Pitching Tents (2017)

Friday night
I just got back
I had my eyes shut
was dreaming 'bout the past
I thought about you
while the radio played
should of got movin'
some reason I stayed
I started drifting to a
different place
I realized
I was falling of the face of
your world
and there was nothing
left to bring me back
I'm a million miles away
a million miles away
I'm just a million miles away
and there's nothing left
to bring me back today
took a ride
went downtown
the streets were empty
there was no one around
to the place that we used to
in all the places we used to go.
Whoa, that's good!
You have outdone yourself.
That is a freakin' masterpiece.
Hey Tony,
if you're selling beef,
why did you want a dairy cow?
'Cause tits sell.
Here, here's your pay.
I gave you an extra ten.
Have a great time at trout camp.
Now gimme a little more yellow
in that hat though, huh?
You got it.
Alright, have a good night.
Goodnight Michelangelo!
And there's nothing
to bring me back today
bring me back today
bring me back today
a million miles away
to bring me back today
bring me back today
bring me back to day.
Happy Thursday
to you, let's brighten up
the day with a big smile.
Today for lunch, we're having
Salisbury steak, sweet corn...
out of my way dork!
Oh, what are you going to do?
I saw that Van Dexter, you
little prick.
Your ass is grass.
Your welcome Tim, don't
let it get you down.
I was bullied when I was your
I've had hair like this
since I was 11 years old.
The older boys used to
paint nipples on my head
and make me dress like a girl.
But you have a bright
future ahead of you son.
That little turd will be lucky
if he can get a job scraping
chewing gum
off the floor of an adult
But if there's one thing
I've learned in life,
and you pay close attention,
avoid home room like the plague.
Look I know why I'm here, okay,
she deserved to be called
a castrating bitch.
Sometimes these freshman girls,
Warren, that's not why you're
Unfortunately, with the budget
there's a chance they may need
to let go
of a guidance counselor next
I'm sure Janet will land on
her feet.
I'm not talking about Janet.
I'm not following.
Warren, you may lose your job.
But I've been here longer.
It's not about seniority
The school board is taking a
closer look at job performance.
Part of their evaluation
is based on percentages
of kids that you helped to
get into college this year.
Oh, I am absolutely kicking
ass there.
Well, your numbers have fallen.
With just a few weeks
left in the school year,
Janet is up by one student.
That's impossible, Janet stinks.
That instead of college,
Brian young has decided
to go out to defend our country.
That selfish little prick.
And there's Tommy
brewer, and Vicky Collins.
I got them into Pitt.
They're going to be in
a hospital for a year,
and I have to suffer?
Come on!
It's not me.
It's the numbers.
Well tom, this is my school.
These are my kids.
I mean there has to be something
I can do?
Warren, it's fourth and long,
and you're down by six,
with one minute left.
You have to be Terry Bradshaw,
and throw a hail Mary into the
end zone.
You fucker!
All my hard work to get
you into slippery rock,
and you pull this shit
right before school's out.
I hope you know your goddamn
stunt's gonna have me
living in my car and eating cat
After praying with my
parents and my pastor,
I decided it's best if I join
the army.
"I was praying with my parents"
you pussy.
Laura, hi.
Congratulations, I hear
miss Phillips father
got that scholarship to
beaver college for shot put.
Lacrosse actually.
The important thing is,
college is not for everyone.
A girl like you, might be better
suited for the peace corps.
The peace corps doesn't ask
you to do annoying things like
wear a bra, shave under your
Think about it.
Just think.
Although beaver is perfect for
Danny Whitaker, not a
complete waste of life.
Frank, hey, Warren mulligan
over here at Grandview,
how goes it?
Good buddy, listen, I'm sorry
about that kid dropping out
last minute, but I got
the perfect replacement.
Waiting list?
At slippery rock?
Can't you just white out that
kid's name,
and put in this new guy?
Alright look frank, I need a
I gotta get this kid in okay?
I could lose my job for Christ's
Am I in trouble or something?
As a matter of fact, every time
I walk into the supermarket
to grab a couple of
yams and some baby oil,
I see one of your murals,
I feel like I'm walking
into the Guggenheim.
Wow, thanks.
Big plans for the weekend?
Um, no, no, not really.
So you're not going to
the woods for trout camp?
Oh, um, you know, I'm not
really sure.
I wouldn't have told my
counselor either.
But I know, that this weekend
you're going
to be in the woods with your
you're going to get drunk,
you're going to party.
And then you're going to
look for this mysterious
group of girls who swims naked.
Goddess camp?
Here's my advice, don't do it.
Yeah, I understand why it
sounds like a lot of fun.
Before you know it, you're
going to be lost in the woods,
drunk by yourself, dreaming of
a goddess who doesn't exist,
masturbating in a poison Ivy
and there's nothing more
than your mother dabbing
Colamine lotion
onto your grapefruit sized
Yeah, I can laugh about it now.
I mean, you guys actually
thought that was real?
It's an urban myth.
You wanna see titties you go
to the oasis on route eight.
Pretend you don't know me.
Seriously Dan, what are
your plans after graduation?
With my friends this summer,
and then look for a job.
What if I get you into college?
I mean, I didn't apply to any.
Doesn't matter.
I got a friend over at slippery
who would love to meet with you
on Monday.
Yeah, I don't think
college is really my thing.
Danny, college is awesome.
It was the best six years of my
I thought I was Henry
Miller for Christ's sake.
I'd sit around naked, smoking in
my dorm,
dreaming about banging Anais
She was an author, Cuban and
kinda like a cigar made our of
Doesn't matter, she's dead now.
Point is, she was fucking hot.
That's real great.
Yeah, it's 1984 Danny.
You're gonna need a college
to get any kind of a real job.
Alright, I mean, what
would I even major in?
Who gives a shit.
It's a chance to get out of this
and do something with your life.
Here, give this to your parents.
I'm sure they'll agree with me.
They can call me any time of day
or night
with any questions they have.
You're a bright kid.
It's time for you to start
Ah, Bonjour Daniel.
