Pitbull New Orders (2016)

Costume designer
Production designer
Edited by
Production supervisor
Screenplay and directed by
Fucking Lech from Poznan. Bitches...
Fucking Lech from Poznan.
Mom, we beat 'em 5 to 1, here's dad.
We'll be home after 6:00, bye.
Fucking old whore.
Legia's a fucking old whore, fuck Legia!
- Got a boyfriend?
- No.
- Expecting someone?
- No.
Do you know them?
No, fuck them.
The guards are fucking you over.
It's break-in and theft.
What the...?
Oh fuck...
You broke my fucking window?
You'll replace it, asshole.
I'm calling the cops.
Shut the fuck up.
You're not calling anywhere.
And tomorrow you get her a new window,
bring me 1000
...and flowers.
If not, I'll fucking find you.
You scared the fuck out of me.
As long as your prints aren't on the dope
you can say a passenger left it.
- What do you want?
- 2 grams of hash.
- Fuckin' gangsta.
- What?
Speed dealer they showed us this morning.
Hey, numnuts.
Stop, police!
Central Police Headquarters
Psychology Unit
He yelled,
"I'll kill you, prick!" and stabbed me.
What did you feel?
The first time on the
job someone called me
a prick I got a bit
offended, but now...
I got home, looked in the
mirror, saw I don't look
like a prick, so I don't
get offended anymore.
If they'd found drugs in
your blood, you'd do time.
They didn't.
They check only for alcohol.
For two years you were
undercover in a drug ring.
Trying to tell me that
didn't break you?
I've asked to the chief to
transfer you out of narcotics.
To where?
To life and health. Mokotow.
District Police Headquarters II
Mokotow District
You must catch only
petty criminals.
And the big ones?
Holy smoke, you can't catch them.
Why not, chief?
What are we going to do
if you wipe out crime?
Minnows count as much as big fish,
and are easier to find.
Stats don't differentiate.
Like in a western. A
stagecoach circled
by Indians beating the
shit out of a guy.
Looks like they're using gas guns.
- Police! Stop or I'll shoot.
- Fuck you, go ahead and shoot.
Get down!
What's going on?
I have grievances with only
him, him, and him,
who were beating me,
but not the others.
What's this all about?
Are you gentlemen?
Ever seen a gentleman cop?
If you piss me off, I'll let
them finish the job. Talk!
I was once deputy chief
of the municipal guard.
Someone sent my boss
intimate photos of me.
I wasn't with a woman, but a man,
giving each other a blow job.
That was not tolerated, so
I was ordered to resign.
I did have a pro-male orientation
once, but now I fuck only women.
The gents who were beating me
are from my male period.
I said once that one
of them sucked my dick.
He got angry, went to the others,
and said I was lying.
They came to me and told me
to take it back.
I looked at them.
Those yelling the loudest were:
he gave me a blow job 30 times,
and him I fucked in the ass 15 times.
Basically, I've had fun with all of them.
That's what we do.
So I said to him,
"You sucked my dick, I fucked you
in the ass. Where's the lie?
They pulled out their pistols,
I pulled out mine, and
we began shooting.
I fucked you in the ass,
you gave me a blow job.
Which one did you fuck
in the ass?
Him, him, him, and him.
Which one sucked your dick?
Him, him, and him.
00 to 39.
We picked up the thieves.
Go see the woman
who bought the hot stereo from them.
Not only did the pricks fuck up
the remodeling... Hang on.
Police, please let us in.
Don't bullshit me, or
I'll call the real police.
Nothing, fuckin' kids
pretending to be cops
so they can smoke in the
stairwell... Hang on.
What now?
Please open the door, or
we'll smash it open.
Oh fuck, Anka, I think it
really is the cops. Hang on.
I could glue in a shitty
picture like that myself.
Did you buy a stereo?
So, cops go round now
doing marketing surveys?
The stereo is stolen property.
Did your partner call you 'cause
he's afraid to be alone with me?
God, what handsome men are
on the force these days.
How about some wine?
On duty?
You can always go off duty.
Write straight.
Two guys dressed as police
officers just stole my stereo.
Anka, the cops took my stereo.
The one I bought from the workers.
There's going to be a shootout, fuck me.
Stop, police.
I'm a cop, too.
040, 221 on the scene.
They're ours.
One of them was so tasty.
Really hot.
Turn on the siren.
Officer Dariusz Wolkowski,
ID and vehicle registration.
I don't have them.
We'll go to the station and
the car will be towed away.
I'll tell you what we'll do, kid.
I have a meeting at 8:00 o'clock.
Call this guy.
At this number.
Tell him Tomek said to call.
You need the registration ASAP.
He brings the papers,
and I give you a big tip, deal?
What's the tip?
Soon things'll be put
in order in Mokotow.
There'll be a murder,
and I'm going to be involved.
I'm telling you this only
because you'll never prove it.
What the fuck good is that tip
if I can't prove you did it?
Sit up.
Sit up.
Sit up, goddamit!
Olek, stop fooling around.
Want some help?
I'll be home late.
Got a meeting of the board.
Hi, dad.
Marcin how much test are
you doing now?
Dude, I've never taken steroids.
I give you the shots.
Oh yeah.
Thirteen gangsters,
practically the whole group.
Who's the boss here?
Who the fuck is asking?
Who's second in command?
Mokotow is mine. You can work
for me or get the fuck out.
What's wrong with him?
He faints at the sight of blood.
We use him because he's big.
Is that why he's called "Fear?"
No, he was fucked up once
and walked like this.
Good, I don't have pussies
on my team.
Everyone must be trained so
he never turns state's evidence.
What do we do now?
Call the cops.
