Piscine, La (The Swimming Pool) (1969)

The Swimming Pool
Scratch my back.
Oh! Noone scratches like you.
- You just stay. I go get it.
- Let it ring...
- Wait here, I'll be back.
- Yes. I'm going.
- You stay.
- You stay.
- Let me go!
- That was nasty.
- Bastard.
Why, are you expecting a call
from someone?
Madame, phone call for you.
- Who is it?
- I don't know.
Well, you should have asked.
I'm coming.
Hello... Yes... Who?
No!... Is that you? Where are you?
I haven't heard of you for ages.
How long are you staying?
Come and visit us.
All right. By the road along the beach.
OK. Bye.
Who was that?
Do I ever ask you
when you talk to someone?
If you did, I'd answer.
I don't care.
It was Harry.
- Is he around?
- Yes.
Whenever we escape somewhere,
he is the first to call...
He's with his daughter.
He's showing her the Cote d'Azur.
He has a daughter?
- Seems so.
- He never mentioned.
Neither to me.
- How old is she?
- No idea.
Harry's daughter!
That's something.
Hello, sweetie.
Give me a kiss.
- How are you? You look great.
- I feel great. You look fine, too.
People keep saying:
good old Harry never changes.
Never gets better, never gets worse.
Always the same.
Is this your latest monster?
I drove from Paris to St. Tropez
in 7 hours the day before yesterday.
You like it?
Oh, I don't know.
Good afternoon.
She is my daughter, Penelope.
She's Marianne, I was
telling you about her.
Say hello.
- Hello.
- Hello.
I am so happy to see you.
- You look great, too.
- You, too.
Have a look around.
I bring something to drink.
Believe it or not,
she is my daughter.
You can keep a secret.
- Hello, Penelope.
- Hello.
We were in the area.
I met Fred.
He said you were here.
I didn't know.
You were not at home.
- You were in Canada.
- True.
This is beautiful.
This is the best thing in the cottage.
Nice big pool.
You like it?
Here you are. What do you drink?
- A scotch.
- All right.
Orange juice?
I have to be in Milan on the 17th.
We travel around until then.
Pen doesn't know the area,
so I show her around.
Can I take one?
Why don't you come with us to Milan?
We like it here.
Jean-Paul has only a month
of vacation.
Poor Jean-Paul...
- So this is Marc's and Lucien's house?
- You haven't been here yet?
Where did they go this year?
India? Iran?
They offered us to use it,
so we took the opportunity.
- Not bad...
- You could stay.
- Here?
- There is plenty of room.
- What do you think?
- I don't mind staying.
No, you decide, yes or no.
- I don't mind.
- She doesn't mind.
- We take it as a yes. You stay.
- All right.
Wanna take a swim?
Good idea. I go get changed.
Go to the room on the ground floor.
It has a private entrance.
- You don't want to swim?
- No.
- And you don't drink anything?
- No, thanks. I am not thirsty.
- You live with your mother?
- Yes. In Lausanne.
Are you still in school?
- Yes. Can I have a cigarette?
- Yes.
- Thank you.
You remind me of your father.
I don't know.
Come, Penelope.
I show you around in the house.
- How old are you?
Are you having a good time?
Doesn't it look like that?
When I'm with you,
I always have a good time.
I don't want anything more.
Then why did you ask them to stay?
I thought you'd like it.
He is your friend.
Much more than mine.
But you and Harry are said to...
Who said that?
Quite a few people.
You get on my nerves.
Don't let your hair down.
Turn around.
Turn around.
I love you... I love you.
Don't talk.
What are you thinking of?
Funny, you talk so much about others,
but never about Harry.
Not a word.
Because I don't have anything to say.
Sooner or later you'll have to tell.
Maybe you spread the rumor.
And nothing happened.
That's exactly how it was.
I have a pretty daughter, don't I?
Not bad.
It's strange that you have a daughter.
You became different.
Just an accident from my youth.
- Are you sorry for that?
- Not at all!
- Who's the happy mother?
- An English girl. You don't know her.
She doesn't look like you at all.
And makes you look older.
Don't exaggerate.
She looks older than she is.
- Are there many people in St. Tropez?
- I don't know, we don't go to town.
What do you do all day?
- You still love each other?
- Better than ever. Are you surprised?
- Good afternoon, sir.
- I am hungry.
- Coffee is here. Still hot.
- Thank you, Emilie.
Smells good.
Authentic home made coffee.
What a pleasure.