Bonjour mom.
Honey, can we stop with the
we're German and Irish
for crying out loud.
I'm just practicing.
Next year is our 25th
and you promised to take me to
since we had to skip our
Yeah well, that was Pete's
You were very worth it honey.
Okay, asseyez-vous, you're
dad needs to get to work.
Oh yeah, why is he going to
work now?
They need some extra help at
the plant.
Honey, dinner.
Where you Daniel?
Making out with your gay
Like some kind of a loser
Whoa, whoa, whoa, what
happened to sloppy Joe night?
It's coq-au-vin.
It's chicken with onions and
mushrooms, in a wine sauce.
Now, why are you so late Daniel?
Mr. mulligan, my guidance
wanted to meet with me.
He says he can get me into
slippery rock.
He, uh, wants me to meet up
with some guy from there on
Mr. mulligan thinks I need
to go to college to get a job.
Yeah, I know, it's just he
thinks that it's, you know...
nah, nah, you know, college,
it's a waste of four years,
so, you know what, tell him
he can stop filling your head
with those crazy thoughts.
Bruce, I think that
now is the time for you
to tell Danny your news.
I got you a job at the plant.
I thought they weren't hiring?
They weren't, I got you in.
Tres bien!
Yeah, but I'm still in high
No, it's part time until you
and, and nine bucks an hour.
Nine bucks?
Well, he's actually going
to graduate high school.
Let's see Mr. mulligan
make that kind of money.
So, Sunday, you'll come down,
I'll show you around right?
Sunday, he's going to be
face down in a puddle of puke.
What the hell is that supposed
to mean?
So what, I'm not going to
trout camp.
Yeah, he's going to paint
Todd's grandfather's barn
in Pleasantville this weekend.
It's been on the calendar for
Oh, yeah, right.
Your brother isn't like you.
He doesn't gamble with his
Alright, he knows
Bridgetown would never hire
a kid who got busted for
underage drinking, right?
Yeah, I know dad, and I'm not.
I'm not going to trout camp.
Trout camp's gonna be awesome!
And I just hope I can go.
Oh, dude, you're going.
You gotta go, you're our ride.
I told you a thousand times.
Pot doesn't do anything to me.
Pot and chicks.
When I find goddess camp,
I'm not telling you.
Your gonna waste your time man.
You just wind up walking through
the woods
with poison Ivy on your balls.
but I have a secret weapon.
My cousin's map shows all
the places he's searched
back since the sighting in '79.
While you guys are looking
for make believe Poontang
I'll be banging the real thing.
Yeah right, dream on.
Hey save some for me dickweeds.
Guess what my uncle Randy
brought back
from his business trip in Japan?
Good one.
A freakin' Sony Discman.
Yeah, you dweebs won't be able
to get one of these for years.
Alright, I read about
these in rolling stone.
Cd's are just a fad alright.
Yeah, says the DJ from
the honky-tonk station.
Just paying my dues there,
but for the record, it's classic
Yeah, for the record,
it's just background music
for truckers getting laid.
Oh, shit!
Ooh, Mr. Danny, that's
cool, what is that dude?
Oh thanks, it's the
cars' next album cover.
They just don't know it yet.
He seems a little stressed.
If you got a ticket to
slippery rock, take it!
I don't know man, my
dad seems freaked out.
Take the job.
It's nine bucks and
hour with great health.
And reek of cobalt like his
idiot brother.
If I wasn't already accepted to
the Columbia school of
I mean, I'd ask his old man for
a job.
Okay, you weren't accepted.
They accept anybody who sends a
Shut the hell up Wachowski.
It's alright guys, I'll figure
it out.
Come on guys, stand up.
To titties!
Trees, and trout!
Allons, Allons-y.
Let's go!
why do I smell skunk?
Oh I ran over a dead skunk or
you know what, I should
probably go take a shower.
Hold on!
Come here please.
Look at what your father brought
Try it on!
Let's see.
Oh, it fits you perfectly.
We don't have to special
order it, like your brothers.
Huge head, here.
Oh, tres Beau!
Look how handsome he looks.
Aw, you look just like your
You're going to be late for
Oh my god, mom!
Get out!
A woman can be stiff,
when on love intent,
but love has
pitched his mansion,
in the place of
For nothing can be sole or
that has not been rent.
What did Yeats mean when he
said, "pitched his mansion?"
Anyone, anyone, anyone,
anyone, anyone, anyone,
listening to me?
Can you hear me back there?
Oh, okay.
Listen, I know you're going
camping this weekend kids.
I've read about what happens
Please, protect yourselves,
no drinking, or smoking, or
Catch a fish for crying out
Or crabs!
That's not funny, that's
a serious condition.
The gaming commission
said you could win $500
for catching the biggest trout.
Five hundred bucks is a lot of
I'm more interested
in smelling like a fish
what's more important Ms.
the length, or the girth?
That's an inappropriate
question young man.
Uh, hey Adrianne.
Skanky Ann
up yours dork.
They just accepted me into the
Barbizon school of modeling.
They said, I'm clearly
very fashion forward,
and I show a lot of promise.
I mean that's really
great, you know, um,
so you gonna be at
trout camp this weekend?
Um, yeah, but you know
I'm dating Bobby now?
Hard to miss with you two
making out in shop class.
Oh no, no, it's fine, you know,
Bobby's a great guy.
You know, Danny is going to
slippery rock in the fall.
The only book I've ever seen
you open
is your sketch book for
your little doodles.
It's not really finalized
and all that yet, but...
it just happened really fast,
you know.
Well, good for you.
Maybe I will see you at trout
Maybe you won't.
Todd, why do you have
to talk to that bitch?
Shut the hell up.
Don't let up where
we're setting up camp.
Yeah, but we don't
want them to know that.
Hey, Shelley.
So, uh, where you setting up
this year?
I'm not sure.
Oh, we're going to try
Pyrenees bend.
Us too!
Close to campo grande, and
I hear they got ten kegs.
so I'll see you there then.
Guess so.
