Pitch Perfect 3 (2017)

It's getting late
to give you up
I took a sip
from my devil cup
And slowly
it's taking over me
Too high, can't come down
It's in the air
and it's all around
Round, round
Do you feel me now?
Break it down
(guttural vocalizing)
With the taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
You're toxic,
I'm slippin' under
With a taste of
your poison paradise
I'm addicted to you,
don't you know
That you're toxic?
(vocalizing, beatboxing)
With the taste of your lips
I'm on a ride.
- Freedom.!
- (coughing)
Go, go! Amy!
Amy, let's go! Amy!
Intoxicate me now
With your lovin' now
I think I'm ready now
Now, toxic.
GAIL : Today's the day.
We're getting her today.
JOHN : Is your sound equipment
working? Because.
You don't worry
about what I'm doing.
- Oh, my God. She's right there. I got her.
- Shh, shh.
- Here, get in here.
- All right. Got it.
They were world champions.
The winningest a cappella group
of all time.
The Barden Bellas,
an unlikely group of not-men
who somehow managed to win
at something
that didn't have to do
with baking.
- I can hear you guys.
- You know, girlie,
you're this close to being
cut out of this d'aca'mentary.
So close.
You're in the danger zone.
We have security,
and I carry mace.
We're gonna be clinging to you
like mom jeans to a camel toe.
GAIL (laughing):
That's right!
BECA (over speakers):
Stand up, bend it over, boy
- Ooh, ooh
- Stand up
RAPPER : Give me the beat,
I chew it like bubblegum
- All I wanna see and do
- Pimp-Lo, and I'm back
- With another one
- Get on your feet
- Bend down, yes, Lord
- Come and do it for me
Let me squeeze on that booty
like stress balls
Mm, mm, mm, mm, whoa.
You produced the shit out
of his turd-burger.
Thanks. I mean, it's better.
- Who's that singing?
- Oh, that's me, but we've got time
to get a real singer.
I have a couple thoughts.
- I think it's very.
- Yo. Yo, can we turn this off?
Pimp-Lo, bam, bam, bam.
(chuckling): I mean,
you have done it again.
- "Bend Over" is so.
- So good.
EVAN : I feel like my ears
are hearing the future.
- BECA : Club banger.
- Yeah, I hate it.
I really hate it.
I'm the artist,
and this is my song,
and I feel like
y'all should play my mix.
- Uh! Yeah
- Give me the beat
- I chew it like bubblegum
- Dubble Bubble. Hey.
- Pimp-Lo, and I'm back with another one
- Hey.
Bend down, yes, Lord
Let me squeeze on
that booty like stress balls
- Speaking of balls.
- See?
This is the "Bend Over" the
world needs to be listening to.
- Oh, yeah!
- Uh!
Yeah, um.
(sighs) it's my job
to make you the best little
Pimp-Lo that you can be,
and-and I want to get behind
"Bend Over."
And, as your producer, I would
love it if you could trust me.
I would love it if you leave
my track how it is.
I made your song great, man.
I think what she means is,
your song was always great.
No, what I mean
is what you gave me
- was a steaming pile of.
- Pimp-Lo!
Okay. There's something
that you should know.
Uh, Beca.
- is on her period.
- Wow.
- Oh, it's shark week? Hot damn.
- Bum-bum.
Y'all keepin' it one hundred.
That's my moms right there.
- You know what it is.
- Mm-hmm.
- Still menstruating? Hmm.
- Okay. - Truth.
EVAN : If you could just
excuse us for a second.
What are you doing?
How can you take his side?
Sides? Well, we.
Why are we always talking
about sides?
Okay, it's our job, brah.
We're producers.
We bring his vision to life.
Damn! That's poppin'!
I did it.
I finally quit my job.
And I'm free, I'm free.
I'm never going back
- to that job again.
- (toilet flushes)
It's the best day of my life.
I mean, I can't be
a music producer
without integrity.
What's up?
Wait. S-Something's wrong.
Your face is more pinched
than normal.
I-I finally did it.
You got back together
with Jesse?
No! You know the long-distance
thing didn't work.
He lives 3,000 miles away
with his girlfriend
- and their cat.
- Oh.
He got over you much quicker
than what I thought.
- Oh, thank you, Amy.
- Much faster than Bumper,
who is rightfully
still devastated.
You know he got a tattoo
of me on his butt cheek?
So now, every time he wants
to see me, he's like.
He's just.
- Okay. Um.
- That made me dizzy.
- Wait, what's up?
- I quit my job.
- You got fired?
- Oh, come on.
All right.
I-I didn't get fired.
- I quit.
- Come here.
You're kind of making it worse.
Let this negative energy
be released!
Seriously, open your legs.
It'll come out quicker.
- No, no.
- It'll come out quicker,
- the bad energy.
- Why do you do this stuff?
- Okay, seriously.
- Why are you like this?
- You're gonna come back from this so fast.
- Mm.
You know why? Because you have
an amazing best friend.
Is that you?
- Okay.
- And also.
- (Beca grunts)
- You need to pay the rent.
Just a little.
Uh, every month,
we have to do it. Ugh.
You could get a job, you know.
Beca, you're in shock.
You need something to eat.
- Yeah. Just sit down.
- Oh.
Not these, though.
They're mine.
- Hey, guys.
- Hey, Chloe!
Why aren't you guys ready?
Why are you wearing that?
- What?
- Did you wear that to work?
- Yeah, underneath my scrubs.
- Well, sweetie, why?
Because it reminds me
I was special once.
But also because tonight
is, you. you know.
the Bellas reunion
at the Brooklyn Aquarium.
- Hello!
- That's tonight?
- Yes.
- AMY : Aw, yeah!
- BECA : You know what?
I will take it.
I need a distraction anyway.
- Yeah. Yes, you do! Whoo!
- I love it. Here we go!
What happened?
- She got fired today.
- (gasps) No.
(quiet chatter)
- Hey, Stacie.
- Oh, my God!
- Finally!
- Aw. Good to see you.
What's up, pitches?
- I know, I know.
- Hi, Beca. - Oh!
I missed you guys so much.
I can't wait for us
to sing together.
I'm so excited.
- Hey, ladies.
- (squealing)
Let's crush this.
- Hi. - Hello.
- Stacie!
Hey, Bellas.
- Hi!
- Hi!
Thank you so much
for inviting us.
- Of course.
- So, what do you want us to sing tonight?
A little "Who Run the World,"
some "Bulletproof"?
You didn't tell us
what the crowd was,
- but I, um.
- What's she talking about?
I brought this, just in case.
- Oh, God. (sighs)
- Our voices are warm.
(all vocalize high note)
Um, we didn't
invite you guys to sing.
We invited you to.
- watch us sing.
- Watch.
Aca-scuse me?
EMILY : I just thought you guys
were so busy with your.
your awesome jobs
and amazing lives.
- (squishing)
- (cow groans)
Papaya Player's Delight?
With a shot of white privilege.
(loud heavy metal playing)
- (cell phone ringing)
- Oh. Hey, baby.
- MAN : Mayday! Mayday!
- (alarm blaring)
We're going down!
AMY : Welcome to my successful
one-woman show.
"Fat Amy Winehouse."
I'm a sexy star
With a dirty secret.
No! This is my corner!
- You hear this club banger?
- I quit.
Yes, Lord!
Move, move, move!
I hate my life.
You know, you've got
these great jobs, right?
- I have one of those. Yes.
- Oh. Yeah.
- Yeah, we all.
- (all talking over each other)
Okay. Great.
(all continue talking
over each other)
- I am such an idiot. I'm sorry. Yeah, okay, okay.
- No, no.
ANNOUNCER : Coming up next,
the Barden Bellas.
Yeah, okay.
Okay, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, we should probably
go get ready.
But you guys, I'll, um.
I'll see you guys?
- Yeah. Yeah. - After? Okay.
- Totally.
All right, maybe.
Bye, guys.
- You're gonna have so much fun.
- Bye.
Fired twice in one day.
(applause and cheering)
(whistling intro to Daya's
"Sit Still, Look Pretty")
Could dress up to get love,
but guess what
I'm never gonna be
that girl
Who's living
in a Barbie world
Could wake up in makeup
And play dumb
that I need a boy
Who's gonna treat me
like a toy
- No
- I know the other girlies
Want to wear expensive things
and diamond rings
- No, I don't want to
- But I don't want to be
A puppet that you're playing
on a string
This queen
don't need a king
Oh, I don't know what you've
been told, but this gal.
They're so bright and shiny.
They look like
they was all breastfed.
Because I want to be,
no, I don't want to sit still
Look pretty
You get off on
your nine-to-five dream
Of picket fences
and trophy wives
But no, I'm never gonna be
'cause I don't want to be.
Does your vagina
suddenly feel not tight?
Sure, I'm a pretty girl
up in the pretty world
- But they say pretty hurts
- And I don't want to
- I'm a pretty girl
- Sit still
- Up in the pretty world
- Still, still
- Sit still, look pretty
- No, I don't want to
- Sure, I'm a pretty girl
- Sit still, no
- Up in the pretty world
- I don't want to
- But they say pretty hurts
- Sit still, no
They all definitely
have boyfriends.
