Pit Fighter (2005)

And now the man
you have been waiting for!
El Yanqui!
From Sao Paulo, Brazil,
Diablo Calvera!
Calvera! El Asesino.
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Anything goes! Fight!
No! No! No! No!
Come on!
Yeah! Come on!
Get him! Get him!
Yeah, Yanqui!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
La cara!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
The winner!El Yanqui!
He cannot be beaten!
El Yanqui!
Yanqui! Yanqui!
Get him out!
Another win, huh?
Keep the crowd happy.
- Don't spend it all at once.
- Did you count it yourself? All right.
Let's go!
Five years, fiighter.
Five years, you made
a lot of people a lot of money.
Shh! You know who.
Hey, that's yours.
You earned it.
Okay? Yeah! Good man.
Adios! Adios!
You know, he and I are brothers.
Oh, shit!
Nathan. Nathan.
You're shot up pretty bad, old friend.
Save your strength, all right?
Marianne! Marianne!
You hang in there, all right?
Come on! Get him up!
Get him in the truck!
I may have done you
a serious injustice, senor.
Where am I?
In my line of work, it pays to be able
to assess a man's material worth.
His fiiscal prowess.
Only I can decide whether
I work for money or for glory.
- I can't breathe.
- I'm not cheap.
The Marietta wouldn't expect me to work
for nothing, so they will have to pay.
However, I owe them
a considerable amount,
so this will simply
go against my debenture.
A drop of mouse piss
in a sizable ocean of excrement.
You'll do about fine.
Just try not to breathe deep.
The stitches on your chest
will fissure your tissue.
You'll owe the Marietta
for my service.
That's the ironic injustice
of all this.
Is she dead?
You're the sole survivor,
as far as I know...
and you're looking at the only surgeon
in this whole flea-bitten province.
They'll bring me back in a week,
get your stitches out before they rot.
Infection'll kill you
deader than a 45 down here.
I don't understand
what you're saying.
Como? Eso es
un guero maricon.
You seem to be recovering.
How does what's left of your head feel?
I don't remember who I am.
What am I doing here?
Well, your existence
has been simplifiied then.
He says you're working
La Marietta...
and that could entail
any manner of thing.
You owe them a substantial amount.
I hope your trade
is a lucrative one.
The Marietta?
You suffered massive cranial trauma,
a serious concussion,
extensive tissue damage.
not to mention the loss of a fiist-sized
portion of your brain matter.
It's reasonable to expect that may have
caused a mild amnesiac situation.
I daresay you will regain
certain memories.
Don't expect it to happen
overnight, however.
- I've lost my memory!
- They're dangerous people! Please don't ask me about them!
I have a family I'd like to see again someday,
so don't make the mistake!
of thinking that because I'm an American,
I'm any more your friend than they are!
Why, I would sell you out in a gnat's heartbeat
if I thought it would buy me some credit!
Actions, smells, sounds,
like certain familiar tunes on the radio!
um, uh, an intimate face can
sometimes act like the key!
to the metaphysical door
your mind has closed!
Who did this to me, Doc?
Time to remove your stitches!
You'll have to stop talking! It will hurt!
May I suggest
you take a shot of this?
I don't drink.
You remembered that!
We get caught with this load,
we all go down!
They'd be more suspicious if someone
who looks like you gets involved.
- How do I look,Jack?
- Like nothing I've ever seen before!
This could be trickier
than we anticipated!
I don't know! I don't see
you have a lot of options, kid!
They run these mule teams,
shouldering bundles of weed!
up into Arizona, New Mexico,
but it's dangerous work, and it pays shit!
That is, if you don't end up
in la tumba del mojado.
The wetback's grave!
And you just pay the interest
on the loan, basically!
I recommend a trade,
if you've got one!
And if you don't,
fiind one! Or else-
Come on!
Let's get out of here!
All these sweaty men
make me nervous, man!
Come on!
Hey, maybe I can fiight!
No! Uh-uh-uh-uh!
You see these guys?
They're hard-core cage fiighters!
They will eat you for breakfast!
And in case you haven't noticed, your skin is
just a few shades lighter than everybody else!
Okay? You stand out
like a diamond on a goat's ass!