What the hell!
Sorry, I panicked.
It's cool, we got what we
Fighting, courage to the core!
Rock pride is mounting,
s.R.U. Forever more!
That is the slippery rock theme
Now Danny, you do have
to have an essay ready
by Monday morning.
Oh, I do.
Yeah, nothing major, just...
Some crap about perseverance,
personal struggles,
overcoming the odds,
they eat that shit up.
Ah, trout camp!
I'll whip up something so sad,
they'll read it and
cry like they got their
dicks caught in the escalator.
Thank you so much Mr.
Mulligan, that's awesome.
I understand, there's
a lot of questions.
I'll take care of them too.
And try not to get into too much
Don't be fresh.
Team is fighting...
that guy is a freakazoid.
Trout camp fuckers!
You're listening to Phil from
the hill,
and thank you for listening
to oil city's classic country.
You're going to
get me fired man!
- Come on man, let's do this!
- Come on!
Alright, let's go, watch the
There it is.
Let's get you in here.
Come on.
Hey grandpa!
How you doing?
Ooh, watch the head.
Lock him up.
I don't know about this dude.
Let's just make sure he gets
back before family feud starts.
Come on, move it.
Take your wine cooler and
your porn and get out.
Alright you're up.
I'll get you next time.
That's what you said last time.
I'm a little short this month
Oh boy!
Alright, what do I owe you?
And a box of these, yeah!
It's tradition!
Tradition, you're making up
Every time I pay, you
make up a tradition.
No, I'm not.
What's going on?
Oh, we're out of quarters, and
It's money, let's get going.
I want to get out there
before those pissants
take the best spots.
Well, at least you could take
the box.
"My sciatica, my everything,
my back."
Shut up!
Mom likes me best.
Anything else grandpa?
Okay, I guess that'll do it.
Hang on, the old man didn't
say a word.
That's coz the Japs
ripped out his vocal cords
with a bayonet at the battle of
the bulge.
He drinks to forget about it,
but thanks for bringing it up.
Wait a minute.
The battle of the bulge was in
You want to tell him that?
Thank you for your service.
This way.
Grandpa just got us beer,
and he doesn't know what year it
Okay, always great
hanging out with you grandpa.
Come on grandpa!
We'll see you next time grandpa!
Oh my god, who farted?
Oh, I bet, I think grandpa
crop dusted.
It's getting stronger!
It's in my mouth.
Air it out!
Air it out!
Let me out!
Unlock the door Danny!
Let me out!
Why did we park so far away?
He wanted me to park out
here, and use the back door.
Okay, Danny, I need you to come
with me.
He used to hang out
with your older brother.
He might give us a better deal,
I don't even know why we need
It's habit forming, you know.
I don't want to see you go down
that path.
Shut up dude.
He should be here.
Who's this Hector?
Relax man, it's Pete
Whitaker's brother, Danny.
Is he an asshole like his
Just let us inside.
I wanna show Danny your doll
Fuck you, those are my
mom's cabbage patch kids.
Someone just stole Geneva Gina,
and she almost killed me.
Was that you?
Um no, it wasn't.
Stash, come on.
I just got this stuff in.
- Oh, yeah, wow.
- Holy shit.
Fucking a, right?
Acapulco gold.
Okay how much?
Well for you...
A hundred.
What can I get for 50?
Alright, show stash the cash.
So uh, what are you guys doing?
You want to uh, roll a doob, or
chill out?
Oh, it's alright, maybe some
other time.
We gotta go.
You sure?
Hold on.
Dude, where's he go,
he just walked off...
oh shit, it's the fuzz!
Why are they running?
Go, come on!
Just get in!
Drive, drive, drive!
I'm not taking you anywhere.
Bro, if I explain this weed in
your car,
I told you we didn't need pot.
Who's this douche.
Danny, just pull away, slow.
Unemployment at a record high
people coming
people going
people born to die
don't ask me
because I don't know why
but it's like that
and that's the way it is
people in the world.
Oh there's Henry's Van
trying to make ends meet
pull in over there.
You try to ride car,
hope you brought
train, bus or feet
a five man tent.
I said you gotta work hard.
Watch it!
And that's the way it is.
You need to lay off the dope
because I didn't even touch you.
Yo stash, what the hell man,
this is my mom's car.
No wonder the back seat looked
Shut up!
God, what an asshole.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Yo, you pitched your tent in our
Your spot?
We were here first.
Naw, see this can.
I put it here last year, saved
the area.
You calling stash a liar?
Your not even going
to fish, and this spot
has the best access to the
Oh, we're going fishing.
Fishing for babes.
See those hot chicks over there?
They ain't going to fuck you
Stash, let's just find another
No, we're camping right here.
You guys did it all wrong
And it's way too close to the
What is he...
forget it, let's just go guys.
We're moving.
Mighty Christian of you boys.
We'll send out sloppy seconds
I can not believe that
jerk-off is with us.
Don't worry man, we'll
ditch him at the party.
I don't think we're getting rid
of him.
Forget about it, okay.
Let's just have some
beers, and meet some girls,
and have a great weekend.
Alright, fine.
Hey Ronnie, what's up?
Screw you Danny.
What I do?
Speaking of miracles,
it's a miracle that I'm even
here today,
and able to apply, considering
most of my father's ancestors
perished, writhing in their
own blood, and feces, and urine
during the great Irish potato
I got it ma.
I said I got it for Christ's
Don't you yell at me.
hey Warren, don bishop.
Oh, Heya don.
I heard frank from
slippery rock is meeting
Danny Whitaker on Monday.
Good work, you're stepping up
your game.
Proud of you.
Oh, thanks don.
Keep it up.
Uh, say hi to your mom.
Will do, alright thanks,
Hey ma!
Don says hello!
Wow, you really play
a righteous air guitar.
Oh, if you're lucky, I'll
show you my Yngwie Malmsteen.
If you come any closer,
I'll show you a can of mace.
Ugh, he makes my skin crawl.
I don't know if I can put up
with that cretin all weekend.
