Pixie Hollow Games (2011)

Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut...
Right here will be just divine, thank you.
Hut, hut, hut, hut.
Let's speed this along.
This is lovely.
Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut.
What in Neverland...
Chloe! Chloe? Chloe!
Don't trample the flowers!
Dirt! Get it off, get it off,
get it off, get it off!
Oh, my goodness, Rosetta.
I am so sorry. Are you okay?
Get it...
Thank you.
You're afraid of dirt?
And you're a garden fairy?
Ironic, isn't it?
I love your rock.
What are you doing with it?
I'm training.
For the Pixie Hollow Games, of course.
I've been studying all kinds of
strategies for different events,
working really hard at ways to...
Wait, wait, wait. You actually want to be
on the garden fairy team?
Well, yeah. Don't you?
No. New arrival.
I'm starting to think I'm the only one
who wants to be on the team.
You are. Because we stink!
We never even come close to winning.
We bring beauty to the world.
That's what we're good at.
Well, why can't garden fairies be
just as good as everyone else?
I mean, this could be the year
the losing streak ends.
It would make history.
And I, for one, think we can win!
We can win, if no one else shows up.
Gather around, garden fairies.
It is time to choose who's going to
represent us in the games this year.
Now, Chloe has already...
Dig down deep and break the streak!
Okay. But we need to pick
her teammate.
Now come on.
We've put this off long enough,
so let's just get this over with.
Thank you. And the name is...
Please don't let it be me! No, no, no...
Me? No! No, no, no, no.
There must be some mistake!
Here, let me see that.
See, that says Rosita.
Rosita, where are ya? Rosita!
It's you.
No, but I can't! Just pick another...
Yours is the only name in there.
You've weaseled your way out of this
every single year, Ro. It's your turn.
Well, that's only because I...
Hey, you heard her.
She doesn't want to do it.
Are you sure there isn't anyone else?
Yeah! Well, yeah,
Fern, what about you?
I did it last year. Slipped in slug slime
and separated my septum.
Or Lilac?
I swallowed so much mud
on tug of war,
I sprouted weeds out my nose!
Or Ivy?
Trampled by my own frog.
Thanks for bringing it up!
- Rosetta!
- You made her cry!
Great job, Rosetta.
Fine, fine. I'll do it.
All right, so, let's bring home
that trophy. Dig down deep?
No, no, no.
Dig down deep and break the streak.
This is gonna be good.
Aye, it's that time again, folks.
The games will span
the next three days,
with the last place team eliminated
after each event.
All leading up to the pixie car derby,
where the final four teams
will race for the championship.
And so, let the games...
Let the games begin!
Clank, give a guy some warning.
Sorry, Bobble. I'm just so excited!
Here come the teams!
Fast-flying fairies, soar!
The animal fairies!
Our very own tinker fairies!
The dust-keeper fairies!
Dust-keeper pride!
Hey, Terence, nice legs!
The music fairies!
The light fairies!
The garden fairies!
The art fairies!
The water fairies!
The scout fairies!
What a beautiful dress, Rosetta!
You do know we're competing,
not spectating, right?
Honeydew, we're not gonna last
more than one event.
If I'm gonna look bad, I'm not gonna
look bad. Know what I mean?
Don't worry.
We'll do a makeover on you later.
Here they come,
your defending Pixie Hollow Games
champions, the storm fairies!
Where there's lightning...
There's thunder!
Go, storm fairies!
Rumble and Glimmer are going for
a record fifth straight
championship ring!
One for the thumb!
One for the thumb! One for the thumb!
One for the thumb! One for the thumb!
They're my favorite!
Well, I'm glad you're so impartial.
Well, thank you very much, Bobble.
Welcome, fairies and sparrowmen,
to the Pixie Hollow Games.
Good luck to all our competitors!
And may the best team win.
What a spectacular
opening ceremonies! it's going to be...
Look, Bobble, the animal fairies
are bringing out the frogs!
This is it, Clanky.
Time for our first event, leapfrogging!
Are you ready, big guy?
The first team to finish two laps
is the winner.
And these trusty toads are raring to go!
Teams, take your mark. Get set...
And they're off! Bolting to the lead
are the animal fairies.
Bobble, look, the garden team
is still at the starting line!
Rosetta, you actually
have to sit on the frog.
I am not putting my petunia
on that slimy thing.
But the race has started!
I don't even wanna touch it!
- Please?
- I can't!
Sit on the frog!
All right, all right!
I'm just gonna hover.
Hold on!
The garden team seems to be having
a wee bit of trouble.
Well, perhaps they're waiting
for the right moment.
Out of my way!
They're not doing much of anything...
They've made a move.
Bobble, there's been a crash!
Clanky, look at the race, lad.
The storm and animal teams
are jockeying for the lead
as they come into the final stretch.
It's a dead heat.
And here they come!
All right!
The animal fairies win!
What happened to my storm fairies?
- Yeah! Way to go, Buck!
- Yeah!
Rosetta! Hold on! Just a little further!
I knew you could do it!
Since the healing fairies didn't finish,
you guys move on to the next event!
Oh, my gosh! Are you serious?
Did you hear that, Ro? We're still in it!
So, after one event, the animal fairies
are atop the leader board!
If it wasn't for those garden fairies,
we'd be in first right now!
The animal team deserved to win.
Besides, there are plenty of events left.
Focus. Need to focus.
All right, do the thing.
Go on, do the thing.
Who's the fastest?
Rumble is.
Who's the strongest?
Rumble is.
Who brings the thunder?
Rumble is! I mean, Rumble does!
And what's Rumble going for?
One for the thumb. One for the thumb!
One for the thumb!
Rumble feels better.
Go team.
Now, Tinker Bell, remember to bend
your knees, and keep your elbows in.
