Pixies (2015)

I'm not surprised not everything lasts
I've broken my heart so many times
I stopped keeping track
I talk myself in, I talk myself out
I get all worked up then I let myself down
I tried so very hard not to lose it
I came up with a million excuses
I thought I'd thought of every possibility
And I know someday that it'll all turn up
You'll make me work
so we can work to work it out
And a promise you keep
that I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
I might have to wait I'll never give up
I guess it's half timing
and the other half's luck
Wherever you are, whenever it's right
You'll come out of nowhere
and into my life
I know that we can be so amazing
And maybe love is gonna change me
Wait for me! Hey!
Hey, wait for me! Hey! Get ba...
And somehow I know that it'll all turn up
You'll make me work
so we can work to work it out
And a promise you keep
I give so much more than I...
- Hi, Daisy!
- Hi, Sam.
Uh, you doing... stuff?
I was thinking of flying
over to the glow worm trail.
- You want to go?
- Who, me?
Yes, I would... like to go...
to the trail... with you, there, please?
Looks like someone has a girlfriend.
I bet you they'll love
and care for each other.
- Oh, gross.
- Oh, man, put some cork in a twitch.
Ooh... smoochy, smoochy.
Max! Agh! Both of you!
Daisy, sorry, just ignore them.
Later then, at the glow worm trail?
Sounds great, Sam. I'll meet you there!
Fantastic! I'll... I'll see you soon!
I can't believe you two! That's pretty much
the most I've said to Daisy ever!
Now we're on a date. Can't you two
just leave me alone for two minutes?
You're always just
tagging along beside me.
- Hey, Sammy, wait up!
- Agh, just leave me alone, William.
- I want to talk to you.
- Forget it.
You might have been a little harsh
with Max and Twitch back there.
They started it. They just can't
leave me alone, even for a minute.
They're your best friends, bro.
If they say stuff that you don't like,
you can't let it get under your wings.
Sometimes others don't understand
that when they joke around,
it can actually hurt feelings.
Look, just keep your chin up,
and always take the high flight.
They're your friends, just treat them
how you want to be treated.
You! You vile giant!
You think you can come into our world,
destroy the natural beauty
that surrounds us?
No, sir! Not today! Not on my watch!
Die, human scum!
No, please! Take the king, not...
Oh, sir, it's you.
Huh? What is it?
Your sons, my king...
- they are late for their fitting.
- Go! Get 'em!
Yes, sir!
Agh! I don't really want
to do this, but...
I can't be late again. Dad'll kill me.
Sorry, Nature.
William! Sam!
William? Sammy?
Sam, oh, am I glad to see you.
Your father would have had my head if...
- Will?
- Sam, you don't want to...
Will? Will, wake up.
Well, he's alive... but barely.
William needs medical attention, now!
Take him to the infirmary!
Samuel... my son...
now is not a time for tears.
For eons, we Pixies
have been a proud community,
and so it has been for generations...
whomsoever performs a misdeed against us,
suffers the fate of the Pixie Curse.
Samuel, my son...
you shall bear the brunt
of our curse against this enemy.
Follow that human back to his home,
and insure that he lives a life
of misfortune for all of eternity,
so say I, king of the Pixies!
- Don't worry, we'll get him.
- For sure... we'll get him.
We'll get him good.
Long day.
Ahh... honey, I'm home.
Hm, looks like it's just me
and you again, bed.
That guy can really sleep.
Talk about hittin' the snooze button, huh?
Where's Sam?
- Getting ice cream?
- You wish.
- About time.
- Hello to you, too.
Max, Twitch...
to insure victory in combat,
you must study your opponent.
Admire, respect their attributes.
Now, let's drop a book on his face.
Stupid shelf.
Oh, man, great work, guys... seriously.
Oh, we've only just begun.
Hmm. Mm-mm?
Don't remember opening
that thing, hmm. Oh...
Agh! Oh, no!
Fire! Fire! Fire!
- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm good.
Oop, get that.
- Cat head.
- Did you say something?
- Joe, you okay?
- I'm good.
Yeah, yeah!
My foot!
For the umpteenth time,
I'm not going out with you, Joe.
Aw, come on, Betty, it'll be great!
We could play doctor.
No, my work and home lives
are separate, thank you.
But we already know each other so well.
And that's why I have to turn
a charmer like you down.
Last thing I need to date
is a walking disaster.
You're a nice guy, Joe...
but you'll be a lot nicer when I don't
see you here three times a week.
That was colder than your stethoscope.
Whoa! Whoa!
Go on, get out of here. Scoot, scoot.
- All right.
- Git!
Whoa, yeah, my bad. Sorry.
Something's wrong, my luck
these days is just horrible.