I don't want to sit still
Sit still, look pretty
No, I don't know
what you've been told
But this gal right here's
gonna rule the world
Yeah, that is
what I'm gonna be
Because I want to be
No, I don't want
to sit still, look pretty
You get off on
your nine-to-five dream
Of picket fences
and trophy wives
But no, I'm never gonna be
'cause I don't want to be
No, I don't want
to sit still, look pretty.
(cheering and applause)
Oh, my God, you guys,
that was so much fun!
You know, we could just start
singing right now.
Lilly could lay down a beat.
BECA : We already look like
the B-team Bellas.
I say we cut our losses.
You guys!
You guys, I am so sorry.
I realize I should not have
used the word "reunion."
I should have said that it was
an excuse to see each other.
I really didn't think that out.
- I'm sorry.
- No, no, no.
You guys were so great.
And this was
a really nice chance
for us to get together.
Right, ladies?
- Yeah, sure.
- Oh, yes.
Oh, yes, really great.
- So great.
- Thank you so much.
I was supposed to go
to my brother's wedding,
- but this is nice, too.
- AUBREY : Aw.
- Yeah.
- CHLOE : Bellas, a toast.
- AMY : There!
- Toast! Yay!
To the most amazing
group of women
I have ever known.
- (cheering, whooping)
- I would do anything
to sing with you guys again.
- Anything!
- (gasps)
I mean, really,
I could just crap myself!
- Oh.
- Uh-uh.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
I'm having a crazy idea.
Okay, I've mentioned
that my dad is in the Army
and, like, basically killed
Osama bin Laden, right?
Some new information
in that sentence, but okay.
Well, what I mean is, he's
kind of a big deal in the Army.
And every year, the USO
puts on this performance
to entertain
and support the troops.
And this year,
DJ Khaled is hosting.
He's got, like,
a gazillion hit songs,
and he's super famous.
- I saw him on a tax commercial.
- (others gasping)
What if I could get us
an invite?
To sing?
No, to run military dark ops.
- Yes, of course, to sing.
- (laughter)
Is there a competition?
There should always be
a competition.
Oh, um.
well, well, no, but.
let's sing together again.
And. and maybe
I'll see my dad.
Or maybe I won't,
you know, because he has
something really important
to do.
Or maybe I'll be
the most important thing
in his life this time.
- Who's with me?
- Me. Mm-hmm.
Yeah. I suddenly have a lot
of free time, so hell yeah.
CYNTHIA ROSE : Well, I just got
kicked out of flight school
for killing 300 fake people.
- I hate fake people.
- I hate a fake bitch.
Can you fly when
you're eight months pregnant?
- What?
- No.
- Look. - Oh.
- (murmuring, gasping)
that's eight months pregnant?
You guys didn't notice?
- Well, congratulations.
- Oh, my God.
- Ah!
- (murmuring)
- I mean, I'm so happy for you.
- Amazing! - Wow.
Do you know who the father is?
- Oh. - Oh.
- Congratulations.
- Happy accidents.
- (others cheering)
Okay, well, Stacie's out.
So I guess, Emily, you're in.
- Oh, yeah. I'm in for sure.
- Yeah!
- Was I not always in?
- Um.
- Oh, no, no, no. Of course.
- Yes.
Oh, cool. I. Okay.
- (all chattering)
- Cheers!
and bionic, go ballistic
Coldest summer,
chain and wrist lit
Automatic sonic facelift
I got that boom, boom, baby,
bring the bass
I got that boom, boom
all up in your face
I got that boom, boom, baby,
bring the bass
I got that boom, boom
all up in your face
Boom, boom all up
in your face.
- Hola, seoritas.
- (Gail whoops, chuckles)
Where'd you guys
even come from?
A little town called
Persistence, sweet cheeks.
That's right.
Here, here's the thing.
Look at this, ladies.
All-access passes.
We're tall enough
for all the rides.
You can run,
but you cannot hide.
This d'aca'mentary
is happening!
We're gonna film
this whole thing.
It's gonna be beautiful.
We're making a beautiful
In fact, we gotta set up.
Where are we gonna
set up, John?
I want to give you the.
Papi chulos, straight ahead.
Welcome to Spain, Bellas.
A few important things
to note before we begin.
- (airplane engine rumbling)
- Grab your luggage.
All right, thank you.
You always want
to stay 25 feet.
(dialogue muffled under
roaring airplane engine)
(continues indistinctly)
.very sharp. We do not
want you to impale yourself.
(engine noise dies down)
I hope you all heard
each and every word,
or else you might
very well end up dead.
Ladies, I'm messing with you.
On behalf of the Department
of Defense, we would like
to welcome you to
Naval Air Station Rota, Spain.
And a sincere thank-you
for coming out to entertain
our troops and their families.
We're excited for this tour.
My name's Chicago.
Over here to my left
is Captain Bernie,
who we like to call Zeke.
- Ladies.
- We're gonna be with you the whole tour
- as your escorts and security details.
- AMY : Question.
Will we all be
showering together?
(Chicago clears throat)
Uh, first up is a sound check.
We'll have you back
to the hotel by 1430.
Maybe hit the rain locker,
back here for the big show
at 1700. Yeah.
(clears throat) 1700. is that,
like, later than the night?
It's 5:00.
Okay. Whatever.
- Okay. Yep.
- AMY : Question, question.
Um, so this is the first base.
Will we be going to second base
with you guys?
And then,
maybe a few days later,
we'll go to third base?
- (Amy chuckles)
- That's a "no" for me, so.
Wait, what's after
the third base?
Why don't we get you
to your first venue?
Come on.
All right, well, we are
really excited
to have you here.
Right now
we're in Hangar Three.
This is where we keep
all of our helicopters.
Of course, now we've got
the big stage
built up for the tour.
So, on the tour,
we've got three bands.
Over here, we got Saddle Up.
This is Young Sparrow
and DJ Dragon Nutz.
And behind me is Evermoist.
- (quiet chatter)
And check it out.
DJ Khaled just rolled in.
GAIL : Let's set the stage,
all right?
- Let's get ready before the.
- So we should turn around
- and shoot into it, I think.
- .the Bellas out.
- Get the Bellas.
- CHICAGO : Hey, guys.
Come say hey to the new group.
- Yo. - Hi.
- LILLY : Oh.
Hello. We're the Bellas,
formerly of Barden University
and currently of life.
- Ladies.
- Howdy.
- Hey. - Hey.
- DJ DRAGON NUTZ : Ladies, I want
to give you
a little forewarning.
My man's social anxiety,
when he's not behind the
turntables, it's kind of crazy.
- So be easy, all right?
- Hello. - Hi.
Is it me
you're looking for?
Right on. I'm Calamity.
This is Serenity,
Veracity and Charity.
- Hi. - Hey.
- AMY : Hi.
If I joined your group,
I could be Obesity.
(Amy chuckles)
- Get it?
- SERENITY : Oh, if you're wondering,
- our presence here has nothing to do with.
- Nothing.
.the nationally televised
"Salute to the Troops" special
where DJ Khaled is going to
pick one group to open for him
at the end of this tour.
That was a lot of exposition.
So there is a competition.
I knew it.
- And so there is.
- Idiots!
What, do you think we
care about just watching
you guys?
It's a competition! Hello!
You guys just sing
other people's songs, right?
- Like a cover band.
- (chuckling): No, no, no, no.
- No.
- Uh, no, no, no. Uh, well,
actually, Emily writes
original songs for the Bellas.
I mean, I don't really
do it anymore.
- I kind of did that one, and then I.
- Hey.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
You with us or against us?
And it was one of your dads
who gave you
the spot on the tour, right?
- (gasps) Oh, my God.
- Um.
- Ooh.
- EMILY : Guys, stop.
They just don't like
sharing the spotlight,
so they're trying
to intimidate us.
Let's just take the high road
and do what we do.
You thinking what I'm thinking?
What are you thinking?
- A riff-off.
- (gasping)
- That's not what I was thinking.
- A riff-off!
Wait. Yes.
A riff-off! Yes!
- What is a riff-off?
- Yeah.
A riff-off is a little game
that we like to play
to see who's better.
- Mm-hmm.
- We start with a topic. Um.
- Let's say "party songs."
- Ooh. - Nice.
Yeah, and then we
lay down a beat.
- GAIL : Oh, yeah, bring it, Bellas!
- (John chuckling)
- Oh, go, ladies.
- (beatboxing)
I'm comin' up
So you better get
this party started
I'm comin' up, I'm comin'
I'm comin' up, so you
Don't you dare look back,
just keep your eyes on me
I said,
"You're holding back"
She said, "Shut up
and dance with me"
Give me that toot-toot
Let me give you
that beep-beep
Running her hands
through my fro
Bouncing on 24s
while they say on the radio
It's the remix to ignition,
hot and fresh out the kitchen
- Mama rollin'
- Rollin' in my 6-4
- Bada-bop
- With all my Bellas saying
Swing down, sweet chariot,
stop and let me ride
- Hell yeah
- Swing down
Sweet chariot, stop
and let me ride
Let me ride.
(holding high note)
Is that feedback?
(continues holding note)
CHLOE : Yeah, so you guys saw
what we did there, right?