I'm going to fish this year.
You say that every year.
Brought my poles and bait.
Better than last year
when you used dynamite,
and almost blew my whole hand
It was an m 80, and
your pinky nail grew back.
It took four months.
Yeah, there's a lot
of jerks around here.
Running all through the woods.
If I don't catch that fish,
I think I may kill one of those
Done it before.
Done it before.
How long you holding onto that
statue of Liberty?
What are our chances with them?
Slim to none.
A sure thing probably.
There it is.
Love comes
and it flows like water
call of the wild.
with the hope of insight
time to party!
We are we are we are
we're just children
finding our way around
we are we are we are
rather helpless
boys, boys, boys.
Welcome to campo grande,
and the party of 1984.
Where'd you get this Hector.
Ain't a stash that trout cant
find here.
Dude, it's going to blow away
the party from the '70's okay.
Five bucks, let's go.
This is how it works boys, okay.
Brew over there.
Pisser over there.
Chicks, well, they're
We got something moldy
yes I do, bitch.
Party favors boys.
Oh shit, shrooms.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I didn't bring enough for the
whole class.
What's it gonna be?
What do you guys think?
It's like no with the mushrooms.
Come on dudes, it's our
last fucking trout camp.
Last chance.
How was that a sports question?
It's sports and leisure.
Cooking is a very popular,
leisurely activity.
Orange wedge, S'il vous plait.
Alright, there we go.
Merci beaucoup.
You talk to Danny?
He just doesn't break a
leg, falling off a ladder
or something, you know.
Bruce, Danny is very
You're a regular Linda Lovelace.
Oh, you're such an
asshole stash, shut up man!
It's a compliment!
Who's up next!
Let's get fucked up!
Somebody a little tipsy?
Questions in my hand
and then.
I'm here '84!
Answers gone till I don't know
whoa, whoa, whoa!
What do you feed this thing?
Live mice.
Really, that's funny coz,
I feed mine live beaver.
Bite me.
That didn't work.
I fucking love her.
All fish that are under eight
have to be thrown back.
I happen to be packing the
perfect measuring tool.
There's a music revolution
and you still listen to Rick
Yeah, but there's so many
other great bands out there.
Like um, U2, rem, the smiths,
and you listen to shit like
Jessie's girl?
Yeah, and you wanna know
my favorite song by him?
Don't talk to strangers.
Later jerk.
Hey hey
the clouds are away
let's take a hit.
No, pot doesn't do anything
for me.
What does that even mean?
And I just don't feel anything.
Then you're doing it wrong dude.
No, I'm pretty sure I've done
it right.
Only dweebs don't smoke weed
so I'm going to need
you to hit this, pronto.
No, I'm, I'm cool.
Hit it one time.
We're getting pot sucked bro!
And I can see hear smell touch
I really enjoyed that.
And I've got
one two three four five
Are you okay?
Not even going to say hi.
Oh my god, put that thing away.
Yeah, I heard that one before.
I finally get you alone
without your loser friends.
You know they're the main
reason why we didn't work out
in the first place.
Really, that's funny.
You know, I thought the main
reason we didn't work out
was me catching Andy Goodwin's
hand down your pants, but...
I had a weak moment.
You know we dated for two years,
you never had a weak moment with
Hey hey
night fights day
there's food for the thinkers
I happen to be packing
the perfect measuring...
look Phil!
My my
the sky will cry
jewels for the thirsty
and the guilt ones.
I'm so high!
Aw, this feels good.
Clearly seeing me is still
too much for you to handle.
One two three four five
all of you are under arrest!
You can't run!
We're calling your parents!
Hey, Ronnie, guys!
The cops busted up the party.
Yeah, so?
Can I, can I, here, with you
My dad will rip me a
new one if I get caught.
We don't give a crap.
'Cause of you, we lost hours
of fishing,
finding a new spot.
They're coming, better keep
Whitaker, I see you!
In conclusion, I am an ideal
candidate for slippery rock,
not just because all of
my relatives perished
like pigs in a sty,
but because when I saw two
roads diverged in a wood,
I took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the
Mulligan, you are fucking
Oh, so that's why my pee
stream is a little erratic.
Okay, yeah.
Oh, look at that.
Come on.
Is that a rubber.
I told you we should
have gone to that party.
Hey, I was beginning to worry
about you.
Oh, relax.
It's going to be alright.
Oh, hiya Tony.
What are you doing to me?
Are you trying to get me
in trouble with your mother?
What are you talking about?
What's in the bag?
What's in the bag?
Healthy items.
Can I see?
Donuts, hm.
And you were doing so good!
I'm gonna credit these
to your mother's account.
Thanks Tony.
Why don't you mind your
own beeswax you fat prick.
Well, Bonjour Mr. mulligan.
Oh, good morning Mrs.
You're up pretty early aren't
Early please, I've already
sweated with Jane Fonda,
and done two hours of laundry.
Jane Fonda, I get it.
Yeah, feel the burn.
I have, I'll never call that
girl again.
Danny's new opportunity
is pretty exciting, huh?
Hey, thanks for taking such
a special interest in Danny.
It meant the world to him.
Ah, I'm just doing my job.
I'm really happy that you and
Mr. Whitaker
Danny wasn't a hundred percent
you'd be on board.
We were just kind of
surprised it happened so fast,
but hey, when opportunity
I answer the phone.
Oh yeah, well, he had
to make a few sacrifices
to get Danny in, but it
was totally worth it.
Bruce had to take some
graveyard shifts
in exchange for getting
Danny into Bridgetown.
where did you think he got a
I gotta go home.
Well hey, are you okay?
Are you alright?
Like you give a shit.
That is vile.
Little prick.
This is madman Mully mulligan,
and I'm about to go north on
route eight by black road,
I don't want to get bit by a
See you hit me up if you
see a Kojak with a Kodak.
I'm going fishing for
a lying little asshole.
Life is so strange
when you don't know
how can you tell
where you're going to
you can't be sure
of any situation
something could change
and then you won't know
life is so strange
destination unknown
when you don't know
your destination
something could change
it's unknown
and then you won't know.