- Did you make the jam, too?
- No, sir. No.
It's a pity.
If you run out of coffee,
there is some more in the kitchen.
Thank you.
- A charming housekeeper you have.
- Yes, indeed.
She used to be.
There is no napkin.
Are you coming, Pen?
It'll get cold.
She always pisses me off.
- You're not eating?
- I am not hungry.
Great coffee.
Is Marianne still asleep?
Yes, she likes to get up late.
Is she still working?
Not at the moment.
She seems to have
let herself go a bit.
It would be a pity.
Aren't you holding her back?
Her latest article was great.
When she gives her best,
she can do miracles.
I love her.
I go wake her up.
May I?
Not bad. When will it be published?
Do you like it?
Yes, I like it.
Will it be a hit?
That's why I did it.
Is it warm outside?
What shall we do?
Whatever you want.
I'll rest tomorrow.
The rooms are so hot.
- Ah, can I try your car?
- Now?
Why not?
The bodywork was designed at Ghiana,
and it has a V8 engine.
Four wheel drive,
What does this wonder cost?
Very expensive.
- So you are doing well.
- Yes.
And you? Do you like the new job?
Yes, sort of...
What do you do exactly in
an ad agency? Selling ideas?
Theoretically yes.
- And do you have enough?
- No.
Have you given up on literature?
This was the best you could do.
There are days when I am fed up with
everything, and would like to get out.
That's typical of you.
The referee ends the game.
People from the crowd rush in,
and the players...
Good bye. I am done.
Bye, Emilie. Thanks.
Gute nacht, Emilie.
- Good night, sir.
- Good bye, Emilie.
- Come on!
- Wait...
You lose anyway.
Do you want some, Jean-Paul?
- Just a sip.
- No.
- That's the card I was waiting for. I win.
- That's not fair.
- Who won?
- Harry.
- Are you sure?
- He got his card first.
Let the old men win.
I keep saying this.
I am in good shape, right?
Improve your arm technique.
That's your week point.
And you are gasping for breath.
That's because of smoking.
Do you have my watch?
- Yes.
- Thanks.
Wouldn't you like to go out?
Won't you come with me to St. Tropez?
He is a hermit, you know that.
You tell me!
Anyway, I go.
I have a bunch of friends there.
I go visit them.
- Are you coming with me?
- No, maybe next time.
I take one.
I am off. Bye.
- Bye.
- Bye.
If I am not here for dinner,
don't wait for me. All right.
Bye, Pen. Be good.
- Why didn't you join him?
- I didn't feel like going.
If you want to go out, join him.
I think I would just bother him.
I bet he is not coming home alone.
- He would dare, because of his daughter.
- Come on!
- Careful! Pen must be watching.
- She is a big girl.
- No!
- Yes!
- No!
- Yes!
Watch out!
I'm gonna catch you.
Then you'll see...
Which one do you prefer?
Which of the two pellets
do you prefer?
This one. Why?
Me, too.
It's strange, that
we always have a preference.
Even in such small things.
Where is Harry?
Are you cold?
A bit.
I don't like summer.
Only the in-between seasons.
- Are you hungry?
- No.
We should eat something,
even if Harry doesn't come.
It's almost 8 o'clock.
How long have you known
each other?
For two years.
Two years?
Almost two and a half.
And Dad?
We met at his place.
That's right.
You were like brothers back then.
We meet less frequently nowadays.
We are back.
This way, sweethearts.
Don't worry. We brought everything.
Here, take this.
The flower.
- Great. They are all your friends?
- Yes. The best ones. Here.
Behave yourselves.
Quiet. The folks who live here
don't like noise, only silence.
I don't know everyone.
But we'll get to that soon.
- Hi Pen, how are you?
- Good evening.
This is Mireille.
This is Sylvie.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
And she is Pussy.
You met everyone?
And that young man?
- Who? Me?
- No, him.
- I am Alain, madame.
- Then come and give me a hand.
- My pleasure.
Pen, come dance with me.
Don't be so stubborn.
Take it and pour.
- Try to behave yourself. Please.
- Why should I open it? I don't drink.
How interesting!
There are so many people
having an easy life.
And I don't even know how to get
my emotional problems under control.
The trouble with me is that whenever
a woman shows interest in me
I immediately fall in love with her,
and get paralized.
It's because when I was young,
I didn't live life to the full.
I was a virgin until the age of 25,
my second marriage.
That's the reason.
- Is it true what he is saying?
- Unfortunately no. No, it isn't.