- Yeah.
- So. it's singing.
No, well. (chuckles)
We just took the last word
of the old song
and matched it
with the first word
of the new song,
but you stay on tempo,
stay on beat,
stay on pitch and, of course,
- keep it in the relative key.
- CALAMITY : That was great.
- That was really well done.
- Yeah.
Okay, okay.
Round two.
Let's keep it simple this time.
What about.
"artists you didn't know
were Jewish"?
- Mm.
- That was crazy.
- What?
- Let's do this.
- Let's do this.
- Okay.
- Oh.
- Mm-hmm.
- Oh
- I wish that I could fly
- I could fly
- So very high
- Very high
- Into the sky, yeah
Just like a dragonfly
I want to, I want to
I want to get away
- Yeah, well, get away, then.
- I want to fly away
Yeah, yeah, yeah
- I stopped using my head, using my head
- Hey.
- Let it all go
- Let it all go
Got you stuck on my body,
on my body like a tattoo.
- You can't use those sticks.
- Yeah, you can't use that.
We like to keep it
strictly oral.
Coming back to you
You can call me
any day or night
- Call me
- Call me
You're not on the same team.
I just figured out
what he reminds me of.
- Ronald McDonald.
- Separate teams!
- Call me
- Call me - Separate teams!
- Oh, love
- Love me harder
Oh, okay.
And if you really need me
You gotta, gotta,
gotta, gotta
Got to love me harder
Gotta love me harder
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Love me, love me, love me
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Harder, harder, harder
- Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
- Ooh.
- If I were a boy
- What? What the.?
Even just for a day
Beyonc's not Jewish.
Okay, you guys aren't even
in a group.
- What?
- I'd roll out of bed
In the morning and throw on
what I wanted and go
Hey, guys, still need
that level check for vocals.
- Okay.
- Hey, hey, hey, we're not done yet.
Oh, baby,
we're just getting started.
Come on, we gotta do this.
We gotta think of something.
All right, next category.
"Zombie apocalypse."
Another head hangs lowly
Child is slowly taken
And the violence
caused such silence
Who are we mistaken?
With their tanks and
their bombs and their bombs
- And their guns
- They can't use the-the drums.
In your head, in your head
They are crying
In your head
- In your head
- That's a guitar, man.
Zombie, zombie
- Zombie-ie-ie.
- What doesn't kill you
Makes you stronger,
stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely
when I'm alone
- Th-They're singing together?
- What doesn't kill you
Makes a fighter,
footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over
'cause you're gone
I'd catch a grenade for you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Throw my hand
on a blade for you
- Yeah, yeah, yeah
- Jump in front of
- A train for you.
- What are we gonna do?
We have to.
we have to do something.
- What?
- We have to do something.
I'd do anything for you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
But I'm only human
And I bleed
when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash
and I break down
Your words in my head,
knives in my heart
- (feedback, distortion)
- You fill me up
- And then I fall apart.
- (fiddle playing)
Wake me up
when it's all over
- Zombie-ie-ie
- When I'm wiser
- And I'm older
- Yeah, yeah, yeah
All this time
I was finding myself
And I.
They just disqualified
- by using musical instruments. Good job.
- Yeah.
- We won, guys.
- We should go.
- Whoo! We won!
- That's not entirely accurate.
- We didn't break any of the rules, so.
- Let's go.
We won.
Bellas are doing
what they do best. quitting.
Here's the problem, John.
The Bellas are not as good
as the other bands.
That is a startling insight.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
(dance music playing
in Spanish)
- Yeah!
- Whoo!
(indistinct chatter)
(indistinct chatter)
How do you say it.
"Where is the bar"?
- FLO : Dnde est la barra?
- Oh, it's so cute.
- "La barra?" - Barra. Barra.
- Smells so nice.
So nice!
Oh, you're so beautiful.
AMY : Okay, stick with me,
'cause I know so much Italian.
- Okay.
- Gelato. Margherita.
- Ravioli.
- Amy, we're in Spain.
AUBREY (sighs):
Emily, is it true
what you said back there?
Are you really
not writing anymore?
Well, not.
I mean, not right now.
Anyway, I've got 21 credits
that I'm taking this semester.
The GRE is coming up.
It's right around the corner.
Uh, and.
I got a hamster now.
Aw. That's amazing.
Well, don't give up.
My dad always says,
"Age wrinkles the body,
but quitting
wrinkles the soul."
- Three.
- How about those Bulls?
Gotta love those Cubs.
And the deep dish pizza,
'cause it's so.
Yeah, I'm actually
from Georgia.
So, what's your story?
Why are you here?
Oh, boy. Um.
Long story short,
I was in the NG,
but my CO recommended me
for OCS after, uh, AIT.
(voice fading): Then came OBC
and RTB where I, uh,
was the, uh, DG of my class.
It's. I don't know.
Sorry. Um.
I joined the National Guard.
They helped put me
through college.
(voice fades): I spent about
a year stationed in Kabul.
Uh, actually overseeing
a canine unit over there.
We trained German shepherds,
- we trained pit bulls.
- (distant, echoing barking)
I love dogs. (chuckles)
I love animals, in general.
- Animals are cute.
- You're cute. I mean, what?
- What about you?
- Me? (sighs) Me.
Uh, shorter story.
I was in a singing group
in college,
and then now I am still
in that same singing group,
but not in college.
- But you're committed.
- I am committed.
- That's great.
- Yeah, I love commitment
- and being committed.
- Yeah.
- Not to, like, an asylum. (chuckles) Whoa.
- Right.
Or, like, a hospital, like,
it's. I'm not saying.
- Yeah, no, I know.
- But, like. just, I like.
I love love.
I love being committed to love.
Not to you, but to, like.
I love, um, like, oranges.
- Oranges.
- I love.
Hey. Uh, girls?
- Hmm?
- We have separate rooms. We don't have to
sleep on top
of each other anymore.
- What?
- AUBREY : Hey, that's great.
Um, not sexually.
There was that one time.
(quiet chatter)
(all yelling)
Stop being so loud.
- Yeah. No, yeah.
- Oh, that's what I want.
Uh, no,
that's the molasses one.
No, you're not gonna
like that one.
- This one.
- I don't want molasses.
BECA : Okay, you guys,
so we've never
competed against bands
that play actual instruments.
What's the plan?
I really think we should just
stay true to ourselves,
- and it will all figure itself out.
- AMY : Emily?
- Mm-hmm.
- Please hear this in the best way possible.
You're a very stupid person.
CHLOE : You know what?
Maybe it won't matter
if we win or not, because
they will like us so much
that they will invite us
to keep touring with them.
And it won't matter
if I get into vet school
because we will be together
as a family,
supporting each other.
And really, isn't that
what it's all about?
- Yes.
- AUBREY : Yes.
Yeah, except for all families
break apart,
and the only person you can
ever truly rely on is yourself.
All right,
time to drop a smash.
- What? - Oh, no, no, no.
- Whoo! - Wait.
- Think it's a whole album.
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Everybody needs
a little time away
I heard her say
From each other.
There now, Sir Bounce-a-lot.
You take good care
of my Turnip Top.
- (blows raspberry)
- (laughs)
(whistling Chicago's
"Hard to Say I'm Sorry")
JOHN : Well, it's a big night
for the Bellas, Gail.
GAIL : First stop on the tour.
Rota, Spain.
Here we go.
Young Sparrow!
Girl, don't keep me
waiting now
Need you to shake it,
turn and break it down
Yeah, you know
you got 'em now
Got, got 'em now
They're so. dope.
You guys,
this is the first time
we're performing together
in three years.
- It's gonna be so much fun.
- Let's do this.
You're my only temptation,
I'm too gone, I'm too faded
I've two shots,
so don't place that workout
Now can I hear you
say whoa now?
Let's party, girl.
Uh, hola. Um.
- Uh, excusez-moi.
- Bonjour. Ciao.
- No hablo.
- Inglese? Konnichiwa?
- The.
- Sa-na-ma-na-ma?
You're English. Hi.
That's right. I saw you do
the, uh, sound check,
- um, thing that you guys.
- Yeah. The riff-off thing.
- Riff-off.
- Yeah. I don't know why we
keep challenging people
to those.
We. we don't ever
actually win.
- Oh.
- Do you work for the USO?
Uh, no, I-I work for DJ Khaled.
Sorry. I'm-I'm Theo.
- Hi. I'm Beca.
- Hi.
- Nice to meet you.
- How you doing?
Sorry, you are a.
- Oh, I'm a.
- Music executive?
.music exec
at Khaled's label.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- What?
- No, I-I. I work
with music executives,
and you.
they. they don't look
like you.
What. what do I look like?
A turtle.
Well, that's in.
incredibly specific.
But, like, you literally
look just like that.
No, no. It's accurate.
You said you work
with music execs.
Oh. Yeah. Um, no, I'm a.
I'm a music producer.
I'm sort of freelancing
right now.
Oh, and I sing for fun.
I'm interested to see
the Bellas in action.
Yeah, maybe we'll even open
for DJ Khaled in the end.
You don't think
you'll open for Khaled?
Uh, no, I-I.
I didn't say that.