What were you doing when
the shooting started?
Working my quads.
What'd you see?
A football game.
Who were the teams?
How many guys on a team?
With the goalie or without?
Know what, Marcin Opalka?
Get the fuck on home.
Can I finish my training?
Are you the boss of
the anti-terror unit?
Mostowski Palace
Central Police Headquarters
I'm new here in Mokotow.
I know Tomasz Barbasiewicz,
alias "Granny",
could've killed the dude in the gym.
Protection racket gangsters
train there.
I think Granny's taken over
their turf.
I've got only green tea.
I'll put it this way.
I suspect you know a lot
more about this group, and
extortion of shopkeepers
isn't your level, so...
If you could help by telling me
who else to pressure, then...
I've got a proposal.
I'll find out which gym
they move to and I'll
give you their phones and
car keys for an hour.
How'll you do that?
I'll steal them from
their lockers.
I'll have a magic button
to pressure them with.
You'll have phone numbers
and emails.
You'll have the keys so you can
search them, install GPS tracking.
Install a wiretap, whatever.
- Does your boss know you're here?
- Yeah.
I have to write up a report that I talked
to you. You know that, don't you?
Go ahead, I've got nothing
to hide. Can't I be here?
Yeah, but it's not
like in your unit; we
have to make sure
there are no leaks.
Listen, your proposition...
is very interesting,
but it doesn't interest us.
But I've got one for you.
I mean I'll reveal
a certain secret.
Come here.
Two guys help run the gang.
Alias "Fear."
Has a legal driving license
as Marcin Opalka.
And alias "Soup."
Has a legal driving license
as Oskar Nieklanski.
Write those down.
But only we know about it.
And you.
So, if it gets out,
I'll know who sold us out.
I've told you this, kid,
because I feel I can
really trust you.
Here's my proposal
If you catch these bandits,
I have a magic telephone here.
Opalka Marcin, father's name
Zdzislawa, write it in.
Alias " Fear?"
Type in Nieklonski Oskar.
Alias "Soup?"
- Who has access to this?
- Even the beat cops.
What a prick.
So, all of Poland knows a secret
shared only by me and Green Tea?
He treated me like a punk kid.
Ok, we'll catch these gangsters
and stick it up Mr. Green Tea's ass.
Headquarters has the gangster's files.
We won't show them in the system.
We know everything, they know zip.
So, when does the gangster's
data get into the system ?
When we and the SWATS are
breaking down the door.
Thank you.
Have some more cereal.
I don't want any, Mom.
Hi. Are you here every day?
What the fuck are you looking at?
No protection, so get the fuck out.
Show up tomorrow, and I'll kill you.
Hey, gramps.
How much do you make a day?
40 zlotys.
Here, now fuck off.
Come help me kill the bitch
- What bitch?
- I got shoes that are too small.
I've told the bitch so
many times to give me my
size, but she fucking
gave me shoes too small.
Are you nuts, you fucking slut?
How many fucking times
have I told you? How
often do I have to fucking
explain, you slut?
- What's your problem?
- Balls, that's my problem.
You gave me a good one and one that's
too fucking small. Are you fucking nuts?
You fucking slut. Fuck!
That's everyone on the street.
Everyone doing business
in Mokotow has to pay.
- Give it to him.
- Why?
He's got a mother to support.
My family's rich.
- Why the fuck are you doing this?
- Fame.
- I might just have some fish.
- Fear, here's some Cytomel T3.
Where's the pro-tren?
Hang on.
What is it?
There's a bunch of
guys in the stairwell
dragging in kids and
stealing their allowance.
Did you let them steal yours?
Are you a fucking fag? Like being fucked?
Are you a faggot?
Stay here.
Next time I'll fuck you over.
Tell mom I'll be home late, ok?
What are you doing here?
At a girlfriend's party.
- And you?
- Me too.
So you aren't prostitutes
and this isn't a brothel?
- That's very good.
- Why?
You see, I really can't
stand whores.
Were we supposed to fuck
the whores or the clients ?
Do you like your work?
Then grab something and
smash the bar.
Your boss won't do anything.
Clients treat you well?
Would you like to kill
one of them?
I'll bet it'll take you
only five minutes.
What for?
What happens will be
our little secret.
They'll get blamed for it all.
Just imagine that for the
next five minutes you
can do whatever you
want to this schmuck.
I'd really like to fuck you.
I'm sorry, but it turned me on.
Give me the belt;
we have to destroy it.
Will you tell me your name?
Satisfied that we visited, whores?
- Satisfied that we visited?
- Yes.
- I can't hear you.
- Yes.
What do you say?
Please come again.
This is Tomek. He can help.
I've heard you've got
problems with thugs.
You need protection.
They can't keep doing this.
Security with me costs 50,000, but
I guarantee no one will come here.
Good morning, police. Does anyone
come here for protection money?
- How many stands do you have?
- Eleven.
- Anyone shaking you down?
- I don't know a thing. All sorts
of shit happens here.
Go fucking look somewhere else.
Those that pay are too scared.
We have to find people that
the gang hasn't gotten to yet.
I need a thousand business cards
with my name and phone number.
If anyone tries to shake you down,
don't call the police, call me.
Hello. Boss in?
She'll be here tomorrow.
I'm out of business cards. Tell her
to call me if they come for money.
- Hello.
- Hello, we're here to see Darek.
We've got lots of Dareks.
A real hunk with shit in his head.
Please wait, ladies.
Miami, two bimbos to see you.
Excuse us...
I'm hitting on him. If he turns me down,
he's got a girl or he's queer.
You took care of the stereo, so I thought
you'd do something else. What else?
Lend me a pen.
Nice ink.