It would have been ideal for me.
I adore Switzerland.
Beautiful country.
- Excuse me...
- Where are you going?
- Wait for me. I'll be back.
- What's your name?
Why did you leave?
I was bored with that guy
and his emotional problems.
- Have you seen Dad and Marianne?
- Yes.
- And you are not bothered?
- It's nothing.
You think so?
There are evenings when you are
free to do anything. Or almost anything.
Indeed it's nothing.
I am scared, but I don't know why.
The sky is almost pure white,
not blue.
It'll be extremely hot again.
Here you are.
What time is it?
Almost noon.
- Are the others up yet?
- I haven't seen anybody.
You have nice wrinkles.
Look at yourself then.
I don't feel like getting up.
I have these moody days.
Like today, for example.
I would like to skip this day.
Stay in bed then.
Shall I close the curtains?
Yesterday evening Harry
was very kind with you.
He is always kind with women.
It's a good feeling.
How about her daughter?
What do you mean her daughter?
How do you like her?
It's you who should answer this question.
Interesting girl.
If I figure it right,
I'd better pack and leave.
You can wait a little.
Pen, darling...
I wouldn't want anybody else,
but you.
Your skin is silky,
you smell good.
Did you sleep well?
Not really.
Well, anyway,
you'll have plenty of time to sleep.
One day you'll get married anyhow.
May I?
Thank you, maybe later.
What are you reading?
Is it a good book?
I think, I've read this before.
- I hope you are not bored here.
- I am not bored.
You know what I have in mind?
How about going to Venice after Milan,
just the two of us.
So, what do you think?
- Venice?
- Yes.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Good morning...
- Is this your cup?
- Yes, but feel free to use it.
- You want some?
- Yes, a little.
Thank you.
Did you have trouble getting up again?
- More than ever before.
- Your body is weak.
I know.
You keep saying this all the time.
Because I care for you.
That's the way it should be.
When is the wedding?
I hope to be your witness.
- What wedding?
- With Marianne.
You know that you'll
marry her sooner or later.
You'll have a great life together,
she is a great cook.
You should marry her.
I've given up on marriage
for a while.
I am only interested in
caring for my daughter now.
But you should get married.
It fits your style.
Leave me alone.
You are like a bear with a sore head
this morning.
Yes, I got out of bed
on the wrong side.
Take my advice.
Change your wishes,
not the world.
I go shopping,
before the shops close.
Shall I join you?
- Harry, will you give me a lift?
- Yes.
I go shopping. I'd like to
try your car.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I'm coming right back.
You look good.
I get dressed.
- Do you need anything?
- No, thank you.
I'm going to shave.
You must be utterly bored here.
It's kind of you that you don't show it.
- The teacher is the murderer.
- I know. Thank you.
- Good.
This was a very difficult period for him.
That book meant a lot to him.
He was desperate.
And then...
- Didn't he restart it from scatch?
- I don't think so.
It is said that you
never fail twice in row.
Yes, I know.
He is much better now.
He stopped drinking
from one day to the other.
He changed his life,
took this job.
- Does he like it?
- Sort of, you know him.
He always wants something he can't have.
He hasn't changed in this aspect.
Are you going to stay with him?
I get along with him very well.
I feel he still needs me.
I could never get along so well
with anybody.
You know, I really hated
loneliness... my work.
I was fed up.
He never visited me before.
My mother told everyone
he was dead. Drowned in the sea.
And I believed it.
I didn't miss him until last year.
One day he just arrived,
and now he is around all the time.
He wants me to go out with him.
He takes me everywhere.
He enjoys it, when people
believe I'm his girlfriend.
He likes that very much.
He denies it and says:
"come on, she is my daughter."
But hopes at the same time,
that they don't believe him.
And then... he gives advice.
He cares about me.
He wants to know
what I'm doing all the time.
Last week he had the sudden idea
that he takes me to Italy.
I didn't ask him anything.
I couldn't tell him
I didn't want to go.
That's just not possible.
He says that he is bored with Marianne,
that he let you have her,
but can get her back,
whenever he wants.
He also says
you are untalented.
He doesn't like you.
He doesn't like anybody.
But he expects everyone
to adore him.
So you are going to Milan?
Yes, but not right now.
I'd like to talk to you before you leave.
Will you come over one evening?
- I promise.
- Bye.
Good evening, Emilie. Noone's here?
- They've just left.
- Really?
I was waiting for you.
I didn't want to leave the house unattended.
