Pitch Black (2000)

They say most of your brain
shuts down in cryosleep.
All but the primitive side...
... the animal side.
No wonder I'm still awake.
Transporting me with civilians.
Sounded like 40, 40-plus.
Heard an Arab voice.
Some hoodoo holy man.
Probably on his way to New Mecca.
But what route? What route?
Smelled a woman.
Sweat, boots, tool belt, leather.
Prospector type.
Free settlers.
And they only take the back roads.
And here's my real problem:
Mr. Johns, blue-eyed devil.
Planning on taking me back to slam...
... only this time he picked a ghost lane.
A long time between stops.
A long time for something to go wrong.
Why did I fall on you?
He's dead. Captain's dead.
I was looking right at him.
The chrono shows we're 22 weeks out.
Gravity was not supposed to kick in
for another 19.
- Why did I fall at all?
- Did you hear what I said?
Captain's dead.
Dropping 20 mb per minute.
We're hemorrhaging air.
Something took a swipe at us.
Just tell me we're still in the shipping lane.
Just show me all those stars.
Come on! Those big, bright...
This is an emergency
from merchant vessel Hunter Gratzner...
...en route to the Tangiers system...
... with 40 commercial passengers on board.
We've been knocked out
of our shipping lane and entering...
... a planetary body
in the following position:
X- 38...
Fry, where the hell's our comms?
Rate of descent beyond known limits.
They trained you for this, right?
Deploy lower air brakes now.
- Deploy lower air brakes now.
- Center of gravity too far aft.
Recommend purging ballast now.
What the... Was that a purge, Fry?
Too heavy in the ass!
Can't get my fucking nose down!
Crisis program selected Number 2 in
the system because it shows some oxygen.
Maximum terrain:
...largely cinder and gypsum
with some evaporite deposits.
Fry, what the hell are you doing?
I gotta drop more load.
I tried everything else.
I still got no horizon.
You try everything twice.
We don't just flush out...
If you know something I don't,
get up here and take the chair.
Company says we are responsible
for every single one of those people.
What, we both die
out of sheer fucking nobility?
Don't you touch that handle!
I'm not gonna die for them!
Air lock doors not secure.
to level this beast out.
Air lock doors not secure.
What the fuck is happening up there?
Somebody's gonna get hurt
one of these days.
It ain't gonna be me.
Here, Shazza.
So, I guess something went wrong.
I'm sorry.
Get it out of me!
Don't touch it!
Don't you touch that handle!
- Leave it alone.
- Get it out of him.
No. It's too close to his heart.
There's some Anestaphine in the med-lock
in the back of the cabin.
Not anymore there's not.
Get out of here. Everyone.
Get out of here!
Teach me for flying coach.
Is anyone else
having difficulties breathing?
Yeah. I feel one lung short. All of us.
I feel like I just ran or something.
There was talk of a party looking
for other people but then we saw this.
What the bloody hell happened?
Could have been a meteor storm.
Might have been a rogue comet.
- I don't know.
- Well, I for one am thoroughly grateful.
This beast wasn't made
to land like this but...
...I think you did well.
The only reason
we're alive is because of her.
I suppose you're right. Thanks very much.
Yeah. Thanks for saving our dicks.
No, really. Thanks awfully.
Well done.
He just escaped from a maximum prison.
So, do we just keep him locked up forever?
Well, that would be my choice.
- Is he really that dangerous?
- Only around humans.
The whole container's upside down.
It's all topsy-turvy.
Thank goodness it's not a total loss.
Booze? This is what you have to drink?
I'm gonna need a receipt for that.
For all of these. This is my personal stuff.
I don't suppose this will help you at all.
Unfortunately, it is not permitted.
Especially while on Hajj.
- You realize there's no water, don't you?
- All deserts have water.
- It only waits to be found.
- I hope you're right.
All the more for me then.
What are these?
They're Maratha crow-bill war picks
from India. Very rare.
And this?
That's a hunting blow-dart pipe
from Papua New Guinea.
That's very rare,
since the tribe is now extinct.
'Cause they couldn't hunt shit
with these things probably.
What's the point? If he's gone, he's gone.
Why should he bother us?
Maybe to take what you got.
Maybe to work your nerves.