Tattoos mean a lot.
I've got a mosquito.
On my butt.
- Why a mosquito?
- I like getting bitten.
Got any paper clips?
Office supplies are at
fucking headquarters.
Where're you from?
I'm having a cookout.
And I've got the kids
in Anka's car.
Maybe you could drive yours
and give us a ride home.
Hi. You were at my beauty parlor.
You left this number. What's up?
If any boys from Mokotow show
up with an offer you can't
refuse, I'd like to get
together and talk about it.
I'm out of town right now, but we can meet
when I get back. Where are you from?
From Mokotow.
- Who in Mokotow sent you?
- What do you mean, sent me?
Who in Mokotow? Where in Mokotow?
What the fuck do you mean where?
From the Mokotow police station.
Ok, later.
You just missed them.
The faggots were here.
I told my husband not to pay.
But he said the cops won't help.
He got in touch with the beat cop,
who told him he can't work miracles.
The bastards found out that
Maho runs money from other
businesses through here, and
they jacked up his payment.
Maho's a Turk so he called round.
A friend's going to collect it all
so it's cheaper.
If I talk to the cops, he and
his friends will be fucked. Can we do this?
I'll pretend to go along
and pay them, then give
you their numbers and
help put them in jail.
One thing. If I help, you guarantee
you'll put them behind bars.
- I'll do all I can.
- Not enough. I have a kid.
I don't want to help you
if later on they find
out, and you end up digging
up my husband and me.
I don't want you to find
the person who killed me.
That'll be obvious when
they find out I helped you.
I want you to put them away
so we can live in peace.
All right, I promise.
- Hello.
- It's about that store on Bartycka.
I've noticed a grey Opel there.
A gal and some guy are
hanging around, so watch out for them.
All right, thanks Stasiu.
I want to open a paint store, and I know
I'll have to pay you, so I'm calling first.
How about letting me pay less
and on better terms, ok?
One telephone's given us
237 victims and 31 gangsters.
Can I talk to Marcin?
He collects the cash from me,
-and there's a problem.
- Hang on.
- What's up? -Hi, honey, I'm calling
from Wrobel, the cafe you collect from.
We've got a problem.
They're following my ex.
I'm calling from a booth,
I might have a tail.
They might be observing the cafe
and my phone might be tapped.
So if you want to come for the cash,
we have to use someone.
So you don't get caught and
so nothing happens to you.
I don't pay protection money to anyone.
"I'm calling from a booth,
I might have a tail..."
"They might be observing the cafe
and my phone might be tapped..."
And whose fucking voice is that?
Bandits are taking your money,
and you even help them?
If you want to look me up,
then do it.
If not, I'm not telling you
anything and I'm going home.
Operational Technology Unit
Classic Stockholm syndrome,
bonding with their captors.
We're setting an ambush and we'd
like to borrow something nifty.
Fuck me, we've got a nanny.
Am we supposed to talk about kids?
Here's the camera. Look, look.
Where do you turn it on, here?
Here, and there's a lamp, look.
Press it. I want to be filmed.
Ok wait, we're rolling.
Tonight should be relatively fantastic.
Darek, I already have a nanny.
- Maybe you'll read them a story?
- Want me to?
- Sure we do.
- Oh great.
Then read Pan Tadeusz,
because it'll be a while.
Now you'll wait.
Light it for me?
Don't you you know how?
It tastes better, don't you know?
Ganja you're a fine mama.
Know what?
I feel as if I've known you
for ten years.
What time is it?
- How're doing, souse? -Fuck me.
Olka take me to work. The
operation at the kebab! I have
to deliver the equipment.
The equipment went long ago.
Sleep, baby, sleep.
You had 15 unanswered calls.
I even showed them
how to use it.
You're kidding, right?
If they come to me, I'll cut off their
dicks and stuff them in their mouths.
I was to tell something
to the boys in the back.
Oh fuck!
Maho, put it down; he's a cop.
Excuse me, sorry, I'm sorry.
You realize that another minute
and you would've been dead?
- What'd you say to him?
- I had something to tell the boys.
Maho, what'd you think he said?
He was from the boys,
and I had to give him something.
I thought he was a bandit, so
I wanted to cut his head off.
I'm very sorry. Want a kebab?
The cops have an ambush
at the kebab, so watch out.
District Police Station
Ursynow District
Nina, stop pole dancing, all right?
- Why, can't I?
- No.
All right, stop already.
Come on, Nina.
A vendor reports there's
an ambush at the kebab place.
Nice, huh?
Hello. We got a report
that thugs were demanding
extortion money. Son, who
the fuck sent you here?
- The dispatcher.
- The dispatcher?
Two patrol cars fucking showed up at
my ambush. How the fuck did they know?
A unit out of Ursynow
had the information.
I came from officer Olgierd Knyg
alias "Gendarme."
Give me his phone number..
And something to write with.
Get these cars out of here.
All of Mokotow knows we're here.
- Talk to me.
- Miami from Mokotow. Where'd you get
information that the kebab
owner was being extorted?
Not from me, it's my partner Gendarme's
phone. He said he saw thugs there.
Well, champ, how'd he know
the owner was being extorted?
It wasn't me. Ask Gendarme.
He's got his own information.
Tell Gendarme that if he fucks up
my operation again, he'll regret it.
Central Police Headquarters
Internal Affairs Division
I recorded a cop from Ursynow
when monitoring the Mokotow gang.
- Gendarme, lift four cop uniforms.
- Send me the sizes.
Thank you very much
for the information.
That's all?
We'll use this.
It's another piece of evidence.
Soon there'll be effects.
All right.
Hi, we've got the red car.
We'll plant a phone and follow her,
so drive slowly around Ursynow.