It's great!
Come on in!
Destination unknown
I take it you're feeling better?
Oh, uh, yeah, I was just
going down to the water
to, um, clean myself up.
Come here.
I don't even know your name.
Oh, I'm, uh, Danny.
Hi Danny.
Yeah, yeah I'm a senior at
Here I come you little shit
Here we are.
Here we are.
Ugh, fuck me.
Wherever you are, I hope
you're fucking dead.
So, did you see him?
It's a ghost town.
Grande's shut down for good,
and no sign of Danny.
Stash never had a party in
the woods busted by the fuzz.
No, they just came to your
I guess we gotta lay low
in case they're out
looking for stragglers.
We're not going to find goddess
camp sitting on your ass.
Can't, I don't feel so good.
Goddess camp, if there
were naked chicks out here,
I could sniff them out.
Shut your face.
Did you bring the big bobbers
this time?
Hi fellas,
think you can help me out here?
What can we do for you?
Looking for a high school boy.
About this tall.
Slender build, good looking.
And I'm more than a little
pissed off.
For boys out here in the woods.
Only ones who've played me for
a fool.
Takes all kinds I guess.
What a dickhead.
Yeah, looks like a dick.
Thanks for helping me out.
Your welcome.
What happened?
I was at a party with friends,
we were drinking, and
cops showed up, it was dark,
think I can figure out the rest.
What the hell.
Where'd he come from?
He fell down into our camp.
So you brought him here?
Do you really think a
guy just stumbled upon us
yes, and he might have a
Is this goddess camp?
Look, he has no idea where he
And I will lead him out
of here blind folded.
We don't have a choice, do we.
And if we find one of his
buddies lurking around,
there's going to be trouble.
I'm never drinking again.
Didn't anyone ever teach you?
You need a little hair
of the dog that bit you.
Oh, it's all in your head.
Man, I gotta take a shit.
Guys, just keep an eye on my
That sounds so gay dude.
There's not even anything left.
Hey, sorry if I like
caused a problem or anything.
Oh you didn't, my friends
can be a little intense
about their privacy.
can't believe I actually
found goddess camp.
We're not goddesses, we're
who like to chill out after
Yeah, some of the girls have
been coming
to this spot for years.
We don't want the word
to get out and ruin it.
I can understand that.
Most guys don't.
We've been spotted a few times,
and we've become this secret
society of amazonian lesbians.
And every year, some horny high
thinks he's Indiana Jones
searching for us
like we're the lost ark.
It's sad.
Well, I'm not one of them.
Horny or high schooler?
Boys, boys, boys, boys!
Come here you fish bastard!
- Oh crap!
- Holy shit!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Wait, wait!
Whoa, whoa!
While you were out
lollygagging, I caught it.
That's my pole, I baited it, I
cast it,
that's my fish.
Anyone can throw a worm in the
the art's in catching it.
The baby's mine.
We came here to party,
and have a good time,
not fight over a fish alright.
Why don't you just throw it
Let me think about that.
The prize money will buy
me shit loads of bacon,
Jesus, is pot the only
thing you care about?
Pot and pussy.
You little douche bag!
Ouch, ouch, ouch.
Hey ladies!
Take a look at my huge trout!
Yuck, why do they hang out
with him?
Because, he's never without
So, they would rather get high
with him,
than hook up with us?
Come on, toughen up you pussy!
Hah, hey guess how you
order steak in France?
Oh, don't know, don't care.
Biftek et frites!
You're going to need to
learn when we go to Paris.
Oh honey, look, hey,
you wanna know a place that's
niagra falls.
Yeah, those Canadians, they
put all their signs in French.
That's not romantic.
How about Atlantic city?
Honey, very romantic.
You know Bobby Vinton
plays there all the time.
Oh, you know, you know...
Roses are r...
don't you dare.
24 years you have been promising
Now I have clipped coupons,
and bought store brand.
I have sold Tupperware,
and Mary Kaye and Avon,
which is a conflict of interest,
I have skimped on nail
salons and hair salons
and dry cleaning to save money.
You are taking me
to Paris!
Okay, I'm taking you to par...
Honey, I'm just kidding around.
Honey, come on, honey, come on.
I'm taking...
hey Bruce, Caroline.
Hey, Bonjour Mike,
you're not on duty today?
No, I was, I worked a double.
Hey there Pete, haven't
seen you in awhile.
No, you have not.
So anyway, Bruce.
Its none of my business, but
last night
I broke up an underage
drinking party at trout camp,
and Danny was there.
Hey, shut it.
Danny's not at trout camp,
he's helping a friend in
Oh no, he was, I saw
him with my own eyes.
Are you sure?
Yeah, I was this close to him.
I saw him.
I think you must've mistook
some other kid for Danny.
Oh, yeah.
Maybe I did.
See you guys around.
Bruce, don't get carried...
Caroline, don't.
I can't believe stash
is going to win the money.
Maybe someone will catch a
bigger one.
No way!
I don't care, let that ass wipe
Buy all the weed he can get
his douche bag hands on,
and smoke himself into a pot
induced coma.
Well, as long as you don't care.
Wow, so your counselor tells you
he can get you into slippery
the same day your dad
gets you into Bridgetown?
You gotta be totally stressed
I just don't get how
people can expect you to make
a decision at 18 that
affects your whole life.
My parents were convinced
I'd become a doctor.
I told my dad that I
wanted to study sociology,
and back pack through Europe,
and he threw up.
Literally, mashed potatoes
all over my mother.
It was classic.
It's pretty funny.
What made you want to study
I knew I wanted to
help people in some way,
but I just couldn't stomach
pre-med, and all that blood.
You did a pretty good
job patching me up.
Well, you're lucky it wasn't
any worse.
I would have left you for the
Just look at 'em.
They are so flirting with us.
Acting like they're not paying
Wait, how do you know they're
Because it's what they do.
Just make them think we're
ignoring them.
I am ignoring them.