Don't even think about it!
This feels familiar!
Yeah, well, so will the hospital!
Do you understand?
- Come on!
- Find me some gloves!
Your stitches
haven't even healed, okay?
Your skull is being held
together by bailing wire!
Think about it!
This is not your game!
Now, I suggest we get out
before you die!
- Whoa!
- Whoa!
Can I make money doing this?
Yeah, maybe!
This suit is 20 years old!
Why do you try so hard?
Because I'm an Indian, you know?
I couldn't go to their schools!
My home where I grew up
had a straw roof!
Just a couple of drops
in the sea of life's injustices, fiighter!
Well, you ever wanna know
what God thinks about money!
you look at those
to whom he gives it to!
Wish me luck, eh?
This guy's, uh-
no girls, no, uh, drinking...
no gambling, nothing.
He donates all his pocket money
to the priests at the church!
And he gives all his free time!
He helps out, you know?
And in return, he gets
a cot and free meals!
He'd make a dream fiighter!
Carlos, cabron, chasing women
is a form of higher education!
I have little faith
in men that don't!
Yes! Si. Si. Yes, right!
But, uh- But, see, but
he's from el otro lado.
You know? I mean, who knows
what his real problem is, you know?
Uh, but,you know,
nobody's beat him yet.
He's disciplined.
He'd be perfect
for your stable, jefe.
Are you implying
that I may turn a profiit?
He has a theory- este loco-
about not humiliating
the opponent!
Uh, he allows them
to punch him, you know!
and pummel him and show off
and show their stuff, you know!
for rounds and rounds,
and then suddenly- flat!
He knocks 'em out cold!
Pero si, and then he's happy!
that he hasn't made them,
you know, lose face!
I mean, it's- it's
the perfect showmanship!
He'll be very popular!
You'll make a fortune!
And you know how they feel about
the gringos in la tierra blanca! Right?
Three months, cabron.
We show a profiit
in three months!
or you owe the interest
of his debt!
For the time wasted!
Si. Si. Gracias.
Three months, cabron.
This gringo had
a valuable talent before!
A real valuable talent!
You are sure this gringo
doesn't remember anything?
No! Nada, nada, nada.
You know that guy will screw us
if he's got a chance, boss!
He's a snake!
I don't like him!
Carlitos, that man is hungry!
And hungry men
always have their uses!
Remember that!
It's not a friendly crowd, okay?
They're gonna try to intimidate you,
'cause they know it's your fiirst fiight!
But you just do the way you do
in the gym, you'll be okay!
Coming to us all the way
from Esperanza, Mexico!
undefeated in 14 matches-
Well, they haven't seen
your color yet!
You ready to start, all right?
Known only as El Yanqui!
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Hit him!
You have to hit him, or else
we're headed for the minus pool!
We're both screwed!
You understand?
He's the champion! Gotta let him
have his time out of respect!
- I'll beat him with dignity!
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah!
- Well, fiirst you gotta hit him, my friend!
Hit him!
Yanqui! Yanqui! Yanqui!
Listen to me!
Hey, you, listen!
I took a chance on you, okay?
I put everything into you!
The whole church thing,
the Virgin Mary and everything!
And I fell for it like a sucker?
Is that your game?
Third round defeat is acceptable!
What are you talking about?
For a champion!
Okay! Okay!
All right! All right!
What's goin'on?
- And we have a new winner!
- Yes! Yes!
Let's hear it for Yanqui!
- Let's go!
- Yanqui, our new winner!
You know,
when we fiirst met!
I was trying to fiigure out, like,
four different ways to kill you!
and make it look like
it wasn't my fault!
Yeah! I don't know
what stopped me!
I guess I, uh-
guess I never actually
killed a gringo!
We're partners, Manolo!
Cabron, you were
my punishment!
You were my penance!
Yeah! Turned out
to be my savior!
Saved my life!
Gave me a reason for being!
It's hot, man!
It's hot! Well-
Well, chico, you must've
loved that woman a lot, man!
I talk to her every day!
About what?
About my day, my life!
- Boxing?
- Everything.
She knows everything.
Yeah, well!
Mira. Eh, you know,
I was thinking!
uh, that's great!