I'll call all units in for donuts
at the BP, and you can move.
He says they're observing a
bitch in a red car at the
station on the corner of
Pulawska and Ursynowska.
And he said he'd give them
a clear ride through Ursynow.
All right.
Gas station on the corner
of Pulawska and Ursynowska.
Anything fast tanked up here
in the last 15 minutes?
- A red car?
- A girl in an orange Cayenne does.
39200 to 39208.
-08, Come in, 00. -Check the owner
of a Porsche, tag number WO04806.
Is the Cayenne WO04806
registered to you?
- Yeah, to me.
- Who drives it?
- My daughter.
- Call her.
Call or they'll kill her.
Hello, miss.
Please turn off the engine.
License and registration.
Please come with me
to the patrol car.
I don't have any points and
I've never gotten a ticket.
I know I shouldn't
have used the phone.
Excuse me.
- My dad keeps calling.
- He loves you, huh?
Then write, "Daddy,
I've been kidnapped.
They'll send you a finger
that they cut off. If
you don't pay a million
Euros, they'll kill me."
Daddy: Iwonka, drive off!
If you've called the cops,
we'll kill her. I haven't called anywhere.
I'm on the viaduct. Now what?
Go the barrier and toss the bag
down on the grass.
I've thrown it. When will you
release my daughter? Hello?
Your daddy paid.
We underestimated you.
Are you studying anything?
- What are doing?
- A manicure.
Don't worry about the finger.
You're very pretty.
I'd fuck you, but I've got a girl.
We don't have time for recon;
we take him now.
Police, open up! We're breaking
down the door, get on the floor!
Police, on the ground!
Why the fuck are we sent in
with kids here?!
It's all right.
Are you hurt?
- My name's Jacek. You?
- Jasiek.
And you?
Where are you from?
Palace headquarters.
What kind of palace?
Not the one from Snow White.
- Where are your parents?
- Their operation ran long.
You really scared us.
I'm sorry.
You haven't done anything wrong,
but your brother has.
We're looking for him.
He has to tell us something.
Do you know when he'll be back?
He moved in with Hen yesterday.
- I see, with a hen.
- Hen's his girlfriend.
Soup knows you went to the police.
I think the safest option
is to starve him.
From wiretaps I know where he is,
-but without your testimony, I won't put him
away. -What about the other gangsters?
We don't have any protection
programs, but
I'll have a team posted here 24/7.
I know if you testify,
others will be willing.
We're supporting traffic;
all phones stay in your rooms.
Come to the briefing dressed,
with a shortwave and a balaclava
After the briefing we get
in our cars and leave.
I apologize to you all. I had to keep it
a secret, but we're not working with traffic.
The Mokotow gang?
The gang's always a step ahead
of us; they've got a mole inside.
No phones. I don't want anyone
texting Soup that we're on our way.
After which he splits or hides
goods that shouldn't be there.
We don't know who we'll find.
Wear balaclavas, shots may be fired.
If you have to shoot at gangsters
better they not know who you are.
Central Police Headquarters
Operations Unit
Second, don't use the radio.
We've got it set to monitor only.
Soup's got a police scanner.
We'll drive down Wilanowska
until you hear me say
Soczek, Budyn, Bergus, and I drive up
in unmarked cars and park near the gate.
Pretending to be drunk,
we approach the janitor's cubby.
We know that Soup's got
the janitor on the payroll.
He gave him 500 and told him
to let him know if he sees cops, so
we definitely put the janitors
on the ground.
I'll raise the barrier so
the SWAT boys can drive in.
Move away from the blinds.
Step aside!
The second unit is blocked at the window
by security shutters made of rubber.
Police, open the door!
- All right, I'm opening it.
- Then fucking open it now!
- You've damaged the lock.
- Move you hand.
Go ahead, press.
Even though I walk through
the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
Police, police, police!
This is the terror of Mokotow?
Hi, Oskar.
I expected this.
From me?
From you the most, Darek.
Oskar, how do you know my name?
We've never laid eyes on each other.
Everyone knows you're a secret
agent, who hates Mokotow.
Take him away.
Soup's a vodka collector.
We'll party later.
No drinking now.
About two kilos of gold.
And a police scanner.
But it's set for Piaseczno.
I don't know why it isn't set for Mokotow.
We'll check the garage.
All right, and rip up
the paving bricks.
- No weapons or narcotics, but...
- He dumped the goods.
Soup bought a furnished apartment,
and spent three days redoing it.
He's got mirrors, drywall
around the tub, and shelves.
I'll admit I'm itching to do
some digging here.
The son of a bitch furnished
his flat with extortion money.
Miami, you can demolish it,
but you've got one assignment.
What's that?
- Don't tear down the building.
- Ok, thanks.
Here we go.
The corner's chipped. As if the glass
has been taken out and put back.
Different names on the IDs.
Nothing in the garage.
The janitor says Soup's
bitch broke the seals, went
into his apartment, and left
the garage carrying a bag.
- Did you check the baby seat?
- Check how?
Did you out it open? It's empty,
and you can hide stuff inside.
No, I didn't.
Fuck, she cut out the bottom.
I said to search everything.
What the fuck is this?
Hi, why haven't you called?
Know what, Olga? I don't think
we're a good match.
You can't tell me on the phone
that we're not a good match.
How can a man not be a match
for a woman?
Two halves of an orange.
What do you want?
This is important. Don't you
fucking believe in destiny?
Where do you get your money?
Rich parents and child support.
From a gangsta from Ozarow.
Are you fucking interrogating me?
When I checked your record
the printer ran out of paper. And?
I don't have anything
to do with that now.
Don't you have a past?