Me catching that fish
turned the little one on.
Then why don't they come over
'Cause then we'd think they're
Wait so, they wanna come over
because they're easy, but
they won't come over here
because they don't us
to know they're easy.
Ding-ding, circle gets the
But don't you guys worry.
I'm going to figure out a
way to get 'em over here.
Bruce, I don't think
this is a good idea.
Let's go!
So um, what's Pittsburgh like?
Oh, I love it.
My place is on Southside, near
Jack's bar.
Carson street is so much fun.
I've only been to Pittsburgh
for like a class trip to the
Well, you should check
it out this summer.
I'd like that, for sure.
Um, I gotta figure out
what I'm doing first,
'cause there's a good
chance I might be working.
So, slippery rock's out?
I don't know,
I mean uh,
you know, going to
college would be a blast,
but working at Bridgetown
would mean a lot to my dad.
You know it's like a family
Um, life's a puzzle.
Make sure you don't try to force
where they don't fit.
You know if sociology doesn't
work out,
you should definitely try
being a guidance counselor.
I'm getting tired.
I'm trying here.
Just get it up already.
This has never
happened to me before.
I think I heard something.
It's probably a bear or
Oh Bobby!
Bobby, thank god, I'm lost.
You have any Colamine lotion.
I got poison Ivy on my balls.
Listen, Mr. m., I'm a little
busy here.
Listen, Mr. m., why don't
you go way over there?
Get outta here.
Come on!
This is so cool.
We haven't been hunting together
in years.
We're not hunting.
We're hunting for Danny's ass.
You guys haven't lured
them over here yet?
They're never coming
over here with you around.
Men and women are meant to be
Maybe not this time.
And the apple, and the snake,
and the...
I got it!
I got it!
What, wait, wait, I'm not
Danny, you're really talented.
Oh, thanks, I mean, it's just
a hobby.
Collecting beer cans is a hobby.
You should really think
about becoming an artist.
Yeah, that would go over
real well in my house.
These are awesome.
Have your parents seen your
Um, you know, not
really, just a few things.
You can't take that job at
Why not?
Test, you're an artist.
Yeah well, what kind of
job is an artist anyways.
I mean, you know what, I'm
supposed to just give up
a future and a paycheck to
paint supermarket murals?
That is your dad talking.
You have something special,
and not very many people can say
I really appreciate the advice,
what the hell to do
with my life right now.
I'm sorry.
It's none of my business.
I'm sure you'll figure it out.
Let's go.
How you feeling?
I'm coming around.
Great, because it's time for
you to go.
You've outstayed your welcome.
You don't have to be rude Becca.
This is a girls only weekend.
Forget it.
She's pleasant.
Mr. Whitaker?
What are you doing out here?
Some of us actually came to
Oh, catch anything?
A few rainbow, but nothing much.
Yeah, you seen Danny?
Not around here.
I don't, I don't think he came.
Alright, thanks Ronnie.
You guys fish, at trout camp.
Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.
Oh my god stash, what
the hell are you doing?
Don't worry,
we're all getting laid tonight.
I know you were trying to help,
I'm just,
figuring what I want to
do with my life right now.
Well, sometime,
when you're alone,
I want you to close your
eyes, and try to picture
how you imagine your future.
Where you live, where you work.
If you see yourself in oil city,
hanging out with your friends,
working at the plant,
then maybe that's your answer.
But, if you have trouble
imagining that,
I think that's your heart
telling you that
you need more.
that's deep.
Alright, now let's get you
lost, again.
Mr. mulligan?
I'm trying to right a wrong,
what are you doing here?
Hey, wait a minute, you're
Yeah, I'm mulligan.
All these cockamamie ideas about
college into my kid's head.
You're confusing him.
I'm trying to set your kid
on the right path in life.
That's his father's job.
Yeah, well, no disrespect,
shouldn't do something
great with his life,
just because you haven't
done shit with yours.
Watch it fucko, I wrestled
in junior high school.
Okay shit bag, come on, bring
Lucky for you, my balls itch.
Are you okay?
You scared the crap out of me.
I want to kiss you.
I'm rocking' tonight
I'm walkin' on air
gonna find me some trouble
gonna grab my share
I want you tonight
I want you with me.
Like father, like son!
Make me guilty of love.
I admit it
in the first degree
when I put on that country
station and I hear Phil from the
I get a little tingly.
It takes a little
bit more than that for me,
but you're a freak.
You want it all right
we're going in style
say you walk right
you talk right
and your hair's so wild.
Alright, I think I'm gonna hit
the sack.
But it's so early.
I know, but I'm just beat.
Wait for it.
Moonlight in the city
brings the magic to your eyes.
Freezing a moment
leave me paralyzed
breathe an emotion.
Wait for it.
Set it dancing in my ear
bring on the rhythm when I
hold you near
take me in your arms
roll me through the night
take me to your heart
rock me tonite
you do it all right
your passion to see
you been schooled in the art
of romancing me
hold tight
you're in for a ride
can you feel the blood pound.
There's a snake in our tent!
Way down inside now what?
No one's stopping us now.
You girls can uh,
we go down down
stay here tonight
where the music's loud
and we can figure it out
if it's all right
in the morning.
Hey its alright by me.
Hey, that's a good idea Todd
go and play on my love
play it all for me
we need more firewood.
I'll be right back.
I can't believe this happened
to us.
I don't think you girls
were like in any real danger.
Are you kidding?
Those are royal pythons,
they feel threatened enough,
they'll absolutely kill you.
Wait, how did you know
what kind of snake it was.
Wait, you put that thing in
our tent?
You asshole!
Hey, we didn't know, what
he was going to do alright?
Just, I swear.
You know what, I believe you.
That's my face.
Aw shit!
We're getting a new
fucking spot next year.
Danny's old man's coming this
Guys in the tent, girls
you don't know us or Danny.
Go, go, go, go, go!
Stash, let's go!
You're not the boss of me!
No way, what's up man?
It's Pete.
We used to hang out all
the time in ninth grade.