I know you put some money aside,
'cause I never see you spend any!
Which is smart! You're a smart boy!
I was thinking, you know,
you could move on, you know?
You know, and live
a little, you know?
I know that she'll tell me
when it's time to leave!
She's a strong woman!
You know that?
- She's-
- I mean, she was a strong woman.
But that strength lives on!
It lives on in me!
- You understand, right?
- Mm-hmm! Mm-hmm!
Yeah! Yeah!
Uh, yeah, well, okay!
Um, tienes hambre. I'm gonna
go warm up the truck, okay?
Uh, tienes hambre, eh?
My people are like this dust!
We start in the mountains,
come down!
with the rivers, riding in trucks,
on the wind!
Itinerant as the Santa Ana!
Fighter, there's
no great advantage!
in knowing what your past is!
See, I know mine,
and I'll tell you!
my old man, his pa,
was a tequilero.
He used to smuggle wine,
Havana wine!
up San Ysidro,
the devil's backbone!
So, naturally, he went
into the family business!
Cocaina contrabando. Cocaine!
You know cocaine? And then
heroin from Tepatitlan!
My grandpa was gunned down!
outside the town
of Badriaguato!
To the criminal class!
without whom
there would be no heroes!
Los criminales.
Jack? Jack Severino!
They told me you'd been buried
in the jungle outside of Agualilla!
It's me. It's Nathan.
Senor, this man is the Yanqui.
He is a well-known fiighter!
Around here, anyway!
I know you! Yeah, you work for the Marietta,
Veneno's company!
I got no issue with you.
Tierra Caliente? Michocan?
It was me who scraped you
off the road for Veneno!
Jack, I drove 70 miles with the smell of
your blood going rotten on my hands, man.
- Sorry, man!
- Senor, you are in error!
I know your face!
I know it well!
'Cause when the fiists were
flying, or even the bullets...
I've stood back-to-back
with you!
I've been soaked to the skin
with rain, sweat and blood!
I've smelled death
on a spring afternoon.
I've defeated the hands of an enemy
that doesn't know Christ!
Yours is a face
with only one side.
So help me,Jack!
that I might be struck down
where I stand if I lie!
but I would die for you,
my brother.
Your place isn't with
this panhandling gutter trash!
Whatever misfortunes overcome you,
you call me, all right?
I'm at the Ambassador Hotel
for the next two days!
I saw your new shoes.
New seda shirt, Manolo.
You're looking good!
Now, the more successful you become,
the less you can trust those around you!
You never won anything
before, did you?
I never believed in anything!
- Do you like Cuban cigars?
- Sure!
He's going to win his next fiight?
I know where my money's going!
Hey, he asked you a question.
I never noticed you
before, Manolo!
It's always the quiet ones.
Are you ambitious?
Don't answer that!
If you had said no,
then I'd be really suspicious.
I like boxing.
Isn't there a fiighter that
you're supposed to be training?
Uh, it's his, uh, day off.
You know, Sunday.
Take the day off with him!
Did you go to church?
Go to church.
Do something. Go, go.
What the fuck is wrong?
Giving that peasant
one of your best cigars?
That lowlife!
Look at the way he dresses!
Mira, Carlitos.
I'm going to tell you a story!
I remember this crusty old fuck,
Paulino, from the mountains!
He had to have been
He ran a mule packed of dope every day
through my village for three years!
until someone squealed
to the federales.
Now, what nobody knew!
was that Paulino
was a real motherfucker!
He took a large snort
of cocaine!
drank a whole bottle of wine
and prepared an ambush!
Killed every soldier
in the squad!
and then hunts down
the squealing fuck who set him up!
What I'm trying to tell you!
what I'm trying to make you understand
is that this only comes to show!
that you must never, never
judge a man by his appearance!
You got a point there, jefe.
End of my speech!
I've seen her!
She's alive!
Everything is gonna
come together for me!
Hey, loco!
I'm coming in!
Good morning! 5:00 a!m!
You want coffee?
Come on!
Wakey, wakey. Eggs and bakey.
Yanqui, Yanqui,
it's been fiive years!
She could have moved on, you know?
She thought you were dead!
That doesn't matter!