- So?
- So.
Fuck, Darek, we're made
for each other.
Can't you see that?
You love kids, I've got 'em.
You want to be a dad, I need one.
And the sex was fucking great.
It's destiny.
I could've bought something else.
Someone else could've come to me.
I love you.
Maybe you don't love me
yet, but when we get
to know each other.
You'll see how I wake up.
How I sit on the toilet.
I'll see which hand you eat with.
If we have to change the door handles.
- You smoke dope, and I don't.
- Then I don't either.
- Olka I find a new piece of
ass every week. -But they
-don't make you sandwiches for lunch.
- Yes, they do.
- But not with cucumber.
- Fuck.
Police, freeze! On the ground.
Fuck me. A 120 meter flat, and
he shows up with a backpack.
I'll make you some space
in the shoe cabinet.
- You remembered.
- You bet.
I've been listening to Soup
since September.
How'd you get his new address?
On a phone starting with 507?
Know why I treated you
like a nerd?
We're working the same gang.
You extortioon, and I...
those who cut off fingers.
They kidnapped 41 people in Warsaw.
All had fingers cut off.
Sent to their families for ransom.
A university student.
The daughter of Joreno
the sausage man.
A Pakistani flush with dough.
Alias "Pig?"
Yeah pig, dirty business, dirty hands.
The Mokotow gang kidnapped all 41.
They let 34 go, after the
families paid, of course.
I found the hole they were kept in
after logging on with Soup's phone.
Unfortunately, it was empty.
I can't find seven people.
If you hadn't treated me like shit,
maybe you wouldn't be looking.
You didn't have to say that.
But, ok, I've got a proposition.
You do your wiretaps, I do mine.
If something important for
either of us comes up,
we exchange information. Ok?
Maho, someone's at the door!
- What is it?
- Security, your car's alarm is on.
Are you a policeman?
Yes. Who's calling?
My mom's dead.
She isn't moving.
I think my dad is, too.
He's in the bathroom
and doesn't answer.
Are you calling from
the flat on Pulawska?
Your mama is Andzia and
daddy Maho?
I'll be right there to get you.
Just promise that you'll wait
and won't call anyone else, ok?
I promise.
You left the child inside.
The security camera recording.
That was the last time
the girl was seen.
You lost a witness.
You won't put Soup away
for long for fake IDs.
We'll tack on the fingers,
but his lawyer will
get him out before we
have all the evidence.
All right.
I'll try pressuring Soup's bitch.
You do what you can, too.
Let's go.
Are you fucking nuts?
Your brain's fried.
You sleep with a gangster.
You're faithful to him.
And he's cheating on you.
He treats you like a cunt.
You'd like that, huh?
Hen won't be jealous,
the coed just sucked my dick.
Like jacking off using her head.
He's fallen in love
with a student,
who he kidnapped himself.
Eight years younger than you.
Still want to keep lying.
And covering?
Zdzisiu give me 50 for the fine.
No fines today.
Pack up and get the fuck out.
You've got half an hour.
Then we seize your goods and arrest you.
It's worth 40,000. If I don't
sell it, it'll rot. If you
don't let me work the weekend,
I'll lose all that money.
What's more, I'll lose liquidity
and my business will be fucked.
Remember when I told you it's
better to be on our side than
that of the bandits?. I asked
you three times. No more.
I can't, I've got a wife and kids.
- They'll fucking kill me.
- We're police, not Boy Scouts.
You've got two choices. Talk, and
I lock up them up. Or you don't
and stay a source of income for
them, so you have to be eliminated.
If this is illegal, it's fucking over.
I will fucking finish you.
- Don't finish me, don't.
- I'll kill you with the guards.
Man, I've already dug my grave.
Ever dug your own grave?
Listen to me. As long as I'm on the force,
you won't be harmed.
- Hey, tourist, where you going?
- Fuck you.
- Back to the resort, queer.
- Queer?
I'll fucking kill you!
- I'll fucking kill you.
- When you get out in 2041.
- I didn't hear him threaten you.
- Are you a member of the bar?
- Go fuck yourself.
- Excuse me?
What's up?
The boss of Mokotow.
Take out your lightning stick
and pump him full of lead.
Don't say anything.
Toss me the mooring line.
- Yeah?
- It's me, they've grabbed me.
Fuck, Zdzisiek, where?
- I'm going downtown.
- Where'd you get the phone?
I had a second one hidden on me
and they didn't find it.
How do you know where you're going?
- Because they told me.
- The fucking gangstas told you?
No, the municipal guard.
Fuck, Zdzislaw, you want me to
have a fucking hear attack?
Are you fucking stupid?
What station are they taking you to?
Word's out that Zdzisiek
has talked.
They'll try getting revenge.
Barszczyk is fucked as protection.
I wrote to the police station
where Zdzisiek lives.
I explained the situation and asked
them to put him on surveillance 24/7.
They said that area isn't even
covered by normal patrols.
If someone calls the police,
they come in an hour.
I don't want a repeat of Ania.
I have a buddy who lives
in the woods.
The police chief in Wegrow.
30 kilometers from there.
Local Headquarters
Wegrow Police Department
I've read your email.
I know about the Mokotow gang.
Where that guy lives
also live two of my officers.
One's a neighborhood cop,
but the other's from criminal.
I'll order both to take
their weapons home with them.
Pick the one you want.
That one.
Take this one.
His name's Luger.
There are three training stages.
First he tears up a rabbit.
Two months later a goose.
Finally a sheep..
The sheep's the toughest, but
a goose flaps those wings,
and also hard to kill.
You'll see how he hates animals.
When he kills the rabbit
he sits on him,
and you can't take it from him.