Or maybe to just come back
and skull-fuck you in your sleep.
He sounds like a charmer.
For you.
There we go.
Imam! If we're looking for water,
we should leave soon.
Before nightfall, while it's cooler.
Excuse me.
I think you should see this.
Three suns?
Bloody hell.
So much for your nightfall.
So much for my cocktail hour.
We take this as a good sign...
...a path, direction from Allah.
Blue sun, blue water.
Ever wondered why I'm an atheist?
It's a bit of a bad sign.
That's Riddick's direction.
I thought you found his restraints
over there. Towards sunset.
Right. Which means
he went towards sunrise.
Fully-loaded clip. Safety's on.
One shot if you spot him, okay?
Don't tell me you're going off, too.
What happens if Mr. Riddick spots us first?
There'll be no shots.
Seven stones to keep the devil at bay.
So, did you see anything?
No Riddick.
Trees. And trees mean water.
You comfy up there?
You can do without the necessities
provided you have the little luxuries.
Just keep your bloody eyes open.
I don't want that dog sneaking up
on my bloody ass.
Yes, well, you dig the graves.
I'll hold the fort, old boy.
- Christ!
- He'd probably get you right here...
...under the jaw,
and you'd never even hear him coming.
Because that's how good he is.
Did you run away from your parents
or did they run away from you?
It's a communal graveyard, perhaps.
Like the elephants of Earth.
He asks what could have killed
so many great things.
Is this whole planet dead?
Probably shouldn't do this.
Dehydrates you even more.
You're probably right.
You could've stayed at the ship.
Probably should've.
We don't find water,
you know what happens.
I wanted to get away.
I've never seen a captain
so ready to leave her ship.
- I think we should keep moving.
- What did Owens mean...
...about not touching the handle?
This is between you and me, Carolyn.
I promise.
I'm not your captain.
During the landing when...
...things were at their worst,
Owens was at his best.
He's the one that stopped the docking pilot
from dumping the main cabin.
- Passengers.
- And the docking pilot being?
I guess I'm a little more glad
to be here than I thought.
Hassan! Suleiman!
Is there anyone here?
There was water here.
Lights on?
They are saying, "God is great."
Yes. This is the source of the water.
No darkness.
No lights because no darkness.
Hello, Mecca!
Tell me that was you just now.
What are you going on about?
He's been right here helping me.
Back of the ship. That noise?
You trying to tell me
that was someone else?
Oh, my God. I thought I was the only one
who got out of the crash alive.
It was just somebody else.
It was just somebody else from the crash!
Crikey. I thought it was him.
I thought it was Riddick.
No juice.
It looks like it's been laid up for years.
- But we might be able to adapt it to the...
- Shut up!
- Sorry, I thought I heard something.
- Like what?
Piece of shit!
What did you do to Zeke?
What did you do to him?
Just kill him. Just somebody
goddamn kill him before he...
So, where's the body?
Well, do you want to tell me
about the sounds?
Look, you told Johns you heard something.
That's fine.
You don't want to talk to me,
that's your choice. But, just so you know...
...there's a debate right now as to whether
we should just leave you here to die.
You mean the whispers?
What whispers?
The ones telling me to go for
the sweet spot just to the left of the spine.
Fourth lumbar down.
The abdominal aorta.
It's a metallic taste, human blood.
Copperish. If you cut it with
peppermint schnapps, that goes...
Do you want to shock me
with the truth now?
All you people are so scared of me.
Most days, I take that as a compliment.
But it ain't me
you got to worry about now.
Show me your eyes.
You'd have to come a lot closer for that.
Where the hell can I get eyes like that?
- Gotta kill a few people.
- Okay. I can do it.
Then you gotta get sent to a slam where
they say you'll never see daylight again.
You dig up a doctor
and you pay him 20 menthol Kools...
...to do a surgical shine job
on your eyeballs.
So you can see who's sneaking up on you
in the dark?
- Exactly.
- Leave!
Cute kid.
Did I kill a few people?
Did I kill Zeke?
You got the wrong killer.
He's not in the hole. We looked.
Look deeper.
They're hollow.
I'm in here!
I'm in here! I'm inside!
I thought I heard something.
Please! Can you hear me?