- Hello?
- Joe, where the heck are you?
I'm on my way, sorry, I had an accident.
Again with the accidents.
Ma'am, just bring your keys to Vincent
over there and he'll take good care of you.
Vincent? You put Vincent in the shop?
What? He's good.
He doesn't know his alternator
from his elbow.
Maybe, but his elbow is on time.
You said you'd be done in an hour.
One hour, you said!
We'll miss the special!
How is she supposed to get her blintzes?
I love the blintzes.
She loves the blintzes, crazy about 'em!
All she has left are these blintzes!
And now... no blintzes.
- I don't know what to do without blintzes.
- She is lost without these blintzes.
You're tearing her apart here, I tell you!
Apart is what we're torn!
- Something bad will happen.
- She needs the blintzes!
Joe, just... just get here quickly.
We need you at the desk.
Dad, I can work on the...
the cars, Dad!
I'm actually very competent.
It's not like every second of
my life is a complete disast...
- You guys do that one?
- That one was all the wingless wonder.
Just one moment of peace!
Oh, my gosh, are you okay?
I'm fine, just fine, I...
Are you sure? Because I hit you
pretty hard with that door.
- Aw, that looks pretty bad.
- Uh...
You know, I wasn't even paying attention.
I was fiddling around with my phone thing.
Technological distraction, just more
industrial junk to distract us, right?
Ooh, kitty video!
Guy... hey! Snap out of it.
Come on, let's go get you some ice.
Take a load off.
Oh, relax,
I'll be right back with that ice.
Welcome to the jungle, baby.
Oh, wow, she's so cute.
Maybe my luck has changed.
I should say something. Uh...
You take all these?
- Yup! Each and every one.
- This is the Valdez spill?
Yeah, I took that one when I was seven,
just before my birthday.
- Where's this?
- Which one?
- The kid on a pile of tech junk.
- Oh, India.
You know most of our tech waste
ends up in a landfill in foreign countries?
That's weird, didn't know.
Uh, I might be out of ice.
- Hey, this tsunami one is pretty intense.
- Yeah, Sumatra.
I was having some freshly roasted coffee
with a few travel mates when, whoosh!
It just hit! I mean, lucky timing, I guess.
Hey, I can't find any ice, but I got this.
- Got what?
- Here.
Do you always attack
your guests with meat products?
Um, it's Tofurky,
so technically it's not meat.
And I don't have ice,
so this is gonna have to do.
A vegan with a throwing arm,
I didn't think that was possible.
Hey, if you have a problem with vegans,
you're gonna have two black eyes.
No, no, this is good. I surrender.
Atta boy, we vegans
aren't all that bad, are we?
I guess not.
Pictures are a little heavy, though.
Negative effects of environmental abuse
was a good angle for my last art show.
I'm actually getting ready
for my next art show this week.
It's a diorama set of a 1950's amusement
park, and I've sculpted everything...
Hear anything?
I think I discovered a secret,
human language.
Hey, guys, check this out.
Looks like Joe might have a girlfriend.
We'll see about that.
- I'd like to hear what they're saying.
- You can see it on his face.
- He's...
- In love.
- Isn't that how you look at Daisy?
- No! I don't!
You do! You so do.
Okay, dead wings for both of you.
This sculpture is incredible.
You're very talented.
Well, thank you, thank you very much.
World traveler, masterful artist,
Elvis impersonator...
and a looker to boot.
You probably'd say that to all the people
who physically assault you.
No, I'm serious.
Uh, hey, Dad, no, I... I had another...
Yeah, yeah, I know, but I...
I'll be right there.
Hear anything?
I can't hear a thing
but my conscience crying.
- What?
- I mean, maybe we should take a break.
And get lectured by your dad? No, thanks!
I could go for some eats.
There's a Mexican skip around here.
It's supposed to be muy deliciosa!
Is that on your Wing Watchers
approved diet?
No, but in the city,
no one can hear me eating burritos.
It's actually your silent ones
that are the problem.
You are so dead!
I'd rather take my dad's lecture.
- Listen, I'm running late for work.
- Oh, my gosh, I'm sorry to have kept you.
No, no, the pleasure is all mine.
I, uh... I was wondering...
If I treat you to an apology dinner
for smashing your face?
Uh, yeah? Yeah.
- Sure.
- For real?
- My name is Michelle.
- Joe.
- Nice to have my face smashed by you.
- Pleasure was all mine.
This is the part
where you ask for my number.
I'm... I'm not very good at this, am I?
No, Joe, you're not.
Max, did you just power bomb Twitch?
Yo quiero nacho libre!
El Supremo Maximo!
Oh, yeah!
Who da' man? You da' man.