I know she's coming!
Hey, we gotta pick up the pace here, will ya?
Come on! Come on! Sprint!
You know, my grandmother
could read the future!
My mother too!
They made a living at it!
I will, too, when I get too old
and ugly for this work!
I can read your face!
Your hands!
Turn them over!
Let me see!
You have deep lines!
That's good!
Some luck, and then-
- They say nothing! It's all fiine!
- So what's my fortune?
There's nothing there!
Meeting you!
was the best thing
that ever happened to me!
They're treating us
like we're sons of the family!
Do you understand?
They love us!
- That's good!
- Yeah!
Listen! I understand them though!
I know what they're about!
They're animals, you know?
Never forget that!
They're not like you!
They don't feel any empathy
with their opponent!
They'll kill mercilessly
without hesitation!
We ever cross them,
they'll bury us!
Those are the rules down here, you know?
That's why they survived
for so long!
But right now I'm in!
You're in!
Life is good!
It's damn good!
Then we should be careful
not to cross them!
- Right?
- Yeah!
You want a girl?
The one over there?
She's a three-way hen!
- You know what that means?
- No, thanks!
Yeah, well-
You are a good influence
on me! You know that?
Yeah, you are!
But you're not gonna
fiind any peace by avoiding life!
Come on!
Let's get outta here!
I think I might not have been
the best of men!
I'm changed now!
I'm not like that anymore!
I envy you,Jack!
You've no memories!
Yeah, but I have no peace, Father!
Today is the day!
Try to appreciate it!
I've tried to win with grace
to channel my anger!
I knock 'em out
as quickly as possible!
So you feel justifiied
in the eyes of the Almighty?
I don't know, Father!
Look, be heroic, my son!
Because out of heroism
lies faith!
in the worth of heroes!
Do you think that when Castro dies
and the U!S! moves back into Cuba!
do you think that the quality
of the tobacco will change?
I don't know, jefe!
Eh, I never smoked a cigar!
They make me ill, remember?
I hear that El Julio
is wanting to do a mano a mano!
I hear that he's back from Spain
and he wants to wrestle back his crown!
- in front of his hometown!
- Verdad!
If it happens,
it will be quite a corrida.
Do you follow the bulls?
Eh, ahem,
when I was, uh, younger!
It was a young, uh, bull.
I can't remember their names.
Your boy's lined up
to fiight El Diablo again.
- Tonight!
- Si!
No, tomorrow night.
Tomorrow night.
- Okay, tomorrow night!
- Yeah.
I want him to lose the fiight!
Nobody's betting
against him anymore.
Every time he fiights
we take a loss!
The guy has already become a legend,
a pinche baliente!
Better we could load it on
a particular round maybe!
I could take him to the tenth round maybe!
He can drag it out!
- And it would be spectacular.
- Not if he wins!
But the people,
they put their money-
They bet on El Yanqui.
They bet on him!
That is not your problem!
Okay, okay, okay, okay!
Tomorrow night he goes down!
Bottom line!
Okay, I'll tell him, all right?
Did somebody hear me
say that I was fiinished?
Sit down!
Okay, here's the deal, cabron.
If he doesn't go down!
then you are going to
be replaced by a coach!
that understands
what this business is all about!
Do you fully comprehend me
when I say the word "replaced'"?
No, I-
Like when I say
I am going to replace my big dog!
I shot him twice
behind the ear!
and I threw it in a bonfiire
made out of car tires soaked in diesel!
Two day later I go back,
I hose the whole area down...
not even a fucking little stain!
Okay, now I'm fiinished!
Now I'm fiinished, and you're gonna
stay here sitting like a fucker!
Get the fuck out ofhere, vago!
Don't take it personal!
I'll act it up and play it out!
And we'll be fiine.
Just remember, don't bet any money
on me tomorrow!
Wh-What? You-
I don't understand you.
You're full- You're-
It's okay.
When I lose the fiight tomorrow...
my career is over!
It's a sign.
A sign?
You still think
she's coming, huh?
Of course I do!
Well, okay!
Get yourself together!
- Yeah!
- Let's go.
There's a precept
in Castilian culture!
which believes that
the true measure of a man!
is gauged by those who are
benefiitted by his actions!