Which time?
My first, your second.
Oh yeah!
Presto Pete?
Hey, yeah man.
You could smoke a
little joint with one hit.
I don't know what you're
talking about.
Jesus Christ, has anybody
seen my son, Danny Whitaker?
Who's in there?
She's changing out of her
bathing suit.
I just need to check real quick.
Are you crazy?
Alright, sorry for interrupting
Yeah, like stash would hang
out with a dork like Danny.
Hey, hey stash, can I, joint?
For the road, out here, you
Sorry man.
See you Pete.
Finally, it grew back.
You can see that line right
I bet that hurt.
It did.
It did.
Who's open for business?
Excuse me?
You're at trout camp.
Every girl at trout camp is
for some tube steak, right?
Oh my god, gross.
Shut up stash, you jerk.
Whatever Scott.
She's cross-eyed.
Shut up!
God, this sucks!
Hey, you guys wanna go for a
Let's go.
Where are you going?
It's your loss.
Come sweetheart.
Watch the teeth!
Watch the teeth!
We've been to pit hole and back,
where's this little shit hiding
Well, maybe he's not here.
Yeah, right.
I mean yeah, maybe you're right.
You know what.
Let's call it.
I'm beat.
I thought I just heard my
dad's voice.
Out here?
Yeah, yeah, you're right.
You do have some issues to
work out.
Are you sure about this?
It's pretty fucked
up, even for you Becca.
Think about baby Moses,
being sent down the Nile, in a
That was so Moses wouldn't get
Exactly, so this asshole
should consider himself lucky.
Oh god!
Oh my god.
I know you took it you bastard!
I did not!
Yo guys!
What's going on?
Dude, where the hell have you
Long story man.
He took my prize winning trout.
Alright, alright, alright!
Now, he's
going to call me a liar.
Listen, if you don't
want the whole town to know
that your latest girlfriend
had a set of gills...
I'm going to bury this asshole.
I suggest you drop it.
look dude, your dad and Pete
were out here last night
looking for you.
Yeah, no one saw, we hid.
We gotta get out of here.
Dude, seriously, where
the hell have you been?
What if I told you,
when I ran from the cops,
I actually found goddess camp?
So you were tripping on
Yeah, that's what I'd say too.
Come on, let's get out of here.
Like the way he always goes,
It wasn't what it looked like.
Yeah, what the hell
was your dick in a fish
sometimes it's hard being the
cool dude
that everyone wants to hang
around with.
I mean when the party's over,
I'm alone.
Alright, look stash, it's
It's not fair!
I'm the one who got those girls
over here,
and they're the ones who got
And now my reputation's ruined
'cause of one weak moment.
Listen, listen.
It's alright.
Okay, I'm not going to tell
swear to god?
I swear.
Now, come on.
Let's pack up, alright?
All I got is the shirt on my
and the weed in my pocket.
Let's go!
Man, let's go.
Can I call you?
I guess so.
I think I have a pen.
Okay, ready?
Go for it.
Eight six seven
five three oh nine
good one Jenny.
Three oh nine.
Listen um, after graduation,
I'm going to college.
I mean, just community, but
I can't have any distractions.
Community huh?
Well, you better have a lot of
will power.
No way.
But what's your real number?
Okay, I'll give it to you.
Okay, let me get out my pen.
What the hell!
Looky, looky.
Hey, what are you canoeing
in your underpants for?
You ever find your boyfriend?
Ha ha, right?
Must of had rough night with
the boys.
How do you like coming to the
to see something like that?
Yeah, I just want to fish.
everybody busting
dude, I think you ran a red
You guys just take a chill
pill alright!
Alright, there's pot!
Hide the pot!
We're so busted.
My dad's going to kill me.
No, boys.
It's going to be okay.
I think this'll makes us even.
Teenage underground
teenage underground.
I'm going to get you
this time, you little fucker.
What the hell just happened?
I think stash just saved our
These little
assholes aren't going to win.
And we have a winner.
No way!
You know what, this is
I'm going to the bar.
What the fuck!
Alright, wake up dudes.
- Pssst!
- Come on wake up.
Wake up!
I guess that's our, last trout
We could always be like
stash and go every year.
I'd rather lose my left nut.
Well, we're still gonna
see each other around?
Right guys?
Is this where we all hug and
Nah, I mean, we can skip that
Thanks for driving man.
Yeah, no problem.
Yeah man.
I hope stash made it home.
I really need some weed.
I can tell.
Who knows though?
Later Danny.
How'd the barn turn out?
Yeah, took a drive up oil creek.
Imagine my surprise when I
saw your mother's car parked
on the side of the road.
You're trying to think of
another lie?
I can't believe I trusted you?
Calm down.
Danny, you lied to us.
Look, I'm about to graduate.
All my friends are going
to do something different
with their lives.
That might be the last time we
ever get together like that.
You know it might sound stupid
to you,
but it was really important to
Well it is stupid.
You could have screwed up
everything I did
to get you into Bridgetown.
Bruce, Bruce, stop yelling.
I thought you were
different than your brother.
I can't begin to tell you how
disappointed we are in you.
Aw shit, did I miss it?
And here we go.
Thank you Burt.
Do something about that
emphysema, huh?
And say hi to your mom for me.
You don't know what he
Think he enjoys working
the night shift at his age?
What's that got to do with
He made a deal to work those
in exchange for you getting
Now, you did not hear that from
You don't know that, you
so give him a break.
All he wanted was to make sure
that you're taken care of.
Okay, get some rest.
It was a long weekend.
You have a big day ahead of you.
It's a big day tomorrow,
for you, and for him.
The 1984
school year is almost over.
You're 18.
Technically, he can't ground
you, right?
It's his house, his rules, you
I just got to lay low, let
the whole thing blow over.
Hey studmuffin.
Come on, let's go before my mom
gets home.
I know it was you.
We would have caught it
if we stayed in that spot.
I know.
But uh...
No problem.
Stay away from the dark side.
I will try master Yoda.
Hey, come on in Danny.