Give me your goddamn hand.
I heard you, Fry. I heard you first.
- Come on.
- Fry, are you okay?
- What's down there? What is it?
- Did you find Zeke?
- You're all right.
- Are you okay?
- Okay.
- Fuck!
That was so fucking stupid!
I don't know what the fuck is in there...
...but whatever it is, it got Zeke,
and it nearly got me...
Get it off me!
- Get it off me!
- Watch it! Watch your head!
Finally found something worse than me?
So here's the deal.
You work without chains,
without bit and without shivs.
- You do what I say when I say it.
- For what?
The honor of going back
to some asshole of a cell? Fuck you.
The truth is...
...I'm tired of chasing you.
Are you saying you'd cut me loose?
I'm thinking you could have died
in the crash.
My recommendation: Do me.
Don't take the chance that I'll get
shiv-happy on your wanna-be ass.
Ghost me, motherfucker.
That's what I would do to you.
I want you to remember this moment.
The way it could have gone and didn't.
- Take it easy.
- Fuck you!
Do we have a deal?
"I want you to remember this moment."
- Just one?
- For now.
So, you click your fingers
and he's one of us now.
I didn't say that.
At least this way I don't have to worry
about you all...
...falling asleep and not waking up.
- So, can I talk to him now?
- No.
Paris P. Ogilvie.
Antiquities dealer, entrepreneur.
Richard B. Riddick. Escaped convict...
That's a good Shiraz. It's a lovely drop.
It's very expensive.
By all means, please. Help yourself.
All right, all right. My turn.
We are getting there.
We've got enough power for a sys-check
but we'll still need more cells.
How many are we talking about?
Let's see, we got a 90-gig draw.
The other...
...ship takes 20-gig cells, so that'd be five.
Five total to launch.
Thirty-five kilos each?
Well, that's pretty heavy.
You know that old sand cat out there?
I might be able to get it going.
Do it if you can. But if you need a hand...
Where'd Riddick go?
Let's go.
You're missing the party. Come on, boy.
"Missing the party. Come on."
All praises be Allah,
for his many blessings to us.
It's the winner of the look-alike contest.
- Who were these people, anyway? Miners?
- Looks like geologists.
An advance team,
moves from rock to rock.
Nice of them to leave so much stuff here.
Why did they leave their ship?
It's not a ship.
It's a skiff and it's disposable.
It's more like an emergency life raft, right?
They probably had a big drop ship
take them off planet.
These people didn't leave. Come on.
Whoever got Zeke got them.
They're all dead.
You don't really think they left
with their clothes on hooks...
...photos on the shelves.
- Maybe they had weight limits.
I know you don't prep your emergency ship
unless there's an emergency.
- He's fuckin' right.
- Watch your mouth.
He's just saying what we're all thinking.
So what happened? Where are they?
Has anyone seen the little one? Ali?
Has anyone checked the coring room?
- Slowly.
- Jack, wait.
Other buildings weren't secure.
So they ran here. Heaviest doors.
Thought they'd be safe inside.
But they forgot to lock the cellar.
Whatever those things were,
they seem to stick to darkness.
So if we stick to daylight,
we should be okay.
- Let's go.
- Twenty-two years ago.
These coring samples are dated.
Last one's 22 years ago this month.
- Is there something special about that?
- I don't know.
There could be.
An eclipse.
You're not afraid of the dark, are you?
So we got to get the power cells.
- I've gotta check the hull, patch the...
- Wait on the power cells.
Wait for what? Until it's too dark?
You don't know when it'll happen,
so don't get excited.
Get the fucking cells here.
- What is the discussion?
- I should tell you how Riddick escaped.
- He can pilot?
- He hijacked a prison transport.
Made a hell of a good run
before I tracked his ass down.
Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe we can
use him to help us navigate or something.
He also figured out how to kill the pilot.
You told me we could trust him.
You said that we had a deal.
Now, you may have noticed,
but chains don't work on this guy.
The only way you people are truly safe
is if he believes he's going free.
- Say he stops believing...
- lf he realizes we're going to fuck him over.
I want you to just listen to me.
If we bring the cells up
at the last possible minute...
...when the wings are ready and we...
He hasn't harmed us.
He hasn't even lied to us.