- Yes, that's good.
- May I leave now, madame?
- You may. Thank you, Emilie.
- Thank you.
- See you tomorrow.
- Bye.
- Good evening, sir.
- Good evening, Emilie.
- Noone's here?
- Noone.
- Can I help you?
- If you feel like.
- We'll have Chinese.
- Good.
- Will you prepare the rice?
- Yes.
As usual.
Don't do this to me!
Aren't you ashamed?
You suddenly appear like this...
You are wonderful.
It's a pity that...
You want something to drink?
- Here you are.
- Thanks.
- Will you button up my dress?
- Sure.
You are crazy...
They can be here any moment.
Good evening.
Where have you two been?
We almost started dinner without you.
I wanted to swim in the sea,
but it was too crowded on the way back.
Dinner's ready.
Come. Everything is ready.
Eat, you must be hungry.
Thank you.
Did you have a swim, too?
Did you like the water?
Very much.
There was a bit of wind though.
I thought you didn't like swimming.
I like the sea.
Not that way.
Don't you know how to use it?
- You hold one stick like this.
- Right.
Then you put the other one above,
and move it with your finger.
I will never manage this.
I go get the rice.
- Did you cook this?
- No, just warmed it up.
It's ready made.
Well, not really.
You have to add some spices.
Some pepper, some saffron.
It's tasteless otherwise.
You have to fry the rice
to make it good.
Good rice is very rare.
I love Chinese cuisine.
They cut everything into small pieces.
There's no waste.
And it's light.
Vietnamese cuisine is even better.
And the restaurants in Amsterdam,
the Indonesian ones...
they are fantastic.
You don't like it?
I go to bed.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night, Pen.
I hope she didn't catch cold.
I don't think so.
The first swim of the year
always makes you feel tired.
I check if she needs anything,
and be right back.
Where did you swim?
At the Pampelone?
No, a bit more up.
- Was it crowded?
- No, it was late.
So many mosquitoes this evening!
They are attracted by the light.
Forgive me.
I leave you now.
Where are you going?
I promised Fred to visit him
before I leave.
- You are leaving?
- Yes.
- When?
- Tomorrow morning.
- You could have told us.
- I though I did.
- And Penelope?
- She comes with me, of course.
Her mother would kill me,
if she found out I left her behind.
I'll be back soon.
I don't want to go to bed late.
See you in the morning.
You know you are free?
- Why do you say that?
- You know why.
You are not forced to stay with me,
if you want, you can go upstairs.
- No. It's fine here.
- It's my fault.
You are Pisces, your ascendent is Aquarius.
You need love.
And you don't know about it.
What are you suggesting?
Go to her, if you want, don't stay here.
She is leaving tomorrow.
I am leaving, too.
Tomorrow or the day after.
There is no reason for me to stay.
Are you going home?
And me?
You do whatever you want.
Is it because of Pen?
Forgive me.
Don't worry about me,
everything is all right.
I expected it...
You've been looking
for something lately.
You caught the first one
crossing your way.
And it's Harry's daughter.
Makes it more exciting for you.
You don't know what
you are talking, Marianne.
I don't know what's on your mind...
What are your plans with that girl?
I have no idea.
There's nothing between us.
The only thing I can say is
that you are doing a foolish thing.
I go upstairs. Shall I switch off
the light in the living room?
Please, don't.
- Are you sleeping downstairs?
- Yes.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Damn it. Shit.
This damn door.
Why is is half open?
Where the hell am I going to
get the car fixed?
- In Italy.
- Fuck.
You have a cigarette?
There it is.
- You are alone.
- Yes.
- Both of them are asleep?
- For a long time.
If I had known, I would have
taken you with me.
- Are you leaving tomorrow?
- Yes.
Are you drinking again?
- Since when?
- Since tonight.
Great. It's your business.
- You are happy about it, aren't you?
- Why would I care?
Why don't you go to sleep?
What do you want?
Have you been waiting for me?
Do you want to say something?
Go on! Say it!
Do you want to talk about Penelope?
You little daydreamer...
Poor little loser.
You can say goodbye to Penelope.
No more Penelope.
I take her tomorrow. Done.
Why do you say this?
You know I've always been
stronger than you.
You couldn't do no harm to me ever.
So you jump on my daughter.
She's 18!
Easy target.
And now you are proud.
- You can be.
- Are you jealous?
Help me out!
Help me!
Stop fooling around.
Stop being an asshole.
I am cold. I had too much to drink.