Whoa, that's a lady. You da' lady, man.
Sammy, our mark is leaving.
Guys! Come on!
Let's give it a rest for a bit.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
She likes me! She really likes me.
Hey, Dad, I'm gonna be a little late.
You guys are impossible.
Hey! Today ruled!
Michelle's the greatest thing
I've ever seen.
Doo, doo, doo, dah, doo...
Stupid toothpaste lid.
Give me that!
All right, so life's not perfect.
I did get to meet the girl of my dreams.
Tomorrow, it will be better.
Wish tomorrow could be better
for me, too, big guy.
Sammy, what's the matter?
I'm not feeling it. This isn't fun.
You're avenging your brother.
The fun part is just... fun.
Let him go!
He has to figure this out by himself.
- How's he doing?
- He's doing much better, Samuel.
Sam? Sam!
I haven't seen you in forever.
How are you?
I'm great. You look... stunning.
Why thank you, fair prince.
I've missed... well,
I've missed being here.
I've missed you, too.
Sam, you've just missed
the craziest thing.
It was insane!
Pixie Tom, you know, the slug farmer?
Was flipping his lid!
I opened up the gate,
and it's like, Slug-apalooza!
- You've gotta see this.
- No, Twitch, I don't gotta see that.
I want to mingle with my Pixies for once.
Um... hey, Daisy!
Hi, Twitch. Nice to see
you and Max haven't changed.
I think that was an insult.
Nah, it's gotta be a compliment.
- That was a compliment, right?
- Not in your wildest dreams.
Hey, Sam, we never got that date.
How about we zip to the glow worm trail?
- Without your buddies.
- Sure, that's great.
Wait! What about the curse?
Hello? Sir?
- Are you here?
- Distraction!
Whoa? Whoo!
It's Samuel, he's in the village. He's...
Not with the human?
Take me to him, at once!
That boy has a lesson to learn.
You've really surprised me.
I thought I'd never see you again.
You can't keep the prodigal son
away from home forever.
So what's it like?
Being on the outside all the time?
A lot less fun. Humans live to work
and there's no one to really talk to.
No? What about Bumble Dee and Bumble Dumb?
Well, they're dependable, but I think
you summed them up pretty well yourself.
Well, I don't see them around. Do you?
I suppose not.
- Ow!
- That's two.
- Want to go for a third?
- No. You slap too hard.
That's the point.
Yeah, well, how about
if I gave you a dead wing?
Oh! My funny bone!
I'm genuinely surprised, all that
extra you doesn't work like an air bag.
I think Sammy's in trouble.
Wow... spoiling the moment... again.
- Sam, your dad, he's...
- Super mad...
- like veins-bursting-from-his-head mad.
- And he's...
Standing in the presence
of the disgrace I call my son.
- Dad, I...
- Save it!
When I make a declaration,
I stand by my decree.
Here you are making a fool of yourself
- and making a fool of this family!
- It's not like that, Dad.
Oh, no? Then please explain
to me what this is,
because what I see is a son
disobeying his father,
so he can trounce around
with some questionable girl.
Some, girl?
Don't you dare raise your voice
to me, young man!
All you care about is vengeance!
What about love, Dad?
Did you ever think that maybe
it would be nice if I fell in love? Did you?
You don't know a thing about love.
Love is when you build a kingdom
with your bare hands...
to impress a woman.
You spend 110 years of your life
raising two heirs to the throne,
and when someone takes that all away
from you, you make them pay!
And too scared to exact
that revenge yourself, you send me.
- Get out of my kingdom.
- Dad...
Get out, leave! And don't come back.
- Sammy?
- I have to go.
Stupid curse, you want me
to ruin a guy's life?
Is that what you want?
What the... how'd a squirrel get in here?
Those aren't nuts! Wait, ow!
Ah, toast.
Good morning, Mr. Bluebird.
Your friend here had a little success
with the ladies.
Surprised? I know, so was I.
I think today is gonna be
a brand-new start for Joe.
Hot! It's hot!
Fire! Fire!
Stupid nature. What a mess?
Why me?
Huh... hello?
- Hey!
- Wh... did you just talk?
You just talked.
You said, "Hey." I heard you!
What are you?
I'm not letting you out of there
until you tell me what you are.
Fine, I'm here to give you a memo
from the flies in your kitchen.
- They're forming a union.
- You can talk! How?
- What are you?
- I'm a figment of your imagination.
Now go see your psychiatrist.
A talking bumble bee? What a smart aleck.
Do I look like a bumble bee?
They're fuzzy.
Wish I had a stinger, though.
I'd sting you with my butt.
A few more hours in there
and you'll take me more seriously.
Okay, okay. I'm a Pixie,
okay, see the wings?