- Let's just stick to the deal.
- He's a killer.
The law says he has to do his bid.
There's nothing I can do about that. Okay?
You're dancing on razor blades here.
I'm not gonna give him a chance
to grab another ship.
Or slash another pilot's throat.
Not on my watch.
Bad sign.
Shaking like that in this heat.
- I thought I said no shivs.
- Shivs? This?
This is just a personal grooming appliance.
Thanking you.
Looks like we're a few shy.
Power cells.
They're coming.
It's strange,
not doing a run-up on the main drive yet.
Unless he told you...
...the particulars of my escape.
I got the quick-and-ugly version.
You're worried about a repeat.
It has entered our minds.
I asked what you thought.
You scare me.
That's what you want to hear, isn't it?
Now, can I just get back to work?
I've been meaning to catch up
with you alone.
You think Johns...
...is a do-right man? You think
I could trust him to cut me loose?
Why? What did you hear?
I guess if it were "trickeration,"
he'd just "X" me out.
He'd kill me.
Then again...
...I am worth twice as much alive.
You didn't know that?
Your Johns ain't a cop.
He's got that nickel-slick badge.
And that blue uniform.
But he's just a merc.
And I'm just a payday.
That's why he won't kill me, see?
- The creed is greed.
- Don't waste my time.
We're not gonna turn on each other,
no matter how hard you try.
I don't truly know what's gonna happen
when the lights go out.
But I do know once the dying starts...
...this little psycho-fuck family
of ours is gonna rip itself apart.
Ever wonder why Johns shakes like that?
Ask him.
Ask why your crew pal
had to scream so painfully before he died.
So who are you really?
You're not a cop, are you?
I never said I was.
No, you didn't.
You never said you were a hype, either.
You have a little caffeine in the morning
and I have a little morphine. So what?
Here you got two mornings every day.
Wow, were you born lucky.
- It's not a problem unless you're gonna...
- No, it becomes a problem...
...when you let Owens die like that!
You have enough drugs here
to knock out a mule team.
Owens was already dead.
His brain just hadn't caught on to the fact.
Is there anything else
I should know about you?
- Yeah, look to thine own ass first, right?
- Captain! Captain!
I'm not your fucking captain.
What do my eyes see?
If we need anything from the crash ship,
I suggest we kick on.
That sand cat's solar.
- Where's Riddick?
- Leave him! He wouldn't wait for us!
I thought we'd lost you.
Where are you going?
I'm gonna get some things.
I'll be a few minutes.
You wouldn't leave without me,
would you?
Just give me a minute. Shit.
How many are there?
People, just a suggestion.
Perhaps you should flee!
- Let's go!
- Come on! Run!
Come on!
Get in.
Get down!
No! Stay there!
- Stay down, Shazza! Just stay down!
- Come back here!
Shazza, stay down!
Please, I really think we should go inside.
We have to be inside
to be able to close the door.
Let's go!
What is it?
What is it now?
Like I said...
...it ain't me you gotta worry about.
She should've stayed down.
If she only would've stayed down,
she'd be okay. She wouldn't have died.
You remember the boneyard?
These just might be the fuckers
that killed every living thing on this planet.
What are we gonna do now?
Are these the only lights we have?
Is this everything?
No. There's a cutting torch
on the floor here. I just can't find it.
Quiet please, everyone.
Why do they do that? Make that sound?
Perhaps it's the way they see.
With sound reflecting back.
Could be a breach in the hull.
I don't know.
Come on, Johns. You got the big gauge.
I'd rather piss glass.
Why don't you go fuckin' check?
- I'm not staying here one more second.
- Where are you going?
Sit him down.
- You don't know what's out there.
- I know what's in here.
Now we're trapped
in a much smaller space. I hate this!
Extremely bad timing.
Just don't run.
Don't stop burning.
- Take this.
- Take that.
Hassan? Where is Hassan?
Is it alive?
- It's like the light is scalding it.
- It hurts them.
Light actually hurts them.
Is that Hassan?
We'll burn a candle for him later.
Come on. Let's get out of here.
So we've got one cutting torch.
We've got two hand lights.
There's gotta be something
we can rip out of the crash ship.
Spirits. Anything over 45 proof
burns rather well.