I have cramp. My stomach aches.
Stop it!
Are you crazy?
I couldn't swim in it any more.
We'll empty it tomorrow.
That'll be even worse.
No news from your mother yet?
But you did let her know?
She must have read it in the papers.
Anyway, she doesn't mind.
Good bye.
I can't imagine him old,
with wrinkles and grey hair.
Very few people came to the funeral.
Everybody's on vacation.
At least the record company
sent somebody.
It was terrible to see
the director leaving in his car.
He was so proud of it.
I prepared some cold buffet.
In case you get hungry.
Thank you, Emilie. You are very kind.
I wonder if his daughter
feels bad.
- Are you mad at me?
- Why?
Because so many things have changed
in so little time.
You do whatever you want.
I can't stay here.
I'm leaving tomorrow.
I'm leaving, too.
As soon as possible.
Are you taking her home?
I can't let her go alone.
I would leave this evening, if I could,
but it's too late.
- Good afternoon. Excuse me.
- Yes?
I am inspector Leveque
from Marseille.
You must be Mr. Leroy.
It's just a routine check.
We investigate every accident.
I know it's annoying.
I am inspector Leveque.
It's just formality.
The police have been here
a couple of times.
Yes, I know. I read their report.
how thorough they are
something always escapes their attention.
- Please, take a seat.
- Thank you.
- Are you just having lunch?
- No problem.
It won't take long.
I just have a few questions.
- No, thank you. I have mine.
- Yes.
This is about Mr. Harry Lannier's death,
of course.
According to the doctor he drowned
at around 4 am.
Was he a good swimmer?
Yes, very good.
Was he the sort of man, who...
how to say...
Is she Miss Lannier?
Inspector Leveque from Marseille.
My condolences.
I have a few questions to ask.
- You can stay, if you want.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Was Mr. Lannier in the habit of
swimming at night?
Sometimes he did.
You discovered the body, madame,
didn't you?
- Yes, it was me.
- Yes, in the pool.
- And where were his clothes?
- On the shore.
Listen to this.
Light blue garbadine pants,
light blue cotton shirt,
folded on an aluminium coffee table.
As you see, it's quite detailed.
- Do you agree with the police?
- Yes.
- Did you see Mr. Lannier in the evening?
- Yes, of course.
- You, too, I suppose.
- Sure.
What did Mr. Lannier wear
when he left for St. Tropez?
Did he have blue trousers on?
And blue shirt?
I think so.
- You are not sure?
- Not really.
How about you, sir?
I don't know. I wasn't
paying attention. Maybe.
No problem, doesn't matter.
You slept downstairs in the living room
that night, right?
- Yes. It's more calm down there.
- Can I have a look around?
Yes, of course.
Still, when Mr. Lannier
hit the gate with his car,
you didn't hear a thing?
No, nothing. I took a sleeping pill.
We've been asked all this.
Of course, I know,
but I have to conduct some
more investigation in the case.
I have to tell you, you are
not really helpful.
Let's see.
We know that Mr. Lannier
has drowned in the pool.
But how?
- While he was swimming, right?
- Yes, while he was swimming.
With his watch on?
Do you often swim wearing a watch?
I do. Mine is waterproof.
Mr. Lannier's wasn't.
It's a quality golden watch.
Maybe he forgot about it.
I heard, he had been drinking.
That's true.
He was seen drinking a lot.
Drinking and dancing.
You are right. He must have forgotten it.
Good, I am leaving.
If you remember anything,
a detail, please, let me know.
- What detail?
- I don't know. Maybe you know.
Are you staying for a while?
We'd like to leave as soon as possible.
I'm sorry, but
I'd like to ask you to stay
until the case is closed.
- Does it take long?
- A few days.
Miss Lannier can go home
to her mother, of course.
All right. See you soon.
Excuse me...
Good bye.
Hello?... Hi Fred.
Yes, we're doing fine.
Marianne, too, slowly.
I don't know exactly,
it depends.
Yes, yes.
We're not moving out.
Right. Bye.
It was Fred.
He may come over in the afternoon.
Not him again!
- Good afternoon, miss.
- Good afternoon.
- You didn't leave?
- No.
Do I remember correctly,
your mother is picking you up?
No, Jean-Paul takes me home.
Mr. Leroy?
Excuse me. I must talk
with the lady alone. May I?
Good afternoon, madame, miss...
I am back. Good afternoon.
- Can we talk privately?
- Shall we go in?
No. It's better here.