Huh. Why are you in my kitchen?
I'm... um... I'm fulfilling
an obligation to my people.
You have been cursed.
Yeah, tell me about it.
We cursed you.
You dumped some garbage into the ravine
and my brother is still badly hurt.
You nearly killed me
and destroyed half our village.
- You've been cursed ever since.
- All this time, it's been you?
Every time I fell or ran into stuff?
All the trips to the hospital?
All the embarrassing, humiliating
moments when... it was you?
Why? Why would you do that to me?
- I told you, when you...
- Because I dumped garbage into a river?
I know, I... look,
it's just the way we do things.
Wait, no! You can't leave me here!
I'm not letting you
screw up my life anymore!
Okay, this is gonna be okay.
Any minute now, Max and Twitch
will arrive to save me.
Yup, any minute now.
Hey, Dad, lookin' sharp.
Joe, we agreed you weren't
supposed to be in here.
Now get back to the desk
and answer the phones!
Check the ignition cables?
Yeah, I checked all the cables,
replaced the fuel pump, the starter.
Give her another start.
- Try it again.
- Joe, I'm warning you.
And... that should do it.
What's next, Pops?
He shoots... he scores!
Whoa! Whoa...
I got it! I got it!
- Hey, Joe!
- Yeah?
- That was pretty incredible back there.
- Yeah?
Yeah. Remember that promotion
we were talking about?
- Yeah.
- Well, let's do it.
- How about floor manager?
- Really?
You even have tomorrow off to celebrate.
Why don't you go meet a nice girl?
- Already one step ahead of you, Dad.
- Oh, so that's what's got you goin'.
I'm working on it.
Oh, Little Goobers!
I swear by all that is holy...
if you don't get off my slug...
...this pitch fork is going
where the sun don't shine!
That was awesome!
Sammy would have loved that.
Hey, where is Sammy?
- Sam?
- Yeah, uh, Sam.
Where are you?
- I see him.
- Where?
Over there, he's underneath that glass.
What the heck is he doing in there?
I'm trying to figure it out.
Really? Do you have to do that now?
What? Slug riding always makes me hungry.
- Is there anything that doesn't?
- Diets.
No, wait, those make me super hungry.
- Wake up!
- Sam!
He's not moving.
Whoa! Look who's all smiles
and happy time.
And he's here to share
a little of that happy time
with the lady he's been
thinking about all day.
Referring to yourself in the third person?
This has to be something major.
I'll give you one guess. Who's got two
thumbs, one eye and a promotion at work?
- Ooh, who?
- This guy right here.
Stop, Joe! Put me down, I'm gonna hurl!
I just got promoted to the manager
of the car garage.
Nothing I'd rather do than take you
out for a nice, celebration dinner.
- What do you say?
- Ah, absolutely.
Yes! I'll pick you up at 7:00 sharp.
Do you think he's... muerto?
Don't say that.
Sam? Sammy? You alive in there?
Twitch. Max.
Oh, man, I had the worst dream.
No dream, I was caught!
Twitch, Max, thank goodness you're here!
- You guys gotta hide.
- Great.
Hey! Guess what? I had the perfect day.
Not a single incident,
all thanks to this little, glass jail.
Little guy knocked himself out
trying to escape. Tenacious.
That was mine!
- Coast is clear.
- Hoo-hoo-cah-choo!
He can see us, dummy!
Look, I almost got out of here all on my own.
With the three of us working together
we should have no problem
knocking this thing over.
- Okay, got it.
- Yo comprende.
Um, on the boring days, I've been reading
Joe's Spanish-English dictionary.
On the count of three, we push.
One, two, three!
Everything hurts!
- But we're almost there.
- One more push.
He's waking up!
What time is it? Hey, there's more!
- Run, you fools!
- Sam, use your wings!
Right. But it was just... it was
so much more dramatic this way.
Let's get out of here!
I missed my date.
I missed my date with Michelle!
This is all your fault.
Get back here!
That was really close.
Look, guys, I'm... I'm sorry
about what I said before.
You were there for me.
You're my best friends.
I'm sorry. Bring it in.
Oop, that's a little tight, Max.
- You!
- Fly. Everybody fly!
Yo, 'Zilla!
I just want to be left alone!
I missed the perfect date with the girl
of my dreams because of you
- and your trap!
- That was mine.
Yeah? That was your trick, here's mine.
Stay away!
- I didn't mean for this to happen.
- Oh, but it did.
Not only does this outsider know we exist,
but he has destroyed everything
I've worked so hard to build.
Dad, I'm so sorry.
This is all my fault.
Hey, Joe, it's Michelle.
I'm really looking forward to tonight
and I will see you in about 20 minutes. Bye.
