
- The throne!
- Give him his throne! Go fetch it...
Captain, go, but don't touch
my foot again.
By the Holy Eternal,
don't touch my foot!
Out of yer crib!
Now be a good lad and do
as you're told. Else...
Take your pen!
Here, set this down...
- "I Archibaldo... "
- I...
- Eh, what's your name?
- Archibaldo Estban del Acalde.
"I Archibaldo... yes, yes, and the rest of it...
Governor of Maracaibo... "
- Knight of the Holy Sepulchre...
- Stow that! Write: "... of Maracaibo...
do hereby discharge First Lieutenant
Don Alfonso de la Torre...
of all responsibility for me throne... "
No, no, no, for the conveyance of the
throne of Kapatek-Anahuac to Spain. "
Your Excellency!
- My respects, seora.
- Lieutenant, we are in a grave...
predicament! The pirates
attack at dawn!
Let them come! We shall be ready for them!
Calm yourself! This blackmore contrived
to escape from their lair...
he knows their plans.
Speak up, my good man.
- It, 'tis I, Lieutenant... 'tis Boomako!
- What!
That black dog here?
That renegade?
I'll settle his score here and now!
- Governor, Governor! Protect me!
- You shall die, mutineer!
- I grant him pardon!
- His rightful place is on the scaffold...
- garroted with the rest of them.
- Don Alfonso! Kindly bear in mind that...
I alone am responsible for the
administration of justice.
As you say, Excellency. But this
reptile sough to poison...
- Captain Avila de Linares!
- Not true!
- I loved the Captain like my own mother!
- Shut your mouth, murderer!
Restrain yourself, Lieutenant.
You are addressing a pardoned man.
He's the one! He jealous!
He poison our good Captain!
It's possible.
Your pardon, Excellency?
I cannot hear you.
Was saying that this cursed gout makes
me suffer the tortures of the damned!
A plague upon it!
But enough of my afflictions.
Time is against us, Don Alfonso.
Captain Red...
that filthy ayeee... I mean,
that noted gentlemen of fortune...
intends to board the "Neptune",
at dawn and take delivery of his...
That is, steal the throne
of Kapatek-Anahuac.
- I'll make mincemeat of him!
- In the meantime, I have resolved...
as follows: the throne will be
taken into safekeeping...
by two secret envoys of mine. They
will come bearing a letter which...
will absolve you of all further
responsibility. That is all.
- You may withdraw.
- Very good, sir.
And the password?
Password? Er, oh, let me see...
- Gout is gold".
- old is gold.
So be it, Excellency.
- Not too tight?
- Nay, sir.
- My apologies.
- Can you count?
- Count what, Captain?
- Count: one, two, three, four...
- Five, six, seven, eight, nine...
- That'll do, that'll do... perfect.
- You're to count to ten thousand.
- One, two, three...
Not yet... as soon as we leave.
When you reach ten thousand...
you're to join us aboard the brig
at Anaconda Bay. Understand?
- Aye, aye, Captain.
- Here!
No one us to leave this room alive
before ten thousand. Not even you.
Not even me, Captain.
Wish I 'ad more trumps like you
under me command!
Who goes there?
Gout is gold.
An order is an order...
- so be it. Lower away!
- Lower away!
Triple the guard!
All hands to remains at their posts!
Aye, ayes, sir.
Oh, O Lord, get Boomako out of this!
Don't let him sink!
Man ahoy! Down on the beach!
Right now, here you are, Seorita.
And now, since, since my, my neck...
is at stake and I have eleven mouths
to fe... feed.
And this? It is my bounden duty
to search all...
Rum? Oh no, no, I could never
turn a blind eye to that!
I come to bid you farewell.
And to thank you...
Fate wished us enemies...
yet you have twice saved my honor.
- You are leaving?
- This every evening I sail for Spain.
- Pardieu! This evening!
- And...
- And?
- My uncle has...
Don Alfonso has been promoted
Captain of the "Neptune".
- I'm so unhappy Monsieur Malfiltre.
- Call me Jean-Baptiste.
There is more: my uncle has
betrothed me to Don Alfonso!
- Against my will!
- What do you have in your little basket?
My little angel!
God bless your kindly heart!
I, I have not yet told you
the worst tidings at all.
Tomorrow, at dawn...
- You are both to be... garroted.
- What about the throne?
Captain... You are to be...
Tomorrow, at dawn...
- I 'eard yer, but where's the throne?
- We don't give a damn for your throne!
He don't truly mean it...
he's just shook up.
The throne is back on the "Neptune".
Captain, the Lord teaches us
forgiveness. I shall pray for your soul.
Farewell, Jean-Baptiste.
Hell's bells!
Blasted chain!
No sweeter voice could complement a
sunset of such breath-taking splendor.
Thank you, Captain.
To be Master of as fine a vessel as this
would gladden the heart of any man alive.
- I am sure of it.
- Yet for me 'tis not enough.
I mean to wait until such time as you
may deign to appreciate my qualifies...
and so... may come to love me.
- Goodnight, Dolores.
- Goodnight, sir.
Go on, dance!
Dance, dance!
Fire at will!
Don't shoot!
Don't shoot! We're Christians!
By all that's holy, cease fire!
'Tis Friar Don Antonio Fuentes
of the Dominican Order!
Madre de Dio... Aah!
- There, there... where my finger is!
- That little speck?
Yes, my lad. That little speckis a brig.
I hope 'tis not a pirate, Captain.
Have no fear of pirates, seora.
They would receive a warm welcome...
the "Neptune" carries 70 cannon. She's
the fastest galleon in the Royal Fleet.
- The fatest?
- Yes, sir. Take that craft there.
A brig... every stitch of
canvas out, yet...
she hasn't gained a cable's
length on us since dawn.
- Why should she follow us?
- She is not following us...
she is merely sailing
in the same direction.
That's just to put some fire
in your bellies!
No goin' back now.
'Tis victory or death!
To board!
Into the longboat with you! Take
some vittles! Secret mission!
Come, girl.
Come on, put your backs in it.
That's it, lower... What do you want
to do? Have some music?
Oh my God!
Stop you sobbing stupid woman!
Over the side!
Boomako... Boomako!
No, not up, down...
Over here... Frog...
Thanks you alive.
The rope, Frog, the rope!
Quick! Cut it!
'Tis an order! You signed articles!
Cut it or I'll have you hanged!
Hold on!
Wait! Wait!
Wait, wait, you lily-livered
scoundrel! Come back and fight...
like a man! Canaille... Fripouille...
Alfonso, you scum! I'll hunt you down...
I'll skin you alive!
e's an end to you once and for all, you slimy French
Aah, Captain! Boomako is dead!
Come back! Come back!
May you rot in hell!
Hey, Frog... What o'clock is it?
- Six or eight...
- Good.
Give us an 'am and
a bottle of Malaga.
Don't pull that face, damn you!
Drink! Eat!
We're alive, aren't we?
- And Frog?
- Yes, Cap'n.
Would you do me a kindness?
Sing a little, while I nod off...
and mind you sing,
don't bray like a donkey.
Sing that little French ditty
I've a liking for.
Il tait un petit navire
Il tait un petit navire
Dessus la mer, la malon lonre
Dessus la mer s'en est all
Pour achever le tour du monde
Pour achever le tour du monde
Sans jamais la malon lon la
San jamais la terre aborder