How long have you been
together with Mr. Leroy?
More than two years.
I was just informed, that
he's taking Miss Lannier home.
That's the way it should be.
- Have you been thinking since yesterday?
- No.
I have.
I was thinking about the watch story.
There is another part in the report.
The policemen noticed that
Mr. Lannier's pockets were empty.
Completely empty.
No tobacco pieces, no coins,
And no sweat stains.
Everything was clean,
looked freshly washed.
Although Mr. Lannier
drank a lot that night.
Did he dance a lot?
You know, he may very well
have been pushed into the pool.
Then his clothes could have been hidden,
replaced by some other.
The result would be the same.
Did you have a close relationship
with Mr. Lannier?
I have known him for a long time.
Have you ever been his lover?
But that was four years ago.
Was it a public affair,
I mean
did Mr. Leroy know about it?
He suspected something, but...
Hasn't Mr. Lannier been trying to
approach you in the past few days?
Not really.
Maybe it's nothing.
Hello, Mr. Leroy.
Sorry for disturbing you again.
- Are you closing the case?
- Yes, I think, I hope.
- Have you found anything new?
- No, nothing.
Can we leave then?
- Soon. I hope.
- But when?
Maybe tomorrow.
Latest on the day after tomorrow.
- I'll let you know. Good bye.
- Bye.
- Hi.
- Hi.
We don't talk to
each other any more?
Why do you say this?
You haven't talked to me since morning.
And what should I say?
I've been thinking about him
all the time since he died. And you?
Me too.
I watch you,
watch you eat, walk,
answer the phone.
It's like this is the first time I see you.
Now that the investigation is over,
when are you leaving?
Why do you think it's over?
Did the inspector say something?
- No.
- What did he say?
... but you know, Harry's clothes,
the ones we found by the pool,
he didn't wear them that night
according to the inspector.
What makes him think that?
They were clean, no sweat,
no nothing.
And his shirt
wasn't blue, it was white.
I remember now.
I remember very well.
He says
Harry may have been
pushed into the pool
and drowned.
Then his clothes were changed.
He says he may have been murdered.
He believes it was you who killed him.
That's why he came back.
He's looking for evidence.
What evidence?
maybe simply
some used clothes
hidden in a corner.
- Have you found them?
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
Are we disturbing?
We thought we would drop by.
Good evening. Take a seat.
Can I bring you something to drink?
- Whatever you have.
- Beer? Coke? Scotch?
- Beer will be fine.
- For me, too.
I'd like a Coke.
Have you read the article
from yesterday?
His name was spelt with one 'n'.
It's not a very good picture of him.
But it's him.
- What does it say?
- Nothing special.
- Where's Penelope?
- Outside, or maybe in her room.
- Is she staying with you?
- No, she goes home to her mother.
- And your vacation?
- We go home, of course.
Bye. Thank you.
Good night.
Have you found the clothes?
We were there.
He was drunk.
Wanted to hit me.
Then he fell in... Alone.
All by himself.
Then I don't know what happened to me.
I went crazy.
Come. Don't stay here.
Tell me.
Nothing else happened, this is all.
I didn't let him come out of the water.
You should have told me.
What do we do now?
Penelope must leave.
You tell her gently.
She'll listen to you.
Promise her you'll meet later.
I don't ask you because of me,
but because of her,
only because of her.
Calm down.
Harry's clothes...
Where have you put them?
I thought...
Into the basement,
under the logs.
I didn't believe a word
of what he said.
Can I ask you something?
How did my father die?
It was really an accident.
Bye Pen.
I have no reason to keep you here.
I hope you know
what you are doing.
I have some information
about Mr. Leroy.
He once tried to commit suicide.
I didn't know about it.
Have you been thinking about
what I told you last time?
- Yes.
- And you haven't found anything?
- Nothing.
You know, a case is
never fully closed.
A closed file can open up again.
If you one day you regretted something...
Don't say no.
You never know.
You can call me anytime.
Good bye, inspector.
Good bye, and good luck.
- Where are your luggages?
- Leave it, it's not necessary.
Don't bother.
What do you mean?
Aren't you leaving?
I'm going by train.
Leave me alone.
Go away. Leave me alone.
what shall I do with
the rest of the food?
Keep them, Emilie.
Thank you, madame.
And you, hurry up.
Is it because...
I don't know exactly.
I feel,
I don't know you anymore.
I can't stand it anymore.
let's leave together.
The taxi station, please.
Please, send me a taxi to St...