Hey, Joe, it's a little past 7:00 now,
and I was just wondering if you
were running late. Call me back.
Joe, it's 7:20, and I hope
everything's okay...
considering how we met.
Look, buddy, it's 7:30 and you are
still not here. Seriously? Call me.
Listen, I'm not trying to sound psycho
here, but it's 7:45. Where are you?
Joe Beck, you stood me up, you're a jerk!
- What?
- Hey...
- Michelle?
- Yeah, what do you want?
- I just wanted to apologize for...
- Oh, for being a jerk face?
No! Yes. Wait, listen...
I just ran into a little car trouble.
- Aren't you a mechanic?
- Yeah, but... look...
I think you're great, and I'm hoping you're
sweet enough to give me another chance.
Okay, meet me at the Horn of Plenty
tomorrow at noon.
That's the vegan restaurant, right?
This time I won't let you down, I promise!
Yeah, you'd regret it.
This means war, you know?
Hey, Dad, maybe we just do
what he says and leave him alone?
Excuse me? Uh, who do you think you are?
I am your son, and so is William...
and he would never approve
of what we've done to this human.
Well, Samuel, tell me,
what would William have approved?
Would he have approved of you bringing
death and destruction upon our kind?
He would have talked to the human,
reasoned with him.
Reason? You ask for a reason,
your brother may not see another sunrise
and you need a reason.
We Pixies do not reason with our enemies.
We are survivors, we are fighters.
And we will exact revenge
and uphold our traditions.
We ruined that human's life.
It's our tradition that caused
this destruction.
No, no, it was a boy who refused
the commands of his king...
a son who ignored his father.
I am here to keep all of us safe.
That is why I wear the crown.
You need to exact revenge!
We the Pixies declare war on Joe!
I guess you're right, I'll do it.
You made the right choice, my son.
Pixies! Brothers! Sisters!
Prepare yourselves for war!
Hey, thank you.
Sorry to keep you waiting,
I had car trouble.
- I thought you didn't drive?
- Gotcha. Come on, let's go inside.
- What's on your tie?
- It's a Kathulu.
- Gesundheit.
- No, no, it's a Kathulu.
It's a cosmic entity that's a mix
of human, dragon and octopus.
Oh, that Kathulu.
- Yeah, he's awesome, right?
- Yeah.
Welcome to the Horn of Plenty,
where food is thy medicine
and medicine is thy food.
My name is Alex and I will be your server.
Please look over our menu.
Well, there's a chipper, young lad.
Oh, yeah, he looks thrilled to be here.
Agh! Are you kidding me!
- What?
- Oh, uh, the menu!
They have, uh... durian.
- Oh, you like durian?
- Sure, yeah, love it.
Uh, just like Mom used to make.
I've, uh... it's a ritual I have.
I use the menu and I slam it shut.
Then I... I work it like a butterfly...
and I get the aroma of the kitchen in.
- Mm.
- Um, I've never heard of that.
Oh, wow, you are so right.
I can totally smell the miso.
Look out!
A fig? Are you hungry, sir?
How about I bring you some bread?
Are you... okay?
Yeah, I had a horrible experience
at Christmas once.
Figs were involved... it didn't end well.
Ugh, tell me about it,
the holidays can be pretty traumatic.
This one time, my mom and I were decorating
our tree when my dad came in and, um...
Your bread.
And what will you be having today?
Ooh, I'll have the organic
Portobello sandwich
with a side of vegan soy
and tofu fries, please. Joe?
Uh, I'll have the same.
Does it come with bacon?
- Meat is death.
- Hold the bacon.
- Everything all right, Joe?
- Yup, yup, doing good.
Just keeping an eye out for more figs.
Well, anyway, so we were
decorating our tree, when...
Oh, it's on! Let's do this!
What are you talking about?
Oh, it's on... the animal shelter.
It's on, it's open.
Let's go to the animal shelter.
Oh, that is so incredible,
yes, let's go there right now.
Look, I'll cancel our order and we can
go to my parents for dinner later.
This is getting out of control.
I said stay away!
Don't you just love the smell
of the animal shelter?
Oh, yeah. Love that smell of... wet dog?
If I had it my way, humans would be
locked up and the animals would be free.
- So you're a trouble maker.
- What? No! I'm not a trouble maker.
Ooh! Hold that pose!
You had that pair of scissors
there the entire time?
A good artist is always prepared.
It made for a great sketch.
What the... How do you... it's amazing!
What's amazing is that you didn't get bit.
Speaking of biting, my parents are having
dinner at 5:00, if you're still hungry.
Uh, meeting the parents already.
I actually think my mom
will really like you.