Yeah, you did. You did.
You just said it before.
You kind of implied it,
if anything.
- Well, I just.
- I could just
tell him that you sing
for fun, if you like.
No, I-I was just trying to.
I'm gonna go now.
I'll see you later,
but I'll be watching.
- Okay.
- Good luck. See you.
- What was that?
- That was so much eye contact.
One, two, three,
they gonna run back to me
'Cause I'm the best baby
that they never got to keep
One, two, three,
they gonna run back to me
They always want to come
but they never want to leave
My ex's and the oh-oh-oh's,
they haunt me
Like gho-o-osts,
they want me
To make 'em all, all, all
They won't let go,
ex's and oh's.
- (song ends)
- (cheering and applause)
Thank you, Saddle Up.
And now, one of the hottest
new groups on the scene.
They are Evermoist.
(cheering and applause)
Who came up with that name?
My bum crack's a bit dry.
Does anyone have
an Evermoist towelette?
(Chicago sighs)
My grandma's in a band
right now. Nevermoist.
Oh, God.
(playing up-tempo
pop-rock intro)
Step one, take his pictures
off the wall
Getting myself up
after the fall, the fall
I'll be better off
after all
When the pain's
a hundred proof
There are ways
to change the mood
It's good,
getting it like I should
Mr. What's-His-Name,
but they're all the same
Mr. What's-His-Name
I'm gonna smile
when it hurts
Going out tonight
with all of my girls
Party till I can't
see straight
This is how a heart.
Wow, they can really shred.
They're better
than Saddle Up even.
Yeah, okay.
So they're pretty
and polished and sexy
and, like.
I don't know, I was just
listing stuff, and now I'm sad.
Hey, you guys are up next.
- Oh.
- Good.
- Great.
- I'm glad.
(playing guitar solo)
I'm gonna find someone new
Somebody who'll love me
the way you loved you
Can't you tell
I'll be okay?
This is how a heart
un, unbreaks.
(cheering and applause)
Thank you so much.
We are Evermoist.
Oh, wow!
Who doesn't want to see that
on "Salute the Troops"
- next week, huh? Keep it going.
- (cheering)
- Hey.
- Hey. How y'all doing?
Uh, we are Evermoist.
And now,
an a cappella group
with a few YouTube clicks.
So, put your hands together
for the Bellas.
(scattered applause)
GAIL : The Bellas reunited
finally onstage.
They're gonna rock these troops
with their mouth music.
And, as predicted, Gail,
the Bellas are in
over their heads,
lost in a sea of seamen.
Up with it, girl,
rock with it, girl
- Bellas!
- Show them it, girl, bada-bum-bum
Bounce with it, girl,
dance with it, girl
Get with it, girl,
Come on, come on,
turn the radio on
It's Friday night
and it won't be long
Gotta do my hair,
put my makeup on
It's Friday night
and it won't be long
- Till I hit the dance floor
- Bada-bum
- Hit the dance floor
- Bada-bum
I got all I need
No, I ain't got cash,
I ain't got cash
- But I got you, baby
- Just you and me
Baby, I don't need dollar
bills to have fun tonight
I love cheap thrills
Baby, I don't need
Dollar bills
to have fun tonight
I love cheap thrills
I don't need no money
You worth more than diamond,
more than gold
As long as I keep dancing
Free up yourself,
get out of control
Me and you, girl,
you and me
Drop it to the floor, make me
see your energy because
Me no play no hide-and-seek
Wanna see the thing you have
that make me feel weak, girl
I don't need no money
You worth more than diamond,
more than gold
As long as I can
feel the beat
Make the beat
just take control
I don't need no money
More than diamond,
more than gold
As long as I keep dancing
Free up yourself,
get out of control
- Baby.
- Baby, I don't need
Dollar bills
to have fun tonight
- I love cheap thrills
- Baby, I don't need
- Dollar bills to have fun tonight
- Cheap thrills
- I love cheap thrills
- Hey.
I don't need no money
You worth more than diamonds,
more than gold
As long as I can
feel the beat
Go on and make the beat
just take control
I don't need no money
You worth more than diamonds,
more than gold
As long as I keep dancing
Free up yourself,
get out of.
- ("Taps" bugle call playing)
- JOHN and GAIL : Oh!
Tough blow. What was that?
That, my friend, was "Taps"
from the back of the house.
Salute, salute.
We have to salute.
Stand at attention.
This is "Taps."
It's to honor fallen soldiers,
and tonight,
it's the fallen Bellas.
GAIL : Look at this. Those girls
don't even know what to do.
They look like idiots.
This is the best thing
for the movie.
It couldn't be better.
Should we be considering
using instruments?
- Is that crazy?
- (Aubrey laughing)
Oh, that's so funny.
You know, I'm gonna pretend
that you didn't just say that
so we can still be friends.
CHLOE : If we had drums,
then we wouldn't need Lilly,
and if we had bass,
then we wouldn't need me.
And we're still not clear
why Jessica and Ashley
are even here.
D-Did they just say our names?
Don't be stupid.
You know what? I have an idea.
We just need to show DJ Khaled
that we are different
and better than all
of those other bands, you know?
I think we did great.
I just think the horn
cut our vibe.
- True that. (clicks tongue)
- (door opens)
All right, ladies.
Pick up your tits.
We're going out.
What do you mean, "going out"?
EMILY : What do you mean,
what do I mean?
- We just sucked balls in front of DJ Khaled.
- Hmm?
- Listening.
- He's staying at that fancy
casino hotel
across the street, okay?
I say we all get up,
we get dressed,
we go over there, and we show
him that we are not a joke.
Emily, I can't believe
that a half-decent idea
came out of your dumb mouth.
- Thank you.
- Okay?
- So let's get tarted up and.
- CHLOE : Tatted up?
- Tarted. Yeah, yeah, tarted up.
- It sounds like "tatted up."
- She means "tatted."
- She's the caramel tart.
She's a chocolate tart.
You're the vanilla tart.
Thanks, babe.
- Oh, "tarted."
- Oh, "tarted." "Tarted."
If it's easier,
we'll just say "slutty."
- Okay, let's get slutty.
- We'll dress slutty.
- Let's get slutty.
- Okay, great.
- For attention.
- Let's do it.
Let's aca-rock this.
- Yes. - Ooh.
- Like music industry slutty.
(overlapping chatter)
Way up, way up,
we gonna go
Way up, way up
Let's make it go
way up, way up
I want to know,
are you with me?
- Are you ready? - Yeah!
- Let's go, ladies! Come on!
- (whooping)
- My time on top
Okay, ladies.
I think we should split up.
Divide and conquer.
- You ready?
- Mm-hmm. - Okay. - Yes.
- Let's rock it.
- Vmonos.
- Lilly, come with me.
- Yeah.
Let's go this way.
(indistinct chatter)
We've been expecting you.
Please be our guest
in the high-roller VIP room.
My time on top.
Yay! (chuckles)
(whooping, excited chatter)
I bet it all on 21.
The minimum bet
is a thousand dollars.
Oh, okay, well,
do you happen to have.
seven ATM machines?
I'll stake her.
Hello, Sunshine.
General Douglas.
What an honor.
- General.
- Good to see you.
- There's that guy. Hide.
- What?
Why are we hiding?
I don't know.
Dude, what is.
What is this about?
What are you guys doing?
Ain't that Mr. Eye Contact?
He knows Khaled, right?
We should follow him.
Okay, legacy, come on.
You guys, act normal, casual.
(sighs) Here we go.
- Great idea.
- AMY'S FATHER : Patricia,
you know how worried
I've been about you?
You shouldn't have run away.
You should've talked to me.
About what, the C-4 explosives
I found in the cereal box?
Or what about the time
you smuggled drugs
in Sir Bounce-a-lot
and I had to see him
get torn apart by custom agents
right in front of me?
it was my profession.
What, being dodgy?
Well, that's one word for it.
I mean, yeah, I was a criminal,
but I'm different now.
How'd you even find me?
Well, what do you mean?
I've been in hiding.
Ah, my darling girl,
I've known where
you've been for years.
Uh, it's impossible for you
not to stand out in a crowd.
Yeah, why do I have to be
so brilliant
at every single thing I do?
Here, look.
I've always kept this photo
of you and me
close to my heart.
We used to play together.
We used to sing together.
We used to be a team.
- None of this is happening, okay?
- But-but.
No "but, but, but." No!
But. darling.
I'm getting old, Sunshine.
I want to be a part
of your life.
You always do this.
- What?
- I'm not falling for it.
- Not this time.
- What.? Now, now.
Patricia, stop!
Please, Patricia,
don't leave again.
No, wait, darling.
- Stay with me, fellas.
- Huh? - Hey.
(microphone feedback squeals)
Everybody needs
a little time away
I heard her say
From each other
Even lovers need a holiday
Far away
From each other
Please, Patricia.
Come back.
Don't make me keep singing.
(elevator bell dings)
- Act cool.
- You be cool.
- We got this.
- This is big as a house.
Okay. Mm-hmm.
- Beca.
- Hey. Oh, what are you doing here?
- I was waiting for you.
- I don't. That's weird.
I saw you hiding
behind the bushes.
No, I don't think so.