I told you, it's not a skirt.
It is a skirt!
It's a kilt!
Just wait until tomorrow.
That's when we'll make our move!
Look, Chloe, you've done great,
and this has been buckets of fun,
but we're in last place.
It's just a matter of time till we...
Do you realize what you've done?
You've made it past the first day!
It's further than any garden fairy team
in history!
You're such an inspiration.
And you'd be doing even better
if Rosetta were actually trying.
Hey! I was trying!
That was trying?
Come on, guys. Give Rosetta a break.
She's doing the best she can,
and we're a team now,
so if you're gonna cheer, you have to
cheer for the both of us, okay?
And just wait till tomorrow.
We're gonna do even better. Right, Ro?
Dig down deep...
And break the streak.
- Dig down deep and break the streak.
- Dig down deep and break the streak.
We've got a full slate of events today,
including mouse polo, twig spheres...
...and the tea cup challenge. But first...
Can I do one?
Well, be my guest.
But first, dragonfly waterskiing!
You ready for today?
Ready as I can be.
At least the water's nice and clear.
It's not dirty or slimy.
Okay, this is how you do it.
Arms straight, bend your knees
and lean back.
Wow, this actually looks easy.
I think I could...
Watch your angle!
Bend your knees and lean to the right!
Yeah, you've got it!
Okay, when we get to the center,
grab the marble and carry it back.
Okay, I'll try.
I got one!
Nice shot!
- Great shot, Chloe!
- Yeah!
Nice give-and-go, Ro!
That was great!
Good game!
Thank you!
Why don't you worry
about your own game?
Let's speed this along.
You got it!
More pixie dust!
No, no, no, no, no!
Get ready to fly!
Keep going, keep going, keep going.
We can do it.
Get out of my way!
- Yes! We did it!
- Rumble wins! Yeah, one for the thumb!
Rosetta, you have to go down the slide!
I am!
Yes, but it's faster
if you get in the slime.
No, no, no. I'll just meet you down there.
But if we don't finish together,
it doesn't count!
Chloe, I want to. But I just can't do it.
Bad luck for the garden fairies.
But they're still in the final event,
aren't they, Bobble?
Aye, but now they'll start in last place!
And no one has ever won it
from last place.
You really made Rumble laugh.
All that bumbling and stumbling,
just so you wouldn't get dirty?
Get lost, thunder head.
I mean of all the garden fairy failures,
this has got to be
the most humiliating one of all time!
What's your point?
My point is garden fairies
should just stick to being pretty.
That's what you're good at.
But, hey, that's what you've been doing.
Chloe, I just...
Don't blame yourself, Rosetta.
You did everything you could.
Well, I...
I guess I'll go get cleaned up
for the final event tomorrow.
If we're gonna look bad,
we don't wanna look bad, you know?
Tinker fairies, you have five minutes
to finish adjusting the carts.
Rosetta? Is that you?
Chloe, I owe you an apology.
You didn't need a makeover. I did.
I finished the modifications we...
Rosetta, you look amazing!
Thanks, Tink.
You guys modified our cart?
I went back and studied the derby.
And I have a plan
to win this whole thing.
Now, are you ready to dig down deep?
Oh, yeah. And break the streak.
This is it, fairy fans. The final event.
Now, the teams will begin
the pixie cart derby in single file,
based on the standings.
There are only three chances to pass.
The jump...
Not the jump.
The pond...
And Mudslide Mountain.
Mudslide Mountain.
Now, each is a shortcut, but also
progressively more difficult.
Play it safe, or take a chance.
What will each team do?
Teams, start your engines!
- Go, garden fairies!
- Go for broke!
And away they go!
Which team will etch their name
on the Pixie Hollow trophy?
They're approaching
the first chance to pass.
Let's take the jump.
We need to pick up more speed!
They're going for it!
The fast-flying fairies
bite the pixie dust!
They're approaching the second
chance to pass, at the pond.
We need to hit the lily pad with
enough momentum to push it across!
The dust-keepers are out, too!
That's not pretty.
Now it's down to the garden
and storm fairy teams!
I don't think we're gonna be able
to catch them.
There's still Mudslide Mountain.
Are you sure?
That's my plan!
But you're afraid of dirt.
Yeah. Ironic, isn't it?
Just put these on and pull the lever
when I say.
Wow! They even match our outfits!
Hey, it's me.
It looks like a lost cause, Clanky.
I don't see how the garden fairies
can win now.
Wait, Bobble, they're actually
going for Mudslide Mountain!
Wait for it, wait for it...
It's time to get dirty!
- We need more power!
- Got it!
- Downshift.
- Downshift.
Now, push! Push!
Almost there!
Almost there!
- Almost there!
- We're almost there!
- We did it!
- Yeah!
The garden fairies take the lead!
- What are you doing?
- I'm winning.
Oh, no! What happened?
That's just terrible!
- One for the thumb!
- We came so close!
Let's cross that finish line.
Let's do it.
One for the thumb! One for the thumb!
And the winners of
the Pixie Hollow Games are
the garden fairies!
But Rumble crossed the finish line first!
Yes, Rumble did,
but teammates must finish together.
Yes! We did it!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
- Yes!
- Yes! We did it!
- We did it! We did it!
- We did it!
- We broke the streak!
- We broke the streak!
Rosetta, you've made me so proud
to be a garden fairy.
We never could have done it
if it wasn't for you, Chloe.
Is my mud running?
Garden fairies!
Well, the Pixie Hollow Games
have made history this year, Clanky.
Indeed it did, Bobble.
And what a journey
for Rosetta and Chloe,
going from worst to first.
Now the garden fairies finally have
those elusive championship rings.
They certainly made a believer
out of me, let me tell you.
Aye, and showed everyone
you can be much more
than just a pretty face.