My dad, on the other hand,
he's a bit harder to get to know.
Hold that thought.
- Don't you dare!
- Joe, what? What is it?
No, no, no, no! No!
Aw, Joe, that is so sweet. I mean, you can't
stand to see that little puppy in here.
You're saving him from these oppressors!
That was your plan the entire time.
Uh... absolutely! Eh...
Hey, Joe, are you sure
you're cool with this?
I know it's a bit early to be
meeting my parents and all...
Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Why?
Well, you just seem a bit... distant.
Uh, I'm just picturing how wonderful
your parents must be
if they raised a girl like you.
Let's just head inside, shall we?
Thank you, I think I shall stay.
My word, he's so precious.
Gail, don't scare the boy
before I've had a chance to meet him.
Help me with the tofu,
it's getting unwieldy!
You did fantastic with this one, Michelle.
Not like that last boy
you brought over, with the piercings,
and that loud carbon-emitting
death trap he was driving.
- Gail!
- Coming!
I had to come from somewhere.
You didn't want to warn me first?
All hail King Pixie!
For too long, we have been pushed
to the edges of this world.
We live in the ruins
of the temple that was nature.
The humans continue to force us back
with their growing gluttony
of technology and garbage.
But no more, my Pixie warriors! No more!
Today, we make a stand!
Today we strike back at the very core
of indecency and woe that has
beset our tribes for generations.
Today we will strike down
the auto mechanic known as Joe.
For the glory of Pixies!
He's incredible!
I wish my mom was here to see this.
Max, she's right over there.
- Hey, Max!
- Oh... hi, Mom!
Are you ready for war, Sam? Uh... Sam?
I have a bad feeling about this.
And this is the kitchen,
the stone is from Argentina,
and most of the decor hails from Africa.
- Having trouble keeping up with Mom?
- Who me? I'm good.
Pretty sure the speed walking
wore holes in my shoes, though.
Oh, a Canadian.
Hey, Joe, what do you call
a cow with no legs?
- Oh, Dad, please don't.
- What?
Ground beef! Because the cow is on the...
- I think the boy gets it, dear.
- Okay, okay.
It also wouldn't hurt to have
real beef every once in a while.
That's enough, Captain Cannibal.
Do I look like someone who'd eat people?
I'd never eat a person...
unless you consider
the talking cow a person.
In which case, I might just be
persuaded to give it a try.
I think they like you.
As long as your dad
doesn't toss me on the grill.
Just grab a tray.
Cheap thing won't light.
So what's your deal, Joe?
Oh, I'm an auto mechanic.
I actually just got a promotion.
That's great!
You hear that, Gail? This hard-working
boy just got a promotion.
- This is moving fast, isn't it?
- Oh, so what?
I met your father on a Tuesday
and a week later, we were married in Vegas.
Well, I'm definitely
not ready for marriage.
He's cute, funny,
seems like he's got things together,
and it would be nice
to have grandkids around.
Okay, slow down, Mom!
I just can't get this lighter going!
Here, let me try. Hm...
- That's some bad luck, son.
- Bad luck?
Oh, no!
Okay, girls!
Joe's got the hot stones going.
- What happened to your eyebrows?
- Uh, pyrotechnic mishap.
How in the world did a grease monkey
like you become such a charmer?
Just lucky, I guess.
Huh. Joe, not sure if you've ever done,
hot stones before but dinner takes a while.
What we do to keep things
moving is play a game.
- How about boys versus girls?
- Mom!
Your call, Joe, or are you afraid
of getting crushed by the girls?
Uh, sure, yeah, I'm in.
For William!
Get over...
- Is the game Charades?
- I don't think so.
Then what is he doing?
- He... help.
- Purna Shalabhasana!
- What?
- Full locust.
Mom, what are you talking about?
Is he having a seizure?
No, I think he's stretching.
Looks like Ashtanga yoga.
There's the Shashankasana Pose.
Nice form, Joe.
Ardha Matsyendrasana.
Dandayamana Biebhakta Paschimottanasana!
Yeah, I don't know that one.
- Joe, Joe...
- Ow.
- Oh, no! My body shouldn't do this.
- He is a very fit, young man.
And Shivassana to end, what a display!
It's also known as the dead body pose.
A little pre-meal stretch
is good for everyone.
Come on, Henry. Come on, Michelle.
Gather round.
Our troops are exhausted, sir.
They need rest and cannot continue.
They liked what he did?
They think he's fit?
We need him ruined!
Do something, Sam.
You must be the hand of vengeance.
All right, team, let's eat!
This is not one of my better days.
Well done, my son.
- Let's go home.
- What makes you think this is over?
It's over for me.
What I just did... wasn't right.
I am so sorry, Mom.