This is a really popular
and hairstyle,
so that wasn't.
- Oh.
- You know what?
I see what's happened.
This is not my friend
Lenny's suite.
That's embarrassing.
Oh, no, it's, uh,
DJ Khaled's suite.
- Is it? - (others gasping)
- Yeah.
Oh, I had no idea.
We're throwing a.
a little party for him,
if he decides to show.
You guys should hang out.
You want to hang out?
- Twist my arm. We'll do it.
- Yeah.
Well, let's go.
I'll give you a tour.
- Great. - Yeah.
- All right, come this way.
Uh, Khaled, right now he's, uh,
into this kind of feng shui,
so he has a specific kind
of arrangement
to maximize his chi.
And, oh, Sunburst here
is Khaled's juiceologist.
Ah, Theo, pardon my zesting.
Would you like a beet juice?
Your glands look frustrated.
In my country,
beet juice was reserved
for the king.
DJ Khaled is the king
of the beats.
You know, like the.
Beat King, 'cause he's the.
Oh, honey, that was.
we didn't like that at all.
It's awful. I know.
Um, can you explain this,
uh, terrifying situation?
- What? What, my. the face?
- Not your face.
- Um, the thing behind you.
- Oh, the apiary.
- Hmm.
- Oh, right, yeah, no, this is, uh, a portable beehive
that Sunburst uses
to harvest natural honey.
Doesn't seem like a disaster
waiting to happen.
Yes, it can be.
Oh, Beca,
I got to show you something.
You're gonna love this.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Let's do it.
- I'll bring her right back.
Oh. yeah, just her.
Just borrow her for a second.
Ooh. Is that an AKG C-24?
Yes, it certainly is.
Incredibly rare.
Madonna, Beyonc, Joan Baez.
Oh, I'm happy for them.
That's nice.
(chuckles) Yeah,
the boss likes to be ready
for whenever inspiration
strikes him,
- so we have this setup here.
- Sure.
Yeah, must be good to be
really, really, really rich.
You want to give it a go?
- No.
- No?
Couldn't possibly.
(through speakers):
We're coming to you live.
- (normal): Oh, that's nice.
- Oh, we should've recorded that.
Oh, she's a beaut.
- What's this?
- Oh, this is just.
Khaled has a.
a little loop going.
- You want to hear it?
- Okay.
(simple beat playing)
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh
Eh, eh
Eh, eh
(vocals layering):
Oh, oh, oh, oh
- Eh
- Oh, oh, oh, oh
- Eh
- Eh, eh, eh, eh
- Eh, eh, eh, eh
- Eh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
- Eh
- Oh, oh, oh, oh
- Eh
- Eh, eh, eh, eh
- Oh, oh, oh, oh
- (phone ringing)
- Eh
- Oh, oh, oh, oh
I got to, uh. I'm sorry.
- Khaled.
- Oh, okay. I.
- Yeah? I'll be right back.
- Do you want me to.
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Carry on.
- Okay.
- Carry on. That's okay.
- I wasn't gonna leave anyway.
- I'll be honest with you.
- Yeah, just destroy everything.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Eh
- Eh, eh, eh, eh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
- Eh
- Oh, oh, oh, oh
- AMY : Dad!
- (laughing)
I knew that song would get you.
- Whoo-hoo!
- Oh, yeah.
- (laughing)
- (grunts)
That's my girl.
I can't wait.
We'll travel the world
in my yacht,
stop at all your favorite
places. the Atlantic Ocean,
- the Pacific Ocean.
- That would be great!
But I'm in the middle
of a tour right now.
But that's perfect.
I'll finally be able
to see one
of your performances.
Dad, you've never come
to any of my performances.
Sweetheart, I've changed.
It's not the first time
I've heard that.
But you're still my little
Turnip Top, aren't you?
I promise I won't
screw it up this time.
MAN : General Posen and I
were wrapping up
a, uh, clandestine operation.
In fact, I've just come
from our classified briefing.
Oh, my God, so you were just
with Aubrey's dad?
He was so excited
to see your show.
It's just too bad
that he can't make it.
- EMILY : Oh.
- Oh.
Oh, that's okay.
- Yeah, it's-it's really okay.
- No, that's okay.
- It's totally fine. You know, he's a busy man.
- Uh-huh.
- That's right.
- And my dad always said,
"Expect finite disappointment,
and remember,
there's always more
where that came from."
- (screams)
- Oh, my God, Aubrey!
(frantic chatter and screaming)
- (gasps)
- (screams)
(bees buzzing)
Someone open a window!
- What is wrong with this door?
- I don't know!
(grunts) Stand down!
- (gasping)
- Oh.
(over headphones):
- Eh
- Oh, oh, oh, oh
(bee buzzing)
(elevator bell dings)
(screaming, frantic chatter)
Checkmate, Bellas.
Oh, hey.
Heard you all really, uh,
lit it up last night.
That's a great joke.
- It's really funny.
- CALAMITY : Like a phoenix
rising from the ashes,
only a really sad version
where there's no phoenix
and just ash.
(Amy laughing)
(Amy retches)
- (spits)
- (Aubrey groans)
Sorry, I forgot where we were
in the conversation.
Next time, when you're trying
to impress DJ Khaled,
try to have some dignity.
Uh, we never do anything
with dignity, so.
Hey, where'd you go last night?
What, uh, you mean
when you were burning down
the hotel?
Dude, where were you?
Okay. I was with my father,
all right?
Wait, your dad?
He's been trying
to track me down for years,
and last night, he found me.
Why are you running from him?
I wish my dad
would pay attention to me.
Because my dad
wasn't a very nice man.
So, when I was 18,
I had to run away,
which was a real bitch
because of the chafing.
And now he has found me,
and I don't know what to think.
I mean, I-I think that's
amazing, and so should you.
I mean, it-it's.
it's a crazy thing.
He's finally found you
after all these years?
Now you can rekindle
the relationship,
and-and it could be
even stronger than it was.
And maybe he was not
a very nice guy before,
but maybe he is now,
and maybe he's amazing
- and wonderful and he wants.
- Okay, Emily, you are so shrill
- and inarticulate!
- No, no!
- (frantic chatter)
- (cell phone ringing)
Hello? Oh, it's Stacie.
Stacie! Stacie's calling me
on FaceTime.
- You guys! Stop. Get over here.
- What, Stacie?
- Oh, hello?
- Wait. Right over here.
- Oh, hi, hi, hi.
- You guys! - Guys!
- Oh! - Hi.
- Stace!
- Where are you?
- Stacie, it's going terrible here.
Yeah, we getting our asses
handed to us.
Guys, I had the baby.
(Chloe gasps)
- What?
- Aw.
He's so cute.
She's a girl.
Oh, okay, then average.
What's her name?
Baby Fat Amy
or Baby Fat Patricia.
- You can choose.
- No, no, listen.
I know I've always been
your favorite.
- (overlapping chatter)
- Guys.
I named her Bella.
- (gasps)
- Aw.
- See? - That is adorable.
- Oh, that's perfect.
- That. Okay.
- STACIE : I love you guys.
- We love you. We love you so much.
- We miss you.
- You guys.
- (gasping)
- She's so cute.
- (overlapping chatter)
Guys, can we stop trying
to win this tour
and just sing together?
I mean, that's why
we're all here, right?
Yeah. (chuckles)
But also, let's still try
and win this thing
because I don't know
how else to live.
- Ciao, Bellas.
- (Chloe gasps)
Who wants to go to Italy?
Four countries in four days.
- One, two.
- And then DJ Khaled will announce
the winner when we arrive
in France. Let's do this!
(vocalizing intro to Flo Rida's
"I Don't Like It, I Love It")
I don't like it
I love it, love it, love it
- Uh-oh
- Uh-oh
So good it hurts
'Cause I don't want it
I gotta, gotta have it
- Uh-oh
- Uh-oh
I can't find the words,
I just go
(vocalizing upbeat melody)
JOHN : Well, these Bellas
actually seem
to be enjoying
themselves, Gail.
GAIL : I think
it's possible the Bellas
could be picked by DJ Khaled.
JOHN : You can say that again,
and I hope you won't.
GAIL : Well, the soldiers
are loving them.
JOHN : Let's see if you can
keep this up, girls.
All night, let me group ya
Dance with me,
turn down for who, girl?
Another runner help us
step the moves up, yeah
Bet that round
need a measure or ruler
Celebrate life
and I'll pay for it
That Cavalli nice
next to my Tom Ford
Yeah, party all night,
let's all aboard
- Let's all aboard, all aboard
- Whoo, whoo
I don't like it, I love it
And them other girls,
they can't touch it
that's a whole nother subject
I want to walk it out
in public
You a star, baby,
just go, let's go
To the mansion
or the condo, let's go
Perfect time,
gotta let it flow
You know I'm watching,
I'm watching
- Oh
- I don't like it
I love it, love it, love it
- Uh-oh
- GAIL : Catch me!
Everybody, catch me!
(laughs) I got a little bit
of your panties,
but who hasn't?
- JOHN : Catch me.
- Yeah! - (cheering)
When I can't find the words,
I just go
(vocalizing upbeat melody)
We honestly just
are really appreciative
for this opportunity.