Nice to meet you.
Mr. mulligan speaks very
highly of you.
Oh, well, he's um...
Thank you.
We're just having a
Tell me why you think
slippery rock university
is right for you?
Hey frank.
Was I right, or was I right
about Danny?
you're here.
You look good.
That itchiness is going to go
after your mom washes it a few
It's okay.
You've got some forms
you've got to fill out.
You got a safety video
you've got to watch,
so let's get you clocked in.
You gonna lean on it, or you
gonna run it?
There you go.
That's you.
Everyday, this remarkable
device, the human hand,
helps make living, a very good
for millions of people,
in thousands of different ways.
Hands work efficiently...
hey, shit for brains.
With the tiniest instruments,
and with great, powerful
to do tremendous jobs...
it ain't all bad here.
You get used to the smell.
I kinda like it.
Hands get into close quarters...
You make money, you pay bills.
Shit, I almost have enough
saved up for a satellite TV,
I'm gonna be like 50 channels.
Machines and
materials, that are capable
of destroying or mutilating them
in one senseless moment.
There are several specific
kinds of danger in most...
you can always paint
your little supermarket
bunny rabbits on the side.
Deserves the greatest
respect and understanding.
Where are you going?
You gotta watch the whole thing.
what's this?
I'm sorry dad, I um
I can't do this.
You haven't been here
ten friggin' minutes.
I had an epiphany.
Like a light bulb went off in
my head.
I don't belong here.
Look, I'm an artist.
Oh, Jesus Christ, come on kid.
Fuck, you're an artist?
That's bullshit.
No, it's not!
All I have ever loved to do is
Well then, you can draw good.
So what?
It's not going to pay the bills.
Hey, hey, hey.
Look, you...
Put this back on your head.
Put it back on your
head, or I swear to god,
this is going to be the
sorriest day of your life.
I'm sorry dad.
You went through a lot to get me
in here,
and I appreciate it, okay, I
really do.
no, I'm sorry.
I just can't.
You, hang on, you, wait a
Alright you want to waste your
You're not getting a goddamn
cent from me.
Normally I get dinner and a
before I get fucked you little
Look Mr. mulligan, I'm
sorry, I didn't mean...
I didn't mean to screw
up at slippery rock.
The whole time you're working
By the way, I'm not
working here, I just quit.
What do you mean you quit?
Look, I mean, whether
you believe it or not,
you inspired me.
I inspired you?
you told me I needed to start
So, that's what I'm doing.
I don't know what it all
means, but I'll figure it out.
Maybe I'll meet Anais nin along
the way.
She was a metaphor, you idiot.
Wow, you did it man,
you're actually leaving.
Send me some pictures of
those la hotties, alright?
First chance I get, I
come crash on your couch.
Come on!
Oh, ain't that sweet.
Ah, shut up Pete.
Take this.
Have fun.
Do good.
I don't want you to have to
give head
for your first month's rent man.
That was cool, in an assholey
I don't think he knows any
other way.
Don't forget these.
Mom, I don't really have room.
Oh, they're just sandwiches.
Nothing French, I promise.
Just make me feel better,
knowing you have a full belly.
I'll miss you.
I'll miss you too mom.
I'll try to make it back for
Oh well, actually, we're
not going to be here.
Your dad, finally bought
I'm going to Paris.
That's amazing.
Mom, I'm so happy for you.
So, you got everything?
yeah, I think so.
Well, okay then.
Dad, I didn't mean to like...
hey, forget it.
Go do what you gotta do.
Look, you remember this
is always your home.
You are always welcome here.
You ever get in a situation,
and you need help, you call me.
I'll do it.
What are you looking at?
Go on, get out of here.
What are you doing?
Packing up the last of my
You haven't heard?
Danny Whitaker's enrolled in
at an art center in Los Angeles.
So Janet and I tied?
No, no, no.
One of her girls passed
on a scholarship to beaver
for the peace corps.
So you won!
I won!
You won!
I'm sure Janet will land on her
Sure she will.
But you won.
Thanks don.
Way to go.
Fuck you Janet!
This is Phil on the hill.
This next one's for my buddy
who's leaving oil city
for the city of angels.
Take care buddy.
Phil, unlock the bitch door.
I never seen you look
like this without a reason
this is a country station!
Another promise fallen through
another season
passes by you
I never took the smile
away from anybody's face
and that's a desperate way to
for someone who is still a
in a big country
dreams stay with you
like a lover's voice
fires the mountainside
stay alive
I think I got the wrong house.
Hey, what are you doing here?
I uh
how did you find me?
I um, I just asked around
Jack's bar.
Wow, that's pretty resourceful.
So is uh, that your boyfriend
in there?
No, no, he's dating my roommate.
Yeah, I just wanted to let you
I'm going to be leaving oil
No way!
Yeah, assuming my car holds up,
I'm gonna be a struggling
artist in the California
sunshine next week.
Danny that's awesome.
I uh, finished this.
Oh my god, Danny.
It's beautiful.
Alright, well, I'd better get
You know, next stop Graceland,
whoa, whoa, whoa, you
have to stick around
and let me show you around
One condition.
No more blind folds.
So take that look out of here
it doesn't fit you
because it's happened doesn't
mean you've been discarded
pull up your head off the
come up screaming
cry out for everything
you ever might have wanted
I thought that pain and truth
were things that really
with every single hope you had
shock one two
I'm not expecting to
grow flowers in a desert
but I can live and breathe
and see the sun in wintertime
in a big country
dreams stay with you
like a lover's voice
fires the mountainside
stay alive
in a big country
dreams stay with you
like a lover's voice
fires the mountainside
stay alive
fast cars and cigarettes
lipstick and silhouettes
the night's still young
there's so much to be done
fast food and safety nets
we'll close the laundromats
there's so much to be done
when you are young
the world's all mine
with a soldier on the line
the world's all mine
with a soldier on the line
I've got you by my side
we've got nothing to hide
grandpa, I would like you to
meet someone.
Hi, nice to meet you.
I've got something inside