If I go by that, you are
the greatest man I ever met!
You need to travel more, Father!
Promise me, my friend,
that you won't do anything impulsive!
Don't worry!
Someone put a huge bet
on that Brazilian!
so now the odds are way off!
All these people coming down
here tonight,just to bet on you.
I mean, little kids using their
pocket money and shit like that!
So what are you gonna do?
My neighbor sold his cattle today
just to raise a stake.
They shouldn't gamble!
Tonight will be a lesson!
Oh, yeah! Make me sick!
It's over!
Hey, wave her off!
Ask him not to bet!
You can't do that!
These are normal people, okay?
They bet!
They're not bad people!
Look at them.
Jesus, they couldn't watch their friends
lose their life savings!
And what are you thinking?
I'm telling you, you win,
you win this fiight!
within an hour
all bets will be off on you!
Marietta will lose his shirt!
Well, Marietta will blame me!
You have to get yourself
a new manager!
My conscience is clear!
Diablo Calvera!
Okay, you do what you want!
You're supposed to lose!
Just go down!
I want him to lose the fiight!
Everybody's coming down here
to bet on you!
Every time he fiights,
we take a loss!
You can't do that!
These are normal people!
Promise me, my friend,
you won't do anything impulsive!
I think it's time
to leave! Listen!
I can sleep well tonight,
if I live through the night!
- All right! Come on!
- I don't know what happened! I snapped!
- We better go!
- Marianne!
- No, where you going? Wait!
- Marianne!
Oh, oh, okay!
He went that way!
Fuck him!
Dios mio!
This is bad!
This is really bad!
That way! Kill him!
Kill that son of a bitch! You got me?
Just get him! You come with me!
I don't know who you are, but I know
you stood between me and Marianne!
- What are you doing here with her?
- No!
I should have killed you
when I had the chance,Jack!
Come on! Listen, listen, listen!
Listen to me!
Listen to me. Listen. I don't know
what your problem is here, okay? I don't care.
But if you don't move, we're both gonna die.
Do you understand me?
- Okay?
- We don't have time for this! Follow us!
- Go, go, go!
- Follow us!
Get off the street!
Pour him a shot,Jack.
You really don't
remember anything?
I'll have a slug of that angel's tea!
Just you and me, laughing!
And him, shooting at me!
I always was a lousy shot!
I came down
on a university placement, teaching!
Got involved with the antigovernment
factions and the guerrilla movement!
- Marianne became passionate about
their cause- - Nice tattoo,Jack!
And persuaded me
to leave my lecturing job!
We decided to do something.
We became freedom fiighters.
Every man should do
his bit for the revolution!
This could be trickier
than we anticipated!
What kind of, uh, armament are you
carrying,Jack, if you don't mind me asking?
I don't mind you asking me, Harry.
!45s!Just plain old!45s!
- Plain old engraved.45s, eh?
- That's right.
- What are you packing, Harry?
- It's a nine!
It was recommended to me
by a friend in Botswana!
I'll, uh, I'll draw you
for a look,Jack!
Be careful!
It's loaded.
My nine holds more bullets
than both of yours put together!
From my experience, the gunfiight is about
the one left standing when it's over!
You shoot fiirst,
you shoot fast...
and you always shoot to kill!
You never leave your opponent
the chance to prove himself.
Gunfiighting's not a sport, Harry!
That's, uh, that's lovely,Jack!
Thank you very much!
I'm, uh, I'm going to retire to bed, okay?
You coming, dear?
I'm just gonna fiinish my drink!
Good night,Jack!
Didn't mean to
show him off like that!
He's just not used to this!
He usually lectures at a university
on social issues and reform!
So you're doing this
for the improvement of mankind, huh?
That's what we planned, yeah!
Think giving guns to the rebels
is gonna help them?
Who says we're giving them guns?
No one!
You know,you're
very different than Harry.
I bet you this was
all your idea, wasn't it?
You're making a lot of
assumptions tonight,Jack!
Do you really wanna leave?
In this world,
there's no code of honor!
just survival of the fiittest!
Never trust anyone!
Or believe anybody!
When St! Peter stands in front of you,
just you and him!
never form a tie!