We can meet DJ Khaled
any time you want.
Yeah, no, absolutely.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
he-he's watching you guys.
Oh, yeah
I don't like it
No, I love it.
I don't like it
but I love it
I don't like it
No, I love it
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I don't like it
No, I love it.
(cheering and applause)
Bellas! Make some noise
for Bellas out there! Whoo!
What a fitting swan song
for the Barden Bellas.
Yes, and as these young women
approach 30
and cease to be of value
as human beings,
perhaps this
is the bittersweet memory
they will take
into the bar with them.
(French pop song playing)
welcome to the South of France.
We wanted to do something
kind of special for you guys.
- (Bellas oohing and aahing)
- Wow.
This feels like a group date
on The Bachelor.
Oh, it's just so beautiful.
Yeah, thank you.
Not free.
Got it.
Hey. (chuckles)
Um, hey, I just wanted to say
thank you for. for this.
- Oh.
- And for looking out for us on this trip.
And protecting
the United States. always.
It's my pleasure.
Must be kind of lonely,
always being away
from your family,
- being in a different place.
- Yeah.
But being in the Army
is kind of like
having a second family,
you know.
Well, yeah, of course you know.
I mean, you guys come together
for your tour,
and when it's over,
you go your separate ways.
But you're always gonna
be there for each other, right?
I mean, you're never
really alone.
Wow, that was really cheesy.
No. (chuckles)
I liked it.
You okay?
Oh, yeah. (chuckles)
Of course.
Don't hide your feelings
from me.
- We're like sisters, Aubrey.
- (chuckles)
It is "Aubrey," isn't it?
Well, to be totally honest,
my dad was supposed to come
to see us perform tomorrow,
and I heard
that he can't make it.
And he's never actually
heard me sing with the Bellas,
and now maybe
he never will, so.
Dad? He's here!
What? Where?
That's my dad's yacht,
the Fat Dingo Bitch.
That's what he always
used to call my mum.
- Oh.
- Obviously, he's come
to see me perform
in our last ever show!
My dad came!
Must feel aca-amazing.
(yelling excitedly)
CYNTHIA ROSE : They gotta be
close to making a decision.
They film the special
with DJ Khaled tomorrow.
And he needs an opening act.
Oh, look who it is.
Did you guys see the way
they got off stage yesterday?
They literally went out
of their way
not to congratulate us.
They clearly just see us
as a threat.
- Oh, shit!
- Oh, my God.
- You are so weird.
- Wow. Sometimes.
That's not fair.
You seem very nice.
Can I borrow you for a second?
- Yeah, great.
- Yeah? Come on.
- Great.
- You want to hold hands?
- Nope.
- Cool.
Where are we going?
You remember when you
burnt down DJ Khaled's room?
- No, that was not.
- No?
- I don't remember that.
- Back in Spain?
- No.
- You were looking for Lenny,
hiding behind the bushes,
released the bees.
No, I think that.
that was my sister.
I hate her. What?
DJ Khaled wants to meet you.
- Why?
- Hey, boss.
Theo, my guy.
Magical ears.
- Beca.
- H-Hello.
- How beautiful.
- Oh, thank you.
- So nice to meet you.
Need a drink for Beca, ASAP!
Have a seat.
Make yourself at home.
Oh, my God.
- Thank you.
- Just.
- Yeah.
- Here you go, mademoiselle.
Thank you.
I hope you like cherries.
Beca, have you been talking
to my guy, Theo?
Yeah, he talks a lot.
But I have no idea
what's going on.
He doesn't actually give me
that much information.
I thought maybe
you could break the news.
On what?
I want you to open up for me.
Tomorrow night.
DJ Khaled.
Are you ready?
- Seriously?
- Yeah.
That is great.
You are not gonna
regret this. I.
The Bellas are gonna die.
Can I go tell them?
I-I think you misunderstood.
Uh, what DJ Khaled's
trying to say here
is that he doesn't want
the Bellas.
We want you.
- What?
- DJ KHALED : The other day,
when you was just
playing around with the loop
and you was singing
and you was just.
I could tell that you was
just playing around, but.
I seen something,
I heard something,
then I felt something.
Amidst the chaos,
I went back in the room,
and I pulled your recording.
Why did you do that?
Because I wanted to know
what you could do on your own.
Beca, it's time to go
to the next level.
I see it.
I'm DJ Khaled, aka Billy.
- Who?
- I know these things.
That is so amazing.
That means the world to me,
But I'm part of a group,
and we all have
something special.
I respect
that you love your group,
but it's time for you
to move on.
It's time for you to grow.
It's time for you to climb that
mountaintop and reach the top.
And the group
will be happy for you.
What Khaled is trying
to say here is that
you've really gone as far
as you can with the girls.
It's time for you
to now flourish on your own.
Independent. ly.
These ain't opinions.
These are facts.
Come with me a second.
Bless up.
Listen, I. I know it's a lot
- to take in, okay?
- Uh, yeah.
The label is gonna
sign you, Beca.
The label's gonna sign you.
They're gonna help you
- develop your own material as a solo act.
- Uh, yeah.
Th-This is very generous,
but we're talking
about my family.
- I'm-I'm. I'm not interested.
- It's.
- It's a tough decision. I get that.
- No, it's not.
It is. It is.
It's a big opportunity for you.
All right?
Look at me. Stop.
What are you doing?
Go home. Sleep on it.
You come back, and you tell me
what you want to do
in the morning, okay?
All right?
I'm. I really am sorry. I.
(piano playing elegant
classical melody)
Whoo! (laughing)
Your performance
was incredible, Patricia.
So proud of you.
Thanks, Dad.
How did you see it?
Were you on the base?
Oh, you know me.
I've got my ways.
What a note to go out on, eh?
What do you say
we leave tonight?
I would, but tomorrow's, like,
the big televised event
with DJ Khaled,
and they're definitely gonna
pick the Bellas to perform.
So I need to be there
'cause my talent compensates
for the weaker members
of the group, like Beca.
Tomorrow it is.
And you can go
wherever you want to go.
Urban Outfitters?
You gotta think bigger,
A Caribbean tour.
Have you ever been
to Martinique?
Or the, uh.
the Cayman Islands?
- The Cayman Islands?
- Oh, they're beautiful,
just like my little girl.
Uh-huh. Right.
Dad, let me ask you.
what was your favorite moment
of the show?
Well, there were too many
moments of greatness
from which to choose.
'Cause my favorite part
was the bit
where I sang that duet
with Beca,
and then was on the top
of the pyramid.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, you were wonderful
in that part.
God! There was no pyramid!
And as if I'd be the top.
And I know exactly
what's in the Cayman Islands.
Yeah, I do.
That bank account
that Mum set up for me
on my 13th birthday.
She said it was just a bit
of an allowance, but.
I know she didn't want me
to ever need your dirty money.
How much is even in it anyway?
$180 million, give or take.
When am I gonna learn.
to open my mail?!
I'm done with you, Dad.
No, no, you're not.
We are done
when I get the money.
Is this man bothering you?
- Yes, he is. Yeah.
- CHICAGO : Yeah.
Sir, step away from the Bella.
Patricia, all my accounts
are frozen.
Good-bye, Fergus.
I tried to do this
the nice way, Patricia.
You remember that!
So, do you know how to do this?
How do you do this?
- Pour the water over the sugar, and smash.
- Like this?
Do you guys know where Beca is?
Theo must have said
something to her by now.
The show's literally tomorrow.
- I know.
- CHLOE : Guys, if Khaled picks us,
it'll be
our last show together.
Bellas, a toast.
- EMILY : Ah, a Chloe toast.
- CHLOE : They say that.
home is where the heart is.
But you guys are the homes
that my heart lives in.
I am inside of all of you.
It feels so good.
- Cheers. - Cheers.
- Salud. - Cheers!
- Cheers!
- Guys, I love you so much.
- (sighs) I feel like.
- Are you hallucinating?
Excuse me.
Uh, are you the Bellas?
- Yes.
- Oui, monsieur.
- S.
- My name is Henri.
Chicago sent me to take you
to the USO reception.
- Uh.
- Reception? - Huh?
Chicago never mentioned
any reception.
Something about
an announcement?
- Oh. We won. - What?
- Did we win?
CHLOE : Um, we need
to find our friends,
- Beca and Fat Amy.
- Great.
Oh, they are already there
with Chicago.
- Oh.
- Perfect.
Let's not keep this
handsome Frenchman waiting.
- Let's go. Shotgun!
- Ready?
I guess we should go.
Let's go.
- Yeah. - Come on.
- Hey, let's go. - Henri?
- Oh, yeah. Whoo!
- Sounds like music.
I am Florencia.
Nice to meet you.
- Na na na-na na-na
- (engine starts)
Waste time with
a masterpiece
Don't waste time
with a masterpiece
- Huh!
- You should be rolling with me
You should be
rolling with me, ah
You're a real-life fantasy,
you're a real-life fantasy
- Huh!
- But you're moving so carefully
Let's start living
Whoa, talk to me,
baby, yeah
I'm going blind from this
sweet, sweet craving, whoa-oh
Let's lose our minds
and go crazy, crazy
- Crazy, crazy
- Ah ya-ya-ya-ya
I keep on hoping we'll
eat cake by the ocean, baby.