Don't worry about it.
Everyone's okay and that's what matters.
Besides I haven't seen
an explosion like that
- since I smuggled antiquities out of Egypt.
- Yeah. Love you, Mom.
Well, saves me some money
on a haircut, at least.
No hard feelings, Joe.
Hope your luck changes.
Look, can I apologize for...
Not right now, just drive.
Hey, hey, Michelle, wait up!
Look, I would really
appreciate it if you just left.
Oh, man, this is gonna be great.
Joe, I'm working right now
and do not have the temperament.
- Please, let me explain.
- Explain what?
That you ruined my parents' house with
some outlandish yoga-infused craziness?
- No, I...
- Look, I have seen klutzy before
and I thought that was adorable,
but today's events, that was too far.
What is wrong with you?
If I tell you,
you promise not to think I'm crazy?
Go ahead, I'm listening.
- Pixies.
- Pixies?
Pixies. It's this whole curse thing.
- It started a while ago.
- You think that's funny?
- What?
- Hah!
You think you can win me over
by blaming Pixies for your problems?
No, it's the truth, absolute truth!
Joe, just go home before you break
something I won't forgive you for.
There! Behind you!
Stop! I don't have the patience
for this any more.
I got it!
Please leave, Joe.
I'm... I'm so sorry.
- What next?
- Sam?
- We go home. This is over.
- Huh?
You're not thinking big enough, Sammy boy.
Joe? You okay?
About time. Gimme a hand.
- Perfect!
- Oh, no.
Oh, this is the best day of my life.
Dad, this is really going too far.
All is fair in war and love.
- Dad...
- Son...
well-placed tree sap can work wonders.
Dad, look at him.
All I see is a big load of human scum.
Joe, are you okay?
How could you possibly think
this is right, Dad?
Right or wrong, we did what must be done.
Pixies, our war is over!
And history shall declare us victorious.
I need a status update.
Sir, it looks like this is gonna take
a lot longer than we expected.
- How long are we talking?
- Well, if you factor in...
- I said how long!
- A few dozen years.
What are our options?
We could send half of our Pixies
to join another colony.
Send scouts to check for room
in allied villages.
Start dividing us up into refugee camps.
Yes, sir, will do.
So much for our kingdom.
What are we gonna do?
I have an idea.
Oh, wow, you've really
let this place go...
and yourself.
Have you not moved at all?
- We're gonna need to get you in the shower.
- Why, so you can trip me again?
Set my room on fire?
Continue to ruin my life?
No, no, I never...
Look, I didn't want to do it.
This was all because of my brother,
and he would have hated this.
He always used to tell me to treat people
how you want to be treated.
- Do onto others.
- Huh?
We humans have a saying, "Do onto
others as you want done onto you."
That sounds like my brother.
My mom used to say it. It's why I gave up.
I deserved your punishment.
I think we deserved the same,
after ruining your life for so long.
- So now what?
- Now we're gonna stop this horrible cycle,
and we're gonna do
something good... together.
I like the idea, but how?
First, you're gonna have a shower
and next, I'm gonna burn that chair.
Good call.
It does feel good to build something.
Pixies are not great builders.
Magnificent tricksters,
fantastic ruiners, great smashers,
but after we break something,
we never have to put it back together.
We really suck at building things.
Really? Birds build nests
out of sticks in like a day.
- Birds eat us.
- Touch.
Let's keep the chatter down. No one else
can see me and people are starting to stare.
Are you invisible?
No, we're wings and blood, just like you,
Joe. Don't over think it, big guy.
Hey, believe me, most things
in life, I don't over think.
This time, though,
I have put some thought into this.
You're Samuel's friend Twitch, aren't you?
This is where I get my medal
for brilliant combat strategy.
Have you seen my son, Samuel?
What? No medal?
I, um... saw him.
- Well, do you know where he is now?
- I think so.
Well, I'd like to, um... um...
apologize for my behavior.
He may have been a little wiser
than I gave him credit for.
We'll find him, sir!
- Come on, Twitch.
- Since when have you been the leading type?
Hurry up, Chunky.
Listen, just because I might not
be what you call a small Pixie,
doesn't mean you can pick on me.
I can't look like the Pixies
in those magazines.
I'm sorry, Max.
He's torturing Sammy.
It sounds like laughter to me.
Of course, it sounds like laughter!
It's diabolical laughter!
Let him go, you mad man! Let him go!
Let's go tell the king.
Oh, great majesty, lord of all we survey,
- he who is higher than the holiest of...
- Okay, okay, just get to it.
Your son, our friend, the prince Samuel,
is being tortured
by that big-headed human.
What? Is this true?
It is true, his head is massive.
He's pulling Sam apart, wing by wing!