Why not?
He'll be disappointed.
It's his prey.
He can share it with you
as a friend, but it's his.
You'll see what an instinct
he has in four weeks.
I don't think I'll train him.
Miami, the whole street's dark,
and some car's parked outside.
Hang on.
Can't you tell them you're
asleep at this hour?
How can I tell them I'm asleep
when I answered the phone?
Hi, what is it?
My man says the lights are out and
a car's parked outside his house.
All right, give me a minute.
My neighbour's got a gun; he's running
at them in his fucking pajamas.
Understand? Pajamas, rubber boots,
shotgun, and fucking running to them.
I've never seen anything like it.
- What the fuck?
- Stop, police!
They're fucking driving away.
They smacked into a tree.
Smashed half the fucking car.
Chief, they cut the power line,
that's why there were no lights.
Fear, I'm Zbyszek from Plonsk.
I'm asking for a franchise.
A sucker from Plonsk owes us money.
We'd like to pay him a visit
as the Mokotow gang.
He'll shit his pants.
Half of what I get is yours. Deal?
- Are you here to see the healer?
- Yeah.
We're not going to wait.
We have to crash the line.
People will start yelling.
The shaman will get all pissed off.
Dad, I think I feel a tingling.
- I have to use a bedpan.
- All right, just a minute.
Come on. Help me take him
to the field.
We're in line here.
Kazek here. Some fucking
guy named Zbigniew is here
claiming to be from Plonsk
and the Mokotow gang.
I don't know the fuckers.
Fuck them over.
Look at all the peaches
you have to ruin
to get one pack of almonds.
Those aren't almonds.
They grow on almond trees.
So if it's a sandalwood tree,
do sandals grow on it?
Are Zbigniew and Zbyszek the same name?
A Zbyszek came for a franchise today.
- Now they called about a Zbigniew.
- The same.
Hey, Kazyk, I fucked up the names.
Zbigniew is ok.
Yeah, but he's all busted up already.
Fuck it! Tell him it was
a misunderstanding.
Not every guy with
a pitchfork is Zeus.
Or fucking Neptune.
My son's here to be healed.
I won't help you; you live off
harming others. You can go in.
Fuck me, did you hear her?
What the fuck was that?
Should I burn her?
Send a construction crew over and have
them build a little chapel by her house.
And get 50 boys together;
we're going to a game in Poznan.
There is one thing that
we all know!
The thing that counts
in life is yo!
Lech from Poznan, blue and white!
You fuck.
Not in the head or
he'll stop talking.
Name of the punk who
hit the kid in the train?
I don't know.
His name?
Not in the head.
I can't look at blood, so
I'm swinging blind.
It's fucking hard to aim.
- Let someone else do it.
- Wait.
I'll cut him down.
I'll stand on his head.
Then I'll be sure I'm beating him,
not just bashing his head.
All right.
If I talk, they'll kill me.
And I'll be a sucker
for the rest of my life.
Well, boys, what do you say?
A little fucking respect, huh?
We've wailed on him for an hour,
and he hasn't broken.
We'll leave him here and get
the fuck back to Warsaw.
There's a road a kilometer
from here.
Think he made it?
What'd you say?
He made 30 centimeters
in an hour.
But in the wrong direction.
Grab him.
You've got a bus at 18:20.
Somebody will notice you.
The business trip to Poznan
was a massacre.
I couldn't reach you.
The meeting ran long.
I found your company
on the Internet.
Nobody's ever seen you there.
- Homework done, Olek?
- Of course.
- Not lying?
- No way.
First I'll work your legs
then your arms and torso.
I'm out of the can.
Did you work on my turf?
You'll get the fuck out
of my area,
and give back all you made.
Didn't you get newspapers?
Never heard of the Mokotow gang?
So what?
Want to fight with me?
Want to shoot it out with me?
And scare me with what?
Who cares about the Mokotow gang?
I'm from Chechnya.
You can't scare me.
That's all I have to tell you.
Shall I look for a new therapist?
He attacked me.
I'll take him to the hospital.
Wait, you fuckers!
Prior to prison Salman owed money
to a group in Pomerania.
They've kidnapped him and
are demanding 100,000 euros.
If Salman's Chechnya boys
handle it, we'll never get him.
Can you get your hands
on that kind of money?
I'm sorry.
We're on the viaduct.
What do we do?
All right, we'll throw it.
Toss it.
Toss it.
Everything will be fine.
My wife wants a divorce.
But there's good news.
I met a nice piece of ass.
She's got a kid.
But fuck it.
I can adopt it.
Just so we get hitched.
There's more.
I'll take her husband's name.
That goat fucker from the hills.
- They'll have to fish him out.
- I'll fucking kill you.
Shame to waste good wire.
A showdown with the goat-fuckers
at 4:00 p.m. at the Field.
We're attracting them by calling
for "Salman's turds" to show up.
We'll have it out with them.
Come pick up the weapons.
In an hour there's going to be
a shootout with the Chechens.
Relations have changed a bit.
Mokotow Field is actually
in the Ochota district.
Why don't we let them handle it?
Regional Police Headquarters III
Ochota, Ursus, Wlochy
A showdown with the goat-fuckers
at 4:00 p.m. at the Field.
All right, I'll call the SWAT boys.
There's going to be a shootout at Mokotow
Field in 30 minutes. Can you make it?
I see. All right, bye.
SWAT can't make it.
They've got an operation going
on, and the second shift
is just coming on.
Sir, I've got a direct line to the anti-terror
unit. I'll call and they'll be there.
The chief won't let us use them.
We have our own operational unit.
Sir, human lives are at stake.
There could be innocent victims.
All right, I'll send three patrol cars.