(whooping, laughing)
Oh, la vache.
The singing sounded very good.
- Oh, merci beaucoup, Henri.
- Um, are we almost there?
Uh, yes. In fact.
EMILY : 'Cause it feels like
we've been driving forever.
.we are right here.
Yay! Oh, great!
I don't know.
I can't lift it.
I can't see.
I can't see anything.
Why won't the shade go up?
It's, like, stuck.
- It's so dark out there.
- Can you guys see out yours?
- No. - No, I can't see.
- Well, this don't seem right.
- Maybe we.
- (banging)
- (gasping)
- Whoa! - Oh!
- (rattling)
- What was that?
- I don't know. What was that?
- (metallic creaking)
- What happened?
- Huh?
I don't know.
Hang on.
You guys, are we.
- Are we floating?
- (creaking continues)
- Why would we be floating?
- What?
(horn droning)
- (rattling)
- CHLOE : Guys?
You guys,
I can't open the door.
What? The door's not opening?
It's the old van-ferry
death-trap maneuver.
I should've seen it coming.
- Oh, God.
- What?
- Open it. Open the door.
- Help!
Does. does anybody's
cell phone work?
Where's my cell phone?
No service.
No service. There's nothing.
- That's so inconvenient.
- (crying): Hell's bells!
EMILY : We could scream
on the count of three.
- Okay. One, two, three.
- One, two, three!
Sir Bounce-a-lot.
(cell phone ringing)
- I told you we're through!
- FERGUS : I know.
But there are some people here
who think you should
- ALL : Amy!
- (overlapping chatter)
(chatter stops)
How could you?
I swear to God,
if you hurt any one of them,
except for Jessica and Ashley,
I will kill you!
I don't want to hurt anyone,
The only one I wanted was you,
but you weren't with them,
were you?
Oh, well.
Plan B.
You have 30 minutes.
Come to the boat,
or your friends
swim with the fishies.
And I think you know I mean it.
Oh, I know you mean it.
Because you're
a terrible person
that does terrible things.
But there's one thing
you're forgetting, Dad.
I'm your daughter.
Your nightmare blood,
it runs through my veins!
Hey, Amy, um, I need to talk
to you about something.
- It's kind of important.
- Oh, yeah, just a sec.
- I'm on a call.
- Okay.
You think you're bad?
You have no idea
what I'm capable of.
I've graduated college.
I could do anything.
So say your prayers,
'cause Fat Amy is coming.
for you.
(phone beeps)
So. (sighs)
which two of you
are Ashley and Jessica?
- Ah, shit.
- BECA : Okay, so.
I have kind of bad news.
Uh, and I know you're
gonna be fine. Uh, I know
- every-everybody's gonna be fine, but, like.
- Uh-huh.
- Um, w-well.
- Yep.
We didn't get picked, man.
And you know what?
Like, screw them. It's not,
like, the whole story.
There's. uh, uh, uh.
I don't know, I still feel
like I want to tell you
'cause I think that, like,
secrets are, like,
the worst, right?
Yeah, it's the worst.
Let's go.
Go where?
Don't worry.
We'll change in the cab.
Amy, what are we doing?
Why are we not calling
the police or Chicago?
No cops. There's no time.
And if my dad sees 'em,
he'll take off.
This is serious.
The Bellas
could really get hurt.
- Not on my watch.
- Amy, come on.
Look, I know my father.
I know his guys.
Some of them I know,
like, really well.
And I know that boat.
We can do this.
Okay. What's the plan?
First up, I need you
to pick up the pace.
This boat's not gonna
row itself.
Okay. That's the ladder
that'll take you
up to the main deck
where the Bellas are.
Do not let Fergus
hear what I'm doing below.
Okay, giant distraction
coming up.
- You sure about this?
- Have I ever let you down?
Dozens of examples
spring to mind, if I'm honest.
- What?
- Yeah, you're very unreliable.
It's, like, one of the
hallmarks of your personality.
I don't think we have time
to unpack that right now.
Shh. I'll just see you up top.
Nobody's gonna die tonight,
- Yeah.
- Right?
- Yeah.
- Well, that doesn't help.
- Okay.
- Okay, ready?
I've got my serious face
on now.
- Okay.
- It's time.
- Let's do it.
- (inhales sharply)
Once we get the money,
we sail directly to Sydney.
Unless she doesn't show.
Then things get ugly.
Ten minutes, ladies.
Guys, you know
what we should do?
Where did you come from?
You weren't here before.
I've been here the whole time.
I'm just small.
Just. if we only have
ten minutes left,
I say we spend it
doing something we love.
Let's go out like Bellas and.
and sing one more song.
- You want to sing right now?
- (overlapping chatter)
I think we should sing
one more song, though.
- I don't know if I feel like singing.
- (overlapping chatter)
Oh, my God. Guys, I just want
to sing so bad.
We really think you'll like it.
You want to entertain me?
Knock yourselves out.
Nine minutes.
Let's make it a loud one, guys.
(hushed): You are terrible
at reading signals.
Come here.
(a cappella intro
to Britney Spears' "Toxic")
Baby, can't you see
I'm calling
A guy like you
should wear a warning
It's dangerous, I'm falling
(man groans)
There's no escape
I can't wait
- I need a hit
- Hit me, baby
Baby, give me it
You're dangerous
I'm loving it
- Ah, ah, come on
- Too high, can't come down
You know that's exactly
what you're gonna have to do.
(on TV): You know I can
take your head off, don't you?
What is the matter
with you two idiots?
You act like she's human.
(grunting and groaning)
(grunting and groaning
(grunting and groaning
(elephant trumpeting on TV)
(guttural vocalizing)
With the taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
You're toxic,
I'm slippin' under
Yeah, they're not bad,
are they?
With a taste of
your poison paradise
- Four minutes!
- I'm addicted to you
Don't you know
that you're toxic?
It's getting late
(singing continues in distance)
Mikhael, my former
jelly-wrestling coach,
slash babysitter.
- (chuckling sigh)
- Do you remember me?
How could I forget the girl
who gave me this?
You really shouldn't
have put me in a time-out.
Let's dance.
(grunting and groaning)
(grunting and groaning
Whoa. Easy, now. Easy.
Easy, now.
Come on. Yeah?
- (Amy grunts)
- (chuckles)
(grunting and groaning)
(fierce yelling)
- (Amy groans)
- (laughs, yells)
(grunting and groaning
(yells fiercely)
(Mikhael sobbing)
- (screaming in pain)
- Nipple cripple!
- Nipple cripple!
- (gasping)
- Take it.
- (screams)
This is way too much cardio.
Good old Dad.
(electrical crackling)
With the taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
You're toxic,
I'm slippin' under
With a taste of
your poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know
that you're toxic?
(vocalizing, beatboxing)
With the taste of your lips
I'm on a ride.
- Freedom.!
- BECA : Go, go!
Go, go, go!
Come out here! Amy!
Amy, come on! Amy!
Sweet baby Jesus!
Amy, let's go!
- Amy, come on!
- (coughs) Patricia!
Stop her!
- (gasping)
- (indistinct, frantic chatter)
- CHLOE : Beca! Beca!
- Amy!
Hey, you've been a very
naughty girl, Turnip Top!
- (gasping)
- Amy! Amy!
- Amy!
- (helicopter whirring above)
(gasping, frantic chatter)
I rained hellfire!
(indistinct, frantic chatter)
(seabirds squawking)
(low chatter)
The MPs arrested Amy's dad.
He's going to jail
for a long time.
I'm gonna go meet them,
all right?
- Okay.
- Sit tight.
I have no idea
what just happened,
but if Khaled doesn't pick us
after all of that,
what are we doing
with our lives?
- Right? - I know.
- Mm-hmm. - Seriously.
Uh, I think Beca has something
she'd like to share
with the group.
Um, thanks, Amy.
Uh, yeah.
I was gonna say something
earlier, but we were involved
in a hostage crisis,
so I just.
They picked her.
DJ Khaled and his team.
They didn't pick the Bellas.
They picked Beca.
So they. yeah,
so they only picked her.
Yeah, but I said no because
I feel exactly how you feel.
You guys are family, and you
don't walk away from family.
Don't you want to make music?
No, I guess, but.
Beca, you can't say no.
You've gotta do it.
Look, your real family
doesn't hold you back.
They lift you up.
Kind of feel like I've been
saying something to that effect
- the entire time.
- AMY : Oh, my God, Emily!
Smart people
are talking right now.
- (crying)
- Aubrey, don't, please.
It's. I-I won't do it.
It's not important.
No, no, no.
It's-it's not that.
(chuckles) You know, I have
to be honest with you guys.
Every time I perform
in front of people,
I feel like I'm gonna puke.
And I don't have to anymore.
I'm so happy.
- Aw.
- Yes!
- No more puking.
- Whew!
- No more puke.
- AUBREY : No more puke.
AUBREY (chuckling):
You know what?
I think I might just.
I don't know, move to Mykonos
and become a doula.
- A doula?
- A birthing coach.
- You gonna coach babies?
- Mm-hmm.