You two, enough already,
round up the troops.
We have one last battle to fight.
Uh, what's with all the fuss?
Samuel! My boy! You're alive!
Did that... that human hurt you?
I've been working with Joe.
- He wants to help us and...
- Help us?
But he hates us... just as we hate him.
Joe doesn't hate us, he was angry,
but we ruined his life.
You were angry because William was hurt.
Both of us are allowed to be angry,
but what we did when we were angry...
it was wrong, Dad, we were both wrong.
You have an entire kingdom to lead
and you're going to lose them.
Let it go, Dad.
Let's stop the fighting.
Forgive me, sir...
you've been so worried over William,
you forgot about Sam.
He's a great son, and an amazing leader.
I can help lead our people
in a new direction,
but I need you to trust me.
Look at you... Samuel.
I am sorry, my son. I'm sorry.
Follow me, Dad.
I have a surprise to show you.
I have a surprise for everyone!
Everyone, this is Joe.
Hi, Joe!
I... I'm really sorry about
what I did to your village.
I lost my temper. What I did was wrong...
and I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
And William,
I wish I could take it all back.
Sam told me something
that William used to tell him,
something my own family once said.
Do onto others
as you'd have done onto you.
I hope what I'm about to show you repays
just some of the damage I've caused you.
Welcome to your new home.
Each house has plumbing and electricity.
Sammy mentioned that sometimes
the elements can be harsh out there,
and this thing is storm-proof.
I can attach it easily to the rest,
assuming you want it...
and we can both forgive each other.
Joe, um...
we forgive you, and we are also sorry.
I know this is what William
would have wanted.
It is, Dad.
- William! My son!
- You're okay!
Ooh, careful, guys, yeah,
still not quite healed yet.
William, I'm so sorry!
It was never my intention...
I'm really glad you're okay.
Pixies may be small, but we're feisty.
So, I've learned.
Well, Joe, I've been wrong all along.
It seems we can co-exist...
and peacefully.
- Way to go, Dad!
- Dad, William...
with everything Joe's done for us
maybe there's something we can do for him.
Mrs. Mayor, you look absolutely stunning.
Just stunning!
Deanna, you must give me
a call sometime next week.
We need to talk TV interviews
for Michelle.
You have my card?
Get it off the desk inside! Ciao!
How's my brilliant artist doing,
on her big night?
Michelle, honey,
I know you've had setbacks,
but we couldn't push
this opening off any longer.
Use the ones you've repaired
and let's hit it!
Barbara, they look terrible.
I can't represent myself like this.
Michelle, my dear, you're established,
respected, published and never rejected.
In the art world,
that means your mistakes are art.
And everyone will love you for it.
Just say it's part of the exhibit.
You can say it represents
the broken world we live in.
Are you sure? I... oh, I don't know.
I've been doing this
for a long time, honey.
Now you've got 300 people
who don't give a rat about the truth.
They just want to see some art.
Ladies and gentlemen, attention, please!
- Oh.
- Now, without any further adieu,
let me introduce the lady of the evening,
Miss Michelle Myers.
Oh, thank you. Oh... oh, my, thank you.
That is just so nice, thank you so much.
Well, firstly, I wanted to start
by thanking all of you,
as my manager Barbara just did,
for your understanding in regards
to this ever-changing opening day.
This project has been a long time coming,
and just as I thought I'd reached
the end of this long journey...
fate or circumstance caused some havoc
in my personal life
that effected my work here.
Um, I am missing some
of the little people for...
Excuse me.
Uh, hi, hello, sorry to interrupt.
Excuse me. Joe...
Special delivery for a Michelle.
Where should I put it?
- Joe, if you so much as...
- Trust me.
Um, ladies and gentlemen, it appears that
I do have another guest for my carnival.
Looks like he arrived on-time, after all.
Trust me, please.
Okay, you're all set.
This is unbelievable!
This is going to go viral!
No, better, this is going
to go antibiotic!
- I feel healthier just watching it.
- Wow.
And the delivery guy was a great touch.
So avent garde, what showmanship!
Oh, thank you.
They look so real!
You must have spent a fortune
on these little robots!
This is...
I can't believe it.
I'm not looking for an apology,
I wouldn't have believed me, either.
I just didn't want you to think I was
making fun of you. I'll never do that.
And I couldn't show you
they're real, because...
Because we don't exist.
This is a one-time favor
we owed Joe, okay?
Wh... yeah, I understand.
It's a really long story.
Are you still mad at me?
Look at that. He got the girl, after all.
She is pretty cute...
for a creature without wings.
- I don't see you with a girl.
- I don't see you with one, either.
Yeah, well, I've got you
to keep me company, right?