They'll drive around and
maybe scare them off.
Is this how you fucking
catch bandits?
Police! On the ground!
Get down!.
Lie down, you fuck, and eyes on me!
On the ground!
Down! Look at me.
Look at me.
Lie still, head down.
Guys, I'm a policeman.
Lie fucking still.
What are you doing with these
thugs, you fucking scumbag?
A while ago you were pumped,
and now what, you fuck?
You piece of shit. Are you a cop?
Decide! Either you're a cop,
or you're a fucking gangster.
I'll tell you everything.
I'll tell you what the gang's done
and what their plans are.
I want to cop a plea;
talk to the prosecutor.
- The venal cop's copping a plea?
- Yeah.
Will he give us enough
to jail Fear?
Yeah, but I don't know
where fear is.
I've got him located.
Thanks to a big mouth
pitbull breeder.
But I don't have evidence
to go to trial.
I'd like you to nail him.
I'll set him up for you, and
you arrest him on what you've got.
Later I'll add our charges.
Once he's in the can.
Call your dog off.
Call the dog off or
I'll call the police.
What fucking police?
What police?!
He's a normal fucking dog.
What kind of fur is it?
- Rabbit. -Police! On the ground!
On the ground! Look at me!
What the fuck is this?
That's my own money.
Wanted to pick up the
payments yourself?
Could you take,
your boot off my face?
Geez, don't cry.
Now you're crying?
A minute ago you were a hero.
Show me where your balls are.
Come on, where are your balls?
Jump on a cop.
Like you do people at the bazaar.
Cuff him.
How about a tangerine or banana?
Here you are, sir. Enjoy!
My hands are softer than
Paddington Bear's.
As if I hadn't worked a day
in my life.
- Know what's the funniest?
- What?
You can't imagine the information
I've gotten.
The hairdressers and manicurists
know more than any informant.
I know everything that's
going on at the bazaar.
How's it going, Batman?
In a bad mood or just naturally shy?
You don't want to do time.
Then give me something.
Become an informer.
Redeem yourself.
I don't talk to cops.
Turn state's evidence.
I won't say a thing.
Man, the time of loyalty is over.
Think your friends are loyal?
I'm not talking.
Today I arrested this guy,
who asked to turn state's evidence
while he was still on the ground.
- What the fuck?
- What the fuck are you doing?
Fucking with us?
- What time is it?
-5:00 o'clock.
Time's flying and court's
waiting, Marcin.
All right, I'll turn
state's evidence.
Don't bullshit us, ok?
I'll tell you everything just take me
the fuck down and give me something to eat.
You have to sing for your supper.
- This ain't no game.
- I take insulin and growth hormone.
If I don't eat something soon,
I'll go into a coma and
we won't talk at all.
Take him down.
Want a sandwich?
Where are the seven people
with their fingers cut off?
So that's what I was snagging
my hook on.
You're not a gangster!
You're a pussy and a sucker.
You're not a gangster!
You're a pussy and a sucker.
You're not a gangster!
You're a pussy and a sucker.
Get up, your ride's here.
Fear, you know that
with a conviction for murder
you can't turn state's evidence?
Oh yeah.
Then why the fuck did
you give statements
that fucked your father and brother
for some old shit they did?
For me things are black or white.
If I redeem myself, it's total.
They killed your
mother in revenge.
You won't have anyone to visit
you on Christmas in prison.
But thanks to that, the prosecutor promised
me only 15 years for killing the Chechen.
Don't be so gullible. After all
for burying those seven corpses
with missing fingers
you'll get three life sentences.
I understand, but for the Chechen
the prosecutor promised me only 15.
I've heard you're a cop
who can't be bought.
I don't like bandits either.
I run a small store and they
said I have to pay protection.
Is there room to hide a couple
of guys for an ambush?
No, but next door were gambling
machines, now it's empty.
Sir, I've got a few thousand
victims I must keep in touch with.
I requested two phones, one for
the investigative officer and one for me.
The investigator got one
and I didn't.
Holy smoke, there wasn't
a phone for you.
There was only one.
One's enough for you.
That's life.
Go to the "Blue"
detective agency,
on Niepodleglosci Ave.
Hi, sit down.
Something to drink?
Too early for vodka, huh?
Coffee, black, right?
Our security agency decided
to sponsor a phone for you.
We know what you're working on.
We're all cops here.
Don't get so teared up. They'll write it off,
and won't give a shit about you.
Unless you start calling abroad.
How's the Mokotow gang?
Nailed a couple.
They've done so much it would
take years to do the full boat.
So I'm breaking it down
into smaller cases.
I jail them for small shit, then find other
crimes and get their sentences extended.
Clever boy.
If you ever want to work here
instead of downtown,
then call.
There's no toilet, so no craps,
and we piss in the sink.
I put it high, so it might look
like you're fucking the wall.
Some smoke, some don't, so
we don't overdo it, ok?
That Lech fan we fucked up
with the baseball bat is here.
- So, he survived.
- He's got something for you.
The guy who clubbed your son.
- I feel sick.
- Can you hold out?
Someone just went in.
Fucking wait.
Hi, brother-in-law.
Oh fuck, I can't believe it.
When'd you move out?
Long time ago.
A guy who murdered, cut off fingers, comes
to some rathole of a store to extort money?.
People tell me you've got
a problem with gangsters.
I figured I could help you.
- I could use it.
- All right, I'll talk to them.
We'll be in touch.
- Let's go.
- No.
He'll get away.
Taking him now is easy.
The trick is to catch
him red-handed.
Give Ewka my best.
No free lunch.
You have to give something.
How much cash do you have?
- A thousand
- Let's have it.