Yeah, I'll be like.
"Come here, little guy.
You can do it.
"There ain't really
nothing to it.
You can do it,
you can do it. Come on!"
- Ah.
- CYNTHIA ROSE : Now that gay people
can serve in the military,
I'm-a join the Air Force
and let them pay
for my flight school.
I have my Abnormal Psych exam
coming up next week.
But also, you're gonna
keep writing
so your life isn't filled
with crushing regret, right?
- Yes.
- Good.
Well, guys, a music career
would interfere
with my business, so.
Yeah, that little tiny
juice truck you work at.
The juice truck I own
and just secured capital
to franchise.
- So. - EMILY : Uh, what?
- Oh! - Cool.
- I didn't tell you guys?
- Congratulations.
Cool beans.
You talk?
Satan has finally left my body.
(laughs) Hi. I'm Esther.
- Wha.?
- BECA : I have many questions.
You guys? (clears throat)
I think it's time that we go on
with the next chapter
of our lives.
It's time for us to move on.
You know?
I mean, we're always gonna
be there for each other
because we're family.
And, I mean, I, for one,
am very ready.
I got the call that I got
into vet school.
- You got in!
- Yes, I got in. I know.
- No way! - Oh!
- I got in. I'm a vet.
What about you, Ames?
You sure you're cool with this?
Are you kidding me?
I just found out
I got $180 million
to put into
"Fat Amy Winehouse."
- What?
- Yeah.
- Whoa.
- Wait, I could do more shows.
"Fat Amy Adams."
"Fat Amy Grant."
Oh, that would be good
for Christmas.
Would be great.
- Beca.
- Don't.
I swear to God,
don't make that face.
If you cry, I'm gonna cry.
I swear.
I'm not gonna do this
with you today, so.
- I'm not doing it.
- I hate that face.
- I'm not.
- Don't make that face.
- Don't.
- This is my regular face.
You know how much I love you.
You just get out there,
and you crush it.
You crush it so hard
that your nips tingle a bit.
- She loves hugs.
- Don't. - Bring it in.
- That's not funny.
- We should give her one.
- I. - Yay!
- Hugger!
Way up, way up,
we gonna go
Way up, way up
No dominoes, way up, way up
I want to know,
are you with me?
My time on top
My time on top
Oh, yeah.
Here we are.
The final show, the conclusion
of the USO Tour
in the South of France,
coming to you
from the Citadel.
What a gorgeous setting
here tonight under the stars.
Isn't this beautiful?
Doing a wonderful
musical presentation
in a bunker.
In the South of France.
I mean, it's so romantic here.
I've never been to France.
I hope never to come back.
Oh, no, it's not
a place for you.
Oh, no, no.
There's no good people here.
No, no.
On your toes, folks.
We're on in ten.
First positions.
(cheering and applause)
Ladies and gentlemen,
let's give it up for DJ Khaled!
When I say "fan,"
you say "love."
- CROWD : Love!
- Fan!
First of all, I want to thank
all the troops
for coming out here.
It's about you.
We salute you.
We praise you and thank you.
But tonight I have a surprise.
I'll be introducing you
to a new star.
A superstar.
Somebody that I have cosigned.
I introduce you to.
Beca Mitchell.
JOHN : And here's Beca Mitchell
stepping onto the stage,
just as small as she was
the day she was born.
You know, we've been following
this little sprite-light lady
for, I don't know,
seven years now, I think.
We have been showing you
her new life
out in the real world,
where she's out to take
another perfectly good job
from an able-bodied man.
Go, Beca!
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh,
ooh, ooh, ooh
(recorded): Ooh, ooh, ooh,
ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh,
ooh, ooh
(layered with recorded vocals):
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
- Ooh, ooh
- Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
(layered vocals continue)
(building layers of vocals):
Ooh, ooh
- Ooh, ooh
- Ooh, ooh, ooh
- Ooh, ooh
- Ooh, ooh, ooh
- Mm, mm
- Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
- Mm
- Ooh, ooh, ooh
- Mm
- Ooh, ooh, ooh
- Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
- Mm - Ooh, ooh, ooh
- Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh - Mm
- Ooh, ooh, ooh
- Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
- Mm - Ooh, ooh, ooh
- Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh - Mm
- Ooh, ooh, ooh
Heaven knows
I was just a young boy
Didn't know
what I wanted to be
(layered vocals continue
as backing music)
I was every little hungry
schoolgirl's pride and joy
And I guess it was
enough for me
To win the race,
a prettier face
Brand-new clothes
and a big fat place
On your rock and roll TV
But today the way
I play the game
Is not the same, no way
I think I'm gonna
get me some happy
I think there's something
you should know
I think it's time
I told you so
There's something
deep inside of me
There's someone else
I gotta be
Take back your picture
in a frame
Take back
your singing in the rain
I just hope you understand
Sometimes the clothes
do not make the man
All we have to do now
Is take these lies
And make them true
- Somehow
- All we have to see
Is that I don't belong
to you
And you don't belong
to me, yeah
- Freedom, freedom
- I won't let you down
- I will not give you up
- Freedom
Gotta have
some faith in the
- Yeah
- Have some faith in the sound
I think there's something
you should know
I think it's time
I stopped the show
There's something
deep inside of me
There's someone
I forgot to be
Take back your picture
in a frame
Don't think
that I'll be back again
I just hope you understand
Sometimes the clothes
do not make the man
- I, I will not let you down
- Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Freedom, freedom
- Freedom, freedom
- Freedom
Have some faith
in the sound
- Freedom
- Have some faith in the sound, oh
- Freedom
- Freedom
Yeah, yeah
All we have to do now
All we can do
Is take these lies
- And make them true somehow
- Make them true
All we have to see
- Oh.
- Is that I don't belong to you
- Freedom
- And you don't belong to me
I won't let you down
I will not give you up
Gotta have some faith
in the sound
It's the one good thing
that I've got
I won't let you down
I will not give you up
It's the one good thing
that I've got.
(cheering and applause)
(squealing, laughing)
- Yeah!
- Whoo!
I love you guys so much.
I can't believe we finally
got our big ending.
You got all that
on camera, right, John?
Sure, I did.
This is confusing technology
for a woman.
It's child's play for a man.
All right, because
the red light was not on,
so I just had to ask.
I came here for love
For someone to.
That was amazing.
You guys, it's like my dad
always says,
"Always give a hundred percent,
"unless you're donating blood
- or getting a divorce."
- "Or getting a divorce."
- Dad.
- Aw!
(chuckles, sighs)
Oh, I knew you'd make it.
- Punching bag. Go!
- (chuckles)
- One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
- (grunting)
- (groaning)
- That's for being late.
(groaning laugh)
Hi. I'm Esther.
You smell like Skittles.
Can I taste the rainbow?
You can definitely
taste the rainbow.
Mm, let's go to it.
I can see
that you're watching me
Come over, talk to me
Need you to give me a sign
Hey. You were great.
- BECA : Aw.
- THEO : Oh, that's nice.
- So you work for me now.
- Yeah, you're the boss.
- That's cool. Yeah.
- I had some ideas, right?
I'm gonna be a real handful,
I gotta tell you.
THEO : Oh, I realized that
from the beginning.
- Gail.
- John.
Who are we kidding?
It's just us.
It's always been just us.
Maybe we should just drop
this facade between us
and speak honestly
about how we feel.
Oh, my.
I love you.
(both laughing)
I came here for love
I want you to reach out.
GAIL : We have so much footage.
How are we gonna edit all this?
- JOHN : Well, that's a problem.
- You just touch the one button.
No, no, I have to do
a lot of buttons.
You make sure
that the light's on.
- I have the lens on. I'm just.
- Are you sure?
Well, that about wraps it up.
Let's see what we have
in the can.
We all stars, we are one
We light up the night
like a black sun
We all shine
We are chrome
and we are shimmering
- Turn on, turn on
- Turn on
Play it loud, we don't care
And dance like
there's nobody there
Light up the night, yeah,
light it up every night
'Cause we are shimmering
- Turn on, turn on
- Turn on
We all stars, we are one
We light up the night
like a black sun
We all shine, we are chrome
And we are shimmering
Come on, come on, y'all
We all stars, we are one
We light up the night
like a black sun
We all shine, we are chrome
And we are shimmering
- Turn on, turn on
- Turn on
We kiss and we don't tell,
spin like a carousel
Don't like it, go to hell
This is our favorite song
Lights on everybody
We party legendary
High on sound and fury
Hey, turn on now
Calling all stars,
come on
Calling all stars, come on
Calling all stars,
come on.
Calling all stars, come on
Calling all stars, come on.
- Uh! Give me the beat
- Yeah
I chew it like bubblegum
Pimp-Lo, and I'm back
with another one
All the hoes, no cuddle up
Like camels in the sand,
let's hump it up
Bend down, yes, Lord
Let me squeeze on that booty
like stress balls
Speaking of balls,
I'm a quarterback
- (grunting)
- Oh, yeah
- Oh!
- Get low with the Pimp-Lo
Get low with the Pimp-Lo
Get low with the Pimp-Lo
Hey, get low
with the Pimp-Lo
Thank you. Yeah, that works.
- (grunts)
- (song ends)