- How many bottles you got?
- I don't know. Maybe 10.
Johns, you've got some flares.
- Maybe we got enough light.
- Enough for fuckin' what?
We stick to the plan.
We get the four cells back to the skiff.
We're off this rock.
I hate to ruin a beautiful theory
with an ugly fact...
...but that sand cat is solar.
- It won't run at night.
- So we carry the cells.
We drag them. Whatever it takes.
You mean tonight?
With all those things still out there?
All right. Now how long can this last?
A few hours?
A day, tops?
I had the impression from the model...
...the two planets were moving as one...
...and there would be a lasting darkness.
These suns gotta come up sometime.
If these creatures are phobic about light,
then we just sit tight...
...and let the sun come up.
I'm sure somebody else said that...
...locked inside that coring room.
We need to think about everybody,
especially the kid.
- He'll be scared out there in the dark.
- Don't use him like that.
- Like what?
- As a smoke screen. Deal with your fear.
Why don't you shut up for two seconds...
...and let me come up with a plan
that doesn't involve mass suicide?
I'm waiting.
How much do you weigh?
- What's it matter?
- How much?
Around 79 kilos, to be exact...
You're 79 kilos of gutless meat.
That's why you can't think of a plan.
Is that fuckin' right? Where are you goin'?
This solves nothing.
They're afraid of our light.
That means we don't have to be afraid
of them.
And you are sure you can get us there?
Even in the dark?
No, I can't.
But he can.
Stay close.
Looks clear.
- You said, "Clear."
- I said, "It looks clear."
What's it look like now?
Looks clear.
I'll be runnin' 10 paces ahead. I want light
on my back but not in my eyes.
And check your cuts.
These bad boys know our blood now.
Are we actually going to do this?
We stay together.
We keep the light burning.
That's all we gotta do
to live through this thing.
Are you ready?
Look, we're just wasting light here.
You give him the cells and the ship...
...and he'll leave you all out there to die.
He'll leave all of you.
I don't get it.
What is so goddamn valuable in your life
that you're worried about losing?
Is there anything at all?
Besides your next spike?
Stay close.
This can't be happening.
Get back here!
Are you all right?
This can't be happening.
I was supposed to die in France.
I never ever saw France.
Well, it's good to see you're okay.
Do I even want to know?
Are we gettin' close?
Can we pick up the pace?
You want to tell me what's goin' on?
- We crossed our own tracks.
- Why have we circled?
- Are we lost?
- Listen.
- Do you even know where we are?
- Listen!
Canyon ahead.
I circled once to buy some time to think.
- I think we should go now.
- I don't know about that.
That's death row up there.
- Especially with the girl bleeding.
- What?
What are you talkin' about? She's not cut.
Not her.
You gotta be kidding me.
I thought it'd be better
if people took me for a guy.
I thought they might leave me alone
instead of always messing with me.
I'm sorry.
Are you really bleeding?
You could've left me at the ship.
That's why I didn't say something sooner.
They've been nose-open for her
ever since we left.
In case you haven't noticed,
they go off blood.
Look. This is not gonna work.
We're gonna have to go back.
What did you say?
You're the one who got us out here...
...and made us into sled dogs.
- I was wrong. I admit it.
- Can we just get back to the ship?
- I don't know.
Nice breeze. Wide-open space.
I'm startin' to enjoy myself out here.
Are you high again?
Just listen to yourself.
No, you're right. What's to be afraid of?
My life's just a steaming pile
of meaningless shit anyhow.
So I say, "Mush on." The canyon's only
Why don't you butch up,
stuff a cork in this fuckin' kid and let's go.
- She's the captain. Listen to her.
- Listen to her?
- When she was willing to sacrifice us?
- What?
This does not help us.
The crash. She tried to blow
the passenger cabin, kill us in our sleep.
- Shut your mouth!
- We are disposable.
- We're just walkin' ghosts to you?
- Shut your fucking blowhole!
You made your point.
We can all be scared.
How much do you weigh now?
The verdict's in. The light moves forward.
- Ain't all of us gonna make it.
- Just realize that?
Six of us left.
If we could make it through the canyon
and lose one, that'd be a feat.
- Not if I'm the one.
- What if you're one of five?
I'm listening.