On the ground, Granny.
Cuff him.
Eyes on me.
- What are you trying to do?
- I knew it was you.
Then why the fuck did you come
instead of sending some flunky?
But you're happy it's me,
aren't you?
Nobody fucking touches him.
Want to bad mouth him? Go ahead.
Anyone touches him
will be fucking sorry.
Because I say so.
He sees me drifting with
a woman and kids, jumps
into the fucking lake
and hauls in my boat...
He at least deserves not
to be fucked over by you guys.
All right, it's fucking 5:00 o'clock.
You want to charge me with
fucking extortion?
You've got it all on tape, so
let's make things easier.
I'll admit to the extortion
charge and get three years.
In exchange you let me get
married while I'm in prison.
Soup's in jail. Granny's in jail.
Who's going to collect the money?
- I don't know.
- Maybe you could?
I put mine aside every month.
If you talk to Soup,
tell him his money's
waiting for him.
What happened to you?
What happened to me?
Your brother's buddies did this.
For blowing money
that wasn't mine.
A kid in the hood owes me money.
I'd like to kill him.
You fucking snitch.
You fingered us.
You told them where Soup lived.
The gang wants to make you pay.
Make you pay, understand?
I didn't sell anyone out.
A police informer is coming here.
He'll say if it was you or not.
Let him come and look.
You think he's going to
want to talk to you?
Face to face?
We have to tie you to a chair
and put on a blindfold.
So the source thinks we're
taking care of business here.
Tie me up then.
It's gone too far.
He'll turn us in to the cops,
and we'll do time
for kidnapping or some such shit.
We have to finish him off.
- Like this?
- Yeah.
He said he fucks you in the ass.
He said he'll never
give you back the money.
He says you're a fag.
The biggest sucker in the hood.
You have to pull harder.
The groom may kiss the bride.
You married Granny?
I picked up Tomasz's car
this morning.
I'm here for the registration.
Do you know what he did?
People change.
I'm talking about Salman.
Then ask your husband what
he did to your first husband.
I've got your papers.
- Want a ride home.
- Yeah, right.
Fuck, now what?
Sir, is this the new operational car?
Holy smoke, beautiful, isn't it?
For operational work.
You do realize, sir, that if you drive around
in your uniform this car is useless?
All the criminals will know
it's a cop car.
Thank you, goodbye.
You fucking prick. Fuck you.
Roll down the window.
- What is it?
- Go...
and look at the camera
in front of Tomasz's prison.
And give him my love.
Hold these.
You're not going to fucking
leave me with these, are you?
He leaves with other prisoners
to work on the outside somewhere.
- How long?
- Nine days.
Does he pay you for it?
Yeah, but nothing's going on.
He always returns for the night.
Granny's car, which his wife picked up.
Check the cameras
around the prison and see which
door he exited at 08:15.
Kiss me.
Stay in the car.
He's not there.
Oh fuck me...
Game over.
You don't have nine
lives either.
You think I can't kill a cop?
That I'm finished if I do that?
One thing.
Did you kill that kid?
Fuck off and start worrying
about your own kids.
We're not all that different.
Yes we are. For me to kill you,
you have to reach for your gun.
I told you to wait.
I didn't know what happened.
I heard shots and I thought...
Central Police Headquarters
Internal Affairs Division
Hello, my friend.
Sit down.
Someone called saying it was
some sort of formality.
I'm to sign something, so
-give it to me, and I'll go.
- Got your badge?
- Yeah.
- Let me have it.
We've got you.
What the fuck?
You say you're my friend,
and you act like this?
Who the fuck are you?
Give me that badge.
- No.
- Give it to me or I'll beat the fuck...
- There are two of us.
- Think I won't
wipe the floor with both of you?
Give me back the badge now.
Here, you fucking has-been.
You think I'm a schmuck
who's going to cry.
That I'll run away with my badge?
- Fuck off friend.
- Listen.
You're suspected of violating discipline.
You're going to be suspended.
Better if you resign on your own.
Then we'll drop the case.
When you quit
the police chief will get off your back.
If not, we'll have to file charges.
What charges?
That you cruise around town
in a new operational car
in your uniform, and
pick up young snatch.
So it doesn't matter if
I'm guilty. Just so I quit, huh?
Then tell your boss that
we're going to fight.
He didn't put me on the force, and
he isn't going to move me out.
- Police.
- What's this all about?
What's going on here?
Gebels, he's not here.
Recognize me, boy?
Why'd you fucking kill him, huh?
Don't swear in front of me.
Do you understand your situation now?
Or shall I explain more?
Why the fuck are you
looking at me like that?
Want to hit me back?
Go ahead and try.
Still mad at me or
think you deserved it?
I guess I deserved it.
Back to your cell, boy.
If my father had whipped
the fuck out of me...
Don't talk dirty, don't swear.
...then I wouldn't be here today.
Go ahead and kill me.
I don't deserve to live.
No, boy.
We aren't going to kill you.
Even if you want to kill yourself.
We won't let you die.
So you'll always remember.
And so you know why
you're in prison.
Do you know what you did?
Then now you'll fucking see
how pleasant it was for him.
No! No!.
Now do you know?
If I suck the guard's dick,
will I have it easier?
Know how old he is? You want
to suck an old geezer's dick?
If it makes things easier for me.
Charges against you
weren't confirmed.
But the police chief ordered
you removed from the unit.
You've been demoted to
recovering property in Ursus.
District Police Station
Ursus District
Report of stolen jars from a
basement at 7 Pieciolinia Str.
Hi Ola. Don't wait supper.
I'm going on a call. Bye
What the fuck do you mean, bye?
Supper's burning.
Come home soon.