Harry, how did you hide
those guns from police?
What guns?
In the chassis or in the crates!
How did you do it?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Fine! I'll fiind out anyway!
What's this?
You're not a good judge
of character, Harry!
You're not taking those trucks
to Tuxtla!
- What?
- Stay right here.
I'll get those guns anyway!
You're screwing us,Jack!
You're coming with me!
We're leaving Harry here!
You called these people in on us!
We trusted you with our lives,Jack!
I trusted you with everything!
Good, then you're both staying here!
I'm taking the trucks!
- Do something, Harry!
- What can I do?
Oh, my God!
Come on! I want
these guns found now!
Get them!
Strip the truck!
Get them! Strip the truck!
It's okay. It's okay.
what happened to you?
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
No. Harry.
-?Esta muerto?
-?Quien es el?
?Quien es el?
?Esta muerto?
There's no guns here, is there?
It's just food and medical supplies, right?
Been a while since I've seen
a white woman shot up the way you are!
What a waste!
We took a risk
and lost everything.
Like she said,
we lost everything.
Our positions,
everything we worked for!
We decided to help those people!
- Why did you return?
- We robbed the fiight!
Took us fiive years to plan it,
but we fiinally got back what belongs to us.
The house money? Every penny of it
goes to the guerrilla cause,Jack.
We'll fiinally sleep at night!
You won't live through the night!
Hey, that's why they called
for reinforcements.
Fighter, I can't be
around these people! Let's go!
I mean, dancing the wire monkey's
for corrido singers...
not people who want to live!
We could be
in Ixtapa by morning!
Manolo, go and tell the Marietta
where their money is!
- That should set you straight!
- That's how it is, huh?
Get out of here!
Go and live!
You know...
you're the only brother
I've ever known, cabron.
I will be less without you!
It was nice
while it lasted,J ack!
You changed to a!45, Harry!
That's smart!
You know it was my love for you
that allowed me to survive!
I loved you in the purest way
for fiive years!
You should leave now!
Don't take the interstate!
Use the Pan Americana Highway.
And don't look back!
Get outta here!
Go! Go!
Don't shoot! Don't shoot!
Hey, don't shoot! Don't shoot!
No! Look! Hey!
Where you going?
My friends, uh-
My name is, uh,
Manuel Cesar Carrillo!
And there's not a man here...
who has the right
to watch me beg for my life!
These bastards are in there!
The outrageous stupidity
and plain ignorance of a person!
that thinks they can come
and steal from me in my own town!
- and get away from it!
That deserves something special!
No one is to fiire a fucking shot until I say so!
Do you understand?
I want the cafe surrounded!
I want the cafe
surrounded now!
Hey, man, do you have a copy?
Do you have that as a Polaroid?
Oye, cabron.
This is your opportunity!
I trust you know what to do!
Are they still in there?
I saw them coming in!
There's movement inside!
You must never show them
your weak side, cabron.
What are you doing here, fiighter?
Your money is inside!
The Yankee thiefs?
Too bad!
Why are you here, fiighter?
I'm here for you, jefe.
There is no money inside, is there?
The bitch with one eye!
Her name is Marianne!
Que dice? Esta loco.
He's a boxer, boss.
Let's get the money.
Jack Severino.
For seven years,
he was the last resort!
His was the number you called
when you absolutely had to kill a man!
For $7,000,
he would execute anyone!
They said he had no heart!
That he slaughtered
women and children too!
Can you believe
that shit, Carlitos?
But you did
better than most,Jack.
You lived twice!
Now, do you think I can let someone
get away with this shit?
From here to Nuevo Laredo!
there is not a truck stop or cantina
that I don't have a piece of!
Every mota-breathing barrio bandit
that ever had a dream of being anyone!
will be searching for them.
While I breathe!
they don't stand a cholo's chance
in Vegas, cabron.
- They are dead,Jack.
- I won't let you touch them!
Well, it has to be this way,
pinche fiighter cabron.
Ah, you remembered!
What more triumphant
an end can there be...
than to be raked by the fiiery rash of
a hundred marksmen's cartridges?
Blistered where I stand like
bleeding shredded hamburger.
If I could only choose.