- What are they doin' up there?
- They're talking about the canyon, I think.
How to get us through.
Battlefield doctors decide
who lives and dies. It's called triage.
Kept calling it murder when I did it.
Either way,
I figure it's something you can grab onto.
Sacrifice play. Hack up a body,
leave it at the start of the canyon...
...like a bucket of bait.
Trawl with it.
You got extra cable on the sled.
- We drag the body 40, 50 feet behind us.
- Nice embellishment.
I don't want to feed them.
I just want to keep them off our scent.
- So which one caught your eye?
- Don't look.
What the hell's wrong with you?
Imam, slow down. Just a little more space
between us and them.
All right. Enough of this shit.
You do the girl
and I'll keep the others off your back.
It's not too big a job for you, is it?
I'm just wondering
if we don't need a bigger piece of bait.
Like who?
Leave the sled! Let's move!
Let's go!
One rule.
Stay in the light.
Remember that moment?
Should've never taken the chains off.
You were one brave fuck before.
You were really bad-ass.
The chains.
The gauge.
The badge.
I told you to ghost me.
Back to the ship?
- Huddle together until the lights burn out?
- Get away from us.
Till you can't see what's eating you.
That the big plan?
- Where's Johns?
- Which half?
We're gonna lose everybody out here.
- We should've stayed at the ship.
- He died fast.
And if we have any choice about it,
that's the way we should all go out.
Don't you cry for Johns.
Don't you dare.
Blind spot.
Shall we pray together?
I have already prayed with the others.
- It is painless.
- It's pointless.
Because you do not believe in God
does not mean God does not believe in...
Think someone can spend half their life
in the slam...
...with a horse bit in their mouth
and not believe?
Think he could start out
in some trash bin...
...with an umbilical cord
wrapped around his neck and not believe?
Got it all wrong, Holy Man.
I absolutely believe in God.
And I absolutely hate the fucker.
- He is with us nonetheless.
- Two of your boys are already dead.
How much faith do you have left, Father?
Only see one way. That way.
It's the only way off this rock.
Just keep the girl between you.
What about the cells?
I'll take those.
- Move.
- Are you sure you can keep up?
Do not look up!
They're killing each other!
Keep moving!
Keep moving!
Get off her!
Get off her!
He did not know who he was fuckin' with.
Come on, get him up.
So, where the hell's your God now?
Are we close?
Just tell me that the settlement
is right up there!
We can't make it.
Hide here! Now!
Why is he still out there?
He's not comin' back, is he?
That's the last I could find.
Strong survival instinct.
I admire that in a woman.
I promised them
that we would go back with more light.
Did you?
What? Are you afraid?
Me? Afraid?
Come on.
There's gotta be some part of you
that wants to rejoin the human race.
Truthfully, I wouldn't know how.
Then just give me more light for them.
I'll go back by myself.
There you go.
Please, just come with me.
I got a better idea.
Come with me.
You're fucking with me. I know you are.
You know I am?
You don't know anything about me.
I will leave you here.
Step inside.
- I can't.
- Sure, you can.
Here. I'll make it easy on you.
Take my hand. Come on.
Look. No one's gonna blame you.
Save yourself.
Come on.
That's it.
Good girl.
Now, you! You listen to me!
I am the captain of this ship.
And I am not leaving anyone on this rock
with those things, even if it means...
- Get that thing off my neck.
- Shut up!
- You'd die for them?
- I would try for them.
You didn't answer me.
Yes, I would.
I would die for them.
How interesting.
Never had a doubt.
Anyone not ready for this?
There is my God, Mr. Riddick.
Don't stop!
Come on! Move!
You know the way!
On board. Come on. Get on.
Okay. Hold onto me.
We're gonna get out of here.
Okay. I got you.
Come on, Riddick! Get up!
I said I'd die for them, not you.
Let's move. Come on.
Not for me.
Not for me!
With so much prayer to make up for...
...I scarcely know where to begin.
I know where I'd start.
What are you doing?
Can we just get the hell out of here now?
We can't leave...
...without saying good night.
A lot of questions, whoever we run into.
It could even be a merc ship.
So, what the hell
do we tell them about you?
Tell them Riddick's dead.
He died somewhere on that planet.